update, remove styles and fix the sql for limiting monitors
This commit is contained in:
@ -95,34 +95,35 @@
if ( !canView( 'Events' ) ) {
$view = "error";
$view = 'error';
require_once( 'includes/Monitor.php' );
# FIXME THere is no way to select group at this time.
if ( !empty($_REQUEST['group']) ) {
$group = $_REQUEST['group'];
$row = dbFetchOne( 'select * from Groups where Id = ?', NULL, array($_REQUEST['group']) );
$monitorsSql = "select * from Monitors where Function != 'None' and find_in_set( Id, '".$row['MonitorIds']."' ) ";
$row = dbFetchOne( 'SELECT * FROM Groups WHERE Id = ?', NULL, array($_REQUEST['group']) );
$monitorsSql = "SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Function != 'None' AND find_in_set( Id, '".$row['MonitorIds']."' ) ";
} else {
$monitorsSql = "select * from Monitors ";
$group = "";
$monitorsSql = "SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE 1>0";
$group = '';
// Note that this finds incomplete events as well, and any frame records written, but still cannot "see" to the end frame
// if the bulk record has not been written - to be able to include more current frames reduce bulk frame sizes (event size can be large)
// Note we round up just a bit on the end time as otherwise you get gaps, like 59.78 to 00 in the next second, which can give blank frames when moved through slowly.
$eventsSql = "
select E.Id,E.Name,E.StorageId,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(E.StartTime) as StartTimeSecs,
case when E.EndTime is null then (Select UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(E.StartTime, Interval max(Delta)+0.5 Second)) from Frames F where F.EventId=E.Id)
end as CalcEndTimeSecs, E.Length,
case when E.Frames is null then (Select count(*) from Frames F where F.EventId=E.Id) else E.Frames end as Frames,E.MaxScore,E.Cause,E.Notes,E.Archived,E.MonitorId
from Events as E
inner join Monitors as M on (E.MonitorId = M.Id)
where not isnull(E.Frames) and not isnull(StartTime) ";
$eventsSql = '
SELECT E.Id,E.Name,E.StorageId,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(E.StartTime) AS StartTimeSecs,
CASE WHEN E.EndTime IS NULL THEN (SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(E.StartTime, Interval max(Delta)+0.5 Second)) FROM Frames F WHERE F.EventId=E.Id)
END AS CalcEndTimeSecs, E.Length,
CASE WHEN E.Frames IS NULL THEN (Select count(*) FROM Frames F WHERE F.EventId=E.Id) ELSE E.Frames END AS Frames,E.MaxScore,E.Cause,E.Notes,E.Archived,E.MonitorId
FROM Events AS E
INNER JOIN Monitors AS M ON (E.MonitorId = M.Id)
WHERE NOT isnull(E.Frames) AND NOT isnull(StartTime)';
@ -133,20 +134,19 @@ $eventsSql = "
// where not isnull(E.Frames) and not isnull(StartTime) ";
// Note that the delta value seems more accurate than the time stamp for some reason.
$frameSql = "
select E.Id as eId, E.MonitorId, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(E.StartTime, Interval Delta Second)) as TimeStampSecs, max(F.Score) as Score
from Events as E
inner join Frames as F on (F.EventId = E.Id)
where not isnull(StartTime) and F.Score>0 ";
$frameSql = '
SELECT E.Id AS eId, E.MonitorId, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(E.StartTime, Interval Delta Second)) AS TimeStampSecs, max(F.Score) AS Score
FROM Events AS E
INNER JOIN Frames AS F ON (F.EventId = E.Id)
WHERE NOT isnull(StartTime) AND F.Score>0';
// This program only calls itself with the time range involved -- it does all monitors (the user can see, in the called group) all the time
if ( !empty($user['MonitorIds']) )
if ( ! empty( $user['MonitorIds'] ) ) {
$monFilterSql = ' AND M.Id IN ('.$user['MonitorIds'].')';
$eventsSql .= $monFilterSql;
$monitorsSQL .= $monFilterSql;
$monitorsSql .= ' AND Id IN ('.$user['MonitorIds'].')';
$frameSql .= ' AND E.MonitorId IN ('.$user['MonitorIds'].')';
@ -156,87 +156,82 @@ if ( !empty($user['MonitorIds']) )
// The default (nothing at all specified) is for 1 hour so we do not read the whole database
if ( !isset($_REQUEST['minTime']) && !isset($_REQUEST['maxTime']) )
$minTime=strftime("%c",time() - 3600);
if ( !isset($_REQUEST['minTime']) && !isset($_REQUEST['maxTime']) ) {
$maxTime = strftime("%c",time());
$minTime = strftime("%c",time() - 3600);
if ( isset($_REQUEST['minTime']) )
$minTime = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['minTime']);
$minTime = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['minTime']);
if ( isset($_REQUEST['maxTime']) )
$maxTime = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['maxTime']);
$maxTime = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['maxTime']);
// AS a special case a "all" is passed in as an exterme interval - if so , clear them here and let the database query find them
if ( (strtotime($maxTime) - strtotime($minTime))/(365*24*3600) > 30 ) // test years
if ( (strtotime($maxTime) - strtotime($minTime))/(365*24*3600) > 30 ) {
// test years
$minTime = null;
$maxTime = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['fit']) && $_REQUEST['fit']=='0' )
$fitMode = 0;
if ( isset($_REQUEST['scale']) )
$defaultScale = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['scale']);
$defaultScale = 1;
$speeds=[0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50];
if (isset($_REQUEST['speed']) )
$defaultSpeed = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['speed']);
$defaultSpeed = 1;
$speedIndex=5; // default to 1x
for ($i=0; $i<count($speeds); $i++)
for ($i=0; $i<count($speeds); $i++) {
if($speeds[$i]==$defaultSpeed) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['current']) )
if(isset($_REQUEST['live']) && $_REQUEST['live']=='0' )
$eventsSql .= "group by E.Id,E.Name,E.StartTime,E.Length,E.Frames,E.MaxScore,E.Cause,E.Notes,E.Archived,E.MonitorId ";
$eventsSql .= ' GROUP BY E.Id,E.Name,E.StartTime,E.Length,E.Frames,E.MaxScore,E.Cause,E.Notes,E.Archived,E.MonitorId';
if( isset($minTime) && isset($maxTime) )
$minTimeSecs = strtotime($minTime);
$maxTimeSecs = strtotime($maxTime);
$eventsSql .= "having CalcEndTimeSecs > '" . $minTimeSecs . "' and StartTimeSecs < '" . $maxTimeSecs . "'";
$frameSql .= "and TimeStamp > '" . $minTime . "' and TimeStamp < '" . $maxTime . "'";
if( isset($minTime) && isset($maxTime) ) {
$minTimeSecs = strtotime($minTime);
$maxTimeSecs = strtotime($maxTime);
$eventsSql .= " HAVING CalcEndTimeSecs > '" . $minTimeSecs . "' AND StartTimeSecs < '" . $maxTimeSecs . "'";
$frameSql .= " AND TimeStamp > '" . $minTime . "' AND TimeStamp < '" . $maxTime . "'";
$frameSql .= "group by E.Id, E.MonitorId, F.TimeStamp, F.Delta order by E.MonitorId, F.TimeStamp asc";
$frameSql .= ' GROUP BY E.Id, E.MonitorId, F.TimeStamp, F.Delta ORDER BY E.MonitorId, F.TimeStamp ASC';
// This loads all monitors the user can see - even if we don't have data for one we still show all for switch to live.
$monitors = array();
$monitorsSql .= ' ORDER BY Sequence ASC ';
$monitorsSql .= ' ORDER BY Sequence ASC';
foreach( dbFetchAll( $monitorsSql ) as $row )
$monitors[$index] = $row;
$index = $index + 1;
foreach( dbFetchAll( $monitorsSql ) as $row ) {
$monitors[$index] = $row;
$index = $index + 1;
// These are zoom ranges per visible monitor
xhtmlHeaders(__FILE__, translate('MontageReview') );
@ -252,29 +247,29 @@ input[type=range]::-ms-tooltip {
<h2><?php echo translate('MontageReview') ?></h2>
<div id="ScaleDiv" style="display: inline-flex; border: 1px solid black;">
<label style="margin:5px;" for="scaleslider"><?php echo translate('Scale')?></label>
<input id=scaleslider type=range min=0.1 max=1.0 value=<?php echo $defaultScale ?> step=0.10 width=20% onchange='setScale(this.value)' oninput='showScale(this.value)'/>
<span style='margin:5px;' id=scaleslideroutput><?php echo number_format((float)$defaultScale,2,'.','')?> x</span>
<div id="ScaleDiv">
<label for="scaleslider"><?php echo translate('Scale')?></label>
<input id="scaleslider" type="range" min="0.1" max="1.0" value="<?php echo $defaultScale ?>" step="0.10" onchange="setScale(this.value);" oninput="showScale(this.value);"/>
<span id="scaleslideroutput"><?php echo number_format((float)$defaultScale,2,'.','')?> x</span>
<div id="SpeedDiv" style='display: inline-flex; border: 1px solid black;'>
<label style='margin:5px;' for=speedslider><?php echo translate('Speed') ?></label>
<input id=speedslider type=range min=0 max=<?php echo count($speeds)-1?> value=<?php echo $speedIndex ?> step=1 wdth=20% onchange='setSpeed(this.value)' oninput='showSpeed(this.value)'/>
<span style='margin:5px;' id=speedslideroutput><?php echo $speeds[$speedIndex] ?> fps</span>
<div id="SpeedDiv">
<label for="speedslider"><?php echo translate('Speed') ?></label>
<input id="speedslider" type="range" min="0" max="<?php echo count($speeds)-1?>" value="<?php echo $speedIndex ?>" step="1" onchange="setSpeed(this.value);" oninput="showSpeed(this.value);"/>
<span id="speedslideroutput"><?php echo $speeds[$speedIndex] ?> fps</span>
<div style='display: inline-flex; border: 1px solid black; flex-flow: row wrap;'>
<button type="button" id=panleft onclick='panleft() '>< <?php echo translate('Pan') ?></button>
<button type="button" id=zoomin onclick='zoomin() '><?php echo translate('In +') ?></button>
<button type="button" id=zoomout onclick='zoomout() '><?php echo translate('Out -') ?></button>
<button type="button" id=lasteight onclick='lastEight() '><?php echo translate('8 Hour') ?></button>
<button type="button" id=lasthour onclick='lastHour() '><?php echo translate('1 Hour') ?></button>
<button type="button" id=allof onclick='allof() '><?php echo translate('All Events') ?></button>
<button type="button" id=live onclick='setLive(1-liveMode)'><?php echo translate('Live') ?></button>
<button type="button" id=fit onclick='setFit(1-fitMode) '><?php echo translate('Fit') ?></button>
<button type="button" id=panright onclick='panright() '><?php echo translate('Pan') ?> ></button>
<div style="display: inline-flex; border: 1px solid black; flex-flow: row wrap;">
<button type="button" id="panleft" onclick="panleft();" >< <?php echo translate('Pan') ?></button>
<button type="button" id="zoomin" onclick="zoomin();" ><?php echo translate('In +') ?></button>
<button type="button" id="zoomout" onclick="zoomout();" ><?php echo translate('Out -') ?></button>
<button type="button" id="lasteight" onclick="lastEight();" ><?php echo translate('8 Hour') ?></button>
<button type="button" id="lasthour" onclick="lastHour();" ><?php echo translate('1 Hour') ?></button>
<button type="button" id="allof" onclick="allof();" ><?php echo translate('All Events') ?></button>
<button type="button" id="live" onclick="setLive(1-liveMode);"><?php echo translate('Live') ?></button>
<button type="button" id="fit" onclick="setFit(1-fitMode);" ><?php echo translate('Fit') ?></button>
<button type="button" id="panright" onclick="panright();" ><?php echo translate('Pan') ?> ></button>
<div id="timelinediv" style="position:relative; width:93%;">
<canvas id="timeline" style="border:1px solid;" onmousemove="mmove(event);" ontouchmove="tmove(event);" onmousedown="mdown(event);" onmouseup="mup(event);" onmouseout="mout(event);"></canvas>
<div id="timelinediv">
<canvas id="timeline" onmousemove="mmove(event);" ontouchmove="tmove(event);" onmousedown="mdown(event);" onmouseup="mup(event);" onmouseout="mout(event);"></canvas>
<span id="scrubleft"></span>
<span id="scrubright"></span>
<span id="scruboutput"></span>
@ -282,14 +277,13 @@ input[type=range]::-ms-tooltip {
// Monitor images - these had to be loaded after the monitors used were determined (after loading events)
echo "<div id='monitors' style='position:relative; background-color:black;' width='100%' height='100%'>\n";
echo '<div id="monitors">';
foreach ($monitors as $m) {
echo "<canvas width='" . $m['Width'] * $defaultScale . "px' height='" . $m['Height'] * $defaultScale . "px' id='Monitor" . $m['Id'] . "' style='border:3px solid " . $m['WebColour'] . "' onclick='clickMonitor(event," . $m['Id'] . ")'>No Canvas Support!!</canvas>\n";
echo '<canvas width="' . $m['Width'] * $defaultScale . 'px" height="' . $m['Height'] * $defaultScale . 'px" id="Monitor' . $m['Id'] . '" style="border:3px solid ' . $m['WebColour'] . '" onclick="clickMonitor(event,' . $m['Id'] . ')">No Canvas Support!!</canvas>';
echo "</div>\n";
echo "<p id='fps'>evaluating fps</p>\n";
echo "<script>\n";
echo "<p id=\"fps\">evaluating fps</p>\n";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
var currentScale=<?php echo $defaultScale?>;
@ -325,19 +319,22 @@ $index=0;
foreach( dbFetchAll( $eventsSql ) as $event ) {
if( $minTimeSecs > $event['StartTimeSecs']) $minTimeSecs=$event['StartTimeSecs'];
if( $maxTimeSecs < $event['CalcEndTimeSecs']) $maxTimeSecs=$event['CalcEndTimeSecs'];
echo "eMonId[$index]=" . $event['MonitorId'] . "; eId[$index]=" . $event['Id'] . "; ";
echo "eStartSecs[$index]=" . $event['StartTimeSecs'] . "; eEndSecs[$index]=" . $event['CalcEndTimeSecs'] . "; ";
echo "eventFrames[$index]=" . $event['Frames'] . "; ";
if( $minTimeSecs > $event['StartTimeSecs']) $minTimeSecs = $event['StartTimeSecs'];
if( $maxTimeSecs < $event['CalcEndTimeSecs']) $maxTimeSecs = $event['CalcEndTimeSecs'];
echo "eMonId[$index]=" . $event['MonitorId'] . ";
eId[$index]=" . $event['Id'] . ";
eStartSecs[$index]=" . $event['StartTimeSecs'] . ";
eEndSecs[$index]=" . $event['CalcEndTimeSecs'] . ";
eventFrames[$index]=" . $event['Frames'] . "; ";
// NO GOOD, need to use view=image
echo "ePath[$index] = \"events/" . $event['MonitorId'] . "/" . strftime("%y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S", $event['StartTimeSecs']) . "/\";" ;
echo "ePath[$index] = \"events/" . $event['MonitorId'] . "/" . $event['Id'] . "/\";" ;
$index = $index + 1;
$anyAlarms = true;
echo "\n";
@ -463,13 +460,13 @@ echo "var minTimeSecs=" . $minTimeSecs . ";\n";
echo "var maxTimeSecs=" . $maxTimeSecs . ";\n";
echo "var rangeTimeSecs=" . ( $maxTimeSecs - $minTimeSecs + 1) . ";\n";
echo "var currentTimeSecs=" . strtotime($defaultCurrentTime) . ";\n";
echo "var currentTimeSecs=" . strtotime($defaultCurrentTime) . ";\n";
echo "var currentTimeSecs=" . ($minTimeSecs + $maxTimeSecs)/2 . ";\n";
echo "var currentTimeSecs=" . ($minTimeSecs + $maxTimeSecs)/2 . ";\n";
echo "var speeds=[";
for ($i=0; $i<count($speeds); $i++)
echo (($i>0)?", ":"") . $speeds[$i];
echo (($i>0)?", ":"") . $speeds[$i];
echo "];\n";
@ -481,24 +478,23 @@ var ctx=canvas.getContext('2d');
var underSlider; // use this to hold what is hidden by the slider
var underSliderX; // Where the above was taken from (left side, Y is zero)
function evaluateLoadTimes()
{ // Only consider it a completed event if we load ALL monitors, then zero all and start again
function evaluateLoadTimes() {
// Only consider it a completed event if we load ALL monitors, then zero all and start again
var start=0;
var end=0;
if(liveMode!=1 && currentSpeed==0) return; // don't evaluate when we are not moving as we can do nothing really fast.
for(var i=0; i<monitorIndex.length; i++)
if( monitorName[i]>"")
for(var i=0; i<monitorIndex.length; i++) {
if( monitorName[i]>"") {
if( monitorLoadEndTimems[i]==0) return; // if we have a monitor with no time yet just wait
if( start == 0 || start > monitorLoadStartTimems[i] ) start = monitorLoadStartTimems[i];
if( end == 0 || end < monitorLoadEndTimems[i] ) end = monitorLoadEndTimems[i];
if(start==0 || end==0) return; // we really should not get here
for(var i=0; i<numMonitors; i++)
for(var i=0; i<numMonitors; i++) {
freeTimeLastIntervals[imageLoadTimesEvaluated++] = 1 - ((end - start)/currentDisplayInterval);
if( imageLoadTimesEvaluated < imageLoadTimesNeeded ) return;
var avgFrac=0;
Reference in New Issue