diff --git a/web/includes/actions.php b/web/includes/actions.php
index 07b7461f3..20a20c6a4 100644
--- a/web/includes/actions.php
+++ b/web/includes/actions.php
@@ -23,12 +23,11 @@
// credit: http://wezfurlong.org/blog/2006/nov/http-post-from-php-without-curl/
-function do_post_request($url, $data, $optional_headers = null)
+function do_post_request($url, $data, $optional_headers = null) {
$params = array('http' => array(
- 'method' => 'POST',
- 'content' => $data
- ));
+ 'method' => 'POST',
+ 'content' => $data
+ ));
if ($optional_headers !== null) {
$params['http']['header'] = $optional_headers;
@@ -44,1021 +43,1006 @@ function do_post_request($url, $data, $optional_headers = null)
return $response;
-function getAffectedIds( $name )
- $names = $name."s";
- $ids = array();
- if ( isset($_REQUEST[$names]) || isset($_REQUEST[$name]) )
- {
- if ( isset($_REQUEST[$names]) )
- $ids = validInt($_REQUEST[$names]);
- else if ( isset($_REQUEST[$name]) )
- $ids[] = validInt($_REQUEST[$name]);
- }
- return( $ids );
+function getAffectedIds( $name ) {
+ $names = $name."s";
+ $ids = array();
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST[$names]) || isset($_REQUEST[$name]) ) {
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST[$names]) )
+ $ids = validInt($_REQUEST[$names]);
+ else if ( isset($_REQUEST[$name]) )
+ $ids[] = validInt($_REQUEST[$name]);
+ }
+ return( $ids );
-if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH && ZM_AUTH_HASH_LOGINS && empty($user) && !empty($_REQUEST['auth']) )
- if ( $authUser = getAuthUser( $_REQUEST['auth'] ) )
- {
- userLogin( $authUser['Username'], $authUser['Password'], true );
- }
+if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH && ZM_AUTH_HASH_LOGINS && empty($user) && !empty($_REQUEST['auth']) ) {
+ if ( $authUser = getAuthUser( $_REQUEST['auth'] ) ) {
+ userLogin( $authUser['Username'], $authUser['Password'], true );
+ }
-if ( !empty($action) )
- if ( $action == "login" && isset($_REQUEST['username']) && ( ZM_AUTH_TYPE == "remote" || isset($_REQUEST['password']) ) )
+if ( !empty($action) ) {
+ if ( $action == "login" && isset($_REQUEST['username']) && ( ZM_AUTH_TYPE == "remote" || isset($_REQUEST['password']) ) ) {
+ // if true, a popup will display after login
+ // PP - lets validate reCaptcha if it exists
+ if ( defined('ZM_OPT_USE_GOOG_RECAPTCHA')
- // if true, a popup will display after login
- // PP - lets validate reCaptcha if it exists
- if ( defined('ZM_OPT_USE_GOOG_RECAPTCHA')
- {
- $url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify';
- $fields = array (
- 'response' => $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'],
- 'remoteip'=> $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
- );
- $res= do_post_request($url, http_build_query($fields));
- $responseData = json_decode($res,true);
- // PP - credit: https://github.com/google/recaptcha/blob/master/src/ReCaptcha/Response.php
- // if recaptcha resulted in error, we might have to deny login
- if (isset($responseData['success']) && $responseData['success'] == false)
- {
- // PP - before we deny auth, let's make sure the error was not 'invalid secret'
- // because that means the user did not configure the secret key correctly
- // in this case, we prefer to let him login in and display a message to correct
- // the key. Unfortunately, there is no way to check for invalid site key in code
- // as it produces the same error as when you don't answer a recaptcha
- if (isset($responseData['error-codes']) && is_array($responseData['error-codes']))
- {
- if (!in_array('invalid-input-secret',$responseData['error-codes']))
- {
- Error ("reCaptcha authentication failed");
- userLogout();
- $view='login';
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- else
- {
- //Let them login but show an error
- echo '';
- Error ("Invalid recaptcha secret detected");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // General scope actions
- if ( $action == "login" && isset($_REQUEST['username']) && ( ZM_AUTH_TYPE == "remote" || isset($_REQUEST['password']) ) )
- {
- $username = validStr( $_REQUEST['username'] );
- $password = isset($_REQUEST['password'])?validStr($_REQUEST['password']):'';
- userLogin( $username, $password );
- }
- elseif ( $action == "logout" )
- {
- userLogout();
- $refreshParent = true;
- $view = 'none';
- }
- elseif ( $action == "bandwidth" && isset($_REQUEST['newBandwidth']) )
- {
- $_COOKIE['zmBandwidth'] = validStr($_REQUEST['newBandwidth']);
- setcookie( "zmBandwidth", validStr($_REQUEST['newBandwidth']), time()+3600*24*30*12*10 );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- // Event scope actions, view permissions only required
- if ( canView( 'Events' ) )
- {
- if ( $action == "filter" )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['subaction']) )
- {
- if ( $_REQUEST['subaction'] == "addterm" )
- $_REQUEST['filter'] = addFilterTerm( $_REQUEST['filter'], $_REQUEST['line'] );
- elseif ( $_REQUEST['subaction'] == "delterm" )
- $_REQUEST['filter'] = delFilterTerm( $_REQUEST['filter'], $_REQUEST['line'] );
- }
- elseif ( canEdit( 'Events' ) )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['execute']) )
- $tempFilterName = "_TempFilter".time();
- if ( isset($tempFilterName) )
- $filterName = $tempFilterName;
- elseif ( !empty($_REQUEST['newFilterName']) )
- $filterName = $_REQUEST['newFilterName'];
- if ( !empty($filterName) )
- {
- $_REQUEST['filter']['sort_field'] = validStr($_REQUEST['sort_field']);
- $_REQUEST['filter']['sort_asc'] = validStr($_REQUEST['sort_asc']);
- $_REQUEST['filter']['limit'] = validInt($_REQUEST['limit']);
- $sql = "replace into Filters set Name = ".dbEscape($filterName).", Query = ".dbEscape(jsonEncode($_REQUEST['filter']));
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoArchive']) )
- $sql .= ", AutoArchive = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoArchive']);
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoVideo']) )
- $sql .= ", AutoVideo = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoVideo']);
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoUpload']) )
- $sql .= ", AutoUpload = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoUpload']);
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoEmail']) )
- $sql .= ", AutoEmail = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoEmail']);
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoMessage']) )
- $sql .= ", AutoMessage = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoMessage']);
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoExecute']) && !empty($_REQUEST['AutoExecuteCmd']) )
- $sql .= ", AutoExecute = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoExecute']).", AutoExecuteCmd = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoExecuteCmd']);
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoDelete']) )
- $sql .= ", AutoDelete = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoDelete']);
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['background']) )
- $sql .= ", Background = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['background']);
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['concurrent']) )
- $sql .= ", Concurrent = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['concurrent']);
- dbQuery( $sql );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Event scope actions, edit permissions required
- if ( canEdit( 'Events' ) )
- {
- if ( $action == "rename" && isset($_REQUEST['eventName']) && !empty($_REQUEST['eid']) )
- {
- dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Name=? WHERE Id=?', array( $_REQUEST['eventName'], $_REQUEST['eid'] ) );
- }
- else if ( $action == "eventdetail" )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['eid']) )
- {
- dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Cause=?, Notes=? WHERE Id=?', array( $_REQUEST['newEvent']['Cause'], $_REQUEST['newEvent']['Notes'], $_REQUEST['eid'] ) );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- else
- {
- foreach( getAffectedIds( 'markEid' ) as $markEid )
- {
- dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Cause=?, Notes=? WHERE Id=?', array( $_REQUEST['newEvent']['Cause'], $_REQUEST['newEvent']['Notes'], $markEid ) );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- }
- }
- elseif ( $action == "archive" || $action == "unarchive" )
- {
- $archiveVal = ($action == "archive")?1:0;
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['eid']) )
- {
- dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Archived=? WHERE Id=?', array( $archiveVal, $_REQUEST['eid']) );
- }
- else
- {
- foreach( getAffectedIds( 'markEid' ) as $markEid )
- {
- dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Archived=? WHERE Id=?', array( $archiveVal, $markEid ) );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- }
- }
- elseif ( $action == "delete" )
- {
- foreach( getAffectedIds( 'markEid' ) as $markEid )
- {
- deleteEvent( $markEid );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['fid']) )
- {
- dbQuery( 'DELETE FROM Filters WHERE Name=?', array( $_REQUEST['fid'] ) );
- //$refreshParent = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // Monitor control actions, require a monitor id and control view permissions for that monitor
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) && canView( 'Control', $_REQUEST['mid'] ) )
- {
- require_once( 'control_functions.php' );
- require_once( 'Monitor.php' );
- $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']);
- if ( $action == "control" )
- {
- $monitor = new Monitor( $mid );
- $ctrlCommand = buildControlCommand( $monitor );
- sendControlCommand( $monitor->Id(), $ctrlCommand );
- }
- elseif ( $action == "settings" )
- {
- $args = " -m " . escapeshellarg($mid);
- $args .= " -B" . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newBrightness']);
- $args .= " -C" . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newContrast']);
- $args .= " -H" . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newHue']);
- $args .= " -O" . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newColour']);
- $zmuCommand = getZmuCommand( $args );
- $zmuOutput = exec( $zmuCommand );
- list( $brightness, $contrast, $hue, $colour ) = explode( ' ', $zmuOutput );
- dbQuery( "update Monitors set Brightness = ?, Contrast = ?, Hue = ?, Colour = ? where Id = ?", array($brightness, $contrast, $hue, $colour, $mid));
- }
- }
- // Control capability actions, require control edit permissions
- if ( canEdit( 'Control' ) )
- {
- if ( $action == "controlcap" )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['cid']) )
- {
- $control = dbFetchOne( "select * from Controls where Id = ?", NULL, array($_REQUEST['cid']) );
- }
- else
- {
- $control = array();
- }
- // Define a field type for anything that's not simple text equivalent
- $types = array(
- // Empty
- );
- $columns = getTableColumns( 'Controls' );
- foreach ( $columns as $name=>$type )
- {
- if ( preg_match( '/^(Can|Has)/', $name ) )
- {
- $types[$name] = 'toggle';
- }
- }
- $changes = getFormChanges( $control, $_REQUEST['newControl'], $types, $columns );
- if ( count( $changes ) )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['cid']) )
- {
- dbQuery( "update Controls set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where Id = ?", array($_REQUEST['cid']) );
- }
- else
- {
- dbQuery( "insert into Controls set ".implode( ", ", $changes ) );
- //$_REQUEST['cid'] = dbInsertId();
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- $view = 'none';
- }
- elseif ( $action == "delete" )
- {
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['markCids']) )
- {
- foreach( $_REQUEST['markCids'] as $markCid )
- {
- dbQuery( "delete from Controls where Id = ?", array($markCid) );
- dbQuery( "update Monitors set Controllable = 0, ControlId = 0 where ControlId = ?", array($markCid) );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Monitor edit actions, require a monitor id and edit permissions for that monitor
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) && canEdit( 'Monitors', $_REQUEST['mid'] ) )
- {
- $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']);
- if ( $action == "function" )
- {
- $monitor = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($mid) );
- $newFunction = validStr($_REQUEST['newFunction']);
- $newEnabled = isset( $_REQUEST['newEnabled'] ) and $_REQUEST['newEnabled'] != "1" ? "0" : "1";
- $oldFunction = $monitor['Function'];
- $oldEnabled = $monitor['Enabled'];
- if ( $newFunction != $oldFunction || $newEnabled != $oldEnabled )
- {
- dbQuery( "update Monitors set Function=?, Enabled=? where Id=?", array( $newFunction, $newEnabled, $mid ) );
- $monitor['Function'] = $newFunction;
- $monitor['Enabled'] = $newEnabled;
- //if ( $cookies ) session_write_close();
- if ( daemonCheck() )
- {
- $restart = ($oldFunction == 'None') || ($newFunction == 'None') || ($newEnabled != $oldEnabled);
- zmaControl( $monitor, "stop" );
- zmcControl( $monitor, $restart?"restart":"" );
- zmaControl( $monitor, "start" );
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- }
- elseif ( $action == "zone" && isset( $_REQUEST['zid'] ) )
- {
- $zid = validInt($_REQUEST['zid']);
- $monitor = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($mid) );
- if ( !empty($zid) )
- {
- $zone = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Zones WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?", NULL, array( $mid, $zid ) );
- }
- else
- {
- $zone = array();
- }
- if ( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Units'] == 'Percent' )
- {
- $_REQUEST['newZone']['MinAlarmPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinAlarmPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
- $_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxAlarmPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxAlarmPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinFilterPixels']) )
- $_REQUEST['newZone']['MinFilterPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinFilterPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxFilterPixels']) )
- $_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxFilterPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxFilterPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinBlobPixels']) )
- $_REQUEST['newZone']['MinBlobPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinBlobPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxBlobPixels']) )
- $_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxBlobPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxBlobPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
- }
- unset( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Points'] );
- $types = array();
- $changes = getFormChanges( $zone, $_REQUEST['newZone'], $types );
- if ( count( $changes ) )
- {
- if ( $zid > 0 )
- {
- dbQuery( "UPDATE Zones SET ".implode( ", ", $changes )." WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?", array( $mid, $zid) );
- }
- else
- {
- dbQuery( "INSERT INTO Zones SET MonitorId=?, ".implode( ", ", $changes ), array( $mid ) );
- }
- //if ( $cookies ) session_write_close();
- if ( daemonCheck() )
- {
- if ( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Type'] == 'Privacy' )
- {
- zmaControl( $monitor, "stop" );
- zmcControl( $monitor, "restart" );
- zmaControl( $monitor, "start" );
- }
- else
- {
- zmaControl( $mid, "restart" );
- }
- }
- if ( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Type'] == 'Privacy' && $monitor['Controllable'] ) {
- require_once( 'control_functions.php' );
- sendControlCommand( $mid, 'quit' );
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- $view = 'none';
- }
- elseif ( $action == "plugin" && isset($_REQUEST['pl']))
- {
- $sql="SELECT * FROM PluginsConfig WHERE MonitorId=? AND ZoneId=? AND pluginName=?";
- $pconfs=dbFetchAll( $sql, NULL, array( $mid, $_REQUEST['zid'], $_REQUEST['pl'] ) );
- $changes=0;
- foreach( $pconfs as $pconf )
- {
- $value=$_REQUEST['pluginOpt'][$pconf['Name']];
- if(array_key_exists($pconf['Name'], $_REQUEST['pluginOpt']) && ($pconf['Value']!=$value))
- {
- dbQuery("UPDATE PluginsConfig SET Value=? WHERE id=?", array( $value, $pconf['Id'] ) );
- $changes++;
- }
- }
- if($changes>0)
- {
- if ( daemonCheck() )
- {
- zmaControl( $mid, "restart" );
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- $view = 'none';
- }
- elseif ( $action == "sequence" && isset($_REQUEST['smid']) )
- {
- $smid = validInt($_REQUEST['smid']);
- $monitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = ?", NULL, array($mid) );
- $smonitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = ?", NULL, array($smid) );
- dbQuery( "update Monitors set Sequence=? where Id=?", array( $smonitor['Sequence'], $monitor['Id'] ) );
- dbQuery( "update Monitors set Sequence=? WHERE Id=?", array( $monitor['Sequence'], $smonitor['Id'] ) );
+ $url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify';
+ $fields = array (
+ 'response' => $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'],
+ 'remoteip'=> $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
+ );
+ $res= do_post_request($url, http_build_query($fields));
+ $responseData = json_decode($res,true);
+ // PP - credit: https://github.com/google/recaptcha/blob/master/src/ReCaptcha/Response.php
+ // if recaptcha resulted in error, we might have to deny login
+ if (isset($responseData['success']) && $responseData['success'] == false) {
+ // PP - before we deny auth, let's make sure the error was not 'invalid secret'
+ // because that means the user did not configure the secret key correctly
+ // in this case, we prefer to let him login in and display a message to correct
+ // the key. Unfortunately, there is no way to check for invalid site key in code
+ // as it produces the same error as when you don't answer a recaptcha
+ if (isset($responseData['error-codes']) && is_array($responseData['error-codes'])) {
+ if (!in_array('invalid-input-secret',$responseData['error-codes'])) {
+ Error ("reCaptcha authentication failed");
+ userLogout();
+ $view='login';
$refreshParent = true;
- fixSequences();
+ } else {
+ //Let them login but show an error
+ echo '';
+ Error ("Invalid recaptcha secret detected");
+ }
- if ( $action == "delete" )
- {
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['markZids']) )
- {
- $deletedZid = 0;
- foreach( $_REQUEST['markZids'] as $markZid )
- {
- $zone = dbFetchOne( "select * from Zones where Id=?", NULL, array($markZid) );
- dbQuery( "delete from Zones WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?", array( $mid, $markZid) );
- $deletedZid = 1;
- }
- if ( $deletedZid )
- {
- //if ( $cookies )
- //session_write_close();
- if ( daemonCheck() )
- if ( $zone['Type'] == 'Privacy' )
- {
- zmaControl( $mid, "stop" );
- zmcControl( $mid, "restart" );
- zmaControl( $mid, "start" );
- }
- else
- {
- zmaControl( $mid, "restart" );
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ } // end if success==false
- // Monitor edit actions, monitor id derived, require edit permissions for that monitor
- if ( canEdit( 'Monitors' ) )
+ } // end if using reCaptcha
+ }
+ // General scope actions
+ if ( $action == "login" && isset($_REQUEST['username']) && ( ZM_AUTH_TYPE == "remote" || isset($_REQUEST['password']) ) ) {
+ $username = validStr( $_REQUEST['username'] );
+ $password = isset($_REQUEST['password'])?validStr($_REQUEST['password']):'';
+ userLogin( $username, $password );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ $view = 'console';
+ } elseif ( $action == "logout" ) {
+ userLogout();
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ $view = 'none';
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "bandwidth" && isset($_REQUEST['newBandwidth']) )
+ {
+ $_COOKIE['zmBandwidth'] = validStr($_REQUEST['newBandwidth']);
+ setcookie( "zmBandwidth", validStr($_REQUEST['newBandwidth']), time()+3600*24*30*12*10 );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ // Event scope actions, view permissions only required
+ if ( canView( 'Events' ) )
+ {
+ if ( $action == "filter" )
- if ( $action == "monitor" )
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['subaction']) )
+ {
+ if ( $_REQUEST['subaction'] == "addterm" )
+ $_REQUEST['filter'] = addFilterTerm( $_REQUEST['filter'], $_REQUEST['line'] );
+ elseif ( $_REQUEST['subaction'] == "delterm" )
+ $_REQUEST['filter'] = delFilterTerm( $_REQUEST['filter'], $_REQUEST['line'] );
+ }
+ elseif ( canEdit( 'Events' ) )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['execute']) )
+ $tempFilterName = "_TempFilter".time();
+ if ( isset($tempFilterName) )
+ $filterName = $tempFilterName;
+ elseif ( !empty($_REQUEST['newFilterName']) )
+ $filterName = $_REQUEST['newFilterName'];
+ if ( !empty($filterName) )
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) )
- {
- $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']);
- $monitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = ?", NULL, array($mid) );
- if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
- {
- $x10Monitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from TriggersX10 where MonitorId=?", NULL, array($mid) );
- if ( !$x10Monitor )
- $x10Monitor = array();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $monitor = array();
- if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
- {
- $x10Monitor = array();
- }
- }
- // Define a field type for anything that's not simple text equivalent
- $types = array(
- 'Triggers' => 'set',
- 'Controllable' => 'toggle',
- 'TrackMotion' => 'toggle',
- 'Enabled' => 'toggle',
- 'DoNativeMotDet' => 'toggle',
- 'Exif' => 'toggle',
- 'RTSPDescribe' => 'toggle',
- 'RecordAudio' => 'toggle',
- );
- $columns = getTableColumns( 'Monitors' );
- $changes = getFormChanges( $monitor, $_REQUEST['newMonitor'], $types, $columns );
- if ( count( $changes ) )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) )
- {
- $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']);
- dbQuery( "update Monitors set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where Id =?", array($mid) );
- if ( isset($changes['Name']) )
- {
- $saferOldName = basename( $monitor['Name'] );
- $saferNewName = basename( $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Name'] );
- rename( ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".$saferOldName, ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".$saferNewName);
- }
- if ( isset($changes['Width']) || isset($changes['Height']) )
- {
- $newW = $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width'];
- $newH = $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height'];
- $newA = $newW * $newH;
- $oldW = $monitor['Width'];
- $oldH = $monitor['Height'];
- $oldA = $oldW * $oldH;
- $zones = dbFetchAll( "select * from Zones where MonitorId=?", NULL, array($mid) );
- foreach ( $zones as $zone )
- {
- $newZone = $zone;
- $points = coordsToPoints( $zone['Coords'] );
- for ( $i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++ )
- {
- $points[$i]['x'] = intval(($points[$i]['x']*($newW-1))/($oldW-1));
- $points[$i]['y'] = intval(($points[$i]['y']*($newH-1))/($oldH-1));
- }
- $newZone['Coords'] = pointsToCoords( $points );
- $newZone['Area'] = intval(round(($zone['Area']*$newA)/$oldA));
- $newZone['MinAlarmPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinAlarmPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
- $newZone['MaxAlarmPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxAlarmPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
- $newZone['MinFilterPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinFilterPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
- $newZone['MaxFilterPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxFilterPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
- $newZone['MinBlobPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinBlobPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
- $newZone['MaxBlobPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxBlobPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
- $changes = getFormChanges( $zone, $newZone, $types );
- if ( count( $changes ) )
- {
- dbQuery( "update Zones set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?", array( $mid, $zone['Id'] ) );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- elseif ( !$user['MonitorIds'] )
- {
- # FIXME This is actually a race condition. Should lock the table.
- $maxSeq = dbFetchOne( "select max(Sequence) as MaxSequence from Monitors", "MaxSequence" );
- $changes[] = "Sequence = ".($maxSeq+1);
- dbQuery( "insert into Monitors set ".implode( ", ", $changes ) );
- $mid = dbInsertId();
- $zoneArea = $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width'] * $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height'];
- dbQuery( "insert into Zones set MonitorId = ?, Name = 'All', Type = 'Active', Units = 'Percent', NumCoords = 4, Coords = ?, Area=?, AlarmRGB = 0xff0000, CheckMethod = 'Blobs', MinPixelThreshold = 25, MinAlarmPixels=?, MaxAlarmPixels=?, FilterX = 3, FilterY = 3, MinFilterPixels=?, MaxFilterPixels=?, MinBlobPixels=?, MinBlobs = 1", array( $mid, sprintf( "%d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", 0, 0, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width']-1, 0, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width']-1, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height']-1, 0, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height']-1 ), $zoneArea, intval(($zoneArea*3)/100), intval(($zoneArea*75)/100), intval(($zoneArea*3)/100), intval(($zoneArea*75)/100), intval(($zoneArea*2)/100) ) );
- //$view = 'none';
- mkdir( ZM_DIR_EVENTS.'/'.$mid, 0755 );
- $saferName = basename($_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Name']);
- symlink( $mid, ZM_DIR_EVENTS.'/'.$saferName );
- if ( isset($_COOKIE['zmGroup']) )
- {
- dbQuery( "UPDATE Groups SET MonitorIds = concat(MonitorIds,',".$mid."') WHERE Id=?", array($_COOKIE['zmGroup']) );
- }
- }
- $restart = true;
- }
- if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
- {
- $x10Changes = getFormChanges( $x10Monitor, $_REQUEST['newX10Monitor'] );
- if ( count( $x10Changes ) )
- {
- if ( $x10Monitor && isset($_REQUEST['newX10Monitor']) )
- {
- dbQuery( "update TriggersX10 set ".implode( ", ", $x10Changes )." where MonitorId=?", array($mid) );
- }
- elseif ( !$user['MonitorIds'] )
- {
- if ( !$x10Monitor )
- {
- dbQuery( "insert into TriggersX10 set MonitorId = ?".implode( ", ", $x10Changes ), array( $mid ) );
- }
- else
- {
- dbQuery( "delete from TriggersX10 where MonitorId = ?", array($mid) );
- }
- }
- $restart = true;
- }
- }
- if ( $restart )
- {
- $monitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = ?", NULL, array($mid) );
- //fixDevices();
- //if ( $cookies )
- //session_write_close();
- if ( daemonCheck() )
- {
- zmaControl( $monitor, "stop" );
- zmcControl( $monitor, "restart" );
- zmaControl( $monitor, "start" );
- }
- if ( $monitor['Controllable'] ) {
- require_once( 'control_functions.php' );
- sendControlCommand( $mid, 'quit' );
- }
- //daemonControl( 'restart', 'zmwatch.pl' );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- $view = 'none';
- }
- if ( $action == "delete" )
- {
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['markMids']) && !$user['MonitorIds'] )
- {
- foreach( $_REQUEST['markMids'] as $markMid )
- {
- if ( canEdit( 'Monitors', $markMid ) )
- {
- if ( $monitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = ?", NULL, array($markMid) ) )
- {
- if ( daemonCheck() )
- {
- zmaControl( $monitor, "stop" );
- zmcControl( $monitor, "stop" );
- }
- // This is the important stuff
- dbQuery( "delete from Monitors where Id = ?", array($markMid) );
- dbQuery( "delete from Zones where MonitorId = ?", array($markMid) );
- if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
- dbQuery( "delete from TriggersX10 where MonitorId=?", array($markMid) );
- fixSequences();
- // If fast deletes are on, then zmaudit will clean everything else up later
- // If fast deletes are off and there are lots of events then this step may
- // well time out before completing, in which case zmaudit will still tidy up
- {
- // Slight hack, we maybe should load *, but we happen to know that the deleteEvent function uses Id and StartTime.
- $markEids = dbFetchAll( "SELECT Id,StartTime FROM Events WHERE MonitorId=?", NULL, array($markMid) );
- foreach( $markEids as $markEid )
- deleteEvent( $markEid, $markMid );
- deletePath( ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".basename($monitor['Name']) );
- deletePath( ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".$monitor['Id'] ); // I'm trusting the Id.
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ $_REQUEST['filter']['sort_field'] = validStr($_REQUEST['sort_field']);
+ $_REQUEST['filter']['sort_asc'] = validStr($_REQUEST['sort_asc']);
+ $_REQUEST['filter']['limit'] = validInt($_REQUEST['limit']);
+ $sql = "replace into Filters set Name = ".dbEscape($filterName).", Query = ".dbEscape(jsonEncode($_REQUEST['filter']));
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoArchive']) )
+ $sql .= ", AutoArchive = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoArchive']);
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoVideo']) )
+ $sql .= ", AutoVideo = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoVideo']);
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoUpload']) )
+ $sql .= ", AutoUpload = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoUpload']);
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoEmail']) )
+ $sql .= ", AutoEmail = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoEmail']);
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoMessage']) )
+ $sql .= ", AutoMessage = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoMessage']);
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoExecute']) && !empty($_REQUEST['AutoExecuteCmd']) )
+ $sql .= ", AutoExecute = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoExecute']).", AutoExecuteCmd = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoExecuteCmd']);
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['AutoDelete']) )
+ $sql .= ", AutoDelete = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['AutoDelete']);
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['background']) )
+ $sql .= ", Background = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['background']);
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['concurrent']) )
+ $sql .= ", Concurrent = ".dbEscape($_REQUEST['concurrent']);
+ dbQuery( $sql );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ }
- // Device view actions
- if ( canEdit( 'Devices' ) )
+ // Event scope actions, edit permissions required
+ if ( canEdit( 'Events' ) )
+ {
+ if ( $action == "rename" && isset($_REQUEST['eventName']) && !empty($_REQUEST['eid']) )
- if ( $action == "device" )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['command']) )
- {
- setDeviceStatusX10( $_REQUEST['key'], $_REQUEST['command'] );
- }
- elseif ( isset( $_REQUEST['newDevice'] ) )
- {
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['did']) )
- {
- dbQuery( "update Devices set Name=?, KeyString=? where Id=?", array($_REQUEST['newDevice']['Name'], $_REQUEST['newDevice']['KeyString'], $_REQUEST['did']) );
- }
- else
- {
- dbQuery( "insert into Devices set Name=?, KeyString=?", array( $_REQUEST['newDevice']['Name'], $_REQUEST['newDevice']['KeyString'] ) );
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- $view = 'none';
- }
- }
- elseif ( $action == "delete" )
- {
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['markDids']) )
- {
- foreach( $_REQUEST['markDids'] as $markDid )
- {
- dbQuery( "delete from Devices where Id=?", array($markDid) );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- }
- }
+ dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Name=? WHERE Id=?', array( $_REQUEST['eventName'], $_REQUEST['eid'] ) );
- // Group view actions
- if ( canView( 'Groups' ) && $action == "setgroup" ) {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['gid']) ) {
- setcookie( "zmGroup", validInt($_REQUEST['gid']), time()+3600*24*30*12*10 );
- } else {
- setcookie( "zmGroup", "", time()-3600*24*2 );
+ else if ( $action == "eventdetail" )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['eid']) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Cause=?, Notes=? WHERE Id=?', array( $_REQUEST['newEvent']['Cause'], $_REQUEST['newEvent']['Notes'], $_REQUEST['eid'] ) );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach( getAffectedIds( 'markEid' ) as $markEid )
+ {
+ dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Cause=?, Notes=? WHERE Id=?', array( $_REQUEST['newEvent']['Cause'], $_REQUEST['newEvent']['Notes'], $markEid ) );
+ $refreshParent = true;
- $refreshParent = true;
+ }
- // Group edit actions
- if ( canEdit( 'Groups' ) ) {
- if ( $action == "group" ) {
- # Should probably verfy that each monitor id is a valid monitor, that we have access to. HOwever at the moment, you have to have System permissions to do this
- $monitors = empty( $_POST['newGroup']['MonitorIds'] ) ? NULL : implode(',', $_POST['newGroup']['MonitorIds']);
- if ( !empty($_POST['gid']) ) {
- dbQuery( "UPDATE Groups SET Name=?, MonitorIds=? WHERE Id=?", array($_POST['newGroup']['Name'], $monitors, $_POST['gid']) );
- } else {
- dbQuery( "INSERT INTO Groups SET Name=?, MonitorIds=?", array( $_POST['newGroup']['Name'], $monitors ) );
- }
- $view = 'none';
+ elseif ( $action == "archive" || $action == "unarchive" )
+ {
+ $archiveVal = ($action == "archive")?1:0;
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['eid']) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Archived=? WHERE Id=?', array( $archiveVal, $_REQUEST['eid']) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach( getAffectedIds( 'markEid' ) as $markEid )
+ {
+ dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Archived=? WHERE Id=?', array( $archiveVal, $markEid ) );
+ $refreshParent = true;
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['gid']) && $action == "delete" ) {
- dbQuery( "delete from Groups where Id = ?", array($_REQUEST['gid']) );
- if ( isset($_COOKIE['zmGroup']) )
- {
- if ( $_REQUEST['gid'] == $_COOKIE['zmGroup'] )
- {
- unset( $_COOKIE['zmGroup'] );
- setcookie( "zmGroup", "", time()-3600*24*2 );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "delete" )
+ {
+ foreach( getAffectedIds( 'markEid' ) as $markEid )
+ {
+ deleteEvent( $markEid );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['fid']) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( 'DELETE FROM Filters WHERE Name=?', array( $_REQUEST['fid'] ) );
+ //$refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Monitor control actions, require a monitor id and control view permissions for that monitor
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) && canView( 'Control', $_REQUEST['mid'] ) )
+ {
+ require_once( 'control_functions.php' );
+ require_once( 'Monitor.php' );
+ $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']);
+ if ( $action == "control" )
+ {
+ $monitor = new Monitor( $mid );
+ $ctrlCommand = buildControlCommand( $monitor );
+ sendControlCommand( $monitor->Id(), $ctrlCommand );
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "settings" )
+ {
+ $args = " -m " . escapeshellarg($mid);
+ $args .= " -B" . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newBrightness']);
+ $args .= " -C" . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newContrast']);
+ $args .= " -H" . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newHue']);
+ $args .= " -O" . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newColour']);
+ $zmuCommand = getZmuCommand( $args );
+ $zmuOutput = exec( $zmuCommand );
+ list( $brightness, $contrast, $hue, $colour ) = explode( ' ', $zmuOutput );
+ dbQuery( "update Monitors set Brightness = ?, Contrast = ?, Hue = ?, Colour = ? where Id = ?", array($brightness, $contrast, $hue, $colour, $mid));
+ }
+ }
+ // Control capability actions, require control edit permissions
+ if ( canEdit( 'Control' ) )
+ {
+ if ( $action == "controlcap" )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['cid']) )
+ {
+ $control = dbFetchOne( "select * from Controls where Id = ?", NULL, array($_REQUEST['cid']) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $control = array();
+ }
+ // Define a field type for anything that's not simple text equivalent
+ $types = array(
+ // Empty
+ );
+ $columns = getTableColumns( 'Controls' );
+ foreach ( $columns as $name=>$type )
+ {
+ if ( preg_match( '/^(Can|Has)/', $name ) )
+ {
+ $types[$name] = 'toggle';
+ }
+ }
+ $changes = getFormChanges( $control, $_REQUEST['newControl'], $types, $columns );
+ if ( count( $changes ) )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['cid']) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "update Controls set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where Id = ?", array($_REQUEST['cid']) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dbQuery( "insert into Controls set ".implode( ", ", $changes ) );
+ //$_REQUEST['cid'] = dbInsertId();
$refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ $view = 'none';
- // System edit actions
- if ( canEdit( 'System' ) )
+ elseif ( $action == "delete" )
- if ( isset( $_REQUEST['object'] ) ) {
- if ( $_REQUEST['object'] == 'server' ) {
- if ( $action == "Save" ) {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) )
- $dbServer = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Servers WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($_REQUEST['id']) );
- else
- $dbServer = array();
- $types = array();
- $changes = getFormChanges( $dbServer, $_REQUEST['newServer'], $types );
- if ( count( $changes ) ) {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ) {
- dbQuery( "UPDATE Servers SET ".implode( ", ", $changes )." WHERE Id = ?", array($_REQUEST['id']) );
- } else {
- dbQuery( "INSERT INTO Servers set ".implode( ", ", $changes ) );
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- $view = 'none';
- } else if ( $action == 'delete' ) {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['markIds']) ) {
- foreach( $_REQUEST['markIds'] as $Id )
- dbQuery( "DELETE FROM Servers WHERE Id=?", array($Id) );
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- } else {
- Error( "Unknown action $action in saving Server" );
- }
- } else if ( $_REQUEST['object'] == 'storage' ) {
- if ( $action == "Save" ) {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) )
- $dbStorage = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Storage WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($_REQUEST['id']) );
- else
- $dbStorage = array();
- $types = array();
- $changes = getFormChanges( $dbStorage, $_REQUEST['newStorage'], $types );
- if ( count( $changes ) ) {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ) {
- dbQuery( "UPDATE Storage SET ".implode( ", ", $changes )." WHERE Id = ?", array($_REQUEST['id']) );
- } else {
- dbQuery( "INSERT INTO Storage set ".implode( ", ", $changes ) );
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- $view = 'none';
- } else if ( $action == 'delete' ) {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['markIds']) ) {
- foreach( $_REQUEST['markIds'] as $Id )
- dbQuery( "DELETE FROM Storage WHERE Id=?", array($Id) );
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- } else {
- Error( "Unknown action $action in saving Storage" );
- }
- } # end if isset($_REQUEST['object'] )
- } else if ( $action == "version" && isset($_REQUEST['option']) )
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['markCids']) )
+ {
+ foreach( $_REQUEST['markCids'] as $markCid )
- $option = $_REQUEST['option'];
- switch( $option )
- {
- case 'go' :
- {
- // Ignore this, the caller will open the page itself
- break;
- }
- case 'ignore' :
- {
- dbQuery( "update Config set Value = '".ZM_DYN_LAST_VERSION."' where Name = 'ZM_DYN_CURR_VERSION'" );
- break;
- }
- case 'hour' :
- case 'day' :
- case 'week' :
- {
- $nextReminder = time();
- if ( $option == 'hour' )
- {
- $nextReminder += 60*60;
- }
- elseif ( $option == 'day' )
- {
- $nextReminder += 24*60*60;
- }
- elseif ( $option == 'week' )
- {
- $nextReminder += 7*24*60*60;
- }
- dbQuery( "update Config set Value = '".$nextReminder."' where Name = 'ZM_DYN_NEXT_REMINDER'" );
- break;
- }
- case 'never' :
- {
- dbQuery( "update Config set Value = '0' where Name = 'ZM_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES'" );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $action == "donate" && isset($_REQUEST['option']) )
- {
- $option = $_REQUEST['option'];
- switch( $option )
- {
- case 'go' :
- {
- // Ignore this, the caller will open the page itself
- break;
- }
- case 'hour' :
- case 'day' :
- case 'week' :
- case 'month' :
- {
- $nextReminder = time();
- if ( $option == 'hour' )
- {
- $nextReminder += 60*60;
- }
- elseif ( $option == 'day' )
- {
- $nextReminder += 24*60*60;
- }
- elseif ( $option == 'week' )
- {
- $nextReminder += 7*24*60*60;
- }
- elseif ( $option == 'month' )
- {
- $nextReminder += 30*24*60*60;
- }
- dbQuery( "update Config set Value = '".$nextReminder."' where Name = 'ZM_DYN_DONATE_REMINDER_TIME'" );
- break;
- }
- case 'never' :
- case 'already' :
- {
- dbQuery( "update Config set Value = '0' where Name = 'ZM_DYN_SHOW_DONATE_REMINDER'" );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $action == "options" && isset($_REQUEST['tab']) )
- {
- $configCat = $configCats[$_REQUEST['tab']];
- $changed = false;
- foreach ( $configCat as $name=>$value )
- {
- unset( $newValue );
- if ( $value['Type'] == "boolean" && empty($_REQUEST['newConfig'][$name]) )
- $newValue = 0;
- elseif ( isset($_REQUEST['newConfig'][$name]) )
- $newValue = preg_replace( "/\r\n/", "\n", stripslashes( $_REQUEST['newConfig'][$name] ) );
- if ( isset($newValue) && ($newValue != $value['Value']) )
- {
- dbQuery( 'UPDATE Config SET Value=? WHERE Name=?', array( $newValue, $name ) );
- $changed = true;
- }
- }
- if ( $changed )
- {
- switch( $_REQUEST['tab'] )
- {
- case "system" :
- case "config" :
- case "paths" :
- $restartWarning = true;
- break;
- case "web" :
- case "tools" :
- break;
- case "logging" :
- case "network" :
- case "mail" :
- case "upload" :
- $restartWarning = true;
- break;
- case "highband" :
- case "medband" :
- case "lowband" :
- break;
- }
- }
- loadConfig( false );
- }
- elseif ( $action == "user" )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['uid']) )
- $dbUser = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($_REQUEST['uid']) );
- else
- $dbUser = array();
- $types = array();
- $changes = getFormChanges( $dbUser, $_REQUEST['newUser'], $types );
- if ( $_REQUEST['newUser']['Password'] )
- $changes['Password'] = "Password = password(".dbEscape($_REQUEST['newUser']['Password']).")";
- else
- unset( $changes['Password'] );
- if ( count( $changes ) )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['uid']) )
- {
- dbQuery( "update Users set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where Id = ?", array($_REQUEST['uid']) );
- }
- else
- {
- dbQuery( "insert into Users set ".implode( ", ", $changes ) );
- }
- $refreshParent = true;
- if ( $dbUser['Username'] == $user['Username'] )
- userLogin( $dbUser['Username'], $dbUser['Password'] );
- }
- $view = 'none';
- }
- elseif ( $action == "state" )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['runState']) )
- {
- //if ( $cookies ) session_write_close();
- packageControl( $_REQUEST['runState'] );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- }
- elseif ( $action == "save" )
- {
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['runState']) || !empty($_REQUEST['newState']) )
- {
- $sql = "select Id,Function,Enabled from Monitors order by Id";
- $definitions = array();
- foreach( dbFetchAll( $sql ) as $monitor )
- {
- $definitions[] = $monitor['Id'].":".$monitor['Function'].":".$monitor['Enabled'];
- }
- $definition = join( ',', $definitions );
- if ( $_REQUEST['newState'] )
- $_REQUEST['runState'] = $_REQUEST['newState'];
- dbQuery( "replace into States set Name=?, Definition=?", array( $_REQUEST['runState'],$definition) );
- }
- }
- elseif ( $action == "delete" )
- {
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['runState']) )
- dbQuery( "delete from States where Name=?", array($_REQUEST['runState']) );
- if ( isset($_REQUEST['markUids']) )
- {
- foreach( $_REQUEST['markUids'] as $markUid )
- dbQuery( "delete from Users where Id = ?", array($markUid) );
- if ( $markUid == $user['Id'] )
- userLogout();
- }
+ dbQuery( "delete from Controls where Id = ?", array($markCid) );
+ dbQuery( "update Monitors set Controllable = 0, ControlId = 0 where ControlId = ?", array($markCid) );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
- else
+ }
+ // Monitor edit actions, require a monitor id and edit permissions for that monitor
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) && canEdit( 'Monitors', $_REQUEST['mid'] ) )
+ {
+ $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']);
+ if ( $action == "function" )
- if ( ZM_USER_SELF_EDIT && $action == "user" )
- {
- $uid = $user['Id'];
+ $monitor = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($mid) );
- $dbUser = dbFetchOne( "select Id, Password, Language from Users where Id = ?", NULL, array($uid) );
+ $newFunction = validStr($_REQUEST['newFunction']);
+ $newEnabled = isset( $_REQUEST['newEnabled'] ) and $_REQUEST['newEnabled'] != "1" ? "0" : "1";
+ $oldFunction = $monitor['Function'];
+ $oldEnabled = $monitor['Enabled'];
+ if ( $newFunction != $oldFunction || $newEnabled != $oldEnabled )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "update Monitors set Function=?, Enabled=? where Id=?", array( $newFunction, $newEnabled, $mid ) );
- $types = array();
- $changes = getFormChanges( $dbUser, $_REQUEST['newUser'], $types );
- if ( !empty($_REQUEST['newUser']['Password']) )
- $changes['Password'] = "Password = password(".dbEscape($_REQUEST['newUser']['Password']).")";
- else
- unset( $changes['Password'] );
- if ( count( $changes ) )
- {
- dbQuery( "update Users set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where Id=?", array($uid) );
- $refreshParent = true;
- }
- $view = 'none';
- }
- }
- if ( $action == "reset" )
- {
- $_SESSION['zmEventResetTime'] = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB );
- setcookie( "zmEventResetTime", $_SESSION['zmEventResetTime'], time()+3600*24*30*12*10 );
+ $monitor['Function'] = $newFunction;
+ $monitor['Enabled'] = $newEnabled;
//if ( $cookies ) session_write_close();
+ if ( daemonCheck() )
+ {
+ $restart = ($oldFunction == 'None') || ($newFunction == 'None') || ($newEnabled != $oldEnabled);
+ zmaControl( $monitor, "stop" );
+ zmcControl( $monitor, $restart?"restart":"" );
+ zmaControl( $monitor, "start" );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "zone" && isset( $_REQUEST['zid'] ) )
+ {
+ $zid = validInt($_REQUEST['zid']);
+ $monitor = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($mid) );
+ if ( !empty($zid) )
+ {
+ $zone = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Zones WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?", NULL, array( $mid, $zid ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $zone = array();
+ }
+ if ( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Units'] == 'Percent' )
+ {
+ $_REQUEST['newZone']['MinAlarmPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinAlarmPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
+ $_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxAlarmPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxAlarmPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinFilterPixels']) )
+ $_REQUEST['newZone']['MinFilterPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinFilterPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxFilterPixels']) )
+ $_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxFilterPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxFilterPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinBlobPixels']) )
+ $_REQUEST['newZone']['MinBlobPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinBlobPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxBlobPixels']) )
+ $_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxBlobPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxBlobPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100);
+ }
+ unset( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Points'] );
+ $types = array();
+ $changes = getFormChanges( $zone, $_REQUEST['newZone'], $types );
+ if ( count( $changes ) )
+ {
+ if ( $zid > 0 )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "UPDATE Zones SET ".implode( ", ", $changes )." WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?", array( $mid, $zid) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dbQuery( "INSERT INTO Zones SET MonitorId=?, ".implode( ", ", $changes ), array( $mid ) );
+ }
+ //if ( $cookies ) session_write_close();
+ if ( daemonCheck() )
+ {
+ if ( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Type'] == 'Privacy' )
+ {
+ zmaControl( $monitor, "stop" );
+ zmcControl( $monitor, "restart" );
+ zmaControl( $monitor, "start" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ zmaControl( $mid, "restart" );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Type'] == 'Privacy' && $monitor['Controllable'] ) {
+ require_once( 'control_functions.php' );
+ sendControlCommand( $mid, 'quit' );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ $view = 'none';
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "plugin" && isset($_REQUEST['pl']))
+ {
+ $sql="SELECT * FROM PluginsConfig WHERE MonitorId=? AND ZoneId=? AND pluginName=?";
+ $pconfs=dbFetchAll( $sql, NULL, array( $mid, $_REQUEST['zid'], $_REQUEST['pl'] ) );
+ $changes=0;
+ foreach( $pconfs as $pconf )
+ {
+ $value=$_REQUEST['pluginOpt'][$pconf['Name']];
+ if(array_key_exists($pconf['Name'], $_REQUEST['pluginOpt']) && ($pconf['Value']!=$value))
+ {
+ dbQuery("UPDATE PluginsConfig SET Value=? WHERE id=?", array( $value, $pconf['Id'] ) );
+ $changes++;
+ }
+ }
+ if($changes>0)
+ {
+ if ( daemonCheck() )
+ {
+ zmaControl( $mid, "restart" );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ $view = 'none';
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "sequence" && isset($_REQUEST['smid']) )
+ {
+ $smid = validInt($_REQUEST['smid']);
+ $monitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = ?", NULL, array($mid) );
+ $smonitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = ?", NULL, array($smid) );
+ dbQuery( "update Monitors set Sequence=? where Id=?", array( $smonitor['Sequence'], $monitor['Id'] ) );
+ dbQuery( "update Monitors set Sequence=? WHERE Id=?", array( $monitor['Sequence'], $smonitor['Id'] ) );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ fixSequences();
+ }
+ if ( $action == "delete" )
+ {
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['markZids']) )
+ {
+ $deletedZid = 0;
+ foreach( $_REQUEST['markZids'] as $markZid )
+ {
+ $zone = dbFetchOne( "select * from Zones where Id=?", NULL, array($markZid) );
+ dbQuery( "delete from Zones WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?", array( $mid, $markZid) );
+ $deletedZid = 1;
+ }
+ if ( $deletedZid )
+ {
+ //if ( $cookies )
+ //session_write_close();
+ if ( daemonCheck() )
+ if ( $zone['Type'] == 'Privacy' )
+ {
+ zmaControl( $mid, "stop" );
+ zmcControl( $mid, "restart" );
+ zmaControl( $mid, "start" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ zmaControl( $mid, "restart" );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Monitor edit actions, monitor id derived, require edit permissions for that monitor
+ if ( canEdit( 'Monitors' ) )
+ {
+ if ( $action == "monitor" )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) )
+ {
+ $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']);
+ $monitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = ?", NULL, array($mid) );
+ if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
+ {
+ $x10Monitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from TriggersX10 where MonitorId=?", NULL, array($mid) );
+ if ( !$x10Monitor )
+ $x10Monitor = array();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $monitor = array();
+ if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
+ {
+ $x10Monitor = array();
+ }
+ }
+ // Define a field type for anything that's not simple text equivalent
+ $types = array(
+ 'Triggers' => 'set',
+ 'Controllable' => 'toggle',
+ 'TrackMotion' => 'toggle',
+ 'Enabled' => 'toggle',
+ 'DoNativeMotDet' => 'toggle',
+ 'Exif' => 'toggle',
+ 'RTSPDescribe' => 'toggle',
+ 'RecordAudio' => 'toggle',
+ );
+ $columns = getTableColumns( 'Monitors' );
+ $changes = getFormChanges( $monitor, $_REQUEST['newMonitor'], $types, $columns );
+ if ( count( $changes ) )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) )
+ {
+ $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']);
+ dbQuery( "update Monitors set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where Id =?", array($mid) );
+ if ( isset($changes['Name']) )
+ {
+ $saferOldName = basename( $monitor['Name'] );
+ $saferNewName = basename( $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Name'] );
+ rename( ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".$saferOldName, ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".$saferNewName);
+ }
+ if ( isset($changes['Width']) || isset($changes['Height']) )
+ {
+ $newW = $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width'];
+ $newH = $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height'];
+ $newA = $newW * $newH;
+ $oldW = $monitor['Width'];
+ $oldH = $monitor['Height'];
+ $oldA = $oldW * $oldH;
+ $zones = dbFetchAll( "select * from Zones where MonitorId=?", NULL, array($mid) );
+ foreach ( $zones as $zone )
+ {
+ $newZone = $zone;
+ $points = coordsToPoints( $zone['Coords'] );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++ )
+ {
+ $points[$i]['x'] = intval(($points[$i]['x']*($newW-1))/($oldW-1));
+ $points[$i]['y'] = intval(($points[$i]['y']*($newH-1))/($oldH-1));
+ }
+ $newZone['Coords'] = pointsToCoords( $points );
+ $newZone['Area'] = intval(round(($zone['Area']*$newA)/$oldA));
+ $newZone['MinAlarmPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinAlarmPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
+ $newZone['MaxAlarmPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxAlarmPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
+ $newZone['MinFilterPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinFilterPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
+ $newZone['MaxFilterPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxFilterPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
+ $newZone['MinBlobPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinBlobPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
+ $newZone['MaxBlobPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxBlobPixels']*$newA)/$oldA));
+ $changes = getFormChanges( $zone, $newZone, $types );
+ if ( count( $changes ) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "update Zones set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?", array( $mid, $zone['Id'] ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ( !$user['MonitorIds'] )
+ {
+# FIXME This is actually a race condition. Should lock the table.
+ $maxSeq = dbFetchOne( "select max(Sequence) as MaxSequence from Monitors", "MaxSequence" );
+ $changes[] = "Sequence = ".($maxSeq+1);
+ dbQuery( "insert into Monitors set ".implode( ", ", $changes ) );
+ $mid = dbInsertId();
+ $zoneArea = $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width'] * $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height'];
+ dbQuery( "insert into Zones set MonitorId = ?, Name = 'All', Type = 'Active', Units = 'Percent', NumCoords = 4, Coords = ?, Area=?, AlarmRGB = 0xff0000, CheckMethod = 'Blobs', MinPixelThreshold = 25, MinAlarmPixels=?, MaxAlarmPixels=?, FilterX = 3, FilterY = 3, MinFilterPixels=?, MaxFilterPixels=?, MinBlobPixels=?, MinBlobs = 1", array( $mid, sprintf( "%d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", 0, 0, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width']-1, 0, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width']-1, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height']-1, 0, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height']-1 ), $zoneArea, intval(($zoneArea*3)/100), intval(($zoneArea*75)/100), intval(($zoneArea*3)/100), intval(($zoneArea*75)/100), intval(($zoneArea*2)/100) ) );
+ //$view = 'none';
+ mkdir( ZM_DIR_EVENTS.'/'.$mid, 0755 );
+ $saferName = basename($_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Name']);
+ symlink( $mid, ZM_DIR_EVENTS.'/'.$saferName );
+ if ( isset($_COOKIE['zmGroup']) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "UPDATE Groups SET MonitorIds = concat(MonitorIds,',".$mid."') WHERE Id=?", array($_COOKIE['zmGroup']) );
+ }
+ }
+ $restart = true;
+ }
+ if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
+ {
+ $x10Changes = getFormChanges( $x10Monitor, $_REQUEST['newX10Monitor'] );
+ if ( count( $x10Changes ) )
+ {
+ if ( $x10Monitor && isset($_REQUEST['newX10Monitor']) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "update TriggersX10 set ".implode( ", ", $x10Changes )." where MonitorId=?", array($mid) );
+ }
+ elseif ( !$user['MonitorIds'] )
+ {
+ if ( !$x10Monitor )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "insert into TriggersX10 set MonitorId = ?".implode( ", ", $x10Changes ), array( $mid ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dbQuery( "delete from TriggersX10 where MonitorId = ?", array($mid) );
+ }
+ }
+ $restart = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $restart )
+ {
+ $monitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = ?", NULL, array($mid) );
+ //fixDevices();
+ //if ( $cookies )
+ //session_write_close();
+ if ( daemonCheck() )
+ {
+ zmaControl( $monitor, "stop" );
+ zmcControl( $monitor, "restart" );
+ zmaControl( $monitor, "start" );
+ }
+ if ( $monitor['Controllable'] ) {
+ require_once( 'control_functions.php' );
+ sendControlCommand( $mid, 'quit' );
+ }
+ //daemonControl( 'restart', 'zmwatch.pl' );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ $view = 'none';
+ }
+ if ( $action == "delete" )
+ {
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['markMids']) && !$user['MonitorIds'] )
+ {
+ foreach( $_REQUEST['markMids'] as $markMid )
+ {
+ if ( canEdit( 'Monitors', $markMid ) )
+ {
+ if ( $monitor = dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = ?", NULL, array($markMid) ) )
+ {
+ if ( daemonCheck() )
+ {
+ zmaControl( $monitor, "stop" );
+ zmcControl( $monitor, "stop" );
+ }
+ // This is the important stuff
+ dbQuery( "delete from Monitors where Id = ?", array($markMid) );
+ dbQuery( "delete from Zones where MonitorId = ?", array($markMid) );
+ if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
+ dbQuery( "delete from TriggersX10 where MonitorId=?", array($markMid) );
+ fixSequences();
+ // If fast deletes are on, then zmaudit will clean everything else up later
+ // If fast deletes are off and there are lots of events then this step may
+ // well time out before completing, in which case zmaudit will still tidy up
+ {
+ // Slight hack, we maybe should load *, but we happen to know that the deleteEvent function uses Id and StartTime.
+ $markEids = dbFetchAll( "SELECT Id,StartTime FROM Events WHERE MonitorId=?", NULL, array($markMid) );
+ foreach( $markEids as $markEid )
+ deleteEvent( $markEid, $markMid );
+ deletePath( ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".basename($monitor['Name']) );
+ deletePath( ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".$monitor['Id'] ); // I'm trusting the Id.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Device view actions
+ if ( canEdit( 'Devices' ) )
+ {
+ if ( $action == "device" )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['command']) )
+ {
+ setDeviceStatusX10( $_REQUEST['key'], $_REQUEST['command'] );
+ }
+ elseif ( isset( $_REQUEST['newDevice'] ) )
+ {
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['did']) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "update Devices set Name=?, KeyString=? where Id=?", array($_REQUEST['newDevice']['Name'], $_REQUEST['newDevice']['KeyString'], $_REQUEST['did']) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dbQuery( "insert into Devices set Name=?, KeyString=?", array( $_REQUEST['newDevice']['Name'], $_REQUEST['newDevice']['KeyString'] ) );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ $view = 'none';
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "delete" )
+ {
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['markDids']) )
+ {
+ foreach( $_REQUEST['markDids'] as $markDid )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "delete from Devices where Id=?", array($markDid) );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Group view actions
+ if ( canView( 'Groups' ) && $action == "setgroup" ) {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['gid']) ) {
+ setcookie( "zmGroup", validInt($_REQUEST['gid']), time()+3600*24*30*12*10 );
+ } else {
+ setcookie( "zmGroup", "", time()-3600*24*2 );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ // Group edit actions
+ if ( canEdit( 'Groups' ) ) {
+ if ( $action == "group" ) {
+# Should probably verfy that each monitor id is a valid monitor, that we have access to. HOwever at the moment, you have to have System permissions to do this
+ $monitors = empty( $_POST['newGroup']['MonitorIds'] ) ? NULL : implode(',', $_POST['newGroup']['MonitorIds']);
+ if ( !empty($_POST['gid']) ) {
+ dbQuery( "UPDATE Groups SET Name=?, MonitorIds=? WHERE Id=?", array($_POST['newGroup']['Name'], $monitors, $_POST['gid']) );
+ } else {
+ dbQuery( "INSERT INTO Groups SET Name=?, MonitorIds=?", array( $_POST['newGroup']['Name'], $monitors ) );
+ }
+ $view = 'none';
+ }
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['gid']) && $action == "delete" ) {
+ dbQuery( "delete from Groups where Id = ?", array($_REQUEST['gid']) );
+ if ( isset($_COOKIE['zmGroup']) )
+ {
+ if ( $_REQUEST['gid'] == $_COOKIE['zmGroup'] )
+ {
+ unset( $_COOKIE['zmGroup'] );
+ setcookie( "zmGroup", "", time()-3600*24*2 );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ // System edit actions
+ if ( canEdit( 'System' ) )
+ {
+ if ( isset( $_REQUEST['object'] ) ) {
+ if ( $_REQUEST['object'] == 'server' ) {
+ if ( $action == "Save" ) {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) )
+ $dbServer = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Servers WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($_REQUEST['id']) );
+ else
+ $dbServer = array();
+ $types = array();
+ $changes = getFormChanges( $dbServer, $_REQUEST['newServer'], $types );
+ if ( count( $changes ) ) {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ) {
+ dbQuery( "UPDATE Servers SET ".implode( ", ", $changes )." WHERE Id = ?", array($_REQUEST['id']) );
+ } else {
+ dbQuery( "INSERT INTO Servers set ".implode( ", ", $changes ) );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ $view = 'none';
+ } else if ( $action == 'delete' ) {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['markIds']) ) {
+ foreach( $_REQUEST['markIds'] as $Id )
+ dbQuery( "DELETE FROM Servers WHERE Id=?", array($Id) );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ } else {
+ Error( "Unknown action $action in saving Server" );
+ }
+ } else if ( $_REQUEST['object'] == 'storage' ) {
+ if ( $action == "Save" ) {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) )
+ $dbStorage = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Storage WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($_REQUEST['id']) );
+ else
+ $dbStorage = array();
+ $types = array();
+ $changes = getFormChanges( $dbStorage, $_REQUEST['newStorage'], $types );
+ if ( count( $changes ) ) {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ) {
+ dbQuery( "UPDATE Storage SET ".implode( ", ", $changes )." WHERE Id = ?", array($_REQUEST['id']) );
+ } else {
+ dbQuery( "INSERT INTO Storage set ".implode( ", ", $changes ) );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ $view = 'none';
+ } else if ( $action == 'delete' ) {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['markIds']) ) {
+ foreach( $_REQUEST['markIds'] as $Id )
+ dbQuery( "DELETE FROM Storage WHERE Id=?", array($Id) );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ } else {
+ Error( "Unknown action $action in saving Storage" );
+ }
+ } # end if isset($_REQUEST['object'] )
+ } else if ( $action == "version" && isset($_REQUEST['option']) )
+ {
+ $option = $_REQUEST['option'];
+ switch( $option )
+ {
+ case 'go' :
+ {
+ // Ignore this, the caller will open the page itself
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'ignore' :
+ {
+ dbQuery( "update Config set Value = '".ZM_DYN_LAST_VERSION."' where Name = 'ZM_DYN_CURR_VERSION'" );
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'hour' :
+ case 'day' :
+ case 'week' :
+ {
+ $nextReminder = time();
+ if ( $option == 'hour' )
+ {
+ $nextReminder += 60*60;
+ }
+ elseif ( $option == 'day' )
+ {
+ $nextReminder += 24*60*60;
+ }
+ elseif ( $option == 'week' )
+ {
+ $nextReminder += 7*24*60*60;
+ }
+ dbQuery( "update Config set Value = '".$nextReminder."' where Name = 'ZM_DYN_NEXT_REMINDER'" );
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'never' :
+ {
+ dbQuery( "update Config set Value = '0' where Name = 'ZM_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES'" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $action == "donate" && isset($_REQUEST['option']) )
+ {
+ $option = $_REQUEST['option'];
+ switch( $option )
+ {
+ case 'go' :
+ {
+ // Ignore this, the caller will open the page itself
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'hour' :
+ case 'day' :
+ case 'week' :
+ case 'month' :
+ {
+ $nextReminder = time();
+ if ( $option == 'hour' )
+ {
+ $nextReminder += 60*60;
+ }
+ elseif ( $option == 'day' )
+ {
+ $nextReminder += 24*60*60;
+ }
+ elseif ( $option == 'week' )
+ {
+ $nextReminder += 7*24*60*60;
+ }
+ elseif ( $option == 'month' )
+ {
+ $nextReminder += 30*24*60*60;
+ }
+ dbQuery( "update Config set Value = '".$nextReminder."' where Name = 'ZM_DYN_DONATE_REMINDER_TIME'" );
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'never' :
+ case 'already' :
+ {
+ dbQuery( "update Config set Value = '0' where Name = 'ZM_DYN_SHOW_DONATE_REMINDER'" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $action == "options" && isset($_REQUEST['tab']) )
+ {
+ $configCat = $configCats[$_REQUEST['tab']];
+ $changed = false;
+ foreach ( $configCat as $name=>$value )
+ {
+ unset( $newValue );
+ if ( $value['Type'] == "boolean" && empty($_REQUEST['newConfig'][$name]) )
+ $newValue = 0;
+ elseif ( isset($_REQUEST['newConfig'][$name]) )
+ $newValue = preg_replace( "/\r\n/", "\n", stripslashes( $_REQUEST['newConfig'][$name] ) );
+ if ( isset($newValue) && ($newValue != $value['Value']) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( 'UPDATE Config SET Value=? WHERE Name=?', array( $newValue, $name ) );
+ $changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $changed )
+ {
+ switch( $_REQUEST['tab'] )
+ {
+ case "system" :
+ case "config" :
+ case "paths" :
+ $restartWarning = true;
+ break;
+ case "web" :
+ case "tools" :
+ break;
+ case "logging" :
+ case "network" :
+ case "mail" :
+ case "upload" :
+ $restartWarning = true;
+ break;
+ case "highband" :
+ case "medband" :
+ case "lowband" :
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ loadConfig( false );
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "user" )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['uid']) )
+ $dbUser = dbFetchOne( "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id=?", NULL, array($_REQUEST['uid']) );
+ else
+ $dbUser = array();
+ $types = array();
+ $changes = getFormChanges( $dbUser, $_REQUEST['newUser'], $types );
+ if ( $_REQUEST['newUser']['Password'] )
+ $changes['Password'] = "Password = password(".dbEscape($_REQUEST['newUser']['Password']).")";
+ else
+ unset( $changes['Password'] );
+ if ( count( $changes ) )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['uid']) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "update Users set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where Id = ?", array($_REQUEST['uid']) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dbQuery( "insert into Users set ".implode( ", ", $changes ) );
+ }
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ if ( $dbUser['Username'] == $user['Username'] )
+ userLogin( $dbUser['Username'], $dbUser['Password'] );
+ }
+ $view = 'none';
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "state" )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['runState']) )
+ {
+ //if ( $cookies ) session_write_close();
+ packageControl( $_REQUEST['runState'] );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "save" )
+ {
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['runState']) || !empty($_REQUEST['newState']) )
+ {
+ $sql = "select Id,Function,Enabled from Monitors order by Id";
+ $definitions = array();
+ foreach( dbFetchAll( $sql ) as $monitor )
+ {
+ $definitions[] = $monitor['Id'].":".$monitor['Function'].":".$monitor['Enabled'];
+ }
+ $definition = join( ',', $definitions );
+ if ( $_REQUEST['newState'] )
+ $_REQUEST['runState'] = $_REQUEST['newState'];
+ dbQuery( "replace into States set Name=?, Definition=?", array( $_REQUEST['runState'],$definition) );
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ( $action == "delete" )
+ {
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['runState']) )
+ dbQuery( "delete from States where Name=?", array($_REQUEST['runState']) );
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['markUids']) )
+ {
+ foreach( $_REQUEST['markUids'] as $markUid )
+ dbQuery( "delete from Users where Id = ?", array($markUid) );
+ if ( $markUid == $user['Id'] )
+ userLogout();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ZM_USER_SELF_EDIT && $action == "user" )
+ {
+ $uid = $user['Id'];
+ $dbUser = dbFetchOne( "select Id, Password, Language from Users where Id = ?", NULL, array($uid) );
+ $types = array();
+ $changes = getFormChanges( $dbUser, $_REQUEST['newUser'], $types );
+ if ( !empty($_REQUEST['newUser']['Password']) )
+ $changes['Password'] = "Password = password(".dbEscape($_REQUEST['newUser']['Password']).")";
+ else
+ unset( $changes['Password'] );
+ if ( count( $changes ) )
+ {
+ dbQuery( "update Users set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where Id=?", array($uid) );
+ $refreshParent = true;
+ }
+ $view = 'none';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $action == "reset" )
+ {
+ $_SESSION['zmEventResetTime'] = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB );
+ setcookie( "zmEventResetTime", $_SESSION['zmEventResetTime'], time()+3600*24*30*12*10 );
+ //if ( $cookies ) session_write_close();
+ }