getStreamSrc( array( "mode=".$streamMode, "scale=".$scale, "bitrate=".ZM_WEB_VIDEO_BITRATE, "maxfps=".ZM_WEB_VIDEO_MAXFPS, "format=".ZM_MPEG_LIVE_FORMAT ) ); } elseif ( canStream() ) { $streamMode = "jpeg"; $streamSrc = $monitor->getStreamSrc( array( "mode=".$streamMode, "scale=".$scale, "maxfps=".ZM_WEB_VIDEO_MAXFPS, "buffer=".$monitor->StreamReplayBuffer() ) ); } else { $streamMode = "single"; $streamSrc = $monitor->getStreamSrc( array( "mode=".$streamMode, "scale=".$scale ) ); Info( "The system has fallen back to single jpeg mode for streaming. Consider enabling Cambozola or upgrading the client browser."); } ?> zonesWidth(), $scale ), reScale( $monitor->Height(), $scale ), ZM_MPEG_LIVE_FORMAT, $monitor->Name() ); } elseif ( $streamMode == "jpeg" ) { if ( canStreamNative() ) outputImageStream( "liveStream", $streamSrc, reScale( $monitor->Width(), $scale ), reScale( $monitor->Height(), $scale ), $monitor->Name() ); elseif ( canStreamApplet() ) outputHelperStream( "liveStream", $streamSrc, reScale( $monitor->Width(), $scale ), reScale( $monitor->Height(), $scale ), $monitor->Name() ); } else { outputImageStill( "liveStream", $streamSrc, reScale( $monitor->Width(), $scale ), reScale( $monitor->Height(), $scale ), $monitor->Name() ); } ?>"/> Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG
 / Width()*$monitor->Height()) ) ?> disabled="disabled"/>