*/ if (!canEdit('Events')) { logXmlErr("User ".$user['Username']. " doesn't have edit Events perms"); exit; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['eid'])) { logXmlErr("EID not set for action delete-event"); exit; } $eid = validInteger($_REQUEST['eid']); $url = "./index.php?view=request&request=event&id=".$eid."&action=delete"; header("Location: ".$url); exit; } else if (!strcmp($action, "spawn264")) { /* ACTION: Spawn 264 streaming process. * Parms: [br|width|height] */ if (!canView('Stream')) { logXmlErr("User ".$user['Username']. " doesn't have view Stream perms"); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['monitor'])) { logXmlErr("Not all parameters specified for spawn264"); exit; } $monitor = validInteger($_REQUEST['monitor']); if (!isMonitor($monitor)) exit; $dims = getMonitorDims($monitor); $width = validInteger(getset('width', $dims['Width'])); $height = validInteger(getset('height', $dims['Height'])); $br = validString(getset('br', ZM_EYEZM_H264_DEFAULT_BR)); /* Check that we can stream first */ if (!canStream264()) { /* canStream264 will print out error */ exit; } $streamUrl = stream264fn($monitor, $width, $height, $br); logXml("Using H264 Pipe Function: ".$streamUrl); $pid = shell_exec($streamUrl); logXml("Streaming Process for monitor ".$monitor." ended, cleaning up files"); eraseH264Files($monitor); exit; } else if (!strcmp($action, "kill264")) { /* ACTION: Kill existing H264 stream process and cleanup files. * Parms: . * NOTE: This will be called directly by path, so include files * may not be available */ session_start(); require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../includes/functions.php"); if (!isset($_GET['monitor'])) { logXmlErr("Not all parameters specified for kill264"); exit; } $monitor = validInteger($_GET['monitor']); kill264proc($monitor); logXml("Killed Segmenter process for monitor ".$monitor); exit; } else if (!strcmp($action, "chk264")) { /* ACTION: Simply stalls while checking for 264 file. * Parms: * NOTE: This will be called directly by path, so include files * may not be available */ session_start(); require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../includes/functions.php"); if (!isset($_GET['monitor']) || !isset($_GET['timeout'])) { logXmlErr("Monitor not specified for chk264"); exit; } $monitor = validInteger($_GET['monitor']); $path = getTempDir()."/".m3u8fname($monitor); /* Wait for the second sample to become available */ $tsfile = getTempDir()."/sample_".$monitor."-2.ts"; /* Setup timeout */ $startTime = time(); $timeout = validInteger($_GET['timeout']); while (!file_exists($path) || !file_exists($tsfile)) { if (time() > $startTime + $timeout) { logXmlErr("Timed out waiting for stream to start, exiting..."); kill264proc($monitor); exit; } usleep(10000); } logXml("File exists, stream created after ".(time()-$startTime)." sec"); exit; } else if (!strcmp($action, "feed")) { /* ACTION: View a feed. Parms: > [height|width|fps|scale|vcodec|br] */ if (!canView('Stream')) { logXmlErr("User ".$user['Username']. " doesn't have view Stream perms"); exit; } /* Check that required variables are set */ if (!isset($_REQUEST['monitor'])) { logXmlErr("Not all parameters set for action view-feed"); exit; } $monitor = validInteger($_REQUEST['monitor']); if (!isMonitor($monitor)) exit; $dims = getMonitorDims($monitor); $width = validInteger(getset('width', $dims['Width'])); $height = validInteger(getset('height', $dims['Height'])); $fps = validInteger(getset('fps', ZM_WEB_VIDEO_MAXFPS)); $scale = validInteger(getset('scale', 100)); $vcodec = validString(getset('vcodec', ZM_EYEZM_FEED_VCODEC)); /* Select which codec we want */ if (!strcmp($vcodec, "h264")) { /* Validate that we can in fact stream H264 */ if (!canStream264()) { /* canStream264 will print out error if * there is one */ echo "Server cannot stream H264. Check eyeZm log for details"; exit; } if (!requireVer("1", "2")) { echo "H264 Streaming requires eyeZm v1.2 or above"; logXmlErr("H264 Streaming requires eyeZm v1.2 or above"); exit; } $br = validString(getset('br', ZM_EYEZM_H264_DEFAULT_BR)); /* H264 processing */ noCacheHeaders(); /* Kill any existing processes and files */ kill264proc($monitor); eraseH264Files($monitor); logXml("Streaming H264 on Monitor ".$monitor.", ".$width."x".$height." @".$br); /* Get thumbnail source */ $thumbsrc = getStreamSrc( array( "mode=single", "monitor=".$monitor, "scale=".$scale, "maxfps=".$fps, "buffer=1000" ) ); logXml("Using thumbnail image from ".$thumbsrc); /* Generate H264 Web-page */ h264vidHtml($width, $height, $monitor, $br, $thumbsrc); } else if (!strcmp($vcodec, "mjpeg")) { /* MJPEG streaming */ $streamSrc = getStreamSrc( array( "mode=jpeg", "monitor=".$monitor, "scale=".$scale, "maxfps=".$fps, "buffer=1000" ) ); noCacheHeaders(); xhtmlHeaders( __FILE__, "Stream" ); logXml("Streaming MJPEG on Monitor ".$monitor.", ".$width."x".$height." @".$fps."fps"); echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; logXml("Using stream source: ".$streamSrc); outputImageStream("liveStream", $streamSrc, $width, $height, "stream"); echo "
"; } else { logXmlErr("Unsupported codec ".$vcodec." selected for streaming"); echo("Unsupported codec ".$vcodec." selected for streaming"); } exit; } else if (!strcmp($action, "vevent")) { /* ACTION: View an event. Parms: [fps|vcodec|br] */ if (!canView('Events')) { logXmlErr("User ".$user['Username']. " doesn't have view Events perms"); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['eid'])) { logXmlErr("Not all parameters set for Action View-event"); exit; } /* Grab event from the database */ $eid = validInteger($_GET['eid']); $eventsSql = "select E.Id, E.MonitorId, E.Name, E.StartTime, E.Length, E.Frames from Events as E where (E.Id = ".$eid.")"; $event = dbFetchOne(escapeSql($eventsSql)); /* Check if exists */ if (!$event) { logxmlErr("Requested event ID ".$eid." does not exist"); exit; } /* Calculate FPS */ $fps = validInteger(getset('fps',ceil($event['Frames'] / $event['Length']))); $vcodec = validString(getset('vcodec', ZM_EYEZM_EVENT_VCODEC)); $baseURL = ZM_PATH_WEB."/".getEventPathSafe($event); /* Here we validate the codec. * Check that FFMPEG exists and supports codecs */ if (!strcmp($vcodec, "mpeg4")) { if (!ffmpegSupportsCodec("mpeg4")) { logXmlErr("FFMPEG not installed, accessible in path/ZM_PATH_FFMPEG, or doesn't support mpeg4"); exit; } /* Can generate, we are good to go */ $fname = "capture.mov"; $ffparms = "-vcodec mpeg4 -r ".ZM_EYEZM_EVENT_FPS." ".$baseURL."/".$fname." 2> /dev/null"; } else if (!strcmp($vcodec, "h264")) { if (!ffmpegSupportsCodec("libx264")) { logXmlErr("FFMPEG not installed, accessible in path/ZM_PATH_FFMPEG, or doesn't support H264"); exit; } if (!requireVer("1","2")) { logXmlErr("H264 Event viewing requires eyeZm v1.2 or greater"); exit; } /* Good to go */ $fname = "capture.mp4"; $ffparms = getFfmpeg264FoutParms( validString(getset('br',ZM_EYEZM_H264_DEFAULT_EVBR)), $baseURL."/".$fname); } else { logXmlErr("Unknown codec ".$vcodec." selected for event viewing"); exit; } logXml("Selected ".$vcodec." for viewing event ".$event['Id']); $fnameOut = $baseURL."/".$fname; $shellCmd = getFfmpegPath()." -y -r ".$fps." -i ".$baseURL."/%0".ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS."d-capture.jpg"; $shellCmd .= " ".$ffparms; logXml("Encoding event with command: ".$shellCmd); $shellOutput = shell_exec($shellCmd); /* Check that file exists */ if (!file_exists(trim($fnameOut))) { logXmlErr("Generate Event ".$event['Id']." file ".$fnameOut." does not exist"); exit; } $url = "./".getEventPathSafe($event)."/".$fname; logXml("Loading Event URL ".$url); header("Location: ".$url); exit; } else if (!strcmp($action, "vframe")) { /* ACTION: View a frame given by an event and frame-id. Parms: [alarm | analyze] * If 'alarm' is set, the returned frame will be the -th alarm frame. If 'analyze' is set, * the returned frame will be the %03d-analyse frame instead of %03d-capture, if ZM_CREATE_ANALYSIS_IMAGES * is set. Otherwise it just returns the captured frame */ if (!isset($_GET['eid']) || !isset($_GET['frame'])) { logXmlErr("Not all parameters set for action view-frame"); exit; } $eid = validInteger($_GET['eid']); $frame = validInteger($_GET['frame']); $eventsSql = "select E.Id, E.MonitorId, E.Name, E.StartTime, E.Length, E.Frames from Events as E where (E.Id = ".$eid.")"; $event = dbFetchOne(escapeSql($eventsSql)); if (!$event) { logxmlErr("Requested event ID ".$eid." does not exist"); exit; } /* Figure out the frame number. If 'alarm' is not set, this is just equal to the parameter. * If 'alarm' is set, need to query DB and grab the -th item */ if (isset($_GET['alarm'])) { $frameSql = escapeSql("select * from Frames as F where (F.EventId = ".$eid.") "); $frameSql .= " and (F.Type = 'Alarm') order by F.FrameId"; $i=0; foreach (dbFetchAll($frameSql) as $dbframe) { if ($i == $frame) { $frame = $dbframe['FrameId']; break; } $i++; } } if (isset($_GET['analyze']) && ZM_CREATE_ANALYSIS_IMAGES) { $suffix = "analyse"; } else { $suffix = "capture"; } /* A frame index of 0 is invalid, so if we see this, just use frame 1 */ if (!$frame) $frame = 1; /* Suffix based on 'analyze' */ $fname = sprintf("%0".ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS."d-%s.jpg", $frame, $suffix); $url = "./".getEventPathSafe($event)."/".$fname; if (!file_exists($url)) { $url = "./skins/xml/views/notfound.png"; } header("Location: ".$url); exit; } else if (!strcmp($action, "state")) { /* ACTION: Change the state of the system. Parms: */ if (!canEdit('System')) { logXmlErr("User ".$user['Username']. " doesn't have edit System perms"); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['state'])) { logXmlErr("Server state not specified for action"); exit; } $url = "./index.php?view=none&action=state&runState=".validString($_GET['state']); header("Location: ".$url); exit; } else if (!strcmp($action, "func")) { /* ACTION: Change state of the monitor. Parms: */ if (!canEdit('Monitors')) { logXmlErr("User ".$user['Username']. " doesn't have monitors Edit perms"); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['mid']) || !isset($_GET['func']) || !isset($_GET['en'])) { logXmlErr("Not all parameters specified for action Monitor state"); exit; } $mid = validInteger($_GET['mid']); if (!isMonitor($mid)) exit; $url = "./index.php?view=none&action=function&mid=".$mid."&newFunction=".validString($_GET['func'])."&newEnabled=".validString($_GET['en']); header("Location: ".$url); exit; } else if (!strcmp($action, "vlog")) { /* ACTION: View log file. Must have debug and log to file enabled, and sufficient perms * Parms: [lines] */ if (!canEdit('System')) { logXmlErr("Insufficient permissions to view log file"); echo "Insufficient permissions to view log file"; exit; } if (!ZM_EYEZM_DEBUG || !ZM_EYEZM_LOG_TO_FILE) { echo "eyeZm Debug (EYEZM_DEBUG) or log-to-file (EYEZM_LOG_TO_FILE) not enabled. Please enable first"; exit; } if (!file_exists(ZM_EYEZM_LOG_FILE)) { echo "Log file ".ZM_EYEZM_LOG_FILE." doesn't exist"; exit; } $lines = validInteger(getset('lines',ZM_EYEZM_LOG_LINES)); logXml("Returning last ".$lines." lines of eyeZm Log from ".ZM_EYEZM_LOG_FILE); echo shell_exec("tail -n ".$lines." ".ZM_EYEZM_LOG_FILE); echo "\n\n--- Showing last ".$lines." lines ---\n"; echo "--- End of Log ---\n\n"; } } ?>