2002-10-03 19:39:36 +08:00
if ( $action )
if ( $action == "rename" && $event_name && $eid )
$result = mysql_query( "update Events set Name = '$event_name' where Id = '$eid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
elseif ( $action == "archive" && $eid )
$result = mysql_query( "update Events set Archived = 1 where Id = '$eid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
elseif ( $action == "unarchive" && $eid )
$result = mysql_query( "update Events set Archived = 0 where Id = '$eid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
elseif ( $action == "delete" )
if ( !$delete_eids && $delete_eid )
$delete_eids[] = $delete_eid;
$refresh_parent = true;
if ( $delete_eids )
foreach( $delete_eids as $delete_eid )
$result = mysql_query( "delete from Frames where EventId = '$delete_eid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$result = mysql_query( "delete from Events where Id = '$delete_eid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
if ( $delete_eid )
system( escapeshellcmd( "rm -rf ".EVENT_PATH."/*/".sprintf( "%04d", $delete_eid ) ) );
elseif ( $delete_zids )
$deleted_zid = 0;
foreach( $delete_zids as $delete_zid )
$result = mysql_query( "delete from Zones where Id = '$delete_zid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$deleted_zid = 1;
if ( $deleted_zid )
startDaemon( "zma", $mid );
$refresh_parent = true;
elseif ( $delete_mids )
foreach( $delete_mids as $delete_mid )
$sql = "select * from Monitors where Id = '$delete_mid'";
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
if ( !($monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) )
$sql = "select Id from Events where MonitorId = '$delete_mid'";
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$delete_eids = array();
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) )
$delete_eids[] = $row[Id];
foreach( $delete_eids as $delete_eid )
$result = mysql_query( "delete from Frames where EventId = '$delete_eid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$result = mysql_query( "delete from Events where Id = '$delete_eid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
if ( $delete_eid )
system( "rm -rf ".EVENT_PATH."/*/".sprintf( "%04d", $delete_eid ) );
system( "rm -rf ".EVENT_PATH."/".$monitor[Name] );
$result = mysql_query( "delete from Zones where MonitorId = '$delete_mid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$result = mysql_query( "delete from Monitors where Id = '$delete_mid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
elseif ( $action == "function" && $mid )
$sql = "select * from Monitors where Id = '$mid'";
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
$old_function = $monitor['Function'];
if ( $new_function != $old_function )
$sql = "update Monitors set Function = '$new_function' where Id = '$mid'";
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
if ( !$result )
echo mysql_error();
controlDaemons( $monitor[Device] );
$refresh_parent = true;
elseif ( $action == "device" && isset( $did ) )
if ( $zmc_status && !$zmc_action )
stopDaemon( "zmc", $did );
elseif ( !$zmc_status && $zmc_action )
startDaemon( "zmc", $did );
if ( $zma_status && !$zma_action )
stopDaemon( "zma", $did );
elseif ( !$zma_status && $zma_action )
startDaemon( "zma", $did );
elseif ( $action == "zone" && isset( $mid ) && isset( $zid ) )
$result = mysql_query( "select * from Monitors where Id = '$mid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
if ( $zid > 0 )
$result = mysql_query( "select * from Zones where MonitorId = '$mid' and Id = '$zid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$zone = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
$zone = array();
$changes = array();
if ( $new_name != $zone[Name] ) $changes[] = "Name = '$new_name'";
if ( $new_type != $zone['Type'] ) $changes[] = "Type = '$new_type'";
if ( $new_units != $zone[Units] ) $changes[] = "Units = '$new_units'";
if ( $new_lo_x != $zone[LoX] ) $changes[] = "LoX = '$new_lo_x'";
if ( $new_lo_y != $zone[LoY] ) $changes[] = "LoY = '$new_lo_y'";
if ( $new_hi_x != $zone[HiX] ) $changes[] = "HiX = '$new_hi_x'";
if ( $new_hi_y != $zone[HiY] ) $changes[] = "HiY = '$new_hi_y'";
if ( $new_alarm_rgb != $zone[AlarmRGB] ) $changes[] = "AlarmRGB = '$new_alarm_rgb'";
if ( $new_alarm_threshold != $zone[AlarmThreshold] ) $changes[] = "AlarmThreshold = '$new_alarm_threshold'";
if ( $new_min_alarm_pixels != $zone[MinAlarmPixels] ) $changes[] = "MinAlarmPixels = '$new_min_alarm_pixels'";
if ( $new_max_alarm_pixels != $zone[MaxAlarmPixels] ) $changes[] = "MaxAlarmPixels = '$new_max_alarm_pixels'";
if ( $new_filter_x != $zone[FilterX] ) $changes[] = "FilterX = '$new_filter_x'";
if ( $new_filter_y != $zone[FilterY] ) $changes[] = "FilterY = '$new_filter_y'";
if ( $new_min_filter_pixels != $zone[MinFilterPixels] ) $changes[] = "MinFilterPixels = '$new_min_filter_pixels'";
if ( $new_max_filter_pixels != $zone[MaxFilterPixels] ) $changes[] = "MaxFilterPixels = '$new_max_filter_pixels'";
if ( $new_min_blob_pixels != $zone[MinBlobPixels] ) $changes[] = "MinBlobPixels = '$new_min_blob_pixels'";
if ( $new_max_blob_pixels != $zone[MaxBlobPixels] ) $changes[] = "MaxBlobPixels = '$new_max_blob_pixels'";
if ( $new_min_blobs != $zone[MinBlobs] ) $changes[] = "MinBlobs = '$new_min_blobs'";
if ( $new_max_blobs != $zone[MaxBlobs] ) $changes[] = "MaxBlobs = '$new_max_blobs'";
if ( count( $changes ) )
if ( $zid > 0 )
$sql = "update Zones set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where MonitorId = '$mid' and Id = '$zid'";
$sql = "insert into Zones set MonitorId = '$mid', ".implode( ", ", $changes );
$view = 'none';
#echo "<html>$sql</html>";
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
startDaemon( "zma", $monitor[Device] );
$refresh_parent = true;
elseif ( $action == "monitor" && isset( $mid ) )
if ( $mid > 0 )
$result = mysql_query( "select * from Monitors where Id = '$mid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
$monitor = array();
$changes = array();
if ( $new_name != $monitor[Name] ) $changes[] = "Name = '$new_name'";
if ( $new_function != $monitor['Function'] ) $changes[] = "Function = '$new_function'";
if ( $new_device != $monitor['Device'] ) $changes[] = "Device = '$new_device'";
if ( $new_channel != $monitor['Channel'] ) $changes[] = "Channel = '$new_channel'";
if ( $new_format != $monitor['Format'] ) $changes[] = "Format = '$new_format'";
if ( $new_width != $monitor['Width'] ) $changes[] = "Width = '$new_width'";
if ( $new_height != $monitor['Height'] ) $changes[] = "Height = '$new_height'";
if ( $new_colours != $monitor['Colours'] ) $changes[] = "Colours = '$new_colours'";
if ( count( $changes ) )
if ( $mid > 0 )
$sql = "update Monitors set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where MonitorId = '$mid'";
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
if ( $new_name != $monitor[Name] )
exec( escape_shell_command( "mv ".EVENTS_PATH."/$monitor[Name] ".EVENTS_PATH."/$new_name" ) );
$sql = "insert into Monitors set ".implode( ", ", $changes );
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$mid = mysql_insert_id();
$sql = "insert into Zones set MonitorId = $mid, Name = 'All', Type = 'Active', Units = 'Percent', LoX = 0, LoY = 0, HiX = 100, HiY = 100, AlarmRGB = 0xff0000, AlarmThreshold = 25, MinAlarmPixels = 3, MaxAlarmPixels = 75, FilterX = 3, FilterY = 3, MinFilterPixels = 3, MaxFilterPixels = 75, MinBlobPixels = 2, MaxBlobPixels = 0, MinBlobs = 1, MaxBlobs = 0";
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$view = 'none';
$result = mysql_query( "select * from Monitors where Id = '$mid'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
controlDaemons( $monitor[Device] );
$refresh_parent = true;
2002-10-05 05:40:55 +08:00
elseif ( $action == "reset" )
// Get MySQL's version of now
$result = mysql_query( "select now()" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$row = mysql_fetch_row( $result );
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS[event_reset_time] = $row[0];
setcookie( "event_reset_time", $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[event_reset_time], time()+3600*24*30*12*10 );
2002-10-03 19:39:36 +08:00