src="" width="" height="" name="" autostart="1" autoplay="1" showcontrols="0" controller="0"> <?= $name ?>
<?= $name ?>
'; } $string .= $label; if ( $condition ) { $string .= ''; } return( $string ); } function truncText( $text, $length, $deslash=1 ) { return( preg_replace( "/^(.{".$length.",}?)\b.*$/", "\\1…", ($deslash?stripslashes($text):$text) ) ); } function buildSelect( $name, $contents, $behaviours=false ) { if ( preg_match( "/^(\w+)\s*\[\s*['\"]?(\w+)[\"']?\s*]$/", $name, $matches ) ) { $arr = $matches[1]; $idx = $matches[2]; global $$arr; $value = ${$arr}[$idx]; } else { global $$name; $value = $$name; } ob_start(); $behaviour_text = ""; if ( !empty($behaviours) ) { if ( is_array($behaviours) ) { foreach ( $behaviours as $event=>$action ) { $behaviour_text .= ' '.$event.'="'.$action.'"'; } } else { $behaviour_text = ' onChange="'.$behaviours.'"'; } } ?> $value ) { if ( $columns && !$columns[$key] ) continue; switch( $types[$key] ) { case 'set' : { if ( is_array( $new_values[$key] ) ) { if ( join(',',$new_values[$key]) != $values[$key] ) { $changes[$key] = "$key = '".join(',',$new_values[$key])."'"; } } elseif ( $values[$key] ) { $changes[$key] = "$key = ''"; } break; } case 'image' : { if ( is_array( $new_values[$key] ) ) { $image_data = getimagesize( $new_values[$key]['tmp_name'] ); $changes[$key.'Width'] = $key."Width = ".$image_data[0]; $changes[$key.'Height'] = $key."Height = ".$image_data[1]; $changes[$key.'Type'] = $key."Type = '".$new_values[$key]['type']."'"; $changes[$key.'Size'] = $key."Size = ".$new_values[$key]['size']; ob_start(); readfile( $new_values[$key]['tmp_name'] ); $changes[$key] = $key." = '".addslashes( ob_get_contents() )."'"; ob_end_clean(); } else { $changes[$key] = "$key = '$value'"; } break; } case 'document' : { if ( is_array( $new_values[$key] ) ) { $image_data = getimagesize( $new_values[$key]['tmp_name'] ); $changes[$key.'Type'] = $key."Type = '".$new_values[$key]['type']."'"; $changes[$key.'Size'] = $key."Size = ".$new_values[$key]['size']; ob_start(); readfile( $new_values[$key]['tmp_name'] ); $changes[$key] = $key." = '".addslashes( ob_get_contents() )."'"; ob_end_clean(); } else { $changes[$key] = "$key = '$value'"; } break; } case 'file' : { $changes[$key.'Type'] = $key."Type = '".$new_values[$key]['type']."'"; $changes[$key.'Size'] = $key."Size = ".$new_values[$key]['size']; ob_start(); readfile( $new_values[$key]['tmp_name'] ); $changes[$key] = $key." = '".addslashes( ob_get_contents() )."'"; ob_end_clean(); break; } case 'raw' : { if ( $values[$key] != $value ) { $changes[$key] = "$key = $value"; } break; } default : { if ( $values[$key] != $value ) { $changes[$key] = "$key = '$value'"; } break; } } } foreach( $values as $key=>$value ) { if ( $columns[$key] && $types[$key] == 'toggle' ) { if ( !isset($new_values[$key]) && !empty($value) ) { $changes[$key] = "$key = 0"; } } } return( $changes ); } function getBrowser( &$browser, &$version ) { if ( version_compare( phpversion(), "4.1.0", "<") ) { global $_SERVER; } if (ereg( 'MSIE ([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$log_version)) { $version = $log_version[1]; $browser = 'ie'; } elseif (ereg( 'Safari/([0-9.]+)',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$log_version)) { $version = $log_version[1]; $browser = 'safari'; } elseif (ereg( 'Opera ([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$log_version)) { $version = $log_version[1]; $browser = 'opera'; } elseif (ereg( 'Mozilla/([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$log_version)) { $version = $log_version[1]; $browser = 'mozilla'; } else { $version = 0; $browser = 'unknown'; } } function isNetscape() { getBrowser( $browser, $version ); return( $browser == "mozilla" ); } function isInternetExplorer() { getBrowser( $browser, $version ); return( $browser == "ie" ); } function isWindows() { if ( version_compare( phpversion(), "4.1.0", "<") ) { global $_SERVER; } return ( preg_match( '/Win/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ); } function canStreamNative() { return( ZM_CAN_STREAM == "yes" || ( ZM_CAN_STREAM == "auto" && isNetscape() ) ); } function canStreamApplet() { return( (ZM_OPT_CAMBOZOLA && file_exists( ZM_PATH_WEB.'/'.ZM_PATH_CAMBOZOLA )) ); } function canStream() { return( canStreamNative() | canStreamApplet() ); } function fixDevices() { $string = ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmfix"; $string .= " 2>/dev/null >&- <&- >/dev/null"; exec( $string ); } function packageControl( $command ) { $string = ZM_PATH_BIN."/ $command"; $string .= " 2>/dev/null >&- <&- >/dev/null"; exec( $string ); } function daemonControl( $command, $daemon=false, $args=false ) { $string = ZM_PATH_BIN."/ $command"; if ( $daemon ) { $string .= " $daemon"; if ( $args ) { $string .= " $args"; } } $string .= " 2>/dev/null >&- <&- >/dev/null"; exec( $string ); } function zmcControl( $monitor, $mode=false ) { if ( $monitor['Type'] == "Local" ) { $sql = "select count(if(Function!='None',1,NULL)) as ActiveCount from Monitors where Device = '".$monitor['Device']."'"; $zmc_args = "-d ".$monitor['Device']; } else { $sql = "select count(if(Function!='None',1,NULL)) as ActiveCount from Monitors where Id = '".$monitor['Id']."'"; $zmc_args = "-m ".$monitor['Id']; } $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ); $active_count = $row['ActiveCount']; if ( !$active_count ) { daemonControl( "stop", "zmc", $zmc_args ); } else { if ( $mode == "restart" ) { daemonControl( "stop", "zmc", $zmc_args ); } daemonControl( "start", "zmc", $zmc_args ); } } function zmaControl( $monitor, $mode=false ) { if ( !is_array( $monitor ) ) { $sql = "select Id,Function,Enabled from Monitors where Id = '$monitor'"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); $monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ); } switch ( $monitor['Function'] ) { case 'Modect' : case 'Record' : case 'Mocord' : case 'Nodect' : { if ( $mode == restart ) { if ( ZM_OPT_CONTROL ) { daemonControl( "stop", "", "-m ".$monitor['Id'] ); } daemonControl( "stop", "zma", "-m ".$monitor['Id'] ); if ( ZM_OPT_FRAME_SERVER ) { daemonControl( "stop", "zmf", "-m ".$monitor['Id'] ); } } if ( ZM_OPT_FRAME_SERVER ) { daemonControl( "start", "zmf", "-m ".$monitor['Id'] ); } daemonControl( "start", "zma", "-m ".$monitor['Id'] ); if ( ZM_OPT_CONTROL && $monitor['Controllable'] && $monitor['TrackMotion'] && ( $monitor['Function'] == 'Modect' || $monitor['Function'] == 'Mocord' ) ) { daemonControl( "start", "", "-m ".$monitor['Id'] ); } if ( $mode == "reload" ) { daemonControl( "reload", "zma", "-m ".$monitor['Id'] ); } break; } default : { if ( ZM_OPT_CONTROL ) { daemonControl( "stop", "", "-m ".$monitor['Id'] ); } daemonControl( "stop", "zma", "-m ".$monitor['Id'] ); if ( ZM_OPT_FRAME_SERVER ) { daemonControl( "stop", "zmf", "-m ".$monitor['Id'] ); } break; } } } function initDaemonStatus() { global $daemon_status; if ( !isset($daemon_status) ) { if ( daemonCheck() ) { $string = ZM_PATH_BIN."/ status"; $daemon_status = shell_exec( $string ); } else { $daemon_status = ""; } } } function daemonStatus( $daemon, $args=false ) { global $daemon_status; initDaemonStatus(); $string = "$daemon"; if ( $args ) $string .= " $args"; return( strpos( $daemon_status, "'$string' running" ) !== false ); } function zmcStatus( $monitor ) { if ( $monitor['Type'] == 'Local' ) { $zmc_args = "-d ".$monitor['Device']; } else { $zmc_args = "-m ".$monitor['Id']; } return( daemonStatus( "zmc", $zmc_args ) ); } function zmaStatus( $monitor ) { if ( is_array( $monitor ) ) { $monitor = $monitor['Id']; } return( daemonStatus( "zma", "-m $monitor" ) ); } function daemonCheck( $daemon=false, $args=false ) { $string = ZM_PATH_BIN."/ check"; if ( $daemon ) { $string .= " $daemon"; if ( $args ) $string .= " $args"; } $result = exec( $string ); return( preg_match( '/running/', $result ) ); } function zmcCheck( $monitor ) { if ( $monitor['Type'] == 'Local' ) { $zmc_args = "-d ".$monitor['Device']; } else { $zmc_args = "-m ".$monitor['Id']; } return( daemonCheck( "zmc", $zmc_args ) ); } function zmaCheck( $monitor ) { if ( is_array( $monitor ) ) { $monitor = $monitor['Id']; } return( daemonCheck( "zma", "-m $monitor" ) ); } function getImageSrc( $event, $frame, $scale, $capture_only=false, $overwrite=false ) { $event_path = ZM_DIR_EVENTS.'/'.$event['MonitorId'].'/'.$event['Id']; //echo "S:$scale, CO:$capture_only
"; $capt_image = sprintf( "%0".ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS."d-capture.jpg", $frame['FrameId'] ); $capt_path = $event_path.'/'.$capt_image; $thumb_capt_path = ZM_DIR_IMAGES.'/'.$event['Id'].'-'.$capt_image; //echo "CI:$capt_image, CP:$capt_path, TCP:$thumb_capt_path
"; $anal_image = sprintf( "%0".ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS."d-analyse.jpg", $frame['FrameId'] ); $anal_path = $event_path.'/'.$anal_image; $thumb_anal_path = ZM_DIR_IMAGES.'/'.$event['Id'].'-'.$anal_image; //echo "AI:$anal_image, AP:$anal_path, TAP:$thumb_anal_path
"; $alarm_frame = $frame['Type']=='Alarm'; $has_anal_image = $alarm_frame && file_exists( $anal_path ) && filesize( $anal_path ); $is_anal_image = $has_anal_image && !$capture_only; if ( $scale >= 100 || !file_exists( ZM_PATH_NETPBM."/jpegtopnm" ) ) { $image_path = $thumb_path = $is_anal_image?$anal_path:$capt_path; } else { if ( version_compare( phpversion(), "4.3.10", ">=") ) $fraction = sprintf( "%.3F", $scale/100 ); else $fraction = sprintf( "%.3f", $scale/100 ); $scale = (int)round( $scale ); $thumb_capt_path = preg_replace( "/\.jpg$/", "-$scale.jpg", $thumb_capt_path ); $thumb_anal_path = preg_replace( "/\.jpg$/", "-$scale.jpg", $thumb_anal_path ); if ( $is_anal_image ) { $image_path = $anal_path; $thumb_path = $thumb_anal_path; } else { $image_path = $capt_path; $thumb_path = $thumb_capt_path; } if ( !file_exists( $thumb_path ) || !filesize( $thumb_path ) ) { if ( ZM_WEB_SCALE_THUMBS ) { $command = ZM_PATH_NETPBM."/jpegtopnm -quiet -dct fast $image_path | ".ZM_PATH_NETPBM."/pnmscalefixed -quiet $fraction | ".ZM_PATH_NETPBM."/pnmtojpeg -quiet -dct=fast > $thumb_path"; exec( $command ); } else { $image_path = $thumb_path = $is_anal_image?$anal_path:$capt_path; } } } $image_data = array( 'eventPath' => $event_path, 'imagePath' => $image_path, 'thumbPath' => $thumb_path, 'imageClass' => $alarm_frame?"alarm":"normal", 'isAnalImage' => $is_anal_image, 'hasAnalImage' => $has_anal_image, ); //echo "IP:$image_path
"; //echo "TP:$thumb_path
"; return( $image_data ); } function createListThumbnail( $event, $overwrite=false ) { $sql = "select * from Frames where EventId = '".$event['Id']."' and Score = '".$event['MaxScore']."' order by FrameId limit 0,1"; if ( !($result = mysql_query( $sql )) ) die( mysql_error() ); $frame = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ); mysql_free_result( $result ); $frame_id = $frame['FrameId']; if ( ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH ) { $thumb_width = ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH; $scale = (SCALE_BASE*ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH)/$event['Width']; $thumb_height = reScale( $event['Height'], $scale ); } elseif ( ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_HEIGHT ) { $thumb_height = ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_HEIGHT; $scale = (SCALE_BASE*ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_HEIGHT)/$event['Height']; $thumb_width = reScale( $event['Width'], $scale ); } else { die( "No thumbnail width or height specified, please check in Options->Web" ); } $image_data = getImageSrc( $event, $frame, $scale ); $thumb_data = $frame; $thumb_data['Path'] = $image_data['thumbPath']; $thumb_data['Width'] = (int)$thumb_width; $thumb_data['Height'] = (int)$thumb_height; return( $thumb_data ); } function createVideo( $event, $format, $rate, $scale, $overwrite=false ) { if ( version_compare( phpversion(), "4.3.10", ">=") ) $command = ZM_PATH_BIN."/ -e ".$event['Id']." -f ".$format." -r ".sprintf( "%.2F", ($rate/RATE_BASE) )." -s ".sprintf( "%.2F", ($scale/SCALE_BASE) ); else $command = ZM_PATH_BIN."/ -e ".$event['Id']." -f ".$format." -r ".sprintf( "%.2f", ($rate/RATE_BASE) )." -s ".sprintf( "%.2f", ($scale/SCALE_BASE) ); if ( $overwrite ) $command .= " -o"; $result = exec( $command, $output, $status ); return( $status?"":rtrim($result) ); } // Now deprecated function createImage( $monitor, $scale ) { if ( is_array( $monitor ) ) { $monitor = $monitor['Id']; } chdir( ZM_DIR_IMAGES ); $command = getZmuCommand( " -m $monitor -i" ); if ( !empty($scale) && $scale < 100 ) $command .= " -S $scale"; $status = exec( escapeshellcmd( $command ) ); chdir( '..' ); return( $status ); } function reScale( $dimension, $dummy ) { for ( $i = 1; $i < func_num_args(); $i++ ) { $scale = func_get_arg( $i ); if ( !empty($scale) && $scale != SCALE_BASE ) $dimension = (int)(($dimension*$scale)/SCALE_BASE); } return( $dimension ); } function deScale( $dimension, $dummy ) { for ( $i = 1; $i < func_num_args(); $i++ ) { $scale = func_get_arg( $i ); if ( !empty($scale) && $scale != SCALE_BASE ) $dimension = (int)(($dimension*SCALE_BASE)/$scale); } return( $dimension ); } function parseSort( $save_to_session=false, $term_sep='&' ) { global $sort_field, $sort_asc; // Inputs global $sort_query, $sort_column, $sort_order; // Outputs global $limit; if ( version_compare( phpversion(), "4.1.0", "<") ) { global $_SESSION; } if ( !isset($sort_field) ) { $sort_field = ZM_WEB_EVENT_SORT_FIELD; $sort_asc = (ZM_WEB_EVENT_SORT_ORDER == "asc"); } switch( $sort_field ) { case 'Id' : $sort_column = "E.Id"; break; case 'MonitorName' : $sort_column = "M.Name"; break; case 'Name' : $sort_column = "E.Name"; break; case 'Cause' : $sort_column = "E.Cause"; break; case 'DateTime' : case 'StartTime' : $sort_column = "E.StartTime"; break; case 'Length' : $sort_column = "E.Length"; break; case 'Frames' : $sort_column = "E.Frames"; break; case 'AlarmFrames' : $sort_column = "E.AlarmFrames"; break; case 'TotScore' : $sort_column = "E.TotScore"; break; case 'AvgScore' : $sort_column = "E.AvgScore"; break; case 'MaxScore' : $sort_column = "E.MaxScore"; break; default: $sort_column = "E.StartTime"; break; } $sort_order = $sort_asc?"asc":"desc"; if ( !$sort_asc ) $sort_asc = 0; $sort_query = $term_sep."sort_field=".$sort_field.$term_sep."sort_asc=".$sort_asc; if ( !isset($limit) ) $limit = ""; if ( $save_to_session ) { $_SESSION['sort_field'] = $sort_field; $_SESSION['sort_asc'] = $sort_asc; } } function parseFilter( $save_to_session=false, $term_sep='&' ) { global $trms; // Inputs global $filter_query, $filter_sql, $filter_fields; // Outputs if ( version_compare( phpversion(), "4.1.0", "<") ) { global $_SESSION; } $filter_query = ''; $filter_sql = ''; $filter_fields = ''; if ( $trms ) { if ( $save_to_session ) { $_SESSION['trms'] = $trms; } $filter_query .= $term_sep."trms=".$trms; $filter_fields .= ''."\n"; for ( $i = 1; $i <= $trms; $i++ ) { $conjunction_name = "cnj$i"; $obracket_name = "obr$i"; $cbracket_name = "cbr$i"; $attr_name = "attr$i"; $op_name = "op$i"; $value_name = "val$i"; global $$conjunction_name, $$obracket_name, $$cbracket_name, $$attr_name, $$op_name, $$value_name; if ( isset($$conjunction_name) ) { $filter_query .= $term_sep.$conjunction_name."=".$$conjunction_name; $filter_sql .= " ".$$conjunction_name." "; $filter_fields .= ''."\n"; if ( $save_to_session ) { $_SESSION[$conjunction_name] = $$conjunction_name; } } if ( isset($$obracket_name) ) { $filter_query .= $term_sep.$obracket_name."=".$$obracket_name; $filter_sql .= str_repeat( "(", $$obracket_name ); $filter_fields .= ''."\n"; if ( $save_to_session ) { $_SESSION[$obracket_name] = $$obracket_name; } } if ( isset($$attr_name) ) { $filter_query .= $term_sep.$attr_name."=".$$attr_name; $filter_fields .= ''."\n"; switch ( $$attr_name ) { case 'MonitorName': $filter_sql .= 'M.'.preg_replace( '/^Monitor/', '', $$attr_name ); break; case 'DateTime': $filter_sql .= "E.StartTime"; break; case 'Date': $filter_sql .= "to_days( E.StartTime )"; break; case 'Time': $filter_sql .= "extract( hour_second from E.StartTime )"; break; case 'Weekday': $filter_sql .= "weekday( E.StartTime )"; break; case 'Id': case 'Name': case 'MonitorId': case 'Length': case 'Frames': case 'AlarmFrames': case 'TotScore': case 'AvgScore': case 'MaxScore': case 'Cause': case 'Notes': case 'Archived': $filter_sql .= "E.".$$attr_name; break; case 'DiskPercent': $filter_sql .= getDiskPercent(); break; case 'DiskBlocks': $filter_sql .= getDiskBlocks(); break; } $value_list = array(); foreach ( preg_split( '/["\'\s]*?,["\'\s]*?/', preg_replace( '/^["\']+?(.+)["\']+?$/', '$1', $$value_name ) ) as $value ) { switch ( $$attr_name ) { case 'MonitorName': case 'Name': case 'Cause': case 'Notes': $value = "'$value'"; break; case 'DateTime': $value = "'".strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, strtotime( $value ) )."'"; break; case 'Date': $value = "to_days( '".strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, strtotime( $value ) )."' )"; break; case 'Time': $value = "extract( hour_second from '".strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, strtotime( $value ) )."' )"; break; } $value_list[] = $value; } switch ( $$op_name ) { case '=' : case '!=' : case '>=' : case '>' : case '<' : case '<=' : $filter_sql .= " ".$$op_name." $value"; break; case '=~' : $filter_sql .= " regexp $value"; break; case '!~' : $filter_sql .= " not regexp $value"; break; case '=[]' : $filter_sql .= " in (".join( ",", $value_list ).")"; break; case '![]' : $filter_sql .= " not in (".join( ",", $value_list ).")"; break; } $filter_query .= $term_sep.$op_name."=".urlencode($$op_name); $filter_fields .= ''."\n"; $filter_query .= $term_sep.$value_name."=".urlencode($$value_name); $filter_fields .= ''."\n"; if ( $save_to_session ) { $_SESSION[$attr_name] = $$attr_name; $_SESSION[$op_name] = $$op_name; $_SESSION[$value_name] = $$value_name; } } if ( isset($$cbracket_name) ) { $filter_query .= $term_sep.$cbracket_name."=".$$cbracket_name; $filter_sql .= str_repeat( ")", $$cbracket_name ); $filter_fields .= ''."\n"; if ( $save_to_session ) { $_SESSION[$cbracket_name] = $$cbracket_name; } } } $filter_sql = " and ( $filter_sql )"; } } function getLoad() { $uptime = shell_exec( 'uptime' ); $load = ''; if ( preg_match( '/load average: ([\d.]+)/', $uptime, $matches ) ) $load = $matches[1]; return( $load ); } function getDiskPercent() { $df = shell_exec( 'df '.ZM_DIR_EVENTS ); $space = -1; if ( preg_match( '/\s(\d+)%/ms', $df, $matches ) ) $space = $matches[1]; return( $space ); } function getDiskBlocks() { $df = shell_exec( 'df '.ZM_DIR_EVENTS ); $space = -1; if ( preg_match( '/\s(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\d+%/ms', $df, $matches ) ) $space = $matches[1]; return( $space ); } // Function to fix a problem whereby the built in PHP session handling // features want to put the sid as a hidden field after the form or // fieldset tag, neither of which will work with strict XHTML Basic. function sidField() { if ( SID ) { list( $sessname, $sessid ) = split( "=", SID ); ?> "; return( false ); } $dx1 = $line1[1]['x'] - $line1[0]['x']; $dy1 = $line1[1]['y'] - $line1[0]['y']; $dx2 = $line2[1]['x'] - $line2[0]['x']; $dy2 = $line2[1]['y'] - $line2[0]['y']; if ( $dx1 ) { $m1 = $dy1/$dx1; $b1 = $line1[0]['y'] - ($m1 * $line1[0]['x']); } else { $b1 = $line1[0]['y']; } if ( $dx2 ) { $m2 = $dy2/$dx2; $b2 = $line2[0]['y'] - ($m2 * $line2[0]['x']); } else { $b2 = $line2[0]['y']; } if ( $dx1 && $dx2 ) // Both not vertical { if ( $m1 != $m2 ) // Not parallel or colinear { $x = ( $b2 - $b1 ) / ( $m1 - $m2 ); if ( $x >= $min_x1 && $x <= $max_x1 && $x >= $min_x2 && $x <= $max_x2 ) { if ( $debug ) echo "Intersecting, at x $x
"; return( true ); } else { if ( $debug ) echo "Not intersecting, out of range at x $x
"; return( false ); } } elseif ( $b1 == $b2 ) { // Colinear, must overlap due to box check, intersect? if ( $debug ) echo "Intersecting, colinear
"; return( true ); } else { // Parallel if ( $debug ) echo "Not intersecting, parallel
"; return( false ); } } elseif ( !$dx1 ) // Line 1 is vertical { $y = ( $m2 * $line1[0]['x'] ) * $b2; if ( $y >= $min_y1 && $y <= $max_y1 ) { if ( $debug ) echo "Intersecting, at y $y
"; return( true ); } else { if ( $debug ) echo "Not intersecting, out of range at y $y
"; return( false ); } } elseif ( !$dx2 ) // Line 2 is vertical { $y = ( $m1 * $line2[0]['x'] ) * $b1; if ( $y >= $min_y2 && $y <= $max_y2 ) { if ( $debug ) echo "Intersecting, at y $y
"; return( true ); } else { if ( $debug ) echo "Not intersecting, out of range at y $y
"; return( false ); } } else // Both lines are vertical { if ( $line1[0]['x'] == $line2[0]['x'] ) { // Colinear, must overlap due to box check, intersect? if ( $debug ) echo "Intersecting, vertical, colinear
"; return( true ); } else { // Parallel if ( $debug ) echo "Not intersecting, vertical, parallel
"; return( false ); } } if ( $debug ) echo "Whoops, unexpected scenario
"; return( false ); } function isSelfIntersecting( $points ) { global $debug; $n_coords = count($points); $edges = array(); for ( $j = 0, $i = $n_coords-1; $j < $n_coords; $i = $j++ ) { $edges[] = array( $points[$i], $points[$j] ); } for ( $i = 0; $i <= ($n_coords-2); $i++ ) { for ( $j = $i+2; $j < $n_coords+min(0,$i-1); $j++ ) { if ( $debug ) echo "Checking $i and $j
"; if ( linesIntersect( $edges[$i], $edges[$j] ) ) { if ( $debug ) echo "Lines $i and $j intersect
"; return( true ); } } } return( false ); } function getPolyCentre( $points, $area=0 ) { $cx = 0.0; $cy = 0.0; if ( !$area ) $area = getPolyArea( $points ); for ( $i = 0, $j = count($points)-1; $i < count($points); $j = $i++ ) { $ct = ($points[$i]['x'] * $points[$j]['y']) - ($points[$j]['x'] * $points[$i]['y']); $cx += ($points[$i]['x'] + $points[$j]['x']) * ct; $cy += ($points[$i]['y'] + $points[$j]['y']) * ct; } $cx = intval(round(abs($cx/(6.0*$area)))); $cy = intval(round(abs($cy/(6.0*$area)))); printf( "X:%cx, Y:$cy
" ); return( array( 'x'=>$cx, 'y'=>$cy ) ); } function _CompareXY( $a, $b ) { if ( $a['min_y'] == $b['min_y'] ) return( intval($a['min_x'] - $b['min_x']) ); else return( intval($a['min_y'] - $b['min_y']) ); } function _CompareX( $a, $b ) { return( intval($a['min_x'] - $b['min_x']) ); } function getPolyArea( $points ) { //error_reporting( E_ALL ); global $debug; $n_coords = count($points); $global_edges = array(); for ( $j = 0, $i = $n_coords-1; $j < $n_coords; $i = $j++ ) { $x1 = $points[$i]['x']; $x2 = $points[$j]['x']; $y1 = $points[$i]['y']; $y2 = $points[$j]['y']; //printf( "x1:%d,y1:%d x2:%d,y2:%d\n", x1, y1, x2, y2 ); if ( $y1 == $y2 ) continue; $dx = $x2 - $x1; $dy = $y2 - $y1; $global_edges[] = array( "min_y" => $y1<$y2?$y1:$y2, "max_y" => ($y1<$y2?$y2:$y1)+1, "min_x" => $y1<$y2?$x1:$x2, "_1_m" => $dx/$dy, ); } usort( $global_edges, "_CompareXY" ); if ( $debug ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < count($global_edges); $i++ ) { printf( "%d: min_y: %d, max_y:%d, min_x:%.2f, 1/m:%.2f
", $i, $global_edges[$i]['min_y'], $global_edges[$i]['max_y'], $global_edges[$i]['min_x'], $global_edges[$i]['_1_m'] ); } } $area = 0.0; $active_edges = array(); $y = $global_edges[0]['min_y']; do { for ( $i = 0; $i < count($global_edges); $i++ ) { if ( $global_edges[$i]['min_y'] == $y ) { if ( $debug ) printf( "Moving global edge
" ); $active_edges[] = $global_edges[$i]; array_splice( $global_edges, $i, 1 ); $i--; } else { break; } } usort( $active_edges, "_CompareX" ); if ( $debug ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < count($active_edges); $i++ ) { printf( "%d - %d: min_y: %d, max_y:%d, min_x:%.2f, 1/m:%.2f
", $y, $i, $active_edges[$i]['min_y'], $active_edges[$i]['max_y'], $active_edges[$i]['min_x'], $active_edges[$i]['_1_m'] ); } } $last_x = 0; $row_area = 0; $parity = false; for ( $i = 0; $i < count($active_edges); $i++ ) { $x = intval(round($active_edges[$i]['min_x'])); if ( $parity ) { $row_area += ($x - $last_x)+1; $area += $row_area; } if ( $active_edges[$i]['max_y'] != $y ) $parity = !$parity; $last_x = $x; } if ( $debug ) printf( "%d: Area:%d
", $y, $row_area ); $y++; for ( $i = 0; $i < count($active_edges); $i++ ) { if ( $y >= $active_edges[$i]['max_y'] ) // Or >= as per sheets { if ( $debug ) printf( "Deleting active_edge
" ); array_splice( $active_edges, $i, 1 ); $i--; } else { $active_edges[$i]['min_x'] += $active_edges[$i]['_1_m']; } } } while ( count($global_edges) || count($active_edges) ); if ( $debug ) printf( "Area:%d
", $area ); return( $area ); } function getPolyAreaOld( $points ) { $area = 0.0; $edge = 0.0; for ( $i = 0, $j = count($points)-1; $i < count($points); $j = $i++ ) { $x_diff = ($points[$i]['x'] - $points[$j]['x']); $y_diff = ($points[$i]['y'] - $points[$j]['y']); $y_sum = ($points[$i]['y'] + $points[$j]['y']); $trap_edge = sqrt(pow(abs($x_diff)+1,2) + pow(abs($y_diff)+1,2) ); $edge += $trap_edge; $trap_area = ($x_diff * $y_sum ); $area += $trap_area; printf( "%d->%d, %d-%d=%.2f, %d+%d=%.2f(%.2f), %.2f, %.2f
", i, j, $points[$i]['x'], $points[$j]['x'], $x_diff, $points[$i]['y'], $points[$j]['y'], $y_sum, $y_diff, $trap_area, $trap_edge ); } $edge = intval(round(abs($edge))); $area = intval(round((abs($area)+$edge)/2)); echo "E:$edge
"; echo "A:$area
"; return( $area ); } function mapCoords( $a ) { return( $a['x'].",".$a['y'] ); } function pointsToCoords( $points ) { return( join( " ", array_map( "mapCoords", $points ) ) ); } function coordsToPoints( $coords ) { $points = array(); if ( preg_match_all( '/(\d+,\d+)+/', $coords, $matches ) ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++ ) { if ( preg_match( '/(\d+),(\d+)/', $matches[1][$i], $cmatches ) ) { $points[] = array( 'x'=>$cmatches[1], 'y'=>$cmatches[2] ); } else { echo( "Bogus coordinates '".$matches[$i]."'" ); return( false ); } } } else { echo( "Bogus coordinate string '$coords'" ); return( false ); } return( $points ); } function getLanguages() { $langs = array(); foreach ( glob("zm_lang_*_*.php") as $file ) { preg_match( '/zm_lang_(.+_.+)\.php/', $file, $matches ); $langs[$matches[1]] = $matches[1]; } return( $langs ); } function trimString( $string, $length ) { return( preg_replace( '/^(.{'.$length.',}?)\b.*$/', '\\1…', $string ) ); } function monitorIdsToNames( $ids ) { global $mITN_monitors; if ( !$mITN_monitors ) { $sql = "select Id, Name from Monitors"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); while ( $monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) { $mITN_monitors[$monitor['Id']] = $monitor; } } $names = array(); foreach ( preg_split( '/\s*,\s*/', $ids ) as $id ) { if ( visibleMonitor( $id ) ) { if ( isset($mITN_monitors[$id]) ) { $names[] = $mITN_monitors[$id]['Name']; } } } $name_string = join( ', ', $names ); return( $name_string ); } ?>