Fix event listing when not paginated.

This commit is contained in:
Isaac Connor 2021-11-02 17:23:23 -04:00
parent 8619971864
commit 3208059040
1 changed files with 5 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -239,15 +239,17 @@ function queryRequest($filter, $search, $advsearch, $sort, $offset, $order, $lim
} # end if search
$sql = 'SELECT ' .$col_str. ' FROM `Events` AS E INNER JOIN Monitors AS M ON E.MonitorId = M.Id WHERE '.$search_filter->sql().' ORDER BY ' .$sort. ' ' .$order;
ZM\Debug('Calling the following sql query: ' .$sql);
$filtered_rows = dbFetchAll($sql);
ZM\Debug('Have ' . count($filtered_rows) . ' events matching search filter.');
ZM\Debug('Have ' . count($filtered_rows) . ' events matching search filter: '.$sql);
} else {
$filtered_rows = $unfiltered_rows;
} # end if search_filter->terms() > 1
if ($limit)
$filtered_rows = array_slice($filtered_rows, $offset, $limit);
$returned_rows = array();
foreach ( array_slice($filtered_rows, $offset, $limit) as $row ) {
foreach ($filtered_rows as $row) {
$event = new ZM\Event($row);
$scale = intval(5*100*ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH / $event->Width());