Welcome to ZoneMinder's documentation. Please navigate to one of the links below.
If you are facing issues that are not covered in the documentation, please feel free to check the `ZoneMinder Forums <https://forums.zoneminder.com/viewforum.php?f=26>`__ or join the `ZoneMinder-Chat Slack channel <https://join.slack.com/t/zoneminder-chat/shared_invite/enQtNTU0NDkxMDM5NDQwLTdhZmQ5Y2M2NWQyN2JkYTBiN2ZkMzIzZGQ0MDliMTRmM2FjZWRlYzUwYTQ2MjMwMTVjMzQ1NjYxOTdmMjE2MTE>`__ if you prefer real time interaction.
Many distribution repos only hold older versions of ZoneMinder, current versions contain many bug fixes and updated functionality. Instructions here for installing updated packages or compiling from source.