Merge branch 'storageareas' of into storageareas

This commit is contained in:
Isaac Connor 2018-11-05 16:53:31 -05:00
commit e39a48162b
8 changed files with 1017 additions and 125 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" @ONLY)
configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" @ONLY)
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ FOREACH(PERLSCRIPT ${perlscripts})
# Install the perl scripts
if(NOT ZM_NO_X10)
endif(NOT ZM_NO_X10)

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ use ZoneMinder::Logger qw(:all);
use ZoneMinder::Database qw(:all);
require Date::Parse;
use vars qw/ $table $primary_key %fields $serial @identified_by/;
use vars qw/ $table $primary_key %fields $serial @identified_by %defaults/;
$table = 'Events';
@identified_by = ('Id');
$serial = $primary_key = 'Id';
@ -84,6 +84,16 @@ $serial = $primary_key = 'Id';
%defaults = (
Cause => q`'Unknown'`,
TotScore => '0',
Archived => '0',
Videoed => '0',
Uploaded => '0',
Emailed => '0',
Messaged => '0',
Executed => '0',
use POSIX;
@ -99,56 +109,10 @@ sub Time {
return $_[0]{Time};
sub Name {
if ( @_ > 1 ) {
$_[0]{Name} = $_[1];
return $_[0]{Name};
} # end sub Name
sub find {
shift if $_[0] eq 'ZoneMinder::Event';
my %sql_filters = @_;
my $sql = 'SELECT * FROM Events';
my @sql_filters;
my @sql_values;
if ( exists $sql_filters{Name} ) {
push @sql_filters , ' Name = ? ';
push @sql_values, $sql_filters{Name};
if ( exists $sql_filters{Id} ) {
push @sql_filters , ' Id = ? ';
push @sql_values, $sql_filters{Id};
$sql .= ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', @sql_filters ) if @sql_filters;
$sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $sql_filters{limit} if $sql_filters{limit};
my $sth = $ZoneMinder::Database::dbh->prepare_cached( $sql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$ZoneMinder::Database::dbh->errstr() );
my $res = $sth->execute( @sql_values )
or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() );
my @results;
while( my $db_filter = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
my $filter = new ZoneMinder::Event( $$db_filter{Id}, $db_filter );
push @results, $filter;
} # end while
return @results;
sub find_one {
my @results = find(@_);
return $results[0] if @results;
sub getPath {
return Path( @_ );
sub Path {
my $event = shift;
@ -168,6 +132,9 @@ sub Path {
sub Scheme {
my $self = shift;
$$self{Scheme} = shift if @_;
if ( ! $$self{Scheme} ) {
if ( $$self{RelativePath} ) {
if ( $$self{RelativePath} =~ /^\d+\/\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}\/\d+$/ ) {
@ -182,9 +149,8 @@ sub Scheme {
sub RelativePath {
my $event = shift;
if ( @_ ) {
$$event{RelativePath} = $_[0];
$$event{RelativePath} = shift if @_;
if ( ! $$event{RelativePath} ) {
if ( $$event{Scheme} eq 'Deep' ) {
@ -203,7 +169,7 @@ sub RelativePath {
if ( $event->Time() ) {
$$event{RelativePath} = join('/',
strftime( '%Y-%m-%d', localtime($event->Time())),
strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime($event->Time())),
} else {
@ -223,9 +189,8 @@ sub RelativePath {
sub LinkPath {
my $event = shift;
if ( @_ ) {
$$event{LinkPath} = $_[0];
$$event{LinkPath} = shift if @_;
if ( ! $$event{LinkPath} ) {
if ( $$event{Scheme} eq 'Deep' ) {
@ -351,19 +316,19 @@ sub GenerateVideo {
." '$video_file' > ffmpeg.log 2>&1"
Debug( $command."\n" );
my $output = qx($command);
my $status = $? >> 8;
if ( $status ) {
Error( "Unable to generate video, check $event_path/ffmpeg.log for details");
Error("Unable to generate video, check $event_path/ffmpeg.log for details");
Info( "Finished $video_file\n" );
Info("Finished $video_file");
return $event_path.'/'.$video_file;
} else {
Info( "Video file $video_file already exists for event $self->{Id}\n" );
Info("Video file $video_file already exists for event $self->{Id}");
return $event_path.'/'.$video_file;
@ -373,14 +338,14 @@ sub delete {
my $event = $_[0];
if ( ! ( $event->{Id} and $event->{MonitorId} and $event->{StartTime} ) ) {
my ( $caller, undef, $line ) = caller;
Warning("Can't Delete event $event->{Id} from Monitor $event->{MonitorId} StartTime:$event->{StartTime} from $caller:$line\n");
Warning("Can't delete event $event->{Id} from Monitor $event->{MonitorId} StartTime:$event->{StartTime} from $caller:$line");
if ( ! -e $event->Storage()->Path() ) {
Warning("Not deleting event because storage path doesn't exist");
Info("Deleting event $event->{Id} from Monitor $event->{MonitorId} StartTime:$event->{StartTime}\n");
Info("Deleting event $event->{Id} from Monitor $event->{MonitorId} StartTime:$event->{StartTime}");
@ -697,6 +662,63 @@ Debug("Done deleting files, returning");
return $error;
} # end sub MoveTo
# Assumes $path is absolute
sub recover_timestamps {
my ( $Event, $path ) = @_;
$path = $Event->Path() if ! $path;
if ( ! opendir(DIR, $path) ) {
Error("Can't open directory '$path': $!");
my @contents = readdir(DIR);
Debug('Have ' . @contents . " files in $path");
my @mp4_files = grep( /^\d+\-video\.mp4$/, @contents);
my @capture_jpgs = grep( /^\d+\-capture\.jpg$/, @contents);
if ( @capture_jpgs ) {
# can get start and end times from stat'ing first and last jpg
@capture_jpgs = sort { $a cmp $b } @capture_jpgs;
my $first_file = "$path/$capture_jpgs[0]";
( $first_file ) = $first_file =~ /^(.*)$/;
my $first_timestamp = (stat($first_file))[9];
my $last_file = "$path/$capture_jpgs[@capture_jpgs-1]";
( $last_file ) = $last_file =~ /^(.*)$/;
my $last_timestamp = (stat($last_file))[9];
my $duration = $last_timestamp - $first_timestamp;
$Event->StartTime( Date::Format::time2str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $first_timestamp) );
$Event->EndTime( Date::Format::time2str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $last_timestamp) );
Debug("From capture Jpegs have duration $duration = $last_timestamp - $first_timestamp : $$Event{StartTime} to $$Event{EndTime}");
} elsif ( @mp4_files ) {
my $file = "$path/$mp4_files[0]";
( $file ) = $file =~ /^(.*)$/;
my $first_timestamp = (stat($file))[9];
my $output = `ffprobe $file 2>&1`;
my ($duration) = $output =~ /Duration: [:\.0-9]+/gm;
Debug("From mp4 have duration $duration, start: $first_timestamp");
my ( $h, $m, $s, $u );
if ( $duration =~ m/(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/ ) {
( $h, $m, $s, $u ) = ($1, $2, $3, $4 );
Debug("( $h, $m, $s, $u ) from /^(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})\.(\\d+)/");
my $seconds = ($h*60*60)+($m*60)+$s;
$Event->StartTime( Date::Format::time2str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $first_timestamp) );
$Event->EndTime( Date::Format::time2str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $first_timestamp+$seconds) );
if ( @mp4_files ) {

View File

@ -36,17 +36,6 @@ require ZoneMinder::Server;
#our @ISA = qw(Exporter ZoneMinder::Base);
use parent qw(ZoneMinder::Object);
# ==========================================================================
# General Utility Functions
# ==========================================================================
use ZoneMinder::Config qw(:all);
use ZoneMinder::Logger qw(:all);
use ZoneMinder::Database qw(:all);
use POSIX;
use vars qw/ $table $primary_key /;
$table = 'Monitors';
$primary_key = 'Id';

View File

@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ package ZoneMinder::Object;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw{ gettimeofday tv_interval };
use Carp qw( cluck );
require ZoneMinder::Base;
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ use vars qw/ $AUTOLOAD $log $dbh %cache $no_cache/;
my $debug = 0;
$no_cache = 0;
use constant DEBUG_ALL=>0;
use constant DEBUG_ALL=>1;
sub init_cache {
$no_cache = 0;
@ -167,17 +169,6 @@ sub lock_and_load {
} # end sub lock_and_load
my ( $self, $newvalue ) = @_;
my $type = ref($_[0]);
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
$name =~ s/.*://;
if ( @_ > 1 ) {
return $_[0]{$name} = $_[1];
return $_[0]{$name};
sub save {
my ( $self, $data, $force_insert ) = @_;
@ -187,7 +178,12 @@ sub save {
$log->error("No type in Object::save. self:$self from $caller:$line");
my $local_dbh = eval '$'.$type.'::dbh';
$local_dbh = $ZoneMinder::Database::dbh if ! $local_dbh;
if ( ! $local_dbh ) {
$local_dbh = $ZoneMinder::Database::dbh;
if ( $debug or DEBUG_ALL ) {
$log->debug("Using global dbh");
$self->set( $data ? $data : {} );
if ( $debug or DEBUG_ALL ) {
if ( $data ) {
@ -196,7 +192,6 @@ sub save {
#$debug = 0;
my $table = eval '$'.$type.'::table';
my $fields = eval '\%'.$type.'::fields';
@ -297,6 +292,7 @@ $log->debug("No serial") if $debug;
if ( $need_serial ) {
if ( $serial ) {
$log->debug("Getting auto_increments");
my $s = qq{SELECT `auto_increment` FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_name = '$table'};
@$self{@identified_by} = @sql{@$fields{@identified_by}} = $local_dbh->selectrow_array( $s );
#@$self{@identified_by} = @sql{@$fields{@identified_by}} = $local_dbh->selectrow_array( q{SELECT nextval('} . $serial . q{')} );
@ -368,6 +364,7 @@ sub set {
$log->warn("ZoneMinder::Object::set called on an object ($type) with no fields".$@);
} # end if
my %defaults = eval('%'.$type.'::defaults');
if ( ref $params ne 'HASH' ) {
my ( $caller, undef, $line ) = caller;
$log->error("$type -> set called with non-hash params from $caller $line");
@ -456,7 +453,420 @@ sub transform {
sub to_string {
my $type = ref($_[0]);
my $fields = eval '\%'.$type.'::fields';
return $type . ': '. join(' ' , map { $_[0]{$_} ? "$_ => $_[0]{$_}" : () } keys %$fields );
if ( $fields and %{$fields} ) {
return $type . ': '. join(' ', map { $_[0]{$_} ? "$_ => $_[0]{$_}" : () } sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$fields );
return $type . ': '. join(' ', map { $_ .' => '.(defined $_[0]{$_} ? $_[0]{$_} : 'undef') } sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$_[0]} );
# We make this a separate function so that we can use it to generate the sql statements for each value in an OR
sub find_operators {
my ( $field, $type, $operator, $value ) = @_;
$log->debug("find_operators: field($field) type($type) op($operator) value($value)") if DEBUG_ALL;
my $add_placeholder = ( ! ( $field =~ /\?/ ) ) ? 1 : 0;
if ( sets::isin( $operator, [ '=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '<<=' ] ) ) {
return ( $field.$type.' ' . $operator . ( $add_placeholder ? ' ?' : '' ), $value );
} elsif ( $operator eq 'not' ) {
return ( '( NOT ' . $field.$type.')', $value );
} elsif ( sets::isin( $operator, [ '&&', '<@', '@>' ] ) ) {
if ( ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ) {
if ( $field =~ /^\(/ ) {
return ( 'ARRAY('.$field.$type.') ' . $operator . ' ?', $value );
} else {
return ( $field.$type.' ' . $operator . ' ?', $value );
} # emd of
} else {
return ( $field.$type.' ' . $operator . ' ?', [ $value ] );
} # end if
} elsif ( $operator eq 'exists' ) {
return ( $value ? '' : 'NOT ' ) . 'EXISTS ' . $field.$type;
} elsif ( sets::isin( $operator, [ 'in', 'not in' ] ) ) {
if ( ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return ( $field.$type.' ' . $operator . ' ('. join(',', map { '?' } @{$value} ) . ')', @{$value} );
} else {
return ( $field.$type.' ' . $operator . ' (?)', $value );
} # end if
} elsif ( $operator eq 'contains' ) {
return ( '? IN '.$field.$type, $value );
} elsif ( $operator eq 'does not contain' ) {
return ( '? NOT IN '.$field.$type, $value );
} elsif ( sets::isin( $operator, [ 'like','ilike' ] ) ) {
return $field.'::text ' . $operator . ' ?', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'null_or_<=' ) {
return '('.$field.$type.' IS NULL OR '.$field.$type.' <= ?)', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'is null or <=' ) {
return '('.$field.$type.' IS NULL OR '.$field.$type.' <= ?)', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'null_or_>=' ) {
return '('.$field.$type.' IS NULL OR '.$field.$type.' >= ?)', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'is null or >=' ) {
return '('.$field.$type.' IS NULL OR '.$field.$type.' >= ?)', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'null_or_>' or $operator eq 'is null or >' ) {
return '('.$field.$type.' IS NULL OR '.$field.$type.' > ?)', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'null_or_<' or $operator eq 'is null or <' ) {
return '('.$field.$type.' IS NULL OR '.$field.$type.' < ?)', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'null_or_=' or $operator eq 'is null or =' ) {
return '('.$field.$type.' IS NULL OR '.$field.$type.' = ?)', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'null or in' or $operator eq 'is null or in' ) {
return '('.$field.$type.' IS NULL OR '.$field.$type.' IN ('.join(',', map { '?' } @{$value} ) . '))', @{$value};
} elsif ( $operator eq 'null or not in' ) {
return '('.$field.$type.' IS NULL OR '.$field.$type.' NOT IN ('.join(',', map { '?' } @{$value} ) . '))', @{$value};
} elsif ( $operator eq 'exists' ) {
return ( $value ? ' EXISTS ' : 'NOT EXISTS ' ).$field;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'lc' ) {
return 'lower('.$field.$type.') = ?', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'uc' ) {
return 'upper('.$field.$type.') = ?', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'trunc' ) {
return 'trunc('.$field.$type.') = ?', $value;
} elsif ( $operator eq 'any' ) {
if ( ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return '(' . join(',', map { '?' } @{$value} ).") = ANY($field)", @{$value};
} else {
return "? = ANY($field)", $value;
} # end if
} elsif ( $operator eq 'not any' ) {
if ( ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return '(' . join(',', map { '?' } @{$value} ).") != ANY($field)", @{$value};
} else {
return "? != ANY($field)", $value;
} # end if
} elsif ( $operator eq 'is null' ) {
if ( $value ) {
return $field.$type. ' is null';
} else {
return $field.$type. ' is not null';
} # end if
} elsif ( $operator eq 'is not null' ) {
if ( $value ) {
return $field.$type. ' is not null';
} else {
return $field.$type. ' is null';
} # end if
} else {
$log->warn("find_operators: op not found field($field) type($type) op($operator) value($value)");
} # end if
} # end sub find_operators
sub get_fields_values {
my ( $object_type, $search, $param_keys ) = @_;
my @used_fields;
my @where;
my @values;
no strict 'refs';
foreach my $k ( @$param_keys ) {
if ( $k eq 'or' ) {
my $or_ref = ref $$search{or};
if ( $or_ref eq 'HASH' ) {
my @keys = keys %{$$search{or}};
if ( @keys ) {
my ( $where, $values, $used_fields ) = get_fields_values( $object_type, $$search{or}, \@keys );
push @where, '('.join(' OR ', @{$where} ).')';
push @values, @{$values};
} else {
$log->error("No keys in or");
} elsif ( $or_ref eq 'ARRAY' ) {
my %s = @{$$search{or}};
my ( $where, $values, $used_fields ) = get_fields_values( $object_type, \%s, [ keys %s ] );
push @where, '('.join(' OR ', @{$where} ).')';
push @values, @{$values};
} else {
$log->error("Deprecated use of or $or_ref for $$search{or}");
} # end if
push @used_fields, $k;
} elsif ( $k eq 'and' ) {
my $and_ref = ref $$search{and};
if ( $and_ref eq 'HASH' ) {
my @keys = keys %{$$search{and}};
if ( @keys ) {
my ( $where, $values, $used_fields ) = get_fields_values( $object_type, $$search{and}, \@keys );
push @where, '('.join(' AND ', @{$where} ).')';
push @values, @{$values};
} else {
$log->error("No keys in and");
} elsif ( $and_ref eq 'ARRAY' and @{$$search{and}} ) {
my @sub_where;
for( my $p_index = 0; $p_index < @{$$search{and}}; $p_index += 2 ) {
my %p = ( $$search{and}[$p_index], $$search{and}[$p_index+1] );
my ( $where, $values, $used_fields ) = get_fields_values( $object_type, \%p, [ keys %p ] );
push @sub_where, @{$where};
push @values, @{$values};
push @where, '('.join(' AND ', @sub_where ).')';
} else {
$log->error("incorrect ref of and $and_ref");
push @used_fields, $k;
my ( $field, $type, $function ) = $k =~ /^([_\+\w\-]+)(::\w+\[?\]?)?[\s_]*(.*)?$/;
$type = '' if ! defined $type;
$log->debug("$object_type param $field($type) func($function) " . ( ref $$search{$k} eq 'ARRAY' ? join(',',@{$$search{$k}}) : $$search{$k} ) ) if DEBUG_ALL;
foreach ( 'find_fields', 'fields' ) {
my $fields = \%{$object_type.'::'.$_};
if ( ! $fields ) {
$log->debug("No $fields in $object_type") if DEBUG_ALL;
} # end if
if ( ! $$fields{$field} ) {
#$log->debug("No $field in $_ for $object_type") if DEBUG_ALL;
} # end if
# This allows mainly for find_fields to reference multiple values, opinion in Project, value
foreach my $db_field ( ref $$fields{$field} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$$fields{$field}} : $$fields{$field} ) {
if ( ! $function ) {
$db_field .= $type;
if ( ref $$search{$k} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$log->debug("Have array for $k $$search{$k}") if DEBUG_ALL;
if ( ! ( $db_field =~ /\?/ ) ) {
if ( @{$$search{$k}} != 1 ) {
push @where, $db_field .' IN ('.join(',', map {'?'} @{$$search{$k}} ) . ')';
} else {
push @where, $db_field.'=?';
} # end if
} else {
$log->debug("Have question ? for $k $$search{$k} $db_field") if DEBUG_ALL;
$db_field =~ s/=/IN/g;
my $question_replacement = '('.join(',', map {'?'} @{$$search{$k}} ) . ')';
$db_field =~ s/\?/$question_replacement/;
push @where, $db_field;
push @values, @{$$search{$k}};
} elsif ( ref $$search{$k} eq 'HASH' ) {
foreach my $p_k ( keys %{$$search{$k}} ) {
my $v = $$search{$k}{$p_k};
if ( ref $v eq 'ARRAY' ) {
push @where, $db_field.' IN ('.join(',', map {'?'} @{$v} ) . ')';
push @values, $p_k, @{$v};
} else {
push @where, $db_field.'=?';
push @values, $p_k, $v;
} # end if
} # end foreach p_k
} elsif ( ! defined $$search{$k} ) {
push @where, $db_field.' IS NULL';
} else {
if ( ! ( $db_field =~ /\?/ ) ) {
push @where, $db_field .'=?';
} else {
push @where, $db_field;
push @values, $$search{$k};
} # end if
push @used_fields, $k;
} else {
#my @w =
#ref $search{$k} eq 'ARRAY' ?
#map { find_operators( $field, $type, $function, $_ ); } @{$search{$k}} :
my ( $w, @v ) = find_operators( $db_field, $type, $function, $$search{$k} );
if ( $w ) {
#push @where, '(' . join(' OR ', @w ) . ')';
push @where, $w;
push @values, @v if @v;
push @used_fields, $k;
} # end if @w
} # end if has function or not
} # end foreach db_field
} # end foreach find_field
} # end foreach k
return ( \@where, \@values, \@used_fields );
sub find {
no strict 'refs';
my $object_type = shift;
my $debug = ${$object_type.'::debug'};
$debug = DEBUG_ALL if ! $debug;
my $starttime = [gettimeofday] if $debug;
my $params;
if ( @_ == 1 ) {
$params = $_[0];
if ( ref $params ne 'HASH' ) {
$log->error("params $params was not a has");
} # end if
} else {
$params = { @_ };
} # end if
my $local_dbh = ${$object_type.'::dbh'};
if ( $$params{dbh} ) {
$local_dbh = $$params{dbh};
delete $$params{dbh};
} elsif ( ! $local_dbh ) {
$local_dbh = $dbh if ! $local_dbh;
} # end if
my $sql = find_sql( $object_type, $params);
my $do_cache = $$sql{columns} ne '*' ? 0 : 1;
#$log->debug( 'find prepare: ' . sprintf('%.4f', tv_interval($starttime)*1000) ." useconds") if $debug;
my $data = $local_dbh->selectall_arrayref($$sql{sql}, { Slice => {} }, @{$$sql{values}});
if ( ! $data ) {
$log->error('Error ' . $local_dbh->errstr() . " loading $object_type ($$sql{sql}) (". join(',', map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? 'ARRAY('.join(',',@$_).')' : $_ } @{$$sql{values}} ) . ')' );
return ();
#} elsif ( ( ! @$data ) and $debug ) {
#$log->debug("No $type ($sql) (@values) " );
} elsif ( $debug ) {
$log->debug("Loading Debug:$debug $object_type ($$sql{sql}) (".join(',', map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? join(',', @{$_}) : $_ } @{$$sql{values}}).') # of results:' . @$data . ' in ' . sprintf('%.4f', tv_interval($starttime)*1000) .' useconds' );
} # end if
my $fields = \%{$object_type.'::fields'};
my $primary_key = ${$object_type.'::primary_key'};
if ( ! $primary_key ) {
Error( 'NO primary_key for type ' . $object_type );
} # end if
if ( ! ($fields and keys %{$fields}) ) {
return map { new($object_type, $$_{$primary_key}, $_ ) } @$data;
} elsif ( $$fields{$primary_key} ) {
return map { new($object_type, $_->{$$fields{$primary_key}}, $_) } @$data;
} else {
my @identified_by = eval '@'.$object_type.'::identified_by';
if ( ! @identified_by ) {
$log->debug("Multi key object $object_type but no identified by $fields") if $debug;
} # end if
return map { new($object_type, \@identified_by, $_, !$do_cache) } @$data;
} # end if
} # end sub find
sub find_one {
my $object_type = shift;
my $params;
if ( @_ == 1 ) {
$params = $_[0];
} else {
%{$params} = @_;
} # end if
my @Results = $object_type->find(%$params);
my ( $caller, undef, $line ) = caller;
$log->debug("returning to $caller:$line from find_one") if DEBUG_ALL;
return $Results[0] if @Results;
} # end sub find_one
sub find_sql {
no strict 'refs';
my $object_type = shift;
my $debug = ${$object_type.'::debug'};
$debug = DEBUG_ALL if ! $debug;
my $params;
if ( @_ == 1 ) {
$params = $_[0];
if ( ref $params ne 'HASH' ) {
$log->error("params $params was not a has");
} # end if
} else {
$params = { @_ };
} # end if
my %sql = (
( distinct => ( exists $$params{distinct} ? 1:0 ) ),
( columns => ( exists $$params{columns} ? $$params{columns} : '*' ) ),
( table => ( exists $$params{table} ? $$params{table} : ${$object_type.'::table'} )),
'group by'=> $$params{'group by'},
limit => $$params{limit},
offset => $$params{offset},
if ( exists $$params{order} ) {
$sql{order} = $$params{order};
} else {
my $order = eval '$'.$object_type.'::default_sort';
#$log->debug("default sort: $object_type :: default_sort = $order") if DEBUG_ALL;
$sql{order} = $order if $order;
} # end if
delete @$params{'distinct','columns','table','group by','limit','offset','order'};
my @where;
my @values;
if ( exists $$params{custom} ) {
push @where, '(' . (shift @{$$params{custom}}) . ')';
push @values, @{$$params{custom}};
delete $$params{custom};
} # end if
my @param_keys = keys %$params;
# no operators, just which fields are being searched on. Mostly just useful for detetion of the deleted field.
my %used_fields;
# We use this search hash so that we can mash it up and leave the params hash alone
my %search;
@search{@param_keys} = @$params{@param_keys};
my ( $where, $values, $used_fields ) = get_fields_values( $object_type, \%search, \@param_keys );
delete @search{@{$used_fields}};
@used_fields{ @{$used_fields} } = @{$used_fields};
push @where, @{$where};
push @values, @{$values};
my $fields = \%{$object_type.'::fields'};
#optimise this
if ( $$fields{deleted} and ! $used_fields{deleted} ) {
push @where, 'deleted=?';
push @values, 0;
} # end if
$sql{where} = \@where;
$sql{values} = \@values;
$sql{used_fields} = \%used_fields;
foreach my $k ( keys %search ) {
$log->error("Extra parameters in $object_type ::find $k => $search{$k}");
Carp::cluck("Extra parameters in $object_type ::find $k => $search{$k}");
} # end foreach
$sql{sql} = join( ' ',
( 'SELECT', ( $sql{distinct} ? ('DISTINCT') : () ) ),
( $sql{columns}, 'FROM', $sql{table} ),
( @{$sql{where}} ? ('WHERE', join(' AND ', @{$sql{where}})) : () ),
( $sql{order} ? ( 'ORDER BY', $sql{order} ) : () ),
( $sql{'group by'} ? ( 'GROUP BY', $sql{'group by'} ) : () ),
( $sql{limit} ? ( 'LIMIT', $sql{limit}) : () ),
( $sql{offset} ? ( 'OFFSET', $sql{offset} ) : () ),
#$log->debug("Loading Debug:$debug $object_type ($sql) (".join(',', map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? join(',', @{$_}) : $_ } @values).')' ) if $debug;
return \%sql;
} # end sub find_sql
my $type = ref($_[0]);
Carp::cluck("No type in autoload") if ! $type;
if ( DEBUG_ALL ) {
Carp::cluck("Using AUTOLOAD $AUTOLOAD");
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
$name =~ s/.*://;
if ( @_ > 1 ) {
return $_[0]{$name} = $_[1];
return $_[0]{$name};

scripts/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
use bytes;
# ==========================================================================
# These are the elements you can edit to suit your installation
# ==========================================================================
use constant RECOVER_TAG => '(r)'; # Tag to append to event name when recovered
use constant RECOVER_TEXT => 'Recovered.'; # Text to append to event notes when recovered
# ==========================================================================
# You shouldn't need to change anything from here downwards
# ==========================================================================
use ZoneMinder;
use DBI;
use POSIX;
use File::Find;
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
use Getopt::Long;
use Date::Format;
use autouse 'Pod::Usage'=>qw(pod2usage);
use constant ZM_RECOVER_PID => '@ZM_RUNDIR@/';
$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin';
$ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/sh' if exists $ENV{SHELL};
my $report = 0;
my $interactive = 1;
my $monitor_id = 0;
my $version;
my $force = 0;
my $server_id = undef;
my $storage_id = undef;
force =>\$force,
interactive =>\$interactive,
'monitor_id=i' =>\$monitor_id,
report =>\$report,
'server_id=i' =>\$server_id,
'storage_id=i' =>\$storage_id,
version =>\$version
) or pod2usage(-exitstatus => -1);
if ( $version ) {
print( ZoneMinder::Base::ZM_VERSION . "\n");
if ( ($report + $interactive) > 1 ) {
print( STDERR "Error, only one option may be specified\n" );
pod2usage(-exitstatus => -1);
if ( -e ZM_RECOVER_PID ) {
local $/ = undef;
open FILE, ZM_RECOVER_PID or die "Couldn't open file: $!";
binmode FILE;
my $pid = <FILE>;
close FILE;
if ( $force ) {
Error(" appears to already be running at pid $pid. Continuing." );
} else {
Fatal(" appears to already be running at pid $pid. If not, please delete " .
ZM_RECOVER_PID . " or use the --force command line option." );
} # end if ZM_RECOVER_PID exists
if ( open(my $PID, '>', ZM_RECOVER_PID) ) {
print($PID $$);
} else {
Error( "Can't open pid file at " . ZM_PID );
sub HupHandler {
Info('Received HUP, reloading');
sub TermHandler {
Info('Received TERM, exiting');
sub Term {
$SIG{HUP} = \&HupHandler;
$SIG{TERM} = \&TermHandler;
$SIG{INT} = \&TermHandler;
my $dbh = zmDbConnect();
if ( ! $dbh ) {
Error('Unable to connect to database');
} # end if
$| = 1;
require ZoneMinder::Monitor;
require ZoneMinder::Storage;
require ZoneMinder::Event;
my @Storage_Areas;
if ( defined $storage_id ) {
@Storage_Areas = ZoneMinder::Storage->find( Id=>$storage_id );
if ( !@Storage_Areas ) {
Error("No Storage Area found with Id $storage_id");
Info("Auditing Storage Area $Storage_Areas[0]{Id} $Storage_Areas[0]{Name} at $Storage_Areas[0]{Path}");
} elsif ( $server_id ) {
@Storage_Areas = ZoneMinder::Storage->find( ServerId => $server_id );
if ( ! @Storage_Areas ) {
Error("No Storage Area found with ServerId =" . $server_id);
foreach my $Storage ( @Storage_Areas ) {
Info('Auditing ' . $Storage->Name() . ' at ' . $Storage->Path() . ' on ' . $Storage->Server()->Name() );
} else {
@Storage_Areas = ZoneMinder::Storage->find();
Info("Auditing All Storage Areas");
my @Monitors = ZoneMinder::Monitor->find();
foreach my $Monitor ( @Monitors ) {
Debug("Monitor " . $Monitor->to_string() )
my %Monitors = map { $$_{Id} => $_ } @Monitors;
# ($monitor_id ? ( Id=>$monitor_id ) : () ),
Debug("Found " . (keys %Monitors) . " monitors");
foreach my $id ( keys %Monitors ) {
Debug("Monitor $id $Monitors{$id}{Name}");
foreach my $Storage ( @Storage_Areas ) {
Debug('Checking events in ' . $Storage->Path() );
if ( ! chdir($Storage->Path()) ) {
Error('Unable to change dir to ' . $Storage->Path());
} # end if
# Please note that this glob will take all files beginning with a digit.
foreach my $monitor ( glob('[0-9]*') ) {
if ( $monitor =~ /\D/ ) {
Debug("Weird non digit characters in $monitor");
# De-taint
( my $monitor_dir ) = ( $monitor =~ /^(\d+)$/ );
if ( $monitor_id and ( $monitor_id != $monitor_dir ) ) {
Debug("Skipping monitor $monitor_dir because we are only interested in monitor $monitor_id");
if ( ! $Monitors{$monitor_dir} ) {
Warning("There is no monitor in the database for $$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir. Skipping it.");
my $Monitor = $Monitors{$monitor_dir};
Debug("Found filesystem monitor '$monitor_dir'");
my @day_dirs = glob("$monitor_dir/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]");
Debug(qq`Checking for Deep Events under $$Storage{Path} using glob("$monitor_dir/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]") returned `. scalar @day_dirs . ' days with events');
foreach my $day_dir ( @day_dirs ) {
Debug("Checking day dir $day_dir");
( $day_dir ) = ( $day_dir =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
if ( !chdir($day_dir) ) {
Error("Can't chdir to '$$Storage{Path}/$day_dir': $!");
if ( ! opendir(DIR, '.') ) {
Error("Can't open directory '$$Storage{Path}/$day_dir': $!");
my %event_ids_by_path;
my @event_links = sort { $b <=> $a } grep { -l $_ } readdir( DIR );
Debug('Have ' . (scalar @event_links) . ' event links');
my $count = 0;
foreach my $event_link ( @event_links ) {
# Event links start with a period and consist of the digits of the event id.
# Anything else is not an event link
my ($event_id) = $event_link =~ /^\.(\d+)$/;
if ( !$event_id ) {
Warning("Non-event link found $event_link in $day_dir, skipping");
Debug("Checking link $event_link");
#Event path is hour/minute/sec
my $event_path = readlink($event_link);
if ( !($event_path and -e $event_path) ) {
Warning("Event link $day_dir/$event_link does not point to valid target at $event_path");
if ( ! ZoneMinder::Event->find_one(Id=>$event_id) ) {
Info("Event not found in db for event data found at $$Storage{Path}/$day_dir/$event_path with Id=$event_id");
if ( confirm() ) {
my $Event = new ZoneMinder::Event();
$$Event{Id} = $event_id;
$$Event{Path} = join('/', $Storage->Path(), $day_dir, $event_path);
$$Event{RelativePath} = join('/', $day_dir, $event_path);
$$Event{Scheme} = 'Deep';
$$Event{Name} = "Event $event_id recovered";
$Event->MonitorId( $monitor_dir );
$Event->StorageId( $Storage->Id() );
$Event->DiskSpace( undef );
$Event->Width( $Monitor->Width() );
$Event->Height( $Monitor->Height() );
$Event->Orientation( $Monitor->Orientation() );
$Event->save({}, 1);
Debug("Event resurrected as " . $Event->to_string() );
} # end if resurrection
} # event path exists
} # end foreach event_link
# Now check for events that have lost their link. We can determine event Id from .mp4
my @time_dirs = glob('[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]');
foreach my $event_dir ( @time_dirs ) {
Debug("Checking time dir $event_dir");
( $event_dir ) = ( $event_dir =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
my $event_id = undef;
if ( ! opendir(DIR, $event_dir) ) {
Error("Can't open directory '$$Storage{Path}/$day_dir': $!");
my @contents = readdir( DIR );
Debug('Have ' . @contents . " files in $day_dir/$event_dir");
my @mp4_files = grep( /^\d+\-video.mp4$/, @contents);
foreach my $mp4_file ( @mp4_files ) {
my ( $id ) = $mp4_file =~ /^([0-9]+)\-video\.mp4$/;
if ( $id ) {
$event_id = $id;
Debug("Got event id from mp4 file $mp4_file => $event_id");
} # end foreach mp4
if ( ! $event_id ) {
# Look for .id file
my @hidden_files = grep( /^\.\d+$/, @contents);
Debug('Have ' . @hidden_files . ' hidden files');
if ( @hidden_files ) {
( $event_id ) = $hidden_files[0] =~ /^.(\d+)$/;
if ( $event_id and ! ZoneMinder::Event->find_one(Id=>$event_id) ) {
Info("Event not found in db for event data found at $$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir/$day_dir/$event_dir");
if ( confirm() ) {
my $Event = new ZoneMinder::Event();
$$Event{Id} = $event_id;
$$Event{Path} = join('/', $Storage->Path(), $day_dir, $event_dir);
$$Event{RelativePath} = join('/', $day_dir, $event_dir);
$$Event{Scheme} = 'Deep';
$$Event{Name} = "Event $event_id recovered";
$Event->MonitorId( $monitor_dir );
$Event->Width( $Monitor->Width() );
$Event->Height( $Monitor->Height() );
$Event->Orientation( $Monitor->Orientation() );
$Event->StorageId( $Storage->Id() );
$Event->DiskSpace( undef );
$Event->save({}, 1);
Debug("Event resurrected as " . $Event->to_string() );
} # end if event found
# Search in db for given timestamp?
my ( undef, $year, $month, $day ) = split('/', $day_dir);
$year += 2000;
my ( $hour, $minute, $second ) = split('/', $event_dir);
my $StartTime =sprintf('%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d', $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second);
my $Event = ZoneMinder::Event->find_one(
if ( $Event ) {
Debug("Found event matching starttime on monitor $monitor_dir at $StartTime: " . $Event->to_string());
} # end foreach event_dir without link
chdir( $Storage->Path() );
} # end foreach day dir
Debug("Checking for Medium Scheme Events under $$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir");
my @event_dirs = glob("$monitor_dir/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]/*");
Debug(qq`glob("$monitor_dir/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]/*") returned ` . scalar @event_dirs . " entries." );
foreach my $event_dir ( @event_dirs ) {
if ( ! -d $event_dir ) {
Debug("$event_dir is not a dir. Skipping");
my ( $date, $event_id ) = $event_dir =~ /^$monitor_dir\/(\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2})\/(\d+)$/;
if ( !$event_id ) {
Debug("Unable to parse date/event_id from $event_dir");
my $Event = ZoneMinder::Event->find_one(Id=>$event_id);
if ( $Event ) {
Debug('Found event in the db, moving on.');
$Event = new ZoneMinder::Event();
$$Event{Id} = $event_id;
$$Event{Path} = join('/', $Storage->Path(), $event_dir );
Debug("Have event $$Event{Id} at $$Event{Path}");
$$Event{Scheme} = 'Medium';
$$Event{RelativePath} = $event_dir;
$$Event{Name} = "Event $event_id recovered";
$Event->MonitorId( $monitor_dir );
$Event->Width( $Monitor->Width() );
$Event->Height( $Monitor->Height() );
$Event->Orientation( $Monitor->Orientation() );
$Event->StorageId( $Storage->Id() );
if ( confirm() ) {
$Event->save({}, 1);
Debug("Event resurrected as " . $Event->to_string() );
} # end foreach event
} # end search for Medium
# Shallow
Debug("Checking for ShallowScheme Events under $$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir");
if ( ! chdir($monitor_dir) ) {
Error("Can't chdir directory '$$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir': $!");
if ( ! opendir(DIR, '.') ) {
Error("Can't open directory '$$Storage{Path}/$monitor_dir': $!");
my @temp_events = sort { $b <=> $a } grep { -d $_ && $_ =~ /^\d+$/ } readdir( DIR );
foreach my $event ( @temp_events ) {
my $Event = ZoneMinder::Event->find_one(Id=>$event);
if ( $Event ) {
Debug("Found an event in db for $event");
$$Event{Id} = $event;
$$Event{Path} = join('/', $Storage->Path(), $event );
Debug("Have event $$Event{Id} at $$Event{Path}");
$$Event{Scheme} = 'Shallow';
$$Event{Name} = "Event $event recovered";
#$$Event{Path} = $event_path;
$Event->MonitorId( $monitor_dir );
$Event->Width( $Monitor->Width() );
$Event->Height( $Monitor->Height() );
$Event->Orientation( $Monitor->Orientation() );
$Event->StorageId( $Storage->Id() );
$Event->save({}, 1);
Debug("Event resurrected as " . $Event->to_string() );
} # end foreach event
chdir( $Storage->Path() );
} # end foreach monitor
} # end foreach Storage Area
sub confirm {
my $prompt = shift || 'resurrect';
my $action = shift || 'resurrecting';
my $yesno = 0;
if ( $report ) {
print( "\n" );
} elsif ( $interactive ) {
print(", $prompt Y/n/q: ");
my $char = <>;
chomp( $char );
if ( $char eq 'q' ) {
if ( !$char ) {
$char = 'y';
$yesno = ( $char =~ /[yY]/ );
} else {
$yesno = 1;
return $yesno;
=head1 NAME - ZoneMinder event file system and database recovery checker
=head1 SYNOPSIS [-r,-report|-i,-interactive]
This script checks for consistency between the event filesystem and
the database. If events are found in one and not the other they are
deleted (optionally). Additionally any monitor event directories that
do not correspond to a database monitor are similarly disposed of.
However monitors in the database that don't have a directory are left
alone as this is valid if they are newly created and have no events
=head1 OPTIONS
-i, --interactive - Ask before applying any changes
-m, --monitor_id - Only consider the given monitor
-r, --report - Just report don't actually do anything
-s, --storage_id - Specify a storage area to recover instead of all
-v, --version - Print the installed version of ZoneMinder
ZoneMinder Recover Script
Copyright (C) 2018 ZoneMinder LLC
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ RemoteCamera::RemoteCamera(
RemoteCamera::~RemoteCamera() {
if ( hp != NULL ) {
hp = NULL;
if ( mAuthenticator ) {
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ void RemoteCamera::Initialise() {
if( host.empty() )
Fatal( "No host specified for remote camera" );
if( port.empty() )
Fatal( "No port specified for remote camera" );
if ( port.empty() )
Fatal("No port specified for remote camera");
//if( path.empty() )
//Fatal( "No path specified for remote camera" );
@ -99,6 +99,12 @@ void RemoteCamera::Initialise() {
if ( ret != 0 ) {
Fatal( "Can't getaddrinfo(%s port %s): %s", host.c_str(), port.c_str(), gai_strerror(ret) );
struct addrinfo *p = NULL;
int addr_count = 0;
for ( p = hp; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next ) {
Debug(1, "%d addresses returned", addr_count);
int RemoteCamera::Read( int fd, char *buf, int size ) {

View File

@ -76,26 +76,21 @@ RemoteCameraHttp::RemoteCameraHttp(
method = REGEXP;
Fatal( "Unrecognised method '%s' when creating HTTP camera %d", p_method.c_str(), monitor_id );
if ( capture )
if ( capture ) {
if ( capture )
RemoteCameraHttp::~RemoteCameraHttp() {
if ( capture ) {
void RemoteCameraHttp::Initialise()
void RemoteCameraHttp::Initialise() {
if ( request.empty() )
if ( request.empty() ) {
request = stringtf( "GET %s HTTP/%s\r\n", path.c_str(), config.http_version );
request += stringtf( "User-Agent: %s/%s\r\n", config.http_ua, ZM_VERSION );
request += stringtf( "Host: %s\r\n", host.c_str());
@ -107,8 +102,7 @@ void RemoteCameraHttp::Initialise()
Debug( 2, "Request: %s", request.c_str() );
if ( !timeout.tv_sec )
if ( !timeout.tv_sec ) {
timeout.tv_sec = config.http_timeout/1000;
timeout.tv_usec = (config.http_timeout%1000)*1000;
@ -123,7 +117,7 @@ void RemoteCameraHttp::Initialise()
int RemoteCameraHttp::Connect() {
struct addrinfo *p;
struct addrinfo *p = NULL;
for ( p = hp; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next ) {
sd = socket( p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol );
@ -157,27 +151,24 @@ int RemoteCameraHttp::Connect() {
return sd;
} // end int RemoteCameraHttp::Connect()
int RemoteCameraHttp::Disconnect()
close( sd );
int RemoteCameraHttp::Disconnect() {
sd = -1;
Debug( 3, "Disconnected from host" );
return( 0 );
Debug(3, "Disconnected from host");
return 0;
int RemoteCameraHttp::SendRequest()
Debug( 2, "Sending request: %s", request.c_str() );
if ( write( sd,, request.length() ) < 0 )
Error( "Can't write: %s", strerror(errno) );
int RemoteCameraHttp::SendRequest() {
Debug(2, "Sending request: %s", request.c_str());
if ( write(sd,, request.length()) < 0 ) {
Error("Can't write: %s", strerror(errno));
return( -1 );
return -1;
format = UNDEF;
state = HEADER;
Debug( 3, "Request sent" );
return( 0 );
Debug(3, "Request sent");
return 0;
/* Return codes are as follows:
@ -278,12 +269,10 @@ int RemoteCameraHttp::ReadData( Buffer &buffer, unsigned int bytes_expected ) {
return( total_bytes_read );
int RemoteCameraHttp::GetResponse()
int RemoteCameraHttp::GetResponse() {
int buffer_len;
if ( method == REGEXP )
if ( method == REGEXP ) {
const char *header = 0;
int header_len = 0;
const char *http_version = 0;

View File

@ -291,11 +291,11 @@ void StreamBase::openComms() {
if ( errno != EEXIST ) {
Error("Can't mkdir %s: %s", staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str(), strerror(errno));
} else {
Error("EEXISTsuccess making dir %s", staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str() );
} else {
Debug(3, "SOCKS dir %s already exists", staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str() );
} else {
Error("success making dir %s", staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str() );
Debug(3, "Success making SOCKS dir %s", staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str() );
lock_fd = open(sock_path_lock, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);