errors[errors.length]='In addition to "Can Move", you also must select at least one of: "Can Move Mapped", "Can Move Absolute", "Can Move Relative", or "Can Move Continuous"';
errors[errors.length]='"Can Move" must also be selected if any one of the movement types are selected.';
// If "Can Zoom" is enabled, then the end user must also select at least one of the other check boxes
errors[errors.length]='In addition to "Can Zoom", you also must select at least one of: "Can Zoom Absolute", "Can Zoom Relative", or "Can Zoom Continuous"';
// Now lets check for the opposite condition. If any of the boxes below Can Zoom are checked, but Can Zoom is not checked then signal an error
errors[errors.length]='In addition to "Can Focus", you also must select at least one of: "Can Focus Absolute", "Can Focus Relative", or "Can Focus Continuous"';
// Now lets check for the opposite condition. If any of the boxes below Can Zoom are checked, but Can Zoom is not checked then signal an error
errors[errors.length]='In addition to "Can White Balance", you also must select at least one of: "Can White Bal Absolute", "Can White Bal Relative", or "Can White Bal Continuous"';
// Now lets check for the opposite condition. If any of the boxes below Can Zoom are checked, but Can Zoom is not checked then signal an error
errors[errors.length]='"Can White Balance" must also be selected if any one of the white balance types are selected.';
// If "Can Iris" is enabled, then the end user must also select at least one of the other check boxes
errors[errors.length]='In addition to "Can Iris", you also must select at least one of: "Can Iris Absolute", "Can Iris Relative", or "Can Iris Continuous"';
// Now lets check for the opposite condition. If any of the boxes below Can Zoom are checked, but Can Zoom is not checked then signal an error