diff --git a/web/lang/big5_big5.php b/web/lang/big5_big5.php
index b28a945e6..af832280b 100644
--- a/web/lang/big5_big5.php
+++ b/web/lang/big5_big5.php
@@ -83,22 +83,22 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AddNewMonitor' => '新增監視',
'AddNewUser' => '新增使用者',
'AddNewZone' => '新增監視區',
+ 'Alarm' => '警報',
'AlarmBrFrames' => '警報
- 'AlarmFrameCount' => '警報框架數',
'AlarmFrame' => '警報框架',
+ 'AlarmFrameCount' => '警報框架數',
'AlarmLimits' => 'Alarm Limits',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
- 'Alarm' => '警報',
'Alert' => '警告',
'All' => '全部',
- 'ApplyingStateChange' => '確定狀態改變',
'Apply' => '確定',
+ 'ApplyingStateChange' => '確定狀態改變',
'ArchArchived' => 'Archived Only',
- 'Archived' => '已存檔',
- 'Archive' => '存檔',
'ArchUnarchived' => 'Unarchived Only',
+ 'Archive' => '存檔',
+ 'Archived' => '已存檔',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Alarm Frames',
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AttrTime' => 'Time',
'AttrTotalScore' => 'Total Score',
'AttrWeekday' => 'Weekday',
- 'AutoStopTimeout' => '時間過自動停止',
'Auto' => '自動',
+ 'AutoStopTimeout' => '時間過自動停止',
'AvgBrScore' => '平均
'Background' => 'Background',
'BackgroundFilter' => 'Run filter in background',
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => '頻寬',
'BlobPx' => 'Blob Px',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'BlobSizes' => 'Blob Sizes',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'Brightness' => '亮度',
'Buffers' => '緩衝',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Can Auto Focus',
@@ -162,22 +162,20 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Can Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Can Auto Zoom',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Cancel Forced Alarm',
- 'Cancel' => '取消',
- 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocus' => 'Can Focus',
+ 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Can Focus Continuous',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Can Focus Relative',
- 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
+ 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
- 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
+ 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
- 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMove' => 'Can Move',
+ 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Can Move Continuous',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Can Move Diagonally',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Can Move Mapped',
@@ -188,16 +186,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Can Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Can Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Can Wake',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Can White Bal. Absolute',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Can White Bal.',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Can White Bal. Continuous',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Can White Bal. Relative',
- 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoom' => 'Can Zoom',
+ 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Can Zoom Continuous',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Can Zoom Relative',
+ 'Cancel' => '取消',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Cancel Forced Alarm',
'CaptureHeight' => '捕捉高度',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => '捕捉格式',
'CaptureWidth' => '捕捉寬度',
'Cause' => '因素',
@@ -217,25 +218,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => '請與系統管理者聯繫.',
'Continue' => '連續',
'Contrast' => 'Contrast',
+ 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlAddress' => 'Control Address',
'ControlCap' => 'Control Capability',
'ControlCaps' => 'Control Capabilities',
- 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlDevice' => 'Control Device',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'ControlType' => 'Control Type',
- 'CycleWatch' => '分區輪流檢視',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Cycle' => '分區輪流檢視',
+ 'CycleWatch' => '分區輪流檢視',
'Day' => '日',
'Debug' => 'debug',
'DefaultRate' => '預設速率',
'DefaultScale' => '預設尺寸',
'DefaultView' => 'Default View',
+ 'Delete' => '刪除',
'DeleteAndNext' => '刪除 & 下一事件',
'DeleteAndPrev' => '刪除 & 上一事件',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => '刪除儲存過濾',
- 'Delete' => '刪除',
'Description' => '描述',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => '裝置通道',
'DeviceFormat' => '裝置格式',
'DeviceNumber' => '裝置編號',
@@ -244,9 +246,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => '尺寸',
'DisableAlarms' => '取消警報',
'Disk' => '磁碟',
+ 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
- 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
@@ -260,60 +262,60 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => '啟動警報',
'Enabled' => '啟用',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Enter new filter name',
+ 'Error' => '錯誤',
'ErrorBrackets' => 'Error, please check you have an equal number of opening and closing brackets',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Error, please check that all terms have a valid value',
- 'Error' => '錯誤',
'Etc' => 'etc',
+ 'Event' => '事件',
'EventFilter' => '事件過濾',
'EventId' => '事件Id',
'EventName' => '事件名稱',
'EventPrefix' => '事件字首',
'Events' => '事件',
- 'Event' => '事件',
'Exclude' => '不包含',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
+ 'Export' => '輸出',
'ExportDetails' => '輸出事件細項',
'ExportFailed' => '輸出失敗',
+ 'ExportFormat' => '輸出檔案格式',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
- 'ExportFormat' => '輸出檔案格式',
'ExportFrames' => '輸出框架細項',
'ExportImageFiles' => '輸出圖片檔',
- 'Exporting' => '輸出中',
'ExportMiscFiles' => '輸出其他檔(若有)',
'ExportOptions' => '輸出選項',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => '輸出影片檔(若有)',
- 'Export' => '輸出',
+ 'Exporting' => '輸出中',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS 報告間距',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Feed',
- 'FileColours' => '檔案色彩',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => '檔案路徑',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => '自動儲存符合項目',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => '自動刪除符合項目',
'FilterEmailEvents' => '自動寄出詳細符合項目',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => '自動執行符合指令',
'FilterMessageEvents' => '自動發出符合訊息',
'FilterPx' => 'Filter Px',
- 'Filters' => '濾鏡',
'FilterUnset' => '您必需設定濾鏡的寬度和高度',
'FilterUploadEvents' => '自動上傳符合項目',
'FilterVideoEvents' => '自動產生符合的影像檔',
+ 'Filters' => '濾鏡',
'First' => 'First',
'FlippedHori' => '水平反轉',
'FlippedVert' => '垂直反轉',
'Focus' => 'Focus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Force Alarm',
'Format' => '格式',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS 報告間距',
+ 'Frame' => '框架',
'FrameId' => '框架 Id',
'FrameRate' => '框架速率',
'FrameSkip' => '框架忽略',
'Frames' => '框架',
- 'Frame' => '框架',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Func' => 'Func',
'Function' => '功能',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -335,25 +337,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'HasTurboTilt' => 'Has Turbo Tilt',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'Has White Bal. Speed',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'Has Zoom Speed',
- 'HighBW' => 'High B/W',
'High' => '高',
+ 'HighBW' => 'High B/W',
'Home' => 'Home',
'Hour' => '時',
'Hue' => 'Hue',
'Id' => 'Id',
'Idle' => 'Idle',
'Ignore' => 'Ignore',
+ 'Image' => '影像',
'ImageBufferSize' => '影像緩衝大小',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Image' => '影像',
- 'Include' => '包含',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => '包含',
'Inverted' => '反轉',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => '語言',
'Last' => 'Last',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'results only;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Limit to first', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -364,12 +367,14 @@ $SLANG = array(
'LoggingIn' => '登入中... 請稍後...',
'Login' => '登入',
'Logout' => '登出',
- 'LowBW' => 'Low B/W',
'Low' => '低',
+ 'LowBW' => 'Low B/W',
'Main' => 'Main',
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => '標註',
+ 'Max' => 'Max',
+ 'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max Bandwidth', // Added - 2009-02-08
'MaxBrScore' => '最高
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max Focus Range',
'MaxFocusSpeed' => 'Max Focus Speed',
@@ -377,11 +382,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => '最大每秒框架數 fps',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
- 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max Pan Range',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max Pan Speed',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max Pan Step',
@@ -394,8 +397,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Medium B/W',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => '最大每秒框架數 fps',
'Medium' => '中',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Medium B/W',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum blob area should be less than maximum',
@@ -430,11 +434,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Min Zoom Speed',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Min Zoom Step',
'Misc' => '細項',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Ids',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
- 'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
- 'Monitors' => '監視',
'Monitor' => '監視',
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Ids',
+ 'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
+ 'Monitors' => '監視',
'Montage' => '全部顯示',
'Month' => '月',
'Move' => '移動',
@@ -446,60 +450,60 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => '名稱',
'Near' => 'Near',
'Network' => 'Network',
+ 'New' => '新增',
'NewGroup' => '新群組',
'NewLabel' => 'New Label',
'NewPassword' => '新密碼',
'NewState' => '新狀態',
'NewUser' => '新使用者',
- 'New' => '新增',
'Next' => '下一步',
- 'NoFramesRecorded' => 'There are no frames recorded for this event',
- 'NoGroups' => 'No groups have been defined',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'None available',
- 'None' => '無選取',
'No' => 'No',
- 'Normal' => 'Normal',
+ 'NoFramesRecorded' => 'There are no frames recorded for this event',
+ 'NoGroup' => 'No Group', // Added - 2009-02-08
'NoSavedFilters' => 'NoSavedFilters',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'There are no statistics recorded for this event/frame',
+ 'None' => '無選取',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'None available',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Open',
'OpEq' => 'equal to',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'greater than or equal to',
'OpGt' => 'greater than',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'greater than or equal to',
'OpIn' => 'in set',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'less than or equal to',
'OpLt' => 'less than',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'less than or equal to',
'OpMatches' => 'matches',
'OpNe' => 'not equal to',
'OpNotIn' => 'not in set',
'OpNotMatches' => 'does not match',
+ 'Open' => 'Open',
'OptionHelp' => 'OptionHelp',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'These changes may not come into effect fully\nwhile the system is running. When you have\nfinished making your changes please ensure that\nyou restart ZoneMinder.',
'Options' => '銓垣專用',//進階選項
- 'Order' => '順序',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'or enter new name',
+ 'Order' => '順序',
'Orientation' => '方向',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Overwrite Existing',
'Paged' => 'Paged',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => '參數',
- 'PasswordsDifferent' => 'The new and confirm passwords are different',
'Password' => '密碼',
+ 'PasswordsDifferent' => 'The new and confirm passwords are different',
'Paths' => 'Paths',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Phone B/W',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Phone B/W',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => 'pixels',
- 'PlayAll' => '全部播放',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => '全部播放',
'PleaseWait' => 'Please Wait',
'Point' => '點',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => '後置事件影像緩衝',
@@ -514,21 +518,23 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => '錄影',
'RefImageBlendPct' => '參考影像混合 %ge',
'Refresh' => '更新',
+ 'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => '遠端主機名稱',
'RemoteHostPath' => '遠端主機路徑',
'RemoteHostPort' => '遠端主機端口',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Remote Image Colours',
- 'Remote' => 'Remote',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => '重新命名',
+ 'Replay' => '重新播放',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'Replay' => '重新播放',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
- 'Restarting' => 'Restarting',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Restart' => '重新啟動',
+ 'Restarting' => 'Restarting',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Restricted Camera Ids',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Restricted Monitors',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Return Delay',
@@ -537,21 +543,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Rotate Left',
'RotateRight' => 'Rotate Right',
'RunMode' => '監視模式',
- 'Running' => '運行中',
'RunState' => '運作狀態',
+ 'Running' => '運行中',
+ 'Save' => '存檔',
'SaveAs' => '儲存為',
'SaveFilter' => 'Save Filter',
- 'Save' => '存檔',
'Scale' => 'Scale',
'Score' => '分數',
'Secs' => 'Secs',
'Sectionlength' => '片段長度',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => '選取',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
+ 'Set' => 'Set',
'SetNewBandwidth' => '設定新頻寬速度',
'SetPreset' => 'Set Preset',
- 'Set' => 'Set',
'Settings' => 'Settings',
'ShowFilterWindow' => '顯示過濾視窗',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Show Timeline',
@@ -561,40 +567,44 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortAsc' => 'Asc',
'SortBy' => 'Sort by',
'SortDesc' => 'Desc',
- 'SourceType' => '來源形式',
'Source' => '來源',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourceType' => '來源形式',
+ 'Speed' => '速度',
'SpeedHigh' => '高 速',
'SpeedLow' => '低 速',
'SpeedMedium' => '中速',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turbo Speed',
- 'Speed' => '速度',
'Start' => 'Start',
'State' => 'State',
'Stats' => 'Stats',
'Status' => 'Status',
+ 'Step' => 'Step',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Large Step',
'StepMedium' => 'Medium Step',
'StepNone' => 'No Step',
'StepSmall' => 'Small Step',
- 'Step' => 'Step',
'Stills' => '靜止',
- 'Stopped' => '已停止',
'Stop' => '停止',
- 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
+ 'Stopped' => '已停止',
'Stream' => '串流',
+ 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Submit' => 'Submit',
'System' => 'System',
'Tele' => 'Tele',
'Thumbnail' => '小圖檢視',
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
+ 'Time' => '時間',
'TimeDelta' => 'Time Delta',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Time Stamp', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'Timeline' => 'Timeline', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'Timestamp' => '時間格式',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => '時間標示格式',
'TimestampLabelX' => '時間標示 X',
'TimestampLabelY' => '時間標示 Y',
- 'Timestamp' => '時間格式',
- 'Time' => '時間',
'Today' => 'Today',
'Tools' => 'Tools',
'TotalBrScore' => '全部
@@ -605,73 +615,68 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo Tilt Speed',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Unarchive' => '不存檔',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Units',
'Unknown' => 'Unknown',
+ 'Update' => 'Update', // Added - 2009-02-08
'UpdateAvailable' => 'An update to ZoneMinder is available.',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'No update is necessary.',
+ 'UseFilter' => 'Use Filter',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' filter expressions', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Use ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
- 'UseFilter' => 'Use Filter',
+ 'User' => 'User',
'Username' => '使用者名稱',
'Users' => 'Users',
- 'User' => 'User',
'Value' => '設定值',
+ 'Version' => '版本',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ignore this version',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Remind again in 1 day',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Remind again in 1 hour',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Don\'t remind about new versions',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Remind again in 1 week',
- 'Version' => '版本',
- 'VideoGenFailed' => '輸出影片失敗!',
- 'VideoGenParms' => '輸出影片參數',
- 'VideoSize' => '影片尺寸',
'Video' => 'Video',
- 'ViewAll' => '全部檢視',
- 'ViewPaged' => '分頁檢視',
+ 'VideoFormat' => 'Video Format', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'VideoGenFailed' => '輸出影片失敗!',
+ 'VideoGenFiles' => 'Existing Video Files', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'VideoGenNoFiles' => 'No Video Files Found', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'VideoGenParms' => '輸出影片參數',
+ 'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Video Generation Succeeded!', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'VideoSize' => '影片尺寸',
'View' => '檢視',
+ 'ViewAll' => '全部檢視',
+ 'ViewEvent' => 'View Event', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'ViewPaged' => '分頁檢視',
'Wake' => 'Wake',
'WarmupFrames' => '熱機框架',
'Watch' => 'Watch',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Week' => '週',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'White' => 'White',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'Wide' => 'Wide',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10 Activation String',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10 Input Alarm String',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10 Output Alarm String',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Yes' => 'Yes',
'YouNoPerms' => 'You do not have permissions to access this resource.',
- 'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Alarm Colour (Red/Green/Blue)',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zone',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Alarm Colour (RGB)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
- 'ZoneFilterHeight' => 'Filter Height (pixels)',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filter Width/Height (pixels)',
- 'ZoneFilterWidth' => 'Filter Width (pixels)',
- 'ZoneMaxAlarmedArea' => 'Maximum Alarmed Area',
- 'ZoneMaxBlobArea' => 'Maximum Blob Area',
- 'ZoneMaxBlobs' => 'Maximum Blobs',
- 'ZoneMaxFilteredArea' => 'Maximum Filtered Area',
- 'ZoneMaxX' => 'Maximum X (right)',
- 'ZoneMaxY' => 'Maximum Y (bottom)',
- 'ZoneMinAlarmedArea' => 'Minimum Alarmed Area',
- 'ZoneMinBlobArea' => 'Minimum Blob Area',
- 'ZoneMinBlobs' => 'Minimum Blobs',
- 'ZoneMinFilteredArea' => 'Minimum Filtered Area',
'ZoneMinMaxAlarmArea' => 'Min/Max Alarmed Area',
'ZoneMinMaxBlobArea' => 'Min/Max Blob Area',
'ZoneMinMaxBlobs' => 'Min/Max Blobs',
'ZoneMinMaxFiltArea' => 'Min/Max Filtered Area',
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
- 'ZoneMinPixelThres' => 'Minimum Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
- 'ZoneMinX' => 'Minimum X (left)',
- 'ZoneMinY' => 'Minimum Y (top)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => '監視區',
- 'Zone' => 'Zone',
'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
+ 'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom In', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom Out', // Added - 2009-02-08
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -806,3 +811,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/cs_cz.php b/web/lang/cs_cz.php
index aed99648a..056343fcf 100644
--- a/web/lang/cs_cz.php
+++ b/web/lang/cs_cz.php
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'Alert' => 'Pozor',
'All' => 'Vechny',
- 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Aplikuji zmnu stavu',
'Apply' => 'Pout',
+ 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Aplikuji zmnu stavu',
'ArchArchived' => 'Pouze archivovan',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Pouze nearchivovan',
'Archive' => 'Archiv',
'Archived' => 'Archivovn',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Pouze nearchivovan',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Alarm snmky',
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -158,42 +158,43 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Um auto iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Um automaticky vyvit blou',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Um automaticky zoomovat',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Zastavit sputn alarm',
- 'Cancel' => 'Zruit',
+ 'CanFocus' => 'Um zaostit',
'CanFocusAbs' => 'Um zaostit absolutn',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Um prbn zaostit',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Um relativn zaostit',
- 'CanFocus' => 'Um zaostit',
+ 'CanGain' => 'Um zisk',
'CanGainAbs' => 'Um absolutn zisk',
'CanGainCon' => 'Um prbn zisk',
'CanGainRel' => 'Um relativn zisk',
- 'CanGain' => 'Um zisk',
+ 'CanIris' => 'Um iris',
'CanIrisAbs' => 'Um absolutn iris',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Um prbn iris',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Um relativn iris',
- 'CanIris' => 'Um iris',
+ 'CanMove' => 'Um pohyb',
'CanMoveAbs' => 'Um absoultn pohyb',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Um prbn pohyb',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Um diagonln pohyb',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Um mapovan pohyb',
'CanMoveRel' => 'Um relativn pohyb',
- 'CanMove' => 'Um pohyb',
'CanPan' => 'Um oten',
'CanReset' => 'Um reset',
'CanSetPresets' => 'Um navolit pedvolby',
'CanSleep' => 'Me spt',
'CanTilt' => 'Um nklon',
'CanWake' => 'Lze vzbudit',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Um vyven bl',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Um absolutn vyven bl',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Um vyven bl',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Um prbn vyven bl',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Um relativn vyven bl',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Um vyven bl',
+ 'CanZoom' => 'Um zoom',
'CanZoomAbs' => 'Um absolutn zoom',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Um prbn zoom',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Um relativn zoom',
- 'CanZoom' => 'Um zoom',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Zruit',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Zastavit sputn alarm',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Vka zdrojovho snmku',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Paleta zdrojovho snmku',
'CaptureWidth' => 'ka zdrojovho snmku',
'Cause' => 'Pina',
@@ -213,13 +214,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Pro detailn info kontaktujte Vaeho administrtora.',
'Continue' => 'Pokraovat',
'Contrast' => 'Kontrast',
+ 'Control' => 'zen',
'ControlAddress' => 'Adresa zen',
'ControlCap' => 'Schopnosti zen',
'ControlCaps' => 'Typy zen',
'ControlDevice' => 'Zazen zen',
- 'Controllable' => 'diteln',
'ControlType' => 'Typ zen',
- 'Control' => 'zen',
+ 'Controllable' => 'diteln',
'Cycle' => 'Cyklus',
'CycleWatch' => 'Cyklick prohlen',
'Day' => 'Den',
@@ -227,11 +228,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DefaultRate' => 'Default Rate',
'DefaultScale' => 'Pednastaven velikost',
'DefaultView' => 'Default View',
+ 'Delete' => 'Smazat',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Smazat & Dal',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Smazat & Pedchoz',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Smazat filtr',
- 'Delete' => 'Smazat',
'Description' => 'Popis',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Kanl zazen',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Formt zazen',
'DeviceNumber' => 'slo zarzen',
@@ -240,9 +242,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Rozmry',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Zakzat alarmy',
'Disk' => 'Disk',
+ 'Donate' => 'Prosm podpote',
'DonateAlready' => 'Ne, u jsem podpoil',
'DonateEnticement' => 'Ji njakou dobu pouvte software ZoneMinder k ochran svho majetku a pedpokldm, e jej shledvte uitenm. Pestoe je ZoneMinder, znovu pipomnm, zdarma a voln en software, stoj jeho vvoj a podpora njak penze. Pokud byste chtl/a podpoit budouc vvoj a nov monosti softwaru, prosm zvate darovn finann pomoci. Darovn je, samozejm, dobrovoln, ale zato velmi cenn mete pispt jakou stkou chcete.
Pokud mte zjem podpoit n tm, prosm, vyberte ne uvedenou monost, nebo navtivte http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html.
Dkuji Vm e jste si vybral/a software ZoneMinder a nezapomete navtvit frum na ZoneMinder.com pro podporu a nvrhy jak udlat ZoneMinder jet lepm ne je dnes.',
- 'Donate' => 'Prosm podpote',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Nyn ne, pipomenout za 1 den',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Nyn ne, pipomenout za hodinu',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Nyn ne, pipomenout za msc',
@@ -256,35 +258,38 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Povolit alarmy',
'Enabled' => 'Povoleno',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Zadejte nov jmno filtru',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Chyba, zkontrolujte prosm zvorky',
'Error' => 'Chyba',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Chyba, zkontrolujte prosm zvorky',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Chyba, zkontrolujte e podmnky maj sprvn hodnoty',
'Etc' => 'atd',
+ 'Event' => 'Zznam',
'EventFilter' => 'Filtr zznam',
'EventId' => 'Id zznamu',
'EventName' => 'Jmno zznamu',
'EventPrefix' => 'Prefix zznamu',
'Events' => 'Zznamy',
- 'Event' => 'Zznam',
'Exclude' => 'Vyjmout',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Exportovat detaily zznamu',
'Export' => 'Exportovat',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Exportovat detaily zznamu',
'ExportFailed' => 'Chyba pi exportu',
'ExportFormat' => 'Formt exportovanho souboru',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Exportovat detaily snmku',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Exportovat obrazov soubory',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exportuji',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Exportovat ostatn soubory (jestli existuj)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Monosti exportu',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Exportovat video soubory (jestli existuj)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exportuji',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS Interval pro report',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Daleko',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Nasytit',
- 'FileColours' => 'Barvy souboru',
- 'FilePath' => 'Cesta k souboru',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'Soubor',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Archivovat vechny nalezen',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Smazat vechny nalezen',
@@ -292,24 +297,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Spustit pkaz na vech nalezench',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Podat zprvu o vech nalezench',
'FilterPx' => 'Filtr Px',
- 'Filters' => 'Filtry',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Uploadovat nalezen',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Create video for all matches',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filtry',
'First' => 'Prvn',
'FlippedHori' => 'Peklopen vodorovn',
'FlippedVert' => 'Peklopen svisle',
'Focus' => 'Zaosten',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Spustit alarm',
'Format' => 'Formt',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS Interval pro report',
+ 'Frame' => 'Snmek',
'FrameId' => 'Snmek Id',
'FrameRate' => 'Rychlost snmk',
'FrameSkip' => 'Vynechat snmek',
- 'Frame' => 'Snmek',
'Frames' => 'Snmky',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Func' => 'Funkce',
'Function' => 'Funkce',
'Gain' => 'Zisk',
@@ -331,25 +333,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'HasTurboTilt' => 'M Turbo nklon',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'M rychlost vyven bl',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'M rychlost zoomu',
- 'HighBW' => 'Rychl B/W',
'High' => 'Rychl',
+ 'HighBW' => 'Rychl B/W',
'Home' => 'Dom',
'Hour' => 'Hodina',
'Hue' => 'Odstn',
'Id' => 'Id',
'Idle' => 'Pipraven',
'Ignore' => 'Ignorovat',
- 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Velikost buferu snmk',
'Image' => 'Obraz',
+ 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Velikost buferu snmk',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Include' => 'Vloit',
'In' => 'Dovnit',
+ 'Include' => 'Vloit',
'Inverted' => 'Pevrcen',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => 'Jazyk',
'Last' => 'Posledn',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'vsledk', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Zobrazit pouze prvnch', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -360,12 +363,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'LoggingIn' => 'Pihlauji',
'Login' => 'Pihlsit',
'Logout' => 'Odhlsit',
- 'LowBW' => 'Pomal B/W',
'Low' => 'Pomal',
+ 'LowBW' => 'Pomal B/W',
'Main' => 'Hlavn',
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manul',
'Mark' => 'Oznait',
+ 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max bandwidth',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Max.
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max rozsah zaosten',
@@ -374,11 +378,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max rozsah zisku',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max rychlost zisku',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max krok zisku',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximum FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max rozsah iris',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max rychlost iris',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max krok iris',
- 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max rozsah oten',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max rychlost oten',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max krok oten',
@@ -391,8 +393,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max rozsah zoomu',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max rychlost zoomu',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max krok zoomu',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Stedn B/W',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximum FPS',
'Medium' => 'Stedn',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Stedn B/W',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum znakovan oblasti by mlo bt men ne maximum',
@@ -427,10 +430,10 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Min rychlost zoomu',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Min krok zoomu',
'Misc' => 'Ostatn',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Id kamer',
'Monitor' => 'Kamera',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Id kamer',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => 'Kamery',
'Montage' => 'Sestih',
'Month' => 'Msc',
@@ -443,47 +446,47 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Jmno',
'Near' => 'Blzko',
'Network' => 'S',
+ 'New' => 'Nov',
'NewGroup' => 'Nov skupina',
'NewLabel' => 'New Label',
- 'New' => 'Nov',
'NewPassword' => 'Nov heslo',
'NewState' => 'Nov stav',
'NewUser' => 'Nov uivatel',
'Next' => 'Dal',
+ 'No' => 'Ne',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Pro tento snmek nejsou dn zznamy',
'NoGroup' => 'No Group',
- 'No' => 'Ne',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'dn nen dostupn',
- 'None' => 'Zakzat',
- 'Normal' => 'Normaln',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'dn uloen filtry',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'Pro tento zznam/snmek nejsou zaznamenny dn statistiky',
+ 'None' => 'Zakzat',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'dn nen dostupn',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normaln',
'Notes' => 'Poznmky',
'NumPresets' => 'Poet pedvoleb',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Otevt',
'OpEq' => 'rovno',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'vt nebo rovno',
'OpGt' => 'vt',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'vt nebo rovno',
'OpIn' => 'nin set',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'men nebo rovno',
'OpLt' => 'men',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'men nebo rovno',
'OpMatches' => 'obsahuje',
'OpNe' => 'nerovn se',
'OpNotIn' => 'nnot in set',
'OpNotMatches' => 'neobsahuje',
+ 'Open' => 'Otevt',
'OptionHelp' => 'MonostHelp',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Tyto zmny se neprojev\ndokud systm b. Jakmile\ndokonte provdn zmn prosm\nrestartujte ZoneMinder.',
'Options' => 'Monosti',
- 'Order' => 'Poad',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'nebo vlote nov jmno',
+ 'Order' => 'Poad',
'Orientation' => 'Orientace',
'Out' => 'Ven',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Pepsat existujc',
'Paged' => 'Strkov',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Posunout vlevo',
'Pan' => 'Oten',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Posunout vlevo',
'PanRight' => 'Posunout vpravo',
'PanTilt' => 'Oten/Nklon',
'Parameter' => 'Parametr',
@@ -491,12 +494,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Hesla se neshoduj',
'Paths' => 'Cesty',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Modem B/W',
'Phone' => 'Modem',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Modem B/W',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => 'pixely',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Pehrt ve',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Pehrt ve',
'PleaseWait' => 'Prosm ekejte',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Pozznamov bufer',
@@ -511,21 +514,23 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => 'Nahrvat',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Reference Image Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Obnovit',
+ 'Remote' => 'Sov',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Adresa',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Cesta',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Port',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Barvy',
- 'Remote' => 'Sov',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Pejmenovat',
+ 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Pehrt znovu',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Resetovat poty zznam',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
- 'Restarting' => 'Restartuji',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Resetovat poty zznam',
'Restart' => 'Restartovat',
+ 'Restarting' => 'Restartuji',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Povolen id kamer',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Restricted Monitors',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Prodleva vracen',
@@ -534,17 +539,17 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Otoit vlevo',
'RotateRight' => 'Otoit vpravo',
'RunMode' => 'Reim',
- 'Running' => 'B',
'RunState' => 'Stav',
+ 'Running' => 'B',
+ 'Save' => 'Uloit',
'SaveAs' => 'Uloit jako',
'SaveFilter' => 'Uloit filtr',
- 'Save' => 'Uloit',
'Scale' => 'Velikost',
'Score' => 'Skre',
'Secs' => 'Dlka(s)',
'Sectionlength' => 'Dlka sekce',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => 'Vybrat',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
'Set' => 'Nastavit',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Nastavit novou rychlost st',
@@ -558,29 +563,31 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortAsc' => 'Vzestupn',
'SortBy' => 'adit dle',
'SortDesc' => 'Sestupn',
- 'SourceType' => 'Typ zdroje',
'Source' => 'Zdroj',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourceType' => 'Typ zdroje',
+ 'Speed' => 'Rychlost',
'SpeedHigh' => 'Vysok rychlost',
'SpeedLow' => 'Nzk rychlost',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Stedn rychlost',
- 'Speed' => 'Rychlost',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turbo rychlost',
'Start' => 'Start',
'State' => 'Stav',
'Stats' => 'Statistiky',
'Status' => 'Status',
+ 'Step' => 'Krok',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
- 'Step' => 'Krok',
'StepLarge' => 'Velk krok',
'StepMedium' => 'Stedn krok',
'StepNone' => 'dn krok',
'StepSmall' => 'Mal krok',
'Stills' => 'Snmky',
- 'Stopped' => 'Zastaven',
'Stop' => 'Zastavit',
- 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
+ 'Stopped' => 'Zastaven',
'Stream' => 'Stream',
+ 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Submit' => 'Potvrdit',
'System' => 'System',
'Tele' => 'Piblit',
@@ -588,12 +595,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Tilt' => 'Nklon',
'Time' => 'as',
'TimeDelta' => 'Delta asu',
- 'Timeline' => 'asov linie',
'TimeStamp' => 'asov raztko',
+ 'Timeline' => 'asov linie',
+ 'Timestamp' => 'Raztko',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Formt asovho raztka',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'asov raztko X',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'asov raztko Y',
- 'Timestamp' => 'Raztko',
'Today' => 'Dnes',
'Tools' => 'Nstroje',
'TotalBrScore' => 'Celkov
@@ -604,24 +611,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Rychlost Turbo nklonu',
'Type' => 'Typ',
'Unarchive' => 'Vyjmout z archivu',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Jednotky',
'Unknown' => 'Neznm',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'Je dostupn nov update ZoneMinder.',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Update nen poteba.',
- 'Update' => 'Update',
+ 'UseFilter' => 'Pout filtr',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' vraz', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Pout ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
- 'UseFilter' => 'Pout filtr',
+ 'User' => 'Uivatel',
'Username' => 'Uivatelsk jmno',
'Users' => 'Uivatel',
- 'User' => 'Uivatel',
'Value' => 'Hodnota',
+ 'Version' => 'Verze',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ignorovat tuto verzi',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Pipomenout za 1 den',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Pipomenout za hodinu',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Nepipomnat nov veze',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Pipomenout za tden',
- 'Version' => 'Verze',
+ 'Video' => 'Video',
'VideoFormat' => 'Video formt',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Chyba pi generovn videa!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Existujc video soubory',
@@ -629,28 +638,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Parametry generovn videa',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Video vygenerovno spn!',
'VideoSize' => 'Velikost videa',
- 'Video' => 'Video',
+ 'View' => 'Zobrazit',
'ViewAll' => 'Zobrazit vechny',
'ViewEvent' => 'Zobrazit zznam',
'ViewPaged' => 'Zobrazit strkov',
- 'View' => 'Zobrazit',
'Wake' => 'Vzbudit',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Zahvac snmky',
'Watch' => 'Sledovat',
- 'WebColour' => 'Webov barva',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Webov barva',
'Week' => 'Tden',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'Vyven bl',
'White' => 'Bl',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'Vyven bl',
'Wide' => 'Oddlit',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10 aktivan etzec',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10 input alarm etzec',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10 output alarm etzec',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Ano',
'YouNoPerms' => 'K tomuto zdroji nemte oprvnn.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zna',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Barva alarmu (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filter Width/Height (pixels)',
@@ -661,10 +670,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'Zny',
- 'Zone' => 'Zna',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zvtit',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zmenit',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -799,3 +807,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/de_de.php b/web/lang/de_de.php
index 09bed79f7..b3adcfbd7 100644
--- a/web/lang/de_de.php
+++ b/web/lang/de_de.php
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'Sie müssen eine RGB-Alarmfarbe setzen',
'Alert' => 'Alarm',
'All' => 'Alle',
- 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Aktiviere neuen Status',
'Apply' => 'OK',
+ 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Aktiviere neuen Status',
'ArchArchived' => 'Nur Archivierte',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Nur Nichtarchivierte',
'Archive' => 'Archivieren',
'Archived' => 'Archivierte',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Nur Nichtarchivierte',
'Area' => 'Bereich',
'AreaUnits' => 'Bereich (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Alarmbilder',
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm-Maximum-FPS muss eine positive Ganzzahl oder eine Gleitkommazahl sein',
'BadChannel' => 'Der Kanal muss ganzzahlig 0 oder größer sein',
'BadDevice' => 'Das Gerät muss eine gültige Systemresource sein',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Das Format muss ganzzahlig 0 oder größer sein',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'Der FPS-Intervall-Puffer-Zähler muss ganzzahlig 100 oder größer sein',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Das Format muss ganzzahlig 0 oder größer sein',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Der Auslasszähler für Frames muss ganzzahlig 0 oder größer sein',
'BadHeight' => 'Die Höhe muss auf einen gültigen Wert eingestellt sein',
'BadHost' => 'Der Host muss auf eine gültige IP-Adresse oder einen Hostnamen (ohne http://) eingestellt sein',
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Die Breite muss auf einen gültigen Wert eingestellt sein',
'Bandwidth' => 'Bandbreite',
'BlobPx' => 'Blob-Pixel',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'BlobSizes' => 'Blobgröße',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'Brightness' => 'Helligkeit',
'Buffers' => 'Puffer',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Kann Autofokus',
@@ -158,24 +158,22 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Kann Auto-Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Kann Auto-Weiß-Abgleich',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Kann Auto-Zoom',
- 'Cancel' => 'Abbruch',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Abbruch des unbedingten Alarms',
+ 'CanFocus' => 'Kann Fokus',
'CanFocusAbs' => 'Kann absoluten Fokus',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Kann kontinuierlichen Fokus',
- 'CanFocus' => 'Kann Fokus',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Kann relativen Fokus',
+ 'CanGain' => 'Kann Verstärkung',
'CanGainAbs' => 'Kann absolute Verstärkung',
'CanGainCon' => 'Kann kontinuierliche Verstärkung',
- 'CanGain' => 'Kann Verstärkung',
'CanGainRel' => 'Kann relative Verstäkung',
+ 'CanIris' => 'Kann Iris',
'CanIrisAbs' => 'Kann absolute Iris',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Kann kontinuierliche Iris',
- 'CanIris' => 'Kann Iris',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Kann relative Iris',
+ 'CanMove' => 'Kann Bewegung',
'CanMoveAbs' => 'Kann absolute Bewegung',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Kann kontinuierliche Bewegung',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Kann diagonale Bewegung',
- 'CanMove' => 'Kann Bewegung',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Kann Mapped-Bewegung',
'CanMoveRel' => 'Kann relative Bewegung',
'CanPan' => 'Kann Pan' ,
@@ -184,16 +182,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Kann Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Kann Neigung',
'CanWake' => 'Kann Wake',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Kann Weiß-Abgleich',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Kann absoluten Weiß-Abgleich',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Kann Weiß-Abgleich',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Kann kontinuierlichen Weiß-Abgleich',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Kann Weiß-Abgleich',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Kann relativen Weiß-Abgleich',
+ 'CanZoom' => 'Kann Zoom',
'CanZoomAbs' => 'Kann absoluten Zoom',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Kann kontinuierlichen Zoom',
- 'CanZoom' => 'Kann Zoom',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Kann relativen Zoom',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Abbruch',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Abbruch des unbedingten Alarms',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Erfasse Höhe',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Erfasse Farbpalette',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Erfasse Breite',
'Cause' => 'Grund',
@@ -213,25 +214,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator für weitere Details',
'Continue' => 'Weiter',
'Contrast' => 'Kontrast',
+ 'Control' => 'Kontrolle',
'ControlAddress' => 'Kontrolladresse',
'ControlCap' => 'Kontrollmöglichkeit',
'ControlCaps' => 'Kontrollmöglichkeiten',
'ControlDevice' => 'Kontrollgerät',
- 'Control' => 'Kontrolle',
- 'Controllable' => 'Kontrollierbar',
'ControlType' => 'Kontrolltyp',
- 'CycleWatch' => 'Zeitzyklus',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Kontrollierbar',
'Cycle' => 'Zyklus',
+ 'CycleWatch' => 'Zeitzyklus',
'Day' => 'Tag',
'Debug' => 'Debug',
'DefaultRate' => 'Standardrate',
'DefaultScale' => 'Standardskalierung',
'DefaultView' => 'Standardansicht',
+ 'Delete' => 'Löschen',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Löschen & Nächstes',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Löschen & Vorheriges',
- 'Delete' => 'Löschen',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Lösche gespeichertes Filter',
'Description' => 'Beschreibung',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Gerätekanal',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Geräteformat',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Gerätenummer',
@@ -240,9 +242,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Abmessungen',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Alarme abschalten',
'Disk' => 'Disk',
+ 'Donate' => 'Bitte spenden Sie.',
'DonateAlready' => 'Nein, ich habe schon gespendet',
'DonateEnticement' => 'Sie benutzen ZoneMinder nun schon eine Weile und es ist hoffentlich eine nützliche Applikation zur Verbesserung Ihrer Heim- oder Arbeitssicherheit. Obwohl ZoneMinder eine freie Open-Source-Software ist und bleiben wird, entstehen Kosten bei der Entwicklung und dem Support.
Falls Sie ZoneMinder fr Weiterentwicklung in der Zukunft unterstützen möchten, denken Sie bitte ber eine Spende für das Projekt unter der Webadresse http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html oder über nachfolgend stehende Option nach. Spenden sind, wie der Name schon sagt, immer freiwillig. Dem Projekt helfen kleine genauso wie größere Spenden sehr weiter und ein herzlicher Dank ist jedem Spender sicher.
Vielen Dank dafür, dass sie ZoneMinder benutzen. Vergessen Sie nicht die Foren unter ZoneMinder.com, um Support zu erhalten und Ihre Erfahrung mit ZoneMinder zu verbessern!',
- 'Donate' => 'Bitte spenden Sie.',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Noch nicht, erinnere mich in einem Tag noch mal.',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Noch nicht, erinnere mich in einer Stunde noch mal.',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Noch nicht, erinnere mich in einem Monat noch mal.',
@@ -256,8 +258,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Alarme aktivieren',
'Enabled' => 'Aktiviert',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Neuen Filternamen eingeben',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Fehler. Bitte nur gleiche Anzahl offener und geschlossener Klammern.',
'Error' => 'Fehler',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Fehler. Bitte nur gleiche Anzahl offener und geschlossener Klammern.',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Fehler. Bitte alle Werte auf richtige Eingabe prüfen',
'Etc' => 'etc.',
'Event' => 'Ereignis',
@@ -268,48 +270,48 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Events' => 'Ereignisse',
'Exclude' => 'Ausschluss;',
'Execute' => 'Ausführen',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Exportiere Ereignis-Details',
'Export' => 'Exportieren',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Exportiere Ereignis-Details',
'ExportFailed' => 'Exportieren fehlgeschlagen',
'ExportFormat' => 'Exportiere Dateiformat',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'TAR (Bandarchiv)',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'ZIP (Komprimiert)',
'ExportFrames' => 'Exportiere Bilddetails',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Exportiere Bilddateien',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exportiere',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Exportiere andere Dateien (falls vorhanden)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Exportierungsoptionen',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Exportiere Videodateien (falls vorhanden)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exportiere',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'fps-Meldeintervall',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Weit',
'FastForward' => 'Schnell vorwärts',
'Feed' => 'Eingabe',
- 'FileColours' => 'Dateifarben',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'Datei',
- 'FilePath' => 'Dateipfad',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Archivierung aller Treffer',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Löschen aller Treffer',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Detaillierte E-Mail zu allen Treffern',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Ausführen bei allen Treffern',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Detaillierte Nachricht zu allen Treffern',
'FilterPx' => 'Filter-Pixel',
- 'Filters' => 'Filter',
'FilterUnset' => 'Sie müssen eine Breite und Höhe für das Filter angeben',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Hochladen aller Treffer',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Video für alle Treffer erstellen',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filter',
'First' => 'Erstes',
'FlippedHori' => 'Horizontal gespiegelt',
'FlippedVert' => 'Vertikal gespiegelt',
'Focus' => 'Fokus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Unbedingter Alarm',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'fps-Meldeintervall',
'Frame' => 'Bild',
'FrameId' => 'Bild-ID',
'FrameRate' => 'Abspielgeschwindigkeit',
- 'Frames' => 'Bilder',
'FrameSkip' => 'Bilder auslassen',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => 'Bilder',
'Func' => 'Fkt.',
'Function' => 'Funktion',
'Gain' => 'Verstärkung',
@@ -331,8 +333,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'HasTurboTilt' => 'Hat Turbo-Neigung',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'Hat Weiß-Abgleichgeschwindigkeit',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'Hat Zoom-Geschwindigkeit',
- 'HighBW' => 'Hohe B/W',
'High' => 'hohe',
+ 'HighBW' => 'Hohe B/W',
'Home' => 'Home',
'Hour' => 'Stunde',
'Hue' => 'Farbton',
@@ -342,14 +344,15 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Image' => 'Bild',
'ImageBufferSize' => 'Bildpuffergröße',
'Images' => 'Bilder',
- 'Include' => 'Einschluss',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => 'Einschluss',
'Inverted' => 'Invertiert',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Schlüsselwort',
'Label' => 'Bezeichnung',
'Language' => 'Sprache',
'Last' => 'Letztes',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'Ergebnisse;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Begrenze nur auf die ersten', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Verbundene Monitore',
@@ -360,12 +363,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'LoggingIn' => 'Anmelden',
'Login' => 'Anmeldung',
'Logout' => 'Abmelden',
- 'LowBW' => 'Niedrige B/W',
'Low' => 'niedrige',
+ 'LowBW' => 'Niedrige B/W',
'Main' => 'Haupt',
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => 'Markieren',
+ 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Maximale Bandbreite',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Maximale
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Maximaler Fokusbereich',
@@ -374,11 +378,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Maximaler Verstärkungsbereich',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Maximale Verstärkungsgeschwindigkeit',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Maximale Verstärkungsstufe',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximale FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Maximaler Irisbereich',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Maximale Irisgeschwindigkeit',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Maximale Irisstufe',
- 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Maximaler Pan-Bereich',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Maximale Pan-Geschw.',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Maximale Pan-Stufe',
@@ -391,8 +393,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Maximaler Zoom-Bereich',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Maximale Zoom-Geschw.',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Maximale Zoom-Stufe',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Mittlere B/W',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximale FPS',
'Medium' => 'mittlere',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Mittlere B/W',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Der minimale Alarmbereich sollte kleiner sein als der maximale',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'Sie müssen einen Minimumwert an Alarmflächenpixeln angeben',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'Die minimale Blob-Fläche muss kleiner sein als die maximale',
@@ -427,10 +430,10 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Min. Zoom-Geschwindigkeit',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Min. Zoom-Stufe',
'Misc' => 'Verschiedenes',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor-ID',
'Monitor' => 'Monitor',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Wählen Sie eine geeignete Voreinstellung aus der folgenden Liste.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass dies mögliche Einstellungen von Ihnen am Monitor überschreiben kann.
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor-ID',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor-Voreinstellung',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Wählen Sie eine geeignete Voreinstellung aus der folgenden Liste.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass dies mögliche Einstellungen von Ihnen am Monitor überschreiben kann.
'Monitors' => 'Monitore',
'Montage' => 'Montage',
'Month' => 'Monat',
@@ -443,47 +446,47 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Name',
'Near' => 'Nah',
'Network' => 'Netzwerk',
+ 'New' => 'Neu',
'NewGroup' => 'Neue Gruppe',
'NewLabel' => 'Neuer Bezeichner',
- 'New' => 'Neu',
'NewPassword' => 'Neues Passwort',
'NewState' => 'Neuer Status',
'NewUser' => 'Neuer Benutzer',
'Next' => 'Nächstes',
+ 'No' => 'Nein',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Es gibt keine Aufnahmen von diesem Ereignis.',
'NoGroup' => 'Keine Gruppe',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'Nichts verfügbar',
- 'No' => 'Nein',
- 'None' => 'ohne',
- 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'Keine gespeicherten Filter',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'Keine Statistik für dieses Ereignis/diese Bilder',
+ 'None' => 'ohne',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'Nichts verfügbar',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Notes' => 'Bemerkungen',
'NumPresets' => 'Nummerierte Voreinstellungen',
'Off' => 'Aus',
'On' => 'An',
- 'Open' => 'Öffnen',
'OpEq' => 'gleich zu',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'groesser oder gleich wie',
'OpGt' => 'groesser als',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'groesser oder gleich wie',
'OpIn' => 'in Satz',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'kleiner oder gleich wie',
'OpLt' => 'kleiner als',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'kleiner oder gleich wie',
'OpMatches' => 'zutreffend',
'OpNe' => 'nicht gleich',
'OpNotIn' => 'nicht im Satz',
'OpNotMatches' => 'nicht zutreffend',
+ 'Open' => 'Öffnen',
'OptionHelp' => 'Hilfe',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Veränderungen werden erst nach einem Neustart des Programms aktiv.\nFür eine sofortige Änderung starten Sie das Programm bitte neu.',
'Options' => 'Optionen',
- 'Order' => 'Reihenfolge',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'oder neuen Namen eingeben',
+ 'Order' => 'Reihenfolge',
'Orientation' => 'Ausrichtung',
'Out' => 'Aus',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Überschreibe bestehende',
'Paged' => 'Seitennummeriert',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan-Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan-Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan-Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Neigung',
'Parameter' => 'Parameter',
@@ -491,19 +494,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Die Passwörter sind unterschiedlich',
'Paths' => 'Pfade',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Tel. B/W',
'Phone' => 'Telefon',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Tel. B/W',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel-Differenz',
'Pixels' => 'Pixel',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Alle zeigen',
'Play' => 'Abspielen',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Alle zeigen',
'PleaseWait' => 'Bitte warten',
'Point' => 'Punkt',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Nachereignispuffer',
'PreEventImageBuffer' => 'Vorereignispuffer',
'PreserveAspect' => 'Seitenverhältnis beibehalten',
- 'Presets' => 'Voreinstellungen',
'Preset' => 'Voreinstellung',
+ 'Presets' => 'Voreinstellungen',
'Prev' => 'Vorheriges',
'Protocol' => 'Protokoll',
'Rate' => 'Abspielgeschwindigkeit',
@@ -515,17 +518,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RemoteHostName' => 'Entfernter Hostname',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Entfernter Hostpfad',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Entfernter Hostport',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Entfernte Bildfarbe',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Umbenennen',
+ 'Replay' => 'Wiederholung',
'ReplayAll' => 'Alle Ereignisse',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Lückenlose Ereignisse',
- 'Replay' => 'Wiederholung',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Einzelereignis',
- 'Replay' => 'Wiederholung',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Lösche Ereignispunktzahl',
'Reset' => 'Zurücksetzen',
- 'Restarting' => 'Neustarten',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Lösche Ereignispunktzahl',
'Restart' => 'Neustart',
+ 'Restarting' => 'Neustarten',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Verbotene Kamera-ID',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Eingeschränkte Monitore',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Rückkehr-Verzögerung',
@@ -534,21 +539,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Drehung links',
'RotateRight' => 'Drehung rechts',
'RunMode' => 'Betriebsmodus',
- 'Running' => 'In Betrieb',
'RunState' => 'Laufender Status',
+ 'Running' => 'In Betrieb',
+ 'Save' => 'OK',
'SaveAs' => 'Speichere als',
'SaveFilter' => 'Speichere Filter',
- 'Save' => 'OK',
'Scale' => 'Skalierung',
'Score' => 'Punktzahl',
'Secs' => 'Sekunden',
'Sectionlength' => 'Sektionslänge',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Wähle Monitore',
'Select' => 'Auswahl',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Wähle Monitore',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Die Polygonränder dürfen sich nicht überschneiden.',
+ 'Set' => 'Setze',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Setze neue Bandbreite',
'SetPreset' => 'Setze Voreinstellung',
- 'Set' => 'Setze',
'Settings' => 'Einstellungen',
'ShowFilterWindow' => 'Zeige Filterfenster',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Zeige Zeitlinie',
@@ -559,6 +564,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sortieren nach',
'SortDesc' => 'absteigend',
'Source' => 'Quelle',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Quellentyp',
'Speed' => 'Geschwindigkeit',
'SpeedHigh' => 'Hohe Geschwindigkeit',
@@ -569,31 +576,31 @@ $SLANG = array(
'State' => 'Status',
'Stats' => 'Status',
'Status' => 'Status',
+ 'Step' => 'Stufe',
'StepBack' => 'Einen Schritt rückwärts',
'StepForward' => 'Einen Schritt vorwärts',
'StepLarge' => 'Große Stufe',
'StepMedium' => 'Mittlere Stufe',
'StepNone' => 'Keine Stufe',
'StepSmall' => 'Kleine Stufe',
- 'Step' => 'Stufe',
'Stills' => 'Bilder',
- 'Stopped' => 'Gestoppt',
'Stop' => 'Stop',
- 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream-Wiedergabe-Bildpuffer',
+ 'Stopped' => 'Gestoppt',
'Stream' => 'Stream',
+ 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream-Wiedergabe-Bildpuffer',
'Submit' => 'Absenden',
'System' => 'System',
'Tele' => 'Tele',
'Thumbnail' => 'Miniatur',
'Tilt' => 'Neigung',
+ 'Time' => 'Zeit',
'TimeDelta' => 'Zeitdifferenz',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Zeitstempel',
'Timeline' => 'Zeitlinie',
+ 'Timestamp' => 'Zeitstempel',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Format des Zeitstempels',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'Zeitstempel-X',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Zeitstempel-Y',
- 'Timestamp' => 'Zeitstempel',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Zeitstempel',
- 'Time' => 'Zeit',
'Today' => 'Heute',
'Tools' => 'Werkzeuge',
'TotalBrScore' => 'Totale
@@ -604,11 +611,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo-Neigungsgeschwindigkeit',
'Type' => 'Typ',
'Unarchive' => 'Aus Archiv entfernen',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Einheiten',
'Unknown' => 'Unbekannt',
+ 'Update' => 'Aktualisieren',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'Eine Aktualisierung für ZoneMinder ist verfügbar.',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Es ist keine Aktualisierung verfügbar.',
- 'Update' => 'Aktualisieren',
'UseFilter' => 'Benutze Filter',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' Filter Ausdrücke', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Benutze ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
@@ -616,12 +624,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Username' => 'Benutzername',
'Users' => 'Benutzer',
'Value' => 'Wert',
+ 'Version' => 'Version',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ignoriere diese Version',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Erinnere mich wieder in 1 Tag.',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Erinnere mich wieder in 1 Stunde.',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Informiere mich nicht mehr über neue Versionen.',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Erinnere mich wieder in 1 Woche.',
- 'Version' => 'Version',
+ 'Video' => 'Video',
'VideoFormat' => 'Videoformat',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Videoerzeugung fehlgeschlagen!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Existierende Videodateien',
@@ -629,28 +638,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Parameter der Videoerzeugung',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Videoerzeugung erfolgreich!',
'VideoSize' => 'Videogröße',
- 'Video' => 'Video',
- 'ViewAll' => 'Alles ansehen',
'View' => 'Ansicht',
+ 'ViewAll' => 'Alles ansehen',
'ViewEvent' => 'Zeige Ereignis',
'ViewPaged' => 'Seitenansicht',
'Wake' => 'Aufwachen',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Aufwärmbilder',
'Watch' => 'Beobachte',
- 'WebColour' => 'Webfarbe',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Webfarbe',
'Week' => 'Woche',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'Weiß-Abgleich',
'White' => 'Weiß',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'Weiß-Abgleich',
'Wide' => 'Weit',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10-Aktivierungswert',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10-Eingabe-Alarmwert',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10-Ausgabe-Alarmwert',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Ja',
'YouNoPerms' => 'Keine Erlaubnis zum Zugang dieser Resource.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zone',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Alarmfarbe (Rot/Grün/Blau)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filter-Breite/-Höhe (Pixel)',
@@ -661,10 +670,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min./max. Pixelschwellwert',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Bildauslassrate bei Systemüberlastung',
'Zones' => 'Zonen',
- 'Zone' => 'Zone',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Hineinzoomen',
'ZoomOut' => 'Herauszoomen',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -799,3 +807,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/dk_dk.php b/web/lang/dk_dk.php
index 76a8a627f..a1a1bee54 100644
--- a/web/lang/dk_dk.php
+++ b/web/lang/dk_dk.php
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Apply' => 'Aktiver',
'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Aktivere State ndring',
'ArchArchived' => 'Kun Arkiverede',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Kun Ikke Arkiverede',
'Archive' => 'Arkiver',
'Archived' => 'Archived',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Kun Ikke Arkiverede',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Alarm Billeder',
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => 'Bndbrede',
'BlobPx' => 'Blob Px',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'BlobSizes' => 'Blob Strelse',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'Brightness' => 'Brightness',
'Buffers' => 'Buffere',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Kan Auto Focus',
@@ -159,24 +159,22 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Kan Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Kan Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Kan Auto Zoom',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Fortryd Forced Alarm',
- 'Cancel' => 'Fortryd',
+ 'CanFocus' => 'Kan Focus',
'CanFocusAbs' => 'Kan Focus Absolut',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Kan Focus Kontinuerligt',
- 'CanFocus' => 'Kan Focus',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Kan Focus Relativt',
+ 'CanGain' => 'Kan Gain ',
'CanGainAbs' => 'Kan Gain Absolut',
'CanGainCon' => 'Kan Gain Kontinuerligt',
- 'CanGain' => 'Kan Gain ',
'CanGainRel' => 'Kan Gain Relativt',
+ 'CanIris' => 'Kan Iris',
'CanIrisAbs' => 'Kan Iris Absolut',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Kan Iris Kontinuerligt',
- 'CanIris' => 'Kan Iris',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Kan Iris Relativt',
+ 'CanMove' => 'Kan Bevge',
'CanMoveAbs' => 'Kan Bevge Absolut',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Kan Bevge Kontinuerligt',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Kan Bevge Diagonalt',
- 'CanMove' => 'Kan Bevge',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Kan Bevge Mapped',
'CanMoveRel' => 'Kan Bevge Relativt',
'CanPan' => 'Kan Pan' ,
@@ -185,16 +183,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Kan Sove',
'CanTilt' => 'Kan Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Kan Vgne',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Kan White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Kan White Bal. Absolut',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Kan White Bal.',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Kan White Bal. Kontinuerligt',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Kan White Balance',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Kan White Bal. Relativt',
+ 'CanZoom' => 'Kan Zoom',
'CanZoomAbs' => 'Kan Zoom Absolut',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Kan Zoom Kontinuerligt',
- 'CanZoom' => 'Kan Zoom',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Kan Zoom Relativt',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Fortryd',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Fortryd Forced Alarm',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Capture Height',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Capture Palette',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Capture Width',
'Cause' => 'rsag',
@@ -214,13 +215,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Kontakt Din adminstrator for detalier.',
'Continue' => 'Fortst',
'Contrast' => 'Kontrast',
+ 'Control' => 'Kontrol',
'ControlAddress' => 'Kontrol Addresse',
'ControlCap' => 'Kontrol Capability',
'ControlCaps' => 'Kontrol Capabilities',
'ControlDevice' => 'Kontrol Enhed',
- 'Control' => 'Kontrol',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'ControlType' => 'Kontrol Type',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Cycle' => 'Cycle',
'CycleWatch' => 'Cycle Watch',
'Day' => 'Dag',
@@ -228,11 +229,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DefaultRate' => 'Default Rate',
'DefaultScale' => 'Default Scale',
'DefaultView' => 'Default View',
+ 'Delete' => 'Slet',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Slet & Nste',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Slet & Forrige',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Slet Gemte filter',
- 'Delete' => 'Slet',
'Description' => 'Beskrivelse',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Enheds Kanal',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Enheds Format',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Enheds Nummer',
@@ -241,9 +243,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Dimentioner',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Disable Alarms',
'Disk' => 'Disk',
+ 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
- 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
@@ -257,8 +259,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Enable Alarms',
'Enabled' => 'Aktiv',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Skriv Nyt filter navn',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Fejl, check at du har lige antal af bnings og Lukkende brackets',
'Error' => 'Fejl',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Fejl, check at du har lige antal af bnings og Lukkende brackets',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Fejl, check at alle terms har en valid vrdig',
'Etc' => 'etc',
'Event' => 'Event',
@@ -269,48 +271,48 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Events' => 'Events',
'Exclude' => 'Exclude',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'Export' => 'Export',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'ExportFailed' => 'Export Failed',
'ExportFormat' => 'Export File Format',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Export Image Files',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Export Other Files (if present)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Export Options',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Export Video Files (if present)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS Raport Interval',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Feed',
- 'FileColours' => 'File Colours',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => 'File Path',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Arkiver alle matchende',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Slet alle matchende',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Email detalier af alle matchende',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Kr kommando p alle matchende',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Send detalier af alle matchende',
'FilterPx' => 'Filter Px',
- 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Upload alle matchende',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Create video for all matches',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'First' => 'Frste',
'FlippedHori' => 'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert' => 'Flipped Vertically',
'Focus' => 'Fokus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Tving Alarm',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS Raport Interval',
'Frame' => 'Billede',
'FrameId' => 'Billede Id',
'FrameRate' => 'Billede Rate',
- 'Frames' => 'Billede',
'FrameSkip' => 'Billede Skip',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => 'Billede',
'Func' => 'Func',
'Function' => 'Funktion',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -332,8 +334,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'HasTurboTilt' => 'Har Turbo Tilt',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'Har White Bal. Hastighed',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'Har Zoom Hastighed',
- 'HighBW' => 'Hj B/B',
'High' => 'Hj',
+ 'HighBW' => 'Hj B/B',
'Home' => 'Hjem',
'Hour' => 'Time',
'Hue' => 'Hue',
@@ -343,14 +345,15 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Image' => 'Billede',
'ImageBufferSize' => 'Billede Buffer Strelse (Billeder)',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Include' => 'Inkluder',
'In' => 'Ind',
+ 'Include' => 'Inkluder',
'Inverted' => 'Inverteret',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => 'Sprog',
'Last' => 'Sidste',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'results only;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Limit to first', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -361,12 +364,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'LoggingIn' => 'Logger Ind',
'Login' => 'Logind',
'Logout' => 'Logud',
- 'LowBW' => 'Lav B/B',
'Low' => 'Lav',
+ 'LowBW' => 'Lav B/B',
'Main' => 'Main',
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => 'Marker',
+ 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max Bandwidth',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Max.
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max Focus Range',
@@ -375,11 +379,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximale FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
- 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max Pan Range',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max Pan Speed',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max Pan Step',
@@ -392,8 +394,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Medium B/B',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximale FPS',
'Medium' => 'Medium',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Medium B/B',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum blob omrde br vre mindre end maximum',
@@ -428,10 +431,10 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Min Zoom Speed',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Min Zoom Step',
'Misc' => 'Misc',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Ids',
'Monitor' => 'Monitor',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Ids',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => 'Monitore',
'Montage' => 'Montage',
'Month' => 'Mned',
@@ -444,47 +447,47 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Navn',
'Near' => 'Near',
'Network' => 'Netvrk',
+ 'New' => 'Ny',
'NewGroup' => 'Ny Gruppe',
'NewLabel' => 'New Label',
- 'New' => 'Ny',
'NewPassword' => 'Nyt Password',
'NewState' => 'Ny State',
'NewUser' => 'Ny User',
'Next' => 'Nste',
+ 'No' => 'Nej',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Der er ingen billeder optaget for denne event',
'NoGroup' => 'No Group',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'Ingen Tilstede',
- 'None' => 'Ingen',
- 'No' => 'Nej',
- 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'NoSavedFilters',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'Der er ingen statestikker optaget for denne event/frame',
+ 'None' => 'Ingen',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'Ingen Tilstede',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'ben',
'OpEq' => 'ligmed',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'stre end eller ligmed',
'OpGt' => 'stre end',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'stre end eller ligmed',
'OpIn' => 'i sttet',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'mindre end eller ligmed',
'OpLt' => 'mindre end',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'mindre end eller ligmed',
'OpMatches' => 'matches',
'OpNe' => 'ikke ligmed',
'OpNotIn' => 'ikke i sttet',
'OpNotMatches' => 'does not match',
+ 'Open' => 'ben',
'OptionHelp' => 'OptionHelp',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Disse ndringer trder ikke i fuld effect\nmens systemt kre. Nr du har\nafsluttet ndringer bedes du\ngenstarte ZoneMinder.',
'Options' => 'Indstillinger',
- 'Order' => 'Order',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'eller skriv nyt navn',
+ 'Order' => 'Order',
'Orientation' => 'Orientation',
'Out' => 'Ud',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Overskriv Eksisterende',
'Paged' => 'Paged',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => 'Parameter',
@@ -492,12 +495,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Det nye og konfimerede passwords er forskellige',
'Paths' => 'Stiger',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Telefon B/B',
'Phone' => 'Telefon',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Telefon B/B',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => 'pixels',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Afspil Alle',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Afspil Alle',
'PleaseWait' => 'Vent venligst',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Efter Event Billed Buffer',
@@ -512,19 +515,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => 'Optag',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Reference Billede Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Opdater',
+ 'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Remote Host Navn',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Remote Host Stig',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Remote Host Port',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Remote Image Farver',
- 'Remote' => 'Remote',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Omdb',
+ 'Replay' => 'Spil Igen',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'Replay' => 'Spil Igen',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Reset' => 'Nulstil',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Restart' => 'Genstart',
'Restarting' => 'Genstarter',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Begranset Kamera Ids',
@@ -535,21 +540,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Rotate Left',
'RotateRight' => 'Rotate Right',
'RunMode' => 'Krsels Mode',
- 'Running' => 'Kre',
'RunState' => 'Run State',
+ 'Running' => 'Kre',
+ 'Save' => 'Gem',
'SaveAs' => 'Gem Som',
'SaveFilter' => 'Gem Filter',
- 'Save' => 'Gem',
'Scale' => 'Scale',
'Score' => 'Skore',
'Secs' => 'Sekunder',
'Sectionlength' => 'Sektion lngde',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => 'Vlg',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
+ 'Set' => 'St',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'St Ny Bndbrede',
'SetPreset' => 'St Preset',
- 'Set' => 'St',
'Settings' => 'Indstillinger',
'ShowFilterWindow' => 'VisFilterVindue',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Show Timeline',
@@ -560,6 +565,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sorter efter',
'SortDesc' => 'Desc',
'Source' => 'Enhed',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Enheds Type',
'Speed' => 'Hastighed',
'SpeedHigh' => 'Hj Hastighed',
@@ -570,31 +577,31 @@ $SLANG = array(
'State' => 'State',
'Stats' => 'Stats',
'Status' => 'Status',
+ 'Step' => 'Step',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Large Step',
'StepMedium' => 'Medium Step',
'StepNone' => 'No Step',
'StepSmall' => 'Small Step',
- 'Step' => 'Step',
'Stills' => 'Stills',
- 'Stopped' => 'Stoppet',
'Stop' => 'Stop',
- 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
+ 'Stopped' => 'Stoppet',
'Stream' => 'Stream',
+ 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Submit' => 'Submit',
'System' => 'System',
'Tele' => 'Tele',
'Thumbnail' => 'Thumbnail',
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
+ 'Time' => 'Tid',
'TimeDelta' => 'Time Delta',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Tids Stempel',
'Timeline' => 'Timeline',
+ 'Timestamp' => 'Tidsstempel',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Tidsstempel Mrknings Format',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'Tidsstempel Mrkning X',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Tidsstempel Mrkning Y',
- 'Timestamp' => 'Tidsstempel',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Tids Stempel',
- 'Time' => 'Tid',
'Today' => 'Idag',
'Tools' => 'Tools',
'TotalBrScore' => 'Total
@@ -605,11 +612,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo Tilt Hastighed',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Unarchive' => 'Unarchive',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Units',
'Unknown' => 'Unknown',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'En updatering til ZoneMinder er tilstede.',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Ingen updatering er ndvendig.',
- 'Update' => 'Update',
'UseFilter' => 'Brug Filter',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' filter expressions', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Brug ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
@@ -617,12 +625,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Username' => 'Bruger Navn',
'Users' => 'Brugere',
'Value' => 'Vrdig',
+ 'Version' => 'Version',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ignorer denne version',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Pmind igen om 1 dag',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Pmind igen om 1 time',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Mind ikke om nye versioner',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Pmind igen om 1 uge',
- 'Version' => 'Version',
+ 'Video' => 'Video',
'VideoFormat' => 'Video Format',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Video Generering Fejlede!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Existing Video Files',
@@ -630,28 +639,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Video Generaring Parametre',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Video Generation Succeeded!',
'VideoSize' => 'Video Strelse',
- 'Video' => 'Video',
+ 'View' => 'Vis',
'ViewAll' => 'Vis Alle',
'ViewEvent' => 'View Event',
'ViewPaged' => 'View Paged',
- 'View' => 'Vis',
'Wake' => 'Wake',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Varmop Billeder',
'Watch' => 'Se',
- 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Week' => 'Uge',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'White' => 'White',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'Wide' => 'Wide',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10 Activerings Streng',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10 Input Alarm Streng',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10 Output Alarm Streng',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Ja',
'YouNoPerms' => 'Du har ikke adgang til denne resourse.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zone',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Alarm Farve (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filter Width/Height (pixels)',
@@ -662,10 +671,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'Zoner',
- 'Zone' => 'Zone',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom In',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom Out',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -800,3 +808,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/es_ar.php b/web/lang/es_ar.php
index 2d5354cdd..11db20dbd 100644
--- a/web/lang/es_ar.php
+++ b/web/lang/es_ar.php
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AddNewZone' => 'Agregar Nueva Zona',
'Alarm' => 'Alarma',
'AlarmBrFrames' => 'Alarma
- 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Alarm Frame Count',
'AlarmFrame' => 'Cuadro Alarma',
+ 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Alarm Frame Count',
'AlarmLimits' => 'Alarm Limits',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Apply' => 'Aplicar',
'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Aplicar Cambio Estado',
'ArchArchived' => 'Solo Archivados',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Solo Sin Archivar',
'Archive' => 'Archivar',
'Archived' => 'Archived',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Solo Sin Archivar',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Alarm Frames',
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AttrMaxScore' => 'Puntaje Mximo',
'AttrMonitorId' => 'Monitor Id',
'AttrMonitorName' => 'Nombre Monitor',
- 'AttrMontage' => 'Cmara Mltiple',
'AttrName' => 'Name',
'AttrNotes' => 'Notes',
'AttrSystemLoad' => 'System Load',
@@ -78,8 +77,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -101,8 +100,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => 'Velocidad',
'BlobPx' => 'Blob Px',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'BlobSizes' => 'Blob Sizes',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'Brightness' => 'Brillo',
'Buffers' => 'Buffers',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Can Auto Focus',
@@ -110,22 +109,20 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Can Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Can Auto Zoom',
- 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Cancelar Alarma Forzada',
- 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocus' => 'Can Focus',
+ 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Can Focus Continuous',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Can Focus Relative',
- 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
+ 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
- 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
+ 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
- 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMove' => 'Can Move',
+ 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Can Move Continuous',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Can Move Diagonally',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Can Move Mapped',
@@ -136,16 +133,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Can Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Can Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Can Wake',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Can White Bal. Absolute',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Can White Bal.',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Can White Bal. Continuous',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Can White Bal. Relative',
- 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoom' => 'Can Zoom',
+ 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Can Zoom Continuous',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Can Zoom Relative',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Cancelar Alarma Forzada',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Captura Alto',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Captura Paleta',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Captura Ancho',
'Cause' => 'Cause',
@@ -161,18 +161,17 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirmar Contrasea',
'ConjAnd' => 'y',
'ConjOr' => 'o',
- 'Console' => 'Consola',
'Console' => 'Console',
'ContactAdmin' => 'Contacte el Administrador para detalles.',
'Continue' => 'Continue',
'Contrast' => 'Contraste',
+ 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlAddress' => 'Control Address',
'ControlCap' => 'Control Capability',
'ControlCaps' => 'Control Capabilities',
- 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlDevice' => 'Control Device',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'ControlType' => 'Control Type',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Cycle' => 'Cycle',
'CycleWatch' => 'Cycle Watch',
'Day' => 'Da',
@@ -180,11 +179,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DefaultRate' => 'Default Rate',
'DefaultScale' => 'Default Scale',
'DefaultView' => 'Default View',
+ 'Delete' => 'Borrar',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Borrar & Prximo',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Borrar & Anterior',
- 'Delete' => 'Borrar',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Borrar Filtro Guardado',
'Description' => 'Descripcin',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Canal',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Seal',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Fuente',
@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Dimensiones',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Disable Alarms',
'Disk' => 'Disco',
+ 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
- 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Enable Alarms',
'Enabled' => 'Habilitado',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Ingresar Nuevo Nombre De Filtro',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Error, Revisar si tiene la misma cantidad de parntesis de apertura',
'Error' => 'Error',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Error, Revisar si tiene la misma cantidad de parntesis de apertura',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Error, Revisar si los trminos tienen nombres validos',
'Etc' => 'etc',
'Event' => 'Evento',
@@ -221,48 +221,48 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Events' => 'Eventos',
'Exclude' => 'Excluir',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'Export' => 'Export',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'ExportFailed' => 'Export Failed',
'ExportFormat' => 'Export File Format',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Export Image Files',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Export Other Files (if present)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Export Options',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Export Video Files (if present)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'Intervalo de Reporte FPS',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Vista',
- 'FileColours' => 'File Colours',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => 'File Path',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Archivar todos los eventos',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Borrar todos los eventos',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Mandar un mail de todos los eventos',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Ejecutar un comando en las coincidencias',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Mandar un mensaje de los eventos',
'FilterPx' => 'Filtro Px',
- 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Subir los eventos que coincidan',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Create video for all matches',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'First' => 'Primero',
'FlippedHori' => 'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert' => 'Flipped Vertically',
'Focus' => 'Focus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Forzar Alarma',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'Intervalo de Reporte FPS',
'Frame' => 'Cuadro',
'FrameId' => 'Id Cuadro',
'FrameRate' => 'Velocidad del video',
- 'Frames' => 'Cuadros',
'FrameSkip' => 'Saltear Cuadro',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => 'Cuadros',
'Func' => 'Func',
'Function' => 'Funcin',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -292,19 +292,18 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Id' => 'Id',
'Idle' => 'Pasivo',
'Ignore' => 'Ignorar',
- 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Tamao del Buffer de Imagen',
'Image' => 'Imagen',
+ 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Tamao del Buffer de Imagen',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Include' => 'Incluir',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => 'Incluir',
'Inverted' => 'Invertido',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
- 'Isequalto' => 'Es igual a',
- 'IsEqualTo' => 'is equal to',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => 'Lenguaje',
'Last' => 'Ultimo',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'Resultados;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Solo los primeros', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -321,6 +320,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => 'Marca',
+ 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max Bandwidth',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Puntaje
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max Focus Range',
@@ -329,11 +329,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximos FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
- 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max Pan Range',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max Pan Speed',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max Pan Step',
@@ -346,8 +344,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Media B/W',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximos FPS',
'Medium' => 'Media',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Media B/W',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum blob area should be less than maximum',
@@ -382,10 +381,10 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Min Zoom Speed',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Min Zoom Step',
'Misc' => 'Otros',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Ids Monitor',
'Monitor' => 'Monitor',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Ids Monitor',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => 'Monitores',
'Montage' => 'Cmara Mltiple',
'Month' => 'Mes',
@@ -394,50 +393,51 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MustBeLe' => 'Debe ser menor o igual que',
'MustConfirmPassword' => 'Debe confirmar la contrasea',
'MustSupplyPassword' => 'Debe ingresar una contrasea',
+ 'MustSupplyUsername' => 'You must supply a username', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Name' => 'Nombre',
'Near' => 'Near',
'Network' => 'Red',
+ 'New' => 'Nuevo',
'NewGroup' => 'New Group',
'NewLabel' => 'New Label',
- 'New' => 'Nuevo',
'NewPassword' => 'Nueva Contrasea',
'NewState' => 'Nuevo Estado',
'NewUser' => 'Nuevo Usuario',
'Next' => 'Siguiente',
+ 'No' => 'No',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'No hay movimientos grabados para este evento',
'NoGroup' => 'No Group',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'Ninguno Disponible',
- 'None' => 'Ninguno',
- 'No' => 'No',
- 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'FiltrosNoGuardados',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'No hay estadisticas guardadas para este evento/marco',
+ 'None' => 'Ninguno',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'Ninguno Disponible',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Open',
'OpEq' => 'igual que',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'mayor o igual que',
'OpGt' => 'mayor que',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'mayor o igual que',
'OpIn' => 'En sistema',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'menor o igual que',
'OpLt' => 'menor que',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'menor o igual que',
'OpMatches' => 'Coincide',
'OpNe' => 'distinto que',
'OpNotIn' => 'No en sistema',
'OpNotMatches' => 'No coincide',
+ 'Open' => 'Open',
'OptionHelp' => 'Ayuda',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Estos cambios no se guardaran completamente\nmientras el sistema se ejecute. Cuando termine\nde realizar los cambios asegurese de\nreiniciar Zoneminder.',
'Options' => 'Opciones',
- 'Order' => 'Order',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'o agregue nombre',
+ 'Order' => 'Order',
'Orientation' => 'Orientacin',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Sobreescribir Exitente',
'Paged' => 'Paged',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => 'Parametro',
@@ -445,11 +445,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Las contraseas nueva y de confirmacion son diferentes',
'Paths' => 'Enlaces',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Tel. B/N',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Tel. B/N',
+ 'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Pixels' => 'pixels',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'Espere por favor',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Buffer Imagenes despues evento',
@@ -464,20 +465,23 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => 'Registro',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Reference Image Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Actualizar',
+ 'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Nombre Servidor Remoto',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Enlace Servidor Remoto',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Puerto Servidor Remoto',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Remote Image Colours',
- 'Remote' => 'Remote',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Renombrar',
+ 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Borrar Contador Eventos',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
- 'Restarting' => 'Reiniciando',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Borrar Contador Eventos',
'Restart' => 'Reiniciar',
+ 'Restarting' => 'Reiniciando',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Id. Camara restringida',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Restricted Monitors',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Return Delay',
@@ -486,22 +490,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Rotar a la derecha',
'RotateRight' => 'Rotar a la izquierda',
'RunMode' => 'Metodo Ejecucion',
- 'Running' => 'Ejecutando',
'RunState' => 'Estado de Ejecucin',
+ 'Running' => 'Ejecutando',
+ 'Save' => 'Guardar',
'SaveAs' => 'Guardar Como',
'SaveFilter' => 'Guardar Filtro',
- 'Save' => 'Guardar',
'Scale' => 'Escala',
'Score' => 'Res.',
'Secs' => 'Seg',
'Sectionlength' => 'Longitud Seccin',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => 'Select',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
- 'ServerLoad' => 'Carga Servidor',
+ 'Set' => 'Set',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Nuevo Ancho de Banda',
'SetPreset' => 'Set Preset',
- 'Set' => 'Set',
'Settings' => 'Configuracion',
'ShowFilterWindow' => 'Abrir Filtro',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Show Timeline',
@@ -512,38 +515,40 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Ordenar por',
'SortDesc' => 'Desc',
'Source' => 'Origen',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Tipo Origen',
+ 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedHigh' => 'High Speed',
'SpeedLow' => 'Low Speed',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Medium Speed',
- 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turbo Speed',
'Start' => 'Iniciar',
'State' => 'Estado',
'Stats' => 'Est.',
'Status' => 'Estado',
+ 'Step' => 'Step',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Large Step',
'StepMedium' => 'Medium Step',
'StepNone' => 'No Step',
'StepSmall' => 'Small Step',
- 'Step' => 'Step',
'Stills' => 'Fotos',
'Stop' => 'Desactivar',
'Stopped' => 'Apagado',
- 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Stream' => 'Stream',
+ 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Submit' => 'Submit',
'System' => 'Sistema',
'Tele' => 'Tele',
'Thumbnail' => 'Thumbnail',
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
- 'TimeDelta' => 'Hora Delta',
'Time' => 'Hora',
+ 'TimeDelta' => 'Hora Delta',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Etiqueta Hora',
'Timeline' => 'Timeline',
'Timestamp' => 'Etiqueta Hora',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Etiqueta Hora',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Formato Etiqueta Hora',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'Eje X Etiqueta Hora',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Eje Y Etiqueta Hora',
@@ -557,24 +562,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo Tilt Speed',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Unarchive' => 'Desarchivar',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Unidades',
'Unknown' => 'Desconocido',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'Una Actualizacin a ZoneMinder esta disponible',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'No se requiere Actualizacin',
- 'Update' => 'Update',
+ 'UseFilter' => 'Usar Filtro',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' filtrar sentencias', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Utilizar ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
- 'UseFilter' => 'Usar Filtro',
+ 'User' => 'Usuario',
'Username' => 'Nombre',
'Users' => 'Usuarios',
- 'User' => 'Usuario',
'Value' => 'Valor',
+ 'Version' => 'Versin',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ignore esta versin',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Recordar en 1 da',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Recordar en 1 hora',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'No avizar de nuevas versiones',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Recordar en 1 semana',
- 'Version' => 'Versin',
+ 'Video' => 'Video',
'VideoFormat' => 'Video Format',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Fallo la creacion del video!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Existing Video Files',
@@ -582,28 +589,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Parametros Generacion Video',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Video Generation Succeeded!',
'VideoSize' => 'Tamao Video',
- 'Video' => 'Video',
+ 'View' => 'Ver',
'ViewAll' => 'Ver Todo',
'ViewEvent' => 'View Event',
'ViewPaged' => 'View Paged',
- 'View' => 'Ver',
'Wake' => 'Wake',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Avisos Movimiento',
'Watch' => 'Monitor',
- 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Week' => 'Semana',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'White' => 'White',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'Wide' => 'Wide',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10 Comando Activacin',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10 Comando Entrada Alarma',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10 Output Alarm String',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Si',
'YouNoPerms' => 'No tiene permisos para acceder a este recurso.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zona',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Color Alarma (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filter Width/Height (pixels)',
@@ -614,10 +621,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'Zonas',
- 'Zone' => 'Zona',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom In',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom Out',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -654,3 +660,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/fr_fr.php b/web/lang/fr_fr.php
index 2e4e2e224..3f8cc5372 100644
--- a/web/lang/fr_fr.php
+++ b/web/lang/fr_fr.php
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AddNewZone' => 'Aj. nouv. zone',
'Alarm' => 'Alarme',
'AlarmBrFrames' => 'Images
- 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Alarm Frame Count',
'AlarmFrame' => 'Image alarme',
+ 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Alarm Frame Count',
'AlarmLimits' => 'Limites alarme',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Px Alarme',
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Apply' => 'Appliquer',
'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Appl. chgt tat',
'ArchArchived' => 'Archiv seul.',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Non-arch. seul.',
'Archive' => 'Archiver',
'Archived' => 'Archived',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Non-arch. seul.',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Images alarme',
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => 'Bande-pass.',
'BlobPx' => 'Px forme',
- 'Blobs' => 'Formes',
'BlobSizes' => 'Taille forme',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Formes',
'Brightness' => 'Luminosit;',
'Buffers' => 'Tampons',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Can Auto Focus',
@@ -158,22 +158,20 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Can Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Can Auto Zoom',
- 'Cancel' => 'Annul.',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Annul. Forcé Alarme',
- 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocus' => 'Can Focus',
+ 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Can Focus Continuous',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Can Focus Relative',
- 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
+ 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
- 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
+ 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
- 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMove' => 'Can Move',
+ 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Can Move Continuous',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Can Move Diagonally',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Can Move Mapped',
@@ -184,16 +182,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Can Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Can Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Can Wake',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Can White Bal. Absolute',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Can White Bal.',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Can White Bal. Continuous',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Can White Bal. Relative',
- 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoom' => 'Can Zoom',
+ 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Can Zoom Continuous',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Can Zoom Relative',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Annul.',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Annul. Forcé Alarme',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Haut. capture',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'palette capture',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Larg. capture',
'Cause' => 'Cause',
@@ -213,13 +214,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Contactez votre administrateur SVP',
'Continue' => 'Continue',
'Contrast' => 'Contraste',
+ 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlAddress' => 'Control Address',
'ControlCap' => 'Control Capability',
'ControlCaps' => 'Control Capabilities',
- 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlDevice' => 'Control Device',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'ControlType' => 'Control Type',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Cycle' => 'Cycle',
'CycleWatch' => 'Cycle vision',
'Day' => 'Jour',
@@ -227,11 +228,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DefaultRate' => 'Default Rate',
'DefaultScale' => 'Default Scale',
'DefaultView' => 'Default View',
+ 'Delete' => 'Eff.',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Eff. & suiv.',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Eff. & prec.',
- 'Delete' => 'Eff.',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Eff. filtre sauv',
'Description' => 'Description',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Canal camra',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Format camra',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Numro camra',
@@ -240,9 +242,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Dimensions',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Disable Alarms',
'Disk' => 'Disk',
+ 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
- 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
@@ -256,8 +258,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Enable Alarms',
'Enabled' => 'Activ',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Entrer nom nouv. filtre',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Erreur, vrifiez que toutes les parenthses ouvertes sont fermes',
'Error' => 'Erreur',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Erreur, vrifiez que toutes les parenthses ouvertes sont fermes',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Erreur, vrifiez que tous les termes ont une valeur valide',
'Etc' => 'etc',
'Event' => 'Evnt',
@@ -268,48 +270,48 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Events' => 'Evnts',
'Exclude' => 'Exclure',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'Export' => 'Export',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'ExportFailed' => 'Export Failed',
'ExportFormat' => 'Export File Format',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Export Image Files',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Export Other Files (if present)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Export Options',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Export Video Files (if present)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
+ 'FPS' => 'i/s',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS Report Interval',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Feed',
- 'FileColours' => 'File Colours',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => 'File Path',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Archive all matches',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Delete all matches',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Email details of all matches',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Execute command on all matches',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Message details of all matches',
'FilterPx' => 'Filter Px',
- 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Upload all matches',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Create video for all matches',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'First' => 'Prem.',
'FlippedHori' => 'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert' => 'Flipped Vertically',
'Focus' => 'Focus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Force Alarme',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => 'i/s',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS Report Interval',
- 'FrameId' => 'N image',
'Frame' => 'Image',
+ 'FrameId' => 'N image',
'FrameRate' => 'Dbit image',
- 'Frames' => 'images',
'FrameSkip' => 'Saut image',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => 'images',
'Func' => 'Fct',
'Function' => 'Fonction',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -331,25 +333,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'HasTurboTilt' => 'Has Turbo Tilt',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'Has White Bal. Speed',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'Has Zoom Speed',
- 'HighBW' => 'Haut N/B',
'High' => 'Haut',
+ 'HighBW' => 'Haut N/B',
'Home' => 'Home',
'Hour' => 'Heure',
'Hue' => 'Teinte',
- 'Idle' => 'Vide',
'Id' => 'N',
+ 'Idle' => 'Vide',
'Ignore' => 'Ignorer',
- 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Taille tampon image',
'Image' => 'Image',
+ 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Taille tampon image',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Include' => 'Inclure',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => 'Inclure',
'Inverted' => 'Invers',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => 'Langue',
'Last' => 'Dernier',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'results only;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Limit to first', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -366,6 +369,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => 'Marque',
+ 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max Bandwidth',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Score
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max Focus Range',
@@ -374,11 +378,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'i/s maximum',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
- 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max Pan Range',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max Pan Speed',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max Pan Step',
@@ -391,8 +393,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Moy. N/B',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'i/s maximum',
'Medium' => 'Medium',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Moy. N/B',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'Aire blob min. doit < aire blob maximum',
@@ -429,8 +432,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Misc' => 'Div.',
'Monitor' => 'Ecran',
'MonitorIds' => 'N cran',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => 'Ecrans',
'Montage' => 'Montage',
'Month' => 'Mois',
@@ -443,47 +446,47 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Nom',
'Near' => 'Near',
'Network' => 'Rseau',
+ 'New' => 'Nouv.',
'NewGroup' => 'New Group',
'NewLabel' => 'New Label',
- 'New' => 'Nouv.',
'NewPassword' => 'Nouv. mt de passe',
'NewState' => 'Nv tat',
'NewUser' => 'Nv util.',
'Next' => 'Suiv.',
+ 'No' => 'Non',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Pas d\'image enregistre pour cet vnement',
'NoGroup' => 'No Group',
- 'None' => 'Aucun',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'Aucun disponible',
- 'No' => 'Non',
- 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'Pasfiltressauv',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'Pas de statistiques disponibles pour cet vnmnt/imag.',
+ 'None' => 'Aucun',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'Aucun disponible',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Open',
'OpEq' => 'gal ',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'plus grand ou gal ',
'OpGt' => 'sup. ',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'plus grand ou gal ',
'OpIn' => 'en lot',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'inf. ou gal ',
'OpLt' => 'inf. ',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'inf. ou gal ',
'OpMatches' => 'correspond',
'OpNe' => 'diff. de',
'OpNotIn' => 'pas en lot',
'OpNotMatches' => 'ne correspond pas',
+ 'Open' => 'Open',
'OptionHelp' => 'OptionAide',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'These changes may not come into effect fully\nwhile the system is running. When you have\nfinished making your changes please ensure that\nyou restart ZoneMinder.',
'Options' => 'Options',
- 'Order' => 'Order',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'ou entrez nv nom',
+ 'Order' => 'Order',
'Orientation' => 'Orientation',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Ecraser l\'existant',
'Paged' => 'Paged',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => 'Paramtre',
@@ -491,12 +494,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Les 2 mots de passe sont diffrents',
'Paths' => 'Paths',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Phone B/W',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Phone B/W',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => 'pixels',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'Attendez',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Post Event Image Count',
@@ -511,21 +514,23 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => 'Enreg.',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Reference Image Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Rafrachir',
+ 'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Remote Host Name',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Remote Host Path',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Remote Host Port',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Remote Image Colours',
- 'Remote' => 'Remote',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Renommer',
+ 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Ralenti',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Rem. 0 comptage des vts',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
- 'Restarting' => 'Redmarrage',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Rem. 0 comptage des vts',
'Restart' => 'Redmarrer',
+ 'Restarting' => 'Redmarrage',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'N camras confid.',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Restricted Monitors',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Return Delay',
@@ -534,21 +539,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Rotation g.',
'RotateRight' => 'Rotation d.',
'RunMode' => 'Run Mode',
- 'Running' => 'Ca tourne',
'RunState' => 'Run State',
- 'SaveAs' => 'Enr. ss',
+ 'Running' => 'Ca tourne',
'Save' => 'Enr.',
+ 'SaveAs' => 'Enr. ss',
'SaveFilter' => 'Save Filter',
'Scale' => 'Echelle',
'Score' => 'Score',
'Secs' => 'Secs',
'Sectionlength' => 'Longueur section',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => 'Select',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
+ 'Set' => 'Set',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Rgler la bande passante',
'SetPreset' => 'Set Preset',
- 'Set' => 'Set',
'Settings' => 'Rglages',
'ShowFilterWindow' => 'Montrerfen.filtre',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Show Timeline',
@@ -559,26 +564,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sort by',
'SortDesc' => 'Desc',
'Source' => 'Source',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Source Type',
+ 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedHigh' => 'High Speed',
'SpeedLow' => 'Low Speed',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Medium Speed',
- 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turbo Speed',
'Start' => 'Dmarrer',
'State' => 'Etat',
'Stats' => 'Stats',
'Status' => 'Statut',
+ 'Step' => 'Step',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Large Step',
'StepMedium' => 'Medium Step',
'StepNone' => 'No Step',
'StepSmall' => 'Small Step',
- 'Step' => 'Step',
'Stills' => 'Photos',
- 'Stopped' => 'Arrt',
'Stop' => 'Stop',
+ 'Stopped' => 'Arrt',
'Stream' => 'Flux',
'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Submit' => 'Submit',
@@ -586,14 +593,14 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Tele' => 'Tele',
'Thumbnail' => 'Thumbnail',
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
+ 'Time' => 'Temps',
'TimeDelta' => 'Time Delta',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Time Stamp',
'Timeline' => 'Timeline',
+ 'Timestamp' => 'Timestamp',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Timestamp Label Format',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'Timestamp Label X',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Timestamp Label Y',
- 'Timestamp' => 'Timestamp',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Time Stamp',
- 'Time' => 'Temps',
'Today' => 'Today',
'Tools' => 'Outils',
'TotalBrScore' => 'Score
@@ -604,24 +611,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo Tilt Speed',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Unarchive' => 'Dsarchiv.',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Units',
'Unknown' => 'Inconnu',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'Mise jour de ZM dispo.',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Pas de mise jour dispo.',
- 'Update' => 'Update',
+ 'UseFilter' => 'Util. Filtre',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' filter expressions', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Util. ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
- 'UseFilter' => 'Util. Filtre',
+ 'User' => 'Util.',
'Username' => 'nom util.',
'Users' => 'Utils',
- 'User' => 'Util.',
'Value' => 'Valeur',
+ 'Version' => 'Version',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ignorer cette version',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Me rappeler ds 1 j.',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Me rappleler dans 1 h.',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Ne pas avertir des nvelles versions',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Me rappeler ds 1 sem.',
- 'Version' => 'Version',
+ 'Video' => 'Vido',
'VideoFormat' => 'Video Format',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Echec gnration vido!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Existing Video Files',
@@ -629,28 +638,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Paramtres gnration vido',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Video Generation Succeeded!',
'VideoSize' => 'taille vido',
- 'Video' => 'Vido',
+ 'View' => 'Voir',
'ViewAll' => 'Voir tt',
'ViewEvent' => 'View Event',
'ViewPaged' => 'Vue recherche',
- 'View' => 'Voir',
'Wake' => 'Wake',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Images test',
'Watch' => 'Regarder',
- 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Week' => 'Semaine',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'White' => 'White',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'Wide' => 'Wide',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10:chane activation',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10:chane alarme entre',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10:chane alarme sortie',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Oui',
'YouNoPerms' => 'Permissions ncessaires pour cette ressource.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zone',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Couleur alarme (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filter Width/Height (pixels)',
@@ -661,10 +670,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'Zones',
- 'Zone' => 'Zone',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom In',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom Out',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -799,3 +807,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/he_il.php b/web/lang/he_il.php
index 32da203ac..aa3c00647 100755
--- a/web/lang/he_il.php
+++ b/web/lang/he_il.php
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Apply' => '',
'ApplyingStateChange' => ' ',
'ArchArchived' => ' ',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => ' ',
'Archive' => '',
'Archived' => '',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => ' ',
'Area' => '',
'AreaUnits' => ' (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Alarm Frames',
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => ' ',
'BlobPx' => 'Blob Px',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'BlobSizes' => 'Blob Sizes',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'Brightness' => '',
'Buffers' => 'Buffers',
'CanAutoFocus' => ' ',
@@ -158,18 +158,16 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Can Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => ' ',
- 'Cancel' => '',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Cancel Forced Alarm',
'CanFocus' => ' ',
'CanFocusAbs' => ' ',
'CanFocusCon' => ' ',
'CanFocusRel' => ' ',
- 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
+ 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
- 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
+ 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
'CanMove' => ' ',
@@ -184,16 +182,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => ' ',
'CanTilt' => ' ',
'CanWake' => ' ',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Can White Bal. Absolute',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Can White Bal.',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Can White Bal. Continuous',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Can White Bal. Relative',
'CanZoom' => ' ',
'CanZoomAbs' => ' ',
'CanZoomCon' => ' ',
'CanZoomRel' => ' ',
+ 'Cancel' => '',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Cancel Forced Alarm',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Capture Height',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Capture Palette',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Capture Width',
'Cause' => '',
@@ -218,8 +219,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ControlCap' => ' ',
'ControlCaps' => ' ',
'ControlDevice' => ' ',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'ControlType' => ' ',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Cycle' => '',
'CycleWatch' => ' ',
'Day' => '',
@@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DeleteAndPrev' => ' & ',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => ' ',
'Description' => '',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => ' ',
'DeviceFormat' => ' ',
'DeviceNumber' => ' ',
@@ -276,40 +278,40 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles' => ' ',
- 'Exporting' => '',
'ExportMiscFiles' => ' ( )',
'ExportOptions' => ' ',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Export Video Files (if present)',
+ 'Exporting' => '',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS Report Interval',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Feed',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => '',
- 'FileColours' => ' ',
- 'FilePath' => ' ',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => ' ',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => ' ',
'FilterEmailEvents' => ' ',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Execute command on all matches',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Message details of all matches',
'FilterPx' => 'Filter Px',
- 'Filters' => '',
'FilterUnset' => ' ',
'FilterUploadEvents' => ' ',
'FilterVideoEvents' => ' ',
+ 'Filters' => '',
'First' => '',
'FlippedHori' => 'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert' => 'Flipped Vertically',
'Focus' => '',
'ForceAlarm' => ' ',
'Format' => '',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS Report Interval',
'Frame' => '',
'FrameId' => 'Frame Id',
'FrameRate' => 'Frame Rate',
- 'Frames' => '',
'FrameSkip' => ' ',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => '',
'Func' => '',
'Function' => '',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Label' => '',
'Language' => '',
'Last' => '',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => ' ;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => ' ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => ' ',
@@ -375,7 +378,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximum FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
@@ -391,6 +393,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximum FPS',
'Medium' => '',
'MediumBW' => 'Medium B/W',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
@@ -429,8 +432,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Misc' => 'Misc',
'Monitor' => '',
'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Ids',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => '',
'Montage' => 'Montage',
'Month' => '',
@@ -453,16 +456,15 @@ $SLANG = array(
'No' => '',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'There are no frames recorded for this event',
'NoGroup' => ' ',
+ 'NoSavedFilters' => 'NoSavedFilters',
+ 'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'There are no statistics recorded for this event/frame',
'None' => '',
'NoneAvailable' => ' ',
'Normal' => '',
- 'NoSavedFilters' => 'NoSavedFilters',
- 'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'There are no statistics recorded for this event/frame',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => '',
'On' => '',
- 'Open' => '',
'OpEq' => ' ',
'OpGt' => ' ',
'OpGtEq' => 'greater than or equal to',
@@ -473,17 +475,18 @@ $SLANG = array(
'OpNe' => ' ',
'OpNotIn' => 'not in set',
'OpNotMatches' => ' ',
+ 'Open' => '',
'OptionHelp' => 'OptionHelp',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'These changes may not come into effect fully\nwhile the system is running. When you have\nfinished making your changes please ensure that\nyou restart ZoneMinder.',
'Options' => '',
- 'Order' => '',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'or enter new name',
+ 'Order' => '',
'Orientation' => 'Orientation',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Overwrite Existing',
'Paged' => 'Paged',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => '',
@@ -495,8 +498,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PhoneBW' => '/ ',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => '',
- 'PlayAll' => ' ',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => ' ',
'PleaseWait' => ' ',
'Point' => '',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Post Event Image Count',
@@ -515,12 +518,14 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RemoteHostName' => ' ',
'RemoteHostPath' => ' ',
'RemoteHostPort' => ' ',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Remote Image Colours',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => ' ',
- 'Replay' => ' ',
+ 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'Reset' => '',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
@@ -534,8 +539,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => ' ',
'RotateRight' => ' ',
'RunMode' => ' ',
- 'Running' => '',
'RunState' => ' ',
+ 'Running' => '',
'Save' => '',
'SaveAs' => ' ',
'SaveFilter' => ' ',
@@ -559,6 +564,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sort by',
'SortDesc' => 'Desc',
'Source' => '',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => ' ',
'Speed' => '',
'SpeedHigh' => ' ',
@@ -588,9 +595,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
'Time' => '',
'TimeDelta' => ' ',
+ 'TimeStamp' => ' ',
'Timeline' => ' ',
'Timestamp' => ' ',
- 'TimeStamp' => ' ',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Timestamp Label Format',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'Timestamp Label X',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Timestamp Label Y',
@@ -604,6 +611,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo Tilt Speed',
'Type' => '',
'Unarchive' => ' ',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => '',
'Unknown' => ' ',
'Update' => '',
@@ -643,14 +651,14 @@ $SLANG = array(
'White' => '',
'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'Wide' => '',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10 Activation String',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10 Input Alarm String',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10 Output Alarm String',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => '',
'YouNoPerms' => ' .',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
'Zone' => '',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Alarm Colour (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
@@ -799,3 +807,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/hu_hu.php b/web/lang/hu_hu.php
index 42cc8de11..c35ed2900 100644
--- a/web/lang/hu_hu.php
+++ b/web/lang/hu_hu.php
@@ -87,22 +87,22 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AddNewMonitor' => 'j monitor',
'AddNewUser' => 'j felhasznl',
'AddNewZone' => 'j zna',
+ 'Alarm' => 'Riad',
'AlarmBrFrames' => 'Riad
- 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Riad kpek szma',
'AlarmFrame' => 'Riad kp',
+ 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Riad kpek szma',
'AlarmLimits' => 'Riasztsi hatrok',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Maximlis FPS riasztsnl',
'AlarmPx' => 'Riad kppont',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'Be kell lltani egy RGB sznt a riasztshoz',
- 'Alarm' => 'Riad',
'Alert' => 'Riaszts',
'All' => 'Mind',
'Apply' => 'Alkalmaz',
'ApplyingStateChange' => 'llapot vlts...',
'ArchArchived' => 'Csak archivlt',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Csak archivlatlan',
'Archive' => 'Archivls',
'Archived' => 'Archvum',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Csak archivlatlan',
'Area' => 'Terlet',
'AreaUnits' => 'Terlet (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Riad kpkockk',
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Auto' => 'Auto',
'AutoStopTimeout' => 'Auto megllsi id tllps',
'AvgBrScore' => 'tlag
- 'BackgroundFilter' => 'Szr futtatsa a httrben',
'Background' => 'Httr',
+ 'BackgroundFilter' => 'Szr futtatsa a httrben',
'BadAlarmFrameCount' => 'Riad kpek szma 1 vagy nagyobb egsz szm legyen',
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'A riad maximlis FPS szma pozitv szm legyen',
'BadChannel' => 'A csatorna szma 0 vagy nagyobb egsz szm legyen',
'BadDevice' => 'Az eszkz rtk vals legyen',
- 'BadFormat' => 'A tpus 0 vagy nagyobb egsz szm legyen',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS informcis idkz puffer szmllja 100 vagy nagyobb egsz legyen',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'A tpus 0 vagy nagyobb egsz szm legyen',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Kpkocka eldobsok szma 0 vagy nagyobb egsz szm legyen',
'BadHeight' => 'A kpmagassg rvnyes rtk legyen kppontban',
'BadHost' => 'A hoszt vals IP cm vagy hosztnv legyen, http:// nlkl',
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'A kpszlessg rvnyes rtk legyen kppontban',
'Bandwidth' => 'Svszlessgre',
'BlobPx' => 'Blob kppont',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blob-ok',
'BlobSizes' => 'Blob mrete',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blob-ok',
'Brightness' => 'Fnyer',
'Buffers' => 'Pufferek',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Auto fkusz van',
@@ -166,42 +166,43 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Auto risz van',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Van autmata fehr egyensly',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Auto zoom van',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Kzi riaszts lelltsa',
- 'Cancel' => 'Mgsem',
+ 'CanFocus' => 'Tud fkuszlni',
'CanFocusAbs' => 'Tud abszolt fkuszt',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Tud folyamatos fkuszt',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Tud relatv fkuszt',
- 'CanFocus' => 'Tud fkuszlni',
+ 'CanGain' => 'Tud ersteni',
'CanGainAbs' => 'Tud abszolt erstst',
'CanGainCon' => 'Tud folyamatos erstst',
'CanGainRel' => 'Tud relatv erstst',
- 'CanGain' => 'Tud ersteni',
+ 'CanIris' => 'Tud riszt vltoztatni',
'CanIrisAbs' => 'Tud abszolut riszt',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Folyamatosan tud riszt vltoztatni',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Relatven tud riszt vltoztatni',
- 'CanIris' => 'Tud riszt vltoztatni',
+ 'CanMove' => 'Tud mozogni',
'CanMoveAbs' => 'Tud abszolult mozgst',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Folyamatosan tud mozogni',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Diagonlban tud mozogni',
'CanMoveMap' => 'tvonalon tud mozogni',
'CanMoveRel' => 'Relatven tud mozogni',
- 'CanMove' => 'Tud mozogni',
'CanPan' => 'Tud jobb-bal mozgst' ,
'CanReset' => 'Tud alaphelyzetbe jnni',
'CanSetPresets' => 'Tud menteni profilokat',
'CanSleep' => 'Tud phihen zemmdot',
'CanTilt' => 'Tud fel-le mozgst',
'CanWake' => 'Tud felledni',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Tud fehr egyenslyt',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Tud abszolut fehr egyenslyt',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Tud fehr egyenslyt',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Tud folyamatos fehr egyenslyt',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Tud relatv fehr egyenslyt',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Tud fehr egyenslyt',
+ 'CanZoom' => 'Tud zoom-olni',
'CanZoomAbs' => 'Tud abszolut zoom-ot',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Tud folyamatos zoom-ot',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Tud relatv zoom-ot',
- 'CanZoom' => 'Tud zoom-olni',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Mgsem',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Kzi riaszts lelltsa',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Kpmagassg',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Felvtel szn-paletta',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Kpszlessg',
'Cause' => 'Okoz',
@@ -221,13 +222,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Krem vegye fel a kapcsolatot a rendszergazdval a rszletekrt.',
'Continue' => 'Folytats',
'Contrast' => 'Kontraszt',
- 'ControlAddress' => 'Vezrlsi jogok',
- 'ControlCaps' => 'Vezrlsi lehetsgek',
- 'ControlCap' => 'Vezrlsi lehetsg',
- 'ControlDevice' => 'Vezrl eszkz',
- 'Controllable' => 'Vezrelhet',
- 'ControlType' => 'Vezrls tpusa',
'Control' => 'Vezrls',
+ 'ControlAddress' => 'Vezrlsi jogok',
+ 'ControlCap' => 'Vezrlsi lehetsg',
+ 'ControlCaps' => 'Vezrlsi lehetsgek',
+ 'ControlDevice' => 'Vezrl eszkz',
+ 'ControlType' => 'Vezrls tpusa',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Vezrelhet',
'Cycle' => 'Krkapcsols',
'CycleWatch' => 'Krkapcsols',
'Day' => 'Napon',
@@ -235,11 +236,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DefaultRate' => 'Alaprtelmezett FPS',
'DefaultScale' => 'Alaprtelmezett arny',
'DefaultView' => 'Alaprtelmezett nzet',
+ 'Delete' => 'Trl',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Trl &
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Trl &
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Mentett szr trlse',
- 'Delete' => 'Trl',
'Description' => 'Lers',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Eszkz csatornja',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Eszkz formtuma',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Eszkz szm',
@@ -248,9 +250,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Dimenzik',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Riaszts tiltsa',
'Disk' => 'Trhely',
+ 'Donate' => 'Krem tmogasson',
'DonateAlready' => 'Nem, n mr tmogattam',
'DonateEnticement' => 'n mr j ideje hasznlja a ZoneMindert remlhetleg hasznos kiegsztsnek tartja hza vagy munkahelye biztostsban. Br ZoneMinder szabad, nylt forrskd, s az is marad; a fejlesztse pnzbe kerl. Ha tmogatni szeretn a jvbeni fejlesztseket s az j funkcikat krem tmogasson. A tmogats teljesen nkntes, de nagyon megbecslt s annyival tud tmogatni amennyivel kvn.
Ha tmogatni szertne krem vlasszon az albbi lehetsgekbl vagy ltogassa meg a http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html oldalt.
Ksznm, hogy hasznlja a ZoneMinder-t s ne felejtse el megltogatni a frumokat a ZoneMinder.com oldalon tmogatsrt s tletekrt, hogy tudja mg jobban hasznlni a ZoneMinder-t.',
- 'Donate' => 'Krem tmogasson',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Nem most, figyelmeztess 1 nap mlva',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Nem most, figyelmeztess 1 ra mlva',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Nem most, figyelmeztess 1 hnap mlva',
@@ -264,8 +266,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Riaszts feloldsa',
'Enabled' => 'Engedlyezve',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'rd be az j szr nevt',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Hiba, ellenrizd, hogy ugyanannyi nyit s zr zrjel van',
'Error' => 'Hiba',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Hiba, ellenrizd, hogy ugyanannyi nyit s zr zrjel van',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Hiba, ellenrizd, hogy minden belltsnak rvnyes rtke van',
'Etc' => 'stb',
'Event' => 'Esemny',
@@ -276,48 +278,48 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Events' => 'Esemnyek',
'Exclude' => 'Kizr',
'Execute' => 'Futtat',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Esemny adatainak exportlsa',
'Export' => 'Exportl',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Esemny adatainak exportlsa',
'ExportFailed' => 'Hibs exportls',
'ExportFormat' => 'Exportlt fjl formtuma',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'TAR',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'ZIP',
'ExportFrames' => 'Kpek adatainak exportlsa',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Kpek exportlsa',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exportls...',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Egyb fjlok exportlsa (ha vannak)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Exportls belltsai',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Vide fjlok exportlsa (ha vannak)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exportls...',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS jelents idkze',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Tvol',
'FastForward' => 'Elre tekers',
'Feed' => 'Folyam',
- 'FileColours' => 'Fjl sznei',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'Fjl',
- 'FilePath' => 'Fjl elrsi tvonala',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Minden tallat archivlsa',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Minden tallat trlse',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Minden tallat adatainak elkldse E-mailben',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Parancs futtatsa minden tallaton',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Minden tallat adatainak zense',
'FilterPx' => 'Szrt kpkockk',
- 'Filters' => 'Szrk',
'FilterUnset' => 'Meg kell adnod a szr szlessgt s magassgt',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Minden tallat feltltse',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Vide ksztse minden tallatrl',
+ 'Filters' => 'Szrk',
'First' => 'Els',
'FlippedHori' => 'Vzszintes tkrzs',
'FlippedVert' => 'Fggleges tkrzs',
'Focus' => 'Fkusz',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Kzi riaszts',
'Format' => 'Formtum',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS jelents idkze',
- 'FrameId' => 'Kpkocka azonost',
'Frame' => 'Kpkocka',
+ 'FrameId' => 'Kpkocka azonost',
'FrameRate' => 'FPS',
'FrameSkip' => 'Kpk. kihagys',
'Frames' => 'Kpkocka',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Func' => 'Funk.',
'Function' => 'Funkci',
'Gain' => 'Ersts',
@@ -339,25 +341,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'HasTurboTilt' => 'Van turb le-fel',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'Van fehr egyensly sebessg',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'Van zoom sebessg',
- 'HighBW' => 'Magas
'High' => 'Magas',
+ 'HighBW' => 'Magas
'Home' => 'Home',
'Hour' => 'rban',
'Hue' => 'Sznrnyalat',
'Id' => 'Az.',
'Idle' => 'Nyugalom',
'Ignore' => 'Figyelmen kvl hagy',
- 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Kppuffer mrete (kpkockk)',
'Image' => 'Kp',
+ 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Kppuffer mrete (kpkockk)',
'Images' => 'Kp',
- 'Include' => 'Begyaz',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => 'Begyaz',
'Inverted' => 'Invertlva',
'Iris' => 'risz',
'KeyString' => 'Kulcs karaktersor',
'Label' => 'Cimke',
'Language' => 'Nyelv',
'Last' => 'Utols',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'tallatig korltoz', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Az els', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'sszefgg monitorok',
@@ -374,6 +377,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Kziknyv',
'Mark' => 'Jells',
+ 'Max' => 'Max.',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max. svszlessg',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Max.
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max. fkusz tartomny',
@@ -382,11 +386,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximum FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max. risz tartomny',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max. risz sebessg',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max. risz lps',
- 'Max' => 'Max.',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max. jobb-bal tartomny',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max. jobb-bal sebessg',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max. jobb-bal lps',
@@ -399,8 +401,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max. zoom tartomny',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max. zoom sebessg',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max. zoom lps',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Kzepes
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximum FPS',
'Medium' => 'Kzepes',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Kzepes
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'A minimum riasztott terletnek kisebbnek kell lennie mint a maximumnak',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'Meg kell adnod a minimum riasztott kppontok szmt',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'A minimum blob terletnek kisebbnek kell lennie mint a maximumnak',
@@ -435,8 +438,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Min. zoom sebessg',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Min. zoom lps',
'Misc' => 'Egyb',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Azonostk',
'Monitor' => 'Monitor',
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Azonostk',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Elre belltott rtkprofilok megfigyelshez',
'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Vlassz egy, az elre meghatrozott
rtkprofilt az albbiak kzl.
Vedd figyelembe, hogy ez fellrhatja
az ltalad mr belltott rtkeket.
'Monitors' => 'Megfigyelsek',
@@ -451,41 +454,41 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Nv',
'Near' => 'Kzel',
'Network' => 'Hlzat',
+ 'New' => 'Uj',
'NewGroup' => 'j csoport',
'NewLabel' => 'j cimke',
'NewPassword' => 'j jelsz',
'NewState' => 'j llapot',
- 'New' => 'Uj',
'NewUser' => 'j felhasznl',
'Next' => 'Kvetkez',
+ 'No' => 'Nem',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Nincs felvett kpkocka ehhez az esemnyhez',
'NoGroup' => 'Nincs csoport',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'Nincs elrhet',
- 'No' => 'Nem',
- 'None' => 'Nincs kivlasztva',
- 'Normal' => 'Normlis',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'Nincs mentett szr',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'Nincs mentett statisztika ehhez az esemnyhez/kpkockhoz',
+ 'None' => 'Nincs kivlasztva',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'Nincs elrhet',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normlis',
'Notes' => 'Megjegyzsek',
'NumPresets' => 'Profilok szma',
'Off' => 'Ki',
'On' => 'Be',
- 'Open' => 'Megnyits',
'OpEq' => 'egyenl',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'nagyobb van egyenl',
'OpGt' => 'nagyobb mint',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'nagyobb van egyenl',
'OpIn' => 'belltva',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'kisebb vagy egyenl',
'OpLt' => 'kisebb mint',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'kisebb vagy egyenl',
'OpMatches' => 'tallatok',
'OpNe' => 'nem egyenl',
'OpNotIn' => 'nincs belltva',
'OpNotMatches' => 'nincs tallat',
+ 'Open' => 'Megnyits',
'OptionHelp' => 'Belltsi segtsg',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Ez a bellts nem jut teljesen rvnyre\namg a rendszer fut. Ha megtettl minden\nbelltst, indtsd jra a ZoneMinder szolgltatst.',
'Options' => 'Belltsok',
- 'Order' => 'Sorrend',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'vagy adj meg j nevet',
+ 'Order' => 'Sorrend',
'Orientation' => 'Orientci',
'Out' => 'Kifel',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Meglv fellrsa',
@@ -499,12 +502,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Az j s a megerstett jelsz klnbzik!',
'Paths' => 'tvonalak',
'Pause' => 'Sznet',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Betrcsz
'Phone' => 'Telefonon betrcszva',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Betrcsz
'PixelDiff' => 'Kppont eltrs',
'Pixels' => 'kppont',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Mind lejtszsa',
'Play' => 'Lejtszs',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Mind lejtszsa',
'PleaseWait' => 'Krlek vrj...',
'Point' => 'Pont',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Esemny utni kppuffer',
@@ -523,17 +526,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RemoteHostName' => 'Hlzati IP cm/hosztnv',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'A kp elrsi tja',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Hlzati gp portszma',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'A kp szne',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'tnevez',
+ 'Replay' => 'Visszajtszs',
'ReplayAll' => 'Minden esemnyt',
- 'Replay' => 'Az elejtl',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Folyamatos esemnyeket',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Egyni esemny',
- 'Replay' => 'Visszajtszs',
'Reset' => 'Alaprtkre llt',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Esemny szmll nullzsa',
- 'Restarting' => 'jraindts',
'Restart' => 'jraindt',
+ 'Restarting' => 'jraindts',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Korltozott kamerk azonosti',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Korltozott kamerk',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Visszarkezs ksleltetse',
@@ -542,11 +547,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Balra forgats',
'RotateRight' => 'Jobbra forgats',
'RunMode' => 'Futsi md',
- 'Running' => 'les',
'RunState' => 'Futsi llapot',
+ 'Running' => 'les',
+ 'Save' => 'Ments',
'SaveAs' => 'Ments mint',
'SaveFilter' => 'Szr mentse',
- 'Save' => 'Ments',
'Scale' => 'Mret',
'Score' => 'Pontszm',
'Secs' => 'mp.',
@@ -567,23 +572,25 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sorbarendezs:',
'SortDesc' => 'Cskken',
'Source' => 'Forrs',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Forrs tpusa',
+ 'Speed' => 'Sebessg',
'SpeedHigh' => 'Nagy sebssg',
'SpeedLow' => 'Alacsony sebessg',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Kzepes sebessg',
- 'Speed' => 'Sebessg',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turb sebessg',
'Start' => 'Indt',
'State' => 'llapot',
'Stats' => 'Statisztikk',
'Status' => 'Sttusz',
+ 'Step' => 'Ugrs',
'StepBack' => 'Visszalps',
'StepForward' => 'Elrelps',
'StepLarge' => 'Nagy ugrs',
'StepMedium' => 'Kzepes ugrs',
'StepNone' => 'Nincs ugrs',
'StepSmall' => 'Kis ugrs',
- 'Step' => 'Ugrs',
'Stills' => 'llkpek',
'Stop' => 'Megllts',
'Stopped' => 'Meglltva',
@@ -594,11 +601,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Tele' => 'Tv',
'Thumbnail' => 'Elnzet',
'Tilt' => 'Fel-le mozgs',
- 'TimeDelta' => 'Id vltozs',
'Time' => 'Idpont',
+ 'TimeDelta' => 'Id vltozs',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Idblyeg',
'Timeline' => 'Idvonal',
'Timestamp' => 'Idblyeg',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Idblyeg',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Idblyeg formtum',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'Elhelyezs X pozici',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Elhelyezs Y pozici',
@@ -612,24 +619,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo fel-le sebessg',
'Type' => 'Tpus',
'Unarchive' => 'Archvumbl ki',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Egysgek',
'Unknown' => 'Ismeretlen',
- 'UpdateAvailable' => 'Elrhet ZoneMinder frissts.',
'Update' => 'Frissts',
+ 'UpdateAvailable' => 'Elrhet ZoneMinder frissts.',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Nem szksges a frissts.',
+ 'UseFilter' => 'Szrt hasznl',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' szr kifejezs hasznlata', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => ' ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
- 'UseFilter' => 'Szrt hasznl',
'User' => 'Felhasznl',
'Username' => 'Felhasznlnv',
'Users' => 'Felhasznlk',
'Value' => 'rtk',
+ 'Version' => 'Verzi',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ennek a verzinak a figyelmen kvl hagysa',
'VersionRemindDay' => '1 nap mlva emlkeztess',
'VersionRemindHour' => '1 ra mlva emlkeztess',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Ne emlkeztess az j verzirl',
'VersionRemindWeek' => '1 ht mlva emlkeztess',
- 'Version' => 'Verzi',
+ 'Video' => 'Vide',
'VideoFormat' => 'Vide formtum',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Hiba a vide ksztsekor!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Ltez videk',
@@ -637,28 +646,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Vide ksztsi paramterek',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'A vide elkszlt!',
'VideoSize' => 'Kp mrete',
- 'Video' => 'Vide',
+ 'View' => 'Megtekint',
'ViewAll' => 'Az sszes listzsa',
'ViewEvent' => 'Esemnyek nzet',
- 'View' => 'Megtekint',
'ViewPaged' => 'Oldal nzet',
'Wake' => 'breszt',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Bemelegt kpkockk',
'Watch' => 'Figyel',
- 'WebColour' => 'Szn az idvonal ablakban',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Szn az idvonal ablakban',
'Week' => 'Hten',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'Fehr egyensly',
'White' => 'Fehr',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'Fehr egyensly',
'Wide' => 'Szles',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10 lest karaktersor',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10 bemeneti riad karaktersor',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10 kimeneti riad karaktersor',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Igen',
'YouNoPerms' => 'Nincs jogod az erforrs elrshez.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zna:',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Riad szn (R/G/B)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zna terlet',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Szrt szlessg/magassg (kppontok)',
@@ -669,10 +678,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max kppont kszb (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Tlterhels esetn ennyi kpkocka hagyhat ki',
'Zones' => 'Znk',
- 'Zone' => 'Zna:',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom be',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom ki',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -808,3 +816,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/it_it.php b/web/lang/it_it.php
index 2f8fa6d35..1e3b3d713 100644
--- a/web/lang/it_it.php
+++ b/web/lang/it_it.php
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AddNewZone' => 'Aggiungi nuova Zona',
'Alarm' => 'Allarme',
'AlarmBrFrames' => 'Immagini
- 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Allarme Conta frame',
'AlarmFrame' => 'Immagine Allarme',
+ 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Allarme Conta frame',
'AlarmLimits' => 'Limiti Allarme',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'FPS massimi durante l\'allarme',
'AlarmPx' => 'Pixel Allarme',
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Apply' => 'Applica',
'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Sto applicando le modifiche',
'ArchArchived' => 'Archiviato',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Non archiviare',
'Archive' => 'Archivio',
'Archived' => 'Archiviato',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Non archiviare',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Immagini in Allarme',
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AttrMonitorName' => 'Nome Monitor',
'AttrName' => 'Nome',
'AttrNotes' => 'Note',
- 'AttrSystemLoad' => 'Carico del Sistema',
'AttrSystemLoad' => 'System Load',
'AttrTime' => 'Ora',
'AttrTotalScore' => 'Punteggio totale',
@@ -132,8 +131,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Il numero massimo di FPS dell\'allarme deve essere un numero intero positivo o un valore in virgola mobile',
'BadChannel' => 'Il canale deve essere settato con un numero intero uguale o maggiore di zero',
'BadDevice' => 'Il dispositivo deve essere impostato con un valore valido',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Il formato deve essere impostato con un numero intero come 0 o maggiore',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'L\'intervallo di FPS per i report deve essere un numero intero superiore a 100',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Il formato deve essere impostato con un numero intero come 0 o maggiore',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Il numero di Frame da scartare deve essere un intero uguale a 0 o superiore',
'BadHeight' => 'L\'altezza deve essere impostata con un valore valido',
'BadHost' => 'L\'host deve essere impostato con un indirizzo ip valido o con un hostname, non includendo http://',
@@ -148,7 +147,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadPreEventCount' => 'Il buffer d\'immagine antecedente ad un evento deve essere minimo 0 e comunque minore della dimensione del buffer d\'immagine',
'BadRefBlendPerc' => 'La percentuale di miscela di riferimento deve essere un intero positivo',
'BadSectionLength' => 'La lunghezza della sezione deve essere un numero intero pari a 30 o maggiore',
- 'BadSignalCheckColour' => 'Il colore del controllo di segnale deve essere una stringa RGB valida',
'BadSignalCheckColour' => 'Signal check colour must be a valid RGB colour string',
'BadStreamReplayBuffer'=> 'Stream replay buffer must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadWarmupCount' => 'Il numero di frame di allarme deve essere un numero intero maggiore o uguale a zero',
@@ -156,8 +154,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'La larghezza deve essere impostata con un valore valido',
'Bandwidth' => 'Banda',
'BlobPx' => 'Blob Px',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'BlobSizes' => 'Dimensioni Blob',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'Brightness' => 'Luminosità',
'Buffers' => 'Buffers',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Puo\' Auto Focus',
@@ -165,25 +163,23 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Puo\' Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Puo\' Auto bil bianco',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Puo\' Auto Zoom',
- 'Cancel' => 'Annulla',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Annulla Allarme Forzato',
+ 'CanFocus' => 'Puo\' Fuoco',
'CanFocusAbs' => 'Puo\' Fuoco Assoluto',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Puo\' Fuoco Continuo ',
- 'CanFocus' => 'Puo\' Fuoco',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Puo\' Fuoco Relativo',
+ 'CanGain' => 'Puo\' Gain ',
'CanGainAbs' => 'Puo\' Gain Assoluto',
'CanGainCon' => 'Puo\' Gain Continuo ',
- 'CanGain' => 'Puo\' Gain ',
'CanGainRel' => 'Puo\' Gain Relativo',
+ 'CanIris' => 'Puo\' Iris',
'CanIrisAbs' => 'Puo\' Iris Assoluto',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Puo\' Iris Continuo ',
- 'CanIris' => 'Puo\' Iris',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Puo\' Iris Relativo',
+ 'CanMove' => 'Puo\' Mov.',
'CanMoveAbs' => 'Puo\' Mov. Assoluto',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Puo\' Mov. Continuo ',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Puo\' Mov. Diagonale ',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Puo\' Mov Mappato',
- 'CanMove' => 'Puo\' Mov.',
'CanMoveRel' => 'Puo\' Mov. Relativo',
'CanPan' => 'Puo\' Pan' ,
'CanReset' => 'Puo\' Reset',
@@ -191,16 +187,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Puo\' andare in sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Puo\' Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Puo\' essere riattivato',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Puo\' bilanciare il bianco',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Puo\' bilanciare il bianco assoluto',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Puo\' bilanciare il bianco',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Puo\' bilanciare il bianco Continuo',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Puo\' bilanciare il bianco',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Puo\' bilanciare il bianco Relativo',
+ 'CanZoom' => 'Puo\' Zoom',
'CanZoomAbs' => 'Puo\' Zoom Assoluto',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Puo\' Zoom Continuo',
- 'CanZoom' => 'Puo\' Zoom',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Puo\' Zoom Relativo',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Annulla',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Annulla Allarme Forzato',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Altezza img catturata',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Paletta img Catturata',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Larghezza img Catturata',
'Cause' => 'Causa',
@@ -220,13 +219,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Contatta il tuo amministratore per dettagli.',
'Continue' => 'Continuo',
'Contrast' => 'Contrasto',
+ 'Control' => 'Controllo',
'ControlAddress' => 'Indirizzo di controllo',
'ControlCap' => 'Capacita\' di controllo',
'ControlCaps' => 'Capacita\' di controllo',
- 'Control' => 'Controllo',
'ControlDevice' => 'Dispositivo di controllo',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllabile',
'ControlType' => 'Tipo Controllo',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllabile',
'Cycle' => 'Cicla',
'CycleWatch' => 'Vista Ciclica',
'Day' => 'Giorno',
@@ -234,11 +233,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DefaultRate' => 'Default Rate',
'DefaultScale' => 'Scala di default',
'DefaultView' => 'Visualizzazione di default',
+ 'Delete' => 'Elimina',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Elimina & Prossimo',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Elimina & Precedente',
- 'Delete' => 'Elimina',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Elimina il filtro salvato',
'Description' => 'Descrizione',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Canale Periferica',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Formato',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Numero Periferica',
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Dimensioni',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Disabil Allarme',
'Disk' => 'Utilizzo Disco',
- 'DonateAlready' => 'No, ho gia donato... ',
'Donate' => 'Donate,per favore',
+ 'DonateAlready' => 'No, ho gia donato... ',
'DonateEnticement' => 'Stai usando ZoneMinder da un po\' di tempo e spero che tu lo stia trovando utile per la sicurezza di casa tua o del tuo posto di lavoro..Anche se ZoneMinder e\' distribuito liberamente come software libero,costa soldi sia svilupparlo che supportarlo. Se preferisci che questo software continui ad avere supporto e sviluppo in futuro allora considera l\idea di fare una piccola donazione. Donare e\' ovviamente opzionale, ma apprezzato e puoi donare quanto vuoi,quel poco o tanto che tu desideri.
Se hai voglia per cortesia seleziona l\'opzione sotto o punta il tuo browser a http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html .
Grazie per usare ZoneMinder e non dimenticare di visitare il forum in ZoneMinder.com se cerchi supporto o hai suggerimenti riguardo a come rendere migliore Zoneminder.',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Non ancora, ricordamelo ancora tra 1 giorno',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Non ancora, ricordamelo ancora tra 1 ora',
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Abilita Allarmi',
'Enabled' => 'Attivo',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Inserisci il nome del nuovo filtro',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Errore, controlla di avere un ugual numero di parentesti aperte e chiuse.',
'Error' => 'Errore',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Errore, controlla di avere un ugual numero di parentesti aperte e chiuse.',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Errore, controlla che tutti i termini abbiano un valore valido',
'Etc' => 'ecc.',
'Event' => 'Evento',
@@ -275,49 +275,48 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Events' => 'Eventi',
'Exclude' => 'Escludi',
'Execute' => 'Esegui',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Esp. dettagli eventi',
'Export' => 'Esporta',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Esp. dettagli eventi',
'ExportFailed' => 'Esp. Fallita ',
'ExportFormat' => 'Formato File Esp. ',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Dettagli frame espo.',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Esporta le immagini',
- 'Exporting' => 'In corso.',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Esporto Altri file (se presenti)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Opzioni Esportazione',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Esporto File Video (se presenti)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'In corso.',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'Intervallo Report FPS',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Lontano',
- 'FastForward' => 'Avanti Veloce',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Feed',
- 'FileColours' => 'Colori File',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => 'Percorso File',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Archivia gli eventi',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Elimina gli eventi',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Invia dettagli via email',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Esegui un comando',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Invia dettagli tramite messaggio',
'FilterPx' => 'Px Filtro',
- 'Filters' => 'Filtri',
'FilterUnset' => 'Devi specificare altezza e larghezza per il filtro',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Fai upload eventi (FTP)',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Crea video per tutte le corrispondenze',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filtri',
'First' => 'Primo',
'FlippedHori' => 'ribaltato orizzontale',
'FlippedVert' => 'ribaltato verticale',
'Focus' => 'Focus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Forza Allarme',
'Format' => 'Formato',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'Intervallo Report FPS',
- 'FrameId' => 'Id Immagine',
'Frame' => 'Immagini',
+ 'FrameId' => 'Id Immagine',
'FrameRate' => 'Immagini al secondo',
- 'Frames' => 'Immagini',
'FrameSkip' => 'Immagini saltate',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => 'Immagini',
'Func' => 'Funz',
'Function' => 'Funzione',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -347,17 +346,18 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Id' => 'Id',
'Idle' => 'Inattivo',
'Ignore' => 'Ignora',
- 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Grandezza Buffer Immagine (frames)',
'Image' => 'Immagine',
+ 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Grandezza Buffer Immagine (frames)',
'Images' => 'Immagini',
- 'Include' => 'Includi',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => 'Includi',
'Inverted' => 'Invertito',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Stringa Chiave',
'Label' => 'Etichetta',
'Language' => 'Linguaggio',
'Last' => 'Ultimo',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'risultati;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Limita ai primi', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Monitor Collegati',
@@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manuale',
'Mark' => 'Seleziona',
+ 'Max' => 'Massima',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Banda Massima',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Punteggio
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Massimo range del focus',
@@ -382,11 +383,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Massimo range del guadagno',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Massima velocita\' del guadagno',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Massimo step del guadagno',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Massimi FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Massima range dell\'Iris',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Massima velocita\' dell\'Iris',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Massimo step dell\'Iris',
- 'Max' => 'Massima',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Massimo range del pan',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Massima velocita\' del tilt',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Massimo step del pan',
@@ -399,13 +398,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Massimo range dello zoom',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Massima velocita\' dello zoom',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Massimo step dello zoom',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Banda Media',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Massimi FPS',
'Medium' => 'Media',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Banda Media',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'L\'area minima dell\'allarme deve essere minore di quella massima',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'Devi specificare il numero minimo di pixel per l\'allarme',
- 'MinAlarmGeMinBlob' => 'I pixel minimi dell\'allarme devono essere grandi almeno quanto i pixel minimi del blob',
- 'MinAlarmGeMinFilter' => 'I pixel minimi dell\'allarme devono essere grandi almeno quanto i pixel minimi del filtro',
- 'MinAlarmPixelsLtMax' => 'I pixel minimi dell\'allarme devono essere minori dei pixel massimi dell\'allarme',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'L\'area di blob minima deve essere minore dell\'area di blob massima',
'MinBlobAreaUnset' => 'Devi specificare il numero minimo di pixel per il blob',
'MinBlobLtMinFilter' => 'L\'area minima di blob deve essere minore o uguale dell\'area minima del filtro',
@@ -414,7 +411,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinFilterAreaLtMax' => 'L\'area minima del filtro deve essere minore di quella massima',
'MinFilterAreaUnset' => 'Devi specificare il numero minimo di pixel per il filtro',
'MinFilterLtMinAlarm' => 'L\'area minima di filtro deve essere minore o uguale dell\area minima di allarme',
- 'MinFilterPixelsLtMax' => 'I pixel minimi del filtro devono essere minori di pixel massimi del filtro',
'MinFocusRange' => 'Range minimo del Focus',
'MinFocusSpeed' => 'Velocita\' minima del Focus',
'MinFocusStep' => 'Minimo step del Focus',
@@ -428,6 +424,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinPanSpeed' => 'Velocita\' minima del Pan',
'MinPanStep' => 'Step minimo del Pan',
'MinPixelThresLtMax' => 'I pixel minimi della soglia devono essere minori dei pixel massimi della soglia',
+ 'MinPixelThresUnset' => 'You must specify a minimum pixel threshold', // Added - 2009-02-08
'MinTiltRange' => 'Range minimo del Tilt',
'MinTiltSpeed' => 'Velocita\' minima del Tilt',
'MinTiltStep' => 'Step minimo del Tilt',
@@ -438,10 +435,10 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Velocita\' minima dello zoom',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Step minimo dello zoom',
'Misc' => 'Altro',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Ids',
'Monitor' => 'Monitor',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Selezionare un appropriato pre settaggio dalla lista riportata qui sotto.
Per favore notare che questo potrebbe sovrascrivere ogni valore che hai già configurato su questo monitor.
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Ids',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Presenti',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Selezionare un appropriato pre settaggio dalla lista riportata qui sotto.
Per favore notare che questo potrebbe sovrascrivere ogni valore che hai già configurato su questo monitor.
'Monitors' => 'Monitors',
'Montage' => 'Montaggio',
'Month' => 'Mese',
@@ -454,61 +451,60 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Nome',
'Near' => 'Vicino',
'Network' => 'Rete',
+ 'New' => 'Nuovo',
'NewGroup' => 'Nuovo Gruppo',
'NewLabel' => 'Nuova Etichetta',
- 'New' => 'Nuovo',
'NewPassword' => 'Nuova Password',
'NewState' => 'Nuovo Stato',
'NewUser' => 'Nuovo Utente',
'Next' => 'Prossimo',
- 'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Non ci sono immagini salvate per questo evento',
- 'NoGroups' => 'Nessun Gruppo e\' stato definito',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'Nessuno disponibile',
- 'None' => 'Nessuno',
'No' => 'No',
- 'Normal' => 'Normale',
+ 'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Non ci sono immagini salvate per questo evento',
+ 'NoGroup' => 'No Group', // Added - 2009-02-08
'NoSavedFilters' => 'NessunFiltroSalvato',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'Non ci sono statistiche salvate per questo evento/immagine',
+ 'None' => 'Nessuno',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'Nessuno disponibile',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normale',
'Notes' => 'Note',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Apri',
'OpEq' => 'uguale a',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'maggiore o uguale a',
'OpGt' => 'maggiore di',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'maggiore o uguale a',
'OpIn' => 'impostato',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'minore o uguale a',
'OpLt' => 'minore di',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'minore o uguale a',
'OpMatches' => 'corrisponde',
'OpNe' => 'diverso da',
'OpNotIn' => 'non impostato',
'OpNotMatches' => 'non corrisponde',
+ 'Open' => 'Apri',
'OptionHelp' => 'Opzioni di Aiuto',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Queste modifiche potrebbero essere attive solo dopo un riavvio del sistema. Riavviare ZoneMinder.',
'Options' => 'Opzioni',
- 'Order' => 'Ordine',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'o inserisci un nuovo nome',
+ 'Order' => 'Ordine',
'Orientation' => 'Orientamento',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Sovrascrivi',
'Paged' => 'Con paginazione',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Sinistra',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Sinistra',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Destra',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => 'Parametri',
'Password' => 'Password',
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Le password non coincidono',
'Paths' => 'Percorsi',
- 'Pause' => 'Pausa',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Banda Tel',
'Phone' => 'Telefono',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Banda Tel',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => 'pixels',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Vedi tutti',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Vedi tutti',
'PleaseWait' => 'Attendere prego',
'Point' => 'Punto',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Buffer di immagini Dopo Evento',
@@ -523,40 +519,42 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => 'Registra',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Riferimento Miscela Immagine percentuale',
'Refresh' => 'Aggiorna',
+ 'Remote' => 'Remoto',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Nome dell\'Host Remoto',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Percorso dell\'Host Remoto',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Porta dell\'Host Remoto',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Colori delle immagini Remote',
- 'Remote' => 'Remoto',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Rinomina',
+ 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Resetta Contatore Eventi',
'Reset' => 'Resetta',
- 'Restarting' => 'Sto riavviando',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Resetta Contatore Eventi',
'Restart' => 'Riavvia',
+ 'Restarting' => 'Sto riavviando',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Camera Ids Riservati',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Monitor limitati',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Ritardo del ritorno',
'ReturnLocation' => 'Posizione del ritorno',
- 'Rewind' => 'Rewind',
'Rewind' => 'Riavvolgi',
'RotateLeft' => 'Ruota a Sinista',
'RotateRight' => 'Ruota a Destra',
'RunMode' => 'Modalita funzionamento',
- 'Running' => 'Avviato',
'RunState' => 'Stato Avviato',
+ 'Running' => 'Avviato',
+ 'Save' => 'Salva',
'SaveAs' => 'Salva come',
'SaveFilter' => 'salva Filtro',
- 'Save' => 'Salva',
'Scale' => 'Scala',
'Score' => 'Punteggio',
'Secs' => 'Secs',
'Sectionlength' => 'Lunghezza Sezione',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Monitor Selezionati',
'Select' => 'Seleziona',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Monitor Selezionati',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'I vertici del poligono non devono intersecarsi',
'Set' => 'Imposta',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Imposta nuova Banda',
@@ -564,7 +562,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Settings' => 'Impostazioni',
'ShowFilterWindow' => 'MostraFinestraFiltri',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Mostra linea temporale',
- 'SignalCheckColour' => 'Colore del controllo di segnale',
'SignalCheckColour' => 'Signal Check Colour',
'Size' => 'grandezza',
'Sleep' => 'Sleep',
@@ -572,26 +569,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Ordina per',
'SortDesc' => 'Decr',
'Source' => 'Sorgente',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Tipo Sorgente',
+ 'Speed' => 'Velocita\'',
'SpeedHigh' => 'Alta Velocita\'',
'SpeedLow' => 'Bassa Velocita\'',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Media Velocita\'',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turbo Velocita\'',
- 'Speed' => 'Velocita\'',
'Start' => 'Avvia',
'State' => 'Stato',
'Stats' => 'Statistiche',
'Status' => 'Stato',
+ 'Step' => 'Passo',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Lungo passo',
'StepMedium' => 'Medio passo',
'StepNone' => 'No passo',
- 'Step' => 'Passo',
'StepSmall' => 'Piccolo passo',
'Stills' => 'Foto',
- 'Stopped' => 'Fermo-immagine',
'Stop' => 'Stop',
+ 'Stopped' => 'Fermo-immagine',
'Stream' => 'Flusso',
'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Submit' => 'Accetta',
@@ -599,14 +598,14 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Tele' => 'Tele',
'Thumbnail' => 'Anteprima',
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
- 'TimeDelta' => 'Tempo di Delta',
- 'Timeline' => 'Linea Temporale',
'Time' => 'Ora',
+ 'TimeDelta' => 'Tempo di Delta',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Time Stamp',
+ 'Timeline' => 'Linea Temporale',
+ 'Timestamp' => 'Timestamp',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Formato etichetta timestamp',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'coordinata X etichetta',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'coordinata Y etichetta',
- 'Timestamp' => 'Timestamp',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Time Stamp',
'Today' => 'Oggi ',
'Tools' => 'Strumenti',
'TotalBrScore' => 'Punteggio
@@ -617,24 +616,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Velocita\' Turbo Tilt',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Unarchive' => 'Togli dall\'archivio',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Unità',
'Unknown' => 'Sconosciuto',
'Update' => 'Aggiorna',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'Un aggiornamento di ZoneMinder è disponibilie.',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Nessun aggiornamento necessario.',
+ 'UseFilter' => 'Usa Filtro',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' espressioni filtri', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Usa ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
- 'UseFilter' => 'Usa Filtro',
+ 'User' => 'Utente',
'Username' => 'Nome Utente',
'Users' => 'Utenti',
- 'User' => 'Utente',
'Value' => 'Valore',
+ 'Version' => 'Versione',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ignora questa versione',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Ricordami ancora tra un giorno',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Ricordami ancora tra un\'ora',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Non ricordarmi di nuove versioni',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Ricordami ancora tra una settimana',
- 'Version' => 'Versione',
+ 'Video' => 'Video',
'VideoFormat' => 'Formato Video',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Generazione Video Fallita!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'File Video Esistenti',
@@ -642,58 +643,41 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Parametri Generazione Video',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Successo: Generato Video !',
'VideoSize' => 'Dimensioni Video',
- 'Video' => 'Video',
+ 'View' => 'vedi',
'ViewAll' => 'Vedi Tutto',
'ViewEvent' => 'Vedi Evento',
'ViewPaged' => 'Vedi con paginazione',
- 'View' => 'vedi',
'Wake' => 'Riattiva',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Immagini Allerta',
'Watch' => 'Guarda',
- 'WebColour' => 'Colore Web',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Colore Web',
'Week' => 'Settimana',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'Bil. Bianco ',
'White' => 'Bianco',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'Bil. Bianco ',
'Wide' => 'Larghezza',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'Stringa attivazione X10',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'Stringa allarme input X10',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'Stringa allarme output X10',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Si',
'YouNoPerms' => 'Non hai i permessi per accedere a questa risorsa.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zona',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Colore Allarme (RGB)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
- 'ZoneFilterHeight' => 'Altezza Filtro (pixels)',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Larghezza/Altezza Filtro (pixels)',
- 'ZoneFilterWidth' => 'Larghezza Filtro (pixels)',
- 'ZoneMaxAlarmedArea' => 'Massima Area Allarmata',
- 'ZoneMaxBlobArea' => 'Massima Area Blob',
- 'ZoneMaxBlobs' => 'Numero Massimo di Blobs',
- 'ZoneMaxFilteredArea' => 'Massima Area Filtrata',
- 'ZoneMaxPixelThres' => 'Pixel Massimi di Soglia (0-255)',
- 'ZoneMaxX' => 'X Massimo (destra)',
- 'ZoneMaxY' => 'Y Massimo (basso)',
- 'ZoneMinAlarmedArea' => 'Minima Area Allarmata',
- 'ZoneMinBlobArea' => 'Minima Area Blob',
- 'ZoneMinBlobs' => 'Blob Minimi',
- 'ZoneMinFilteredArea' => 'Minima Area Filtrata',
'ZoneMinMaxAlarmArea' => 'Min/Max Area Allarmata',
'ZoneMinMaxBlobArea' => 'Min/Max Area di Blob',
'ZoneMinMaxBlobs' => 'Min/Max Blobs',
'ZoneMinMaxFiltArea' => 'Min/Max Area Filtrata',
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Soglia Pixel (0-255)',
- 'ZoneMinPixelThres' => 'Pixel Minimi di Soglia (0-255)',
- 'ZoneMinX' => 'X Minimo (sinistra)',
- 'ZoneMinY' => 'Y Minimo (alto)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'Zone',
- 'Zone' => 'Zona',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Ingrandisci',
'ZoomOut' => 'Rimpicciolisci',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -828,3 +812,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/ja_jp.php b/web/lang/ja_jp.php
index 388b558ce..ce032e1b6 100644
--- a/web/lang/ja_jp.php
+++ b/web/lang/ja_jp.php
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'Alert' => 'x',
'All' => 'S',
- 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'ύXKp',
'Apply' => 'Kp',
+ 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'ύXKp',
'ArchArchived' => 'ۑ̂',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'ۑȊÔ',
'Archive' => '',
'Archived' => 'Archived',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'ۑȊÔ',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'װ ڰ',
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => 'ш敝',
'BlobPx' => ' Px',
- 'Blobs' => '',
'BlobSizes' => ' ',
+ 'Blobs' => '',
'Brightness' => 'Px',
'Buffers' => 'ޯ̧',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Can Auto Focus',
@@ -158,22 +158,20 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Can Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Can Auto Zoom',
- 'Cancel' => 'ݾ',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'װѷݾ',
- 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocus' => 'Can Focus',
+ 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Can Focus Continuous',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Can Focus Relative',
- 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
+ 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
- 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
+ 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
- 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMove' => 'Can Move',
+ 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Can Move Continuous',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Can Move Diagonally',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Can Move Mapped',
@@ -184,16 +182,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Can Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Can Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Can Wake',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Can White Bal. Absolute',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Can White Bal.',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Can White Bal. Continuous',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Can White Bal. Relative',
- 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoom' => 'Can Zoom',
+ 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Can Zoom Continuous',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Can Zoom Relative',
+ 'Cancel' => 'ݾ',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'װѷݾ',
'CaptureHeight' => '荞ݍ',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => '荞گ',
'CaptureWidth' => '荞ݕ',
'Cause' => 'Cause',
@@ -213,13 +214,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Ǘ҂ɂ₢킹B',
'Continue' => 'Continue',
'Contrast' => '',
+ 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlAddress' => 'Control Address',
'ControlCap' => 'Control Capability',
'ControlCaps' => 'Control Capabilities',
- 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlDevice' => 'Control Device',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'ControlType' => 'Control Type',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Cycle' => 'Cycle',
'CycleWatch' => 'يώ@',
'Day' => 'j',
@@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'O폜',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'ۑ̨̍폜',
'Description' => '',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => ' ',
'DeviceFormat' => ' ̫ϯ',
'DeviceNumber' => 'ԍ',
@@ -240,9 +242,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => '@',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Disable Alarms',
'Disk' => 'Disk',
+ 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
- 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
@@ -256,8 +258,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Enable Alarms',
'Enabled' => 'gp\\',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'V̨̓',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'G[AJʂƕʂ̐Ă̂mFĂ',
'Error' => 'G[',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'G[AJʂƕʂ̐Ă̂mFĂ',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'G[ASĂ̍̐lLǂmFĂ',
'Etc' => '',
'Event' => '',
@@ -268,48 +270,48 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Events' => '',
'Exclude' => 'r',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'Export' => 'Export',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'ExportFailed' => 'Export Failed',
'ExportFormat' => 'Export File Format',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Export Image Files',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Export Other Files (if present)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Export Options',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Export Video Files (if present)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPSԊu',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => '荞',
- 'FileColours' => 'File Colours',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => 'File Path',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Archive all matches',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Delete all matches',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Email details of all matches',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Execute command on all matches',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Message details of all matches',
'FilterPx' => '̨ Px',
- 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Upload all matches',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Create video for all matches',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'First' => 'ŏ',
'FlippedHori' => 'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert' => 'Flipped Vertically',
'Focus' => 'Focus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'װ',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPSԊu',
'Frame' => 'ڰ',
'FrameId' => 'ڰ ID',
'FrameRate' => 'ڰڰ',
- 'Frames' => 'ڰ',
'FrameSkip' => 'ڰѽ',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => 'ڰ',
'Func' => '@\\',
'Function' => '@\\',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -339,17 +341,18 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Id' => 'ID',
'Idle' => 'ҋ@',
'Ignore' => '',
+ 'Image' => '摜',
'ImageBufferSize' => '摜 ޯ̧ ',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Image' => '摜',
- 'Include' => 'gݍ',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => 'gݍ',
'Inverted' => ']',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => '',
'Last' => 'ŏI',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'results only;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Limit to first', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -366,6 +369,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => 'I',
+ 'Max' => 'ō',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max Bandwidth',
'MaxBrScore' => 'ō
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max Focus Range',
@@ -374,11 +378,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'ō FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
- 'Max' => 'ō',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max Pan Range',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max Pan Speed',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max Pan Step',
@@ -391,6 +393,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'ō FPS',
'Medium' => '',
'MediumBW' => 'ш',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
@@ -429,8 +432,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Misc' => '̑',
'Monitor' => '',
'MonitorIds' => ' ID',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => '',
'Montage' => 'ޭ',
'Month' => '',
@@ -443,47 +446,47 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'O',
'Near' => 'Near',
'Network' => 'ȯܰ',
+ 'New' => 'VK',
'NewGroup' => 'New Group',
'NewLabel' => 'New Label',
'NewPassword' => 'V߽ܰ',
'NewState' => 'VK',
'NewUser' => 'Vհ',
- 'New' => 'VK',
'Next' => '',
'No' => '',
'NoFramesRecorded' => '̲Ăڰт͓o^Ă܂',
'NoGroup' => 'No Group',
+ 'NoSavedFilters' => 'ۑꂽ̨͂܂',
+ 'NoStatisticsRecorded' => '̲/ڰт̓v͓o^Ă܂',
'None' => '܂',
'NoneAvailable' => '܂',
'Normal' => '',
- 'NoSavedFilters' => 'ۑꂽ̨͂܂',
- 'NoStatisticsRecorded' => '̲/ڰт̓v͓o^Ă܂',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Open',
'OpEq' => '',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'ȏ',
'OpGt' => 'ȉ',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'ȏ',
'OpIn' => 'ĂɓĂ',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'ȉ',
'OpLt' => 'ȉ',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'ȉ',
'OpMatches' => 'v',
'OpNe' => 'łȂ',
'OpNotIn' => 'ĂɓĂȂ',
'OpNotMatches' => 'vȂ',
+ 'Open' => 'Open',
'OptionHelp' => ' ',
'OptionRestartWarning' => '̕ύX͋NfȂꍇ܂B\nύXĂZoneMinderċNĂB',
'Options' => '',
- 'Order' => 'Order',
'OrEnterNewName' => '͐VO͂Ă',
+ 'Order' => 'Order',
'Orientation' => 'صð',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => '㏑܂',
'Paged' => '߰މ',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => 'Ұ',
@@ -491,12 +494,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'VpX[hƍē̓pX[hv܂',
'Paths' => '߽',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'gїp',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'gїp',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => '߸',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => '҂',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => ' Ұ ޯ̧',
@@ -511,19 +514,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => '^',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Ұ Q %',
'Refresh' => 'ŐV̏ɍXV',
+ 'Remote' => 'Ӱ',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Ӱ ν ',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Ӱ ν ߽',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Ӱ ν ߰',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Ӱ Ұ װ',
- 'Remote' => 'Ӱ',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'VO',
- 'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Đ',
- 'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'Replay' => 'Replay',
+ 'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
+ 'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => ' ؾ',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => ' ؾ',
'Restart' => 'ċN',
'Restarting' => 'ċN',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'ꂽ ID',
@@ -534,8 +539,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'ɉ]',
'RotateRight' => 'Eɉ]',
'RunMode' => 'NӰ',
- 'Running' => 'N',
'RunState' => 'N',
+ 'Running' => 'N',
'Save' => 'ۑ',
'SaveAs' => 'Oĕۑ',
'SaveFilter' => '̨ۑ',
@@ -543,12 +548,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Score' => '',
'Secs' => 'b',
'Sectionlength' => '',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => 'Select',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
+ 'Set' => 'Set',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Vш敝̐ݒ',
'SetPreset' => 'Set Preset',
- 'Set' => 'Set',
'Settings' => 'ݒ',
'ShowFilterWindow' => '̨ ް̕\',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Show Timeline',
@@ -559,28 +564,30 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sort by',
'SortDesc' => 'Desc',
'Source' => '',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => ' ',
+ 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedHigh' => 'High Speed',
'SpeedLow' => 'Low Speed',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Medium Speed',
- 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turbo Speed',
'Start' => '',
'State' => '',
'Stats' => 'v',
'Status' => '',
+ 'Step' => 'Step',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Large Step',
'StepMedium' => 'Medium Step',
'StepNone' => 'No Step',
'StepSmall' => 'Small Step',
- 'Step' => 'Step',
'Stills' => 'ى摜',
'Stop' => '~',
'Stopped' => '~',
- 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Stream' => 'ذ',
+ 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Submit' => 'Submit',
'System' => '',
'Tele' => 'Tele',
@@ -588,9 +595,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
'Time' => '',
'TimeDelta' => ' ',
+ 'TimeStamp' => ' ',
'Timeline' => 'Timeline',
'Timestamp' => 'ѽ',
- 'TimeStamp' => ' ',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'ѽ ̫ϯ',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'ѽ X',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'ѽ Y',
@@ -604,17 +611,18 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo Tilt Speed',
'Type' => '',
'Unarchive' => '',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Ư',
'Unknown' => 's',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'ZoneMindeṟްĂ܂',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'ްĂ̕Kv͂܂',
- 'Update' => 'Update',
+ 'UseFilter' => '̨gpĂ',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' ̨', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'w肵Ă: ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
- 'UseFilter' => '̨gpĂ',
+ 'User' => 'հ',
'Username' => 'հޖ',
'Users' => 'հ',
- 'User' => 'հ',
'Value' => 'l',
'Version' => 'ްޮ',
'VersionIgnore' => 'ްޮ݂',
@@ -640,17 +648,17 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Web' => '',
'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Week' => 'T',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'White' => 'White',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'Wide' => 'Wide',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10N',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10ͱװѕ',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10oͱװѕ',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => '͂',
'YouNoPerms' => '̱̎܂B',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
'Zone' => 'ް',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'װ װ (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
@@ -662,9 +670,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'ް',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom In',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom Out',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -799,3 +807,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/nl_nl.php b/web/lang/nl_nl.php
index b94b43d38..bb1d2aa7f 100644
--- a/web/lang/nl_nl.php
+++ b/web/lang/nl_nl.php
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'Alert' => 'Waarschuwing',
'All' => 'Alle',
- 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Status verandering aan het uitvoeren',
'Apply' => 'Voer uit',
+ 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Status verandering aan het uitvoeren',
'ArchArchived' => 'Alleen gearchiveerd',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Alleen ongearchiveerd',
'Archive' => 'Archief',
'Archived' => 'Archived',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Alleen ongearchiveerd',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Alarm frames',
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AttrMaxScore' => 'Max. Score',
'AttrMonitorId' => 'Monitor Id',
'AttrMonitorName' => 'Monitor Naam',
- 'AttrMontage' => 'Montage',
'AttrName' => 'Name',
'AttrNotes' => 'Notes',
'AttrSystemLoad' => 'System Load',
@@ -127,8 +126,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -150,8 +149,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => 'Bandbreedte',
'BlobPx' => 'Blob px',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'BlobSizes' => 'Blob grootte',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'Brightness' => 'Helderheid',
'Buffers' => 'Buffers',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Can Auto Focus',
@@ -159,22 +158,20 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Can Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Can Auto Zoom',
- 'Cancel' => 'Cancel',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Cancel geforceerd alarm',
- 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocus' => 'Can Focus',
+ 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Can Focus Continuous',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Can Focus Relative',
- 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
+ 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
- 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
+ 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
- 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMove' => 'Can Move',
+ 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Can Move Continuous',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Can Move Diagonally',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Can Move Mapped',
@@ -185,16 +182,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Can Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Can Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Can Wake',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Can White Bal. Absolute',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Can White Bal.',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Can White Bal. Continuous',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Can White Bal. Relative',
- 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoom' => 'Can Zoom',
+ 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Can Zoom Continuous',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Can Zoom Relative',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Cancel',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Cancel geforceerd alarm',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Capture hoogte',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Capture pallet',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Capture breedte',
'Cause' => 'Cause',
@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Neem A.U.B. contact op met je beheerder voor details.',
'Continue' => 'Continue',
'Contrast' => 'Contrast',
+ 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlAddress' => 'Control Address',
'ControlCap' => 'Control Capability',
'ControlCaps' => 'Control Capabilities',
- 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlDevice' => 'Control Device',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'ControlType' => 'Control Type',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Cycle' => 'Cycle',
'CycleWatch' => 'Observeer cyclus',
'Day' => 'Dag',
@@ -228,11 +228,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DefaultRate' => 'Default Rate',
'DefaultScale' => 'Default Scale',
'DefaultView' => 'Default View',
+ 'Delete' => 'verwijder',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'verwijder & volgende',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'verwijder & vorige',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'verwijder opgeslagen filter',
- 'Delete' => 'verwijder',
'Description' => 'Omschrijving',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Apparaat kanaal',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Apparaat formaat',
'DeviceNumber' => 'apparaat nummer',
@@ -241,9 +242,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Afmetingen',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Disable Alarms',
'Disk' => 'Disk',
+ 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
- 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
@@ -257,60 +258,60 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Enable Alarms',
'Enabled' => 'Uitgeschakeld',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Voer nieuwe filter naam in',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Error, controleer of je even veel openings als afsluiting brackets hebt gebruikt',
'Error' => 'Error',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Error, controleer of je even veel openings als afsluiting brackets hebt gebruikt',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Error, Controleer of alle termen een geldige waarde hebben',
'Etc' => 'etc',
- 'EventFilter' => 'Gebeurtenis filter',
'Event' => 'Gebeurtenis',
+ 'EventFilter' => 'Gebeurtenis filter',
'EventId' => 'Event Id',
'EventName' => 'Event Name',
'EventPrefix' => 'Event Prefix',
'Events' => 'Gebeurtenissen',
'Exclude' => 'Sluit uit',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'Export' => 'Export',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'ExportFailed' => 'Export Failed',
'ExportFormat' => 'Export File Format',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Export Image Files',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Export Other Files (if present)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Export Options',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Export Video Files (if present)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS rapport interval',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'toevoer',
- 'FileColours' => 'File Colours',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => 'File Path',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Archiveer alle overeenkomsten',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Verwijder alle overeenkomsten',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Email de details van alle overeenkomsten',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Voer opdrachten op alle overeenkomsten uit',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Bericht de details van alle overeenkomsten',
'FilterPx' => 'Filter px',
- 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Upload alle overeenkomsten',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Create video for all matches',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'First' => 'Eerste',
'FlippedHori' => 'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert' => 'Flipped Vertically',
'Focus' => 'Focus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Forceeer alarm',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS rapport interval',
'Frame' => 'Frame',
'FrameId' => 'Frame id',
'FrameRate' => 'Frame rate',
- 'Frames' => 'Frames',
'FrameSkip' => 'Frame overgeslagen',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => 'Frames',
'Func' => 'Func',
'Function' => 'Functie',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -332,25 +333,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'HasTurboTilt' => 'Has Turbo Tilt',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'Has White Bal. Speed',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'Has Zoom Speed',
- 'HighBW' => 'Hoog B/W',
'High' => 'Hoog',
+ 'HighBW' => 'Hoog B/W',
'Home' => 'Home',
'Hour' => 'Uur',
'Hue' => 'Hue',
'Id' => 'Id',
'Idle' => 'Ongebruikt',
'Ignore' => 'Negeer',
- 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Image buffer grootte (frames)',
'Image' => 'Image',
+ 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Image buffer grootte (frames)',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Include' => 'voeg in',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => 'voeg in',
'Inverted' => 'omgedraaid',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => 'Taal',
'Last' => 'Laatste',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'resultaten;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'beperk tot eerste', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -361,12 +363,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'LoggingIn' => 'In loggen',
'Login' => 'Login',
'Logout' => 'Logout',
- 'LowBW' => 'Laag B/W',
'Low' => 'Laag',
+ 'LowBW' => 'Laag B/W',
'Main' => 'Main',
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => 'Markeer',
+ 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max Bandwidth',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Max.
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max Focus Range',
@@ -375,11 +378,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximum FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
- 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max Pan Range',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max Pan Speed',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max Pan Step',
@@ -392,8 +393,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Medium B/W',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximum FPS',
'Medium' => 'Medium',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Medium B/W',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'minimum blob gebied moet kleiner zijn dan maximum blob gebied',
@@ -428,10 +430,10 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Min Zoom Speed',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Min Zoom Step',
'Misc' => 'Misc',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Ids',
'Monitor' => 'Monitor',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Monitor Ids',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => 'Monitoren',
'Montage' => 'Montage',
'Month' => 'Maand',
@@ -444,60 +446,60 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Naam',
'Near' => 'Near',
'Network' => 'Netwerk',
+ 'New' => 'Nieuw',
'NewGroup' => 'New Group',
'NewLabel' => 'New Label',
- 'New' => 'Nieuw',
'NewPassword' => 'Nieuw Wachtwoord',
'NewState' => 'Nieuwe Status',
'NewUser' => 'Nieuwe gebruiker',
'Next' => 'Volgende',
+ 'No' => 'Nee',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Er zijn geen frames opgenomen voor deze gebeurtenis',
'NoGroup' => 'No Group',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'geen beschikbaar',
- 'No' => 'Nee',
- 'None' => 'Geen',
- 'Normal' => 'Normaal',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'GeenOpgeslagenFilters',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'er zijn geen statistieken opgenomen voor dit event/frame',
+ 'None' => 'Geen',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'geen beschikbaar',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normaal',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Open',
'OpEq' => 'gelijk aan',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'groter dan of gelijk aan',
'OpGt' => 'groter dan',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'groter dan of gelijk aan',
'OpIn' => 'in set',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'kleiner dan of gelijk aan',
'OpLt' => 'kleiner dan',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'kleiner dan of gelijk aan',
'OpMatches' => 'Komt overeen',
'OpNe' => 'niet gelijk aan',
'OpNotIn' => 'niet in set',
'OpNotMatches' => 'Komt niet overeen',
+ 'Open' => 'Open',
'OptionHelp' => 'OptieHelp',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Deze veranderingen passen niet aan\nals het systeem loopt. Als je\nKlaar bent met veranderen vergeet dan niet dat\nje ZoneMinder herstart.',
'Options' => 'Opties',
- 'Order' => 'Order',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'of voer een nieuwe naam in',
+ 'Order' => 'Order',
'Orientation' => 'Orientatie',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Overschrijf bestaande',
'Paged' => 'Paged',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => 'Parameter',
- 'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Het nieuwe en bevestigde wachtwoord zijn verschillend',
'Password' => 'Wachtwoord',
+ 'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Het nieuwe en bevestigde wachtwoord zijn verschillend',
'Paths' => 'Paden',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Telefoon B/W',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Telefoon B/W',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => 'pixels',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'wacht A.U.B.',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Post gebeurtenis Image Buffer',
@@ -512,19 +514,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => 'Record',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Referentie Image Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Ververs',
+ 'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Remote Host Naam',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Remote Host Pad',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Remote Host Poort',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Remote Image kleuren',
- 'Remote' => 'Remote',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Hernoem',
+ 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Herhaal',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset gebeurtenis teller',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset gebeurtenis teller',
'Restart' => 'herstart',
'Restarting' => 'herstarten',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Verboden Camera Ids',
@@ -535,21 +539,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Draai linksom',
'RotateRight' => 'Draai rechtsom',
'RunMode' => 'Run Mode',
- 'Running' => 'Running',
'RunState' => 'Run Status',
+ 'Running' => 'Running',
+ 'Save' => 'Opslaan',
'SaveAs' => 'opslaan als',
'SaveFilter' => 'opslaan Filter',
- 'Save' => 'Opslaan',
'Scale' => 'Schaal',
'Score' => 'Score',
'Secs' => 'Secs',
'Sectionlength' => 'Sectie lengte',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => 'Select',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
+ 'Set' => 'Set',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Zet Nieuwe Bandbreedte',
'SetPreset' => 'Set Preset',
- 'Set' => 'Set',
'Settings' => 'Instellingen',
'ShowFilterWindow' => 'ToonFilterWindow',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Show Timeline',
@@ -560,41 +564,43 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sorteer op',
'SortDesc' => 'afl.',
'Source' => 'Bron',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Bron Type',
+ 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedHigh' => 'High Speed',
'SpeedLow' => 'Low Speed',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Medium Speed',
- 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turbo Speed',
'Start' => 'Start',
'State' => 'Status',
'Stats' => 'Stats',
'Status' => 'Status',
+ 'Step' => 'Step',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Large Step',
'StepMedium' => 'Medium Step',
'StepNone' => 'No Step',
'StepSmall' => 'Small Step',
- 'Step' => 'Step',
'Stills' => 'Plaatjes',
- 'Stopped' => 'gestopt',
'Stop' => 'Stop',
- 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
+ 'Stopped' => 'gestopt',
'Stream' => 'Stroom',
+ 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Submit' => 'Submit',
'System' => 'Systeem',
'Tele' => 'Tele',
'Thumbnail' => 'Thumbnail',
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
+ 'Time' => 'Tijd',
'TimeDelta' => 'Tijd Delta',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Tijdstempel',
'Timeline' => 'Timeline',
+ 'Timestamp' => 'Tijdstempel',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Tijdstempel Label Format',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'Tijdstempel Label X',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Tijdstempel Label Y',
- 'Timestamp' => 'Tijdstempel',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Tijdstempel',
- 'Time' => 'Tijd',
'Today' => 'Today',
'Tools' => 'Gereedschappen',
'TotalBrScore' => 'Totaal
@@ -605,24 +611,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo Tilt Speed',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Unarchive' => 'Dearchiveer',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Eenheden',
'Unknown' => 'Onbekend',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'een update voor ZoneMinder is beschikbaar',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'geen update noodzakelijk',
- 'Update' => 'Update',
+ 'UseFilter' => 'Gebruik Filter',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' filter expressies', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Gebruik ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
- 'UseFilter' => 'Gebruik Filter',
'User' => 'Gebruiker',
'Username' => 'Gebruikersnaam',
'Users' => 'Gebruikers',
'Value' => 'Waarde',
+ 'Version' => 'Versie',
'VersionIgnore' => 'negeer deze versie',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'herinner me na 1 dag',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'herinner me na 1 uur',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'herinner me niet aan nieuwe versies',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'herinner me na 1 week',
- 'Version' => 'Versie',
+ 'Video' => 'Video',
'VideoFormat' => 'Video Format',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Video Generatie mislukt!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Existing Video Files',
@@ -630,28 +638,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Video Generatie Parameters',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Video Generation Succeeded!',
'VideoSize' => 'Video grootte',
- 'Video' => 'Video',
- 'ViewAll' => 'Bekijk Alles',
'View' => 'Bekijk',
+ 'ViewAll' => 'Bekijk Alles',
'ViewEvent' => 'View Event',
'ViewPaged' => 'Bekijk Paged',
'Wake' => 'Wake',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Warmup Frames',
'Watch' => 'Observeer',
- 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Week' => 'Week',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'White' => 'White',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'Wide' => 'Wide',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10 Activatie String',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10 Input Alarm String',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10 Output Alarm String',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Ja',
'YouNoPerms' => 'Je hebt niet de rechten om toegang te krijgen tot deze bronnen.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zone',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Alarm Kleur (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filter Width/Height (pixels)',
@@ -662,10 +670,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'Zones',
- 'Zone' => 'Zone',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom In',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom Out',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -800,3 +807,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/pl_pl.php b/web/lang/pl_pl.php
index c3f3cccfa..793284b18 100644
--- a/web/lang/pl_pl.php
+++ b/web/lang/pl_pl.php
@@ -81,20 +81,20 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AddNewZone' => 'Dodaj now stref',
'Alarm' => 'Alarm',
'AlarmBrFrames' => 'Ramki
- 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Alarm Frame Count',
'AlarmFrame' => 'Ramka alarmowa',
+ 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Alarm Frame Count',
'AlarmLimits' => 'Ograniczenia alarmu',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'Alert' => 'Gotowosc',
'All' => 'Wszystko',
- 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Zmieniam stan pracy',
'Apply' => 'Zastosuj',
+ 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Zmieniam stan pracy',
'ArchArchived' => 'Tylko zarchiwizowane',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Tylko niezarchiwizowane',
'Archive' => 'Archiwum',
'Archived' => 'Archived',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Tylko niezarchiwizowane',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Ramki alarmowe',
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AttrMaxScore' => 'Maks. wynik',
'AttrMonitorId' => 'Nr monitora',
'AttrMonitorName' => 'Nazwa monitora',
- 'AttrMontage' => 'Monta',
'AttrName' => 'Nazwa',
'AttrNotes' => 'Notes',
'AttrSystemLoad' => 'System Load',
@@ -127,8 +126,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -159,22 +158,20 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Can Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Can Auto Zoom',
- 'Cancel' => 'Anuluj',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Anuluj wymuszony alarm',
- 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocus' => 'Can Focus',
+ 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Can Focus Continuous',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Can Focus Relative',
- 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
+ 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
- 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
+ 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
- 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMove' => 'Can Move',
+ 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Can Move Continuous',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Can Move Diagonally',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Can Move Mapped',
@@ -185,16 +182,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Can Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Can Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Can Wake',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Can White Bal. Absolute',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Can White Bal.',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Can White Bal. Continuous',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Can White Bal. Relative',
- 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoom' => 'Can Zoom',
+ 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Can Zoom Continuous',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Can Zoom Relative',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Anuluj',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Anuluj wymuszony alarm',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Wysoko obrazu',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Paleta kolorw obrazu',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Szeroko obrazu',
'Cause' => 'Cause',
@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Skontaktuj si z Twoim adminstratorem w sprawie szczegw.',
'Continue' => 'Continue',
'Contrast' => 'Kontrast',
+ 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlAddress' => 'Control Address',
'ControlCap' => 'Control Capability',
'ControlCaps' => 'Control Capabilities',
- 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlDevice' => 'Control Device',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'ControlType' => 'Control Type',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Cycle' => 'Cycle',
'CycleWatch' => 'Cykl podgldu',
'Day' => 'Dzie',
@@ -228,11 +228,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DefaultRate' => 'Default Rate',
'DefaultScale' => 'Default Scale',
'DefaultView' => 'Default View',
+ 'Delete' => 'Usu',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Usu & nastpny',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Usu & poprzedni',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Usu zapisany filtr',
- 'Delete' => 'Usu',
'Description' => 'Opis',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Numer wejcia w urzdzeniu',
'DeviceFormat' => 'System TV',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Numer urzdzenia',
@@ -241,9 +242,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Rozmiary',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Disable Alarms',
'Disk' => 'Dysk',
+ 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
- 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
@@ -261,56 +262,56 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ErrorBrackets' => 'Bd, prosz sprawdzi ilo nawiasw otwierajcych i zamykajcych',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Bd, prosz sprawdzi czy wszystkie warunki maj poprawne wartoci',
'Etc' => 'itp',
+ 'Event' => 'Zdarzenie',
'EventFilter' => 'Filtr zdarze',
'EventId' => 'Id zdarzenia',
'EventName' => 'Event Name',
'EventPrefix' => 'Event Prefix',
'Events' => 'Zdarzenia',
- 'Event' => 'Zdarzenie',
'Exclude' => 'Wyklucz',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'Export' => 'Export',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'ExportFailed' => 'Export Failed',
'ExportFormat' => 'Export File Format',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Export Image Files',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Export Other Files (if present)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Export Options',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Export Video Files (if present)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'Raport (ramek/s)',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Dostarcz',
- 'FileColours' => 'File Colours',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => 'File Path',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Archiwizuj wszystkie pasujce',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Usuwaj wszystkie pasujce',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Wysyaj poczt wszystkie pasujce',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Wywouj komend na wszystkie pasujce',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Wywietlaj komunikat na wszystkie pasujce',
'FilterPx' => 'Filtr Px',
- 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Wysyaj wszystkie pasujce',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Create video for all matches',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'First' => 'Pierwszy',
'FlippedHori' => 'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert' => 'Flipped Vertically',
'Focus' => 'Focus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Wymu alarm',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'Raport (ramek/s)',
- 'FrameId' => 'Nr ramki',
'Frame' => 'Ramka',
+ 'FrameId' => 'Nr ramki',
'FrameRate' => 'Tempo ramek',
'FrameSkip' => 'Pomi ramk',
'Frames' => 'Ramek',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Func' => 'Funkcja',
'Function' => 'Funkcja',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -332,25 +333,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'HasTurboTilt' => 'Has Turbo Tilt',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'Has White Bal. Speed',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'Has Zoom Speed',
- 'HighBW' => 'Wys. prz.',
'High' => 'wysoka',
+ 'HighBW' => 'Wys. prz.',
'Home' => 'Home',
'Hour' => 'Godzina',
'Hue' => 'Odcie',
- 'Idle' => 'Bezczynny',
'Id' => 'Nr',
+ 'Idle' => 'Bezczynny',
'Ignore' => 'Ignoruj',
- 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Rozmiar bufora obrazu (ramek)',
'Image' => 'Obraz',
+ 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Rozmiar bufora obrazu (ramek)',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Include' => 'Docz',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => 'Docz',
'Inverted' => 'Odwrcony',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => 'Jzyk',
'Last' => 'Ostatni',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'wynikw;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Ogranicz do pocztkowych', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -361,12 +363,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'LoggingIn' => 'Logowanie',
'Login' => 'Login',
'Logout' => 'Wyloguj',
- 'LowBW' => 'Nis. prz.',
'Low' => 'niska',
+ 'LowBW' => 'Nis. prz.',
'Main' => 'Main',
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => 'Znacznik',
+ 'Max' => 'Maks.',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max Bandwidth',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Maks.
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max Focus Range',
@@ -375,11 +378,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maks. FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
- 'Max' => 'Maks.',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max Pan Range',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max Pan Speed',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max Pan Step',
@@ -392,8 +393,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
- 'MediumBW' => 'red. prz.',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maks. FPS',
'Medium' => 'rednia',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'red. prz.',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'Minimalny obszar plamki powinien by mniejszy od maksymalnego obszaru plamki',
@@ -428,10 +430,10 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Min Zoom Speed',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Min Zoom Step',
'Misc' => 'Inne',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Numery monitorw',
'Monitor' => 'Monitor',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Numery monitorw',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => 'Monitory',
'Montage' => 'Monta',
'Month' => 'Miesic',
@@ -444,47 +446,47 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Nazwa',
'Near' => 'Near',
'Network' => 'Sie',
+ 'New' => 'Nowy',
'NewGroup' => 'New Group',
'NewLabel' => 'New Label',
- 'New' => 'Nowy',
'NewPassword' => 'Nowe haso',
'NewState' => 'Nowy stan',
'NewUser' => 'nowy',
'Next' => 'Nastpny',
+ 'No' => 'Nie',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Brak zapisanych ramek dla tego zdarzenia',
'NoGroup' => 'No Group',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'Niedostpne',
- 'None' => 'Brak',
- 'No' => 'Nie',
- 'Normal' => 'Normalny',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'BrakZapisanychFiltrw',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'Brak zapisanych statystyk dla tego zdarzenia/ramki',
+ 'None' => 'Brak',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'Niedostpne',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normalny',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Open',
'OpEq' => 'rwny',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'wiksze lub rwne od',
'OpGt' => 'wiksze od',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'wiksze lub rwne od',
'OpIn' => 'w zestawie',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'mniejsze lub rwne od',
'OpLt' => 'mniejsze od',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'mniejsze lub rwne od',
'OpMatches' => 'pasujce',
'OpNe' => 'rne od',
'OpNotIn' => 'brak w zestawie',
'OpNotMatches' => 'nie pasujce',
+ 'Open' => 'Open',
'OptionHelp' => 'OpcjePomoc',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Te zmiany nie przynios natychmiastowego efektu\ndopki system pracuje. Kiedy zakoczysz robi zmiany\nprosz koniecznie zrestartowa ZoneMinder.',
'Options' => 'Opcje',
- 'Order' => 'Order',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'lub wpisz now nazw',
+ 'Order' => 'Order',
'Orientation' => 'Orientacja',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Nadpisz istniejce',
'Paged' => 'Stronicowane',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => 'Parametr',
@@ -492,12 +494,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Hasa: nowe i potwierdzone s rne!',
'Paths' => 'cieki',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Tel. prz.',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Tel. prz.',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => 'pikseli',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'Prosz czeka',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Bufor obrazw po zdarzeniu',
@@ -512,21 +514,23 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => 'Zapis',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Miks z obrazem odniesienia',
'Refresh' => 'Odwie',
+ 'Remote' => 'Zdalny',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Nazwa zdalnego hosta',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Scieka zdalnego hosta',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Port zdalnego hosta',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Kolory zdalnego obrazu',
- 'Remote' => 'Zdalny',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Zmie nazw',
+ 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Powtrka',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Kasuj licznik zdarze',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
- 'Restarting' => 'Restartuj',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Kasuj licznik zdarze',
'Restart' => 'Restart',
+ 'Restarting' => 'Restartuj',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Numery kamer',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Restricted Monitors',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Return Delay',
@@ -535,21 +539,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Obr w lewo',
'RotateRight' => 'Obr w prawo',
'RunMode' => 'Tryb pracy',
- 'Running' => 'Pracuje',
'RunState' => 'Stan pracy',
+ 'Running' => 'Pracuje',
+ 'Save' => 'Zapisz',
'SaveAs' => 'Zapisz jako',
'SaveFilter' => 'Zapisz filtr',
- 'Save' => 'Zapisz',
'Scale' => 'Skala',
'Score' => 'Wynik',
'Secs' => 'Sekund',
'Sectionlength' => 'Dugo sekcji',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => 'Select',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
+ 'Set' => 'Set',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Ustaw now przepustowo',
'SetPreset' => 'Set Preset',
- 'Set' => 'Set',
'Settings' => 'Ustawienia',
'ShowFilterWindow' => 'PokaOknoFiltru',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Show Timeline',
@@ -560,28 +564,30 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sortuj',
'SortDesc' => 'Opad.',
'Source' => 'rdo',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Typ rda',
+ 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedHigh' => 'High Speed',
'SpeedLow' => 'Low Speed',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Medium Speed',
- 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turbo Speed',
'Start' => 'Start',
'State' => 'Stan',
'Stats' => 'Statystyki',
'Status' => 'Status',
+ 'Step' => 'Step',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Large Step',
'StepMedium' => 'Medium Step',
'StepNone' => 'No Step',
'StepSmall' => 'Small Step',
- 'Step' => 'Step',
'Stills' => 'Nieruchome',
- 'Stopped' => 'Zatrzymany',
'Stop' => 'Stop',
- 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
+ 'Stopped' => 'Zatrzymany',
'Stream' => 'Ruchomy',
+ 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Stream Replay Image Buffer',
'Submit' => 'Submit',
'System' => 'System',
'Tele' => 'Tele',
@@ -589,12 +595,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
'Time' => 'Czas',
'TimeDelta' => 'Rnica czasu',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Piecz czasu',
'Timeline' => 'Timeline',
'Timestamp' => 'Czas',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Format etykiety czasu',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'Wsp. X etykiety czasu',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Wsp. Y etykiety czasu',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Piecz czasu',
'Today' => 'Today',
'Tools' => 'Narzdzia',
'TotalBrScore' => 'Cakowity
@@ -605,24 +611,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo Tilt Speed',
'Type' => 'Typ',
'Unarchive' => 'Nie archiwizuj',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Jednostki',
'Unknown' => 'Nieznany',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'Jest dostpne uaktualnienie ZoneMinder ',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Nie jest wymagane uaktualnienie',
- 'Update' => 'Update',
+ 'UseFilter' => 'Uyj filtru',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' wyraenie filtru', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Uyj ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
- 'UseFilter' => 'Uyj filtru',
+ 'User' => 'Uytkownik',
'Username' => 'Nazwa uytkownika',
'Users' => 'Uytkownicy',
- 'User' => 'Uytkownik',
'Value' => 'Warto',
+ 'Version' => 'Wersja',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Zignoruj t wersj',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Przypomnij po 1 dniu',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Przypomnij po 1 godzinie',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Nie przypominaj o nowych wersjach',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Przypomnij po 1 tygodniu',
- 'Version' => 'Wersja',
+ 'Video' => 'Video',
'VideoFormat' => 'Video Format',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Generowanie filmu Video nie powiodo si!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Existing Video Files',
@@ -630,28 +638,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Parametery generowania filmu Video',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Video Generation Succeeded!',
'VideoSize' => 'Rozmiar filmu Video',
- 'Video' => 'Video',
+ 'View' => 'Podgld',
'ViewAll' => 'Poka wszystko',
'ViewEvent' => 'View Event',
'ViewPaged' => 'Poka stronami',
- 'View' => 'Podgld',
'Wake' => 'Wake',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Ignorowane ramki',
'Watch' => 'podgld',
- 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Week' => 'Tydzie',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'White' => 'White',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'Wide' => 'Wide',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10: acuch aktywujcy',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10: acuch wejcia alarmu',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10: acuch wyjcia alarmu',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Tak',
'YouNoPerms' => 'Nie masz uprawnie na dostp do tego zasobu.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Strefa',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Kolor alarmu (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filter Width/Height (pixels)',
@@ -662,10 +670,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'Strefy',
- 'Zone' => 'Strefa',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom In',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom Out',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -779,3 +786,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/pt_br.php b/web/lang/pt_br.php
index 3afce32f4..899396cf4 100644
--- a/web/lang/pt_br.php
+++ b/web/lang/pt_br.php
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AddNewZone' => 'Adicionar Zona',
'Alarm' => 'Alarme',
'AlarmBrFrames' => 'Imagens
- 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Alarm Frame Count',
'AlarmFrame' => 'Imagem Alarmada',
+ 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Alarm Frame Count',
'AlarmLimits' => 'Limites de Alarme',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Pixel de Alarme',
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Apply' => 'Aplicar',
'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Aplicando mudana de estado',
'ArchArchived' => 'Somente Arquivados',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Somente Nao Arquivados',
'Archive' => 'Arquivar',
'Archived' => 'Archived',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Somente Nao Arquivados',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Imagens Alarmadas',
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => 'Larg/Banda',
'BlobPx' => 'Px Blob',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'BlobSizes' => 'Tam Blob',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'Brightness' => 'Brilho',
'Buffers' => 'Buffers',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Can Auto Focus',
@@ -98,22 +98,20 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Can Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Can Auto Zoom',
- 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Cancelar Alarme Forado',
- 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocus' => 'Can Focus',
+ 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Can Focus Continuous',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Can Focus Relative',
- 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
+ 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
- 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
+ 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
- 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMove' => 'Can Move',
+ 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Can Move Continuous',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Can Move Diagonally',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Can Move Mapped',
@@ -124,16 +122,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Can Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Can Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Can Wake',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Can White Bal. Absolute',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Can White Bal.',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Can White Bal. Continuous',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Can White Bal. Relative',
- 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoom' => 'Can Zoom',
+ 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Can Zoom Continuous',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Can Zoom Relative',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Cancelar Alarme Forado',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Altura da Captura',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Paleta de Captura',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Largura de Captura',
'Cause' => 'Cause',
@@ -153,13 +154,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Por favor contate o administrador para detalhes.',
'Continue' => 'Continue',
'Contrast' => 'Contraste',
+ 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlAddress' => 'Control Address',
'ControlCap' => 'Control Capability',
'ControlCaps' => 'Control Capabilities',
- 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlDevice' => 'Control Device',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'ControlType' => 'Control Type',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Cycle' => 'Cycle',
'CycleWatch' => 'Ciclo Monitor',
'Day' => 'Dia',
@@ -167,11 +168,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DefaultRate' => 'Default Rate',
'DefaultScale' => 'Default Scale',
'DefaultView' => 'Default View',
+ 'Delete' => 'Deletar',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Deletar & Prx',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Deletar & Ant',
- 'Delete' => 'Deletar',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Deletar Filtros Salvos',
'Description' => 'Descrio',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Canal do Dispositivo',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Formato do Dispos.',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Num. do Dispos.',
@@ -180,9 +182,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Dimenses',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Disable Alarms',
'Disk' => 'Disco',
+ 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
- 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
@@ -196,8 +198,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Enable Alarms',
'Enabled' => 'Habilitado',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Digite nome do novo filtro',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Por favor cheque se voc tem o mesmo numero de chaves abertas e fechadas',
'Error' => 'Erro',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Por favor cheque se voc tem o mesmo numero de chaves abertas e fechadas',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Erro, por favor cheque se os campos esto corretos',
'Etc' => 'etc',
'Event' => 'Evento',
@@ -208,48 +210,48 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Events' => 'Eventos',
'Exclude' => 'Excluir',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'Export' => 'Export',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'ExportFailed' => 'Export Failed',
'ExportFormat' => 'Export File Format',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Export Image Files',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Export Other Files (if present)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Export Options',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Export Video Files (if present)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'Intervalo de mostragem FPS',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Alimentar',
- 'FileColours' => 'File Colours',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => 'File Path',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Arquivar resultados',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Apagar resultados',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Enviar e-mail com detalhes dos resultados',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Executar comando p/ resultados',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Enviar Mensagem dos resultados',
'FilterPx' => 'Px de Filtro',
- 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Fazer upload dos resultados',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Create video for all matches',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'First' => 'Primeiro',
'FlippedHori' => 'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert' => 'Flipped Vertically',
'Focus' => 'Focus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Forar Alarme',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'Intervalo de mostragem FPS',
- 'FrameId' => 'Id de Imagem',
'Frame' => 'Imagem',
+ 'FrameId' => 'Id de Imagem',
'FrameRate' => 'Velocidade de Imagem',
- 'Frames' => 'Imagens',
'FrameSkip' => 'Salto de Imagem',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => 'Imagens',
'Func' => 'Func',
'Function' => 'Funo',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -279,17 +281,18 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Id' => 'Id',
'Idle' => 'Parado',
'Ignore' => 'Ignorar',
- 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Tamanho de Buffer (imagens)',
'Image' => 'Imagem',
+ 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Tamanho de Buffer (imagens)',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Include' => 'Incluir',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => 'Incluir',
'Inverted' => 'Invertido',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => 'Linguagem',
'Last' => 'ltimo',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'resultados somente;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Limitar aos primeiros', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -306,6 +309,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => 'Marcar',
+ 'Max' => 'Maximo',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max Bandwidth',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Max.
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max Focus Range',
@@ -314,11 +318,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximo FPS',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
- 'Max' => 'Maximo',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max Pan Range',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max Pan Speed',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max Pan Step',
@@ -331,8 +333,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Media L/B',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Maximo FPS',
'Medium' => 'Media',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Media L/B',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'A area minima de blob deve ser menor do que a area mxima de blob',
@@ -367,10 +370,10 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Min Zoom Speed',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Min Zoom Step',
'Misc' => 'Misc',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Ids de Monitor',
'Monitor' => 'Monitor',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Ids de Monitor',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => 'Monitores',
'Montage' => 'Montagem',
'Month' => 'Ms',
@@ -383,60 +386,60 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Nome',
'Near' => 'Near',
'Network' => 'Rede',
+ 'New' => 'Novo',
'NewGroup' => 'New Group',
'NewLabel' => 'New Label',
- 'New' => 'Novo',
'NewPassword' => 'Nova Senha',
'NewState' => 'Novo Estado',
'NewUser' => 'Novo Usurio',
'Next' => 'Prx',
+ 'No' => 'No',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'No h imagens gravadas neste evento',
'NoGroup' => 'No Group',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'Nada disponvel',
- 'None' => 'Nada',
- 'No' => 'No',
- 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'SemFiltrosSalvos',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'No h estatsticas gravadas neste evento/imagem',
+ 'None' => 'Nada',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'Nada disponvel',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Open',
'OpEq' => 'igual a',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'maior que ou igual a',
'OpGt' => 'maior que',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'maior que ou igual a',
'OpIn' => 'no set',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'menor que ou igual a',
'OpLt' => 'menor que',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'menor que ou igual a',
'OpMatches' => 'combina',
'OpNe' => 'diferente de',
'OpNotIn' => 'no no set',
'OpNotMatches' => 'no combina',
+ 'Open' => 'Open',
'OptionHelp' => 'OpoAjuda',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Reinicie o Zoneminder para que as mudanas tenham efeito',
'Options' => 'Opes',
- 'Order' => 'Order',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'ou defina novo nome',
+ 'Order' => 'Order',
'Orientation' => 'Orientao',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Sobrescrever Existente',
'Paged' => 'Paginado',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => 'Parametro',
- 'PasswordsDifferent' => 'A nova senha e a de confirmao so diferentes',
'Password' => 'Senha',
+ 'PasswordsDifferent' => 'A nova senha e a de confirmao so diferentes',
'Paths' => 'Caminhos',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Discada L/B',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Discada L/B',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => 'pixels',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'Por Favor Espere',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Buffer de imagem ps evento',
@@ -451,21 +454,23 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => 'Gravar',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Referncia de imagem Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Atualizar',
+ 'Remote' => 'Remoto',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Nome do host remoto',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Caminho do host remoto',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Porta do host remoto',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Cores de imagem remota',
- 'Remote' => 'Remoto',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Renomear',
+ 'Replay' => 'Ver Novamente',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'Replay' => 'Ver Novamente',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Resetar contagem de eventos',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
- 'Restarting' => 'Reiniciando',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Resetar contagem de eventos',
'Restart' => 'Reiniciar',
+ 'Restarting' => 'Reiniciando',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Ids de camera proibdos',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Restricted Monitors',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Return Delay',
@@ -474,21 +479,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Rotacionar esquerda ',
'RotateRight' => 'Rotacionar direita',
'RunMode' => 'Modo de Execuo',
- 'Running' => 'Rodando',
'RunState' => 'Estado de Execuo',
+ 'Running' => 'Rodando',
+ 'Save' => 'Salvar',
'SaveAs' => 'Salvar Como',
'SaveFilter' => 'Salvar Filtro',
- 'Save' => 'Salvar',
'Scale' => 'Tamanho',
'Score' => 'Score',
'Secs' => 'Segs',
'Sectionlength' => 'Tamanho de evento Fixo',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => 'Select',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
+ 'Set' => 'Set',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Defina Nova L/B',
'SetPreset' => 'Set Preset',
- 'Set' => 'Set',
'Settings' => 'Configuraes',
'ShowFilterWindow' => 'MostrarJanelaDeFiltros',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Show Timeline',
@@ -499,23 +504,25 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'mostrar por',
'SortDesc' => 'Desc',
'Source' => 'Origem',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Tipo de Origem',
+ 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedHigh' => 'High Speed',
'SpeedLow' => 'Low Speed',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Medium Speed',
- 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turbo Speed',
'Start' => 'Iniciar',
'State' => 'Estado',
'Stats' => 'Status',
'Status' => 'Status',
+ 'Step' => 'Step',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Large Step',
'StepMedium' => 'Medium Step',
'StepNone' => 'No Step',
'StepSmall' => 'Small Step',
- 'Step' => 'Step',
'Stills' => 'Imagens',
'Stop' => 'Parar',
'Stopped' => 'Parado',
@@ -526,14 +533,14 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Tele' => 'Tele',
'Thumbnail' => 'Thumbnail',
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
+ 'Time' => 'Tempo',
'TimeDelta' => 'Tempo Delta',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Tempo',
'Timeline' => 'Timeline',
+ 'Timestamp' => 'Tempo',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Formato de etiqueta de tempo',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'posio de etiqueta X',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'posio de etiqueta Y',
- 'Timestamp' => 'Tempo',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Tempo',
- 'Time' => 'Tempo',
'Today' => 'Today',
'Tools' => 'Ferramentas',
'TotalBrScore' => 'Score
@@ -544,24 +551,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo Tilt Speed',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Unarchive' => 'Desarquivar',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Unidades',
'Unknown' => 'Desconhecido',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'Um update ao zoneminder est disponvel.',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'No necessrio update.',
- 'Update' => 'Update',
+ 'UseFilter' => 'Use Filtro',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' expresses de filtragem', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Use ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
- 'UseFilter' => 'Use Filtro',
+ 'User' => 'Usurio',
'Username' => 'Nome de Usurio',
'Users' => 'Usurios',
- 'User' => 'Usurio',
'Value' => 'Valor',
+ 'Version' => 'Verso',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ignorar esta verso',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Lembre novamente em 1 dia',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Lembre novamente em 1 hora',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Nao lembrar novas verses',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Lembrar novamente em 1 semana',
- 'Version' => 'Verso',
+ 'Video' => 'Video',
'VideoFormat' => 'Video Format',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Gerao de Vdeo falhou!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Existing Video Files',
@@ -569,28 +578,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Parametros de gerao de vdeo',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Video Generation Succeeded!',
'VideoSize' => 'Tamanho do vdeo',
- 'Video' => 'Video',
+ 'View' => 'Ver',
'ViewAll' => 'Ver Tudo',
'ViewEvent' => 'View Event',
'ViewPaged' => 'Ver Paginado',
- 'View' => 'Ver',
'Wake' => 'Wake',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Imagens Desconsideradas',
'Watch' => 'Assistir',
- 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Week' => 'Semana',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'White' => 'White',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'Wide' => 'Wide',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'String de Ativao X10',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'String de Entrada de alarme X10',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'String de Sada de Alarme X10',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Sim',
'YouNoPerms' => 'Voc no tem permisses para acessar este recurso.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zona',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Cor de Alarme (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filter Width/Height (pixels)',
@@ -601,10 +610,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'Zonas',
- 'Zone' => 'Zona',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom In',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom Out',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -739,3 +747,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/ro_ro.php b/web/lang/ro_ro.php
index e9b86c41c..480ea2e2e 100755
--- a/web/lang/ro_ro.php
+++ b/web/lang/ro_ro.php
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Apply' => 'Accept',
'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Aplic schimbarea de stare',
'ArchArchived' => 'Numai arhivate',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Numai nearhivate',
'Archive' => 'Arhive',
'Archived' => 'Archived',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Numai nearhivate',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Cadre alarma',
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => 'Laţime de bandă',
'BlobPx' => 'Blob Px',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'BlobSizes' => 'Blob Sizes',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blobs',
'Brightness' => 'Luminozitate',
'Buffers' => 'Zonă tampon',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Focalizare automată',
@@ -129,24 +129,22 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Balans alb automat',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Are auto zoom',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Renunta Fortat Alarma',
- 'Cancel' => 'Renunţ',
+ 'CanFocus' => 'Focalizare',
'CanFocusAbs' => 'Focalizare absolută',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Focalizare continuă',
- 'CanFocus' => 'Focalizare',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Focalizare relativă',
- 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
+ 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
- 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
+ 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
+ 'CanMove' => 'Dinamic',
'CanMoveAbs' => 'Mişcare absolută',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Mişcare continuă',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Mişcare diagonală',
- 'CanMove' => 'Dinamic',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Can Move Mapped',
'CanMoveRel' => 'Mişcare relativă',
'CanPan' => 'Rotativ' ,
@@ -155,16 +153,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Can Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Se poate înclina',
'CanWake' => 'Can Wake',
- 'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Balans alb absolut',
'CanWhite' => 'Balans alb',
+ 'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Balans alb absolut',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Balans alb',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Balans alb continuu',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Balans alb relativ',
+ 'CanZoom' => 'Zoom',
'CanZoomAbs' => 'Zoom Absolut',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Zoom Continuu',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Zoom Relativ',
- 'CanZoom' => 'Zoom',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Renunţ',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Renunta Fortat Alarma',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Înălţime captură',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Paletă captură',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Lăţime captură',
'Cause' => 'Cauza',
@@ -184,13 +185,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Va rugam contactati administratorul pentru detalii.',
'Continue' => 'Continuaă',
'Contrast' => 'Contrast',
+ 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlAddress' => 'Adresă control',
'ControlCap' => 'Posibilitate control',
'ControlCaps' => 'Posibilităţi control',
- 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlDevice' => 'Dispozitiv control',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controlabil',
'ControlType' => 'Tip control',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controlabil',
'Cycle' => 'Ciclu',
'CycleWatch' => 'Vizual. ciclu',
'Day' => 'Zi',
@@ -203,6 +204,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Şterge & Precedent',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Şterge filtrul salvat',
'Description' => 'Descriere',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Canal dispozitiv',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Format dispozitiv',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Număr dispozitiv',
@@ -211,9 +213,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Dimensiuni',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Disable Alarms',
'Disk' => 'Disc',
+ 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
- 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
@@ -227,8 +229,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Enable Alarms',
'Enabled' => 'Activ',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Introduceti denumire filtru',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Eroare, va rugam asigurati-va ca toate parantezele se inchid',
'Error' => 'Eroare',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Eroare, va rugam asigurati-va ca toate parantezele se inchid',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Eroare, va rugam verificati validitatea numelor termenilor',
'Etc' => 'etc',
'Event' => 'Eveniment',
@@ -239,48 +241,48 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Events' => 'Evenim.',
'Exclude' => 'Exclude',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'Export' => 'Export',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'ExportFailed' => 'Export Failed',
'ExportFormat' => 'Export File Format',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Export Image Files',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Export Other Files (if present)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Export Options',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Export Video Files (if present)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
+ 'FPS' => 'FPS',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'Interval raport FPS',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Feed',
- 'FileColours' => 'File Colours',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => 'File Path',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Arhivează toate rezultatele',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Şterge toate rezultatele',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Trimite email ale tuturor rezultatelor',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Execută comanda pentru toate rezultatele',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Trimite mesaj pentru toate rezultatele',
'FilterPx' => 'Filter Px',
- 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Încarcă toate rezultatele',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Create video for all matches',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'First' => 'First',
'FlippedHori' => 'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert' => 'Flipped Vertically',
'Focus' => 'Focalizare',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Alarmă forţată',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => 'FPS',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'Interval raport FPS',
'Frame' => 'Cadru',
'FrameId' => 'Nr. cadru',
'FrameRate' => 'Frecv. cadre',
- 'Frames' => 'Cadre',
'FrameSkip' => 'Omite cadre',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => 'Cadre',
'Func' => 'Func',
'Function' => 'Funcţie',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -302,25 +304,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'HasTurboTilt' => 'Înclinare turbo',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'Viteză balans alb',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'Viteză zoom',
- 'HighBW' => 'B/W mare',
'High' => 'Mare',
+ 'HighBW' => 'B/W mare',
'Home' => 'Home',
'Hour' => 'Ora',
'Hue' => 'Nuanţă',
- 'Idle' => 'Oprit',
'Id' => 'Nr.',
+ 'Idle' => 'Oprit',
'Ignore' => 'Ignor',
- 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Zonă tampon imagine (cadre)',
'Image' => 'Imagine',
+ 'ImageBufferSize' => 'Zonă tampon imagine (cadre)',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Include' => 'Includ',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => 'Includ',
'Inverted' => 'Inversă',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => 'Limbă',
'Last' => 'Ultim',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'rezultate',
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Limitează la primele',
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -331,12 +334,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'LoggingIn' => 'Logare',
'Login' => 'Login',
'Logout' => 'Ieşire',
- 'LowBW' => 'B/W redus',
'Low' => 'Redusa',
+ 'LowBW' => 'B/W redus',
'Main' => 'Main',
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => 'Select',
+ 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max Bandwidth',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Cota
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Raza focalizare max',
@@ -345,11 +349,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'FPS max',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
- 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Raza max de rotire',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Viteză rotire max',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Pas rotire max',
@@ -362,8 +364,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Raza zoom max',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Viteză zoom max',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Pas zoom max',
- 'MediumBW' => 'B/W mediu',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'FPS max',
'Medium' => 'Medie',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'B/W mediu',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum blob area should be less than maximum',
@@ -398,10 +401,10 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Viteză zoom min',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Pas zoom min',
'Misc' => 'Divers',
- 'MonitorIds' => 'Nr. Monitor',
'Monitor' => 'Monitor',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
+ 'MonitorIds' => 'Nr. Monitor',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => 'Monitoare',
'Montage' => 'Montage',
'Month' => 'Luna',
@@ -414,60 +417,60 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Denumire',
'Near' => 'Near',
'Network' => 'Reţea',
+ 'New' => 'Nou',
'NewGroup' => 'Grup nou',
'NewLabel' => 'New Label',
- 'New' => 'Nou',
'NewPassword' => 'Parola nouă',
'NewState' => 'Stare nouă',
'NewUser' => 'Utilizator nou',
'Next' => 'Urmator',
+ 'No' => 'Nu',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Nu exista cadre inregistrate pentru acest eveniment.',
'NoGroup' => 'No Group',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'Indisponibil',
- 'None' => 'Nimic',
- 'No' => 'Nu',
- 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'LipsaFiltruSalvat',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'Nu exista statistici pentru acest eveniment/cadru.',
+ 'None' => 'Nimic',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'Indisponibil',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Deschide',
'OpEq' => 'egal cu',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'mai mare sau egal cu',
'OpGt' => 'mai mare ca',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'mai mare sau egal cu',
'OpIn' => 'in set',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'mai mic sau egal cu',
'OpLt' => 'mai mic decât',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'mai mic sau egal cu',
'OpMatches' => 'matches',
'OpNe' => 'diferit de',
'OpNotIn' => 'not in set',
'OpNotMatches' => 'nu se potriveste',
+ 'Open' => 'Deschide',
'OptionHelp' => 'OptionHelp',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Aceste schimbari nu se aplica in timpul rularii.\n Dupa ce ati terminat setarile va rugam reporniti ZoneMinder.',
'Options' => 'Opţiuni',
- 'Order' => 'Order',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'sau denumire nouă',
+ 'Order' => 'Order',
'Orientation' => 'Orientare',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Suprascrie existent',
'Paged' => 'Paginat',
+ 'Pan' => 'Rotire',
'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
- 'Pan' => 'Rotire',
'PanTilt' => 'Rotire/Înclinare',
'Parameter' => 'Parametru',
'Password' => 'Parolă',
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Cele două parole diferă.',
'Paths' => 'Cale',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Phone B/W',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Phone B/W',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => 'Pixeli',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'Vă rugăm aşteptaţi',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Zona tampon post eveniment',
@@ -482,20 +485,23 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Record' => 'Înregistrare',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Combinare imagine referinta(%)',
'Refresh' => 'Actualizează',
+ 'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Remote Host Name',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Remote Host Path',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Remote Host Port',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Remote Image Colours',
- 'Remote' => 'Remote',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Rename',
+ 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
- 'Restarting' => 'Repornesc',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Restart' => 'Reporneşte',
+ 'Restarting' => 'Repornesc',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Restricted Camera Ids',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Restricted Monitors',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Return Delay',
@@ -504,21 +510,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Rotire stânga',
'RotateRight' => 'Rotire dreapta',
'RunMode' => 'Mod rulare',
- 'Running' => 'Rulează',
'RunState' => 'Stare de rulare',
+ 'Running' => 'Rulează',
+ 'Save' => 'Salvez',
'SaveAs' => 'Salvează ca',
'SaveFilter' => 'Salvează filtru',
- 'Save' => 'Salvez',
'Scale' => 'Scara',
'Score' => 'Cota',
'Secs' => 'Sec',
'Sectionlength' => 'Lungime secţiune',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => 'Select',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
+ 'Set' => 'Set',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Setare laţime de bandă nouă',
'SetPreset' => 'Set Preset',
- 'Set' => 'Set',
'Settings' => 'Setări',
'ShowFilterWindow' => 'Fereastra filtre',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Show Timeline',
@@ -529,23 +535,25 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sortează după',
'SortDesc' => 'Desc',
'Source' => 'Sursa',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Tipul sursei',
+ 'Speed' => 'Viteză',
'SpeedHigh' => 'Viteză mare',
'SpeedLow' => 'Viteză mică',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Viteză medie',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Viteză turbo',
- 'Speed' => 'Viteză',
'Start' => 'Porneşte',
'State' => 'Stare',
'Stats' => 'Statistici',
'Status' => 'Stare',
+ 'Step' => 'Step',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Large Step',
'StepMedium' => 'Medium Step',
'StepNone' => 'No Step',
'StepSmall' => 'Small Step',
- 'Step' => 'Step',
'Stills' => 'Statice',
'Stop' => 'Opreşte',
'Stopped' => 'Oprit',
@@ -556,14 +564,14 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Tele' => 'Tele',
'Thumbnail' => 'Miniatură',
'Tilt' => 'Înclinare',
+ 'Time' => 'Timp',
'TimeDelta' => 'Time Delta',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Format timp',
'Timeline' => 'Timeline',
'Timestamp' => 'Format timp',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Format timp',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Format eticheta format timp',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'Format timp eticheta X',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Format timp eticheta Y',
- 'Time' => 'Timp',
'Today' => 'Azi',
'Tools' => 'Unelte',
'TotalBrScore' => 'Cota
@@ -574,24 +582,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Viteză înclinare turbo',
'Type' => 'Tip',
'Unarchive' => 'Dezarhivez',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Unităţi',
'Unknown' => 'Necunoscut',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'Sunt disponibile actualizări ZoneMinder.',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Actulizarea nu este necesară.',
- 'Update' => 'Update',
+ 'UseFilter' => 'Foloseşte filtru',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' expresii de filtrare ',
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Foloseşte ',
- 'UseFilter' => 'Foloseşte filtru',
+ 'User' => 'Utilizator',
'Username' => 'Nume',
'Users' => 'Utilizatori',
- 'User' => 'Utilizator',
'Value' => 'Valoare',
+ 'Version' => 'Versiune',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ignoră această versiune',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Aminteşte-mi peste 1 zi',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Aminteşte-mi peste 1 oră',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Nu aminti despre versiuni noi',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Aminteşte-mi peste 1 săptămână',
- 'Version' => 'Versiune',
+ 'Video' => 'Video',
'VideoFormat' => 'Video Format',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Generare video esuata!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Existing Video Files',
@@ -599,28 +609,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Parametrii generare video',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Video Generation Succeeded!',
'VideoSize' => 'Mărime video',
- 'Video' => 'Video',
+ 'View' => 'Vizual',
'ViewAll' => 'Vizual. tot',
'ViewEvent' => 'View Event',
'ViewPaged' => 'Vizual. paginat',
- 'View' => 'Vizual',
'Wake' => 'Wake',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Warmup Frames',
'Watch' => 'Watch',
- 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Web' => 'Web',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Week' => 'Săpt.',
'White' => 'Alb',
'WhiteBalance' => 'Balans alb',
'Wide' => 'Wide',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'String activare X10',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10 Input Alarm String',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10 Output Alarm String',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => 'Da',
'YouNoPerms' => 'Nu aveti permisiunile necesare pentru accesarea acestei resurse.',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zone',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Alarm Colour (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filter Width/Height (pixels)',
@@ -631,10 +641,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'Zona',
- 'Zone' => 'Zone',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom In',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom Out',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -1232,3 +1241,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/ru_ru.php b/web/lang/ru_ru.php
index 4e71034f3..2e16d5d63 100644
--- a/web/lang/ru_ru.php
+++ b/web/lang/ru_ru.php
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Apply' => '',
'ApplyingStateChange' => ' ',
'ArchArchived' => ' ',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => ' ',
'Archive' => '',
'Archived' => 'Archived',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => ' ',
'Area' => 'Area',
'AreaUnits' => 'Area (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => '- ',
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AttrMaxScore' => '. ',
'AttrMonitorId' => 'Id ',
'AttrMonitorName' => ' ',
- 'AttrMontage' => '',
'AttrName' => 'Name',
'AttrNotes' => 'Notes',
'AttrSystemLoad' => 'System Load',
@@ -127,8 +126,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 100 or more',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
@@ -150,8 +149,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => '',
'BlobPx' => ' ',
- 'Blobs' => '- ',
'BlobSizes' => ' ',
+ 'Blobs' => '- ',
'Brightness' => '',
'Buffers' => '',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Can Auto Focus',
@@ -159,22 +158,20 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Can Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Can Auto Zoom',
- 'Cancel' => '',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => ' ',
- 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocus' => 'Can Focus',
+ 'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Can Focus Continuous',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Can Focus Relative',
- 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
+ 'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
- 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
+ 'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
- 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMove' => 'Can Move',
+ 'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Can Move Continuous',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Can Move Diagonally',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Can Move Mapped',
@@ -185,16 +182,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Can Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Can Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Can Wake',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Can White Bal. Absolute',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Can White Bal.',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Can White Bal. Continuous',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Can White Bal. Relative',
- 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoom' => 'Can Zoom',
+ 'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Can Zoom Continuous',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Can Zoom Relative',
+ 'Cancel' => '',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => ' ',
'CaptureHeight' => ' Y',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => ' ',
'CaptureWidth' => ' X',
'Cause' => 'Cause',
@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => ' .',
'Continue' => 'Continue',
'Contrast' => '',
+ 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlAddress' => 'Control Address',
'ControlCap' => 'Control Capability',
'ControlCaps' => 'Control Capabilities',
- 'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlDevice' => 'Control Device',
- 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'ControlType' => 'Control Type',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Cycle' => 'Cycle',
'CycleWatch' => ' ',
'Day' => '',
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DeleteAndPrev' => ' & .',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => ' ',
'Description' => '',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => '',
'DeviceFormat' => '',
'DeviceNumber' => ' ',
@@ -241,9 +242,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => '',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Disable Alarms',
'Disk' => 'Disk',
+ 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
- 'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
@@ -269,48 +270,48 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Events' => '',
'Exclude' => '',
'Execute' => 'Execute',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'Export' => 'Export',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Export Event Details',
'ExportFailed' => 'Export Failed',
'ExportFormat' => 'Export File Format',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Export Frame Details',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Export Image Files',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Export Other Files (if present)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Export Options',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Export Video Files (if present)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
+ 'FPS' => '/c',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => ' ',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Feed',
- 'FileColours' => 'File Colours',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'File',
- 'FilePath' => 'File Path',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Archive all matches',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Delete all matches',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Email details of all matches',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Execute command on all matches',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Message details of all matches',
'FilterPx' => ' ',
- 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Upload all matches',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Create video for all matches',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filters',
'First' => '',
'FlippedHori' => 'Flipped Horizontally',
'FlippedVert' => 'Flipped Vertically',
'Focus' => 'Focus',
'ForceAlarm' => ' ',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => '/c',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => ' ',
'Frame' => '',
'FrameId' => 'Id ',
'FrameRate' => '',
- 'Frames' => '',
'FrameSkip' => ' ',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
+ 'Frames' => '',
'Func' => '.',
'Function' => '',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
@@ -343,14 +344,15 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Image' => '',
'ImageBufferSize' => ' ',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Include' => '',
'In' => 'In',
+ 'Include' => '',
'Inverted' => '',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => '',
'Last' => '',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'results only;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Limit to first', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Linked Monitors',
@@ -376,7 +378,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
- 'MaximumFPS' => ' (/)',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
@@ -392,6 +393,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => ' (/)',
'Medium' => '',
'MediumBW' => ' ',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
@@ -430,8 +432,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Misc' => '',
'Monitor' => '',
'MonitorIds' => 'Id ',
- 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'MonitorPreset' => 'Monitor Preset',
+ 'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'Monitors' => '',
'Montage' => 'Montage',
'Month' => '',
@@ -454,16 +456,15 @@ $SLANG = array(
'No' => '',
'NoFramesRecorded' => ' ',
'NoGroup' => 'No Group',
+ 'NoSavedFilters' => ' ',
+ 'NoStatisticsRecorded' => ' / ',
'None' => '',
'NoneAvailable' => ' ',
'Normal' => '',
- 'NoSavedFilters' => ' ',
- 'NoStatisticsRecorded' => ' / ',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
- 'Open' => 'Open',
'OpEq' => '',
'OpGt' => '',
'OpGtEq' => ' ',
@@ -474,17 +475,18 @@ $SLANG = array(
'OpNe' => ' ',
'OpNotIn' => ' ',
'OpNotMatches' => ' ',
+ 'Open' => 'Open',
'OptionHelp' => 'OptionHelp',
'OptionRestartWarning' => ' .',
'Options' => '',
- 'Order' => 'Order',
'OrEnterNewName' => ' ',
+ 'Order' => 'Order',
'Orientation' => '',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => ' ',
'Paged' => ' ',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => '',
@@ -492,12 +494,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PasswordsDifferent' => ' ',
'Paths' => '',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
- 'PhoneBW' => ' ',
'Phone' => 'Phone',
+ 'PhoneBW' => ' ',
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => ' ',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'Play' => 'Play',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => ' ',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => ' ',
@@ -516,15 +518,17 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RemoteHostName' => ' ',
'RemoteHostPath' => ' ',
'RemoteHostPort' => ' ',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => ' ',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => '',
- 'Replay' => '',
+ 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Replay',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => ' ',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => ' ',
'Restart' => '',
'Restarting' => '',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Id ',
@@ -535,8 +539,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => ' ',
'RotateRight' => ' ',
'RunMode' => ' ',
- 'Running' => '',
'RunState' => '',
+ 'Running' => '',
'Save' => '',
'SaveAs' => ' ',
'SaveFilter' => ' ',
@@ -544,12 +548,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Score' => '',
'Secs' => '.',
'Sectionlength' => ' ( )',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'Select' => 'Select',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Select Monitors',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygon edges must not intersect',
+ 'Set' => 'Set',
'SetNewBandwidth' => ' ',
'SetPreset' => 'Set Preset',
- 'Set' => 'Set',
'Settings' => '',
'ShowFilterWindow' => ' ',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Show Timeline',
@@ -560,23 +564,25 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sort by',
'SortDesc' => 'Desc',
'Source' => '',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => ' ',
+ 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedHigh' => 'High Speed',
'SpeedLow' => 'Low Speed',
'SpeedMedium' => 'Medium Speed',
- 'Speed' => 'Speed',
'SpeedTurbo' => 'Turbo Speed',
'Start' => '',
'State' => '',
'Stats' => '',
'Status' => '',
+ 'Step' => 'Step',
'StepBack' => 'Step Back',
'StepForward' => 'Step Forward',
'StepLarge' => 'Large Step',
'StepMedium' => 'Medium Step',
'StepNone' => 'No Step',
'StepSmall' => 'Small Step',
- 'Step' => 'Step',
'Stills' => '-',
'Stop' => '',
'Stopped' => '',
@@ -589,9 +595,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
'Time' => '',
'TimeDelta' => ' ',
+ 'TimeStamp' => ' ',
'Timeline' => 'Timeline',
'Timestamp' => ' ',
- 'TimeStamp' => ' ',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => ' ',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'X- ',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Y- ',
@@ -605,11 +611,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo Tilt Speed',
'Type' => '',
'Unarchive' => '. ',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => '. ',
'Unknown' => 'Unknown',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
'UpdateAvailable' => ' ZoneMinder',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => ' ',
- 'Update' => 'Update',
'UseFilter' => ' ',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' ', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => '. ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
@@ -641,17 +648,17 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Web' => '',
'WebColour' => 'Web Colour',
'Week' => '',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'White' => 'White',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance',
'Wide' => 'Wide',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10 Activation String',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10 Input Alarm String',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10 Output Alarm String',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
+ 'Y' => 'Y',
'Yes' => '',
'YouNoPerms' => ' .',
- 'Y' => 'Y',
'Zone' => '',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => ' (Red/Green/Blue)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zone Area',
@@ -663,9 +670,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => '',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zoom In',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zoom Out',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -799,3 +806,4 @@ $OLANG = array(
diff --git a/web/lang/se_se.php b/web/lang/se_se.php
index 6d05af719..3f65849ad 100644
--- a/web/lang/se_se.php
+++ b/web/lang/se_se.php
@@ -80,22 +80,22 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AddNewMonitor' => 'Ny bevakare',
'AddNewUser' => 'Ny anvndare',
'AddNewZone' => 'Ny zon',
- 'AlarmBrFrames' => 'Larm
- 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Larmramsrknare',
- 'AlarmFrame' => 'Larmram',
'Alarm' => 'Larm',
+ 'AlarmBrFrames' => 'Larm
+ 'AlarmFrame' => 'Larmram',
+ 'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Larmramsrknare',
'AlarmLimits' => 'Larmgrnser',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Max. ramar/s fr larm',
'AlarmPx' => 'Larmpunkter',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'Du mste stta en frg fr RGB-larm',
'Alert' => 'Varning',
'All' => 'Alla',
- 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Aktivera statusndring',
'Apply' => 'Lgg till',
+ 'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Aktivera statusndring',
'ArchArchived' => 'Arkivera endast',
+ 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Endast ej arkiverade',
'Archive' => 'Arkiv',
'Archived' => 'Arkiverad',
- 'ArchUnarchived' => 'Endast ej arkiverade',
'Area' => 'Omrde',
'AreaUnits' => 'Omrde (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Larmramar',
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Larm fr bilder/s mste vara ett positivt heltal eller ett flyttal',
'BadChannel' => 'Kanalen mste vara ett heltal, noll eller hgre',
'BadDevice' => 'Enheten mste sttas till ett giltigt vrde',
- 'BadFormat' => 'Formatet mste vara ett heltal, noll eller hgre',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'Buffern fr ramintervallrapporten mste vara ett heltal p minst 100 eller hgre',
+ 'BadFormat' => 'Formatet mste vara ett heltal, noll eller hgre',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Vrdet fr ramverhopp mste vara ett heltal p 0 eller hgre',
'BadHeight' => 'Hjden mste sttas till ett giltigt vrde',
'BadHost' => 'Detta flt ska innehlla en giltig ip-adress eller vrdnamn, inkludera inte http://',
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'BadWidth' => 'Bredden mste sttas til ett giltigt vrde',
'Bandwidth' => 'Bandbredd',
'BlobPx' => 'Blob Px',
- 'Blobs' => 'Blobbar',
'BlobSizes' => 'Blobstorlek',
+ 'Blobs' => 'Blobbar',
'Brightness' => 'Ljusstyrka',
'Buffers' => 'Buffrar',
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Har autofokus',
@@ -159,24 +159,22 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanAutoIris' => 'Har autoiris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Har autovitbalans.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Har autozoom',
- 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'ngra tvingande larm',
- 'Cancel' => 'ngra',
+ 'CanFocus' => 'Har fokus',
'CanFocusAbs' => 'Har absolut fokus',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Har kontinuerlig fokus',
- 'CanFocus' => 'Har fokus',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Har relativ fokus',
+ 'CanGain' => 'Har niv',
'CanGainAbs' => 'Har absolut niv',
'CanGainCon' => 'Har kontinuerlig niv',
- 'CanGain' => 'Har niv',
'CanGainRel' => 'Har relativ niv',
+ 'CanIris' => 'Har iris',
'CanIrisAbs' => 'Har absolut iris',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Har kontinuerlig iris',
- 'CanIris' => 'Har iris',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Har relativ iris',
+ 'CanMove' => 'Har frflyttning',
'CanMoveAbs' => 'Har absolut frflyttning',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Har kontinuerlig frflyttning',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Har diagonal frflyttning',
- 'CanMove' => 'Har frflyttning',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Har mappad frflyttning',
'CanMoveRel' => 'Har relativ frflyttning',
'CanPan' => 'Har panorering',
@@ -185,16 +183,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanSleep' => 'Kan vila',
'CanTilt' => 'Kan tilta',
'CanWake' => 'Kan vakna',
+ 'CanWhite' => 'Kan vitbalansera',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Har absolut vitbalans',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Kan vitbalans',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Kan kontinuerligt vitbalansera',
- 'CanWhite' => 'Kan vitbalansera',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Kan relativt vitbalansera',
+ 'CanZoom' => 'Kan zooma',
'CanZoomAbs' => 'Kan zooma absolut',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Kan zooma kontinuerligt',
- 'CanZoom' => 'Kan zooma',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Kan zooma realativt',
+ 'Cancel' => 'ngra',
+ 'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'ngra tvingande larm',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Fngsthjd',
+ 'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Fngstpalett',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Fngstbredd',
'Cause' => 'Orsak',
@@ -214,13 +215,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ContactAdmin' => 'Kontakta din administratr fr detaljer.',
'Continue' => 'Fortstt',
'Contrast' => 'Kontrast',
+ 'Control' => 'Kontroll',
'ControlAddress' => 'Kontrolladress',
'ControlCap' => 'Kontrollfrmga',
'ControlCaps' => 'Kontrollfrmgor',
'ControlDevice' => 'Kontrollenhet',
- 'Control' => 'Kontroll',
- 'Controllable' => 'Kontrollerbar',
'ControlType' => 'Kontrolltyp',
+ 'Controllable' => 'Kontrollerbar',
'Cycle' => 'Period',
'CycleWatch' => 'Cycle Watch',
'Day' => 'Dag',
@@ -228,11 +229,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DefaultRate' => 'Standardhastighet',
'DefaultScale' => 'Standardskala',
'DefaultView' => 'Standardvy',
+ 'Delete' => 'Radera',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Radera & Nsta',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Radera & Freg.',
- 'Delete' => 'Radera',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Radera sparade filter',
'Description' => 'Beskrivning',
+ 'Device' => 'Device', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Enhetskanal',
'DeviceFormat' => 'Enhetsformat',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Enhetsnummer',
@@ -241,6 +243,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Dimensions' => 'Dimensioner',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Avaktivera larm',
'Disk' => 'Disk',
+ 'Donate' => 'Var vnlig och donera',
'DonateAlready' => 'Nej, Jag har redan donerat',
'DonateEnticement' => 'Du har krt ZoneMinder ett tag nu och frhoppningsvis har du sett att det fungerar bra hemma eller p ditt fretag. ven om ZoneMinder r, och kommer att vara, fri programvara och ppen kallkod, s kostar det pengar att utveckla och underhlla. Om du vill hjlpa till med framtida utveckling och nya funktioner s var vanlig och bidrag med en slant. Bidragen r naturligtvis en option men mycket uppskattade och du kan bidra med precis hur mycket du vill.
Om du vill ge ett bidrag vljer du nedan eller surfar till http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html.
Tack fr att du anvnder ZoneMinder, glm inte att beska forumen p ZoneMinder.com fr support och frslag om hur du fr din ZoneMinder att fungera lite bttre.',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Inte n, pminn om 1 dag',
@@ -248,7 +251,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Inte n, pminn om 1 mnad',
'DonateRemindNever' => 'Nej, Jag vill inte donera, pminn mig inte mer',
'DonateRemindWeek' => 'Inte n, pminn om 1 vecka',
- 'Donate' => 'Var vnlig och donera',
'DonateYes' => 'Ja, jag vill grna donera nu',
'Download' => 'Ladda ner',
'Duration' => 'Lngd',
@@ -257,60 +259,60 @@ $SLANG = array(
'EnableAlarms' => 'Aktivera larm',
'Enabled' => 'Aktiverad',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Mata in nytt filternamn',
- 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Fel, kontrollera att du har samma antal vnster som hger-hakar',
'Error' => 'Fel',
+ 'ErrorBrackets' => 'Fel, kontrollera att du har samma antal vnster som hger-hakar',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Fel, kontrollera att alla parametrar har giltligt vrde',
'Etc' => 'etc',
- 'EventFilter' => 'Hndelsefilter',
'Event' => 'Hndelse',
+ 'EventFilter' => 'Hndelsefilter',
'EventId' => 'Hndelse nr',
'EventName' => 'Hndelsenamn',
'EventPrefix' => 'Hndelseprefix',
'Events' => 'Hndelser',
'Exclude' => 'Exkludera',
'Execute' => 'Utfr',
- 'ExportDetails' => 'Exportera hndelsedetaljer',
'Export' => 'Exportera',
+ 'ExportDetails' => 'Exportera hndelsedetaljer',
'ExportFailed' => 'Exporten misslyckades',
'ExportFormat' => 'Filformat fr exporter',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Exportera ramdetaljer',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Exportera bildfiler',
- 'Exporting' => 'Exporterar',
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Exportera andra filer (om dom finns)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Konfiguera export',
+ 'ExportSucceeded' => 'Export Succeeded', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Exportera videofiler (om dom finns)',
+ 'Exporting' => 'Exporterar',
+ 'FPS' => 'fps',
+ 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS rapportintervall',
+ 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Matning',
- 'FileColours' => 'Filfrg',
+ 'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'Fil',
- 'FilePath' => 'Skvag',
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Arkivera alla trffar',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Radera alla trffar',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Skicka e-post med detaljer om alla trffar',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Utfr kommando p alla trffar',
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Meddela detaljer om alla trffar',
'FilterPx' => 'Filter Px',
- 'Filters' => 'Filter',
'FilterUnset' => 'Du mste specificera filtrets bredd och hjd',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Ladda upp alla trffar',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Skapa video fr alla trffar',
+ 'Filters' => 'Filter',
'First' => 'Frst',
'FlippedHori' => 'Vnd horisontellt',
'FlippedVert' => 'Vnd vertikalt',
'Focus' => 'Fokus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Tvinga larm',
'Format' => 'Format',
- 'FPS' => 'fps',
- 'FPSReportInterval' => 'FPS rapportintervall',
- 'FrameId' => 'Ram id',
'Frame' => 'Ram',
+ 'FrameId' => 'Ram id',
'FrameRate' => 'Ram hastighet',
'FrameSkip' => 'Hoppa ver ram',
'Frames' => 'Ramar',
- 'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Func' => 'Funk',
'Function' => 'Funktion',
'Gain' => 'Niv',
@@ -332,25 +334,26 @@ $SLANG = array(
'HasTurboTilt' => 'Har turbotilt',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'Har vitbalanshastighet',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'Har Zoomhastighet',
- 'HighBW' => 'Hg bandbredd',
'High' => 'Hg',
+ 'HighBW' => 'Hg bandbredd',
'Home' => 'Hem',
'Hour' => 'Timme',
'Hue' => 'Hue',
- 'Idle' => 'Vila',
'Id' => 'nr',
+ 'Idle' => 'Vila',
'Ignore' => 'Ignorera',
'Image' => 'Bild',
'ImageBufferSize' => 'Bildbufferstorlek (ramar)',
'Images' => 'Images',
- 'Include' => 'Inkludera',
'In' => 'I',
+ 'Include' => 'Inkludera',
'Inverted' => 'Inverterad',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Nyckelstrng',
'Label' => 'Etikett',
'Language' => 'Sprk',
'Last' => 'Sist',
+ 'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'LimitResultsPost' => 'resultaten;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Begrnsa till frsta', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Lnkade vervakare',
@@ -361,12 +364,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'LoggingIn' => 'Loggar in',
'Login' => 'Logga in',
'Logout' => 'Logga ut',
- 'LowBW' => 'Lg bandbredd',
'Low' => 'Lg',
+ 'LowBW' => 'Lg bandbredd',
'Main' => 'Huvudmeny',
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manuell',
'Mark' => 'Markera',
+ 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max bandbredd',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Max.
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max fokusomrde',
@@ -375,11 +379,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max nivomrde',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max nivhastighet',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max nivsteg',
- 'MaximumFPS' => 'Max ramar/s',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max irsiomrde',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max irishastighet',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max irissteg',
- 'Max' => 'Max',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max panoramaomrde',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max panoramahastighet',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max panoramasteg',
@@ -392,8 +394,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max zoomomrde',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max zoomhastighet',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max zoomsteg',
- 'MediumBW' => 'Mellan bandbredd',
+ 'MaximumFPS' => 'Max ramar/s',
'Medium' => 'Mellan',
+ 'MediumBW' => 'Mellan bandbredd',
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minsta larmarean skall vara mindre n strsta',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'Du mste ange minsta antal larmbildpunkter',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'Minsta blobarean skall vara mindre n hgsta',
@@ -444,47 +447,47 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Name' => 'Namn',
'Near' => 'Nra',
'Network' => 'Ntverk',
+ 'New' => 'Ny',
'NewGroup' => 'Ny grupp',
'NewLabel' => 'Ny etikett',
- 'New' => 'Ny',
'NewPassword' => 'Nytt lsenord',
'NewState' => 'Nytt lge',
'NewUser' => 'Ny anvndare',
'Next' => 'Nsta',
+ 'No' => 'Nej',
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Det finns inga ramar inspelade fr denna hndelse',
'NoGroup' => 'Ingen grupp',
- 'NoneAvailable' => 'Ingen tillgnglig',
- 'None' => 'Ingen',
- 'No' => 'Nej',
- 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'Inga sparade filter',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'Det finns ingen statistik inspelad fr denna hndelse/ram',
+ 'None' => 'Ingen',
+ 'NoneAvailable' => 'Ingen tillgnglig',
+ 'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Notes' => 'Not.',
'NumPresets' => 'Antal frinstllningar',
'Off' => 'Av',
'On' => 'P',
- 'Open' => 'ppna',
'OpEq' => 'lika med',
- 'OpGtEq' => 'strre n eller lika med',
'OpGt' => 'strre n',
+ 'OpGtEq' => 'strre n eller lika med',
'OpIn' => 'in set',
- 'OpLtEq' => 'mindre n eller lika med',
'OpLt' => 'mindre n',
+ 'OpLtEq' => 'mindre n eller lika med',
'OpMatches' => 'matchar',
'OpNe' => 'inte lika med',
'OpNotIn' => 'inte i set',
'OpNotMatches' => 'matchar inte',
+ 'Open' => 'ppna',
'OptionHelp' => 'Optionhjlp',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Dessa ndringar kommer inte att vara implementerade\nnr systemet krs. Nr du r klar starta om\n ZoneMinder.',
'Options' => 'Alternativ',
- 'Order' => 'Sortera',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'eller skriv in nytt namn',
+ 'Order' => 'Sortera',
'Orientation' => 'Orientation',
'Out' => 'Ut',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Skriv ver',
'Paged' => 'Paged',
- 'PanLeft' => 'Panorera vnster',
'Pan' => 'Panorera',
+ 'PanLeft' => 'Panorera vnster',
'PanRight' => 'Panorera hger',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => 'Parameter',
@@ -492,12 +495,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Lsenorden skiljer sig t',
'Paths' => 'Skvgar',
'Pause' => 'Paus',
- 'PhoneBW' => 'Mobil bandbredd',
'Phone' => 'Mobil',
+ 'PhoneBW' => 'Mobil bandbredd',
'PixelDiff' => 'Skillnad i bildpunkter',
'Pixels' => 'bildpunkter',
- 'PlayAll' => 'Visa alla',
'Play' => 'Spela',
+ 'PlayAll' => 'Visa alla',
'PleaseWait' => 'Vnta...',
'Point' => 'Punkt',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Post Event Image Count',
@@ -516,16 +519,19 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RemoteHostName' => 'Fjrrnamn',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Fjrrskvg',
'RemoteHostPort' => 'Fjrrport',
+ 'RemoteHostSubPath' => 'Remote Host SubPath', // Added - 2009-02-08
'RemoteImageColours' => 'Fjrrbildfrger',
+ 'RemoteMethod' => 'Remote Method', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'RemoteProtocol' => 'Remote Protocol', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Rename' => 'Byt namn',
+ 'Replay' => 'Repris',
'ReplayAll' => 'Alla hndelser',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
- 'Replay' => 'Repris',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Ensam hndelse',
- 'ResetEventCounts' => 'terstll hndelserknare',
'Reset' => 'terstll',
- 'Restarting' => 'terstartar',
+ 'ResetEventCounts' => 'terstll hndelserknare',
'Restart' => 'terstart',
+ 'Restarting' => 'terstartar',
'RestrictedCameraIds' => 'Begrnsade kameranr.',
'RestrictedMonitors' => 'Begrnsade bevakare',
'ReturnDelay' => 'Frdrjd retur',
@@ -534,21 +540,21 @@ $SLANG = array(
'RotateLeft' => 'Rotera vnster',
'RotateRight' => 'Rotera hger',
'RunMode' => 'Krlge',
- 'Running' => 'Krs',
'RunState' => 'Krlge',
+ 'Running' => 'Krs',
+ 'Save' => 'Spara',
'SaveAs' => 'Spara som',
'SaveFilter' => 'Spara filter',
- 'Save' => 'Spara',
'Scale' => 'Skala',
'Score' => 'Resultat',
'Secs' => 'Sek',
'Sectionlength' => 'Sektionslngd',
- 'SelectMonitors' => 'Vlj bevakare',
'Select' => 'Vlj',
+ 'SelectMonitors' => 'Vlj bevakare',
'SelfIntersecting' => 'Polygonndarna fr inte verlappa',
+ 'Set' => 'Stll in',
'SetNewBandwidth' => 'Stll in ny bandbredd',
'SetPreset' => 'Stll in frinstllning',
- 'Set' => 'Stll in',
'Settings' => 'Instllningar',
'ShowFilterWindow' => 'Visa fnsterfilter',
'ShowTimeline' => 'Visa tidslinje',
@@ -559,6 +565,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'SortBy' => 'Sortera',
'SortDesc' => 'Fallande',
'Source' => 'Klla',
+ 'SourceColours' => 'Source Colours', // Added - 2009-02-08
+ 'SourcePath' => 'Source Path', // Added - 2009-02-08
'SourceType' => 'Klltyp',
'Speed' => 'Hastighet',
'SpeedHigh' => 'Hghastighet',
@@ -569,31 +577,31 @@ $SLANG = array(
'State' => 'Lge',
'Stats' => 'Statistik',
'Status' => 'Status',
+ 'Step' => 'Steg',
'StepBack' => 'Stepga bakt',
'StepForward' => 'Stega framt',
'StepLarge' => 'Stora steg',
'StepMedium' => 'Normalsteg',
'StepNone' => 'Inga steg',
'StepSmall' => 'Sm steg',
- 'Step' => 'Steg',
'Stills' => 'Stillbilder',
- 'Stopped' => 'Stoppad',
'Stop' => 'Stopp',
- 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Buffert fr strmmande uppspelning',
+ 'Stopped' => 'Stoppad',
'Stream' => 'Strmmande',
+ 'StreamReplayBuffer' => 'Buffert fr strmmande uppspelning',
'Submit' => 'Skicka',
'System' => 'System',
'Tele' => 'Tele',
'Thumbnail' => 'Miniatyrer',
'Tilt' => 'Tilt',
+ 'Time' => 'Tid',
'TimeDelta' => 'tidsdelta',
+ 'TimeStamp' => 'Tidsstmpel',
'Timeline' => 'Tidslinje',
+ 'Timestamp' => 'Tidsstmpel',
'TimestampLabelFormat' => 'Format p tidsstmpel',
'TimestampLabelX' => 'Vrde p tidsstmpel X',
'TimestampLabelY' => 'Vrde p tidsstmpel Y',
- 'Timestamp' => 'Tidsstmpel',
- 'TimeStamp' => 'Tidsstmpel',
- 'Time' => 'Tid',
'Today' => 'Idag',
'Tools' => 'Verktyg',
'TotalBrScore' => 'Total
@@ -604,11 +612,12 @@ $SLANG = array(
'TurboTiltSpeed' => 'Turbo tilthastighet',
'Type' => 'Typ',
'Unarchive' => 'Packa upp',
+ 'Undefined' => 'Undefined', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Units' => 'Enheter',
'Unknown' => 'Oknd',
+ 'Update' => 'Uppdatera',
'UpdateAvailable' => 'En uppdatering till ZoneMinder finns tillgnglig.',
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Ingen uppdatering behvs.',
- 'Update' => 'Uppdatera',
'UseFilter' => 'Anvnd filter',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' filter expressions', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Anvnd ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
@@ -616,12 +625,13 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Username' => 'Anvndarnamn',
'Users' => 'Anvndare',
'Value' => 'Vrde',
+ 'Version' => 'Version',
'VersionIgnore' => 'Ignorera denna version',
'VersionRemindDay' => 'Pminn om 1 dag',
'VersionRemindHour' => 'Pminn om 1 timme',
'VersionRemindNever' => 'Pminn inte om nya versioner',
'VersionRemindWeek' => 'Pminn om en 1 vecka',
- 'Version' => 'Version',
+ 'Video' => 'Video',
'VideoFormat' => 'Videoformat',
'VideoGenFailed' => 'Videogenereringen misslyckades!',
'VideoGenFiles' => 'Befintliga videofiler',
@@ -629,28 +639,28 @@ $SLANG = array(
'VideoGenParms' => 'Instllningar fr videogenerering',
'VideoGenSucceeded' => 'Videogenereringen lyckades!',
'VideoSize' => 'Videostorlek',
- 'Video' => 'Video',
+ 'View' => 'Visa',
'ViewAll' => 'Visa alla',
'ViewEvent' => 'Visa hndelse',
'ViewPaged' => 'Visa Paged',
- 'View' => 'Visa',
'Wake' => 'Vakna',
'WarmupFrames' => 'Vrm upp ramar',
'Watch' => 'Se',
- 'WebColour' => 'Webbfrg',
'Web' => 'Webb',
+ 'WebColour' => 'Webbfrg',
'Week' => 'Vecka',
- 'WhiteBalance' => 'Vitbalans',
'White' => 'Vit',
+ 'WhiteBalance' => 'Vitbalans',
'Wide' => 'Vid',
+ 'X' => 'X',
+ 'X10' => 'X10',
'X10ActivationString' => 'X10 aktiveringsstrng',
'X10InputAlarmString' => 'X10 larmingngsstrng',
'X10OutputAlarmString' => 'X10 larmutgngsstrng',
- 'X10' => 'X10',
- 'X' => 'X',
- 'Yes' => 'Ja',
'Y' => 'J',
+ 'Yes' => 'Ja',
'YouNoPerms' => 'Du har inte tillstnd till denna resurs.',
+ 'Zone' => 'Zon',
'ZoneAlarmColour' => 'Larmfrg (Rd/Grn/Bl)',
'ZoneArea' => 'Zonarea',
'ZoneFilterSize' => 'Filterbredd/hjd (pixlar)',
@@ -661,10 +671,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ZoneMinMaxPixelThres' => 'Min/Max pixel Threshold (0-255)',
'ZoneOverloadFrames' => 'Overload Frame Ignore Count',
'Zones' => 'Zoner',
- 'Zone' => 'Zon',
+ 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
'ZoomIn' => 'Zooma in',
'ZoomOut' => 'Zooma ut',
- 'Zoom' => 'Zoom',
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
@@ -798,3 +807,4 @@ $OLANG = array(