Update lang files
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmLimits' => 'Alarm Limits',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => '警告',
'All' => '全部',
'Apply' => '確定',
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => '包含',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => '反轉',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => '全部播放',
'PleaseWait' => 'Please Wait',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => '點',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => '後置事件影像緩衝',
@ -578,11 +578,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'Rate',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Real',
'Record' => '錄影',
'RefImageBlendPct' => '參考影像混合 %ge',
'Refresh' => '更新',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => '遠端主機名稱',
'RemoteHostPath' => '遠端主機路徑',
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Restart' => '重新啟動',
@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmLimits' => '报警限制',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => '报警最大帧率FPS',
'AlarmPx' => '报警像素',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct' => 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmRGBUnset' => '你必须设置一个报警颜色(RGB)',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => '警报',
'All' => '全部',
'Apply' => '应用',
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => '影像',
'In' => '在',
'Include' => '包含',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => '反向',
'Iris' => '光圈',
'KeyString' => '密钥字符',
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => '播放',
'PlayAll' => '播放全部',
'PleaseWait' => '请等待',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => '点',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => '事件之后影像数',
@ -574,11 +574,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => '协议',
'Rate' => '速率',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => '实际',
'Record' => '记录',
'RefImageBlendPct' => '参考影像混合 %ge',
'Refresh' => '刷新',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => '远程',
'RemoteHostName' => '远程主机名',
'RemoteHostPath' => '远程主机路径',
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => '全部事件',
'ReplayGapless' => '无间隙事件',
'ReplaySingle' => '单一事件',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => '重置',
'ResetEventCounts' => '重置事件数',
'Restart' => '重启动',
@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmLimits' => 'Limity alarmu',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Pozor',
'All' => 'V¹echny',
'Apply' => 'Pou¾ít',
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'Dovnitø',
'Include' => 'Vlo¾it',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Pøevrácenì',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'Pøehrát v¹e',
'PleaseWait' => 'Prosím èekejte',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Pozáznamový bufer',
@ -574,11 +574,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'Rychlost',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Skuteèná',
'Record' => 'Nahrávat',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Reference Image Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Obnovit',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Sí»ová',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Adresa',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Cesta',
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Resetovat poèty záznamù',
'Restart' => 'Restartovat',
@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmLimits' => 'Alarm-Limits',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm-Maximum-FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm-Pixel',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'Sie müssen eine RGB-Alarmfarbe setzen',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Alarm',
'All' => 'Alle',
'Apply' => 'OK',
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Bilder',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => 'Einschluss',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Invertiert',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Schlüsselwort',
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Abspielen',
'PlayAll' => 'Alle zeigen',
'PleaseWait' => 'Bitte warten',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Punkt',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Nachereignispuffer',
@ -574,11 +574,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protokoll',
'Rate' => 'Abspielgeschwindigkeit',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Real',
'Record' => 'Aufnahme',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Referenz-Bildblende',
'Refresh' => 'Aktualisieren',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Entfernt',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Entfernter Hostname',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Entfernter Hostpfad',
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'Alle Ereignisse',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Lückenlose Ereignisse',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Einzelereignis',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Zurücksetzen',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Lösche Ereignispunktzahl',
'Restart' => 'Neustart',
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmLimits' => 'Alarm Begrændsing',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Alarm',
'All' => 'Alle',
'Apply' => 'Aktiver',
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'Ind',
'Include' => 'Inkluder',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Inverteret',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'Afspil Alle',
'PleaseWait' => 'Vent venligst',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Efter Event Billed Buffer',
@ -575,11 +575,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'Rate',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Real',
'Record' => 'Optag',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Reference Billede Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Opdater',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Remote Host Navn',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Remote Host Stig',
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Nulstil',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Restart' => 'Genstart',
@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmLimits' => 'Alarm Limits',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Alerta',
'All' => 'Todo',
'Apply' => 'Aplicar',
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => 'Incluir',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Invertido',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'Espere por favor',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Buffer Imagenes despues evento',
@ -525,11 +525,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'Ritmo',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Real',
'Record' => 'Registro',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Reference Image Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Actualizar',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Nombre Servidor Remoto',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Enlace Servidor Remoto',
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Borrar Contador Eventos',
'Restart' => 'Reiniciar',
@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmLimits' => 'Límites de alarma',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Máximos MPS alarma',
'AlarmPx' => 'Px alarma',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct' => 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'Debe establecer un color RGB para alarma',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Alerta',
'All' => 'Todo',
'Apply' => 'Aplicar',
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Imágenes',
'In' => 'En',
'Include' => 'Incluir',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Invertido',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Cadena clave',
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Reproducir',
'PlayAll' => 'Reproducir rodo',
'PleaseWait' => 'Espere por favor',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Point' => 'Punto',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Cuenta de imagen post evento',
@ -574,11 +574,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocolo',
'Rate' => 'Valorar',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Real',
'Record' => 'Grabar',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Referencia de mezcla de imagen %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Refrescar',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Remoto',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Nombre del host remoto',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Nombre de ruta del host',
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'Todos los eventos',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Eventos sin espacios',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Evento individual',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Restablecer',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Restablecer número de eventos',
'Restart' => 'Reiniciar',
@ -696,7 +696,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'No es necesario actualizar.',
'Updated' => 'Actualizado',
'Upload' => 'Upload', // Added - 2011-08-23
'UsedPlugins' => 'Used Plugins',
'UseFilter' => 'Usar filtro',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' filtros de expresión', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Usar ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmLimits' => 'Alarmi limiidid',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarmi Maksimaalne FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct' => 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'Sa pead panema alarmi RGB värvi',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Hoiatus',
'All' => 'All',
'Apply' => 'Apply',
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Pildid',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => 'Include',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Inverted',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'Play Kõike',
'PleaseWait' => 'Palun Oota',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Pluginad',
'Point' => 'Punkt',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Post Event Image Count',
@ -575,11 +575,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'Rate',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Reaaalne',
'Record' => 'Salvesta',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Reference Image Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Värskenda',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Remote Host Name',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Remote Host Path',
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'Kõik sündmused',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Lünkadeta sündmused',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Üksik sündmus',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Restart' => 'Taaskäivita',
@ -697,7 +697,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Uuendus ei ole vajalik.',
'Updated' => 'Uuendatud', // Added - 2011-06-16
'Upload' => 'Üles laadimine', // Added - 2011-08-23
'UsedPlugins' => 'Used Plugins',
'UseFilter' => 'Kasuta Filtrit',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' filter expressions', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => 'Use ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Nb d\'image(s) en alarme',
'AlarmLimits' => 'Limites alarme',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'i/s maximum pendant alarme',
'AlarmPx' => 'Px Alarme',
'AlarmPx' => 'Px alarme',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'Vous devez définir une couleur RVB pour l\'alarme',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> '% fusion image référence en alarme', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Score alarme',
'AlarmScore' => 'Score alarme', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Alerte',
'All' => 'Tous',
'Apply' => 'Appliquer',
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'Dans',
'Include' => 'Inclure',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Inclure détection native',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Inclure détection native', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Inversé',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Chaîne clé',
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Lire',
'PlayAll' => 'Tout lire',
'PleaseWait' => 'Attendez',
'Plugin' => 'Greffon',
'Plugin' => 'Greffon', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Greffons',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Nb d\'image(s) post-événement',
@ -580,11 +580,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progression', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocole',
'Rate' => 'Vitesse',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Réinit. détection native', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Réel',
'Record' => 'Enregistrer',
'RefImageBlendPct' => '% fusion image référence',
'Refresh' => 'Rafraîchir',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Réinit. détection native',
'Remote' => 'Distant',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Nom d\'hôte',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Chemin',
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'Tous les événements',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Rejouer sans blancs',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Rejouer seul',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Détection native requise',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Détection native requise', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'RàZ',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'RàZ compteur évts',
'Restart' => 'Redémarrer',
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'àæò÷ú Px',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'äéðê çééá ìàúçì àæò÷ú öáò',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'äúøàä',
'All' => 'äëì',
'Apply' => 'äçì',
@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'úîåðåú',
'In' => 'áúåê',
'Include' => 'ëìåì',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'äôåê',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'îçøåæú úåéí',
@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'ðâï äëì',
'PleaseWait' => 'äîúï áá÷ùä',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'ð÷åãä',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Post Event Image Count',
@ -573,11 +574,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'ãéøåâ',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'àîéúé',
'Record' => 'ä÷ìèä',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Reference Image Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'øòðåï',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'îøåç÷',
'RemoteHostName' => 'ùí îàøç îøåç÷',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'ðúéá îàøç îøåç÷',
@ -591,7 +592,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'àôñ',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Restart' => 'àúçì',
@ -131,7 +131,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Maximális FPS riasztott állapotban',
'AlarmPx' => 'Riasztó képpont',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'Be kell állítani egy RGB színt a riasztáshoz',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Figyelem',
'All' => 'Mind',
'Apply' => 'Alkalmaz',
@ -423,7 +424,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Kép',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => 'Beágyaz',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Invertálva',
'Iris' => 'Írisz',
'KeyString' => 'Kulcs karaktersor',
@ -601,7 +602,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Lejátszás',
'PlayAll' => 'Mind lejátszása',
'PleaseWait' => 'Kérlek várj...',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Point' => 'Pont',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Esemény utáni képkockák a pufferben',
@ -616,11 +617,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'FPS',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Valós',
'Record' => 'Felvétel',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Változás a referenciaképtől %-ban',
'Refresh' => 'Frissítés',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Hálózati',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Hálózati IP cím/hosztnév',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'A kép elérési útvonala',
@ -634,7 +635,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'Mindet',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Szünet nélkülieket',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Egyenként',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Alapértékre',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Eseményszámláló nullázása',
'Restart' => 'A szolgáltatás újraindítása',
@ -738,7 +739,6 @@ $SLANG = array(
'UpdateNotNecessary' => 'Nem szükséges a frissítés.',
'Updated' => 'Frissítve',
'Upload' => 'Feltöltés',
'UsedPlugins' => 'Used Plugins',
'UseFilter' => 'Szűrőt használ',
'UseFilterExprsPost' => ' szürés használata', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
'UseFilterExprsPre' => ' ', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'FPS massimi durante l\'allarme',
'AlarmPx' => 'Pixel Allarme',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'Devi settare un colore RGB di allarme',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Attenzione',
'All' => 'Tutto',
'Apply' => 'Applica',
@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Immagini',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => 'Includi',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Invertito',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Stringa Chiave',
@ -563,7 +564,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'Vedi tutti',
'PleaseWait' => 'Attendere prego',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Punto',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Buffer di immagini Dopo Evento',
@ -578,11 +579,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'Velocita\'',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Reale',
'Record' => 'Registra',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Riferimento Miscela Immagine percentuale',
'Refresh' => 'Aggiorna',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Remoto',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Nome dell\'Host Remoto',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Percorso dell\'Host Remoto',
@ -596,7 +597,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Resetta',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Resetta Contatore Eventi',
'Restart' => 'Riavvia',
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'アラーム Px',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => '警告',
'All' => '全て',
'Apply' => '適用',
@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => '組み込む',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => '反転',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'お待ちください',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'イベント イメージ バッファ後',
@ -573,11 +574,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'レート',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => '生中継',
'Record' => '録画',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'イメージ ブレンド 参照 %',
'Refresh' => '最新の情報に更新',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'リモート',
'RemoteHostName' => 'リモート ホスト 名',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'リモート ホスト パス',
@ -591,7 +592,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'イベント カウント リセット',
'Restart' => '再起動',
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'U moet een RGB alarm kleur keizen',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Waarschuwing',
'All' => 'Alle',
'Apply' => 'Voer uit',
@ -380,6 +381,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Fotos',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => 'voeg in',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Omgedraaid',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Sleutel waarde',
@ -557,6 +559,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Speel',
'PlayAll' => 'Speel Alles',
'PleaseWait' => 'Wacht A.U.B.',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Point' => 'Punt',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Post gebeurtenis foto Buffer',
@ -571,6 +574,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'Waardering',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Echte',
'Record' => 'Record',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Referentie foto Blend %ge',
@ -588,6 +592,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'Alle Gebeurtenissen',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Opvolgende Gebeurtenissen',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Enkele Gebeurtenis',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Herstel',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Herstel gebeurtenis teller',
'Restart' => 'Herstart',
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Gotowosc',
'All' => 'Wszystko',
'Apply' => 'Zastosuj',
@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => 'Do³±cz',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Odwrócony',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'Proszê czekaæ',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Bufor obrazów po zdarzeniu',
@ -573,11 +574,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'Tempo',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Rzeczywiste',
'Record' => 'Zapis',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Miks z obrazem odniesienia',
'Refresh' => 'Od¶wie¿',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Zdalny',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Nazwa zdalnego hosta',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Scie¿ka zdalnego hosta',
@ -591,7 +592,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Kasuj licznik zdarzeñ',
'Restart' => 'Restart',
@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Pixel de Alarme',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Alerta',
'All' => 'Tudo',
'Apply' => 'Aplicar',
@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => 'Incluir',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Invertido',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
@ -498,7 +499,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'Por Favor Espere',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Buffer de imagem pós evento',
@ -513,11 +514,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'Vel.',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Real',
'Record' => 'Gravar',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Referência de imagem Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Atualizar',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Remoto',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Nome do host remoto',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Caminho do host remoto',
@ -531,7 +532,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Resetar contagem de eventos',
'Restart' => 'Reiniciar',
@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Alert',
'All' => 'Toate',
'Apply' => 'Accept',
@ -351,7 +352,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => 'Includ',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Inversă',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
@ -529,7 +530,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'Vă rugăm aşteptaţi',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Zona tampon post eveniment',
@ -544,11 +545,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'Rate',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Real',
'Record' => 'Înregistrare',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Combinare imagine referinta(%)',
'Refresh' => 'Actualizează',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Remote',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Remote Host Name',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Remote Host Path',
@ -562,7 +563,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Reset Event Counts',
'Restart' => 'Reporneşte',
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'ðËÓ ÔÒÅ×.',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'îÁÓÔÏÒÏÖÅ',
'All' => '÷ÓÅ',
'Apply' => 'ðÒÉÍÅÎÉÔØ',
@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => '÷ËÌÀÞÉÔØ',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'éÎ×ÅÒÔÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Play',
'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'âÕÆÅÒ ÐÏÓÌÅ ÓÏÂÙÔÉÑ',
@ -573,11 +574,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protocol',
'Rate' => 'óËÏÒÏÓÔØ',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'òÅÁÌØÎÁÑ',
'Record' => 'Record',
'Refresh' => 'ïÂÎÏ×ÉÔØ',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'õÄÁÌÅÎÎÙÊ',
'RemoteHostName' => 'éÍÑ ÕÄÁÌÅÎÎÏÇÏ ÈÏÓÔÁ',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'ðÕÔØ ÎÁ ÕÄÁÌÅÎÎÏÍ ÈÏÓÔÅ',
@ -591,7 +592,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'All Events',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Single Event',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'ïÂÎÕÌÉÔØ ÓÞÅÔÞÉË ÓÏÂÙÔÉÊ',
'Restart' => 'ðÅÒÅÚÁÐÕÓÔÉÔØ',
@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ $SLANG = array(
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Max. ramar/s för larm',
'AlarmPx' => 'Larmpunkter',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'Du måste sätta en färg för RGB-larm',
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'AlarmScore' => 'Alarm Score', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Alert' => 'Varning',
'All' => 'Alla',
'Apply' => 'Lägg till',
@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Images' => 'Images',
'In' => 'I',
'Include' => 'Inkludera',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection',
'IncludeNatDet' => 'Include Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Inverted' => 'Inverterad',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Nyckelsträng',
@ -559,7 +560,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Play' => 'Spela',
'PlayAll' => 'Visa alla',
'PleaseWait' => 'Vänta...',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin',
'Plugin' => 'Plugin', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Punkt',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Post Event Image Count',
@ -574,11 +575,11 @@ $SLANG = array(
'Progress' => 'Progress', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Protocol' => 'Protokol',
'Rate' => 'Hastighet',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Real' => 'Verklig',
'Record' => 'Spela in',
'RefImageBlendPct' => 'Reference Image Blend %ge',
'Refresh' => 'Uppdatera',
'ReInitNatDet' => 'Reinit. Native Detection',
'Remote' => 'Fjärr',
'RemoteHostName' => 'Fjärrnamn',
'RemoteHostPath' => 'Fjärrsökväg',
@ -592,7 +593,7 @@ $SLANG = array(
'ReplayAll' => 'Alla händelser',
'ReplayGapless' => 'Gapless Events',
'ReplaySingle' => 'Ensam händelse',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection',
'RequireNatDet' => 'Require Native Detection', // Added - 2015-05-06
'Reset' => 'Återställ',
'ResetEventCounts' => 'Återställ händelseräknare',
'Restart' => 'Återstart',
Reference in New Issue