Merge pull request #38 from digital-gnome/storageareas-progressbarupdate
progressBar and navigation
This commit is contained in:
@ -176,22 +176,14 @@ span.noneCue {
#progressBar {
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #666666;
height: 15px;
margin: 0 auto;
top: -1.5em;
height: 1.5em;
margin: 0 auto -1.5em auto;
#progressBar .progressBox {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
height: 15px;
background: #eeeeee;
border-left: 1px solid #999999;
#progressBar .complete {
background: #aaaaaa;
height: 1.5em;
background: rgba(170, 170, 170, .7);
#eventStills {
@ -159,22 +159,14 @@ span.noneCue {
#progressBar {
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #666666;
height: 15px;
margin: 0 auto;
top: -1.5em;
height: 1.5em;
margin: 0 auto -1.5em auto;
#progressBar .progressBox {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
height: 15px;
background: #eeeeee;
border-left: 1px solid #999999;
#progressBar .complete {
background: #aaaaaa;
height: 1.5em;
background: rgba(170, 170, 170, .7);
#eventStills {
@ -170,22 +170,14 @@ span.noneCue {
#progressBar {
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #666666;
height: 15px;
margin: 0 auto;
top: -1.5em;
height: 1.5em;
margin: 0 auto -1.5em auto;
#progressBar .progressBox {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
height: 15px;
background: #eeeeee;
border-left: 1px solid #999999;
#progressBar .complete {
background: #aaaaaa;
height: 1.5em;
background: rgba(170, 170, 170, .7);
#eventStills {
@ -85,10 +85,6 @@ parseSort();
parseFilter( $_REQUEST['filter'] );
$filterQuery = $_REQUEST['filter']['query'];
$panelSections = 40;
$panelSectionWidth = (int)ceil(reScale($Event->Width(),$scale)/$panelSections);
$panelWidth = ($panelSections*$panelSectionWidth-1);
$connkey = generateConnKey();
$focusWindow = true;
@ -195,6 +191,10 @@ if ( ZM_WEB_STREAM_METHOD == 'mpeg' && ZM_MPEG_LIVE_FORMAT ) {
} // end if stream method
<div id="alarmCueJpeg" class="alarmCue" style="width: <?php echo reScale($Event->Width(), $scale);?>px;"></div>
<div id="progressBar" style="width: <?php echo reScale($Event->Width(), $scale);?>px;">
<div class="progressBox" id="progressBox" title="" style="width: 0%;"></div>
<p id="dvrControls" class="dvrControls">
<input type="button" value="<+" id="prevBtn" title="<?php echo translate('Prev') ?>" class="inactive" onclick="streamPrev( true );"/>
<input type="button" value="<<" id="fastRevBtn" title="<?php echo translate('Rewind') ?>" class="inactive" disabled="disabled" onclick="streamFastRev( true );"/>
@ -212,12 +212,6 @@ if ( ZM_WEB_STREAM_METHOD == 'mpeg' && ZM_MPEG_LIVE_FORMAT ) {
<span id="progress"><?php echo translate('Progress') ?>: <span id="progressValue"></span>s</span>
<span id="zoom"><?php echo translate('Zoom') ?>: <span id="zoomValue"></span>x</span>
<div id="progressBar" class="invisible">
<?php for ( $i = 0; $i < $panelSections; $i++ ) { ?>
<div class="progressBox" id="progressBox<?php echo $i ?>" title=""></div>
<?php } ?>
<div id="alarmCueJpeg" class="alarmCue" style="width: <?php echo reScale($Event->Width(), $scale);?>px;"></div>
<?php } /*end if !DefaultVideo*/ ?>
@ -171,24 +171,30 @@ var streamCmdTimer = null;
var streamStatus = null;
var lastEventId = 0;
var zmsBroke = false; //Use alternate navigation if zms has crashed
function getCmdResponse( respObj, respText ) {
if ( checkStreamForErrors( "getCmdResponse", respObj ) ) {
console.log('Got an error from getCmdResponse');
var zmsBroke = true;
zmsBroke = false;
if ( streamCmdTimer )
streamCmdTimer = clearTimeout( streamCmdTimer );
streamStatus = respObj.status;
if (streamStatus.progress > parseFloat(eventData.Length)) streamStatus.progress = parseFloat(eventData.Length); //Limit progress to reality
var eventId = streamStatus.event;
if ( eventId != lastEventId ) {
if ( eventId != lastEventId && lastEventId != 0) { //Doesn't run on first load, prevents a double hit on event and nearEvents ajax
eventQuery( eventId );
initialAlarmCues(eventId); //zms uses this instead of a page reload, must call ajax+render
lastEventId = eventId;
if (lastEventId == 0) lastEventId = eventId; //Only fires on first load.
if ( streamStatus.paused == true ) {
$('modeValue').set( 'text', 'Paused' );
$('rate').addClass( 'hidden' );
@ -216,7 +222,7 @@ function getCmdResponse( respObj, respText ) {
streamImg.src = streamImg.src.replace( /auth=\w+/i, 'auth='+streamStatus.auth );
} // end if haev a new auth hash
streamCmdTimer = streamQuery.delay( streamTimeout );
streamCmdTimer = streamQuery.delay( streamTimeout ); //Timeout is refresh rate for progressBox and time display
var streamReq = new Request.JSON( { url: thisUrl, method: 'get', timeout: AJAX_TIMEOUT, link: 'chain', onSuccess: getCmdResponse } );
@ -293,40 +299,25 @@ function streamFastRev( action ) {
streamReq.send( streamParms+"&command="+CMD_FASTREV );
function streamPrev( action ) {
if ( action ) {
if ( vid ) {
function streamPrev(action) {
if (action) {
if (vid || PrevEventDefVideoPath.indexOf("view_video") >=0 || $j("#vjsMessage").length || zmsBroke) { //handles this or prev being video.js, or end of events
location.replace(thisUrl + '?view=event&eid=' + prevEventId + filterQuery + sortQuery);
} else {
if (PrevEventDefVideoPath.indexOf("view_video") >=0) {//if it uses videojs
location.replace(thisUrl + '?view=event&eid=' + prevEventId + filterQuery + sortQuery);
} else {
if ($j("#vjsMessage")) { //allow going back after deleting last event
location.replace(thisUrl + '?view=event&eid=' + prevEventId + filterQuery + sortQuery);
} else {
streamReq.send( streamParms+"&command="+CMD_PREV );
function streamNext( action ) {
if ( action ) {
if (nextEventId == 0) {
//handles deleting last event.
function streamNext(action) {
if (action) {
if (nextEventId == 0) { //handles deleting last event.
let replaceStream = $j(vid ? "#videoobj" : "#evtStream");
replaceStream.replaceWith('<p class="vjsMessage" style="width:' + replaceStream.css("width") + '; height: ' + replaceStream.css("height") + ';line-height: ' + replaceStream.css("height") + ';">No more events</p>');
if ( vid ) {
} else if (vid || NextEventDefVideoPath.indexOf("view_video") >=0 || zmsBroke) { //handles current or next switch to video.js
location.replace(thisUrl + '?view=event&eid=' + nextEventId + filterQuery + sortQuery);
} else {
if (NextEventDefVideoPath.indexOf("view_video") >=0) {
location.replace(thisUrl + '?view=event&eid=' + nextEventId + filterQuery + sortQuery);
} else {
streamReq.send( streamParms+"&command="+CMD_NEXT );
streamReq.send( streamParms+"&command="+CMD_NEXT );
@ -800,66 +791,40 @@ function videoEvent() {
createPopup( '?view=video&eid='+eventData.Id, 'zmVideo', 'video', eventData.Width, eventData.Height );
// Called on each event load, because each event can be a different length.
// Called on each event load because each event can be a different width
function drawProgressBar() {
// Make it invisible so we don't see the update happen
$('progressBar').addClass( 'invisible' );
var barWidth = 0;
var cells = $('progressBar').getElements( 'div' );
var cells_length = cells.length;
var cellWidth = parseInt( ((eventData.Width * $j('#scale').val()) / SCALE_BASE) / cells_length );
for ( var index = 0; index < cells_length; index += 1 ) {
var cell = $( cells[index] );
function test (cell, index) {
if ( index == 0 )
cell.setStyles( { 'left': barWidth, 'width': cellWidth, 'borderLeft': 0 } );
cell.setStyles( { 'left': barWidth, 'width': cellWidth } );
var offset = parseInt( (index*eventData.Length)/cells_length );
cell.setProperty( 'title', '+'+secsToTime(offset)+'s' );
cell.removeEvents( 'click' );
cell.addEvent( 'click', function() { streamSeek( offset ); } );
barWidth += cell.getCoordinates().width;
test (cell, index);
$('progressBar').setStyle( 'width', barWidth );
$('progressBar').removeClass( 'invisible' );
var barWidth = (eventData.Width * $j('#scale').val()) / SCALE_BASE;
$j('#progressBar').css( 'width', barWidth );
// Changes the colour of the cells making up the completed progress bar
// Shows current stream progress.
function updateProgressBar() {
if ( ! ( eventData && streamStatus ) ) {
} // end if ! eventData && streamStatus
var cells = $('progressBar').getElements( 'div' );
var cells_length = cells.length;
var completeIndex = parseInt(((cells_length+1)*streamStatus.progress)/eventData.Length);
for ( var index = 0; index < cells_length; index += 1 ) {
var cell = $( cells[index] );
if ( index < completeIndex ) {
if ( !cell.hasClass( 'complete' ) ) {
cell.addClass( 'complete' );
} else {
if ( cell.hasClass( 'complete' ) ) {
cell.removeClass( 'complete' );
} // end if
} // end function
var curWidth = (streamStatus.progress / parseFloat(eventData.Length)) * 100;
$j("#progressBox").css('width', curWidth + '%');
} // end function updateProgressBar()
// Handles seeking when clicking on the progress bar.
function progressBarSeek (){
var x = e.pageX - $j(this).offset().left;
var seekTime = (x / $j('#progressBar').width()) * parseFloat(eventData.Length);
streamSeek (seekTime);
function handleClick( event ) {
var target =;
var x = - $(target).getLeft();
var y = - $(target).getTop();
if ( event.shift )
streamPan( x, y );
streamZoomIn( x, y );
if (event.shift) {
streamPan(x, y);
} else {
streamZoomIn(x, y);
function setupListener() {
@ -982,6 +947,7 @@ function initPage() {
streamPlay(); */
} else {
progressBarSeek ();
streamCmdTimer = streamQuery.delay( 250 );
eventQuery.pass( eventData.Id ).delay( 500 );
initialAlarmCues(eventData.Id); //call ajax+renderAlarmCues for nph-zms.
Reference in New Issue