Merge branch 'master' of

This commit is contained in:
Isaac Connor 2021-12-15 12:43:03 -05:00
commit d41d2ff03d
10 changed files with 141 additions and 132 deletions

View File

@ -51,11 +51,21 @@ sub open {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress} !~ /^\w+:\/\// ) {
# Has no scheme at the beginning, so won't parse as a URI
$self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress} = 'http://'.$self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress};
$uri = URI->new($self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress});
if ($self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress} and ($self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress} ne 'user:pass@ip')) {
Debug("Getting connection details from Control Address " . $self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress});
if ( $self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress} !~ /^\w+:\/\// ) {
# Has no scheme at the beginning, so won't parse as a URI
$self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress} = 'http://'.$self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress};
$uri = URI->new($self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress});
} elsif ($self->{Monitor}->{Path}) {
Debug("Getting connection details from Path " . $self->{Monitor}->{Path});
$uri = URI->new($self->{Monitor}->{Path});
use LWP::UserAgent;
$self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new;
@ -64,6 +74,7 @@ sub open {
$self->{state} = 'closed';
my ( $username, $password, $host ) = ( $uri->authority() =~ /^([^:]+):([^@]*)@(.+)$/ );
Debug("Have username: $username password: $password host: $host from authority:" . $uri->authority());
@ -75,40 +86,47 @@ sub open {
# test auth
my $res = $self->{ua}->get($uri->canonical().$url);
if ( $res->is_success ) {
if ( $res->content() ne "Properties.PTZ.PTZ=yes\n" ) {
if ($res->is_success) {
if ($res->content() ne "Properties.PTZ.PTZ=yes\n") {
Warning('Response suggests that camera doesn\'t support PTZ. Content:('.$res->content().')');
$self->{state} = 'open';
if ($res->status_line() eq '404 Not Found') {
#older style
$url = 'axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi';
$res = $self->{ua}->get($uri->canonical().$url);
Debug("Result from getting ".$uri->canonical().$url . ':' . $res->status_line());
if ( $res->status_line() eq '401 Unauthorized' ) {
if ($res->status_line() eq '401 Unauthorized') {
my $headers = $res->headers();
foreach my $k ( keys %$headers ) {
Debug("Initial Header $k => $$headers{$k}");
if ( $$headers{'www-authenticate'} ) {
my ( $auth, $tokens ) = $$headers{'www-authenticate'} =~ /^(\w+)\s+(.*)$/;
if ( $tokens =~ /\w+="([^"]+)"/i ) {
if ( $realm ne $1 ) {
$realm = $1;
$self->{ua}->credentials($uri->host_port(), $realm, $username, $password);
$res = $self->{ua}->get($uri->canonical().$url);
if ( $res->is_success() ) {
Info("Auth succeeded after setting realm to $realm. You can set this value in the Control Device field to speed up connections and remove these log entries.");
$self->{state} = 'open';
foreach my $auth_header ( ref $$headers{'www-authenticate'} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$$headers{'www-authenticate'}} : ($$headers{'www-authenticate'})) {
my ( $auth, $tokens ) = $auth_header =~ /^(\w+)\s+(.*)$/;
if ( $tokens =~ /\w+="([^"]+)"/i ) {
if ( $realm ne $1 ) {
$realm = $1;
$self->{ua}->credentials($uri->host_port(), $realm, $username, $password);
$res = $self->{ua}->get($uri->canonical().$url);
if ( $res->is_success() ) {
Info("Auth succeeded after setting realm to $realm. You can set this value in the Control Device field to speed up connections and remove these log entries.");
$self->{state} = 'open';
Error('Authentication still failed after updating REALM status: '.$res->status_line);
} else {
Error('Authentication failed, not a REALM problem');
Error('Authentication still failed after updating REALM status: '.$res->status_line);
} else {
Error('Authentication failed, not a REALM problem');
} else {
Error('Failed to match realm in tokens');
} # end if
Error('Failed to match realm in tokens');
} # end if
} # end foreach auth header
} else {
Debug('No headers line');
} # end if headers

View File

@ -413,12 +413,10 @@ sub Sql {
$sql .= ' LIMIT 0,'.$filter_expr->{limit};
if ($$self{LockRows}) {
$sql .= ' FOR UPDATE OF E'
} else {
$sql .= ' FOR SHARE OF E'
if ($filter_expr->{skip_locked}) {
$sql .= ' SKIP LOCKED';
$sql .= ' FOR UPDATE';
if ($filter_expr->{skip_locked}) {
$sql .= ' SKIP LOCKED';
$self->{Sql} = $sql;
} # end if has Sql

View File

@ -241,20 +241,26 @@ sub control {
my $command = shift;
my $process = shift;
if ( $command eq 'stop' or $command eq 'restart' ) {
if ( $process ) {
`/usr/bin/ stop $process -m $$monitor{Id}`;
if ($command eq 'stop' or $command eq 'restart') {
if ($process) {
ZoneMinder::General::runCommand(" stop $process -m $$monitor{Id}");
} else {
`/usr/bin/ stop zma -m $$monitor{Id}`;
`/usr/bin/ stop zmc -m $$monitor{Id}`;
if ($monitor->{Type} eq 'Local') {
ZoneMinder::General::runCommand(' stop zmc -d '.$monitor->{Device});
} else {
ZoneMinder::General::runCommand(' stop zmc -m '.$monitor->{Id});
if ( $command eq 'start' or $command eq 'restart' ) {
if ( $process ) {
`/usr/bin/ start $process -m $$monitor{Id}`;
ZoneMinder::General::runCommand(" start $process -m $$monitor{Id}");
} else {
`/usr/bin/ start zmc -m $$monitor{Id}`;
`/usr/bin/ start zma -m $$monitor{Id}`;
if ($monitor->{Type} eq 'Local') {
ZoneMinder::General::runCommand(' start zmc -d '.$monitor->{Device});
} else {
ZoneMinder::General::runCommand(' start zmc -m '.$monitor->{Id});
} # end if
} # end sub control

View File

@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ sub executeCommand {
Error("Command '$command' exited with status: $status");
return 0;
} else {
zmSQLExecute('UPDATE `Events` SET `Executed` = 1 WHERE `Id` = ?', $Event->{Id});
ZoneMinder::Database::zmSQLExecute('UPDATE `Events` SET `Executed` = 1 WHERE `Id` = ?', $Event->{Id});
return 1;

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ use constant START_DELAY => 30; # To give everything else time to start
use ZoneMinder;
use ZoneMinder::Storage;
use ZoneMinder::Monitor;
use POSIX;
use DBI;
use autouse 'Data::Dumper'=>qw(Dumper);
@ -80,91 +81,75 @@ Info('Watchdog starting, pausing for '.START_DELAY.' seconds');
my $dbh = zmDbConnect();
my $sql = $Config{ZM_SERVER_ID} ? 'SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE ServerId=?' : 'SELECT * FROM Monitors';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql)
or Fatal("Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr());
while (!$zm_terminate) {
while ( ! ( $dbh and $dbh->ping() ) ) {
if ( ! ( $dbh = zmDbConnect() ) ) {
while (!($dbh and $dbh->ping())) {
if (!($dbh = zmDbConnect())) {
my $res = $sth->execute( $Config{ZM_SERVER_ID} ? $Config{ZM_SERVER_ID} : () )
or Fatal('Can\'t execute: '.$sth->errstr());
while( my $monitor = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
foreach my $monitor (ZoneMinder::Monitor->find($Config{ZM_SERVER_ID} ? (ServerId=>$Config{ZM_SERVER_ID}) : ())) {
next if $monitor->{Function} eq 'None';
next if $monitor->{Type} eq 'WebSite';
my $now = time();
my $restart = 0;
if (zmMemVerify($monitor)) {
# Check we have got an image recently
my $capture_time = zmGetLastWriteTime($monitor);
if (!defined($capture_time)) {
# Can't read from shared data
Debug('LastWriteTime is not defined.');
Debug("Monitor $$monitor{Id} LastWriteTime is $capture_time.");
if (!$capture_time) {
my $startup_time = zmGetStartupTime($monitor);
if (($now - $startup_time) > $Config{ZM_WATCH_MAX_DELAY}) {
"Restarting capture daemon for $$monitor{Name}, no image since startup. ".
"Startup time was $startup_time - now $now > $Config{ZM_WATCH_MAX_DELAY}"
$restart = 1;
} else {
# We can't get the last capture time so can't be sure it's died, it might just be starting up.
if (!$restart) {
my $max_image_delay = (
) ? (3/$monitor->{MaxFPS})
my $image_delay = $now - $capture_time;
Debug("Monitor $monitor->{Id} last captured $image_delay seconds ago, max is $max_image_delay");
if ( $image_delay > $max_image_delay ) {
Warning("Restarting capture daemon for "
.$monitor->{Name}.", time since last capture $image_delay seconds ($now-$capture_time)"
$restart = 1;
} # end if ! restart
} else {
if (!zmMemVerify($monitor)) {
Info("Restarting capture daemon for $monitor->{Name}, shared data not valid");
$restart = 1;
if ($restart) {
my $command;
if ($monitor->{Type} eq 'Local') {
$command = ' restart zmc -d '.$monitor->{Device};
} else {
$command = ' restart zmc -m '.$monitor->{Id};
# Check we have got an image recently
my $capture_time = zmGetLastWriteTime($monitor);
if (!defined($capture_time)) {
# Can't read from shared data
Warning('LastWriteTime is not defined.');
Debug("Monitor $$monitor{Id} LastWriteTime is $capture_time.");
if (!$capture_time) {
# We can't get the last capture time so can't be sure it's died, it might just be starting up.
my $startup_time = zmGetStartupTime($monitor);
if (($now - $startup_time) > $Config{ZM_WATCH_MAX_DELAY}) {
"Restarting capture daemon for $$monitor{Name}, no image since startup. ".
"Startup time was $startup_time - now $now > $Config{ZM_WATCH_MAX_DELAY}"
} elsif ($monitor->{Function} ne 'Monitor') {
# Now check analysis daemon
$restart = 0;
my $max_image_delay = (
) ? (3/$monitor->{MaxFPS})
my $image_delay = $now - $capture_time;
Debug("Monitor $monitor->{Id} last captured $image_delay seconds ago, max is $max_image_delay");
if ($image_delay > $max_image_delay) {
Warning('Restarting capture daemon for '.$monitor->{Name}.
", time since last capture $image_delay seconds ($now-$capture_time)");
if ($monitor->{Function} ne 'Monitor') {
# Now check analysis thread
# Check we have got an image recently
my $image_time = zmGetLastReadTime($monitor);
if (!defined($image_time)) {
# Can't read from shared data
$restart = 1;
# Can't read from shared data
Error("Error reading shared data for $$monitor{Id} $$monitor{Name}");
} elsif (!$image_time) {
# We can't get the last capture time so can't be sure it's died.
#$restart = 1;
Error("Last analyse time for $$monitor{Id} $$monitor{Name} was zero.");
Debug("Last analyse time for $$monitor{Id} $$monitor{Name} was zero.");
} else {
my $max_image_delay = ( $monitor->{MaxFPS}
@ -176,25 +161,14 @@ while (!$zm_terminate) {
Debug("Monitor $monitor->{Id} last analysed $image_delay seconds ago, max is $max_image_delay");
if ($image_delay > $max_image_delay) {
Warning("Analysis daemon for $$monitor{Id} $$monitor{Name} needs restarting,"
." time since last analysis $image_delay seconds ($now-$image_time)"
$restart = 1;
." time since last analysis $image_delay seconds ($now-$image_time)");
if ($restart) {
Info("Restarting analysis daemon for $$monitor{Id} $$monitor{Name}");
my $command;
if ( $monitor->{Type} eq 'Local' ) {
$command = ' restart zmc -d '.$monitor->{Device};
} else {
$command = ' restart zmc -m '.$monitor->{Id};
} # end if restart
} # end if check analysis daemon
# Prevent open handles building up if we have connect to shared memory
zmMemInvalidate($monitor); # Close our file handle to the zmc process we are about to end
} # end foreach monitor

View File

@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ bool StreamBase::checkCommandQueue() {
return true;
} else if ( connkey ) {
Warning("No sd in checkCommandQueue, comms not open?");
Warning("No sd in checkCommandQueue, comms not open for connkey %06d?", connkey);
} else {
// Perfectly valid if only getting a snapshot
Debug(1, "No sd in checkCommandQueue, comms not open?");
Debug(1, "No sd in checkCommandQueue, comms not open.");
return false;
} // end bool StreamBase::checkCommandQueue()
@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ void StreamBase::openComms() {
rem_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
last_comm_update = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
Debug(3, "comms open at %s", loc_sock_path);
} // end if connKey > 0
Debug(3, "comms open at %s", loc_sock_path);
} // end void StreamBase::openComms()
void StreamBase::closeComms() {

View File

@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if ( !ValidateAccess(user, mon_id, function) ) {
Error("Insufficient privileges for requested action");
Error("Insufficient privileges for user %s for requested function %x", username, function);
} // end if auth
@ -497,6 +497,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if ( verbose ) {
printf("Monitor %u(%s)\n", monitor->Id(), monitor->Name());
if (monitor->GetFunction() == Monitor::NONE) {
if (verbose) {
printf("Current state: None\n");
} else {
printf("%d", Monitor::UNKNOWN);
if ( !monitor->connect() ) {
Error("Can't connect to capture daemon: %d %s", monitor->Id(), monitor->Name());

View File

@ -446,8 +446,10 @@ function streamFastRev(action) {
function streamPrev(action) {
if (action) {
location.replace(thisUrl + '?view=event&eid=' + prevEventId + filterQuery + sortQuery);
if (prevEventId != 0) {
location.replace(thisUrl + '?view=event&eid=' + prevEventId + filterQuery + sortQuery);
/* Ideally I'd like to get back to this style
if ( vid && PrevEventDefVideoPath.indexOf("view_video") > 0 ) {
@ -619,8 +621,8 @@ function getNearEventsResponse(respObj, respText) {
if (checkStreamForErrors('getNearEventsResponse', respObj)) {
prevEventId = respObj.nearevents.PrevEventId;
nextEventId = respObj.nearevents.NextEventId;
prevEventId = parseInt(respObj.nearevents.PrevEventId);
nextEventId = parseInt(respObj.nearevents.NextEventId);
prevEventStartTime = Date.parse(respObj.nearevents.PrevEventStartTime);
nextEventStartTime = Date.parse(respObj.nearevents.NextEventStartTime);
PrevEventDefVideoPath = respObj.nearevents.PrevEventDefVideoPath;

View File

@ -904,9 +904,10 @@ function initPage() {
if (monitorType != 'WebSite') {
if (streamMode == 'single') {
statusCmdTimer = setTimeout(statusCmdQuery, (Math.random()+0.1)*statusRefreshTimeout);
statusCmdTimer = setTimeout(statusCmdQuery, 100);
setInterval(watchdogCheck, statusRefreshTimeout*2, 'status');
} else {
streamCmdTimer = setTimeout(streamCmdQuery, 100);
setInterval(watchdogCheck, statusRefreshTimeout*2, 'stream');

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
global $monIdx;
global $monitor_index;
global $nextMid;
global $options;
global $monitors;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ var monitorRefresh = '<?php echo $monitor->Refresh() ?>';
var monitorStreamReplayBuffer = <?php echo $monitor->StreamReplayBuffer() ?>;
var monitorControllable = <?php echo $monitor->Controllable()?'true':'false' ?>;
var monIdx = '<?php echo $monIdx; ?>';
var monIdx = <?php echo $monitor_index; ?>;
var nextMid = "<?php echo isset($nextMid)?$nextMid:'' ?>";
var mode = "<?php echo $options['mode'] ?>";