$videoFile)); else ajaxError('Video Generation Failed'); } } $ok = true; break; } case 'deleteVideo' : { unlink( $videoFiles[$_REQUEST['id']] ); unset( $videoFiles[$_REQUEST['id']] ); ajaxResponse(); break; } case 'export' : { require_once(ZM_SKIN_PATH.'/includes/export_functions.php'); # We use session vars in here, so we need to restart the session because we stopped it in index.php to improve concurrency. session_start(); if ( !empty($_REQUEST['exportDetail']) ) $exportDetail = $_SESSION['export']['detail'] = $_REQUEST['exportDetail']; else $exportDetail = false; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['exportFrames']) ) $exportFrames = $_SESSION['export']['frames'] = $_REQUEST['exportFrames']; else $exportFrames = false; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['exportImages']) ) $exportImages = $_SESSION['export']['images'] = $_REQUEST['exportImages']; else $exportImages = false; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['exportVideo']) ) $exportVideo = $_SESSION['export']['video'] = $_REQUEST['exportVideo']; else $exportVideo = false; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['exportMisc']) ) $exportMisc = $_SESSION['export']['misc'] = $_REQUEST['exportMisc']; else $exportMisc = false; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['exportFormat']) ) $exportFormat = $_SESSION['export']['format'] = $_REQUEST['exportFormat']; else $exportFormat = ''; session_write_close(); $exportIds = !empty($_REQUEST['eids'])?$_REQUEST['eids']:$_REQUEST['id']; if ( $exportFile = exportEvents( $exportIds, (isset($_REQUEST['connkey'])?$_REQUEST['connkey']:''), $exportDetail, $exportFrames, $exportImages, $exportVideo, $exportMisc, $exportFormat ) ) ajaxResponse(array('exportFile'=>$exportFile)); else ajaxError('Export Failed'); break; } case 'download' : { require_once(ZM_SKIN_PATH.'/includes/export_functions.php'); $exportVideo = 1; $exportFormat = $_REQUEST['exportFormat']; $exportStructure = 'flat'; $exportIds = !empty($_REQUEST['eids'])?$_REQUEST['eids']:$_REQUEST['id']; if ( $exportFile = exportEvents( $exportIds, (isset($_REQUEST['connkey'])?$_REQUEST['connkey']:''), false,false, false, $exportVideo, false, $exportFormat, $exportStructure ) ) ajaxResponse(array('exportFile'=>$exportFile)); else ajaxError('Export Failed'); break; } } } // end if canView('Events') if ( canEdit('Events') ) { switch ( $_REQUEST['action'] ) { case 'rename' : { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['eventName']) ) dbQuery('UPDATE Events SET Name = ? WHERE Id = ?', array($_REQUEST['eventName'], $_REQUEST['id'])); else ajaxError('No new event name supplied'); ajaxResponse(array('refreshEvent'=>true, 'refreshParent'=>true)); break; } case 'eventdetail' : { dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Cause = ?, Notes = ? WHERE Id = ?', array($_REQUEST['newEvent']['Cause'], $_REQUEST['newEvent']['Notes'], $_REQUEST['id']) ); ajaxResponse(array('refreshEvent'=>true, 'refreshParent'=>true)); break; } case 'archive' : case 'unarchive' : { $archiveVal = ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'archive')?1:0; dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Archived = ? WHERE Id = ?', array($archiveVal, $_REQUEST['id']) ); ajaxResponse(array('refreshEvent'=>true, 'refreshParent'=>false)); break; } case 'delete' : { $Event = new Event($_REQUEST['id']); if ( ! $Event->Id() ) { ajaxResponse(array('refreshEvent'=>false, 'refreshParent'=>true, 'message'=> 'Event not found.')); } else { $Event->delete(); ajaxResponse(array('refreshEvent'=>false, 'refreshParent'=>true)); } break; } } } // end if canEdit('Events') ajaxError('Unrecognised action or insufficient permissions'); ?>