'DonateEnticement'=>'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
'Donate'=>'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay'=>'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour'=>'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth'=>'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
'DonateRemindNever'=>'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind',
'DonateRemindWeek'=>'Not yet, remind again in 1 week',
'DonateYes'=>'Yes, I\'d like to donate now',
'EnableAlarms'=>'Enable Alarms',
'EnterNewFilterName'=>'Entrer nom nouv. filtre',
'ErrorBrackets'=>'Erreur, v<>rifiez que toutes les parenth<74>ses ouvertes sont ferm<72>es',
'ErrorValidValue'=>'Erreur, v<>rifiez que tous les termes ont une valeur valide',
'EventFilter'=>'Filtre ev<65>nt',
'EventId'=>'Event Id',
'EventName'=>'Event Name',
'EventPrefix'=>'Event Prefix',
'ExportDetails'=>'Export Event Details',
'ExportFailed'=>'Export Failed',
'ExportFormat'=>'Export File Format',
'ExportFrames'=>'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles'=>'Export Image Files',
'ExportMiscFiles'=>'Export Other Files (if present)',
'ExportOptions'=>'Export Options',
'ExportVideoFiles'=>'Export Video Files (if present)',
'FastForward'=>'Fast Forward',
'FileColours'=>'File Colours',
'FilePath'=>'File Path',
'FilterArchiveEvents'=>'Archive all matches',
'FilterDeleteEvents'=>'Delete all matches',
'FilterEmailEvents'=>'Email details of all matches',
'FilterExecuteEvents'=>'Execute command on all matches',
'FilterMessageEvents'=>'Message details of all matches',
'FilterPx'=>'Filter Px',
'FilterUnset'=>'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents'=>'Upload all matches',
'FilterVideoEvents'=>'Create video for all matches',
'FlippedHori'=>'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert'=>'Flipped Vertically',
'ForceAlarm'=>'Force Alarme',
'FPSReportInterval'=>'FPS Report Interval',
'FrameId'=>'N<> image',
'FrameRate'=>'D<>bit image',
'FrameSkip'=>'Saut image',
'GenerateVideo'=>'G<>n<EFBFBD>rer Vid<69>o',
'GeneratingVideo'=>'G<>n<EFBFBD>ration Vid<69>o',
'GoToZoneMinder'=>'Aller sur ZoneMinder.com',
'HasFocusSpeed'=>'Has Focus Speed',
'HasGainSpeed'=>'Has Gain Speed',
'HasHomePreset'=>'Has Home Preset',
'HasIrisSpeed'=>'Has Iris Speed',
'HasPanSpeed'=>'Has Pan Speed',
'HasPresets'=>'Has Presets',
'HasTiltSpeed'=>'Has Tilt Speed',
'HasTurboPan'=>'Has Turbo Pan',
'HasTurboTilt'=>'Has Turbo Tilt',
'HasWhiteSpeed'=>'Has White Bal. Speed',
'HasZoomSpeed'=>'Has Zoom Speed',
'HighBW'=>'Haut N/B',
'ImageBufferSize'=>'Taille tampon image',
'KeyString'=>'Key String',
'LimitResultsPost'=>'results only;',// This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre'=>'Limit to first',// This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors'=>'Linked Monitors',
'LoggedInAs'=>'Connect<63> c<>',
'LowBW'=>'Basse N/B',
'MaxBandwidth'=>'Max Bandwidth',
'MaxFocusRange'=>'Max Focus Range',
'MaxFocusSpeed'=>'Max Focus Speed',
'MaxFocusStep'=>'Max Focus Step',
'MaxGainRange'=>'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed'=>'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep'=>'Max Gain Step',
'MaximumFPS'=>'i/s maximum',
'MaxIrisRange'=>'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed'=>'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep'=>'Max Iris Step',
'MaxPanRange'=>'Max Pan Range',
'MaxPanSpeed'=>'Max Pan Speed',
'MaxPanStep'=>'Max Pan Step',
'MaxTiltRange'=>'Max Tilt Range',
'MaxTiltSpeed'=>'Max Tilt Speed',
'MaxTiltStep'=>'Max Tilt Step',
'MaxWhiteRange'=>'Max White Bal. Range',
'MaxWhiteSpeed'=>'Max White Bal. Speed',
'MaxWhiteStep'=>'Max White Bal. Step',
'MaxZoomRange'=>'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed'=>'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep'=>'Max Zoom Step',
'MediumBW'=>'Moy. N/B',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax'=>'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset'=>'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax'=>'Aire blob min. doit <20> < aire blob maximum',
'MinBlobAreaUnset'=>'You must specify the minimum blob pixel count',
'MinBlobLtMinFilter'=>'Minimum blob area should be less than or equal to minimum filter area',
'MinBlobsLtMax'=>'Blobs min. doit <20> < blobs max.',
'MinBlobsUnset'=>'You must specify the minimum blob count',
'MinFilterAreaLtMax'=>'Minimum filter area should be less than maximum',
'MinFilterAreaUnset'=>'You must specify the minimum filter pixel count',
'MinFilterLtMinAlarm'=>'Minimum filter area should be less than or equal to minimum alarm area',
'MinFocusRange'=>'Min Focus Range',
'MinFocusSpeed'=>'Min Focus Speed',
'MinFocusStep'=>'Min Focus Step',
'MinGainRange'=>'Min Gain Range',
'MinGainSpeed'=>'Min Gain Speed',
'MinGainStep'=>'Min Gain Step',
'MinIrisRange'=>'Min Iris Range',
'MinIrisSpeed'=>'Min Iris Speed',
'MinIrisStep'=>'Min Iris Step',
'MinPanRange'=>'Min Pan Range',
'MinPanSpeed'=>'Min Pan Speed',
'MinPanStep'=>'Min Pan Step',
'MinPixelThresLtMax'=>'Seuil pixel min. doit <20> < seuil pixel max.',
'MinPixelThresUnset'=>'You must specify a minimum pixel threshold',
'MinTiltRange'=>'Min Tilt Range',
'MinTiltSpeed'=>'Min Tilt Speed',
'MinTiltStep'=>'Min Tilt Step',
'MinWhiteRange'=>'Min White Bal. Range',
'MinWhiteSpeed'=>'Min White Bal. Speed',
'MinWhiteStep'=>'Min White Bal. Step',
'MinZoomRange'=>'Min Zoom Range',
'MinZoomSpeed'=>'Min Zoom Speed',
'MinZoomStep'=>'Min Zoom Step',
'MonitorIds'=>'N<> <3B>cran',
'MonitorPresetIntro'=>'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.<br><br>Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.<br><br>',
'MonitorPreset'=>'Monitor Preset',
'MustBeGe'=>'doit <20>tre sup. ou <20>gal <20>',
'MustBeLe'=>'doit <20>tre inf. ou <20>gal <20>',
'MustConfirmPassword'=>'Confirmez le mot de passe',
'MustSupplyPassword'=>'Entrez un mot de passe',
'MustSupplyUsername'=>'Entrez un nom d\'utilisateur',
'NewGroup'=>'New Group',
'NewLabel'=>'New Label',
'NewPassword'=>'Nouv. mt de passe',
'NewState'=>'Nv <20>tat',
'NewUser'=>'Nv util.',
'NoFramesRecorded'=>'Pas d\'image enregistr<74>e pour cet <20>v<EFBFBD>nement',
'NoGroup'=>'No Group',
'NoneAvailable'=>'Aucun disponible',
'NoStatisticsRecorded'=>'Pas de statistiques disponibles pour cet <20>v<EFBFBD>nmnt/imag.',
'NumPresets'=>'Num Presets',
'OpEq'=>'<27>gal <20>',
'OpGtEq'=>'plus grand ou <20>gal <20>',
'OpGt'=>'sup. <20>',
'OpIn'=>'en lot',
'OpLtEq'=>'inf. ou <20>gal <20>',
'OpLt'=>'inf. <20>',
'OpNe'=>'diff. de',
'OpNotIn'=>'pas en lot',
'OpNotMatches'=>'ne correspond pas',
'OptionRestartWarning'=>'These changes may not come into effect fully\nwhile the system is running. When you have\nfinished making your changes please ensure that\nyou restart ZoneMinder.',
'OrEnterNewName'=>'ou entrez nv nom',
'OverwriteExisting'=>'Ecraser l\'existant',
'PanLeft'=>'Pan Left',
'PanRight'=>'Pan Right',
'Password'=>'Mt de passe',
'PasswordsDifferent'=>'Les 2 mots de passe sont diff<66>rents',
'PhoneBW'=>'Phone B/W',
'PixelDiff'=>'Pixel Diff',
'PlayAll'=>'Play All',
'PostEventImageBuffer'=>'Post Event Image Count',
'PreEventImageBuffer'=>'Pre Event Image Count',
'PreserveAspect'=>'Preserve Aspect Ratio',
'RefImageBlendPct'=>'Reference Image Blend %ge',
'RemoteHostName'=>'Remote Host Name',
'RemoteHostPath'=>'Remote Host Path',
'RemoteHostPort'=>'Remote Host Port',
'RemoteImageColours'=>'Remote Image Colours',
'ReplayAll'=>'All Events',
'ReplayGapless'=>'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle'=>'Single Event',
'ResetEventCounts'=>'Rem. <20> 0 comptage des <20>vts',
'RestrictedCameraIds'=>'N<> cam<61>ras confid.',
'RestrictedMonitors'=>'Restricted Monitors',
'ReturnDelay'=>'Return Delay',
'ReturnLocation'=>'Return Location',
'RotateLeft'=>'Rotation g.',
'RotateRight'=>'Rotation d.',
'RunMode'=>'Run Mode',
'Running'=>'Ca tourne',
'RunState'=>'Run State',
'SaveAs'=>'Enr. ss',
'SaveFilter'=>'Save Filter',
'Sectionlength'=>'Longueur section',
'SelectMonitors'=>'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting'=>'Polygon edges must not intersect',