2002-09-16 17:19:24 +08:00
# include "zm.h"
MYSQL dbconn ;
void Zone : : Setup ( int p_id , const char * p_label , ZoneType p_type , const Box & p_limits , const Rgb p_alarm_rgb , int p_alarm_threshold , int p_min_alarm_pixels , int p_max_alarm_pixels , const Coord & p_filter_box , int p_min_filter_pixels , int p_max_filter_pixels , int p_min_blob_pixels , int p_max_blob_pixels , int p_min_blobs , int p_max_blobs )
id = p_id ;
label = new char [ strlen ( p_label ) + 1 ] ;
strcpy ( label , p_label ) ;
type = p_type ;
limits = p_limits ;
alarm_rgb = p_alarm_rgb ;
alarm_threshold = p_alarm_threshold ;
min_alarm_pixels = p_min_alarm_pixels ;
max_alarm_pixels = p_max_alarm_pixels ;
filter_box = p_filter_box ;
min_filter_pixels = p_min_filter_pixels ;
max_filter_pixels = p_max_filter_pixels ;
min_blob_pixels = p_min_blob_pixels ;
max_blob_pixels = p_max_blob_pixels ;
min_blobs = p_min_blobs ;
max_blobs = p_max_blobs ;
Info ( ( " Initialised zone %d/%s - %d - %dx%d - Rgb:%06x, AT:%d, MnAP:%d, MxAP:%d, FB:%dx%d, MnFP:%d, MxFP:%d, MnBS:%d, MxBS:%d, MnB:%d, MxB:%d \n " , id , label , type , limits . Width ( ) , limits . Height ( ) , alarm_rgb , alarm_threshold , min_alarm_pixels , max_alarm_pixels , filter_box . X ( ) , filter_box . Y ( ) , min_filter_pixels , max_filter_pixels , min_blob_pixels , max_blob_pixels , min_blobs , max_blobs ) ) ;
alarmed = false ;
alarm_pixels = 0 ;
alarm_filter_pixels = 0 ;
alarm_blobs = 0 ;
image = 0 ;
score = 0 ;
Zone : : ~ Zone ( )
delete [ ] label ;
delete image ;
int Zone : : Load ( int monitor_id , int width , int height , Zone * * & zones )
static char sql [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( sql , " select Id,Name,Type+0,Units,LoX,LoY,HiX,HiY,AlarmRGB,AlarmThreshold,MinAlarmPixels,MaxAlarmPixels,FilterX,FilterY,MinFilterPixels,MaxFilterPixels,MinBlobPixels,MaxBlobPixels,MinBlobs,MaxBlobs from Zones where MonitorId = %d order by Type, Id " , monitor_id ) ;
if ( mysql_query ( & dbconn , sql ) )
Error ( ( " Can't run query: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
MYSQL_RES * result = mysql_store_result ( & dbconn ) ;
if ( ! result )
Error ( ( " Can't use query result: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
int n_zones = mysql_num_rows ( result ) ;
Info ( ( " Got %d zones for monitor %d \n " , n_zones , monitor_id ) ) ;
delete [ ] zones ;
zones = new Zone * [ n_zones ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row ( result ) ; i + + )
int Id = atoi ( dbrow [ 0 ] ) ;
const char * Name = dbrow [ 1 ] ;
int Type = atoi ( dbrow [ 2 ] ) ;
const char * Units = dbrow [ 3 ] ;
int LoX = atoi ( dbrow [ 4 ] ) ;
int LoY = atoi ( dbrow [ 5 ] ) ;
int HiX = atoi ( dbrow [ 6 ] ) ;
int HiY = atoi ( dbrow [ 7 ] ) ;
int AlarmRGB = dbrow [ 8 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 8 ] ) : 0 ;
int AlarmThreshold = dbrow [ 9 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 9 ] ) : 0 ;
int MinAlarmPixels = dbrow [ 10 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 10 ] ) : 0 ;
int MaxAlarmPixels = dbrow [ 11 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 11 ] ) : 0 ;
int FilterX = dbrow [ 12 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 12 ] ) : 0 ;
int FilterY = dbrow [ 13 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 13 ] ) : 0 ;
int MinFilterPixels = dbrow [ 14 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 14 ] ) : 0 ;
int MaxFilterPixels = dbrow [ 15 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 15 ] ) : 0 ;
int MinBlobPixels = dbrow [ 16 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 16 ] ) : 0 ;
int MaxBlobPixels = dbrow [ 17 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 17 ] ) : 0 ;
int MinBlobs = dbrow [ 18 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 18 ] ) : 0 ;
int MaxBlobs = dbrow [ 19 ] ? atoi ( dbrow [ 19 ] ) : 0 ;
if ( ! strcmp ( Units , " Percent " ) )
LoX = ( LoX * ( width - 1 ) ) / 100 ;
LoY = ( LoY * ( height - 1 ) ) / 100 ;
HiX = ( HiX * ( width - 1 ) ) / 100 ;
HiY = ( HiY * ( height - 1 ) ) / 100 ;
MinAlarmPixels = ( MinAlarmPixels * width * height ) / 100 ;
MaxAlarmPixels = ( MaxAlarmPixels * width * height ) / 100 ;
MinFilterPixels = ( MinFilterPixels * width * height ) / 100 ;
MaxFilterPixels = ( MaxFilterPixels * width * height ) / 100 ;
MinBlobPixels = ( MinBlobPixels * width * height ) / 100 ;
MaxBlobPixels = ( MaxBlobPixels * width * height ) / 100 ;
if ( atoi ( dbrow [ 2 ] ) = = Zone : : INACTIVE )
zones [ i ] = new Zone ( Id , Name , Box ( LoX , LoY , HiX , HiY ) ) ;
zones [ i ] = new Zone ( Id , Name , ( Zone : : ZoneType ) Type , Box ( LoX , LoY , HiX , HiY ) , AlarmRGB , AlarmThreshold , MinAlarmPixels , MaxAlarmPixels , Coord ( FilterX , FilterY ) , MinFilterPixels , MaxFilterPixels , MinBlobPixels , MaxBlobPixels , MinBlobs , MaxBlobs ) ;
if ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) )
Error ( ( " Can't fetch row: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
// Yadda yadda
mysql_free_result ( result ) ;
return ( n_zones ) ;
void Image : : ReadJpeg ( const char * filename )
struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo ;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr ;
cinfo . err = jpeg_std_error ( & jerr ) ;
jpeg_create_decompress ( & cinfo ) ;
FILE * infile ;
if ( ( infile = fopen ( filename , " rb " ) ) = = NULL )
Error ( ( " Can't open %s: %s \n " , filename , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
jpeg_stdio_src ( & cinfo , infile ) ;
jpeg_read_header ( & cinfo , TRUE ) ;
width = cinfo . image_width ;
height = cinfo . image_height ;
colours = cinfo . num_components ;
size = width * height * colours ;
assert ( colours = = 1 | | colours = = 3 ) ;
buffer = new JSAMPLE [ size ] ;
jpeg_start_decompress ( & cinfo ) ;
JSAMPROW row_pointer ; /* pointer to a single row */
int row_stride = width * colours ; /* physical row width in buffer */
while ( cinfo . output_scanline < cinfo . output_height )
row_pointer = & buffer [ cinfo . output_scanline * row_stride ] ;
jpeg_read_scanlines ( & cinfo , & row_pointer , 1 ) ;
jpeg_finish_decompress ( & cinfo ) ;
jpeg_destroy_decompress ( & cinfo ) ;
fclose ( infile ) ;
void Image : : WriteJpeg ( const char * filename ) const
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo ;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr ;
cinfo . err = jpeg_std_error ( & jerr ) ;
jpeg_create_compress ( & cinfo ) ;
FILE * outfile ;
if ( ( outfile = fopen ( filename , " wb " ) ) = = NULL )
Error ( ( " Can't open %s: %s \n " , filename , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
jpeg_stdio_dest ( & cinfo , outfile ) ;
cinfo . image_width = width ; /* image width and height, in pixels */
cinfo . image_height = height ;
cinfo . input_components = colours ; /* # of color components per pixel */
if ( colours = = 1 )
cinfo . in_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE ; /* colorspace of input image */
cinfo . in_color_space = JCS_RGB ; /* colorspace of input image */
jpeg_set_defaults ( & cinfo ) ;
cinfo . dct_method = JDCT_FASTEST ;
//jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, 100, false);
jpeg_start_compress ( & cinfo , TRUE ) ;
JSAMPROW row_pointer ; /* pointer to a single row */
int row_stride = cinfo . image_width * cinfo . input_components ; /* physical row width in buffer */
while ( cinfo . next_scanline < cinfo . image_height )
row_pointer = & buffer [ cinfo . next_scanline * row_stride ] ;
jpeg_write_scanlines ( & cinfo , & row_pointer , 1 ) ;
jpeg_finish_compress ( & cinfo ) ;
jpeg_destroy_compress ( & cinfo ) ;
fclose ( outfile ) ;
void Image : : EncodeJpeg ( JOCTET * outbuffer , int * outbuffer_size ) const
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo ;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr ;
cinfo . err = jpeg_std_error ( & jerr ) ;
jpeg_create_compress ( & cinfo ) ;
jpeg_mem_dest ( & cinfo , outbuffer , outbuffer_size ) ;
cinfo . image_width = width ; /* image width and height, in pixels */
cinfo . image_height = height ;
cinfo . input_components = colours ; /* # of color components per pixel */
if ( colours = = 1 )
cinfo . in_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE ; /* colorspace of input image */
cinfo . in_color_space = JCS_RGB ; /* colorspace of input image */
jpeg_set_defaults ( & cinfo ) ;
cinfo . dct_method = JDCT_FASTEST ;
//jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, 100, false);
jpeg_start_compress ( & cinfo , TRUE ) ;
JSAMPROW row_pointer ; /* pointer to a single row */
int row_stride = cinfo . image_width * cinfo . input_components ; /* physical row width in buffer */
while ( cinfo . next_scanline < cinfo . image_height )
row_pointer = & buffer [ cinfo . next_scanline * row_stride ] ;
jpeg_write_scanlines ( & cinfo , & row_pointer , 1 ) ;
jpeg_finish_compress ( & cinfo ) ;
jpeg_destroy_compress ( & cinfo ) ;
void Image : : Overlay ( const Image & image )
//assert( width == image.width && height == image.height && colours == image.colours );
assert ( width = = image . width & & height = = image . height ) ;
unsigned char * pdest = buffer ;
unsigned char * psrc = image . buffer ;
if ( colours = = 1 )
if ( image . colours = = 1 )
while ( pdest < ( buffer + size ) )
if ( * psrc )
* pdest = * psrc ;
pdest + + ;
psrc + + ;
Colourise ( ) ;
pdest = buffer ;
while ( pdest < ( buffer + size ) )
if ( RED ( psrc ) | | GREEN ( psrc ) | | BLUE ( psrc ) )
RED ( pdest ) = RED ( psrc ) ;
GREEN ( pdest ) = GREEN ( psrc ) ;
BLUE ( pdest ) = BLUE ( psrc ) ;
psrc + = 3 ;
pdest + = 3 ;
if ( image . colours = = 1 )
while ( pdest < ( buffer + size ) )
if ( * psrc )
RED ( pdest ) = GREEN ( pdest ) = BLUE ( pdest ) = * psrc + + ;
pdest + = 3 ;
while ( pdest < ( buffer + size ) )
if ( RED ( psrc ) | | GREEN ( psrc ) | | BLUE ( psrc ) )
RED ( pdest ) = RED ( psrc ) ;
GREEN ( pdest ) = GREEN ( psrc ) ;
BLUE ( pdest ) = BLUE ( psrc ) ;
psrc + = 3 ;
pdest + = 3 ;
void Image : : Blend ( const Image & image , double transparency ) const
assert ( width = = image . width & & height = = image . height & & colours = = image . colours ) ;
JSAMPLE * psrc = image . buffer ;
JSAMPLE * pdest = buffer ;
while ( pdest < ( buffer + size ) )
* pdest + + = ( JSAMPLE ) round ( ( * pdest * ( 1.0 - transparency ) ) + ( * psrc + + * transparency ) ) ;
void Image : : Blend ( const Image & image , int transparency ) const
assert ( width = = image . width & & height = = image . height & & colours = = image . colours ) ;
JSAMPLE * psrc = image . buffer ;
JSAMPLE * pdest = buffer ;
while ( pdest < ( buffer + size ) )
* pdest + + = ( JSAMPLE ) ( ( ( * pdest * ( 100 - transparency ) ) + ( * psrc + + * transparency ) ) / 100 ) ;
Image * Image : : Merge ( int n_images , Image * images [ ] )
if ( n_images < = 0 ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( n_images = = 1 ) return ( new Image ( * images [ 0 ] ) ) ;
int width = images [ 0 ] - > width ;
int height = images [ 0 ] - > height ;
int colours = images [ 0 ] - > colours ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < n_images ; i + + )
assert ( width = = images [ i ] - > width & & height = = images [ i ] - > height & & colours = = images [ i ] - > colours ) ;
Image * result = new Image ( width , height , images [ 0 ] - > colours ) ;
int size = result - > size ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i + + )
int total = 0 ;
JSAMPLE * pdest = result - > buffer ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < n_images ; j + + )
JSAMPLE * psrc = images [ j ] - > buffer ;
total + = * psrc ;
psrc + + ;
* pdest = total / n_images ;
pdest + + ;
return ( result ) ;
Image * Image : : Merge ( int n_images , Image * images [ ] , double weight )
if ( n_images < = 0 ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( n_images = = 1 ) return ( new Image ( * images [ 0 ] ) ) ;
int width = images [ 0 ] - > width ;
int height = images [ 0 ] - > height ;
int colours = images [ 0 ] - > colours ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < n_images ; i + + )
assert ( width = = images [ i ] - > width & & height = = images [ i ] - > height & & colours = = images [ i ] - > colours ) ;
Image * result = new Image ( * images [ 0 ] ) ;
int size = result - > size ;
double factor = 1.0 * weight ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < n_images ; i + + )
JSAMPLE * pdest = result - > buffer ;
JSAMPLE * psrc = images [ i ] - > buffer ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < size ; j + + )
* pdest = ( JSAMPLE ) ( ( ( * pdest ) * ( 1.0 - factor ) ) + ( ( * psrc ) * factor ) ) ;
pdest + + ;
psrc + + ;
factor * = weight ;
return ( result ) ;
Image * Image : : Highlight ( int n_images , Image * images [ ] , const Rgb threshold , const Rgb ref_colour )
if ( n_images < = 0 ) return ( 0 ) ;
if ( n_images = = 1 ) return ( new Image ( * images [ 0 ] ) ) ;
int width = images [ 0 ] - > width ;
int height = images [ 0 ] - > height ;
int colours = images [ 0 ] - > colours ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < n_images ; i + + )
assert ( width = = images [ i ] - > width & & height = = images [ i ] - > height & & colours = = images [ i ] - > colours ) ;
const Image * reference = Merge ( n_images , images ) ;
Image * result = new Image ( width , height , images [ 0 ] - > colours ) ;
int size = result - > size ;
for ( int c = 0 ; c < 3 ; c + + )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i + + )
int count = 0 ;
JSAMPLE * pdest = result - > buffer + c ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < n_images ; j + + )
JSAMPLE * psrc = images [ j ] - > buffer + c ;
if ( abs ( ( * psrc ) - RGB_VAL ( ref_colour , c ) ) > = RGB_VAL ( threshold , c ) )
count + + ;
psrc + = 3 ;
* pdest = ( count * 255 ) / n_images ;
pdest + = 3 ;
return ( result ) ;
Image * Image : : Delta ( const Image & image , bool absolute ) const
assert ( width = = image . width & & height = = image . height & & colours = = image . colours ) ;
Image * result = new Image ( width , height , 1 ) ;
typedef JSAMPLE IMAGE [ width ] [ height ] [ colours ] ;
IMAGE & data = reinterpret_cast < IMAGE & > ( * buffer ) ;
IMAGE & image_data = reinterpret_cast < IMAGE & > ( * image . buffer ) ;
IMAGE & diff_data = reinterpret_cast < IMAGE & > ( * result - > buffer ) ;
unsigned char * psrc = buffer ;
unsigned char * pref = image . buffer ;
unsigned char * pdiff = result - > buffer ;
if ( colours = = 1 )
if ( absolute )
while ( psrc < ( buffer + size ) )
* pdiff + + = abs ( * psrc + + - * pref + + ) ;
while ( psrc < ( buffer + size ) )
* pdiff + + = * psrc + + - * pref + + ;
if ( absolute )
while ( psrc < ( buffer + size ) )
int red = abs ( * psrc + + - * pref + + ) ;
int green = abs ( * psrc + + - * pref + + ) ;
int blue = abs ( * psrc + + - * pref + + ) ;
//*pdiff++ = (JSAMPLE)sqrt((red*red + green*green + blue*blue)/3);
* pdiff + + = ( JSAMPLE ) ( ( red + green + blue ) / 3 ) ;
while ( psrc < ( buffer + size ) )
int red = * psrc + + - * pref + + ;
int green = * psrc + + - * pref + + ;
int blue = * psrc + + - * pref + + ;
* pdiff + + = 127 + ( ( int ( red + green + blue ) ) / ( 3 * 2 ) ) ;
return ( result ) ;
unsigned int Image : : CheckAlarms ( Zone * zone , const Image * delta_image ) const
bool alarm = false ;
unsigned int score = 0 ;
delete zone - > image ;
Image * diff_image = zone - > image = new Image ( * delta_image ) ;
int alarm_pixels = 0 ;
int lo_x = zone - > limits . Lo ( ) . X ( ) ;
int lo_y = zone - > limits . Lo ( ) . Y ( ) ;
int hi_x = zone - > limits . Hi ( ) . X ( ) ;
int hi_y = zone - > limits . Hi ( ) . Y ( ) ;
for ( int y = lo_y ; y < = hi_y ; y + + )
unsigned char * pdiff = & diff_image - > buffer [ ( y * diff_image - > width ) + lo_x ] ;
for ( int x = lo_x ; x < = hi_x ; x + + , pdiff + + )
if ( * pdiff > zone - > alarm_threshold )
* pdiff = WHITE ;
alarm_pixels + + ;
continue ;
* pdiff = BLACK ;
//diff_image->WriteJpeg( "diff1.jpg" );
if ( ! alarm_pixels ) return ( false ) ;
if ( zone - > min_alarm_pixels & & alarm_pixels < zone - > min_alarm_pixels ) return ( false ) ;
if ( zone - > max_alarm_pixels & & alarm_pixels > zone - > max_alarm_pixels ) return ( false ) ;
int filter_pixels = 0 ;
int bx = zone - > filter_box . X ( ) ;
int by = zone - > filter_box . Y ( ) ;
int bx1 = bx - 1 ;
int by1 = by - 1 ;
// Now eliminate all pixels that don't participate in a blob
for ( int y = lo_y ; y < = hi_y ; y + + )
unsigned char * pdiff = & diff_image - > buffer [ ( y * diff_image - > width ) + lo_x ] ;
for ( int x = lo_x ; x < = hi_x ; x + + , pdiff + + )
if ( * pdiff = = WHITE )
if ( 0 )
int count ;
int dx ;
// Check participation in an X blob
int ldx = ( x > = ( lo_x + bx1 ) ) ? - bx1 : lo_x - x ;
int hdx = ( x < = ( hi_x - bx1 ) ) ? bx1 : hi_x - x ;
for ( count = 0 , dx = ldx ; count < bx & & dx < = hdx ; dx + + )
count = ( * ( pdiff + dx ) = = WHITE ) ? count + 1 : 0 ;
if ( count < bx )
* pdiff = BLACK ;
continue ;
int dy ;
// Check participation in a Y blob
int ldy = ( y > = ( lo_y + by1 ) ) ? - by1 : lo_y - y ;
int hdy = ( y < = ( hi_y - by1 ) ) ? by1 : hi_y - y ;
for ( count = 0 , dy = ldy ; count < by & & dy < = hdy ; dy + + )
count = ( * ( pdiff + ( diff_image - > width * dy ) ) = = WHITE ) ? count + 1 : 0 ;
if ( count < by )
* pdiff = BLACK ;
continue ;
filter_pixels + + ;
// Check participation in an X blob
int ldx = ( x > = ( lo_x + bx1 ) ) ? - bx1 : lo_x - x ;
int hdx = ( x < = ( hi_x - bx1 ) ) ? 0 : ( ( hi_x - x ) - bx1 ) ;
int ldy = ( y > = ( lo_y + by1 ) ) ? - by1 : lo_y - y ;
int hdy = ( y < = ( hi_y - by1 ) ) ? 0 : ( ( hi_y - y ) - by1 ) ;
bool blob = false ;
for ( int dy = ldy ; ! blob & & dy < = hdy ; dy + + )
for ( int dx = ldx ; ! blob & & dx < = hdx ; dx + + )
blob = true ;
for ( int dy2 = 0 ; blob & & dy2 < by ; dy2 + + )
for ( int dx2 = 0 ; blob & & dx2 < bx ; dx2 + + )
unsigned char * cpdiff = & diff_image - > buffer [ ( ( y + dy + dy2 ) * diff_image - > width ) + x + dx + dx2 ] ;
if ( ! * cpdiff )
blob = false ;
if ( ! blob )
* pdiff = BLACK ;
continue ;
filter_pixels + + ;
//diff_image->WriteJpeg( "diff2.jpg" );
if ( ! filter_pixels ) return ( false ) ;
if ( zone - > min_filter_pixels & & filter_pixels < zone - > min_filter_pixels ) return ( false ) ;
if ( zone - > max_filter_pixels & & filter_pixels > zone - > max_filter_pixels ) return ( false ) ;
int blobs = 0 ;
typedef struct { unsigned char tag ; int count ; int lo_x ; int hi_x ; int lo_y ; int hi_y ; } BlobStats ;
BlobStats blob_stats [ 256 ] ;
memset ( blob_stats , 0 , sizeof ( BlobStats ) * 256 ) ;
//printf( "%x\n", diff_image->buffer );
for ( int y = lo_y ; y < = hi_y ; y + + )
unsigned char * pdiff = & diff_image - > buffer [ ( y * diff_image - > width ) + lo_x ] ;
for ( int x = lo_x ; x < = hi_x ; x + + , pdiff + + )
if ( * pdiff = = WHITE )
//printf( "Got white pixel at %d,%d (%x)\n", x, y, pdiff );
int lx = x > lo_x ? * ( pdiff - 1 ) : 0 ;
int ly = y > lo_y ? * ( pdiff - diff_image - > width ) : 0 ;
if ( lx )
//printf( "Left neighbour is %d\n", lx );
BlobStats * bsx = & blob_stats [ lx ] ;
if ( ly )
//printf( "Top neighbour is %d\n", ly );
BlobStats * bsy = & blob_stats [ ly ] ;
if ( lx = = ly )
//printf( "Matching neighbours, setting to %d\n", lx );
// Add to the blob from the x side (either side really)
* pdiff = lx ;
bsx - > count + + ;
//if ( x < bsx->lo_x ) bsx->lo_x = x;
//if ( y < bsx->lo_y ) bsx->lo_y = y;
if ( x > bsx - > hi_x ) bsx - > hi_x = x ;
if ( y > bsx - > hi_y ) bsx - > hi_y = y ;
// Amortise blobs
BlobStats * bsm = bsx - > count > = bsy - > count ? bsx : bsy ;
BlobStats * bss = bsm = = bsx ? bsy : bsx ;
//printf( "Different neighbours, setting pixels of %d to %d\n", bss->tag, bsm->tag );
// Now change all those pixels to the other setting
for ( int sy = bss - > lo_y ; sy < = bss - > hi_y ; sy + + )
unsigned char * spdiff = & diff_image - > buffer [ ( sy * diff_image - > width ) + bss - > lo_x ] ;
for ( int sx = bss - > lo_x ; sx < = bss - > hi_x ; sx + + , spdiff + + )
//printf( "Pixel at %d,%d (%x) is %d", sx, sy, spdiff, *spdiff );
if ( * spdiff = = bss - > tag )
//printf( ", setting" );
* spdiff = bsm - > tag ;
//printf( "\n" );
* pdiff = bsm - > tag ;
// Merge the slave blob into the master
bsm - > count + = bss - > count + 1 ;
if ( x > bsm - > hi_x ) bsm - > hi_x = x ;
if ( y > bsm - > hi_y ) bsm - > hi_y = y ;
if ( bss - > lo_x < bsm - > lo_x ) bsm - > lo_x = bss - > lo_x ;
if ( bss - > lo_y < bsm - > lo_y ) bsm - > lo_y = bss - > lo_y ;
if ( bss - > hi_x > bsm - > hi_x ) bsm - > hi_x = bss - > hi_x ;
if ( bss - > hi_y > bsm - > hi_y ) bsm - > hi_y = bss - > hi_y ;
// Clear out the old blob
bss - > tag = 0 ;
bss - > count = 0 ;
bss - > lo_x = 0 ;
bss - > lo_y = 0 ;
bss - > hi_x = 0 ;
bss - > hi_y = 0 ;
blobs - - ;
//printf( "Setting to left neighbour %d\n", lx );
// Add to the blob from the x side
* pdiff = lx ;
bsx - > count + + ;
//if ( x < bsx->lo_x ) bsx->lo_x = x;
//if ( y < bsx->lo_y ) bsx->lo_y = y;
if ( x > bsx - > hi_x ) bsx - > hi_x = x ;
if ( y > bsx - > hi_y ) bsx - > hi_y = y ;
if ( ly )
//printf( "Setting to top neighbour %d\n", ly );
// Add to the blob from the y side
BlobStats * bsy = & blob_stats [ ly ] ;
* pdiff = ly ;
bsy - > count + + ;
//if ( x < bsy->lo_x ) bsy->lo_x = x;
//if ( y < bsy->lo_y ) bsy->lo_y = y;
if ( x > bsy - > hi_x ) bsy - > hi_x = x ;
if ( y > bsy - > hi_y ) bsy - > hi_y = y ;
// Create a new blob
for ( int i = 1 ; i < WHITE ; i + + )
BlobStats * bs = & blob_stats [ i ] ;
if ( ! bs - > count )
//printf( "Creating new blob %d\n", i );
* pdiff = i ;
bs - > tag = i ;
bs - > count + + ;
bs - > lo_x = bs - > hi_x = x ;
bs - > lo_y = bs - > hi_y = y ;
blobs + + ;
break ;
//diff_image->WriteJpeg( "diff3.jpg" );
if ( ! blobs ) return ( false ) ;
int blob_pixels = filter_pixels ;
// Now eliminate blobs under the alarm_threshold
for ( int i = 1 ; i < WHITE ; i + + )
BlobStats * bs = & blob_stats [ i ] ;
if ( bs - > count & & ( ( zone - > min_blob_pixels & & bs - > count < zone - > min_blob_pixels ) | | ( zone - > max_blob_pixels & & bs - > count > zone - > max_blob_pixels ) ) )
//Info(( "Eliminating blob %d, %d pixels (%d,%d - %d,%d)\n", i, bs->count, bs->lo_x, bs->lo_y, bs->hi_x, bs->hi_y ));
for ( int sy = bs - > lo_y ; sy < = bs - > hi_y ; sy + + )
unsigned char * spdiff = & diff_image - > buffer [ ( sy * diff_image - > width ) + bs - > lo_x ] ;
for ( int sx = bs - > lo_x ; sx < = bs - > hi_x ; sx + + , spdiff + + )
if ( * spdiff = = bs - > tag )
* spdiff = BLACK ;
blobs - - ;
blob_pixels - = bs - > count ;
bs - > tag = 0 ;
bs - > count = 0 ;
bs - > lo_x = 0 ;
bs - > lo_y = 0 ;
bs - > hi_x = 0 ;
bs - > hi_y = 0 ;
if ( ! blobs ) return ( false ) ;
if ( zone - > min_blobs & & blobs < zone - > min_blobs ) return ( false ) ;
if ( zone - > max_blobs & & blobs > zone - > max_blobs ) return ( false ) ;
int alarm_lo_x = hi_x + 1 ;
int alarm_hi_x = lo_x - 1 ;
int alarm_lo_y = hi_y + 1 ;
int alarm_hi_y = lo_y - 1 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < WHITE ; i + + )
BlobStats * bs = & blob_stats [ i ] ;
if ( bs - > count )
if ( alarm_lo_x > bs - > lo_x ) alarm_lo_x = bs - > lo_x ;
if ( alarm_lo_y > bs - > lo_y ) alarm_lo_y = bs - > lo_y ;
if ( alarm_hi_x < bs - > hi_x ) alarm_hi_x = bs - > hi_x ;
if ( alarm_hi_y < bs - > hi_y ) alarm_hi_y = bs - > hi_y ;
zone - > alarm_blobs = blobs ;
zone - > alarm_pixels = alarm_pixels ;
zone - > alarm_filter_pixels = filter_pixels ;
zone - > alarm_box = Box ( Coord ( alarm_lo_x , alarm_lo_y ) , Coord ( alarm_hi_x , alarm_hi_y ) ) ;
score = zone - > score = ( ( 100 * blob_pixels ) / blobs ) / ( zone - > limits . Size ( ) . X ( ) * zone - > limits . Size ( ) . Y ( ) ) ;
if ( zone - > Type ( ) = = Zone : : INCLUSIVE )
zone - > score / = 2 ;
else if ( zone - > Type ( ) = = Zone : : EXCLUSIVE )
zone - > score * = 2 ;
//Info(( "%d - %d - %d - %.2f\n", zone->alarm_blobs, zone->alarm_pixels, zone->alarm_filter_pixels, zone->result ));
// Now outline the changed region
if ( zone - > alarm_blobs )
Image * high_image = zone - > image = new Image ( * diff_image ) ;
high_image - > Colourise ( ) ;
alarm = true ;
memset ( high_image - > buffer , 0 , high_image - > size ) ;
for ( int y = lo_y ; y < = hi_y ; y + + )
unsigned char * pdiff = & diff_image - > buffer [ ( y * diff_image - > width ) + lo_x ] ;
unsigned char * phigh = & high_image - > buffer [ 3 * ( ( y * high_image - > width ) + lo_x ) ] ;
for ( int x = lo_x ; x < = hi_x ; x + + , pdiff + + , phigh + = 3 )
bool edge = false ;
if ( * pdiff )
if ( ! edge & & x > 0 & & ! * ( pdiff - 1 ) ) edge = true ;
if ( ! edge & & x < ( diff_image - > width - 1 ) & & ! * ( pdiff + 1 ) ) edge = true ;
if ( ! edge & & y > 0 & & ! * ( pdiff - diff_image - > width ) ) edge = true ;
if ( ! edge & & y < ( diff_image - > height - 1 ) & & ! * ( pdiff + diff_image - > width ) ) edge = true ;
if ( edge )
RED ( phigh ) = RGB_RED_VAL ( zone - > alarm_rgb ) ;
GREEN ( phigh ) = RGB_GREEN_VAL ( zone - > alarm_rgb ) ;
BLUE ( phigh ) = RGB_BLUE_VAL ( zone - > alarm_rgb ) ;
delete diff_image ;
//high_image->WriteJpeg( "diff4.jpg" );
Info ( ( " %s: Alarm Pixels: %d, Filter Pixels: %d, Blobs: %d, Score: %d \n " , zone - > Label ( ) , alarm_pixels , filter_pixels , blobs , score ) ) ;
return ( score ) ;
unsigned int Image : : Compare ( const Image & image , int n_zones , Zone * zones [ ] ) const
bool alarm = false ;
unsigned int score = 0 ;
if ( n_zones < = 0 ) return ( alarm ) ;
const Image * delta_image = Delta ( image ) ;
// Blank out all exclusion zones
unsigned char * psrc = buffer ;
for ( int n_zone = 0 ; n_zone < n_zones ; n_zone + + )
Zone * zone = zones [ n_zone ] ;
zone - > alarmed = false ;
if ( zone - > Type ( ) ! = Zone : : INACTIVE )
continue ;
int lo_x = zone - > limits . Lo ( ) . X ( ) ;
int lo_y = zone - > limits . Lo ( ) . Y ( ) ;
int hi_x = zone - > limits . Hi ( ) . X ( ) ;
int hi_y = zone - > limits . Hi ( ) . Y ( ) ;
for ( int y = lo_y ; y < = hi_y ; y + + )
unsigned char * pdelta = & delta_image - > buffer [ ( y * delta_image - > width ) ] ;
for ( int x = lo_x ; x < = hi_x ; x + + )
* pdelta + + = BLACK ;
unsigned int zone_score = 0 ;
// Find all alarm pixels in active zones
for ( int n_zone = 0 ; n_zone < n_zones ; n_zone + + )
Zone * zone = zones [ n_zone ] ;
if ( zone - > Type ( ) ! = Zone : : ACTIVE )
continue ;
if ( zone_score = CheckAlarms ( zone , delta_image ) )
alarm = true ;
score + = zone_score ;
zone - > alarmed = true ;
if ( alarm )
// Find all alarm pixels in inclusion zones
for ( int n_zone = 0 ; n_zone < n_zones ; n_zone + + )
Zone * zone = zones [ n_zone ] ;
if ( zone - > Type ( ) ! = Zone : : INCLUSIVE )
continue ;
if ( zone_score = CheckAlarms ( zone , delta_image ) )
alarm = true ;
score + = zone_score ;
zone - > alarmed = true ;
// Find all alarm pixels in exclusion zones
for ( int n_zone = 0 ; n_zone < n_zones ; n_zone + + )
Zone * zone = zones [ n_zone ] ;
if ( zone - > Type ( ) ! = Zone : : EXCLUSIVE )
continue ;
if ( zone_score = CheckAlarms ( zone , delta_image ) )
alarm = true ;
score + = zone_score ;
zone - > alarmed = true ;
delete delta_image ;
return ( score ) ;
void Image : : Annotate ( const char * text , const Coord & coord , const Rgb colour )
int len = strlen ( text ) ;
int text_x = coord . X ( ) ;
int text_y = coord . Y ( ) ;
if ( text_x > width - ( len * CHAR_WIDTH ) )
text_x = width - ( len * CHAR_WIDTH ) ;
if ( text_y > height - CHAR_HEIGHT )
text_y = height - CHAR_HEIGHT ;
for ( int y = text_y ; y < ( text_y + CHAR_HEIGHT ) ; y + + )
JSAMPLE * ptr = & buffer [ ( ( y * width ) + text_x ) * 3 ] ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < len ; x + + )
int f = fontdata [ text [ x ] * CHAR_HEIGHT + ( y - text_y ) ] ;
for ( int i = CHAR_WIDTH - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
if ( f & ( CHAR_START < < i ) )
RED ( ptr ) = RGB_VAL ( colour , 0 ) ;
GREEN ( ptr ) = RGB_VAL ( colour , 1 ) ;
BLUE ( ptr ) = RGB_VAL ( colour , 2 ) ;
ptr + = colours ;
void Image : : Annotate ( const char * text , const Coord & coord )
int len = strlen ( text ) ;
int text_x = coord . X ( ) ;
int text_y = coord . Y ( ) ;
if ( text_x > width - ( len * CHAR_WIDTH ) )
text_x = width - ( len * CHAR_WIDTH ) ;
if ( text_y > height - CHAR_HEIGHT )
text_y = height - CHAR_HEIGHT ;
for ( int y = text_y ; y < ( text_y + CHAR_HEIGHT ) ; y + + )
JSAMPLE * ptr = & buffer [ ( ( y * width ) + text_x ) * colours ] ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < len ; x + + )
int f = fontdata [ text [ x ] * CHAR_HEIGHT + ( y - text_y ) ] ;
for ( int i = CHAR_WIDTH - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
if ( f & ( CHAR_START < < i ) )
if ( colours = = 1 )
* ptr + + = WHITE ;
continue ;
RED ( ptr ) = GREEN ( ptr ) = BLUE ( ptr ) = WHITE ;
ptr + = 3 ;
continue ;
if ( colours = = 1 )
* ptr + + = BLACK ;
continue ;
RED ( ptr ) = GREEN ( ptr ) = BLUE ( ptr ) = BLACK ;
ptr + = 3 ;
continue ;
//ptr += colours;
void Image : : Timestamp ( const char * label , time_t when , const Coord & coord )
char time_text [ 64 ] ;
strftime ( time_text , sizeof ( time_text ) , " %y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S " , localtime ( & when ) ) ;
char text [ 64 ] ;
if ( label )
sprintf ( text , " %s - %s " , label , time_text ) ;
Annotate ( text , coord ) ;
Annotate ( time_text , coord ) ;
void Image : : Colourise ( )
if ( colours = = 1 )
colours = 3 ;
size = width * height * 3 ;
JSAMPLE * new_buffer = new JSAMPLE [ size ] ;
JSAMPLE * psrc = buffer ;
JSAMPLE * pdest = new_buffer ;
while ( pdest < ( new_buffer + size ) )
RED ( pdest ) = GREEN ( pdest ) = BLUE ( pdest ) = * psrc + + ;
pdest + = 3 ;
delete [ ] buffer ;
buffer = new_buffer ;
void Image : : DeColourise ( )
if ( colours = = 3 )
colours = 1 ;
size = width * height ;
JSAMPLE * psrc = buffer ;
JSAMPLE * pdest = buffer ;
while ( pdest < ( buffer + size ) )
* pdest + + = ( JSAMPLE ) sqrt ( ( RED ( psrc ) + GREEN ( psrc ) + BLUE ( psrc ) ) / 3 ) ;
psrc + = 3 ;
Camera : : Camera ( int p_id , char * p_name , int p_device , int p_channel , int p_format , int p_width , int p_height , int p_colours , bool p_capture = true ) : id ( p_id ) , device ( p_device ) , channel ( p_channel ) , format ( p_format ) , width ( p_width ) , height ( p_height ) , colours ( p_colours ) , capture ( p_capture )
name = new char [ strlen ( p_name ) + 1 ] ;
strcpy ( name , p_name ) ;
if ( ! camera_count + + & & capture )
Initialise ( device , channel , format , width , height , colours ) ;
Camera : : ~ Camera ( )
if ( ! - - camera_count & & capture )
Terminate ( ) ;
void Camera : : Initialise ( int device , int channel , int format , int width , int height , int colours )
int m_ret ;
char device_path [ 64 ] ;
sprintf ( device_path , " /dev/video%d " , device ) ;
if ( ( m_videohandle = open ( device_path , O_RDONLY ) ) < = 0 )
Error ( ( " Failed to open video device %s: %s \n " , device_path , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
struct video_window vid_win ;
if ( ! ioctl ( m_videohandle , VIDIOCGWIN , & vid_win ) )
Info ( ( " X:%d \n " , vid_win . x ) ) ;
Info ( ( " Y:%d \n " , vid_win . y ) ) ;
Info ( ( " W:%d \n " , vid_win . width ) ) ;
Info ( ( " H:%d \n " , vid_win . height ) ) ;
Error ( ( " Failed to get window attributes: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
vid_win . x = 0 ;
vid_win . y = 0 ;
vid_win . width = width ;
vid_win . height = height ;
if ( ioctl ( m_videohandle , VIDIOCSWIN , & vid_win ) )
Error ( ( " Failed to set window attributes: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
struct video_picture vid_pic ;
if ( ! ioctl ( m_videohandle , VIDIOCGPICT , & vid_pic ) )
Info ( ( " P:%d \n " , vid_pic . palette ) ) ;
Info ( ( " D:%d \n " , vid_pic . depth ) ) ;
Info ( ( " B:%d \n " , vid_pic . brightness ) ) ;
Info ( ( " h:%d \n " , vid_pic . hue ) ) ;
Info ( ( " Cl:%d \n " , vid_pic . colour ) ) ;
Info ( ( " Cn:%d \n " , vid_pic . contrast ) ) ;
Error ( ( " Failed to get picture attributes: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
if ( colours = = 1 )
vid_pic . palette = VIDEO_PALETTE_GREY ;
vid_pic . depth = 8 ;
vid_pic . palette = VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24 ;
vid_pic . depth = 24 ;
if ( ioctl ( m_videohandle , VIDIOCSPICT , & vid_pic ) )
Error ( ( " Failed to set picture attributes: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ! ioctl ( m_videohandle , VIDIOCGMBUF , & m_vmb ) )
m_vmm = new video_mmap [ m_vmb . frames ] ;
Info ( ( " vmb.frames = %d \n " , m_vmb . frames ) ) ;
Info ( ( " vmb.size = %d \n " , m_vmb . size ) ) ;
Error ( ( " Failed to setup memory: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
for ( int loop = 0 ; loop < m_vmb . frames ; loop + + )
m_vmm [ loop ] . frame = loop ;
m_vmm [ loop ] . width = width ;
m_vmm [ loop ] . height = height ;
m_vmm [ loop ] . format = ( colours = = 1 ? VIDEO_PALETTE_GREY : VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24 ) ;
m_buffer = ( unsigned char * ) mmap ( 0 , m_vmb . size , PROT_READ , MAP_SHARED , m_videohandle , 0 ) ;
if ( ! ( ( long ) m_buffer > 0 ) )
Error ( ( " Could not mmap video: %s " , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
struct video_channel vs ;
vs . channel = channel ;
//vs.norm = VIDEO_MODE_AUTO;
vs . norm = format ;
vs . flags = 0 ;
vs . type = VIDEO_TYPE_CAMERA ;
if ( ioctl ( m_videohandle , VIDIOCSCHAN , & vs ) )
Error ( ( " Failed to set camera source %d: %s \n " , channel , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ! ioctl ( m_videohandle , VIDIOCGWIN , & vid_win ) )
Info ( ( " X:%d \n " , vid_win . x ) ) ;
Info ( ( " Y:%d \n " , vid_win . y ) ) ;
Info ( ( " W:%d \n " , vid_win . width ) ) ;
Info ( ( " H:%d \n " , vid_win . height ) ) ;
Error ( ( " Failed to get window data: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ! ioctl ( m_videohandle , VIDIOCGPICT , & vid_pic ) )
Info ( ( " P:%d \n " , vid_pic . palette ) ) ;
Info ( ( " D:%d \n " , vid_pic . depth ) ) ;
Info ( ( " B:%d \n " , vid_pic . brightness ) ) ;
Info ( ( " h:%d \n " , vid_pic . hue ) ) ;
Info ( ( " Cl:%d \n " , vid_pic . colour ) ) ;
Info ( ( " Cn:%d \n " , vid_pic . contrast ) ) ;
Error ( ( " Failed to get window data: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
void Camera : : Terminate ( )
munmap ( ( char * ) m_buffer , m_vmb . size ) ;
delete [ ] m_vmm ;
close ( m_videohandle ) ;
int Camera : : m_cap_frame = 0 ;
int Camera : : m_sync_frame = 0 ;
video_mbuf Camera : : m_vmb ;
video_mmap * Camera : : m_vmm ;
int Camera : : m_videohandle ;
unsigned char * Camera : : m_buffer = 0 ;
int Camera : : camera_count = 0 ;
Event : : Event ( Monitor * p_monitor , time_t p_start_time ) : monitor ( p_monitor ) , start_time ( p_start_time )
static char sql [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( sql , " insert into Events set MonitorId=%d, Name='Event', StartTime=from_unixtime(%d) " , monitor - > Id ( ) , start_time ) ;
if ( mysql_query ( & dbconn , sql ) )
Error ( ( " Can't insert event: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
id = mysql_insert_id ( & dbconn ) ;
start_frame_id = 0 ;
end_frame_id = 0 ;
end_time = 0 ;
frames = 0 ;
alarm_frames = 0 ;
2002-09-19 17:38:17 +08:00
tot_score = 0 ;
max_score = 0 ;
2002-09-16 17:19:24 +08:00
sprintf ( path , " %s/%04d " , monitor - > GetTimestampPath ( 0 ) , id ) ;
struct stat statbuf ;
errno = 0 ;
stat ( path , & statbuf ) ;
if ( errno = = ENOENT | | errno = = ENOTDIR )
if ( mkdir ( path , 0777 ) )
Error ( ( " Can't make %s: %s \n " , path , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
Event : : ~ Event ( )
static char sql [ 256 ] ;
2002-09-19 17:38:17 +08:00
sprintf ( sql , " update Events set Name='Event-%d', EndTime = now(), Length = %d, Frames = %d, AlarmFrames = %d, AvgScore = %d, MaxScore = %d where Id=%d " , id , ( end_time - start_time ) , frames , alarm_frames , ( int ) ( tot_score / alarm_frames ) , max_score , id ) ;
2002-09-16 17:19:24 +08:00
if ( mysql_query ( & dbconn , sql ) )
Error ( ( " Can't update event: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
void Event : : AddFrame ( time_t timestamp , const Image * image , const Image * alarm_image , unsigned int score )
frames + + ;
static char event_file [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( event_file , " %s/capture-%03d.jpg " , path , frames ) ;
image - > WriteJpeg ( event_file ) ;
static char sql [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( sql , " insert into Frames set EventId=%d, FrameId=%d, AlarmFrame=%d, ImagePath='%s', TimeStamp=from_unixtime(%d), Score=%d " , id , frames , alarm_image ! = 0 , event_file , timestamp , score ) ;
if ( mysql_query ( & dbconn , sql ) )
Error ( ( " Can't insert frame: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
end_frame_id = mysql_insert_id ( & dbconn ) ;
if ( ! start_frame_id ) start_frame_id = end_frame_id ;
end_time = timestamp ;
if ( ! start_time ) start_time = end_time ;
if ( alarm_image )
alarm_frames + + ;
sprintf ( event_file , " %s/analyse-%03d.jpg " , path , frames ) ;
alarm_image - > WriteJpeg ( event_file ) ;
2002-09-19 17:38:17 +08:00
tot_score + = score ;
if ( score > max_score )
max_score = score ;
2002-09-16 17:19:24 +08:00
void Event : : StreamEvent ( const char * path , int event_id , unsigned long refresh = 100 , FILE * fd = stdout )
static char sql [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( sql , " select Id, EventId, ImagePath, TimeStamp from Frames where EventId = %d order by Id " , event_id ) ;
if ( mysql_query ( & dbconn , sql ) )
Error ( ( " Can't run query: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
MYSQL_RES * result = mysql_store_result ( & dbconn ) ;
if ( ! result )
Error ( ( " Can't use query result: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
fprintf ( fd , " Server: ZoneMinder Stream Server \r \n " ) ;
fprintf ( fd , " Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=ZoneMinderFrame \r \n " ) ;
fprintf ( fd , " \r \n " ) ;
fprintf ( fd , " --ZoneMinderFrame \n " ) ;
int n_frames = mysql_num_rows ( result ) ;
Info ( ( " Got %d frames \n " , n_frames ) ) ;
FILE * fdj = NULL ;
int n_bytes = 0 ;
static unsigned char buffer [ 0x10000 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row ( result ) ; i + + )
char filepath [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( filepath , " %s/%s " , path , dbrow [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( fdj = fopen ( filepath , " r " ) )
fprintf ( fd , " Content-type: image/jpg \n \n " ) ;
while ( n_bytes = fread ( buffer , 1 , sizeof ( buffer ) , fdj ) )
fwrite ( buffer , 1 , n_bytes , fd ) ;
fprintf ( fd , " \n --ZoneMinderFrame \n " ) ;
fflush ( fd ) ;
fclose ( fdj ) ;
Error ( ( " Can't open %s: %s " , filepath , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
usleep ( refresh * 1000 ) ;
if ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) )
Error ( ( " Can't fetch row: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
// Yadda yadda
mysql_free_result ( result ) ;
Monitor : : Monitor ( int p_id , char * p_name , int p_function , int p_device , int p_channel , int p_format , int p_width , int p_height , int p_colours , bool p_capture , int p_n_zones , Zone * p_zones [ ] ) : Camera ( p_id , p_name , p_device , p_channel , p_format , p_width , p_height , p_colours , p_capture ) , function ( ( Function ) p_function ) , image ( p_width , p_height , p_colours ) , ref_image ( p_width , p_height , p_colours ) , n_zones ( p_n_zones ) , zones ( p_zones )
fps = 0.0 ;
event_count = 0 ;
image_count = 0 ;
first_alarm_count = 0 ;
last_alarm_count = 0 ;
state = IDLE ;
int shared_images_size = sizeof ( SharedImages ) + ( IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT * sizeof ( time_t ) ) + ( IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT * colours * width * height ) ;
int shmid = shmget ( 0xcf00cf00 | id , shared_images_size , IPC_CREAT | 0777 ) ;
if ( shmid < 0 )
Error ( ( " Can't shmget: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
unsigned char * shm_ptr = ( unsigned char * ) shmat ( shmid , 0 , 0 ) ;
shared_images = ( SharedImages * ) shm_ptr ;
if ( shared_images < 0 )
Error ( ( " Can't shmat: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
//if ( shmctl( shmid, IPC_RMID, 0 ) )
//Error(( "Can't shmctl: %s\n", strerror(errno)));
//exit( -1 );
if ( capture )
memset ( shared_images , 0 , shared_images_size ) ;
shared_images - > state = IDLE ;
shared_images - > last_write_index = IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ;
shared_images - > last_read_index = IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ;
shared_images - > timestamps = ( time_t * ) ( shm_ptr + sizeof ( SharedImages ) ) ;
shared_images - > images = ( unsigned char * ) ( shm_ptr + sizeof ( SharedImages ) + ( IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT * sizeof ( time_t ) ) ) ;
image_buffer = new Snapshot [ IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ; i + + )
image_buffer [ i ] . timestamp = & ( shared_images - > timestamps [ i ] ) ;
image_buffer [ i ] . image = new Image ( width , height , colours , & ( shared_images - > images [ i * colours * width * height ] ) ) ;
//Info(( "%d: %x - %x", i, image_buffer[i].image, image_buffer[i].image->buffer ));
//*(image_buffer[i].timestamp) = time( 0 );
//image_buffer[i].image = new Image( width, height, colours );
//delete[] image_buffer[i].image->buffer;
//image_buffer[i].image->buffer = &(shared_images->images[i*colours*width*height]);
if ( ! n_zones )
n_zones = 1 ;
zones = new Zone * [ 1 ] ;
zones [ 0 ] = new Zone ( 0 , " All " , Zone : : ACTIVE , Box ( width , height ) , RGB_RED ) ;
start_time = last_fps_time = time ( 0 ) ;
event = 0 ;
Info ( ( " Monitor %s has function %d \n " , name , function ) ) ;
if ( ! capture )
ref_image . Assign ( width , height , colours , image_buffer [ shared_images - > last_write_index ] . image - > buffer ) ;
//if ( capture )
//Camera::Capture( ref_image );
Monitor : : ~ Monitor ( )
delete [ ] image_buffer ;
Monitor : : State Monitor : : GetState ( ) const
return ( shared_images - > state ) ;
int Monitor : : GetImage ( int index ) const
if ( index < 0 | | index > IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT )
index = shared_images - > last_write_index ;
Snapshot * snap = & image_buffer [ index ] ;
Image * image = snap - > image ;
image - > WriteJpeg ( " zmu.jpg " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
time_t Monitor : : GetTimestamp ( int index ) const
if ( index < 0 | | index > IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT )
index = shared_images - > last_write_index ;
Snapshot * snap = & image_buffer [ index ] ;
return ( * ( snap - > timestamp ) ) ;
unsigned int Monitor : : GetLastReadIndex ( ) const
return ( shared_images - > last_read_index ) ;
unsigned int Monitor : : GetLastWriteIndex ( ) const
return ( shared_images - > last_write_index ) ;
double Monitor : : GetFPS ( ) const
int index1 = shared_images - > last_write_index ;
int index2 = ( index1 + 1 ) % IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ; ;
Snapshot * snap1 = & image_buffer [ index1 ] ;
time_t time1 = * ( snap1 - > timestamp ) ;
Snapshot * snap2 = & image_buffer [ index2 ] ;
time_t time2 = * ( snap2 - > timestamp ) ;
double fps = double ( IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ) / ( time1 - time2 ) ;
return ( fps ) ;
void Monitor : : CheckFunction ( )
static char sql [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( sql , " select Function+0 where Id = %d " , id ) ;
if ( mysql_query ( & dbconn , sql ) )
Error ( ( " Can't run query: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
MYSQL_RES * result = mysql_store_result ( & dbconn ) ;
if ( ! result )
Error ( ( " Can't use query result: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row ( result ) ; i + + )
function = ( Function ) atoi ( dbrow [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) )
Error ( ( " Can't fetch row: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
// Yadda yadda
mysql_free_result ( result ) ;
if ( function ! = ACTIVE )
shared_images - > state = state = IDLE ;
void Monitor : : DumpZoneImage ( )
int index = shared_images - > last_write_index ;
Snapshot * snap = & image_buffer [ index ] ;
Image * image = snap - > image ;
Image zone_image ( * image ) ;
zone_image . Colourise ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < n_zones ; i + + )
unsigned char * psrc = zone_image . buffer ;
int lo_x = zones [ i ] - > Limits ( ) . Lo ( ) . X ( ) ;
int lo_y = zones [ i ] - > Limits ( ) . Lo ( ) . Y ( ) ;
int hi_x = zones [ i ] - > Limits ( ) . Hi ( ) . X ( ) ;
int hi_y = zones [ i ] - > Limits ( ) . Hi ( ) . Y ( ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < zone_image . height ; y + + )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < zone_image . width ; x + + , psrc + = 3 )
if ( ( ( x = = lo_x | | x = = hi_x ) & & ( y > = lo_y & & y < = hi_y ) )
| | ( ( y = = lo_y | | y = = hi_y ) & & ( x > = lo_x & & x < = hi_x ) )
| | ( ( x > lo_x & & x < hi_x & & y > lo_y & & y < hi_y ) & & ! ( x % 2 ) & & ! ( y % 2 ) ) )
if ( zones [ i ] - > Type ( ) = = Zone : : ACTIVE )
RED ( psrc ) = RGB_RED_VAL ( RGB_RED ) ;
GREEN ( psrc ) = RGB_GREEN_VAL ( RGB_RED ) ;
BLUE ( psrc ) = RGB_BLUE_VAL ( RGB_RED ) ;
else if ( zones [ i ] - > Type ( ) = = Zone : : INCLUSIVE )
RED ( psrc ) = RGB_RED_VAL ( RGB_GREEN ) ;
BLUE ( psrc ) = RGB_BLUE_VAL ( RGB_GREEN ) ;
else if ( zones [ i ] - > Type ( ) = = Zone : : EXCLUSIVE )
RED ( psrc ) = RGB_RED_VAL ( RGB_BLUE ) ;
BLUE ( psrc ) = RGB_BLUE_VAL ( RGB_BLUE ) ;
RED ( psrc ) = RGB_RED_VAL ( RGB_WHITE ) ;
BLUE ( psrc ) = RGB_BLUE_VAL ( RGB_WHITE ) ;
char filename [ 64 ] ;
sprintf ( filename , " %s-Zones.jpg " , name ) ;
zone_image . WriteJpeg ( filename ) ;
char * Monitor : : GetTimestampPath ( time_t now )
static char path [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( path , " events/%s " , name ) ;
return ( path ) ;
static char timestamp [ 64 ] ;
static char event_path [ 256 ] ;
strftime ( timestamp , sizeof ( timestamp ) , " %Y%m%d " , localtime ( & now ) ) ;
sprintf ( event_path , " events/%s/%s " , name , timestamp ) ;
struct stat statbuf ;
errno = 0 ;
stat ( event_path , & statbuf ) ;
if ( errno = = ENOENT | | errno = = ENOTDIR )
if ( mkdir ( event_path , 0777 ) )
Error ( ( " Can't make %s: %s \n " , event_path , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
strftime ( timestamp , sizeof ( timestamp ) , " %H%M%S " , localtime ( & now ) ) ;
strcat ( event_path , " / " ) ;
strcat ( event_path , timestamp ) ;
errno = 0 ;
stat ( event_path , & statbuf ) ;
if ( errno = = ENOENT | | errno = = ENOTDIR )
if ( mkdir ( event_path , 0777 ) )
Error ( ( " Can't make %s: %s \n " , event_path , strerror ( errno ) ) ) ;
return ( event_path ) ;
void Monitor : : DumpImage ( Image * image ) const
if ( image_count & & ! ( image_count % 10 ) )
static char new_filename [ 64 ] ;
static char filename [ 64 ] ;
//sprintf( filename, "%s%04d.jpg", name, image_count );
sprintf ( filename , " %s.jpg " , name ) ;
sprintf ( new_filename , " %s-new.jpg " , name ) ;
image - > WriteJpeg ( new_filename ) ;
rename ( new_filename , filename ) ;
void Monitor : : Analyse ( )
if ( shared_images - > last_read_index = = shared_images - > last_write_index )
usleep ( 10000 ) ;
return ;
time_t now = time ( 0 ) ;
if ( image_count & & ! ( image_count % FPS_REPORT_INTERVAL ) )
fps = double ( FPS_REPORT_INTERVAL ) / ( now - last_fps_time ) ;
Info ( ( " %s: %d - Processing at %.2f fps \n " , name , image_count , fps ) ) ;
last_fps_time = now ;
int index = shared_images - > last_write_index % IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ;
Snapshot * snap = & image_buffer [ index ] ;
time_t timestamp = * ( snap - > timestamp ) ;
Image * image = snap - > image ;
unsigned int score = 0 ;
if ( Ready ( ) )
if ( score = ref_image . Compare ( * image , n_zones , zones ) )
if ( state = = IDLE )
event = new Event ( this , timestamp ) ;
Info ( ( " %s: %03d - Gone into alarm state \n " , name , image_count ) ) ;
int pre_index = ( ( index + IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ) - PRE_EVENT_COUNT ) % IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < PRE_EVENT_COUNT ; i + + )
event - > AddFrame ( * ( image_buffer [ pre_index ] . timestamp ) , image_buffer [ pre_index ] . image ) ;
pre_index = ( pre_index + 1 ) % IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ;
//event->AddFrame( now, &image );
shared_images - > state = state = ALARM ;
last_alarm_count = image_count ;
if ( state = = ALARM )
shared_images - > state = state = ALERT ;
else if ( state = = ALERT )
if ( image_count - last_alarm_count > POST_EVENT_COUNT )
Info ( ( " %s: %03d - Left alarm state (%d) - %d(%d) images \n " , name , image_count , event - > id , event - > frames , event - > alarm_frames ) ) ;
delete event ;
shared_images - > state = state = IDLE ;
if ( state ! = IDLE )
if ( state = = ALARM )
Image alarm_image ( * image ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < n_zones ; i + + )
if ( zones [ i ] - > Alarmed ( ) )
alarm_image . Overlay ( zones [ i ] - > AlarmImage ( ) ) ;
event - > AddFrame ( now , image , & alarm_image , score ) ;
event - > AddFrame ( now , image ) ;
ref_image . Blend ( * image , 10 ) ;
DumpImage ( image ) ;
shared_images - > last_read_index = index % IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ;
image_count + + ;
void Monitor : : ReloadZones ( )
Info ( ( " Reloading zones for monitor %s \n " , name ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < n_zones ; i + + )
delete zones [ i ] ;
//delete[] zones;
n_zones = Zone : : Load ( id , width , height , zones ) ;
DumpZoneImage ( ) ;
int Monitor : : Load ( int device , Monitor * * & monitors , bool capture )
static char sql [ 256 ] ;
if ( device = = - 1 )
sprintf ( sql , " select Id, Name, Function+0, Device, Channel, Format, Width, Height, Colours, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, WarmUpCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount from Monitors where Function != 'Disabled' " ) ;
sprintf ( sql , " select Id, Name, Function+0, Device, Channel, Format, Width, Height, Colours, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, WarmUpCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount from Monitors where Function != 'Disabled' and Device = %d " , device ) ;
if ( mysql_query ( & dbconn , sql ) )
Error ( ( " Can't run query: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
MYSQL_RES * result = mysql_store_result ( & dbconn ) ;
if ( ! result )
Error ( ( " Can't use query result: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
int n_monitors = mysql_num_rows ( result ) ;
Info ( ( " Got %d monitors \n " , n_monitors ) ) ;
delete [ ] monitors ;
monitors = new Monitor * [ n_monitors ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row ( result ) ; i + + )
Zone * * zones = 0 ;
int n_zones = Zone : : Load ( atoi ( dbrow [ 0 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 6 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 7 ] ) , zones ) ;
monitors [ i ] = new Monitor ( atoi ( dbrow [ 0 ] ) , dbrow [ 1 ] , atoi ( dbrow [ 2 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 3 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 4 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 5 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 6 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 7 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 8 ] ) , capture , n_zones , zones ) ;
Info ( ( " Loaded monitor %d(%s), %d zones \n " , atoi ( dbrow [ 0 ] ) , dbrow [ 1 ] , n_zones ) ) ;
if ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) )
Error ( ( " Can't fetch row: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
// Yadda yadda
mysql_free_result ( result ) ;
return ( n_monitors ) ;
Monitor * Monitor : : Load ( int id , bool load_zones )
static char sql [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( sql , " select Id, Name, Function+0, Device, Channel, Format, Width, Height, Colours, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, WarmUpCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount from Monitors where Id = %d " , id ) ;
if ( mysql_query ( & dbconn , sql ) )
Error ( ( " Can't run query: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
MYSQL_RES * result = mysql_store_result ( & dbconn ) ;
if ( ! result )
Error ( ( " Can't use query result: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
int n_monitors = mysql_num_rows ( result ) ;
Info ( ( " Got %d monitors \n " , n_monitors ) ) ;
Monitor * monitor = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row ( result ) ; i + + )
Zone * * zones = 0 ;
int n_zones = 0 ;
if ( load_zones )
int n_zones = Zone : : Load ( atoi ( dbrow [ 0 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 6 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 7 ] ) , zones ) ;
monitor = new Monitor ( atoi ( dbrow [ 0 ] ) , dbrow [ 1 ] , atoi ( dbrow [ 2 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 3 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 4 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 5 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 6 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 7 ] ) , atoi ( dbrow [ 8 ] ) , false , n_zones , zones ) ;
Info ( ( " Loaded monitor %d(%s), %d zones \n " , atoi ( dbrow [ 0 ] ) , dbrow [ 1 ] , n_zones ) ) ;
if ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) )
Error ( ( " Can't fetch row: %s \n " , mysql_error ( & dbconn ) ) ) ;
exit ( mysql_errno ( & dbconn ) ) ;
// Yadda yadda
mysql_free_result ( result ) ;
return ( monitor ) ;
void Monitor : : StreamImages ( unsigned long idle , unsigned long refresh , FILE * fd )
fprintf ( fd , " Server: ZoneMinder Stream Server \r \n " ) ;
fprintf ( fd , " Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=ZoneMinderFrame \r \n " ) ;
fprintf ( fd , " \r \n " ) ;
fprintf ( fd , " --ZoneMinderFrame \n " ) ;
int last_read_index = IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ;
JOCTET img_buffer [ width * height * colours ] ;
int img_buffer_size = 0 ;
int loop_count = ( idle / refresh ) - 1 ;
while ( true )
if ( last_read_index ! = shared_images - > last_write_index )
// Send the next frame
last_read_index = shared_images - > last_write_index ;
int index = shared_images - > last_write_index % IMAGE_BUFFER_COUNT ;
//Info(( "%d: %x - %x", index, image_buffer[index].image, image_buffer[index].image->buffer ));
Snapshot * snap = & image_buffer [ index ] ;
Image * image = snap - > image ;
image - > EncodeJpeg ( img_buffer , & img_buffer_size ) ;
fprintf ( fd , " Content-type: image/jpg \n \n " ) ;
fwrite ( img_buffer , 1 , img_buffer_size , fd ) ;
fprintf ( fd , " \n --ZoneMinderFrame \n " ) ;
fflush ( fd ) ;
usleep ( refresh * 1000 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; shared_images - > state = = IDLE & & i < loop_count ; i + + )
usleep ( refresh * 1000 ) ;