Don't explicitly set the Id number of each ptz control. The auto increment flag has previously been turned on so mysql will insert the proper value for us when we create a new record. This will make the list of ptz controls easier to manager as the list gets bigger.
Table "Users":
ERROR 1366 (HY000) at line 523: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'Id' at row 1
Table "MonitorPresets":
ERROR 1366 (HY000) at line 550: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'Id' at row 1
...and many others like this
Incorrect 'channel' field type in table "MonitorPresets":
ERROR 1366 (HY000) at line 550: Incorrect integer value: 'simple' for column 'Channel' at row 1
...and many others like this
"DefaultValue" field is very small in table "Config":
ERROR 1406 (22001) at line 743: Data too long for column 'DefaultValue' at row 1
Some 'INSERT INTO MonitorPresets' querys are wrong.
"Message" field is very small in table "Logs":
Can't write log entry 'insert into Logs ( TimeKey, Component, Pid, Level, Code, Message, File, Line ) values ( 1379059494.570980, 'web_php', 30387, -3, 'FAT', 'SQL-ERR \'Incorrect decimal value: \'\' for column \'MaxFPS\' at row 1\', statement was \'insert into Monitors set LinkedMonitors = \'\', Name = \'test\', Type = \'Remote\', Function = \'Monitor\', Enabled = \'1\', RefBlendPerc = \'12\', MaxFPS = \'\', AlarmMaxFPS = \'\', Device = \'/dev/video0\', Channel = \'0\', Format = \'255\', Palette = \'0\', LabelFormat = \'%N - %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\', LabelX = \'0\', LabelY = \'0\', ImageBufferCount = \'50\', WarmupCount = \'25\', PreEventCount = \'25\', PostEventCount = \'25\', StreamReplayBuffer = \'1000\', AlarmFrameCount = \'1\', EventPrefix = \'Event-\', SectionLength = \'600\', FrameSkip = \'0\', FPSReportInterval = \'1000\', DefaultView = \'Events\', DefaultRate = \'100\', DefaultScale = \'100\', WebColour = \'red\', SignalCheckColour = \'#0000c0\', Protocol = \'http\', Method = \'simple\', Host = \'\', Port = \'80\', Path = \'\', Colours = \'3\', Width = \'320\', Height = \'240\', Orientation = \'0\', Deinterlacing = \'0\', Sequence = 1\'', 'includes/database.php', 78 )': Data too long for column 'Message' at row 1
On a fresh ZoneMinder install, there's a default zone preset active which works pretty well.
If the user goes to the zone settings and plays around with the selectable presets, he looses the default setting forever, if didn't take notes by hand on a piece of paper.
This commit simply adds to the top of the presets list the default value which comes with the original fresh install.
Some IP cameras need the source set to ffmpeg even though they are remote
cameras. These cameras do have a remote PTZ interface, but previously
when the monitor source was set to ffmpeg, the only control type
available was 'none'.