AC_INIT(src/zm.h) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(zm,1.17.2-ms) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AC_ARG_WITH(mysql, [ --with-mysql= prefix of MySQL installation. e.g. /usr/local or /usr], [MYSQL_PREFIX=$with_mysql], AC_MSG_ERROR([You must call configure with the --with-mysql option. This tells configure where to find the MySql C library and headers. e.g. --with-mysql=/usr/local or --with-mysql=/usr]) ) AC_SUBST(MYSQL_PREFIX) MYSQL_LIBS="-L${MYSQL_PREFIX}/lib/mysql" MYSQL_CFLAGS="-I${MYSQL_PREFIX}/include" AC_SUBST(MYSQL_LIBS) AC_SUBST(MYSQL_CFLAGS) LDFLAGS="${MYSQL_LIBS} $LDFLAGS" # Ask user for path to web stuff:. AC_ARG_WITH(webdir, [ --with-webdir= prefix of web directory. e.g. /var/www/html or /www/vhtdocs/], [WEB_PREFIX=$with_webdir], AC_MSG_ERROR([You must call configure with the --with-webdir option. This tells configure where to install PHP and web files and scripts. e.g. --with-webdir=/var/www/html or --with-mysql=/www/vhtdocs/]) ) AC_SUBST(WEB_PREFIX) # Ask user for path to cgi stuff:. AC_ARG_WITH(cgidir, [ --with-cgidir= prefix of cgi directory. e.g. /var/www/cgi-bin or /www/vhtdocs//cgi-bin], [CGI_PREFIX=$with_cgidir], AC_MSG_ERROR([You must call configure with the --with-cgidir option. This tells configure where to install cgi files and scripts. e.g. --with-cgidir=/var/www/cgi-bin or --with-mysql=/www/vhtdocs//cgi-bin]) ) AC_SUBST(CGI_PREFIX) WEB_USER=apache # Ask user for web user name:. AC_ARG_WITH(webuser, [ --with-webuser= username of web user. e.g. apache or web], [WEB_USER=$with_webuser], AC_MSG_WARN([You can call configure with the --with-webuser option. This tells configure what the user name of the web user is if it is not the default of 'apache'. e.g. --with-webuser=apache or --with-webuser=web]) ) AC_SUBST(WEB_USER) WEB_GROUP=apache # Ask group for web group name:. AC_ARG_WITH(webgroup, [ --with-webgroup= groupname of web group. e.g. apache or web], [WEB_GROUP=$with_webgroup], AC_MSG_WARN([You can call configure with the --with-webgroup option. This tells configure what the group name of the web group is if it is not the default of 'apache'. e.g. --with-webgroup=apache or --with-webgroup=web]) ) AC_SUBST(WEB_GROUP) AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_HEADER_STDC AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS AC_CHECK_DECLS(round,,,[#include ]) AC_CHECK_DECLS(strsignal,,,[#include ]) AC_CHECK_LIB(jpeg,jpeg_start_compress,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libjpeg.a)) AC_CHECK_LIB(z,compress,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libz.a)) AC_CHECK_LIB(dl,dlsym,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libdl.a)) AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_init,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libmysqlclient.a)) AC_SUBST(bindir) AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile web/Makefile scripts/Makefile db/Makefile AC_CHECK_FILE(zmconfig.txt,,AC_MSG_WARN([Now run 'perl' to create your ZoneMinder configuration]))