// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // #include "zm.h" #include "zm_video.h" #include "zm_image.h" #include "zm_utils.h" #include "zm_rgb.h" #include VideoWriter::VideoWriter(const char* p_container, const char* p_codec, const char* p_path, const unsigned int p_width, const unsigned int p_height, const unsigned int p_colours, const unsigned int p_subpixelorder) : container(p_container), codec(p_codec), path(p_path), width(p_width), height(p_height), colours(p_colours), subpixelorder(p_subpixelorder), frame_count(0) { Debug(7,"Video object created"); /* Parameter checking */ if(path.empty()) { Error("Invalid file path"); } if(!width || !height) { Error("Invalid width or height"); } } VideoWriter::~VideoWriter() { Debug(7,"Video object destroyed"); } int VideoWriter::Reset(const char* new_path) { /* Common variables reset */ /* If there is a new path, use it */ if(new_path != NULL) { path = new_path; } /* Reset frame counter */ frame_count = 0; return 0; } #if ZM_HAVE_VIDEOWRITER_X264MP4 X264MP4Writer::X264MP4Writer(const char* p_path, const unsigned int p_width, const unsigned int p_height, const unsigned int p_colours, const unsigned int p_subpixelorder, const std::vector* p_user_params) : VideoWriter("mp4", "h264", p_path, p_width, p_height, p_colours, p_subpixelorder), bOpen(false), bGotH264AVCInfo(false), bFirstFrame(true) { /* Initialize ffmpeg if it hasn't been initialized yet */ FFMPEGInit(); /* Initialize swscale */ zm_pf = GetFFMPEGPixelFormat(colours,subpixelorder); if(zm_pf == 0) { Error("Unable to match ffmpeg pixelformat"); } codec_pf = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P; swscaleobj.SetDefaults(zm_pf, codec_pf, width, height); /* Calculate the image sizes. We will need this for parameter checking */ zm_imgsize = colours * width * height; #if LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_CHECK(54, 6, 0, 6, 0) codec_imgsize = av_image_get_buffer_size( codec_pf, width, height, 1 ); #else codec_imgsize = avpicture_get_size( codec_pf, width, height); #endif if(!codec_imgsize) { Error("Failed calculating codec pixel format image size"); } /* If supplied with user parameters to the encoder, copy them */ if(p_user_params != NULL) { user_params = *p_user_params; } /* Setup x264 parameters */ if(x264config() < 0) { Error("Failed setting x264 parameters"); } /* Allocate x264 input picture */ x264_picture_alloc(&x264picin, X264_CSP_I420, x264params.i_width, x264params.i_height); } X264MP4Writer::~X264MP4Writer() { /* Free x264 input picture */ x264_picture_clean(&x264picin); if(bOpen) Close(); } int X264MP4Writer::Open() { /* Open the encoder */ x264enc = x264_encoder_open(&x264params); if(x264enc == NULL) { Error("Failed opening x264 encoder"); return -1; } // Debug(4,"x264 maximum delayed frames: %d",x264_encoder_maximum_delayed_frames(x264enc)); x264_nal_t* nals; int i_nals; if(!x264_encoder_headers(x264enc,&nals,&i_nals)) { Error("Failed getting encoder headers"); return -2; } /* Search SPS NAL for AVC information */ for(int i=0;i 0; i-- ) { x264encodeloop(true); } /* Close the encoder */ x264_encoder_close(x264enc); /* Close MP4 handle */ MP4Close(mp4h); /* Required for proper HTTP streaming */ MP4Optimize((path + ".incomplete").c_str(), path.c_str()); /* Delete the temporary file */ unlink((path + ".incomplete").c_str()); bOpen = false; Debug(7, "Video closed. Total frames: %d", frame_count); return 0; } int X264MP4Writer::Reset(const char* new_path) { /* Close the encoder and file */ if(bOpen) Close(); /* Reset common variables */ VideoWriter::Reset(new_path); /* Reset local variables */ bFirstFrame = true; bGotH264AVCInfo = false; prevnals.clear(); prevpayload.clear(); /* Reset x264 parameters */ x264config(); /* Open the encoder */ Open(); return 0; } int X264MP4Writer::Encode(const uint8_t* data, const size_t data_size, const unsigned int frame_time) { /* Parameter checking */ if(data == NULL) { Error("NULL buffer"); return -1; } if(data_size != zm_imgsize) { Error("The data buffer size does not match the expected size. Expected: %d Current: %d", zm_imgsize, data_size); return -2; } if(!bOpen) { Warning("The encoder was not initialized, initializing now"); Open(); } /* Convert the image into the x264 input picture */ if(swscaleobj.ConvertDefaults(data, data_size, x264picin.img.plane[0], codec_imgsize) < 0) { Error("Image conversion failed"); return -3; } /* Set PTS */ x264picin.i_pts = frame_time; /* Do the encoding */ x264encodeloop(); /* Increment frame counter */ frame_count++; return 0; } int X264MP4Writer::Encode(const Image* img, const unsigned int frame_time) { if(img->Width() != width) { Error("Source image width differs. Source: %d Output: %d",img->Width(), width); return -12; } if(img->Height() != height) { Error("Source image height differs. Source: %d Output: %d",img->Height(), height); return -13; } return Encode(img->Buffer(),img->Size(),frame_time); } int X264MP4Writer::x264config() { /* Sets up the encoder configuration */ int x264ret; /* Defaults */ const char* preset = "veryfast"; const char* tune = "stillimage"; const char* profile = "main"; /* Search the user parameters for preset, tune and profile */ for(unsigned int i=0; i < user_params.size(); i++) { if(strcmp(user_params[i].pname, "preset") == 0) { /* Got preset */ preset = user_params[i].pvalue; } else if(strcmp(user_params[i].pname, "tune") == 0) { /* Got tune */ tune = user_params[i].pvalue; } else if(strcmp(user_params[i].pname, "profile") == 0) { /* Got profile */ profile = user_params[i].pvalue; } } /* Set the defaults and preset and tune */ x264ret = x264_param_default_preset(&x264params, preset, tune); if(x264ret != 0) { Error("Failed setting x264 preset %s and tune %s : %d",preset,tune,x264ret); } /* Set the profile */ x264ret = x264_param_apply_profile(&x264params, profile); if(x264ret != 0) { Error("Failed setting x264 profile %s : %d",profile,x264ret); } /* Input format */ x264params.i_width = width; x264params.i_height = height; x264params.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420; /* Quality control */ x264params.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF; x264params.rc.f_rf_constant = 23.0; /* Enable b-frames */ x264params.i_bframe = 16; x264params.i_bframe_adaptive = 1; /* Timebase */ x264params.i_timebase_num = 1; x264params.i_timebase_den = 1000; /* Enable variable frame rate */ x264params.b_vfr_input = 1; /* Disable annex-b (start codes) */ x264params.b_annexb = 0; /* TODO: Setup error handler */ //x264params.i_log_level = X264_LOG_DEBUG; /* Process user parameters (excluding preset, tune and profile) */ for(unsigned int i=0; i < user_params.size(); i++) { /* Skip preset, tune and profile */ if( (strcmp(user_params[i].pname, "preset") == 0) || (strcmp(user_params[i].pname, "tune") == 0) || (strcmp(user_params[i].pname, "profile") == 0) ) { continue; } /* Pass the name and value to x264 */ x264ret = x264_param_parse(&x264params, user_params[i].pname, user_params[i].pvalue); /* Error checking */ if(x264ret != 0) { if(x264ret == X264_PARAM_BAD_NAME) { Error("Failed processing x264 user parameter %s=%s : Bad name", user_params[i].pname, user_params[i].pvalue); } else if(x264ret == X264_PARAM_BAD_VALUE) { Error("Failed processing x264 user parameter %s=%s : Bad value", user_params[i].pname, user_params[i].pvalue); } else { Error("Failed processing x264 user parameter %s=%s : Unknown error (%d)", user_params[i].pname, user_params[i].pvalue, x264ret); } } } return 0; } void X264MP4Writer::x264encodeloop(bool bFlush) { x264_nal_t* nals; int i_nals; int frame_size; if(bFlush) { frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(x264enc, &nals, &i_nals, NULL, &x264picout); } else { frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(x264enc, &nals, &i_nals, &x264picin, &x264picout); } if (frame_size > 0 || bFlush) { Debug(8, "x264 Frame: %d PTS: %d DTS: %d Size: %d\n",frame_count, x264picout.i_pts, x264picout.i_dts, frame_size); /* Handle the previous frame */ if(!bFirstFrame) { buffer.clear(); /* Process the NALs for the previous frame */ for(unsigned int i=0; i < prevnals.size(); i++) { Debug(9,"Processing NAL: Type %d Size %d",prevnals[i].i_type,prevnals[i].i_payload); switch(prevnals[i].i_type) { case NAL_PPS: /* PPS NAL */ MP4AddH264PictureParameterSet(mp4h, mp4vtid, prevnals[i].p_payload+4, prevnals[i].i_payload-4); break; case NAL_SPS: /* SPS NAL */ MP4AddH264SequenceParameterSet(mp4h, mp4vtid, prevnals[i].p_payload+4, prevnals[i].i_payload-4); break; default: /* Anything else, hopefully frames, so copy it into the sample */ buffer.append(prevnals[i].p_payload, prevnals[i].i_payload); } } /* Calculate frame duration and offset */ int duration = x264picout.i_dts - prevDTS; int offset = prevPTS - prevDTS; /* Write the sample */ if(!buffer.empty()) { if(!MP4WriteSample(mp4h, mp4vtid, buffer.extract(buffer.size()), buffer.size(), duration, offset, prevKeyframe)) { Error("Failed writing sample"); } } /* Cleanup */ prevnals.clear(); prevpayload.clear(); } /* Got a frame. Copy this new frame into the previous frame */ if(frame_size > 0) { /* Copy the NALs and the payloads */ for(int i=0;i* vec) { if(vec == NULL) { Error("NULL Encoder parameters vector pointer"); return -1; } if(str == NULL) { Error("NULL Encoder parameters string"); return -2; } vec->clear(); if(str[0] == 0) { /* Empty */ return 0; } std::string line; std::stringstream ss(str); size_t valueoffset; size_t valuelen; unsigned int lineno = 0; EncoderParameter_t param; while(std::getline(ss, line) ) { lineno++; /* Remove CR if exists */ if(line.length() >= 1 && line[line.length()-1] == '\r') { line.erase(line.length()-1); } /* Skip comments and empty lines */ if(line.empty() || line[0] == '#') { continue; } valueoffset = line.find('='); if(valueoffset == std::string::npos || valueoffset+1 >= line.length() || valueoffset == 0) { Warning("Failed parsing encoder parameters line %d: Invalid pair", lineno); continue; } if(valueoffset > (sizeof(param.pname)-1) ) { Warning("Failed parsing encoder parameters line %d: Name too long", lineno); continue; } valuelen = line.length() - (valueoffset+1); if( valuelen > (sizeof(param.pvalue)-1) ) { Warning("Failed parsing encoder parameters line %d: Value too long", lineno); continue; } /* Copy and NULL terminate */ line.copy(param.pname, valueoffset, 0); line.copy(param.pvalue, valuelen, valueoffset+1); param.pname[valueoffset] = 0; param.pvalue[valuelen] = 0; /* Push to the vector */ vec->push_back(param); Debug(7, "Parsed encoder parameter: %s = %s", param.pname, param.pvalue); } Debug(7, "Parsed %d lines", lineno); return 0; }