use htmlSelect to create the Colours dropdown, which fixes a problem caused when I inverted the Colours array

This commit is contained in:
Isaac Connor 2017-11-26 11:12:00 -05:00
parent b1bb0020d3
commit d6bc727c9c
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -868,7 +868,8 @@ include('_monitor_source_nvsocket.php');
if ( $monitor->Type() != 'NVSocket' ) {
<tr><td><?php echo translate('TargetColorspace') ?></td><td><select name="newMonitor[Colours]"><?php foreach ( $Colours as $name => $value ) { ?><option value="<?php echo $value ?>"<?php if ( $value == $monitor->Colours()) { ?> selected="selected"<?php } ?>><?php echo $name ?></option><?php } ?></select></td></tr>
<tr><td><?php echo translate('TargetColorspace') ?></td><td><?php echo htmlSelect('newMonitor[Colours]', $Colours, $monitor->Colours() ); ?>
<tr><td><?php echo translate('CaptureWidth') ?> (<?php echo translate('Pixels') ?>)</td><td><input type="text" name="newMonitor[Width]" value="<?php echo validHtmlStr($monitor->Width()) ?>" size="4" onkeyup="updateMonitorDimensions(this);"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><?php echo translate('CaptureHeight') ?> (<?php echo translate('Pixels') ?>)</td><td><input type="text" name="newMonitor[Height]" value="<?php echo validHtmlStr($monitor->Height()) ?>" size="4" onkeyup="updateMonitorDimensions(this);"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><?php echo translate('PreserveAspect') ?></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="preserveAspectRatio" value="1"/></td></tr>