Update ImageAnalyser class

This commit is contained in:
manupap1 2014-11-11 22:46:58 +01:00
parent 199f399caf
commit 2796995d29
2 changed files with 548 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
#include "zm_image_analyser.h"
ImageAnalyser::ImageAnalyser( int nMonitorId )
if ( nMonitorId > 0 )
m_nMonitorId = nMonitorId;
m_bIsAnalyserEnabled = getMonitorZones();
m_bIsAnalyserEnabled = false;
m_bIsNativeDetEnabled = false;
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::ImageAnalyser(const ImageAnalyser& source)
* \param source is the object to copy
@ -33,32 +43,445 @@ ImageAnalyser::~ImageAnalyser()
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::DoDetection(const Image &comp_image, Zone** zones, int n_numZones, Event::StringSetMap noteSetMap, std::string& det_cause)
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::DoDetection(const Image &comp_image, Zone** zones, Event::StringSetMap noteSetMap, string& det_cause)
* \param comp_image is the image to analyse
* \param zones is the zones array to analyse
* \param n_numZones is the number of zones
* \param noteSetMap is the map of events descriptions
* \param det_cause is a string describing detection cause
* \param score is the plugin score
int ImageAnalyser::DoDetection(const Image &comp_image, Zone** zones, int n_numZones, Event::StringSetMap noteSetMap, std::string& det_cause)
bool ImageAnalyser::DoDetection(const Image &comp_image, Zone** zones, Event::StringSetMap& noteSetMap, string& det_cause, unsigned int& score)
Event::StringSet zoneSet;
int score = 0;
score = 0;
bool alarm = false;
for(DetectorsList::iterator It = m_Detectors.begin();
for ( DetectorsList::iterator It = m_Detectors.begin();
It != m_Detectors.end();
++It )
int detect_score = (*It)->Detect(comp_image, zones, n_numZones, zoneSet);
if (detect_score)
unsigned int detect_score = 0;
if ( (*It)->Detect( comp_image, zones, zoneSet, detect_score ) )
alarm = true;
score += detect_score;
noteSetMap[(*It)->getDetectionCause()] = zoneSet;
if (det_cause.length())
det_cause += ", ";
det_cause += (*It)->getDetectionCause();
std::string new_cause = (*It)->getDetectionCause();
noteSetMap[new_cause] = zoneSet;
if ( det_cause.find( new_cause ) == std::string::npos )
if ( det_cause.length() )
det_cause += ", ";
det_cause += new_cause;
return score;
return alarm;
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::configurePlugins(string sConfigFileName)
*\param sConfigFileName is the path to the configuration file, where parameters for all plugins are given.
* \param bDoNativeDet is true if native detection will be performed
void ImageAnalyser::configurePlugins(string sConfigFileName, bool bDoNativeDet)
string sLoadedPlugins;
if ( !m_bIsAnalyserEnabled ) return;
m_bIsNativeDetEnabled = bDoNativeDet;
for ( DetectorsList::iterator It = m_Detectors.begin(); It != m_Detectors.end(); ++It )
string sPluginName = (*It)->getPluginName();
if ( isValidConfigFile( sPluginName, sConfigFileName ) )
Info("Configure plugin '%s' with config file '%s'.", sPluginName.c_str(), sConfigFileName.c_str());
map<unsigned int,map<string,string> > mapPluginConf;
vector<unsigned int> vnPluginZones;
bool plugEnabled = getEnabledZonesForPlugin( sPluginName, vnPluginZones );
if ( getPluginConfig( sPluginName, vnPluginZones, mapPluginConf )
&& (*It)->loadConfig( sConfigFileName, mapPluginConf ) )
mapRegPluginGenConf[sPluginName].Configured = true;
if ( plugEnabled )
(*It)->EnablePlugin( vnPluginZones );
if ( sLoadedPlugins.length() )
sLoadedPlugins += ", ";
sLoadedPlugins += "'" + sPluginName + "'";
Error("Plugin '%s' couldn't be loaded", sPluginName.c_str());
getZonesConfig( sLoadedPlugins );
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::isValidConfigFile(string sPluginName, string sConfigFileName)
* \param sPluginName is the name of the plugin (filename without extension)
* \param sConfigFileName is the path to the configuration file which should include configuration directives for the plugin
* \return true if the config file contains the right section name
bool ImageAnalyser::isValidConfigFile(string sPluginName, string sConfigFileName)
ifstream ifs(sConfigFileName.c_str());
string line;
bool rtnVal = false;
while (getline(ifs, line))
if (line == "[" + sPluginName + "]")
rtnVal = true;
return rtnVal;
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::getMonitorZones()
* \return true if at least a zone is configured for the monitor
bool ImageAnalyser::getMonitorZones()
static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];
// We use the same ordering as in Monitor::Load
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT `Id`, `Name`, `Type` FROM `Zones` WHERE `MonitorId` = %d ORDER BY `Type`, `Id`;", m_nMonitorId);
if (mysql_query(&dbconn, sql))
Error("Can't run query: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(&dbconn);
if (!result)
Error("Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
if (mysql_num_rows(result) > 0)
for (unsigned int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row(result); i++)
if (mysql_errno(&dbconn))
Error("Can't fetch row: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
zSetting zone;
zone.id = (unsigned int)strtoul(dbrow[0], NULL, 0);
zone.name = string(dbrow[1]);
zone.type = string(dbrow[2]);
return ( m_vMonitorZones.size() );
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::getPluginConfig(string sPluginName, map<unsigned int,map<string,string> >& mapPluginConf)
* \param sPluginName is the name of the plugin (filename without extension)
* \param vnPluginZones is a vector containing the index of zones enabled for the plugin (not the zone Id in the database)
* \param mapPluginConf is the map filled with configuration parameters for the plugin
* \return true if all found parameters are applied to the map
bool ImageAnalyser::getPluginConfig(string sPluginName, vector<unsigned int> vnPluginZones, map<unsigned int,map<string,string> >& mapPluginConf)
static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];
// Get plugin configuration parameters from `PluginsConfig` table
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT `ZoneId`, `Name`, `Value` FROM `PluginsConfig` WHERE `MonitorId`=%d AND `pluginName`='%s' ORDER BY `ZoneId` ASC;", m_nMonitorId, sPluginName.c_str());
if (mysql_query(&dbconn, sql))
Error("Can't run query: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(&dbconn);
if (!result)
Error("Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
size_t nParamCnt = 0;
size_t nParamNum = mysql_num_rows(result);
if (nParamNum > 0)
vector<MYSQL_ROW> vRows;
for (unsigned int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row(result); i++)
if (mysql_errno(&dbconn))
Error("Can't fetch row: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
// Iterate over the zones
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vMonitorZones.size(); i++)
// Iterate over the configuration parameters
for (vector<MYSQL_ROW>::iterator it = vRows.begin(); it != vRows.end(); it++)
// Add the parameter to the map if the zone id is found
if ( (unsigned int)strtoul((*it)[0], NULL, 0) == m_vMonitorZones[i].id )
string name((*it)[1]);
string value((*it)[2]);
if((name == "Enabled") && (value == "Yes")) {
mapRegPluginZoneConf[sPluginName][m_vMonitorZones[i].id].Enabled = true;
} else if((name == "RequireNatDet") && (value == "Yes")) {
mapRegPluginZoneConf[sPluginName][m_vMonitorZones[i].id].RequireNatDet = true;
} else if((name == "IncludeNatDet") && (value == "Yes")) {
mapRegPluginZoneConf[sPluginName][m_vMonitorZones[i].id].IncludeNatDet = true;
} else if((name == "ReInitNatDet") && (value == "Yes")) {
mapRegPluginZoneConf[sPluginName][m_vMonitorZones[i].id].ReInitNatDet = true;
// Keep only enabled zones in mapPluginConf
if (binary_search(vnPluginZones.begin(), vnPluginZones.end(), i)) {
mapPluginConf[i][name] = value;
if ( mapRegPluginZoneConf[sPluginName][m_vMonitorZones[i].id].Enabled
&& mapRegPluginZoneConf[sPluginName][m_vMonitorZones[i].id].RequireNatDet
&& !m_bIsNativeDetEnabled )
Warning("Plugin '%s' will never enter in alarm because native detection is required but not enabled", sPluginName.c_str());
return ( nParamNum == nParamCnt );
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::getEnabledZonesForPlugin(string sPluginName, vector<unsigned int>& vnPluginZones)
* \param sPluginName is the name of the plugin (filename without extension)
* \param vnPluginZones is the vector list filled with zones enabled for this plugin
* \return true if at least one active or exclusive zone exist
bool ImageAnalyser::getEnabledZonesForPlugin(string sPluginName, vector<unsigned int>& vnPluginZones)
static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];
bool bPluginEnabled = false;
string sZones;
// Get the sorted list of zones ids which have the plugin enabled
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT `ZoneId` FROM `PluginsConfig` WHERE `MonitorId`=%d AND `pluginName`='%s' AND `Name`='Enabled' AND `Value`='yes' ORDER BY `ZoneId` ASC;", m_nMonitorId, sPluginName.c_str());
if (mysql_query( &dbconn, sql))
Error("Can't run query: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(&dbconn);
if (!result)
Error("Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
if (mysql_num_rows(result) > 0)
vector<unsigned int> vnEnabledZoneIds;
for (unsigned int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row(result); i++)
if (mysql_errno(&dbconn))
Error("Can't fetch row: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
// Iterate over the zones
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vMonitorZones.size(); i++)
if (binary_search(vnEnabledZoneIds.begin(), vnEnabledZoneIds.end(), m_vMonitorZones[i].id))
// Add the index to the vector if the zone id is found
string sZoneType = m_vMonitorZones[i].type;
if ((sZoneType == "Active") || (sZoneType == "Exclusive"))
bPluginEnabled = true;
if ( sZones.length() )
sZones += ", ";
sZones += m_vMonitorZones[i].name + " (" + sZoneType + ")";
if (bPluginEnabled)
Info("Plugin '%s' is enabled for zone(s): %s", sPluginName.c_str(), sZones.c_str());
Info("Plugin '%s' is disabled (not enabled for any active or exclusive zones)", sPluginName.c_str());
return bPluginEnabled;
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::getZonesConfig()
* \param sLoadedPlugins is the formatted list of loaded plugins
bool ImageAnalyser::getZonesConfig(string sLoadedPlugins)
static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];
if ( !sLoadedPlugins.length() ) return false;
// Get the sorted list of zones and which have a setting enabled
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT DISTINCT `ZoneId`, `Name` FROM `PluginsConfig` WHERE `MonitorId` = %d AND `pluginName` IN (%s) AND `Name` IN ('RequireNatDet', 'IncludeNatDet', 'ReInitNatDet') AND `Value` = 'yes' ORDER BY `ZoneId` ASC;", m_nMonitorId, sLoadedPlugins.c_str());
if (mysql_query(&dbconn, sql))
Error("Can't run query: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(&dbconn);
if (!result)
Error("Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
if (mysql_num_rows(result) > 0)
vector<zIdName> vSettings;
for (unsigned int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row(result); i++)
if (mysql_errno(&dbconn))
Error("Can't fetch row: %s", mysql_error(&dbconn));
zIdName setting;
setting.zoneId = (unsigned int)strtoul(dbrow[0], NULL, 0);
setting.name = dbrow[1];
// Iterate over the zones and add the index to the vector if the zone id is found
for (size_t i = 0; i != m_vMonitorZones.size(); i++)
zConf zoneConf;
for (vector<zIdName>::iterator it = vSettings.begin(); it != vSettings.end(); it++)
if (it->zoneId == m_vMonitorZones[i].id)
if (it->name == "RequireNatDet")
zoneConf.RequireNatDet = true;
else if (it->name == "IncludeNatDet")
zoneConf.IncludeNatDet = true;
else if (it->name == "ReInitNatDet")
zoneConf.ReInitNatDet = true;
return true;
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::getZoneConfig(int nZone, zConf& zoneConf)
* \param nZone is the zone index (not the id in sql database)
* \param zoneConf is a structure filled with the plugin settings of nZone
bool ImageAnalyser::getZoneConfig(unsigned int nZone, zConf& zoneConf)
if (nZone < m_vZonesConfig.size())
zoneConf = m_vZonesConfig[nZone];
return false;
return true;
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::getRegPluginGenConf(string sPluginName, pGenConf& regPluginGenConf)
* \param sPluginName is the name of the plugin (filename without extension)
* \param regPluginGenConf is a structure filled with the general settings of the plugin
* \return false if no setting is found
bool ImageAnalyser::getRegPluginGenConf(string sPluginName, pGenConf& regPluginGenConf)
map<string,pGenConf>::iterator it = mapRegPluginGenConf.find( sPluginName );
if ( it == mapRegPluginGenConf.end() )
return false;
regPluginGenConf = it->second;
return true;
/*!\fn ImageAnalyser::getRegPluginZoneConf(string sPluginName, PluginZoneConf& regPluginZoneConf)
* \param sPluginName is the name of the plugin (filename without extension)
* \param regPluginZoneConf is a map filled with the zone settings of the plugin
void ImageAnalyser::getRegPluginZoneConf(string sPluginName, PluginZoneConf& regPluginZoneConf)
map<string,PluginZoneConf>::iterator it = mapRegPluginZoneConf.find( sPluginName );
if ( it != mapRegPluginZoneConf.end() )
regPluginZoneConf = it->second;
pZoneConf empty;
for (size_t i = 0; i != m_vMonitorZones.size(); i++)
PluginZoneConf::iterator it2 = regPluginZoneConf.find( m_vMonitorZones[i].id );
if ( it2 == regPluginZoneConf.end() )
regPluginZoneConf[m_vMonitorZones[i].id] = empty;
void ImageAnalyser::cleanupPlugins()
string sPluginsToKeep;
string sRequest;
static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];
for ( DetectorsList::iterator It = m_Detectors.begin(); It != m_Detectors.end(); ++It )
if ( sPluginsToKeep.length() )
sPluginsToKeep += ", ";
sPluginsToKeep += "'" + (*It)->getPluginName() + "'";
if ( sPluginsToKeep.length() )
sRequest = " AND `pluginName` NOT IN (" + sPluginsToKeep + ")";
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "DELETE FROM `PluginsConfig` WHERE `MonitorId` = %d%s;", m_nMonitorId, sRequest.c_str());
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error( "Can't delete plugint: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) );
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );

View File

@ -7,25 +7,58 @@
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include "zm.h"
#include "zm_detector.h"
#include "zm_image.h"
#include "zm_zone.h"
#include "zm_event.h"
#include "zm_db.h"
using namespace std;
//! List of available detectors.
typedef std::list<Detector *> DetectorsList;
//! A structure to store the general configuration of a plugin
struct pGenConf {
bool Registered;
bool Configured;
//! A structure to store the zone configuration of a plugin
struct pZoneConf {
bool Enabled;
bool RequireNatDet;
bool IncludeNatDet;
bool ReInitNatDet;
//! Map of zone configuration for a plugin
typedef std::map<unsigned int,pZoneConf> PluginZoneConf;
//! Class for handling image detection.
class ImageAnalyser {
//!Default constructor.
ImageAnalyser() {};
ImageAnalyser( int nMonitorId = 0 );
//! Destructor.
@ -36,8 +69,83 @@ class ImageAnalyser {
//! Overloaded operator=.
ImageAnalyser& operator=(const ImageAnalyser& source);
//! Adds new plugin's detector to the list of detectors.
void addDetector(std::auto_ptr<Detector> Det)
//! Do detection in an image by calling all available detectors.
bool DoDetection(const Image &comp_image, Zone** zones, Event::StringSetMap& noteSetMap, std::string& det_cause, unsigned int& score);
//! Configure all loaded plugins using given configuration file.
void configurePlugins(string sConfigFileName, bool bDoNativeDet = 0);
//! Check if the configuration file contains the right section name
bool isValidConfigFile(string sPluginName, string sConfigFileName);
//! Get index of enabled zones for this monitor (same ordering as in Monitor::Load)
bool getMonitorZones();
//! Get plugin configuration from database
bool getPluginConfig(string sPluginName, vector<unsigned int> vnPluginZones, map<unsigned int,map<string,string> >& mapPluginConf);
//! Get enabled zones for the plugin
bool getEnabledZonesForPlugin(string sPluginName, vector<unsigned int>& vnPluginZones);
//! Get zones configuration from database
bool getZonesConfig(string sLoadedPlugins);
//! Get Zone configuration from this class
bool getZoneConfig(unsigned int nZone, zConf& zoneConf);
//! Get the general settings of a registered plugin
bool getRegPluginGenConf(string sPluginName, pGenConf& regPluginGenConf);
//! Get the zone settings of a registered plugin
void getRegPluginZoneConf(string sPluginName, PluginZoneConf& regPluginZoneConf);
//! Remove from db plugins no longer detected
void cleanupPlugins();
//! All available detectors.
DetectorsList m_Detectors;
//! The monitor id
int m_nMonitorId;
//! Native detection is enabled
bool m_bIsNativeDetEnabled;
//! Analyser is enabled
bool m_bIsAnalyserEnabled;
//! A structure to store a plugin parameter
struct zIdName {
unsigned int zoneId;
string name;
//! A vector filled with parameters of zones
vector<zConf> m_vZonesConfig;
//! A structure to store basic settings of a zone
struct zSetting {
unsigned int id;
string name;
string type;
//! A vector filled with settings of zones enabled for the monitor
vector<zSetting> m_vMonitorZones;
//! A map to store the general configuration of registered plugins
map<string,pGenConf> mapRegPluginGenConf;
//! A map to store the zone configuration of registered plugins
map<string,PluginZoneConf> mapRegPluginZoneConf;