Add delete and delete_files methods

This commit is contained in:
Isaac Connor 2015-12-21 12:29:35 -05:00
parent 872e5eff15
commit 2dfab0b408
1 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -276,6 +276,89 @@ sub GenerateVideo {
return; return;
} # end sub GenerateVideo } # end sub GenerateVideo
sub delete {
my $event = $_[0];
Info( "Deleting event $event->{Id} from Monitor $event->{MonitorId}\n" );
# Do it individually to avoid locking up the table for new events
my $sql = "delete from Events where Id = ?";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() );
if ( ! $Config{ZM_OPT_FAST_DELETE} )
my $sql = "delete from Frames where EventId = ?";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() );
$sql = "delete from Stats where EventId = ?";
$sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() );
delete_files( $event );
Debug("Not deleting frames, stats and files for speed.");
} # end sub delete
sub delete_files {
my $Storage = new ZoneMinder::Storage( $_[0]{StorageId} );
my $storage_path = $Storage->Path();
if ( $Config{ZM_USE_DEEP_STORAGE} )
Debug("Deleting files for Event $_[0]{Id} from $storage_path. Storage Id was $_[0]{StorageId}");
my $link_path = $_[0]{MonitorId}."/*/*/*/.".$_[0]{Id};
#Debug( "LP1:$link_path" );
my @links = glob($storage_path.'/'.$link_path);
#Debug( "L:".$links[0].": $!" );
if ( @links )
( $link_path ) = ( $links[0] =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
#Debug( "LP2:$link_path" );
( my $day_path = $link_path ) =~ s/\.\d+//;
#Debug( "DP:$day_path" );
my $event_path = $day_path.readlink( $link_path );
( $event_path ) = ( $event_path =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
#Debug( "EP:$event_path" );
my $command = "/bin/rm -rf $storage_path/$event_path";
#Debug( "C:$command" );
executeShellCommand( $command );
unlink( $link_path ) or Error( "Unable to unlink '$link_path': $!" );
my @path_parts = split( /\//, $event_path );
for ( my $i = int(@path_parts)-2; $i >= 1; $i-- )
my $delete_path = join( '/', @path_parts[0..$i] );
#Debug( "DP$i:$delete_path" );
my @has_files = glob( join('/', $storage_path,$delete_path,'*' ) );
#Debug( "HF1:".$has_files[0] ) if ( @has_files );
last if ( @has_files );
@has_files = glob( join('/', $storage_path, $delete_path, '.[0-9]*' ) );
#Debug( "HF2:".$has_files[0] ) if ( @has_files );
last if ( @has_files );
my $command = "/bin/rm -rf $storage_path/$delete_path";
executeShellCommand( $command );
my $command = "/bin/rm -rf $storage_path/$_[0]{MonitorId}/$_[0]{Id}";
executeShellCommand( $command );
} # end sub delete_files
1; 1;
__END__ __END__
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