Updated language files.
git-svn-id: http://svn.zoneminder.com/svn/zm/trunk@1565 e3e1d417-86f3-4887-817a-d78f3d33393f
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24-bit Farbe';
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24-bit Farbe';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '8-bit Grau';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '8-bit Grau';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'Aktuell';
$zmSlangActual = 'Aktuell';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Neuer Monitor';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Neuer Monitor';
@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Kontrolltyp';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Zeitzyklus';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Zeitzyklus';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Zyklus';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Zyklus';
$zmSlangDay = 'Tag';
$zmSlangDay = 'Tag';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Löschen & Nächstes';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Löschen & Nächstes';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Löschen & Vorheriges';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Löschen & Vorheriges';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Löschen';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Löschen';
@ -202,11 +204,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = 'Beschreibung';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Gerätekanal';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Gerätekanal';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Geräteformat (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Geräteformat (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Gerätenummer (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Gerätenummer (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Abmaße';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Abmaße';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Dauer';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Dauer';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Bearbeiten';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Bearbeiten';
$zmSlangEmail = 'eMail';
$zmSlangEmail = 'eMail';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Aktiviert';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Aktiviert';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Neuen Filtername eingeben';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Neuen Filtername eingeben';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Fehler. Bitte nur gleiche Anzahl offener und geschlossener Klammern.';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Fehler. Bitte nur gleiche Anzahl offener und geschlossener Klammern.';
@ -234,12 +249,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Weit';
$zmSlangFar = 'Weit';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Erstes';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Erstes';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Fokus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Fokus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Unbedingter Alarm';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Unbedingter Alarm';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS Meldeinterval';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS Meldeinterval';
$zmSlangFrame = 'Bild';
$zmSlangFrame = 'Bild';
@ -285,6 +305,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = 'Sprache';
$zmSlangLast = 'Letztes';
$zmSlangLast = 'Letztes';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'Ergebnisse;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'Ergebnisse;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Begrenze nur auf die ersten'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Begrenze nur auf die ersten'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Last';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Last';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Lokal';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Lokal';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Angemeldet als';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Angemeldet als';
@ -297,6 +318,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Haupt';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'Mark.';
$zmSlangMark = 'Mark.';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Max.<br />Zähler';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Max.<br />Zähler';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Fokusbereich';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Fokusbereich';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Fokusgeschw.';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Fokusgeschw.';
@ -396,6 +418,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'nicht zutreffend';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionHilfe';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionHilfe';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Veränderungen werden erst bei Neustart des Programms aktiv.\nFür eine sofortige Änderung starten Sie das Programm bitte neu.';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Veränderungen werden erst bei Neustart des Programms aktiv.\nFür eine sofortige Änderung starten Sie das Programm bitte neu.';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Optionen';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Optionen';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'oder neuen Name eingeben';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'oder neuen Name eingeben';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Ausrichtung';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Ausrichtung';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -455,6 +478,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Setze Voreinstellung';
$zmSlangSet = 'Setze';
$zmSlangSet = 'Setze';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Einstellungen';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Einstellungen';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'ZeigeFilterFenster';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'ZeigeFilterFenster';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sort. nach';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sort. nach';
@ -485,6 +510,7 @@ $zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Miniatur';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Miniatur';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Neig.';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Neig.';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Zeitdifferenz';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Zeitdifferenz';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Format des Zeitstempel';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Format des Zeitstempel';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Zeitstempel X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Zeitstempel X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'Zeitstempel Y';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'Zeitstempel Y';
@ -518,8 +544,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'Erinnere mich wieder in 1 Stunde';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Informiere mich nicht mehr über neue Versionen';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Informiere mich nicht mehr über neue Versionen';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Erinnere mich wieder in 1 Woche';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Erinnere mich wieder in 1 Woche';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Version';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Version';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Videoerzeugung fehlgeschlagen!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Videoerzeugung fehlgeschlagen!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Videoerzeugung Parameter';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Videoerzeugung Parameter';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Videogröße';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Videogröße';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Alles Ansehen';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Alles Ansehen';
@ -528,6 +558,7 @@ $zmSlangViewPaged = 'Seitenansicht';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Aufwärmbilder';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Aufwärmbilder';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Beobachte';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Beobachte';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Woche';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Woche';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'Weiß-Abgleich';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'Weiß-Abgleich';
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ header( "Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252" );
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24 bit farve';
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24 bit farve';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '8 bit greyscale';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '8 bit greyscale';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'Aktuel';
$zmSlangActual = 'Aktuel';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Tilføj Ny kontrol';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Tilføj Ny kontrol';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Tilføj Ny Monitor';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Tilføj Ny Monitor';
@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Kontrol Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Cycle Watch';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Cycle Watch';
$zmSlangDay = 'Dag';
$zmSlangDay = 'Dag';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Slet & Næste';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Slet & Næste';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Slet & Forrige';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Slet & Forrige';
$zmSlangDeleteSavedFilter = 'Slet Gemte filter';
$zmSlangDeleteSavedFilter = 'Slet Gemte filter';
@ -203,11 +205,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = 'Beskrivelse';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Enheds Kanal';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Enheds Kanal';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Enheds Format (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Enheds Format (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Enheds Nummer (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Enheds Nummer (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimentioner';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimentioner';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Forløb';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Forløb';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Rediger';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Rediger';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Aktiv';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Aktiv';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Skriv Nyt filter navn';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Skriv Nyt filter navn';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Fejl, check at du har lige antal af Åbnings og Lukkende brackets';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Fejl, check at du har lige antal af Åbnings og Lukkende brackets';
@ -235,12 +250,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Første';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Første';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Fokus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Fokus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Tving Alarm';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Tving Alarm';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS Raport Interval';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS Raport Interval';
$zmSlangFrame = 'Billede';
$zmSlangFrame = 'Billede';
@ -286,6 +306,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = 'Sprog';
$zmSlangLast = 'Sidste';
$zmSlangLast = 'Sidste';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Lokal';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Lokal';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Logget Ind Som';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Logget Ind Som';
@ -298,6 +319,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'Marker';
$zmSlangMark = 'Marker';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Max.<br/>Skore';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Max.<br/>Skore';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
@ -397,6 +419,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'does not match';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionHelp';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionHelp';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Disse ændringer træder ikke i fuld effect\nmens systemt køre. Når du har\nafsluttet ændringer bedes du\ngenstarte ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Disse ændringer træder ikke i fuld effect\nmens systemt køre. Når du har\nafsluttet ændringer bedes du\ngenstarte ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Indstillinger';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Indstillinger';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'eller skriv nyt navn';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'eller skriv nyt navn';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientation';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientation';
$zmSlangOut = 'Ud';
$zmSlangOut = 'Ud';
@ -456,6 +479,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'S
$zmSlangSet = 'Sæt';
$zmSlangSet = 'Sæt';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Indstillinger';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Indstillinger';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'VisFilterVindue';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'VisFilterVindue';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sov';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sov';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sorter efter';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sorter efter';
@ -486,6 +511,7 @@ $zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Time Delta';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Time Delta';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Tidsstempel Mærkning´s Format';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Tidsstempel Mærkning´s Format';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Tidsstempel Mærkning X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Tidsstempel Mærkning X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'Tidsstempel Mærkning Y';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'Tidsstempel Mærkning Y';
@ -519,8 +545,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'P
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Mind ikke om nye versioner';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Mind ikke om nye versioner';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Påmind igen om 1 uge';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Påmind igen om 1 uge';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Version';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Version';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Video Generering Fejlede!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Video Generering Fejlede!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Video Generaring Parametre';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Video Generaring Parametre';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Video Størelse';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Video Størelse';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Vis Alle';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Vis Alle';
@ -529,6 +559,7 @@ $zmSlangView = 'Vis';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Varmop Billeder';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Varmop Billeder';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Se';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Se';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Uge';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Uge';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'Color 24 bits';
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'Color 24 bits';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'Grises 8 bits';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'Grises 8 bits';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'Actual';
$zmSlangActual = 'Actual';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Agregar Nuevo Monitor';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Agregar Nuevo Monitor';
@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Control Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Cycle Watch';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Cycle Watch';
$zmSlangDay = 'Día';
$zmSlangDay = 'Día';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Borrar & Próximo';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Borrar & Próximo';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Borrar & Anterior';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Borrar & Anterior';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Borrar';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Borrar';
@ -155,11 +157,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = 'Descripci
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canal';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canal';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Señal (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Señal (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Fuente (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Fuente (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensiones';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensiones';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disco';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disco';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Duración';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Duración';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Editar';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Editar';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Habilitado';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Habilitado';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Ingresar Nuevo Nombre De Filtro';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Ingresar Nuevo Nombre De Filtro';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Error, Revisar si tiene la misma cantidad de paréntesis de apertura';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Error, Revisar si tiene la misma cantidad de paréntesis de apertura';
@ -187,12 +202,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Vista';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Vista';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filtro Px';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filtro Px';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Primero';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Primero';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Forzar Alarma';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Forzar Alarma';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Intervalo de Reporte FPS';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Intervalo de Reporte FPS';
$zmSlangFrame = 'Cuadro';
$zmSlangFrame = 'Cuadro';
@ -240,6 +260,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = 'Lenguaje';
$zmSlangLast = 'Ultimo';
$zmSlangLast = 'Ultimo';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'Resultados;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'Resultados;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Solo los primeros'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Solo los primeros'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Carga';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Carga';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Local';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Local';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Registrado Como';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Registrado Como';
@ -252,6 +273,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'Marca';
$zmSlangMark = 'Marca';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Puntaje<br/>Max.';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Puntaje<br/>Max.';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
@ -350,6 +372,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'No coincide';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'Ayuda';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'Ayuda';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Estos cambios no se guardaran completamente\nmientras el sistema se ejecute. Cuando termine\nde realizar los cambios asegurese de\nreiniciar Zoneminder.';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Estos cambios no se guardaran completamente\nmientras el sistema se ejecute. Cuando termine\nde realizar los cambios asegurese de\nreiniciar Zoneminder.';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opciones';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opciones';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'o agregue nombre';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'o agregue nombre';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientación';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientación';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -410,6 +433,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Configuracion';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Configuracion';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'Abrir Filtro';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'Abrir Filtro';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Ordenar por';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Ordenar por';
@ -441,6 +466,7 @@ $zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Hora Delta';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Hora Delta';
$zmSlangTime = 'Hora';
$zmSlangTime = 'Hora';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'Etiqueta Hora';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'Etiqueta Hora';
$zmSlangTimeStamp = 'Etiqueta Hora';
$zmSlangTimeStamp = 'Etiqueta Hora';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Formato Etiqueta Hora';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Formato Etiqueta Hora';
@ -473,8 +499,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'Recordar en 1 hora';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'No avizar de nuevas versiones';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'No avizar de nuevas versiones';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Recordar en 1 semana';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Recordar en 1 semana';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versión';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versión';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Fallo la creacion del video!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Fallo la creacion del video!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametros Generacion Video';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametros Generacion Video';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Tamaño Video';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Tamaño Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Ver Todo';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Ver Todo';
@ -483,6 +513,7 @@ $zmSlangView = 'Ver';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Avisos Movimiento';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Avisos Movimiento';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Monitor';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Monitor';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Semana';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Semana';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'Couleur 24 bit';
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'Couleur 24 bit';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'Gris 8 bit';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'Gris 8 bit';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'Réel';
$zmSlangActual = 'Réel';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Aj. nouv. écran';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Aj. nouv. écran';
@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Control Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Cycle vision';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Cycle vision';
$zmSlangDay = 'Jour';
$zmSlangDay = 'Jour';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Eff. & suiv.';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Eff. & suiv.';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Eff. & prec.';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Eff. & prec.';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Eff.';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Eff.';
@ -202,11 +204,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = 'Description';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canal caméra';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canal caméra';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Format caméra (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Format caméra (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Numéro caméra (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Numéro caméra (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensions';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensions';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Durée';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Durée';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Editer';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Editer';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Courriel';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Courriel';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Activé';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Activé';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Entrer nom nouv. filtre';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Entrer nom nouv. filtre';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Erreur, vérifiez que toutes les parenthèses ouvertes sont fermées';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Erreur, vérifiez que toutes les parenthèses ouvertes sont fermées';
@ -234,12 +249,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Prem.';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Prem.';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Force Alarme';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Force Alarme';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'i/s';
$zmSlangFPS = 'i/s';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS Report Interval';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS Report Interval';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'N° image';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'N° image';
@ -285,6 +305,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = 'Langue';
$zmSlangLast = 'Dernier';
$zmSlangLast = 'Dernier';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Local';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Local';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Connecté cô';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Connecté cô';
@ -297,6 +318,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'Marque';
$zmSlangMark = 'Marque';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Score<br/>max';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Score<br/>max';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
@ -396,6 +418,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'ne correspond pas';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionAide';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionAide';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'These changes may not come into effect fully\nwhile the system is running. When you have\nfinished making your changes please ensure that\nyou restart ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'These changes may not come into effect fully\nwhile the system is running. When you have\nfinished making your changes please ensure that\nyou restart ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Options';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Options';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'ou entrez nv nom';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'ou entrez nv nom';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientation';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientation';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -455,6 +478,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Réglages';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Réglages';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'Montrerfen.filtre';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'Montrerfen.filtre';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sort by';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sort by';
@ -485,6 +510,7 @@ $zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Time Delta';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Time Delta';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Timestamp Label Format';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Timestamp Label Format';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Timestamp Label X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Timestamp Label X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'Timestamp Label Y';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'Timestamp Label Y';
@ -518,8 +544,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'Me rappleler dans 1 h.';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Ne pas avertir des nvelles versions';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Ne pas avertir des nvelles versions';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Me rappeler ds 1 sem.';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Me rappeler ds 1 sem.';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Version';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Version';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Echec génération vidéo!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Echec génération vidéo!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Paramètres génération vidéo';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Paramètres génération vidéo';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'taille vidéo';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'taille vidéo';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Vidéo';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Vidéo';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Voir tt';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Voir tt';
@ -528,6 +558,7 @@ $zmSlangView = 'Voir';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Images test';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Images test';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Regarder';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Regarder';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Semaine';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Semaine';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24 bit colori';
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24 bit colori';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '8 bit toni di grigio';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '8 bit toni di grigio';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'Attuale';
$zmSlangActual = 'Attuale';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Aggiungi Monitor';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Aggiungi Monitor';
@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Control Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Vista Ciclica';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Vista Ciclica';
$zmSlangDay = 'Giorno';
$zmSlangDay = 'Giorno';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Elimina & Prossimo';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Elimina & Prossimo';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Elimina & Precedente';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Elimina & Precedente';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Elimina';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Elimina';
@ -202,11 +204,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = 'Descrizione';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canale Periferica';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canale Periferica';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Formato (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Formato (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Numero Periferica (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Numero Periferica (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensioni';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensioni';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disco';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disco';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Durata';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Durata';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Modifica';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Modifica';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Attivo';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Attivo';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Inserisci il nome del nuovo filtro';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Inserisci il nome del nuovo filtro';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Errore, controlla di avere un numero bilanciato di parentesti aperte e chiuse.';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Errore, controlla di avere un numero bilanciato di parentesti aperte e chiuse.';
@ -234,12 +249,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Px Filtro';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Px Filtro';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Primo';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Primo';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Forza Allarme';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Forza Allarme';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Intervallo Report FPS';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Intervallo Report FPS';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'Id Immagine';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'Id Immagine';
@ -285,6 +305,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = 'Linguaggio';
$zmSlangLast = 'Ultimo';
$zmSlangLast = 'Ultimo';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'primi risultati;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'primi risultati;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limita ai soli'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limita ai soli'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Carica';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Carica';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Locale';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Locale';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Loggato come';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Loggato come';
@ -297,6 +318,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'Seleziona';
$zmSlangMark = 'Seleziona';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Punteggio<br/>Massimo';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Punteggio<br/>Massimo';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
@ -396,6 +418,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'non corrisponde';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionHelp';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionHelp';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Queste modifiche potrebbero essere attive solo dopo \nun riavvio del sistema. Riavviare ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Queste modifiche potrebbero essere attive solo dopo \nun riavvio del sistema. Riavviare ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opzioni';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opzioni';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'o inserisci un nuovo nome';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'o inserisci un nuovo nome';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientamento';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientamento';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -455,6 +478,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Impostazioni';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Impostazioni';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'MostraFinestraFiltri';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'MostraFinestraFiltri';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Cresc';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Cresc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Ordina per';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Ordina per';
@ -485,6 +510,7 @@ $zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Time Delta';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Time Delta';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTime = 'Ora';
$zmSlangTime = 'Ora';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Formato etichetta timestamp';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Formato etichetta timestamp';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'coordinata X etichetta';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'coordinata X etichetta';
@ -518,8 +544,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'Ricordami ancora tra un\'ora';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Non ricordarmi di nuove versioni';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Non ricordarmi di nuove versioni';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Ricordami ancora tra una settimana';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Ricordami ancora tra una settimana';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versione';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versione';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Generazione Video Fallita!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Generazione Video Fallita!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametri Generazione Video';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametri Generazione Video';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Dimensioni Video';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Dimensioni Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Vedi Tutte';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Vedi Tutte';
@ -528,6 +558,7 @@ $zmSlangView = 'vedi';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Immagini Warmup';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Immagini Warmup';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Guarda';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Guarda';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Settimana';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Settimana';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'colori a 24 bit';
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'colori a 24 bit';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'scala di grigio a 8 bit';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'scala di grigio a 8 bit';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'Attuale';
$zmSlangActual = 'Attuale';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Aggiungi un nuovo Monitor';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Aggiungi un nuovo Monitor';
@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Control Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Guarda Ciclicamente';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Guarda Ciclicamente';
$zmSlangDay = 'Giorno';
$zmSlangDay = 'Giorno';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Cancella il Prossimo';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Cancella il Prossimo';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Cancella il Precedente';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Cancella il Precedente';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Cancella';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Cancella';
@ -203,11 +205,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = 'Descrizione';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canale del Dispositivo';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canale del Dispositivo';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Formato Video (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Formato Video (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Numero Dispositivo (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Numero Dispositivo (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensioni';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensioni';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Hard Disk';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Hard Disk';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Durata';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Durata';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Edita';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Edita';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Abilitato';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Abilitato';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Inserisci il nome del filtro';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Inserisci il nome del filtro';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Errore, controlla di avere in ugual numero i brachets aperti e chiusi';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Errore, controlla di avere in ugual numero i brachets aperti e chiusi';
@ -235,12 +250,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Primo';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Primo';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Forza Allarme';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Forza Allarme';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Intervallo di riporto FPS';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Intervallo di riporto FPS';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'Id immagine';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'Id immagine';
@ -286,6 +306,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = 'Linguaggio';
$zmSlangLast = 'Ultimo';
$zmSlangLast = 'Ultimo';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'risultati;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'risultati;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limitato ai primi'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limitato ai primi'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Carica';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Carica';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Locale';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Locale';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Nome utente:';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Nome utente:';
@ -298,6 +319,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'Contrassegna';
$zmSlangMark = 'Contrassegna';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Punteggio<br/>Massimo';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Punteggio<br/>Massimo';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
@ -397,6 +419,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'non corrisponde';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'Optioni di aiuto';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'Optioni di aiuto';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Questi cambiamenti non avranno effetto\nfintanto che il sistema funziona. Quando avrai\nfinito di apportare modifiche, ricordati di\nriavviare ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Questi cambiamenti non avranno effetto\nfintanto che il sistema funziona. Quando avrai\nfinito di apportare modifiche, ricordati di\nriavviare ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Optioni';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Optioni';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'o inserisci il nuovo nome';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'o inserisci il nuovo nome';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientazione';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientazione';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -456,6 +479,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Settings';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Settings';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'MostraFinestraFiltri';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'MostraFinestraFiltri';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Ordina per';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Ordina per';
@ -486,6 +511,7 @@ $zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Tempo di Delta';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Tempo di Delta';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTime = 'Ora';
$zmSlangTime = 'Ora';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Formato etichetta Timestamp';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Formato etichetta Timestamp';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Etichetta Timestamp X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Etichetta Timestamp X';
@ -519,8 +545,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'Ricordamelo tra 1 ora';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Non avvisarmi più per nuove versioni';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Non avvisarmi più per nuove versioni';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Ricordamelo tra 1 settimana';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Ricordamelo tra 1 settimana';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versione';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versione';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Creazione Video Fallita!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Creazione Video Fallita!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametri per la Creazione del Video';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametri per la Creazione del Video';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Dimensioni del Video';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Dimensioni del Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Vedi tutto';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Vedi tutto';
@ -529,6 +559,7 @@ $zmSlangView = 'Vedi';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Frames di attenzione';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Frames di attenzione';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Guarda';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Guarda';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Settimana';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Settimana';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24ビットカラー';
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24ビットカラー';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '8ビット濃淡画像';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '8ビット濃淡画像';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = '生中継';
$zmSlangActual = '生中継';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'モニター追加';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'モニター追加';
@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Control Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'サイクル観察';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'サイクル観察';
$zmSlangDay = '曜日';
$zmSlangDay = '曜日';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = '次を削除';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = '次を削除';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = '前を削除';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = '前を削除';
$zmSlangDelete = '削除';
$zmSlangDelete = '削除';
@ -202,11 +204,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = '
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'デバイス チャンネル';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'デバイス チャンネル';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'デバイス フォーマット (0=PAL,1=NTSC 等 )';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'デバイス フォーマット (0=PAL,1=NTSC 等 )';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'デバイス番号 (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'デバイス番号 (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = '寸法';
$zmSlangDimensions = '寸法';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = '継続時間';
$zmSlangDuration = '継続時間';
$zmSlangEdit = '編集';
$zmSlangEdit = '編集';
$zmSlangEmail = 'メール';
$zmSlangEmail = 'メール';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = '使用可能\';
$zmSlangEnabled = '使用可能\';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = '新しいフィルター名の入力';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = '新しいフィルター名の入力';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'エラー、開き括弧と閉じ括弧の数が合っているのかを確認してください';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'エラー、開き括弧と閉じ括弧の数が合っているのかを確認してください';
@ -234,12 +249,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = '送り込む';
$zmSlangFeed = '送り込む';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'フィルター Px';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'フィルター Px';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = '最初';
$zmSlangFirst = '最初';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = '強制アラーム';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = '強制アラーム';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS報告間隔';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS報告間隔';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'フレーム ID';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'フレーム ID';
@ -285,6 +305,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = '
$zmSlangLast = '最終';
$zmSlangLast = '最終';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLocal = 'ローカル';
$zmSlangLocal = 'ローカル';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'ログイン済み:';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'ログイン済み:';
@ -298,6 +319,7 @@ $zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = '選択';
$zmSlangMark = '選択';
$zmSlangMax = '最高';
$zmSlangMax = '最高';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = '最高<br/>スコアー';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = '最高<br/>スコアー';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
@ -396,6 +418,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = '
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'オプション ヘルプ';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'オプション ヘルプ';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'この変更は起動中反映されない場合があります。\n変更してからZoneMinderを再起動してください。';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'この変更は起動中反映されない場合があります。\n変更してからZoneMinderを再起動してください。';
$zmSlangOptions = 'オプション';
$zmSlangOptions = 'オプション';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = '又は新しい名前を入力してください';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = '又は新しい名前を入力してください';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'オリオンテーション';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'オリオンテーション';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -455,6 +478,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = '設定';
$zmSlangSettings = '設定';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'フィルター ウインドーの表示';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'フィルター ウインドーの表示';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sort by';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sort by';
@ -485,6 +510,7 @@ $zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'デルタ タイム';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'デルタ タイム';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTime = '時間';
$zmSlangTime = '時間';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'タイムスタンプ';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'タイムスタンプ';
$zmSlangTimeStamp = 'タイム スタンプ';
$zmSlangTimeStamp = 'タイム スタンプ';
@ -519,8 +545,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = '1
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = '新しいバージョンの知らせは必要ない';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = '新しいバージョンの知らせは必要ない';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = '1週間後に再度知らせる';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = '1週間後に再度知らせる';
$zmSlangVideo = 'ビデオ';
$zmSlangVideo = 'ビデオ';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'ビデオ生成の失敗!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'ビデオ生成の失敗!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'ビデオ生成 パラメータ';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'ビデオ生成 パラメータ';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'ビデオ サイズ';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'ビデオ サイズ';
$zmSlangView = '表示';
$zmSlangView = '表示';
$zmSlangViewAll = '全部表示';
$zmSlangViewAll = '全部表示';
@ -529,6 +559,7 @@ $zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'ウォームアップ フレーム';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'ウォームアップ フレーム';
$zmSlangWatch = '監視';
$zmSlangWatch = '監視';
$zmSlangWeb = 'ウェブ';
$zmSlangWeb = 'ウェブ';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeek = '週';
$zmSlangWeek = '週';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhite = 'White';
$zmSlangWhite = 'White';
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24 bit kleuren';
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24 bit kleuren';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '8 bit grijstinten';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '8 bit grijstinten';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'Aktueel';
$zmSlangActual = 'Aktueel';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Voeg een nieuwe monitor toe';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Voeg een nieuwe monitor toe';
@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Control Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Observeer cyclus';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Observeer cyclus';
$zmSlangDay = 'Dag';
$zmSlangDay = 'Dag';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'verwijder & volgende';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'verwijder & volgende';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'verwijder & vorige';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'verwijder & vorige';
$zmSlangDeleteSavedFilter = 'verwijder opgeslagen filter';
$zmSlangDeleteSavedFilter = 'verwijder opgeslagen filter';
@ -203,11 +205,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = 'Omschrijving';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Apparaat kanaal';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Apparaat kanaal';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Apparaat formaat (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Apparaat formaat (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'apparaat nummer (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'apparaat nummer (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Afmetingen';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Afmetingen';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Duur';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Duur';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Bewerk';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Bewerk';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Uitgeschakeld';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Uitgeschakeld';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Voer nieuwe filter naam in';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Voer nieuwe filter naam in';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Error, controleer of je even veel openings als afsluiting brackets hebt gebruikt';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Error, controleer of je even veel openings als afsluiting brackets hebt gebruikt';
@ -235,12 +250,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = 'toevoer';
$zmSlangFeed = 'toevoer';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter px';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter px';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Eerste';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Eerste';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Forceeer alarm';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Forceeer alarm';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS rapport interval';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS rapport interval';
$zmSlangFrame = 'Frame';
$zmSlangFrame = 'Frame';
@ -286,6 +306,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = 'Taal';
$zmSlangLast = 'Laatste';
$zmSlangLast = 'Laatste';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'resultaten;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'resultaten;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'beperk tot eerste'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'beperk tot eerste'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Lokaal';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Lokaal';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Ingelogd als';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Ingelogd als';
@ -298,6 +319,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'Markeer';
$zmSlangMark = 'Markeer';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Max.<br/>score';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Max.<br/>score';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
@ -397,6 +419,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'Komt niet overeen';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptieHelp';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptieHelp';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Deze veranderingen passen niet aan\nals het systeem loopt. Als je\nKlaar bent met veranderen vergeet dan niet dat\nje ZoneMinder herstart.';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Deze veranderingen passen niet aan\nals het systeem loopt. Als je\nKlaar bent met veranderen vergeet dan niet dat\nje ZoneMinder herstart.';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opties';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opties';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'of voer een nieuwe naam in';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'of voer een nieuwe naam in';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientatie';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientatie';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -456,6 +479,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Instellingen';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Instellingen';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'ToonFilterWindow';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'ToonFilterWindow';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Opl.';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Opl.';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sorteer op';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sorteer op';
@ -486,6 +511,7 @@ $zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Tijd Delta';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Tijd Delta';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Tijdstempel Label Format';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Tijdstempel Label Format';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Tijdstempel Label X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Tijdstempel Label X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'Tijdstempel Label Y';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'Tijdstempel Label Y';
@ -519,8 +545,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'herinner me na 1 uur';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'herinner me niet aan nieuwe versies';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'herinner me niet aan nieuwe versies';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'herinner me na 1 week';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'herinner me na 1 week';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versie';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versie';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Video Generatie mislukt!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Video Generatie mislukt!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Video Generatie Parameters';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Video Generatie Parameters';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Video grootte';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Video grootte';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Bekijk Alles';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Bekijk Alles';
@ -529,6 +559,7 @@ $zmSlangViewPaged = 'Bekijk Paged';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Warmup Frames';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Warmup Frames';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Observeer';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Observeer';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Week';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Week';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ setlocale( LC_ALL, 'pl_PL' ); // All locale settings 4.3.0 and after
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'Kolor (24 bity)';
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'Kolor (24 bity)';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'Cz/b (8 bitów)';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'Cz/b (8 bitów)';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'Aktualny';
$zmSlangActual = 'Aktualny';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Dodaj nowy monitor';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Dodaj nowy monitor';
@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Control Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Cykl podgl±du';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Cykl podgl±du';
$zmSlangDay = 'Dzieñ';
$zmSlangDay = 'Dzieñ';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Usuñ & nastêpny';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Usuñ & nastêpny';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Usuñ & poprzedni';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Usuñ & poprzedni';
$zmSlangDeleteSavedFilter = 'Usuñ zapisany filtr';
$zmSlangDeleteSavedFilter = 'Usuñ zapisany filtr';
@ -203,11 +205,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = 'Opis';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Numer wej¶cia w urz±dzeniu';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Numer wej¶cia w urz±dzeniu';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'System TV (0=PAL,1=NTSC itd)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'System TV (0=PAL,1=NTSC itd)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Numer urz±dzenia (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Numer urz±dzenia (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Rozmiary';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Rozmiary';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Dysk';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Dysk';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Czas trwania';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Czas trwania';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Edycja';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Edycja';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Zezwolono';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Zezwolono';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Wpisz now± nazwê filtra';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Wpisz now± nazwê filtra';
$zmSlangError = 'B³±d';
$zmSlangError = 'B³±d';
@ -235,12 +250,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Dostarcz';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Dostarcz';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filtr Px';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filtr Px';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Pierwszy';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Pierwszy';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Wymu¶ alarm';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Wymu¶ alarm';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Raport (ramek/s)';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Raport (ramek/s)';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'Nr ramki';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'Nr ramki';
@ -286,6 +306,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = 'J
$zmSlangLast = 'Ostatni';
$zmSlangLast = 'Ostatni';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'wyników;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'wyników;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Ogranicz do pocz±tkowych'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Ogranicz do pocz±tkowych'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Obc.';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Obc.';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Lokalny';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Lokalny';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Zalogowany jako';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Zalogowany jako';
@ -298,6 +319,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'Znacznik';
$zmSlangMark = 'Znacznik';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Maks.<br/>wynik';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Maks.<br/>wynik';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
@ -397,6 +419,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'nie pasuj
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OpcjePomoc';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OpcjePomoc';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Te zmiany nie przynios± natychmiastowego efektu\ndopóki system pracuje. Kiedy zakoñczysz robiæ zmiany\nproszê koniecznie zrestartowaæ ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Te zmiany nie przynios± natychmiastowego efektu\ndopóki system pracuje. Kiedy zakoñczysz robiæ zmiany\nproszê koniecznie zrestartowaæ ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opcje';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opcje';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'lub wpisz now± nazwê';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'lub wpisz now± nazwê';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientacja';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientacja';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -456,6 +479,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Ustawienia';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Ustawienia';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'Poka¿OknoFiltru';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'Poka¿OknoFiltru';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Nara.';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Nara.';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sortuj';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sortuj';
@ -487,6 +512,7 @@ $zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTime = 'Czas';
$zmSlangTime = 'Czas';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Ró¿nica czasu';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Ró¿nica czasu';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'Czas';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'Czas';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Format etykiety czasu';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Format etykiety czasu';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Wsp. X etykiety czasu';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Wsp. X etykiety czasu';
@ -519,8 +545,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'Przypomnij po 1 godzinie';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Nie przypominaj o nowych wersjach';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Nie przypominaj o nowych wersjach';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Przypomnij po 1 tygodniu';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Przypomnij po 1 tygodniu';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Wersja';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Wersja';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Generowanie filmu Video nie powiod³o siê!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Generowanie filmu Video nie powiod³o siê!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametery generowania filmu Video';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametery generowania filmu Video';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Rozmiar filmu Video';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Rozmiar filmu Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Poka¿ wszystko';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Poka¿ wszystko';
@ -529,6 +559,7 @@ $zmSlangView = 'Podgl
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Ignorowane ramki';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Ignorowane ramki';
$zmSlangWatch = 'podgl±d';
$zmSlangWatch = 'podgl±d';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Tydzieñ';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Tydzieñ';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'cor 24 bits';
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'cor 24 bits';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'cinza 8 bits';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'cinza 8 bits';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'Atual';
$zmSlangActual = 'Atual';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Adicionar Monitor';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Adicionar Monitor';
@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Control Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Ciclo Monitor';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Ciclo Monitor';
$zmSlangDay = 'Dia';
$zmSlangDay = 'Dia';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Deletar & Próx';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Deletar & Próx';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Deletar & Ant';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Deletar & Ant';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Deletar';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Deletar';
@ -142,11 +144,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = 'Descri
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canal do Dispositivo';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canal do Dispositivo';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Formato do Dispos. (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Formato do Dispos. (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Num. do Dispos. (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Num. do Dispos. (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensões';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensões';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disco';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disco';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Duração';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Duração';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Editar';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Editar';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Habilitado';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Habilitado';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Digite nome do novo filtro';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Digite nome do novo filtro';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Por favor cheque se você tem o mesmo numero de chaves abertas e fechadas';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Por favor cheque se você tem o mesmo numero de chaves abertas e fechadas';
@ -174,12 +189,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Alimentar';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Alimentar';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Px de Filtro';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Px de Filtro';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Primeiro';
$zmSlangFirst = 'Primeiro';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Forçar Alarme';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Forçar Alarme';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Intervalo de mostragem FPS';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Intervalo de mostragem FPS';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'Id de Imagem';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'Id de Imagem';
@ -225,6 +245,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = 'Linguagem';
$zmSlangLast = 'Último';
$zmSlangLast = 'Último';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'resultados somente;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'resultados somente;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limitar aos primeiros'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limitar aos primeiros'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Carga';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Carga';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Local';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Local';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Conectado como';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Conectado como';
@ -237,6 +258,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'Marcar';
$zmSlangMark = 'Marcar';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Max.<br/>Score';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Max.<br/>Score';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
@ -336,6 +358,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'n
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OpçãoAjuda';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OpçãoAjuda';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Reinicie o Zoneminder para que as mudanças tenham efeito';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Reinicie o Zoneminder para que as mudanças tenham efeito';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opções';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opções';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'ou defina novo nome';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'ou defina novo nome';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientação';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientação';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -395,6 +418,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Configurações';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Configurações';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'MostrarJanelaDeFiltros';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'MostrarJanelaDeFiltros';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'mostrar por';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'mostrar por';
@ -425,6 +450,7 @@ $zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Tempo Delta';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Tempo Delta';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Formato de etiqueta de tempo';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Formato de etiqueta de tempo';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'posição de etiqueta X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'posição de etiqueta X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'posição de etiqueta Y';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'posição de etiqueta Y';
@ -458,8 +484,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'Lembre novamente em 1 hora';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Nao lembrar novas versões';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Nao lembrar novas versões';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Lembrar novamente em 1 semana';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Lembrar novamente em 1 semana';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versão';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versão';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Geração de Vídeo falhou!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Geração de Vídeo falhou!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametros de geração de vídeo';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametros de geração de vídeo';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Tamanho do vídeo';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Tamanho do vídeo';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Ver Tudo';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Ver Tudo';
@ -468,6 +498,7 @@ $zmSlangView = 'Ver';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Imagens Desconsideradas';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Imagens Desconsideradas';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Assistir';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Assistir';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Semana';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Semana';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ setlocale( LC_ALL, 'ro_RO' );
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'Color ân 24 biţi';
$zmSlang24BitColour = 'Color ân 24 biţi';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'Scală gri ân 8 biţi';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = 'Scală gri ân 8 biţi';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'Real';
$zmSlangActual = 'Real';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Adaugă control nou';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Adaugă control nou';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Adaugă monitor';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'Adaugă monitor';
@ -165,6 +166,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Tip control';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Ciclu';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Ciclu';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Vizual. ciclu';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Vizual. ciclu';
$zmSlangDay = 'Zi';
$zmSlangDay = 'Zi';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Şterge';
$zmSlangDelete = 'Şterge';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Şterge & Următor';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Şterge & Următor';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Şterge & Precedent';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Şterge & Precedent';
@ -173,11 +175,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = 'Descriere';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canal dispozitiv';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canal dispozitiv';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Format dispozitiv(0=PAL,1=NTSC)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Format dispozitiv(0=PAL,1=NTSC)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Număr dispozitiv (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Număr dispozitiv (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensiuni';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensiuni';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disc';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disc';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Durata';
$zmSlangDuration = 'Durata';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Modific';
$zmSlangEdit = 'Modific';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Activ';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'Activ';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Introduceti denumire filtru';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Introduceti denumire filtru';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Eroare, va rugam asigurati-va ca toate parantezele se inchid';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Eroare, va rugam asigurati-va ca toate parantezele se inchid';
@ -205,12 +220,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'First';
$zmSlangFirst = 'First';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focalizare';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focalizare';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Alarmă forţată';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Alarmă forţată';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'FPS';
$zmSlangFPS = 'FPS';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Interval raport FPS';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'Interval raport FPS';
$zmSlangFrame = 'Cadru';
$zmSlangFrame = 'Cadru';
@ -256,6 +276,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = 'Limbă';
$zmSlangLast = 'Ultim';
$zmSlangLast = 'Ultim';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'rezultate';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'rezultate';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limitează la primele';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limitează la primele';
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Local';
$zmSlangLocal = 'Local';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Eşti conectat ca';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Eşti conectat ca';
@ -268,6 +289,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'Select';
$zmSlangMark = 'Select';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Cota<br/>max';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Cota<br/>max';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Raza focalizare max';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Raza focalizare max';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Viteză focalizare max';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Viteză focalizare max';
@ -367,6 +389,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'nu se potriveste';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionHelp';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionHelp';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Aceste schimbari nu se aplica in timpul rularii.\n Dupa ce ati terminat setarile va rugam reporniti ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'Aceste schimbari nu se aplica in timpul rularii.\n Dupa ce ati terminat setarile va rugam reporniti ZoneMinder.';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opţiuni';
$zmSlangOptions = 'Opţiuni';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'sau denumire nouă';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'sau denumire nouă';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientare';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientare';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -426,6 +449,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Setări';
$zmSlangSettings = 'Setări';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'Fereastra filtre';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'Fereastra filtre';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Cres';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Cres';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sortează după';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sortează după';
@ -456,6 +481,7 @@ $zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Miniatură';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Miniatură';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Înclinare';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Înclinare';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Time Delta';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Time Delta';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'Format timp';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'Format timp';
$zmSlangTimeStamp = 'Format timp';
$zmSlangTimeStamp = 'Format timp';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Format eticheta format timp';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Format eticheta format timp';
@ -489,8 +515,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'Aminteşte-mi peste 1 oră';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Nu aminti despre versiuni noi';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Nu aminti despre versiuni noi';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Aminteşte-mi peste 1 săptămână';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Aminteşte-mi peste 1 săptămână';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versiune';
$zmSlangVersion = 'Versiune';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Generare video esuata!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Generare video esuata!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametrii generare video';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Parametrii generare video';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Mărime video';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'Mărime video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangVideo = 'Video';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Vizual. tot';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'Vizual. tot';
@ -499,6 +529,7 @@ $zmSlangView = 'Vizual';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Warmup Frames';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Warmup Frames';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Watch';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Watch';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeb = 'Web';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Săpt.';
$zmSlangWeek = 'Săpt.';
$zmSlangWhite = 'Alb';
$zmSlangWhite = 'Alb';
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ header( "Content-Type: text/html; charset=koi8-r" );
// Simple String Replacements
// Simple String Replacements
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24 ÂÉÔÎÙÊ Ã×ÅÔ';
$zmSlang24BitColour = '24 ÂÉÔÎÙÊ Ã×ÅÔ';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '256 ÏÔÔÅÎËÏ× ÓÅÒÏÇÏ';
$zmSlang8BitGrey = '256 ÏÔÔÅÎËÏ× ÓÅÒÏÇÏ';
$zmSlangAction = 'Action';
$zmSlangActual = 'äÅÊÓÔ×ÉÔÅÌØÎÙÊ';
$zmSlangActual = 'äÅÊÓÔ×ÉÔÅÌØÎÙÊ';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewControl = 'Add New Control';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'äÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ';
$zmSlangAddNewMonitor = 'äÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ';
@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ $zmSlangControlType = 'Control Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'ãÉËÌÉÞÅÓËÉÊ ÐÒÏÓÍÏÔÒ';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'ãÉËÌÉÞÅÓËÉÊ ÐÒÏÓÍÏÔÒ';
$zmSlangDay = 'äÅÎØ';
$zmSlangDay = 'äÅÎØ';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'õÄÁÌÉÔØ & ÓÌÅÄ.';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'õÄÁÌÉÔØ & ÓÌÅÄ.';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'õÄÁÌÉÔØ & ÐÒÅÄ.';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'õÄÁÌÉÔØ & ÐÒÅÄ.';
$zmSlangDelete = 'õÄÁÌÉÔØ';
$zmSlangDelete = 'õÄÁÌÉÔØ';
@ -203,11 +205,24 @@ $zmSlangDescription = '
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'ëÁÎÁÌ';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'ëÁÎÁÌ';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'æÏÒÍÁÔ (0=PAL,1=NTSC É Ô.Ä.)';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'æÏÒÍÁÔ (0=PAL,1=NTSC É Ô.Ä.)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'îÏÍÅÒ ÕÓÔÒÏÊÓÔ×Á (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'îÏÍÅÒ ÕÓÔÒÏÊÓÔ×Á (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'òÁÚÍÅÒÙ';
$zmSlangDimensions = 'òÁÚÍÅÒÙ';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.<br><br>If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.<br><br>Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = 'äÌÉÔÅÌØÎÏÓÔØ';
$zmSlangDuration = 'äÌÉÔÅÌØÎÏÓÔØ';
$zmSlangEdit = 'òÅÄÁËÔÉÒÏ×ÁÎÉÅ';
$zmSlangEdit = 'òÅÄÁËÔÉÒÏ×ÁÎÉÅ';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEmail = 'Email';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'ÒÁÚÒÅÛÅÎ';
$zmSlangEnabled = 'ÒÁÚÒÅÛÅÎ';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = '÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÎÏ×ÏÅ ÎÁÚ×ÁÎÉÅ ÆÉÌØÔÒÁ';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = '÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÎÏ×ÏÅ ÎÁÚ×ÁÎÉÅ ÆÉÌØÔÒÁ';
@ -235,12 +250,17 @@ $zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFeed = 'Feed';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'ðËÓ ÆÉÌØÔÒÁ';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'ðËÓ ÆÉÌØÔÒÁ';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = 'ðÅÒ×ÙÊ';
$zmSlangFirst = 'ðÅÒ×ÙÊ';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = '÷ËÌÀÞÉÔØ ÔÒÅ×ÏÇÕ';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = '÷ËÌÀÞÉÔØ ÔÒÅ×ÏÇÕ';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'Ë/c';
$zmSlangFPS = 'Ë/c';
$zmSlangFrame = 'ëÁÄÒ';
$zmSlangFrame = 'ëÁÄÒ';
@ -286,6 +306,7 @@ $zmSlangLanguage = '
$zmSlangLast = 'ðÏÓÌÅÄÎÉÊ';
$zmSlangLast = 'ðÏÓÌÅÄÎÉÊ';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLocal = 'ìÏËÁÌØÎÙÊ';
$zmSlangLocal = 'ìÏËÁÌØÎÙÊ';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌØ';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌØ';
@ -298,6 +319,7 @@ $zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = 'íÅÔËÁ';
$zmSlangMark = 'íÅÔËÁ';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'íÁËÓ.<br/>ÏÃÅÎËÁ';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'íÁËÓ.<br/>ÏÃÅÎËÁ';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
@ -397,6 +419,7 @@ $zmSlangOpNotMatches = '
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionHelp';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionHelp';
$zmSlangOptions = 'ïÐÃÉÉ';
$zmSlangOptions = 'ïÐÃÉÉ';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'ÉÌÉ ××ÅÄÉÔÅ ÎÏ×ÏÅ ÉÍÑ';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'ÉÌÉ ××ÅÄÉÔÅ ÎÏ×ÏÅ ÉÍÑ';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'ïÒÉÅÎÔÁÃÉÑ';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'ïÒÉÅÎÔÁÃÉÑ';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
@ -456,6 +479,8 @@ $zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = 'îÁÓÔÒÏÊËÉ';
$zmSlangSettings = 'îÁÓÔÒÏÊËÉ';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'ðÏËÁÚÁÔØ ÏËÎÏ ÆÉÌØÔÒÁ';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'ðÏËÁÚÁÔØ ÏËÎÏ ÆÉÌØÔÒÁ';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sort by';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sort by';
@ -486,6 +511,7 @@ $zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'ïÔÎÏÓÉÔÅÌØÎÏÅ ×ÒÅÍÑ';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'ïÔÎÏÓÉÔÅÌØÎÏÅ ×ÒÅÍÑ';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTime = '÷ÒÅÍÑ';
$zmSlangTime = '÷ÒÅÍÑ';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'íÅÔËÁ ×ÒÅÍÅÎÉ';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'íÅÔËÁ ×ÒÅÍÅÎÉ';
$zmSlangTimeStamp = 'íÅÔËÁ ×ÒÅÍÅÎÉ';
$zmSlangTimeStamp = 'íÅÔËÁ ×ÒÅÍÅÎÉ';
@ -520,8 +546,12 @@ $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = '
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'îÅ ÇÏ×ÏÒÉÔØ Ï ÎÏ×ÙÈ ×ÅÒÓÉÑÈ';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'îÅ ÇÏ×ÏÒÉÔØ Ï ÎÏ×ÙÈ ×ÅÒÓÉÑÈ';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'îÁÐÏÍÎÉÔØ ÞÅÒÅÚ ÎÅÄÅÌÀ';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'îÁÐÏÍÎÉÔØ ÞÅÒÅÚ ÎÅÄÅÌÀ';
$zmSlangVideo = '÷ÉÄÅÏ';
$zmSlangVideo = '÷ÉÄÅÏ';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'ïÛÉÂËÁ ÇÅÎÅÒÁÃÉÉ ×ÉÄÅÏ!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'ïÛÉÂËÁ ÇÅÎÅÒÁÃÉÉ ×ÉÄÅÏ!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'ðÁÒÁÍÅÔÒÙ ÇÅÎÅÒÁÃÉÉ ×ÉÄÅÏ';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'ðÁÒÁÍÅÔÒÙ ÇÅÎÅÒÁÃÉÉ ×ÉÄÅÏ';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'òÁÚÍÅÒ ÉÚÏÂÒÁÖÅÎÉÑ';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'òÁÚÍÅÒ ÉÚÏÂÒÁÖÅÎÉÑ';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'ðÒÏÓÍ. ×ÓÅ';
$zmSlangViewAll = 'ðÒÏÓÍ. ×ÓÅ';
$zmSlangView = 'ðÒÏÓÍÏÔÒ';
$zmSlangView = 'ðÒÏÓÍÏÔÒ';
@ -529,6 +559,7 @@ $zmSlangViewPaged = '
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'ëÁÄÒÙ ÒÁÚÏÇÒÅ×Á';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'ëÁÄÒÙ ÒÁÚÏÇÒÅ×Á';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Watch';
$zmSlangWatch = 'Watch';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeb = 'éÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓ';
$zmSlangWeb = 'éÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓ';
$zmSlangWeek = 'îÅÄÅÌÑ';
$zmSlangWeek = 'îÅÄÅÌÑ';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
Reference in New Issue