Add getImageSrc function to the API via component

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Kyle Johnson 2014-12-23 17:42:44 -05:00
parent ef99e30a33
commit 5598cce260
1 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
App::uses('Component', 'Controller');
class ImageComponent extends Component {
public function getImageSrc( $event, $frame, $scale, $config ) {
$eventPath = $event['Event']['MonitorId'].'/'.strftime( "%y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S", strtotime($event['Event']['StartTime']) );
$captImage = sprintf( "%0".$config['ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS']."d-capture.jpg", $frame['Frame']['FrameId'] );
$captPath = $eventPath.'/'.$captImage;
$thumbCaptPath = $config['ZM_DIR_IMAGES'].'/'.$event['Event']['Id'].'-'.$captImage;
$analImage = sprintf( "%0".$config['ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS']."d-analyse.jpg", $frame['Frame']['FrameId'] );
$analPath = $eventPath.'/'.$analImage;
$analFile = $config['ZM_DIR_EVENTS']."/".$analPath;
$thumbAnalPath = $config['ZM_DIR_IMAGES'].'/'.$event['Event']['Id'].'-'.$analImage;
$alarmFrame = $frame['Frame']['Type']=='Alarm';
$hasAnalImage = $alarmFrame && file_exists( $analFile ) && filesize( $analFile );
$isAnalImage = $hasAnalImage && !$captureOnly;
if ( !$config['ZM_WEB_SCALE_THUMBS'] || $scale >= 100 || !function_exists( 'imagecreatefromjpeg' ) ) {
$imagePath = $thumbPath = $isAnalImage?$analPath:$captPath;
$imageFile = $config['ZM_DIR_EVENTS']."/".$imagePath;
$thumbFile = $config['ZM_DIR_EVENTS']."/".$thumbPath;
} else {
if ( version_compare( phpversion(), "4.3.10", ">=") )
$fraction = sprintf( "%.3F", $scale/100 );
$fraction = sprintf( "%.3f", $scale/100 );
$scale = (int)round( $scale );
$thumbCaptPath = preg_replace( "/\.jpg$/", "-$scale.jpg", $thumbCaptPath );
$thumbAnalPath = preg_replace( "/\.jpg$/", "-$scale.jpg", $thumbAnalPath );
if ( $isAnalImage )
$imagePath = $analPath;
$thumbPath = $thumbAnalPath;
$imagePath = $captPath;
$thumbPath = $thumbCaptPath;
$imageFile = $config['ZM_DIR_EVENTS']."/".$imagePath;
//$thumbFile = ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".$thumbPath;
$thumbFile = $thumbPath;
if ( $overwrite || !file_exists( $thumbFile ) || !filesize( $thumbFile ) )
// Get new dimensions
list( $imageWidth, $imageHeight ) = getimagesize( $imageFile );
$thumbWidth = $imageWidth * $fraction;
$thumbHeight = $imageHeight * $fraction;
// Resample
$thumbImage = imagecreatetruecolor( $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight );
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg( $imageFile );
imagecopyresampled( $thumbImage, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $imageWidth, $imageHeight );
if ( !imagejpeg( $thumbImage, $thumbFile ) )
Error( "Can't create thumbnail '$thumbPath'" );
$imageData = array(
'eventPath' => $eventPath,
'imagePath' => $imagePath,
'thumbPath' => $thumbPath,
'imageFile' => $imageFile,
'thumbFile' => $thumbFile,
'imageClass' => $alarmFrame?"alarm":"normal",
'isAnalImage' => $isAnalImage,
'hasAnalImage' => $hasAnalImage,
return( $imageData );