Id() ) { $error_message .= 'Zone not found for id ' . $markZid.'
'; continue; } $monitor = $zone->Monitor(); if ( !$monitor->CanEdit() ) { $error_message .= 'You do not have permission to edit zones for monitor ' . $monitor->Name().'.
'; continue; } # Could use true but store the object instead for easy access later $monitors_to_restart[$monitor->Id()] = $monitor; $error_message .= $zone->delete(); } # end foreach Zone foreach ( $monitors_to_restart as $mid => $monitor ) { if ( daemonCheck() and ($monitor->Type() != 'WebSite') ) { zmaControl($mid, 'stop'); if ( $monitor->Type() == 'Privacy' ) zmcControl($mid, 'restart'); zmaControl($mid, 'start'); } // end if daemonCheck() } $refreshParent = true; } // end if isset($_REQUEST['markZids']) } // end if action ?>