Merge branch 'master' into plugin_support_test
This commit is contained in:
set(ZM_SOCKDIR "/var/lib/zoneminder/sock")
set(ZM_TMPDIR "/var/lib/zoneminder/temp")
set(ZM_LOGDIR "/var/log/zoneminder")
set(ZM_RUNDIR "/var/run/zoneminder")
set(ZM_SOCKDIR "/var/lib/zoneminder/sock")
set(ZM_TMPDIR "/var/lib/zoneminder/temp")
set(ZM_LOGDIR "/var/log/zoneminder")
set(ZM_CONFIG_DIR "/etc/zm")
set(ZM_RUNDIR "/var/run/zoneminder")
set(ZM_TMPDIR "/var/run/zoneminder")
@ -492,7 +498,6 @@ endif(NOT POLKIT_FOUND)
# Some variables that zm expects
set(ZM_PID "${ZM_RUNDIR}/")
set(ZM_CONFIG "${ZM_CONFIG_DIR}/zm.conf")
set(VERSION "${zoneminder_VERSION}")
@ -521,7 +526,7 @@ add_subdirectory(misc)
# Process distro subdirectories
@ -27,11 +27,15 @@ cmake by default does not require any parameters, but its possible to override t
Configuration can be done in 4 ways:
1) As a command line parameter, e.g. cmake -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON .
2) Using cmake-gui
4) Providing cmake with an initial cache file with the -C option
3) Providing cmake with an initial cache file with the -C option
IMPORTANT: Do not use the -C option if any major part of your system, excluding the version of zoneminder, has changed.
For example, do not use this option if: you have upgraded your distro to a new version, have gone from 32 to 64 bits,
or have migrated from one machine to another.
4) By editing the cache file CMakeCache.txt (after it has been generated) - Not recommended
Possible configuration options:
ZM_RUNDIR Location of transient process files, default: /var/run/zm
ZM_SOCKDIR Location of Unix domain socket files, default /var/run/zm
ZM_TMPDIR Location of temporary files, default: /tmp/zm
ZM_LOGDIR Location of generated log files, default: /var/log/zm
ZM_WEBDIR Location of the web files, default: <prefix>/share/zoneminder/www
@ -52,7 +56,6 @@ Advanced:
ZM_PERL_SUBPREFIX Use a different directory for the zm perl modules. NOTE: This is a subprefix, e.g. /lib will be turned into <prefix>/lib, default: <libarch>/perl5
ZM_PERL_USE_PATH Override the include path for zm perl modules. Useful if you are moving the perl modules without using the ZM_PERL_SUBPREFIX option. default: <prefix>/<zmperlsubprefix>
Useful configuration options provided by cmake:
CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE - Set this to ON (default OFF) to see what cmake is doing. Very useful for troubleshooting.
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - Set this to Debug (default Release) to build ZoneMinder with debugging enabled.
@ -90,7 +93,8 @@ NOTE: The database server, database name, user and password can be different and
8) Create an apache virtual host for ZoneMinder. Make sure to use the same paths as ZM_WEBDIR and ZM_CGIDIR in /etc/zm.conf
9) Create other config if desired (e.g. rsyslog, logrotate and such). Some of this can be found in <prefix>/share/zoneminder/misc or project/misc directory
10) Setup an appropriate startup script for your system. A generic sys v init script is here: /scripts/zm while a generic systemd service file is here: /misc/zoneminder.service
You must determine which file to use, verify it is correct, and then copy it to the correct location. Consult your distro's documentation.
You must determine which file to use, verify it is correct, and then copy it to the correct location. Consult your distro's documentation. Note that distros using systemd also
require /misc/zoneminder-tmpfiles.conf to be copied into the system's tmpfiles.d folder.
Basic steps for upgrading ZoneMinder
@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ PATH_NETPBM=`dirname $PATH_NETPBM`
# Checks for libraries.
AC_CHECK_LIB(rt,clock_gettime,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires librt))
AC_SEARCH_LIBS(mysql_init,[mysqlclient mariadbclient],,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libmysqlclient.a or libmariadbclient.a))
AC_CHECK_LIB(jpeg,jpeg_start_compress,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libjpeg.a))
AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread,pthread_create,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libpthread.a))
@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
%define zmuid $(id -un)
%define zmgid $(id -gn)
%define zmuid_final apache
%define zmgid_final apache
%global _hardened_build 1
### Delete the lines below to build with ffmpeg and/or x10
%define _without_ffmpeg 1
%define _without_x10 1
Name: zoneminder
Version: 1.28.1
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: A camera monitoring and analysis tool
Group: System Environment/Daemons
# jscalendar is LGPL (any version):
# Mootools is inder the MIT license:
License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and MIT
Source: ZoneMinder-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRequires: cmake gnutls-devel systemd-units bzip2-devel
BuildRequires: community-mysql-devel pcre-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel
BuildRequires: perl(Archive::Tar) perl(Archive::Zip)
BuildRequires: perl(Date::Manip) perl(DBD::mysql)
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) perl(LWP::UserAgent)
BuildRequires: perl(MIME::Entity) perl(MIME::Lite)
BuildRequires: perl(PHP::Serialization) perl(Sys::Mmap)
BuildRequires: perl(Time::HiRes) perl(Net::SFTP::Foreign)
BuildRequires: perl(Expect) perl(Sys::Syslog)
BuildRequires: gcc gcc-c++ vlc-devel libcurl-devel
%{!?_without_ffmpeg:BuildRequires: ffmpeg-devel}
%{!?_without_x10:BuildRequires: perl(X10::ActiveHome) perl(Astro::SunTime)}
# cmake needs the following installed at build time due to the way it auto-detects certain parameters
BuildRequires: httpd polkit-devel
%{!?_without_ffmpeg:BuildRequires: ffmpeg}
Requires: httpd php php-mysql cambozola polkit net-tools
Requires: libjpeg-turbo vlc-core libcurl
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
Requires: perl(DBD::mysql) perl(Archive::Tar) perl(Archive::Zip)
Requires: perl(MIME::Entity) perl(MIME::Lite) perl(Net::SMTP) perl(Net::FTP)
Requires: perl(LWP::Protocol::https)
%{!?_without_ffmpeg:Requires: ffmpeg}
Requires(post): systemd-units systemd-sysv
Requires(post): /usr/bin/gpasswd
Requires(post): /usr/bin/less
Requires(preun): systemd-units
Requires(postun): systemd-units
ZoneMinder is a set of applications which is intended to provide a complete
solution allowing you to capture, analyse, record and monitor any cameras you
have attached to a Linux based machine. It is designed to run on kernels which
support the Video For Linux (V4L) interface and has been tested with cameras
attached to BTTV cards, various USB cameras and IP network cameras. It is
designed to support as many cameras as you can attach to your computer without
too much degradation of performance.
%setup -q -n ZoneMinder-%{version}
# Change the following default values
./utils/ ZM_PATH_ZMS /cgi-bin/zm/nph-zms
./utils/ ZM_OPT_CAMBOZOLA yes
./utils/ ZM_PATH_SWAP /dev/shm
./utils/ ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_LOC_DIR /var/spool/zoneminder-upload
./utils/ ZM_OPT_CONTROL yes
%cmake \
-DZM_PERL_SUBPREFIX=`x="%{perl_vendorlib}" ; echo ${x#"%{_prefix}"}` \
%{?_without_ffmpeg:-DZM_NO_FFMPEG=ON} \
%{?_without_x10:-DZM_NO_X10=ON} \
make %{?_smp_mflags}
export DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
make install
if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then
# Initial installation
/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
# Allow zoneminder access to local video sources, serial ports, and x10
/usr/bin/gpasswd -a %{zmuid_final} video
/usr/bin/gpasswd -a %{zmuid_final} dialout
# Display the README for post installation instructions
/usr/bin/less %{_docdir}/%{name}/README.Fedora
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
# Package removal, not upgrade
/bin/systemctl --no-reload disable zoneminder.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
/bin/systemctl stop zoneminder.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then
# Package upgrade, not uninstall
/bin/systemctl try-restart zoneminder.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
%triggerun -- zoneminder < 1.25.0-4
# Save the current service runlevel info
# User must manually run systemd-sysv-convert --apply zoneminder
# to migrate them to systemd targets
/usr/bin/systemd-sysv-convert --save zoneminder >/dev/null 2>&1 ||:
# Run these because the SysV package being removed won't do them
/sbin/chkconfig --del zoneminder >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/bin/systemctl try-restart zoneminder.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
%doc AUTHORS COPYING distros/fedora/README.Fedora distros/fedora/jscalendar-doc
%config %attr(640,root,%{zmgid_final}) /etc/zm.conf
%config(noreplace) %attr(644,root,root) /etc/httpd/conf.d/zoneminder.conf
%config(noreplace) /etc/tmpfiles.d/zoneminder.conf
%config(noreplace) /etc/logrotate.d/zoneminder
%dir %{_libexecdir}/zoneminder
%dir %{_datadir}/zoneminder
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder/events
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder/images
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder/sock
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder/swap
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder/temp
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/log/zoneminder
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/spool/zoneminder-upload
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /run/zoneminder
* Sat Feb 14 2015 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.28.1
- Bump version for 1.28.1 release on Fedora 21.
* Sun Oct 5 2014 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.28.0
- Bump version for 1.28.0 release.
* Fri Mar 14 2014 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.27
- Tweak build requirements for cmake
* Sat Feb 01 2014 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.27
- Add Bump version for 1.27 release.
* Mon Dec 16 2013 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.26.5
- This is a bug fixe release
- RTSP fixes, cmake enhancements, couple other misc fixes
* Mon Oct 07 2013 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.26.4
- Initial cmake build.
* Sat Oct 05 2013 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.26.4
- Fedora specific path changes have been moved to zoneminder-1.26.0-defaults.patch
- All files are now part of the zoneminder source tree. Update specfile accordingly.
* Sat Sep 21 2013 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.26.3
- Initial rebuild for ZoneMinder 1.26.3 release.
* Fri Feb 15 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.25.0-13
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jan 21 2013 Adam Tkac <atkac redhat com> - 1.25.0-12
- rebuild due to "jpeg8-ABI" feature drop
* Mon Jan 7 2013 Remi Collet <> - 1.25.0-11
- fix configuration file for httpd 2.4, #871502
* Fri Dec 21 2012 Adam Tkac <atkac redhat com> - 1.25.0-10
- rebuild against new libjpeg
* Thu Aug 09 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-9
- Add patch to work around v4l2 api breakage in 3.5 kernel.
* Sun Jul 22 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.25.0-8
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Jun 23 2012 Petr Pisar <> - 1.25.0-7
- Perl 5.16 rebuild
* Wed Mar 21 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-6
- Fix stupid thinko in sql modifications.
* Sat Feb 25 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-5
- Clean up macro usage.
* Sat Feb 25 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-4
- Convert to systemd.
- Add tmpfiles.d configuration since the initscript isn't around to create
- Remove some pointless executable permissions.
- Add logrotate file.
* Wed Feb 22 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-3
- Update README.Fedora to reference systemctl and mention timezone info in
- Add proper default for EYEZM_LOG_TO_FILE.
* Thu Feb 09 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-2
- Rebuild for new pcre.
* Thu Jan 19 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-1
- Update to 1.25.0
- Fix gcc4.7 build problems.
- Drop gcc4.4 build fixes; for whatever reason they now break the build.
- Clean up old patches.
- Force setting of ZM_TMPDIR and ZM_RUNDIR.
* Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.24.4-4
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Sep 15 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.4-3
- Re-add the dist-tag that somehow got lost.
* Thu Sep 15 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.4-2
- Add patch for bug 711780 - fix syntax issue in
- Undo that patch, and undo another which was the cause of the whole mess.
- Fix up other patches so ZM_PATH_BUILD is both defined and useful.
- Make sure database creation mods actually take.
- Update Fedora-specific docs with some additional info.
- Use bundled mootools (javascript, so no guideline violation).
- Update download location.
- Update the gcrypt patch to actually work.
- Upstream changed the tarball without changing the version to patch a
vulnerability, so redownload.
* Sun Aug 14 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.4-1
- Initial attempt to upgrade to 1.24.4.
- Add patch from BZ 460310 to build against libgcrypt instead of requiring the
gnutls openssl libs.
* Thu Jul 21 2011 Petr Sabata <> - 1.24.3-7.20110324svn3310
- Perl mass rebuild
* Wed Jul 20 2011 Petr Sabata <> - 1.24.3-6.20110324svn3310
- Perl mass rebuild
* Mon May 09 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.3-5.20110324svn3310
- Bump for gnutls update.
* Thu Mar 24 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.3-4.20110324svn3310
- Update to latest 1.24.3 subversion. Turns out that what upstream was calling
1.24.3 is really just an occasionally updated devel snapshot.
- Rebase various patches.
* Wed Mar 23 2011 Dan Horák <> - 1.24.3-3
- rebuilt for mysql 5.5.10 (soname bump in libmysqlclient)
* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.24.3-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 25 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.3-1
- Update to latest upstream version.
- Rebase patches.
- Initial incomplete attempt to disable v4l1 support.
* Fri Jan 21 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.2-6
- Unbundle cambozola; instead link to the separately pacakged copy.
- Remove BuildRoot:, %%clean and buildroot cleaning in %%install.
- Git rid of mixed space/tab usage by removing all tabs.
- Remove unnecessary Conflicts: line.
- Attempt to force short_open_tag on for the code directories.
- Move default location of sockets, swaps, logfiles and some temporary files to
make more sense and allow things to work better with a future selinux policy.
- Fix errors in README.Fedora.
* Wed Jun 02 2010 Marcela Maslanova <> - 1.24.2-5
- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0
* Fri Dec 4 2009 Stepan Kasal <> - 1.24.2-4
- rebuild against perl 5.10.1
- use Perl vendorarch and archlib variables correctly
* Mon Jul 27 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.24.2-3
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 22 2009 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.2-2
- Bump release since 1.24.2-1 was mistakenly tagged a few months ago.
* Wed Jul 22 2009 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.2-1
- Initial update to 1.24.2.
- Rebase patches.
- Update mootools download location.
- Update to mootools 1.2.3.
- Add additional dependencies for some optional features.
* Sat Apr 11 2009 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.24.1-3
- Remove unused Sys::Mmap perl dependency RPM is finding
* Sat Apr 11 2009 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.24.1-2
- Update gcc44 patch to disable -frepo, seems to be broken with gcc44
- Added noffmpeg patch to make building outside mock easier
* Sat Mar 21 2009 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.24.1-1
- Patch for gcc 4.4 compilation errors
- Upgrade to 1.24.1
* Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.23.3-4
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Jan 24 2009 Caolán McNamara <> - 1.23.3-3
- rebuild for dependencies
* Mon Dec 15 2008 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.23.3-2
- Fix permissions on zm.conf
* Fri Jul 11 2008 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.23.3-1
- Initial attempt at packaging 1.23.
* Tue Jul 1 2008 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-15
- Add perl module compat dependency, bz #453590
* Tue May 6 2008 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-14
- Remove default runlevel, bz #441315
* Mon Apr 28 2008 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.22.3-13
- Backport patch for CVE-2008-1381 from 1.23.3 to 1.22.3.
* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.22.3-12
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
* Thu Jan 3 2008 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-11
- Fix compilation on gcc 4.3
* Thu Dec 6 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-10
- Rebuild for new openssl
* Thu Aug 2 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-8
- Fix licence tag
* Thu Jul 12 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-7
- Fixes from testing by Jitz including missing dependencies and database creation
* Sat Jun 30 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-6
- Disable crashtrace on ppc
* Sat Jun 30 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-5
- Fix uid for directories in /var/lib/zoneminder
* Tue Jun 26 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-4
- Added perl Archive::Tar dependency
- Disabled web interface due to lack of access control on the event images
* Sun Jun 10 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-3
- Changes recommended in review by Jason Tibbitts
* Mon Apr 2 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-2
- Standardised on package name of zoneminder
* Thu Dec 28 2006 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-1
- First version. Uses some parts from zm-1.20.1 by Corey DeLasaux and Serg Oskin
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
# CMakeLists.txt for the Redhat/CentOS Target Distro.
# Create the zoneminder service file
configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/zoneminder.service @ONLY)
configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/zoneminder.service @ONLY)
configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/zoneminder @ONLY)
# Download jscalendar & move files into position
@ -41,10 +45,17 @@ install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ln -sf ../../../../var/lib/zoneminder/imag
install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ln -sf ../../../../var/lib/zoneminder/temp \"\$ENV{DESTDIR}${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/zoneminder/www/temp\")")
# Install auxillary files required to run zoneminder on CentOS
install(FILES zoneminder.el7.conf DESTINATION /etc/httpd/conf.d RENAME zoneminder.conf PERMISSIONS OWNER_WRITE OWNER_READ GROUP_READ WORLD_READ)
install(FILES zoneminder.el7.logrotate DESTINATION /etc/logrotate.d RENAME zoneminder PERMISSIONS OWNER_WRITE OWNER_READ GROUP_READ WORLD_READ)
install(FILES zoneminder.el6.conf DESTINATION /etc/httpd/conf.d RENAME zoneminder.conf PERMISSIONS OWNER_WRITE OWNER_READ GROUP_READ WORLD_READ)
install(FILES zoneminder.el6.logrotate DESTINATION /etc/logrotate.d RENAME zoneminder PERMISSIONS OWNER_WRITE OWNER_READ GROUP_READ WORLD_READ)
# Install jscalendar
if(unzip_jsc STREQUAL "")
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
What's New
1. The Apache ScriptAlias has been changed from "/cgi-bin/zm/zms" to
"/cgi-bin-zm/zms". This has been to done to avoid this bug:
IMPORTANT: ZoneMinder will not update this value during an upgrade. You must
manually update ZM_PATH_ZMS yourself under Options. This does not affect
new installs.
2. During an rpm package upgrade, will now auto-update the database
and the zonemidner service will restart automatically.
3. The ZoneMinder config file, zm.conf, has been moved under /etc/zm.
4. Systemd. CentOS 7 uses Systemd instead of the legacy Sys V Init. Under the
hood, Systemd does things quite a bit differently. Prepare to go through a
learning curve if you have not done so already.
New installs
1. Unless you are already using MariaDB server, you need to ensure that
the server is configured to start during boot and properly secured
by running:
sudo systemctl enable mariadb
sudo systemctl start mariadb
sudo mysql_secure_installation
2. Using the password for the root account set during the previous step, you
will need to create the ZoneMinder database and configure a database
account for ZoneMinder to use:
mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql
mysql -u root -p
mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete,lock tables,alter on zm.* to
'zmuser'@localhost identified by 'zmpass';
mysql> exit;
mysqladmin -u root -p reload
The database account credentials, zmuser/zmpass, are arbitrary. Set them to
anything that suits your envinroment.
3. If you have chosen to change the zoneminder database account credentials to
something other than zmuser/zmpass, you must now edit /etc/zm/zm.conf.
Change ZM_DB_USER and ZM_DB_PASS to the values you created in the previous
4. Edit /etc/php.ini, uncomment the date.timezone line, and add your local
timezone. For whatever reason, PHP will complain loudly if this is not set,
or if it is set incorrectly, and these complaints will show up in the
zoneminder logging system as errors.
If you are not sure of the proper timezone specification to use, look at
5. This package will automatically configure and install an SELinux policy
called local_zoneminder. A copy of this policy is in the documentation
Maintaining an accurate SELinux policy file that does not create issues has
been a struggle. If SELinux blocks nortmal ZoneMinder acitivity, or you
feel you just don't need it, SELinux can be disabled for the current running
session with the following command:
sudo setenforce 0
To permanently disable SELinux, edit /etc/selinux/config and change the
SELINUX line from "enforcing" to "disabled". This change will take
effect after a reboot.
6. Now start the web server:
sudo systemctl enable httpd
sudo systemctl start httpd
7. Now start zoneminder:
sudo systemctl enable zoneminder
sudo systemctl start zoneminder
1. Verify /etc/zm/zm.conf.
If zm.conf was manually edited before running the upgrade, the installation
may not overwrite it. In this case, it will create the file
For example, this will happen if you are using database account credentials
other than zmuser/zmpass.
Compare /etc/zm/zm.conf to /etc/zm/zm.conf.rpmnew. Verify that zm.conf
contains any new config settings that may be in zm.conf.rpmnew.
2. Verify permissions of the zmuser account.
Overtime, the database account permissions required for normal operation
have changed. Verify the zmuser database account has been granted select,
insert, update, delete, lock tables, and alter permission to the ZoneMinder
mysql -u root -p
mysql> show grants for zmuser@localhost;
mysql> exit;
3. Verify the database was upgraded automatically.
From the web console, ZoneMinder should show a status of "Running", and the
version number should have incremented.
If it is not running, then try to start it. The web console will indicate
if there is a database version conflict. If this is the case, then you may
need to manually update the database from the command line:
Modern versions of ZoneMinder don't require any parameters added to the
zmupdate command. However, if ZoneMinder complains, you may need to call
zmupdate in the following manner:
sudo --user=root --pass=<mysql_root_pwd> --version=<from version>
@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
# The Zoneminder web interface has been disabled by default due to a small
# security issue in the default install.
# When using Zoneminder's own authentication, recorded CCTV images are
# accessible from the web directly without passing the authentication. This
# means any attacker could see your CCTV images without a password. In order
@ -18,10 +15,8 @@ Alias /zm "/usr/share/zoneminder/www"
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
# The code unfortunately uses short tags in many places
php_value short_open_tag 1
Deny from all # DELETE THIS LINE
# ZoneMinder no longer uses short tags so this is safe to leave disabled
# php_value short_open_tag 1
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/zm "/usr/libexec/zoneminder/cgi-bin"
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# When using Zoneminder's own authentication, recorded CCTV images are
# accessible from the web directly without passing the authentication. This
# means any attacker could see your CCTV images without a password. In order
# to avoid this you can disable Zoneminder's authentication and configure
# standard Apache authentication (see the Apache documentation for details on
# this).
# If you still wish to use Zoneminder's own authentication, or have an
# internal site which needs no authentication, you need to delete the line
# marked below and restart Apache.
Alias /zm "/usr/share/zoneminder/www"
<Directory "/usr/share/zoneminder/www">
Options -Indexes +MultiViews +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
# Apache 2.4
Require all granted
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
# Apache 2.2
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
# ZoneMinder no longer uses short tags so this is safe to leave disabled
# php_value short_open_tag 1
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin-zm "/usr/libexec/zoneminder/cgi-bin"
<Directory "/usr/libexec/zoneminder/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride All
Options ExecCGI
<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
# Apache 2.4
Require all granted
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
# Apache 2.2
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/var/log/zoneminder/*.log {
/usr/bin/ logrot 2> /dev/null > /dev/null || :
@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
%define zmuid $(id -un)
%define zmgid $(id -gn)
%define zmuid_final apache
%define zmgid_final apache
%global _hardened_build 1
Name: zoneminder
Version: 1.28.1
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: A camera monitoring and analysis tool
Group: System Environment/Daemons
# jscalendar is LGPL (any version):
# Mootools is inder the MIT license:
License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and MIT
Source: ZoneMinder-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRequires: cmake gnutls-devel systemd-units bzip2-devel
BuildRequires: mariadb-devel pcre-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel
BuildRequires: perl(Archive::Tar) perl(Archive::Zip)
BuildRequires: perl(Date::Manip) perl(DBD::mysql)
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) perl(LWP::UserAgent)
BuildRequires: perl(MIME::Entity) perl(MIME::Lite)
BuildRequires: perl(PHP::Serialization) perl(Sys::Mmap)
BuildRequires: perl(Time::HiRes) perl(Net::SFTP::Foreign)
BuildRequires: perl(Expect) perl(Sys::Syslog)
BuildRequires: gcc gcc-c++ vlc-devel libcurl-devel
BuildRequires: ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel perl(X10::ActiveHome) perl(Astro::SunTime)
# cmake needs the following installed at build time due to the way it auto-detects certain parameters
BuildRequires: httpd polkit-devel
Requires: httpd php php-mysql mariadb-server polkit net-tools
Requires: libjpeg-turbo vlc-core libcurl
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
Requires: perl(DBD::mysql) perl(Archive::Tar) perl(Archive::Zip)
Requires: perl(MIME::Entity) perl(MIME::Lite) perl(Net::SMTP) perl(Net::FTP)
Requires: perl(LWP::Protocol::https) ffmpeg
Requires(post): systemd-units systemd-sysv
Requires(post): /usr/bin/gpasswd
Requires(post): /usr/bin/less
Requires(preun): systemd-units
Requires(postun): systemd-units
ZoneMinder is a set of applications which is intended to provide a complete
solution allowing you to capture, analyse, record and monitor any cameras you
have attached to a Linux based machine. It is designed to run on kernels which
support the Video For Linux (V4L) interface and has been tested with cameras
attached to BTTV cards, various USB cameras and IP network cameras. It is
designed to support as many cameras as you can attach to your computer without
too much degradation of performance.
%setup -q -n ZoneMinder-%{version}
# Change the following default values
./utils/ ZM_PATH_ZMS /cgi-bin-zm/nph-zms
./utils/ ZM_OPT_CAMBOZOLA yes
./utils/ ZM_PATH_SWAP /dev/shm
./utils/ ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_LOC_DIR /var/spool/zoneminder-upload
./utils/ ZM_OPT_CONTROL yes
%cmake \
-DZM_PERL_SUBPREFIX=`x="%{perl_vendorlib}" ; echo ${x#"%{_prefix}"}` \
make %{?_smp_mflags}
export DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
make install
if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then
# Initial installation
/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
# Allow zoneminder access to local video sources, serial ports, and x10
/usr/bin/gpasswd -a %{zmuid_final} video
/usr/bin/gpasswd -a %{zmuid_final} dialout
# Create and load zoneminder selinux policy module
echo -e "\nCreating and installing a ZoneMinder SELinux policy module. Please wait.\n"
/usr/bin/checkmodule -M -m -o %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/local_zoneminder.mod %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/local_zoneminder.te > /dev/null
/usr/bin/semodule_package -o %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/local_zoneminder.pp -m %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/local_zoneminder.mod > /dev/null
/usr/sbin/semodule -i %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/local_zoneminder.pp > /dev/null
# Upgrade from a previous version of zoneminder
if [ $1 -eq 2 ] ; then
# Run zmupdate non-interactively
/usr/bin/ --nointeractive
# Display the README for post installation instructions
/usr/bin/less %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/README.Centos7
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
# Package removal, not upgrade
/bin/systemctl --no-reload disable zoneminder.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
/bin/systemctl stop zoneminder.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then
# Package upgrade, not uninstall
/bin/systemctl try-restart zoneminder.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
%triggerun -- zoneminder < 1.25.0-4
# Save the current service runlevel info
# User must manually run systemd-sysv-convert --apply zoneminder
# to migrate them to systemd targets
/usr/bin/systemd-sysv-convert --save zoneminder >/dev/null 2>&1 ||:
# Run these because the SysV package being removed won't do them
/sbin/chkconfig --del zoneminder >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/bin/systemctl try-restart zoneminder.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
%doc AUTHORS COPYING distros/redhat/README.Centos7 distros/redhat/jscalendar-doc
%config %attr(640,root,%{zmgid_final}) /etc/zm/zm.conf
%config(noreplace) %attr(644,root,root) /etc/httpd/conf.d/zoneminder.conf
%config(noreplace) /etc/tmpfiles.d/zoneminder.conf
%config(noreplace) /etc/logrotate.d/zoneminder
%dir %{_libexecdir}/zoneminder
%dir %{_datadir}/zoneminder
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder/events
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder/images
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder/sock
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder/swap
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/lib/zoneminder/temp
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/log/zoneminder
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /var/spool/zoneminder-upload
%dir %attr(755,%{zmuid_final},%{zmgid_final}) /run/zoneminder
* Sun Feb 8 2015 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.28.1
- Initial release for CentOS 7.
* Sun Oct 5 2014 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.28.0
- Bump version for 1.28.0 release.
* Fri Mar 14 2014 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.27
- Tweak build requirements for cmake
* Sat Feb 01 2014 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.27
- Add Bump version for 1.27 release.
* Mon Dec 16 2013 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.26.5
- This is a bug fixe release
- RTSP fixes, cmake enhancements, couple other misc fixes
* Mon Oct 07 2013 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.26.4
- Initial cmake build.
* Sat Oct 05 2013 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.26.4
- Fedora specific path changes have been moved to zoneminder-1.26.0-defaults.patch
- All files are now part of the zoneminder source tree. Update specfile accordingly.
* Sat Sep 21 2013 Andrew Bauer <> - 1.26.3
- Initial rebuild for ZoneMinder 1.26.3 release.
* Fri Feb 15 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.25.0-13
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jan 21 2013 Adam Tkac <atkac redhat com> - 1.25.0-12
- rebuild due to "jpeg8-ABI" feature drop
* Mon Jan 7 2013 Remi Collet <> - 1.25.0-11
- fix configuration file for httpd 2.4, #871502
* Fri Dec 21 2012 Adam Tkac <atkac redhat com> - 1.25.0-10
- rebuild against new libjpeg
* Thu Aug 09 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-9
- Add patch to work around v4l2 api breakage in 3.5 kernel.
* Sun Jul 22 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.25.0-8
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Jun 23 2012 Petr Pisar <> - 1.25.0-7
- Perl 5.16 rebuild
* Wed Mar 21 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-6
- Fix stupid thinko in sql modifications.
* Sat Feb 25 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-5
- Clean up macro usage.
* Sat Feb 25 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-4
- Convert to systemd.
- Add tmpfiles.d configuration since the initscript isn't around to create
- Remove some pointless executable permissions.
- Add logrotate file.
* Wed Feb 22 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-3
- Update README.Fedora to reference systemctl and mention timezone info in
- Add proper default for EYEZM_LOG_TO_FILE.
* Thu Feb 09 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-2
- Rebuild for new pcre.
* Thu Jan 19 2012 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.25.0-1
- Update to 1.25.0
- Fix gcc4.7 build problems.
- Drop gcc4.4 build fixes; for whatever reason they now break the build.
- Clean up old patches.
- Force setting of ZM_TMPDIR and ZM_RUNDIR.
* Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.24.4-4
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Sep 15 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.4-3
- Re-add the dist-tag that somehow got lost.
* Thu Sep 15 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.4-2
- Add patch for bug 711780 - fix syntax issue in
- Undo that patch, and undo another which was the cause of the whole mess.
- Fix up other patches so ZM_PATH_BUILD is both defined and useful.
- Make sure database creation mods actually take.
- Update Fedora-specific docs with some additional info.
- Use bundled mootools (javascript, so no guideline violation).
- Update download location.
- Update the gcrypt patch to actually work.
- Upstream changed the tarball without changing the version to patch a
vulnerability, so redownload.
* Sun Aug 14 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.4-1
- Initial attempt to upgrade to 1.24.4.
- Add patch from BZ 460310 to build against libgcrypt instead of requiring the
gnutls openssl libs.
* Thu Jul 21 2011 Petr Sabata <> - 1.24.3-7.20110324svn3310
- Perl mass rebuild
* Wed Jul 20 2011 Petr Sabata <> - 1.24.3-6.20110324svn3310
- Perl mass rebuild
* Mon May 09 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.3-5.20110324svn3310
- Bump for gnutls update.
* Thu Mar 24 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.3-4.20110324svn3310
- Update to latest 1.24.3 subversion. Turns out that what upstream was calling
1.24.3 is really just an occasionally updated devel snapshot.
- Rebase various patches.
* Wed Mar 23 2011 Dan Horák <> - 1.24.3-3
- rebuilt for mysql 5.5.10 (soname bump in libmysqlclient)
* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.24.3-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 25 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.3-1
- Update to latest upstream version.
- Rebase patches.
- Initial incomplete attempt to disable v4l1 support.
* Fri Jan 21 2011 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.2-6
- Unbundle cambozola; instead link to the separately pacakged copy.
- Remove BuildRoot:, %%clean and buildroot cleaning in %%install.
- Git rid of mixed space/tab usage by removing all tabs.
- Remove unnecessary Conflicts: line.
- Attempt to force short_open_tag on for the code directories.
- Move default location of sockets, swaps, logfiles and some temporary files to
make more sense and allow things to work better with a future selinux policy.
- Fix errors in README.Fedora.
* Wed Jun 02 2010 Marcela Maslanova <> - 1.24.2-5
- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0
* Fri Dec 4 2009 Stepan Kasal <> - 1.24.2-4
- rebuild against perl 5.10.1
- use Perl vendorarch and archlib variables correctly
* Mon Jul 27 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.24.2-3
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 22 2009 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.2-2
- Bump release since 1.24.2-1 was mistakenly tagged a few months ago.
* Wed Jul 22 2009 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.24.2-1
- Initial update to 1.24.2.
- Rebase patches.
- Update mootools download location.
- Update to mootools 1.2.3.
- Add additional dependencies for some optional features.
* Sat Apr 11 2009 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.24.1-3
- Remove unused Sys::Mmap perl dependency RPM is finding
* Sat Apr 11 2009 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.24.1-2
- Update gcc44 patch to disable -frepo, seems to be broken with gcc44
- Added noffmpeg patch to make building outside mock easier
* Sat Mar 21 2009 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.24.1-1
- Patch for gcc 4.4 compilation errors
- Upgrade to 1.24.1
* Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.23.3-4
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Jan 24 2009 Caolán McNamara <> - 1.23.3-3
- rebuild for dependencies
* Mon Dec 15 2008 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.23.3-2
- Fix permissions on zm.conf
* Fri Jul 11 2008 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.23.3-1
- Initial attempt at packaging 1.23.
* Tue Jul 1 2008 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-15
- Add perl module compat dependency, bz #453590
* Tue May 6 2008 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-14
- Remove default runlevel, bz #441315
* Mon Apr 28 2008 Jason L Tibbitts III <> - 1.22.3-13
- Backport patch for CVE-2008-1381 from 1.23.3 to 1.22.3.
* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.22.3-12
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
* Thu Jan 3 2008 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-11
- Fix compilation on gcc 4.3
* Thu Dec 6 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-10
- Rebuild for new openssl
* Thu Aug 2 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-8
- Fix licence tag
* Thu Jul 12 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-7
- Fixes from testing by Jitz including missing dependencies and database creation
* Sat Jun 30 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-6
- Disable crashtrace on ppc
* Sat Jun 30 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-5
- Fix uid for directories in /var/lib/zoneminder
* Tue Jun 26 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-4
- Added perl Archive::Tar dependency
- Disabled web interface due to lack of access control on the event images
* Sun Jun 10 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-3
- Changes recommended in review by Jason Tibbitts
* Mon Apr 2 2007 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-2
- Standardised on package name of zoneminder
* Thu Dec 28 2006 Martin Ebourne <> - 1.22.3-1
- First version. Uses some parts from zm-1.20.1 by Corey DeLasaux and Serg Oskin
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# ZoneMinder systemd unit file for CentOS 7
Description=ZoneMinder CCTV recording and security system
|||| mariadb.service httpd.service
Requires=mariadb.service httpd.service
ExecStart=@BINDIR@/ start
ExecReload=@BINDIR@/ restart
ExecStop=@BINDIR@/ stop
@ -0,0 +1 @@
d /run/zoneminder 0755 apache apache
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/syslog.conf" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/com.zoneminder.systemctl.policy" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/com.zoneminder.systemctl.rules" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zoneminder.service" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zoneminder-tmpfiles.conf" @ONLY)
# Do not install the misc files by default
#install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/apache.conf" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/logrotate.conf" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/syslog.conf" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/zoneminder/misc")
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
||| \
|||| \
|||| \
|||| \
|||| \
|||| \
|||| \
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -148,9 +148,7 @@ MAIN: while( $loop ) {
$db_events->{$event->{Id}} = $event->{Age};
Debug( "Got ".int(keys(%$db_events))." events\n" );
my $fs_monitors;
foreach my $monitor ( <[0-9]*> )
@ -332,7 +330,6 @@ MAIN: while( $loop ) {
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# Remove empty events (with no frames)
@ -349,7 +346,6 @@ MAIN: while( $loop ) {
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# Remove orphaned frame records
@ -366,7 +362,6 @@ MAIN: while( $loop ) {
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# Remove orphaned stats records
@ -383,7 +378,6 @@ MAIN: while( $loop ) {
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# New audit to close any events that were left open for longer than MIN_AGE seconds
@ -400,7 +394,6 @@ MAIN: while( $loop ) {
$res = $updateUnclosedEventsSth->execute( sprintf( "%s%d%s", $event->{Prefix}, $event->{Id}, RECOVER_TAG ), $event->{EndTime}, $event->{Length}, $event->{Frames}, $event->{AlarmFrames}, $event->{TotScore}, $event->{AlarmFrames}?int($event->{TotScore}/$event->{AlarmFrames}):0, $event->{MaxScore}, RECOVER_TEXT, $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$updateUnclosedEventsSth->errstr() );
# Now delete any old image files
if ( my @old_files = grep { -M > $max_image_age } <$image_path/*.{jpg,gif,wbmp}> )
@ -426,7 +419,6 @@ MAIN: while( $loop ) {
$res = $selectLogRowCountSth->execute() or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectLogRowCountSth->errstr() );
my $row = $selectLogRowCountSth->fetchrow_hashref();
my $logRows = $row->{Rows};
if ( $logRows > $Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT} )
my $deleteLogByRowsSql = "delete low_priority from Logs order by TimeKey asc limit ?";
@ -196,10 +196,11 @@ my $last_action = 0;
while( 1 )
if ( (time() - $last_action) > $Config{ZM_FILTER_RELOAD_DELAY} )
my $now = time;
if ( ($now - $last_action) > $Config{ZM_FILTER_RELOAD_DELAY} )
Debug( "Reloading filters\n" );
$last_action = time();
$last_action = $now;
$filters = getFilters( $filter_parm );
@ -632,7 +633,7 @@ sub checkFilter
if ( $delete_ok )
Info( "Deleting event $event->{Id}\n" );
Info( "Deleting event $event->{Id} from Monitor $event->{MonitorId}\n" );
# Do it individually to avoid locking up the table for new events
my $sql = "delete from Events where Id = ?";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
@ -1122,6 +1122,7 @@ uint32_t LocalCamera::AutoSelectFormat(int p_colours) {
memset(&fmtinfo, 0, sizeof(fmtinfo));
fmtinfo.index = nIndex;
fmtinfo.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
// FIXME This will crash if there are more than 64 formats.
while(vidioctl( enum_fd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &fmtinfo ) >= 0) {
/* Got a format. Copy it to the array */
strcpy(fmt_desc[nIndex], (const char*)(fmtinfo.description));
@ -1137,7 +1138,7 @@ uint32_t LocalCamera::AutoSelectFormat(int p_colours) {
/* Select format */
int nIndexUsed = -1;
int n_preferedformats = 0;
unsigned int n_preferedformats = 0;
const uint32_t* preferedformats;
if(p_colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB32) {
/* 32bit */
@ -1152,12 +1153,15 @@ uint32_t LocalCamera::AutoSelectFormat(int p_colours) {
preferedformats = prefered_rgb24_formats;
n_preferedformats = sizeof(prefered_rgb24_formats) / sizeof(uint32_t);
for( unsigned int i=0; i < (unsigned int)n_preferedformats && nIndexUsed < 0; i++ ) {
for( unsigned int i=0; i < n_preferedformats && nIndexUsed < 0; i++ ) {
for( unsigned int j=0; j < nIndex; j++ ) {
if( preferedformats[i] == fmt_fcc[j] ) {
Debug(6, "Choosing format: %s (%c%c%c%c) at index %d",fmt_desc[j],fmt_fcc[j]&0xff, (fmt_fcc[j]>>8)&0xff, (fmt_fcc[j]>>16)&0xff, (fmt_fcc[j]>>24)&0xff ,j);
/* Found a format! */
nIndexUsed = j;
} else {
Debug(6, "No match for format: %s (%c%c%c%c) at index %d",fmt_desc[j],fmt_fcc[j]&0xff, (fmt_fcc[j]>>8)&0xff, (fmt_fcc[j]>>16)&0xff, (fmt_fcc[j]>>24)&0xff ,j);
@ -4088,38 +4088,38 @@ void MonitorStream::runStream()
temp_read_index = temp_image_buffer_count;
temp_write_index = temp_image_buffer_count;
char swap_path[PATH_MAX] = "";
char *swap_path = 0;
bool buffered_playback = false;
int swap_path_length = strlen(config.path_swap)+1; // +1 for NULL terminator
if ( connkey && playback_buffer > 0 )
Debug( 2, "Checking swap image location" );
Debug( 3, "Checking swap image path" );
strncpy( swap_path, config.path_swap, sizeof(swap_path) );
if ( checkSwapPath( swap_path, false ) )
snprintf( &(swap_path[strlen(swap_path)]), sizeof(swap_path)-strlen(swap_path), "/zmswap-m%d", monitor->Id() );
if ( checkSwapPath( swap_path, true ) )
snprintf( &(swap_path[strlen(swap_path)]), sizeof(swap_path)-strlen(swap_path), "/zmswap-q%06d", connkey );
if ( checkSwapPath( swap_path, true ) )
buffered_playback = true;
if ( connkey && playback_buffer > 0 ) {
if ( !buffered_playback )
Error( "Unable to validate swap image path, disabling buffered playback" );
Debug( 2, "Assigning temporary buffer" );
temp_image_buffer = new SwapImage[temp_image_buffer_count];
memset( temp_image_buffer, 0, sizeof(*temp_image_buffer)*temp_image_buffer_count );
Debug( 2, "Assigned temporary buffer" );
if ( swap_path_length + 15 > PATH_MAX ) {
// 15 is for /zmswap-whatever, assuming max 6 digits for monitor id
Error( "Swap Path is too long. %d > %d ", swap_path_length+15, PATH_MAX );
} else {
swap_path = (char *)malloc( swap_path_length+15 );
Debug( 3, "Checking swap image path %s", config.path_swap );
strncpy( swap_path, config.path_swap, swap_path_length );
if ( checkSwapPath( swap_path, false ) ) {
snprintf( &(swap_path[swap_path_length]), sizeof(swap_path)-swap_path_length, "/zmswap-m%d", monitor->Id() );
if ( checkSwapPath( swap_path, true ) ) {
snprintf( &(swap_path[swap_path_length]), sizeof(swap_path)-swap_path_length, "/zmswap-q%06d", connkey );
if ( checkSwapPath( swap_path, true ) ) {
buffered_playback = true;
if ( !buffered_playback ) {
Error( "Unable to validate swap image path, disabling buffered playback" );
} else {
Debug( 2, "Assigning temporary buffer" );
temp_image_buffer = new SwapImage[temp_image_buffer_count];
memset( temp_image_buffer, 0, sizeof(*temp_image_buffer)*temp_image_buffer_count );
Debug( 2, "Assigned temporary buffer" );
float max_secs_since_last_sent_frame = 10.0; //should be > keep alive amount (5 secs)
@ -4357,6 +4357,7 @@ void MonitorStream::runStream()
if ( swap_path ) free( swap_path );
@ -391,6 +391,9 @@ void VideoStream::OpenStream( )
// TODO: Make buffer dynamic.
video_outbuf_size = 4000000;
video_outbuf = (uint8_t *)malloc( video_outbuf_size );
if ( video_outbuf == NULL ) {
Fatal("Unable to malloc memory for outbuf");
@ -419,6 +422,7 @@ VideoStream::VideoStream( const char *in_filename, const char *in_format, int bi
buffer_copy_lock(new pthread_mutex_t),
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ int RemoteCameraHttp::ReadData( Buffer &buffer, int bytes_expected )
while ( total_bytes_to_read );
Debug( 3, buffer );
Debug( 4, buffer );
return( total_bytes_read );
@ -446,6 +446,13 @@ int RemoteCameraHttp::GetResponse()
case CONTENT :
// if content_type is something like image/jpeg;size=, this will strip the ;size=
char * semicolon = strchr( (char *)content_type, ';' );
if ( semicolon ) {
*semicolon = '\0';
if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpeg" ) || !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpg" ) )
format = JPEG;
@ -1010,7 +1017,14 @@ int RemoteCameraHttp::GetResponse()
case CONTENT :
if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpeg" ) || !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpg" ) )
// if content_type is something like image/jpeg;size=, this will strip the ;size=
char * semicolon = strchr( content_type, ';' );
if ( semicolon ) {
*semicolon = '\0';
if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpeg" ) || !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpg" ) )
format = JPEG;
@ -298,35 +298,42 @@ int RtpCtrlThread::run()
sendReports = true;
// The only reason I can think of why we would have a timeout period is so that we can regularly send RR packets.
// Why 10 seconds? If anything I think this should be whatever timeout value was given in the DESCRIBE response
Select select( 10 );
select.addReader( &rtpCtrlServer );
unsigned char buffer[ZM_NETWORK_BUFSIZ];
time_t last_receive = time(NULL);
bool timeout = false; // used as a flag that we had a timeout, and then sent an RR to see if we wake back up. Real timeout will happen when this is true.
while ( !mStop && select.wait() >= 0 )
if ( mStop )
while ( !mStop && select.wait() >= 0 ) {
time_t now = time(NULL);
Select::CommsList readable = select.getReadable();
if ( readable.size() == 0 )
if ( ! timeout ) {
// With this code here, we will send an SDES and RR packet every 10 seconds
ssize_t nBytes;
unsigned char *bufferPtr = buffer;
bufferPtr += generateRr( bufferPtr, sizeof(buffer)-(bufferPtr-buffer) );
bufferPtr += generateSdes( bufferPtr, sizeof(buffer)-(bufferPtr-buffer) );
Debug( 4, "Sending %zd bytes on sd %d", bufferPtr-buffer, rtpCtrlServer.getWriteDesc() );
Debug( 5, "Sending %s", buffer );
Debug( 3, "Preventing timeout by sending %zd bytes on sd %d. Time since last receive: %d", bufferPtr-buffer, rtpCtrlServer.getWriteDesc(), ( now-last_receive) );
if ( (nBytes = rtpCtrlServer.send( buffer, bufferPtr-buffer )) < 0 )
Error( "Unable to send: %s", strerror( errno ) );
timeout = true;
} else {
Error( "RTCP timed out" );
//Error( "RTCP timed out" );
Debug(1, "RTCP timed out. Time since last receive: %d", ( now-last_receive) );
} else {
timeout = false;
last_receive = time(NULL);
for ( Select::CommsList::iterator iter = readable.begin(); iter != readable.end(); iter++ )
@ -344,14 +351,13 @@ int RtpCtrlThread::run()
unsigned char *bufferPtr = buffer;
bufferPtr += generateRr( bufferPtr, sizeof(buffer)-(bufferPtr-buffer) );
bufferPtr += generateSdes( bufferPtr, sizeof(buffer)-(bufferPtr-buffer) );
Debug( 4, "Sending %zd bytes on sd %d", bufferPtr-buffer, rtpCtrlServer.getWriteDesc() );
Debug( 3, "Sending %zd bytes on sd %d", bufferPtr-buffer, rtpCtrlServer.getWriteDesc() );
if ( (nBytes = rtpCtrlServer.send( buffer, bufferPtr-buffer )) < 0 )
Error( "Unable to send: %s", strerror( errno ) );
//Debug( 4, "Sent %d bytes on sd %d", nBytes, rtpCtrlServer.getWriteDesc() );
} else {
// Here is another case of not receiving some data causing us to terminate... why? Sometimes there are pauses in the interwebs.
mStop = true;
@ -114,9 +114,10 @@ std::string Authenticator::getAuthHeader(std::string method, std::string uri)
if ( ! fQop.empty() ) {
result += ", qop=" + fQop;
result += ", nc=" + stringtf("%08x",nc);
result += ", cnonce=" + fCnonce;
result += ", cnonce=\"" + fCnonce + "\"";
result += ", response=\"" + computeDigestResponse(method, uri) + "\"";
result += ", algorithm=\"MD5\"";
//Authorization: Digest username="zm",
// realm="NC-336PW-HD-1080P",
@ -260,8 +260,7 @@ if ( !empty($action) )
$monitor = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($mid) );
$newFunction = validStr($_REQUEST['newFunction']);
$newEnabled = validStr($_REQUEST['newEnabled']);
if ($newEnabled != "1") $newEnabled = "0";
$newEnabled = isset( $_REQUEST['newEnabled'] ) and $_REQUEST['newEnabled'] != "1" ? "0" : "1";
$oldFunction = $monitor['Function'];
$oldEnabled = $monitor['Enabled'];
if ( $newFunction != $oldFunction || $newEnabled != $oldEnabled )
@ -579,9 +578,10 @@ if ( !empty($action) )
// well time out before completing, in which case zmaudit will still tidy up
$markEids = dbFetchAll( "select Id from Events where MonitorId=?", 'Id', array($markMid) );
// Slight hack, we maybe should load *, but we happen to know that the deleteEvent function uses Id and StartTime.
$markEids = dbFetchAll( "SELECT Id,StartTime FROM Events WHERE MonitorId=?", NULL, array($markMid) );
foreach( $markEids as $markEid )
deleteEvent( $markEid );
deleteEvent( $markEid, $markMid );
deletePath( ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".basename($monitor['Name']) );
deletePath( ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".$monitor['Id'] ); // I'm trusting the Id.
@ -507,42 +507,59 @@ function deletePath( $path )
function deleteEvent( $eid, $mid=false )
function deleteEvent( $event, $mid=false ) {
if ( empty($event) ) {
Error( "Empty event passed to deleteEvent.");
if ( gettype($event) != 'array' ) {
# $event could be an eid, so turn it into an event hash
$event = dbFetchOne( 'SELECT Id, MonitorId, StartTime FROM Events WHERE Id=?', NULL, array( $event ) );
global $user;
if ( !$mid )
$mid = '*';
if ( $user['Events'] == 'Edit' && !empty($eid) )
dbQuery( 'delete from Events where Id = ?', array($eid) );
dbQuery( 'delete from Stats where EventId = ?', array($eid) );
dbQuery( 'delete from Frames where EventId = ?', array($eid) );
if ( $id_files = glob( ZM_DIR_EVENTS.'/'.$mid.'/*/*/*/.'.$eid ) )
$eventPath = preg_replace( "/\.$eid$/", readlink($id_files[0]), $id_files[0] );
$mid = $event['MonitorId'];
if ( $user['Events'] == 'Edit' ) {
dbQuery( 'DELETE FROM Events WHERE Id = ?', array($event['Id']) );
dbQuery( 'DELETE FROM Stats WHERE EventId = ?', array($event['Id']) );
dbQuery( 'DELETE FROM Frames WHERE EventId = ?', array($event['Id']) );
# Assumption: All events haev a start time
$start_date = date_parse( $event['StartTime'] );
$start_date['year'] = $start_date['year'] % 100;
# So this is because ZM creates a link under teh day pointing to the time that the event happened.
$eventlink_path = sprintf('%s/%d/%02d/%02d/%02d/.%d', ZM_DIR_EVENTS, $mid, $start_date['year'], $start_date['month'], $start_date['day'], $event['Id'] );
if ( $id_files = glob( $eventlink_path ) ) {
# I know we are using arrays here, but really there can only ever be 1 in the array
$eventPath = preg_replace( '/\.'.$event['Id'].'$/', readlink($id_files[0]), $id_files[0] );
deletePath( $eventPath );
deletePath( $id_files[0] );
$pathParts = explode( '/', $eventPath );
for ( $i = count($pathParts)-1; $i >= 2; $i-- ) {
$deletePath = join( '/', array_slice( $pathParts, 0, $i ) );
if ( !glob( $deletePath."/*" ) ) {
deletePath( $deletePath );
} else {
Warning( "Found no event files under $eventlink_path" );
} # end if found files
} else {
$eventPath = implode( '/', array( ZM_DIR_EVENTS, $mid, $event['Id'] ) );
deletePath( $eventPath );
deletePath( $id_files[0] );
$pathParts = explode( '/', $eventPath );
for ( $i = count($pathParts)-1; $i >= 2; $i-- )
$deletePath = join( '/', array_slice( $pathParts, 0, $i ) );
if ( !glob( $deletePath."/*" ) )
deletePath( $deletePath );
$eventPath = ZM_DIR_EVENTS.'/'.$mid.'/'.$eid;
deletePath( $eventPath );
function makeLink( $url, $label, $condition=1, $options="" )
@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'CanZoomRel' => 'Can Zoom Relative',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Capture Height',
'CaptureMethod' => 'Capture Method',
'CaptureResolution' => 'Capture Resolution',
'CapturePalette' => 'Capture Palette',
'CaptureWidth' => 'Capture Width',
'Cause' => 'Cause',
@ -382,7 +382,6 @@ th.table-th-sort-rev span.table-th-sort-span {
#headerControl {
width: 50%;
text-align: center;
margin: 0 auto;
@ -314,6 +314,9 @@ foreach( $displayMonitors as $monitor )
<?php } elseif ( $monitor['Type'] == "Libvlc" ) {
$domain = parse_url( $monitor['Path'], PHP_URL_HOST );
$shortpath = $domain ? $domain : preg_replace( '/^.*\//', '', $monitor['Path'] );
if ( $shortpath == '' ) {
$shortpath = 'Monitor ' . $monitor['Id'];
<td class="colSource"><?php echo makePopupLink( '?view=monitor&mid='.$monitor['Id'], 'zmMonitor'.$monitor['Id'], 'monitor', '<span class="'.$dclass.'">'.$shortpath.'</span>', canEdit( 'Monitors' ) ) ?></td>
<?php } elseif ( $monitor['Type'] == "cURL" ) { ?>
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ function Monitor( index, id, connKey )
function selectLayout( element )
var cssFile = skinPath+'/views/css/'+$(element).get('value');
var cssFile = skinPath+'/css/''zmCSS')+'/views/'+$(element).get('value');
if ( $('dynamicStyles') )
new Asset.css( cssFile, { id: 'dynamicStyles' } );
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ if ( $showControl )
<h2><?php echo $SLANG['Montage'] ?></h2>
<div id="headerControl">
<span id="scaleControl"><?php echo $SLANG['Scale'] ?>: <?php echo buildSelect( "scale", $scales, "changeScale( this );" ); ?></span>
<label for="layout"><?php echo $SLANG['Layout'] ?>:</label><?php echo buildSelect( "layout", $layouts, 'selectLayout( this )' )?>
<span id="scaleControl"><?php echo $SLANG['Scale'] ?>: <?php echo buildSelect( 'scale', $scales, 'changeScale(this);' ); ?></span>
<label for="layout"><?php echo $SLANG['Layout'] ?>:</label><?php echo buildSelect( 'layout', $layouts, 'selectLayout(this);' )?>
<div id="content">
Reference in New Issue