
349 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// ZoneMinder web console file, $Date$, $Revision$
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
$servers = Server::find_all();
2016-02-03 22:42:50 +08:00
$storage_areas = Storage::find_all();
$show_storage_areas = count($storage_areas) > 1 and canEdit( 'System' ) ? 1 : 0;
if ( $running == null )
$running = daemonCheck();
$eventCounts = array(
'title' => translate('Events'),
'filter' => array(
'Query' => array (
'terms' => array()
'total' => 0,
'title' => translate('Hour'),
'filter' => array(
'Query' => array(
'terms' => array(
array( 'attr' => 'DateTime', 'op' => '>=', 'val' => '-1 hour' ),
'total' => 0,
'title' => translate('Day'),
'filter' => array(
'Query' => array(
'terms' => array(
array( 'attr' => 'DateTime', 'op' => '>=', 'val' => '-1 day' ),
'total' => 0,
'title' => translate('Week'),
'filter' => array(
'Query' => array(
'terms' => array(
array( 'attr' => 'DateTime', 'op' => '>=', 'val' => '-7 day' ),
'total' => 0,
'title' => translate('Month'),
'filter' => array(
'Query' => array(
'terms' => array(
array( 'attr' => 'DateTime', 'op' => '>=', 'val' => '-1 month' ),
'total' => 0,
'title' => translate('Archived'),
'filter' => array(
'Query' => array(
'terms' => array(
array( 'attr' => 'Archived', 'op' => '=', 'val' => '1' ),
'total' => 0,
$navbar = getNavBarHTML();
$eventsView = ZM_WEB_EVENTS_VIEW;
$eventsWindow = 'zm'.ucfirst(ZM_WEB_EVENTS_VIEW);
$left_columns = 3;
if ( count($servers) ) $left_columns += 1;
if ( ZM_WEB_ID_ON_CONSOLE ) $left_columns += 1;
if ( $show_storage_areas ) $left_columns += 1;
xhtmlHeaders( __FILE__, translate('Console') );
<form name="monitorForm" method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="view" value="<?php echo $view ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value=""/>
<?php echo $navbar ?>
<div class="controlHeader">
<span id="groupControl"><label><?php echo translate('Group') ?>:</label>
2017-10-05 04:40:09 +08:00
# This will end up with the group_id of the deepest selection
$group_id = 0;
2017-10-05 04:40:09 +08:00
$depth = 0;
$groups = array();
$parent_group_ids = null;
while(1) {
2017-10-05 04:40:09 +08:00
$Groups = Group::find_all( array('ParentId'=>$parent_group_ids) );
if ( ! count( $Groups ) )
$parent_group_ids = array();
$selected_group_id = 0;
if ( isset($_REQUEST['group'.$depth]) and $_REQUEST['group'.$depth] > 0 ) {
$selected_group_id = $group_id = $_REQUEST['group'.$depth];
} else if ( isset($_COOKIE['zmGroup'.$depth] ) and $_COOKIE['zmGroup'.$depth] > 0 ) {
$selected_group_id = $group_id = $_COOKIE['zmGroup'.$depth];
2017-10-05 04:40:09 +08:00
foreach ( $Groups as $Group ) {
if ( ! isset( $groups[$depth] ) ) {
$groups[$depth] = array(0=>'All');
$groups[$depth][$Group->Id()] = $Group->Name();
if ( $selected_group_id and ( $selected_group_id == $Group->Id() ) )
$parent_group_ids[] = $Group->Id();
echo htmlSelect( 'group'.$depth, $groups[$depth], $selected_group_id, "changeGroup(this,$depth);" );
if ( ! count($parent_group_ids) ) break;
$depth += 1;
2017-10-05 04:40:09 +08:00
$groupSql = '';
if ( $group_id ) {
2017-10-05 04:40:09 +08:00
if ( $group = dbFetchOne( 'SELECT MonitorIds FROM Groups WHERE Id = ?', NULL, array($group_id) ) ) {
$groupIds = array();
if ( $group['MonitorIds'] )
$groupIds = explode( ',', $group['MonitorIds'] );
foreach ( dbFetchAll( 'SELECT MonitorIds FROM Groups WHERE ParentId = ?', NULL, array($group_id) ) as $group )
2017-10-05 04:40:09 +08:00
if ( $group['MonitorIds'] )
$groupIds += explode( ',', $group['MonitorIds'] );
2017-10-05 04:40:09 +08:00
$groupSql = " WHERE find_in_set( Id, '".implode( ',', $groupIds )."' )";
$maxWidth = 0;
$maxHeight = 0;
# Used to determine if the Cycle button should be made available
2017-10-05 04:40:09 +08:00
$monitors = dbFetchAll( "SELECT * FROM Monitors$groupSql ORDER BY Sequence ASC" );
$displayMonitors = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($monitors); $i++ ) {
if ( !visibleMonitor( $monitors[$i]['Id'] ) ) {
if ( $monitors[$i]['Function'] != 'None' ) {
$scaleWidth = reScale( $monitors[$i]['Width'], $monitors[$i]['DefaultScale'], ZM_WEB_DEFAULT_SCALE );
$scaleHeight = reScale( $monitors[$i]['Height'], $monitors[$i]['DefaultScale'], ZM_WEB_DEFAULT_SCALE );
if ( $maxWidth < $scaleWidth ) $maxWidth = $scaleWidth;
if ( $maxHeight < $scaleHeight ) $maxHeight = $scaleHeight;
$displayMonitors[] = $monitors[$i];
$cycleWidth = $maxWidth;
$cycleHeight = $maxHeight;
$zoneCount = 0;
2016-05-07 03:52:07 +08:00
for( $i = 0; $i < count($displayMonitors); $i += 1 ) {
$monitor = $displayMonitors[$i];
2016-05-07 02:33:56 +08:00
$monitor['zmc'] = zmcStatus( $monitor );
$monitor['zma'] = zmaStatus( $monitor );
$monitor['ZoneCount'] = dbFetchOne( 'select count(Id) as ZoneCount from Zones where MonitorId = ?', 'ZoneCount', array($monitor['Id']) );
$counts = array();
2016-05-07 03:56:01 +08:00
for ( $j = 0; $j < count($eventCounts); $j += 1 ) {
$filter = addFilterTerm( $eventCounts[$j]['filter'], count($eventCounts[$j]['filter']['Query']['terms']), array( 'cnj' => 'and', 'attr' => 'MonitorId', 'op' => '=', 'val' => $monitor['Id'] ) );
2016-05-07 02:33:56 +08:00
parseFilter( $filter );
2017-07-21 22:54:33 +08:00
$counts[] = 'count(if(1'.$filter['sql'].",1,NULL)) as EventCount$j";
2016-05-07 02:33:56 +08:00
$monitor['eventCounts'][$j]['filter'] = $filter;
$sql = 'SELECt '.join($counts,', ').' from Events as E where MonitorId = ?';
2016-05-07 02:33:56 +08:00
$counts = dbFetchOne( $sql, NULL, array($monitor['Id']) );
2016-05-07 03:56:01 +08:00
if ( $counts )
$displayMonitors[$i] = $monitor = array_merge( $monitor, $counts );
for ( $j = 0; $j < count($eventCounts); $j += 1 ) {
$eventCounts[$j]['total'] += $monitor['EventCount'.$j];
$zoneCount += $monitor['ZoneCount'];
2016-03-12 16:28:02 +08:00
<div class="container-fluid">
2017-05-26 03:29:31 +08:00
<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed" id="consoleTable">
<?php if ( ZM_WEB_ID_ON_CONSOLE ) { ?>
<th class="colId"><?php echo translate('Id') ?></th>
<?php } ?>
2015-05-10 21:10:30 +08:00
<th class="colName"><?php echo translate('Name') ?></th>
<th class="colFunction"><?php echo translate('Function') ?></th>
<?php if ( count($servers) ) { ?>
2016-04-15 01:53:10 +08:00
<th class="colServer"><?php echo translate('Server') ?></th>
<?php } ?>
2015-05-10 21:10:30 +08:00
<th class="colSource"><?php echo translate('Source') ?></th>
2016-02-03 22:42:50 +08:00
<?php if ( $show_storage_areas ) { ?>
<th class="colStorage"><?php echo translate('Storage') ?></th>
<?php } ?>
2017-02-03 01:15:16 +08:00
<?php for ( $i = 0; $i < count($eventCounts); $i++ ) { ?>
<th class="colEvents"><?php echo $eventCounts[$i]['title'] ?></th>
2017-02-03 01:15:16 +08:00
<?php } ?>
2017-03-30 22:45:55 +08:00
<th class="colZones"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>?view=zones_overview"><?php echo translate('Zones') ?></a></th>
2017-02-03 01:15:16 +08:00
<?php if ( canEdit('Monitors') ) { ?>
2015-05-10 21:10:30 +08:00
<th class="colMark"><?php echo translate('Mark') ?></th>
<?php } ?>
2017-01-23 23:12:57 +08:00
<tbody id="consoleTableBody">
for( $monitor_i = 0; $monitor_i < count($displayMonitors); $monitor_i += 1 ) {
$monitor = $displayMonitors[$monitor_i];
2017-01-23 23:12:57 +08:00
<tr id="<?php echo 'monitor_id-'.$monitor['Id'] ?>" title="<?php echo $monitor['Id'] ?>">
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
if ( !$monitor['zmc'] ) {
$dclass = 'errorText';
} else {
if ( !$monitor['zma'] && $monitor['Function']!='Monitor' )
$dclass = 'warnText';
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
$dclass = 'infoText';
if ( $monitor['Function'] == 'None' )
$fclass = 'errorText';
//elseif ( $monitor['Function'] == 'Monitor' )
// $fclass = 'warnText';
$fclass = 'infoText';
if ( !$monitor['Enabled'] )
$fclass .= ' disabledText';
$scale = max( reScale( SCALE_BASE, $monitor['DefaultScale'], ZM_WEB_DEFAULT_SCALE ), SCALE_BASE );
2017-02-03 01:15:16 +08:00
<td class="colId"><?php echo makePopupLink( '?view=watch&amp;mid='.$monitor['Id'], 'zmWatch'.$monitor['Id'], array( 'watch', reScale( $monitor['Width'], $scale ), reScale( $monitor['Height'], $scale ) ), $monitor['Id'], $running && ($monitor['Function'] != 'None') && canView('Stream') ) ?></td>
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
2017-02-03 01:15:16 +08:00
<td class="colName"><?php echo makePopupLink( '?view=watch&amp;mid='.$monitor['Id'], 'zmWatch'.$monitor['Id'], array( 'watch', reScale( $monitor['Width'], $scale ), reScale( $monitor['Height'], $scale ) ), $monitor['Name'], $running && ($monitor['Function'] != 'None') && canView('Stream') ) ?></td>
<td class="colFunction"><?php echo makePopupLink( '?view=function&amp;mid='.$monitor['Id'], 'zmFunction', 'function', '<span class="'.$fclass.'">'.translate('Fn'.$monitor['Function']).( empty($monitor['Enabled']) ? ', disabled' : '' ) .'</span>', canEdit( 'Monitors' ) ) ?></td>
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
if ( count($servers) ) { ?>
2017-02-03 01:15:16 +08:00
<td class="colServer"><?php $Server = new Server( $monitor['ServerId'] ); echo $Server->Name(); ?></td>
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
$source = '';
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
if ( $monitor['Type'] == 'Local' ) {
$source = $monitor['Device'].' ('.$monitor['Channel'].')';
} elseif ( $monitor['Type'] == 'Remote' ) {
$source = preg_replace( '/^.*@/', '', $monitor['Host'] );
} elseif ( $monitor['Type'] == 'File' || $monitor['Type'] == 'cURL' ) {
$source = preg_replace( '/^.*\//', '', $monitor['Path'] );
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
} elseif ( $monitor['Type'] == 'Ffmpeg' || $monitor['Type'] == 'Libvlc' ) {
$domain = parse_url( $monitor['Path'], PHP_URL_HOST );
$source = $domain ? $domain : preg_replace( '/^.*\//', '', $monitor['Path'] );
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
if ( $source == '' ) {
$source = 'Monitor ' . $monitor['Id'];
echo '<td class="colSource">'. makePopupLink( '?view=monitor&amp;mid='.$monitor['Id'], 'zmMonitor'.$monitor['Id'], 'monitor', '<span class="'.$dclass.'">'.$source.'</span>', canEdit( 'Monitors' ) ).'</td>';
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
if ( $show_storage_areas ) {
2017-06-01 09:28:40 +08:00
<td class="colStorage"><?php $Storage = new Storage( $monitor['StorageId'] ); echo $Storage->Name(); ?></td>
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($eventCounts); $i++ ) {
<td class="colEvents"><?php echo makePopupLink( '?view='.$eventsView.'&amp;page=1'.$monitor['eventCounts'][$i]['filter']['query'], $eventsWindow, $eventsView, $monitor['EventCount'.$i], canView( 'Events' ) ) ?></td>
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
<td class="colZones"><?php echo makePopupLink( '?view=zones&amp;mid='.$monitor['Id'], 'zmZones', array( 'zones', $monitor['Width'], $monitor['Height'] ), $monitor['ZoneCount'], $running && canView( 'Monitors' ) ) ?></td>
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
if ( canEdit('Monitors') ) {
2017-01-24 10:51:17 +08:00
<td class="colMark">
2017-02-03 01:15:16 +08:00
<input type="checkbox" name="markMids[]" value="<?php echo $monitor['Id'] ?>" onclick="setButtonStates( this )"<?php if ( !canEdit( 'Monitors' ) ) { ?> disabled="disabled"<?php } ?>/>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-sort"></span>
2017-01-24 10:51:17 +08:00
2017-06-05 23:11:34 +08:00
2017-05-26 03:29:31 +08:00
} # end for each monitor
2017-06-01 21:36:00 +08:00
<td class="colLeftButtons" colspan="<?php echo $left_columns ?>">
<input type="button" value="<?php echo translate('Refresh') ?>" onclick="location.reload(true);"/>
<input type="button" name="addBtn" value="<?php echo translate('AddNewMonitor') ?>" onclick="addMonitor( this )"/>
2017-06-01 21:36:00 +08:00
<!-- <?php echo makePopupButton( '?view=monitor', 'zmMonitor0', 'monitor', translate('AddNewMonitor'), (canEdit( 'Monitors' ) && !$user['MonitorIds']) ) ?> -->
<?php echo makePopupButton( '?view=filter&amp;filter[terms][0][attr]=DateTime&amp;filter[terms][0][op]=%3c&amp;filter[terms][0][val]=now', 'zmFilter', 'filter', translate('Filters'), canView( 'Events' ) ) ?>
<input type="button" name="editBtn" value="<?php echo translate('Edit') ?>" onclick="editMonitor( this )" disabled="disabled"/>
<input type="button" name="deleteBtn" value="<?php echo translate('Delete') ?>" onclick="deleteMonitor( this )" disabled="disabled"/>
2017-06-01 21:36:00 +08:00
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($eventCounts); $i++ ) {
parseFilter( $eventCounts[$i]['filter'] );
2017-06-01 21:36:00 +08:00
<td class="colEvents"><?php echo makePopupLink( '?view='.$eventsView.'&amp;page=1'.$eventCounts[$i]['filter']['query'], $eventsWindow, $eventsView, $eventCounts[$i]['total'], canView( 'Events' ) ) ?></td>
2017-06-01 21:36:00 +08:00
<td class="colZones"><?php echo $zoneCount ?></td>
<?php if ( canEdit('Monitors') ) { ?>
<td class="colMark"></td>
<?php } ?>
2017-06-01 21:36:00 +08:00
<?php xhtmlFooter() ?>