
410 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

$statusData = array(
"system" => array(
"permission" => "System",
"table" => "Monitors",
"limit" => 1,
"elements" => array(
"MonitorCount" => array( "sql" => "count(*)" ),
"ActiveMonitorCount" => array( "sql" => "count(if(Function != 'None',1,NULL))" ),
"State" => array( "func" => "daemonCheck()?".translate('Running').":".translate('Stopped') ),
"Load" => array( "func" => "getLoad()" ),
"Disk" => array( "func" => "getDiskPercent()" ),
"monitor" => array(
"permission" => "Monitors",
"table" => "Monitors",
"limit" => 1,
"selector" => "Monitors.Id",
"elements" => array(
"Id" => array( "sql" => "Monitors.Id" ),
"Name" => array( "sql" => "Monitors.Name" ),
"Type" => true,
"Function" => true,
"Enabled" => true,
"LinkedMonitors" => true,
"Triggers" => true,
"Device" => true,
"Channel" => true,
"Format" => true,
"Host" => true,
"Port" => true,
"Path" => true,
"Width" => array( "sql" => "Monitors.Width" ),
"Height" => array( "sql" => "Monitors.Height" ),
"Palette" => true,
"Orientation" => true,
"Brightness" => true,
"Contrast" => true,
"Hue" => true,
"Colour" => true,
"EventPrefix" => true,
"LabelFormat" => true,
"LabelX" => true,
"LabelY" => true,
"LabelSize" => true,
"ImageBufferCount" => true,
"WarmupCount" => true,
"PreEventCount" => true,
"PostEventCount" => true,
"AlarmFrameCount" => true,
"SectionLength" => true,
"FrameSkip" => true,
"MotionFrameSkip" => true,
"MaxFPS" => true,
"AlarmMaxFPS" => true,
"FPSReportInterval" => true,
"RefBlendPerc" => true,
"Controllable" => true,
"ControlId" => true,
"ControlDevice" => true,
"ControlAddress" => true,
"AutoStopTimeout" => true,
"TrackMotion" => true,
"TrackDelay" => true,
"ReturnLocation" => true,
"ReturnDelay" => true,
"DefaultView" => true,
"DefaultRate" => true,
"DefaultScale" => true,
"WebColour" => true,
"Sequence" => true,
"MinEventId" => array( "sql" => "(SELECT min(Events.Id) FROM Events WHERE Events.MonitorId = Monitors.Id" ),
"MaxEventId" => array( "sql" => "(SELECT max(Events.Id) FROM Events WHERE Events.MonitorId = Monitors.Id" ),
"TotalEvents" => array( "sql" => "(SELECT count(Events.Id) FROM Events WHERE Events.MonitorId = Monitors.Id" ),
"Status" => array( "zmu" => "-m ".escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['id'][0])." -s" ),
"FrameRate" => array( "zmu" => "-m ".escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['id'][0])." -f" ),
"events" => array(
"permission" => "Events",
"table" => "Events",
"selector" => "Events.MonitorId",
"elements" => array(
"Id" => true,
"Name" => true,
"Cause" => true,
"Notes" => true,
"StartTime" => true,
"StartTimeShort" => array( "sql" => "date_format( StartTime, '".MYSQL_FMT_DATETIME_SHORT."' )" ),
"EndTime" => true,
"Width" => true,
"Height" => true,
"Length" => true,
"Frames" => true,
"AlarmFrames" => true,
"TotScore" => true,
"AvgScore" => true,
"MaxScore" => true,
"event" => array(
"permission" => "Events",
"table" => "Events",
"limit" => 1,
"selector" => "Events.Id",
"elements" => array(
"Id" => array( "sql" => "Events.Id" ),
"MonitorId" => true,
"Name" => true,
"Cause" => true,
"StartTime" => true,
"StartTimeShort" => array( "sql" => "date_format( StartTime, '".MYSQL_FMT_DATETIME_SHORT."' )" ),
"EndTime" => true,
"Width" => true,
"Height" => true,
"Length" => true,
"Frames" => true,
"DefaultVideo" => true,
"AlarmFrames" => true,
"TotScore" => true,
"AvgScore" => true,
"MaxScore" => true,
"Archived" => true,
"Videoed" => true,
"Uploaded" => true,
"Emailed" => true,
"Messaged" => true,
"Executed" => true,
"Notes" => true,
"MinFrameId" => array( "sql" => "(SELECT min(Frames.FrameId) FROM Frames WHERE EventId=Events.Id)" ),
"MaxFrameId" => array( "sql" => "(SELECT max(Frames.FrameId) FROM Frames WHERE Events.Id = Frames.EventId)" ),
"MinFrameDelta" => array( "sql" => "(SELECT min(Frames.Delta) FROM Frames WHERE Events.Id = Frames.EventId)" ),
"MaxFrameDelta" => array( "sql" => "(SELECT max(Frames.Delta) FROM Frames WHERE Events.Id = Frames.EventId)" ),
//"Path" => array( "postFunc" => "getEventPath" ),
Add h264 event view functionality and new feature alarmCues (#2012) * Fix nearEventsQuery Removed dbEscape from getNearEvents previous event because it only returns 0. Now matches next. Changed getEventDefaultVideoPath function to return a web path rather than the absolute path based on ic0ns branch. Also added start times to allow for videoJS replaymode. * Unescape filters Filters need to be unescaped * Add initial values to page load * Add replay modes to videojs * rough in figuring out a frame in between bulk frames * Add alarmCues Add a graphical indication of where alarm frames happened in an event. Similar to what zmNinja shows. * Add remaining buttons to videojs Functionality for all buttons on videojs streams. FF/RW buttons show as active when they are active. * Whitespace and fix Bulkframe calcs * Fix zms events trying to generate with mp4 code ZMS events would attempt to generate frames as though they were an mp4/passthrough type because the full eventpath wasn't passed * ZMS scrub bar Move zms scrub bar to bottom of image feed. Make it simpler and more like videojs style. * Wrap event feeds properly * Fix dvrControls on watch view * Add scaleToFit Add a scaleToFit option to event view * Add navigation for videoJS streams Disables nav buttons at beginning and end of events. Handles switching from zms to videojs. If zms crashes changes next event function to reload page instead of ajax. * Add scaleToFit to watch and frame view Adds scaleToFit to watch view. Since frame view uses the watch cookie this required changes to frame view * Add transition to zoom * Change stills view to match stream Move stills slider bar to match scrub bar on streams. Allow it to resize, make it larger. Add alarmcues. * Add Stills for every event Add stills for every event. Match size to stream size * Progressbox transitions
2017-12-05 10:26:59 +08:00
"frames" => array(
"permission" => "Events",
"table" => "Frames",
"selector" => "EventId",
"elements" => array(
"EventId" => true,
"FrameId" => true,
"Type" => true,
"Delta" => true,
"frame" => array(
"permission" => "Events",
"table" => "Frames",
"limit" => 1,
"selector" => array( array( "table" => "Events", "join" => "Events.Id = Frames.EventId", "selector"=>"Events.Id" ), "Frames.FrameId" ),
"elements" => array(
//"Id" => array( "sql" => "Frames.FrameId" ),
"FrameId" => true,
"EventId" => true,
"Type" => true,
"TimeStamp" => true,
"TimeStampShort" => array( "sql" => "date_format( StartTime, '".MYSQL_FMT_DATETIME_SHORT."' )" ),
"Delta" => true,
"Score" => true,
//"Image" => array( "postFunc" => "getFrameImage" ),
"frameimage" => array(
"permission" => "Events",
"func" => "getFrameImage()"
"nearframe" => array(
"permission" => "Events",
"func" => "getNearFrame()"
"nearevents" => array(
"permission" => "Events",
"func" => "getNearEvents()"
function collectData() {
global $statusData;
$entitySpec = &$statusData[strtolower(validJsStr($_REQUEST['entity']))];
#print_r( $entitySpec );
if ( !canView( $entitySpec['permission'] ) )
ajaxError( 'Unrecognised action or insufficient permissions' );
if ( !empty($entitySpec['func']) ) {
$data = eval( "return( ".$entitySpec['func']." );" );
} else {
$data = array();
$postFuncs = array();
$fieldSql = array();
$joinSql = array();
$groupSql = array();
$elements = &$entitySpec['elements'];
$lc_elements = array_change_key_case( $elements );
$id = false;
if ( isset($_REQUEST['id']) )
if ( !is_array($_REQUEST['id']) )
$id = array( validJsStr($_REQUEST['id']) );
$id = array_values( $_REQUEST['id'] );
if ( !isset($_REQUEST['element']) )
$_REQUEST['element'] = array_keys( $elements );
else if ( !is_array($_REQUEST['element']) )
$_REQUEST['element'] = array( validJsStr($_REQUEST['element']) );
if ( isset($entitySpec['selector']) ) {
if ( !is_array($entitySpec['selector']) )
$entitySpec['selector'] = array( $entitySpec['selector'] );
foreach( $entitySpec['selector'] as $selector )
if ( is_array( $selector ) && isset($selector['table']) && isset($selector['join']) )
$joinSql[] = "left join ".$selector['table']." on ".$selector['join'];
foreach ( $_REQUEST['element'] as $element ) {
if ( !($elementData = $lc_elements[strtolower($element)]) )
ajaxError( "Bad ".validJsStr($_REQUEST['entity'])." element ".$element );
if ( isset($elementData['func']) )
$data[$element] = eval( "return( ".$elementData['func']." );" );
else if ( isset($elementData['postFunc']) )
$postFuncs[$element] = $elementData['postFunc'];
else if ( isset($elementData['zmu']) )
$data[$element] = exec( escapeshellcmd( getZmuCommand( " ".$elementData['zmu'] ) ) );
else {
if ( isset($elementData['sql']) )
$fieldSql[] = $elementData['sql']." as ".$element;
$fieldSql[] = $element;
if ( isset($elementData['table']) && isset($elementData['join']) ) {
$joinSql[] = "left join ".$elementData['table']." on ".$elementData['join'];
if ( isset($elementData['group']) ) {
$groupSql[] = $elementData['group'];
if ( count($fieldSql) ) {
$sql = "select ".join( ", ", $fieldSql )." from ".$entitySpec['table'];
if ( $joinSql )
$sql .= " ".join( " ", array_unique( $joinSql ) );
if ( $id && !empty($entitySpec['selector']) ) {
$index = 0;
$where = array();
$values = array();
foreach( $entitySpec['selector'] as $selector ) {
if ( is_array( $selector ) ) {
$where[] = $selector['selector'].' = ?';
$values[] = validInt($id[$index]);
} else {
$where[] = $selector.' = ?';
$values[] = validInt($id[$index]);
$sql .= " where ".join( " and ", $where );
if ( $groupSql )
$sql .= " GROUP BY ".join( ",", array_unique( $groupSql ) );
if ( !empty($_REQUEST['sort']) )
$sql .= " order by ".$_REQUEST['sort'];
if ( !empty($entitySpec['limit']) )
$limit = $entitySpec['limit'];
elseif ( !empty($_REQUEST['count']) )
$limit = validInt($_REQUEST['count']);
if ( !empty($_REQUEST['offset']) )
$limit_offset = validInt($_REQUEST['offset']) . ", ";
if ( !empty( $limit ) )
$sql .= " limit ".$limit_offset.$limit;
if ( isset($limit) && $limit == 1 ) {
if ( $sqlData = dbFetchOne( $sql, NULL, $values ) ) {
foreach ( $postFuncs as $element=>$func )
$sqlData[$element] = eval( 'return( '.$func.'( $sqlData ) );' );
$data = array_merge( $data, $sqlData );
} else {
$count = 0;
foreach( dbFetchAll( $sql, NULL, $values ) as $sqlData ) {
foreach ( $postFuncs as $element=>$func )
$sqlData[$element] = eval( 'return( '.$func.'( $sqlData ) );' );
$data[] = $sqlData;
if ( isset($limi) && ++$count >= $limit )
#print_r( $data );
return( $data );
$data = collectData();
if ( !isset($_REQUEST['layout']) ) {
$_REQUEST['layout'] = "json";
switch( $_REQUEST['layout'] ) {
header("Content-type: application/xml" );
echo( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>'."\n" );
echo "<".strtolower($_REQUEST['entity']).">\n";
foreach ( $data as $key=>$value ) {
$key = strtolower( $key );
echo "<$key>".htmlentities($value)."</$key>\n";
echo "</".strtolower($_REQUEST['entity']).">\n";
case 'json' :
$response = array( strtolower(validJsStr($_REQUEST['entity'])) => $data );
if ( isset($_REQUEST['loopback']) )
$response['loopback'] = validJsStr($_REQUEST['loopback']);
ajaxResponse( $response );
case 'text' :
header("Content-type: text/plain" );
echo join( " ", array_values( $data ) );
function getFrameImage() {
$eventId = $_REQUEST['id'][0];
$frameId = $_REQUEST['id'][1];
$sql = 'select * from Frames where EventId = ? and FrameId = ?';
if ( !($frame = dbFetchOne( $sql, NULL, array( $eventId, $frameId ) )) ) {
$frame = array();
$frame['EventId'] = $eventId;
$frame['FrameId'] = $frameId;
$frame['Type'] = "Virtual";
$event = dbFetchOne( 'select * from Events where Id = ?', NULL, array( $frame['EventId'] ) );
$frame['Image'] = getImageSrc( $event, $frame, SCALE_BASE );
return( $frame );
function getNearFrame() {
$eventId = $_REQUEST['id'][0];
$frameId = $_REQUEST['id'][1];
$sql = 'select FrameId from Frames where EventId = ? and FrameId <= ? order by FrameId desc limit 1';
if ( !$nearFrameId = dbFetchOne( $sql, 'FrameId', array( $eventId, $frameId ) ) ) {
$sql = 'select * from Frames where EventId = ? and FrameId > ? order by FrameId asc limit 1';
if ( !$nearFrameId = dbFetchOne( $sql, 'FrameId', array( $eventId, $frameId ) ) ) {
return( array() );
$_REQUEST['entity'] = "frame";
$_REQUEST['id'][1] = $nearFrameId;
return( collectData() );
function getNearEvents() {
global $user, $sortColumn, $sortOrder;
$eventId = $_REQUEST['id'];
$event = dbFetchOne( 'select * from Events where Id = ?', NULL, array( $eventId ) );
parseFilter( $_REQUEST['filter'] );
if ( $user['MonitorIds'] )
$midSql = " and MonitorId in (".join( ",", preg_split( '/["\'\s]*,["\'\s]*/', $user['MonitorIds'] ) ).")";
$midSql = '';
Add h264 event view functionality and new feature alarmCues (#2012) * Fix nearEventsQuery Removed dbEscape from getNearEvents previous event because it only returns 0. Now matches next. Changed getEventDefaultVideoPath function to return a web path rather than the absolute path based on ic0ns branch. Also added start times to allow for videoJS replaymode. * Unescape filters Filters need to be unescaped * Add initial values to page load * Add replay modes to videojs * rough in figuring out a frame in between bulk frames * Add alarmCues Add a graphical indication of where alarm frames happened in an event. Similar to what zmNinja shows. * Add remaining buttons to videojs Functionality for all buttons on videojs streams. FF/RW buttons show as active when they are active. * Whitespace and fix Bulkframe calcs * Fix zms events trying to generate with mp4 code ZMS events would attempt to generate frames as though they were an mp4/passthrough type because the full eventpath wasn't passed * ZMS scrub bar Move zms scrub bar to bottom of image feed. Make it simpler and more like videojs style. * Wrap event feeds properly * Fix dvrControls on watch view * Add scaleToFit Add a scaleToFit option to event view * Add navigation for videoJS streams Disables nav buttons at beginning and end of events. Handles switching from zms to videojs. If zms crashes changes next event function to reload page instead of ajax. * Add scaleToFit to watch and frame view Adds scaleToFit to watch view. Since frame view uses the watch cookie this required changes to frame view * Add transition to zoom * Change stills view to match stream Move stills slider bar to match scrub bar on streams. Allow it to resize, make it larger. Add alarmcues. * Add Stills for every event Add stills for every event. Match size to stream size * Progressbox transitions
2017-12-05 10:26:59 +08:00
$sql = "SELECT E.Id AS Id, E.StartTime AS StartTime FROM Events AS E INNER JOIN Monitors AS M ON E.MonitorId = M.Id WHERE $sortColumn ".($sortOrder=='asc'?'<=':'>=')." '".$event[$_REQUEST['sort_field']]."'".$_REQUEST['filter']['sql'].$midSql." ORDER BY $sortColumn ".($sortOrder=='asc'?'desc':'asc') . ' LIMIT 2';
$result = dbQuery( $sql );
while ( $id = dbFetchNext( $result, 'Id' ) ) {
if ( $id == $eventId ) {
$prevEvent = dbFetchNext( $result );
Add h264 event view functionality and new feature alarmCues (#2012) * Fix nearEventsQuery Removed dbEscape from getNearEvents previous event because it only returns 0. Now matches next. Changed getEventDefaultVideoPath function to return a web path rather than the absolute path based on ic0ns branch. Also added start times to allow for videoJS replaymode. * Unescape filters Filters need to be unescaped * Add initial values to page load * Add replay modes to videojs * rough in figuring out a frame in between bulk frames * Add alarmCues Add a graphical indication of where alarm frames happened in an event. Similar to what zmNinja shows. * Add remaining buttons to videojs Functionality for all buttons on videojs streams. FF/RW buttons show as active when they are active. * Whitespace and fix Bulkframe calcs * Fix zms events trying to generate with mp4 code ZMS events would attempt to generate frames as though they were an mp4/passthrough type because the full eventpath wasn't passed * ZMS scrub bar Move zms scrub bar to bottom of image feed. Make it simpler and more like videojs style. * Wrap event feeds properly * Fix dvrControls on watch view * Add scaleToFit Add a scaleToFit option to event view * Add navigation for videoJS streams Disables nav buttons at beginning and end of events. Handles switching from zms to videojs. If zms crashes changes next event function to reload page instead of ajax. * Add scaleToFit to watch and frame view Adds scaleToFit to watch view. Since frame view uses the watch cookie this required changes to frame view * Add transition to zoom * Change stills view to match stream Move stills slider bar to match scrub bar on streams. Allow it to resize, make it larger. Add alarmcues. * Add Stills for every event Add stills for every event. Match size to stream size * Progressbox transitions
2017-12-05 10:26:59 +08:00
$sql = "SELECT E.Id AS Id, E.StartTime AS StartTime FROM Events AS E INNER JOIN Monitors AS M ON E.MonitorId = M.Id WHERE $sortColumn ".($sortOrder=='asc'?'>=':'<=')." '".$event[$_REQUEST['sort_field']]."'".$_REQUEST['filter']['sql'].$midSql." ORDER BY $sortColumn $sortOrder LIMIT 2";
$result = dbQuery( $sql );
while ( $id = dbFetchNext( $result, 'Id' ) ) {
if ( $id == $eventId ) {
$nextEvent = dbFetchNext( $result );
$result = array( 'EventId'=>$eventId );
$result['PrevEventId'] = empty($prevEvent)?0:$prevEvent['Id'];
$result['NextEventId'] = empty($nextEvent)?0:$nextEvent['Id'];
Add h264 event view functionality and new feature alarmCues (#2012) * Fix nearEventsQuery Removed dbEscape from getNearEvents previous event because it only returns 0. Now matches next. Changed getEventDefaultVideoPath function to return a web path rather than the absolute path based on ic0ns branch. Also added start times to allow for videoJS replaymode. * Unescape filters Filters need to be unescaped * Add initial values to page load * Add replay modes to videojs * rough in figuring out a frame in between bulk frames * Add alarmCues Add a graphical indication of where alarm frames happened in an event. Similar to what zmNinja shows. * Add remaining buttons to videojs Functionality for all buttons on videojs streams. FF/RW buttons show as active when they are active. * Whitespace and fix Bulkframe calcs * Fix zms events trying to generate with mp4 code ZMS events would attempt to generate frames as though they were an mp4/passthrough type because the full eventpath wasn't passed * ZMS scrub bar Move zms scrub bar to bottom of image feed. Make it simpler and more like videojs style. * Wrap event feeds properly * Fix dvrControls on watch view * Add scaleToFit Add a scaleToFit option to event view * Add navigation for videoJS streams Disables nav buttons at beginning and end of events. Handles switching from zms to videojs. If zms crashes changes next event function to reload page instead of ajax. * Add scaleToFit to watch and frame view Adds scaleToFit to watch view. Since frame view uses the watch cookie this required changes to frame view * Add transition to zoom * Change stills view to match stream Move stills slider bar to match scrub bar on streams. Allow it to resize, make it larger. Add alarmcues. * Add Stills for every event Add stills for every event. Match size to stream size * Progressbox transitions
2017-12-05 10:26:59 +08:00
$result['PrevEventStartTime'] = empty($prevEvent)?0:$prevEvent['StartTime'];
$result['NextEventStartTime'] = empty($nextEvent)?0:$nextEvent['StartTime'];
$result['PrevEventDefVideoPath'] = empty($prevEvent)?0:(getEventDefaultVideoPath($prevEvent['Id']));
$result['NextEventDefVideoPath'] = empty($nextEvent)?0:(getEventDefaultVideoPath($nextEvent['Id']));
return( $result );