revamp, using ZoneMinder::Monitor methods to reduce code. Reduce last analysze time was zero to a debug. Fixes #3389

This commit is contained in:
Isaac Connor 2021-12-15 09:11:08 -05:00
parent 12ebdacf54
commit d86456b6f2
1 changed files with 55 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ use constant START_DELAY => 30; # To give everything else time to start
use ZoneMinder;
use ZoneMinder::Storage;
use ZoneMinder::Monitor;
use POSIX;
use DBI;
use autouse 'Data::Dumper'=>qw(Dumper);
@ -80,91 +81,75 @@ Info('Watchdog starting, pausing for '.START_DELAY.' seconds');
my $dbh = zmDbConnect();
my $sql = $Config{ZM_SERVER_ID} ? 'SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE ServerId=?' : 'SELECT * FROM Monitors';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql)
or Fatal("Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr());
while (!$zm_terminate) {
while ( ! ( $dbh and $dbh->ping() ) ) {
if ( ! ( $dbh = zmDbConnect() ) ) {
while (!($dbh and $dbh->ping())) {
if (!($dbh = zmDbConnect())) {
my $res = $sth->execute( $Config{ZM_SERVER_ID} ? $Config{ZM_SERVER_ID} : () )
or Fatal('Can\'t execute: '.$sth->errstr());
while( my $monitor = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
foreach my $monitor (ZoneMinder::Monitor->find($Config{ZM_SERVER_ID} ? (ServerId=>$Config{ZM_SERVER_ID}) : ())) {
next if $monitor->{Function} eq 'None';
next if $monitor->{Type} eq 'WebSite';
my $now = time();
my $restart = 0;
if (zmMemVerify($monitor)) {
# Check we have got an image recently
my $capture_time = zmGetLastWriteTime($monitor);
if (!defined($capture_time)) {
# Can't read from shared data
Debug('LastWriteTime is not defined.');
Debug("Monitor $$monitor{Id} LastWriteTime is $capture_time.");
if (!$capture_time) {
my $startup_time = zmGetStartupTime($monitor);
if (($now - $startup_time) > $Config{ZM_WATCH_MAX_DELAY}) {
"Restarting capture daemon for $$monitor{Name}, no image since startup. ".
"Startup time was $startup_time - now $now > $Config{ZM_WATCH_MAX_DELAY}"
$restart = 1;
} else {
# We can't get the last capture time so can't be sure it's died, it might just be starting up.
if (!$restart) {
my $max_image_delay = (
) ? (3/$monitor->{MaxFPS})
my $image_delay = $now - $capture_time;
Debug("Monitor $monitor->{Id} last captured $image_delay seconds ago, max is $max_image_delay");
if ( $image_delay > $max_image_delay ) {
Warning("Restarting capture daemon for "
.$monitor->{Name}.", time since last capture $image_delay seconds ($now-$capture_time)"
$restart = 1;
} # end if ! restart
} else {
if (!zmMemVerify($monitor)) {
Info("Restarting capture daemon for $monitor->{Name}, shared data not valid");
$restart = 1;
if ($restart) {
my $command;
if ($monitor->{Type} eq 'Local') {
$command = ' restart zmc -d '.$monitor->{Device};
} else {
$command = ' restart zmc -m '.$monitor->{Id};
# Check we have got an image recently
my $capture_time = zmGetLastWriteTime($monitor);
if (!defined($capture_time)) {
# Can't read from shared data
Warning('LastWriteTime is not defined.');
Debug("Monitor $$monitor{Id} LastWriteTime is $capture_time.");
if (!$capture_time) {
# We can't get the last capture time so can't be sure it's died, it might just be starting up.
my $startup_time = zmGetStartupTime($monitor);
if (($now - $startup_time) > $Config{ZM_WATCH_MAX_DELAY}) {
"Restarting capture daemon for $$monitor{Name}, no image since startup. ".
"Startup time was $startup_time - now $now > $Config{ZM_WATCH_MAX_DELAY}"
} elsif ($monitor->{Function} ne 'Monitor') {
# Now check analysis daemon
$restart = 0;
my $max_image_delay = (
) ? (3/$monitor->{MaxFPS})
my $image_delay = $now - $capture_time;
Debug("Monitor $monitor->{Id} last captured $image_delay seconds ago, max is $max_image_delay");
if ($image_delay > $max_image_delay) {
Warning('Restarting capture daemon for '.$monitor->{Name}.
", time since last capture $image_delay seconds ($now-$capture_time)");
if ($monitor->{Function} ne 'Monitor') {
# Now check analysis thread
# Check we have got an image recently
my $image_time = zmGetLastReadTime($monitor);
if (!defined($image_time)) {
# Can't read from shared data
$restart = 1;
# Can't read from shared data
Error("Error reading shared data for $$monitor{Id} $$monitor{Name}");
} elsif (!$image_time) {
# We can't get the last capture time so can't be sure it's died.
#$restart = 1;
Error("Last analyse time for $$monitor{Id} $$monitor{Name} was zero.");
Debug("Last analyse time for $$monitor{Id} $$monitor{Name} was zero.");
} else {
my $max_image_delay = ( $monitor->{MaxFPS}
@ -176,25 +161,14 @@ while (!$zm_terminate) {
Debug("Monitor $monitor->{Id} last analysed $image_delay seconds ago, max is $max_image_delay");
if ($image_delay > $max_image_delay) {
Warning("Analysis daemon for $$monitor{Id} $$monitor{Name} needs restarting,"
." time since last analysis $image_delay seconds ($now-$image_time)"
$restart = 1;
." time since last analysis $image_delay seconds ($now-$image_time)");
if ($restart) {
Info("Restarting analysis daemon for $$monitor{Id} $$monitor{Name}");
my $command;
if ( $monitor->{Type} eq 'Local' ) {
$command = ' restart zmc -d '.$monitor->{Device};
} else {
$command = ' restart zmc -m '.$monitor->{Id};
} # end if restart
} # end if check analysis daemon
# Prevent open handles building up if we have connect to shared memory
zmMemInvalidate($monitor); # Close our file handle to the zmc process we are about to end
} # end foreach monitor