2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# ==========================================================================
# ZoneMinder External Trigger Script, $Date$, $Revision$
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Philip Coombes
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# ==========================================================================
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
# This script is used to trigger and cancel alarms from external connections
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
# using an arbitrary text based format
use strict;
use bytes;
# ==========================================================================
# User config
# ==========================================================================
2005-12-16 21:16:37 +08:00
use constant DBG_ID => "zmtrigger"; # Tag that appears in debug to identify source
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
use constant DBG_LEVEL => 1; # 0 is errors, warnings and info only, > 0 for debug
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-16 21:16:37 +08:00
use constant MAX_CONNECT_DELAY => 10;
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
use constant MONITOR_RELOAD_INTERVAL => 300;
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
use constant SELECT_TIMEOUT => 0.25;
2005-12-16 21:16:37 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
# Define classes for any channels that triggers may go in and/or out over
# Base channel class
package Channel;
use ZoneMinder::Debug;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
$self->{readable} = !undef;
$self->{writeable} = !undef;
$self->{selectable} = undef;
$self->{state} = 'closed';
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub clone
my $self = shift;
my $clone = { %$self };
bless $clone, ref $self;
sub open()
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) or die( "Can't get class for non object $self" );
die( "Abstract base class method called for object of class $class" );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
sub close()
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) or die( "Can't get class for non object $self" );
die( "Abstract base class method called for object of class $class" );
sub getState()
my $self = shift;
return( $self->{state} );
sub isOpen()
my $self = shift;
return( $self->{state} eq "open" );
sub isConnected()
my $self = shift;
return( $self->{state} eq "connected" );
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || die( "$self not object" );
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
$name =~ s/.*://;
if ( !exists($self->{$name}) )
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
die( "Can't access $name member of object of class $class" );
return( $self->{$name} );
# Handle based channel
package Channel::Handle;
our @ISA = qw(Channel);
use ZoneMinder::Debug qw(:all);
use POSIX;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $port = shift;
my $self = Channel->new();
$self->{handle} = undef;
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub close()
my $self = shift;
close( $self->{handle} );
$self->{state} = 'closed';
$self->{handle} = undef;
sub read()
my $self = shift;
my $buffer;
my $nbytes = sysread( $self->{handle}, $buffer, POSIX::BUFSIZ );
if ( !$nbytes )
return( undef );
Debug( "Read '$buffer' ($nbytes bytes)\n" );
return( $buffer );
sub write()
my $self = shift;
my $buffer = shift;
my $nbytes = syswrite( $self->{handle}, $buffer );
if ( !defined( $nbytes) || $nbytes < length($buffer) )
Error( "Unable to write buffer '".$buffer.", expected ".length($buffer)." bytes, sent ".$nbytes.": $!\n" );
return( undef );
Debug( "Wrote '$buffer' ($nbytes bytes)\n" );
return( !undef );
sub fileno()
my $self = shift;
return( defined($self->{handle})?fileno($self->{handle}):-1 );
# Spawning selectable channels
package Channel::Spawning;
our @ISA = qw(Channel::Handle);
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $port = shift;
my $self = Channel::Handle->new();
$self->{spawns} = !undef;
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
# Inet TCP socket channel
package Channel::Inet;
our @ISA = qw(Channel::Spawning);
use Socket;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $self = Channel::Spawning->new();
$self->{selectable} = !undef;
$self->{port} = $params{port};
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub open()
my $self = shift;
local *sfh;
my $saddr = sockaddr_in( $self->{port}, INADDR_ANY );
socket( *sfh, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp') ) or die( "Can't open socket: $!" );
setsockopt( *sfh, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1 );
bind( *sfh, $saddr ) or die( "Can't bind: $!" );
listen( *sfh, SOMAXCONN ) or die( "Can't listen: $!" );
$self->{state} = 'open';
$self->{handle} = *sfh;
sub _spawn( $ )
my $self = shift;
my $new_handle = shift;
my $clone = $self->clone();
$clone->{handle} = $new_handle;
$clone->{state} = 'connected';
return( $clone );
sub accept()
my $self = shift;
local *cfh;
my $paddr = accept( *cfh, $self->{handle} );
return( $self->_spawn( *cfh ) );
# Unix socket channel
package Channel::Unix;
our @ISA = qw(Channel::Spawning);
use Socket;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $self = Channel->new;
$self->{selectable} = !undef;
$self->{path} = $params{path};
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub open()
my $self = shift;
local *sfh;
unlink( $self->{path} );
my $saddr = sockaddr_un( $self->{path} );
socket( *sfh, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or die( "Can't open socket: $!" );
bind( *sfh, $saddr ) or die( "Can't bind: $!" );
listen( *sfh, SOMAXCONN ) or die( "Can't listen: $!" );
$self->{handle} = *sfh;
# Simple file channel
package Channel::File;
our @ISA = qw(Channel::Handle);
use Fcntl;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $self = Channel::Handle->new;
$self->{path} = $params{path};
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub open()
my $self = shift;
local *sfh;
#sysopen( *sfh, $conn->{path}, O_NONBLOCK|O_RDONLY ) or die( "Can't sysopen: $!" );
#open( *sfh, "<".$conn->{path} ) or die( "Can't open: $!" );
open( *sfh, "+<".$self->{path} ) or die( "Can't open: $!" );
$self->{state} = 'open';
$self->{handle} = *sfh;
# Serial device channel
package Channel::Serial;
our @ISA = qw(Channel);
use ZoneMinder::Debug qw(:all);
use Device::SerialPort;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $self = Channel->new;
$self->{path} = $params{path};
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub open()
my $self = shift;
my $device = new Device::SerialPort( $self->{path} );
$self->{device} = $device;
$self->{state} = 'open';
$self->{state} = 'connected';
sub close()
my $self = shift;
$self->{state} = 'closed';
sub read()
my $self = shift;
my $buffer = $self->{device}->lookfor();
if ( !$buffer || !length($buffer) )
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
return( undef );
Debug( "Read '$buffer' (".length($buffer)." bytes)\n" );
return( $buffer );
sub write()
my $self = shift;
my $buffer = shift;
my $nbytes = $self->{device}->write( $buffer );
if ( !defined( $nbytes) || $nbytes < length($buffer) )
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
Error( "Unable to write buffer '".$buffer.", expected ".length($buffer)." bytes, sent ".$nbytes.": $!\n" );
return( undef );
Debug( "Wrote '$buffer' ($nbytes bytes)\n" );
return( !undef );
package Connection;
use ZoneMinder::Debug;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $self = {};
$self->{name} = $params{name};
$self->{channel} = $params{channel};
$self->{input} = $params{mode} =~ /r/i;
$self->{output} = $params{mode} =~ /w/i;
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub clone
my $self = shift;
my $clone = { %$self };
bless $clone, ref $self;
return( $clone );
sub _spawn( $ )
my $self = shift;
my $new_channel = shift;
my $clone = $self->clone();
$clone->{channel} = $new_channel;
return( $clone );
sub accept()
my $self = shift;
my $new_channel = $self->{channel}->accept();
return( $self->_spawn( $new_channel ) );
sub open()
my $self = shift;
return( $self->{channel}->open() );
sub close()
my $self = shift;
return( $self->{channel}->close() );
sub fileno()
my $self = shift;
return( $self->{channel}->fileno() );
sub isOpen()
my $self = shift;
return( $self->{channel}->isOpen() );
sub isConnected()
my $self = shift;
return( $self->{channel}->isConnected() );
sub canRead()
my $self = shift;
return( $self->{input} && $self->isConnected() );
sub canWrite()
my $self = shift;
return( $self->{output} && $self->isConnected() );
sub getMessages
my $self = shift;
my $buffer = $self->{channel}->read();
return( undef ) if ( !defined($buffer) );
my @messages = split( /\r?\n/, $buffer );
return( \@messages );
sub putMessages
my $self = shift;
my $messages = shift;
if ( @$messages )
my $buffer = join( "\n", @$messages );
$buffer .= "\n";
if ( !$self->{channel}->write( $buffer ) )
Error( "Unable to write buffer '".$buffer." to connection ".$self->{name}." (".$self->fileno().")\n" );
return( undef );
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || die( "$self not object" );
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
$name =~ s/.*://;
if ( exists($self->{$name}) )
return( $self->{$name} );
elsif ( defined($self->{channel}) )
if ( exists($self->{channel}->{$name}) )
return( $self->{channel}->{$name} );
die( "Can't access $name member of object of class $class" );
package Connection::Special;
our @ISA = qw(Connection);
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $self = Connection->new( @_ );
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub getMessages
my $self = shift;
my $buffer = $self->{channel}->read();
return( undef ) if ( !defined($buffer) );
Debug( "Handling buffer '$buffer'\n" );
my @messages = grep { s/-/|/g; 1; } split( /\r?\n/, $buffer );
return( \@messages );
sub putMessages
my $self = shift;
my $messages = shift;
if ( @$messages )
my $buffer = join( "\n", grep{ s/\|/-/; 1; } @$messages );
$buffer .= "\n";
if ( !$self->{channel}->write( $buffer ) )
Error( "Unable to write buffer '".$buffer." to connection ".$self->{name}." (".$self->fileno().")\n" );
return( undef );
package main;
my @connections;
push( @connections, Connection->new( name=>"Chan1", channel=>Channel::Inet->new( port=>6802 ), mode=>"rw" ) );
push( @connections, Connection->new( name=>"Chan2", channel=>Channel::Unix->new( path=>'/tmp/test.sock' ), mode=>"rw" ) );
#push( @connections, Connection->new( name=>"Chan3", channel=>Channel::File->new( path=>'/tmp/zmtrigger.out' ), mode=>"w" ) );
push( @connections, Connection->new( name=>"Chan4", channel=>Channel::Serial->new( path=>'/dev/ttyS0' ), mode=>"rw" ) );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
# ==========================================================================
# Don't change anything from here on down
# ==========================================================================
use ZoneMinder;
use DBI;
use POSIX;
use Fcntl;
use Socket;
use IO::Handle;
use Data::Dumper;
2005-12-16 18:36:22 +08:00
use constant LOG_FILE => ZM_PATH_LOGS.'/zmtrigger.log';
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
$| = 1;
$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
$ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/sh' if exists $ENV{SHELL};
2005-12-21 01:03:33 +08:00
zmDbgInit( DBG_ID, DBG_LEVEL );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
open( LOG, ">>".LOG_FILE ) or die( "Can't open log file: $!" );
open(STDOUT, ">&LOG") || die( "Can't dup stdout: $!" );
select( STDOUT ); $| = 1;
open(STDERR, ">&LOG") || die( "Can't dup stderr: $!" );
select( STDERR ); $| = 1;
select( LOG ); $| = 1;
2005-12-16 21:36:24 +08:00
Info( "Trigger daemon starting\n" );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-16 20:17:10 +08:00
my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:database=".ZM_DB_NAME.";host=".ZM_DB_HOST, ZM_DB_USER, ZM_DB_PASS );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
$SIG{HUP} = \&status;
my $base_rin = '';
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
foreach my $connection ( @connections )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
Info( "Opening connection '$connection->{name}'\n" );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
my @in_select_connections = grep { $_->input() && $_->selectable() } @connections;
my @in_poll_connections = grep { $_->input() && !$_->selectable() } @connections;
my @out_connections = grep { $_->output() } @connections;
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
foreach my $connection ( @in_select_connections )
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
print( "FN:".$connection->fileno()."\n" );
vec( $base_rin, $connection->fileno(), 1 ) = 1;
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
#my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new;
#my $blockset = POSIX::SigSet->new( SIGCHLD );
#sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, $blockset, $sigset ) or die( "Can't block SIGCHLD: $!" );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
my %spawned_connections;
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
my %monitors;
my $monitor_reload_time = 0;
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
$! = undef;
my $rin = '';
my $win = $rin;
my $ein = $win;
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
my $timeout = SELECT_TIMEOUT;
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
my %actions;
while( 1 )
$rin = $base_rin;
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
# Add the file descriptors of any spawned connections
foreach my $fileno ( keys(%spawned_connections) )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
vec( $rin, $fileno, 1 ) = 1;
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
my $nfound = select( my $rout = $rin, undef, my $eout = $ein, $timeout );
if ( $nfound > 0 )
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
Debug( "Got input from $nfound connections\n" );
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
foreach my $connection ( @in_select_connections )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
if ( vec( $rout, $connection->fileno(), 1 ) )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
Debug( "Got input from connection ".$connection->name()." (".$connection->fileno().")\n" );
if ( $connection->spawns() )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
my $new_connection = $connection->accept();
$spawned_connections{$new_connection->fileno()} = $new_connection;
Debug( "Added new spawned connection (".$new_connection->fileno()."), ".int(keys(%spawned_connections))." spawned connections\n" );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
my $messages = $connection->getMessages();
if ( defined($messages) )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
foreach my $message ( @$messages )
handleMessage( $connection, $message );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
foreach my $connection ( values(%spawned_connections) )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
if ( vec( $rout, $connection->fileno(), 1 ) )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
Debug( "Got input from spawned connection ".$connection->name()." (".$connection->fileno().")\n" );
my $messages = $connection->getMessages();
if ( defined($messages) )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
foreach my $message ( @$messages )
handleMessage( $connection, $message );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
delete( $spawned_connections{$connection->fileno()} );
Debug( "Removed spawned connection (".$connection->fileno()."), ".int(keys(%spawned_connections))." spawned connections\n" );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
elsif ( $nfound < 0 )
if ( $! == EINTR )
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
# Do nothing
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
die( "Can't select: $!" );
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
# Check polled connections
foreach my $connection ( @in_poll_connections )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
my $messages = $connection->getMessages();
if ( defined($messages) )
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
foreach my $message ( @$messages )
handleMessage( $connection, $message );
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
# Check for alarms that might have happened
my @out_messages;
foreach my $monitor ( values(%monitors) )
my ( $state, $last_event ) = zmShmRead( $monitor, [ "shared_data:state", "shared_data:last_event" ] );
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
#print( "$monitor->{Id}: S:$state, LE:$last_event\n" );
#print( "$monitor->{Id}: mS:$monitor->{LastState}, mLE:$monitor->{LastEvent}\n" );
if ( $state == STATE_ALARM || $state == STATE_ALERT ) # In alarm state
if ( !defined($monitor->{LastEvent}) || ($last_event != $monitor->{LastEvent}) ) # A new event
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
push( @out_messages, $monitor->{Id}."|on|".time()."|".$last_event );
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
else # The same one as last time, so ignore it
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
# Do nothing
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
elsif ( $state == STATE_IDLE && $monitor->{LastState} > STATE_IDLE ) # Out of alarm state
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
push( @out_messages, $monitor->{Id}."|off|".time()."|".$last_event );
elsif ( defined($monitor->{LastEvent}) && ($last_event != $monitor->{LastEvent}) ) # We've missed a whole event
push( @out_messages, $monitor->{Id}."|on|".time()."|".$last_event );
push( @out_messages, $monitor->{Id}."|off|".time()."|".$last_event );
$monitor->{LastState} = $state;
$monitor->{LastEvent} = $last_event;
foreach my $connection ( @out_connections )
if ( $connection->canWrite() )
$connection->putMessages( \@out_messages );
foreach my $connection ( values(%spawned_connections) )
if ( $connection->canWrite() )
$connection->putMessages( \@out_messages );
Debug( "Checking for timed actions\n" ) if ( int(keys(%actions)) );
my $now = time();
foreach my $action_time ( sort( grep { $_ < $now } keys( %actions ) ) )
Info( "Found actions expiring at $action_time\n" );
foreach my $action ( @{$actions{$action_time}} )
my $connection = $action->{connection};
my $message = $action->{message};
Info( "Found action '$message'\n" );
handleMessage( $connection, $message );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
delete( $actions{$action_time} );
# If necessary reload monitors
if ( (time() - $monitor_reload_time) > MONITOR_RELOAD_INTERVAL )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-16 20:17:10 +08:00
Info( "Trigger daemon exiting\n" );
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
sub loadMonitors
Debug( "Loading monitors\n" );
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
$monitor_reload_time = time();
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
my %new_monitors = ();
my $sql = "select * from Monitors where find_in_set( Function, 'Modect,Mocord,Nodect' )";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $res = $sth->execute() or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$sth->errstr() );
while( my $monitor = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() )
next if ( !zmShmGet( $monitor ) ); # Check shared memory ok
if ( defined($monitors{$monitor->{Id}}->{LastState}) )
$monitor->{LastState} = $monitors{$monitor->{Id}}->{LastState};
$monitor->{LastState} = zmGetMonitorState( $monitor );
if ( defined($monitors{$monitor->{Id}}->{LastEvent}) )
$monitor->{LastEvent} = $monitors{$monitor->{Id}}->{LastEvent};
$monitor->{LastEvent} = zmGetLastEvent( $monitor );
$new_monitors{$monitor->{Id}} = $monitor;
%monitors = %new_monitors;
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
sub handleMessage
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
my $connection = shift;
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
my $message = shift;
my ( $id, $action, $score, $cause, $text, $showtext ) = split( /\|/, $message );
$score = 0 if ( !defined($score) );
$cause = "" if ( !defined($cause) );
$text = "" if ( !defined($text) );
my $monitor = $monitors{$id};
if ( !$monitor )
Warning( "Can't find monitor '$id' for message '$message'\n" );
Debug( "Found monitor for id '$id'\n" );
next if ( !zmShmGet( $monitor ) );
Debug( "Handling action '$action'\n" );
if ( $action =~ /^(enable|disable)(?:\+(\d+))?$/ )
my $state = $1;
my $delay = $2;
if ( $state eq "enable" )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
zmMonitorEnable( $monitor );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
zmMonitorDisable( $monitor );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
# Force a reload
$monitor_reload_time = 0;
Info( "Set monitor to $state\n" );
if ( $delay )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
my $action_time = time()+$delay;
my $action_text = $id."|".(($state eq "enable")?"disable":"enable");
my $action_array = $actions{$action_time};
if ( !$action_array )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
$action_array = $actions{$action_time} = [];
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
push( @$action_array, { connection=>$connection, message=>$action_text } );
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
Debug( "Added timed event '$action_text', expires at $action_time (+$delay secs)\n" );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
elsif ( $action =~ /^(on|off)(?:\+(\d+))?$/ )
next if ( !$monitor->{Enabled} );
my $trigger = $1;
my $delay = $2;
my $trigger_data;
if ( $trigger eq "on" )
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
zmTriggerEventOn( $monitor, $score, $cause, $text );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
zmTriggerEventOff( $monitor );
zmTriggerShowText( $showtext ) if defined($showtext);
Info( "Triggered event '$trigger' '$cause'\n" );
if ( $delay )
my $action_time = time()+$delay;
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
#my $action_text = $id."|cancel|0|".$cause."|".$text;
my $action_text = $id."|cancel";
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
my $action_array = $actions{$action_time};
if ( !$action_array )
$action_array = $actions{$action_time} = [];
2005-12-27 06:46:03 +08:00
push( @$action_array, { connection=>$connection, message=>$action_text } );
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
Debug( "Added timed event '$action_text', expires at $action_time (+$delay secs)\n" );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00
2005-12-23 19:34:54 +08:00
elsif( $action eq "cancel" )
zmTriggerEventCancel( $monitor );
zmTriggerShowText( $showtext ) if defined($showtext);
Info( "Cancelled event '$cause'\n" );
elsif( $action eq "show" )
zmTriggerShowText( $showtext );
Info( "Updated show text to '$showtext'\n" );
Error( "Unrecognised action '$action' in message '$message'\n" );
2005-12-16 18:05:29 +08:00