# span lite: A single-file header-only version of a C++20-like span for C++98, C++11 and later [![Language](https://img.shields.io/badge/C%2B%2B-98/11/14/17/20-blue.svg)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B#Standardization) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSL-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSL-1.0) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/martinmoene/span-lite.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/martinmoene/span-lite) [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/1ha3wnxtam547m8p?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/martinmoene/span-lite) [![Version](https://badge.fury.io/gh/martinmoene%2Fspan-lite.svg)](https://github.com/martinmoene/span-lite/releases) [![download](https://img.shields.io/badge/latest-download-blue.svg)](https://github.com/martinmoene/span-lite/blob/master/include/nonstd/span.hpp) [![Conan](https://img.shields.io/badge/on-conan-blue.svg)](https://conan.io/center/span-lite) [![Try it on wandbox](https://img.shields.io/badge/on-wandbox-blue.svg)](https://wandbox.org/permlink/venR3Ko2Q4tlvcVk) [![Try it on godbolt online](https://img.shields.io/badge/on-godbolt-blue.svg)](https://godbolt.org/z/htwpnb) **Contents** - [Example usage](#example-usage) - [In a nutshell](#in-a-nutshell) - [License](#license) - [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [Installation and use](#installation-and-use) - [Synopsis](#synopsis) - [Reported to work with](#reported-to-work-with) - [Building the tests](#building-the-tests) - [Other implementations of span](#other-implementations-of-span) - [Notes and references](#notes-and-references) - [Appendix](#appendix) ## Example usage ```cpp #include "nonstd/span.hpp" #include #include #include std::ptrdiff_t size( nonstd::span spn ) { return spn.size(); } int main() { int arr[] = { 1, }; std::cout << "C-array:" << size( arr ) << " array:" << size( std::array { 1, 2, } ) << " vector:" << size( std::vector{ 1, 2, 3, } ); } ``` ### Compile and run ```bash prompt> g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -I../include -o 01-basic.exe 01-basic.cpp && 01-basic.exe C-array:1 array:2 vector:3 ``` ## In a nutshell **span lite** is a single-file header-only library to provide a bounds-safe view for sequences of objects. The library provides a [C++20-like span](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/span) for use with C++98 and later. If available, `std::span` is used, unless [configured otherwise](#configuration). *span-lite* can detect the presence of [*byte-lite*](https://github.com/martinmoene/byte-lite) and if present, it provides `as_bytes()` and `as_writable_bytes()` also for C++14 and earlier. **Features and properties of span lite** are ease of installation (single header), freedom of dependencies other than the standard library. To compensate for the class template argument deduction that is missing from pre-C++17 compilers, `nonstd::span` can provide `make_span` functions. See [configuration](#configuration). ## License *span lite* is distributed under the [Boost Software License](https://github.com/martinmoene/span-lite/blob/master/LICENSE.txt). ## Dependencies *span lite* has no other dependencies than the [C++ standard library](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header). ## Installation and use *span lite* is a single-file header-only library. Put `span.hpp` in the [include](include) folder directly into the project source tree or somewhere reachable from your project. ## Synopsis **Contents** [Documentation of `std::span`](#documentation-of-stdspan) [Later additions](#later-additions) [Non-standard extensions](#non-standard-extensions) [Configuration](#configuration) ## Documentation of `std::span` Depending on the compiler and C++-standard used, `nonstd::span` behaves less or more like `std::span`. To get an idea of the capabilities of `nonstd::span` with your configuration, look at the output of the [tests](test/span.t.cpp), issuing `span-main.t --pass @`. For `std::span`, see its [documentation at cppreference](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/span). ## Later additions ### `back()` and `front()` *span lite* can provide `back()` and `front()` member functions for element access. See the table below and section [configuration](#configuration). ## Non-standard extensions ### Construct from container To construct a span from a container with compilers that cannot constrain such a single-parameter constructor to containers, *span lite* provides a constructor that takes an additional parameter of type `with_container_t`. Use `with_container` as value for this parameter. See the table below and section [configuration](#configuration). ### Construct from `std::array` with const data *span lite* can provide construction of a span from a `std::array` with const data. See the table below and section [configuration](#configuration). ### `operator()` *span lite* can provide member function call `operator()` for element access. It is equivalent to `operator[]` and has been marked `[[deprecated]]`. Its main purpose is to provide a migration path. ### `at()` *span lite* can provide member function `at()` for element access. Unless exceptions have been disabled, `at()` throws std::out_of_range if the index falls outside the span. With exceptions disabled, `at(index_t)` delegates bounds checking to `operator[](index_t)`. See the table below and sections [configuration](#configuration) and [disable exceptions](#disable-exceptions). ### `swap()` *span lite* can provide a `swap()`member function. See the table below and section [configuration](#configuration). ### `operator==()` and other comparison functions *span lite* can provide functions to compare the content of two spans. However, C++20's span will not provide comparison and _span lite_ will omit comparison at default in the near future. See the table below and section [configuration](#configuration). See also [Revisiting Regular Types](#regtyp). ### `same()` *span lite* can provide function `same()` to determine if two spans refer as identical spans to the same data via the same type. If `same()` is enabled, `operator==()` incorporates it in its comparison. See the table below and section [configuration](#configuration). ### `first()`, `last()` and `subspan()` *span lite* can provide functions `first()`, `last()` and `subspan()` to avoid having to use the *dot template* syntax when the span is a dependent type. See the table below and section [configuration](#configuration). ### `make_span()` *span lite* can provide `make_span()` creator functions to compensate for the class template argument deduction that is missing from pre-C++17 compilers. See the table below and section [configuration](#configuration). ### `byte_span()` *span lite* can provide `byte_span()` creator functions to represent an object as a span of bytes. This requires the C++17 type `std::byte` to be available. See the table below and section [configuration](#configuration). | Kind | std | Function or method | |--------------------|------|--------------------| | **Macro** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_WITH_CONTAINER`**
macro **`span_FEATURE_WITH_CONTAINER_TO_STD`** | | **Types** | | **with_container_t** type to disambiguate below constructors | | **Objects** | | **with_container** value to disambiguate below constructors | | **Constructors** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_CONSTRUCTION_FROM_STDARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE`**| |   | | template<class Container>
constexpr **span**(with_container_t, Container & cont) | |   | | template<class Container>
constexpr **span**(with_container_t, Container const & cont) | |   | |   | | **Methods** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_MEMBER_CALL_OPERATOR`** | |   | | constexpr reference **operator()**(index_t idx) const
Equivalent to **operator[]**(), marked `[[deprecated]]` | |   | |   | | **Methods** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_MEMBER_AT`** | |   | | constexpr reference **at**(index_t idx) const
May throw std::out_of_range exception | |   | |   | | **Methods** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_MEMBER_BACK_FRONT`** (on since v0.5.0) | |   | | constexpr reference **back()** const noexcept | |   | | constexpr reference **front()** const noexcept | |   | |   | | **Method** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_MEMBER_SWAP`** | |   | | constexpr void **swap**(span & other) noexcept | |   | |   | | **Free functions** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_COMPARISON`** | |

== != < > <= >= | | template<class T1, index_t E1, class T2, index_t E2>
constexpr bool
**operator==**( span const & l, span const & r) noexcept | |   | |   | | **Free function** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_SAME`** | |   | | template<class T1, index_t E1, class T2, index_t E2>
constexpr bool
**same**( span const & l, span const & r) noexcept | |   | |   | | **Free functions** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_NON_MEMBER_FIRST_LAST_SUB`** | |   | >= C++11 | template<extent_t Count, class T>
constexpr auto
**first**(T & t) ->... | |   | >= C++11 | template<class T>
constexpr auto
**first**(T & t, index_t count) ->... | |   | >= C++11 | template<extent_t Count, class T>
constexpr auto
**last**(T & t) ->... | |   | >= C++11 | template<class T>
constexpr auto
**last**(T & t, extent_t count) ->... | |   | >= C++11 | template<index_t Offset, extent_t Count = dynamic_extent, class T>
constexpr auto
**subspan**(T & t) ->... | |   | >= C++11 | template<class T>
constexpr auto
**subspan**(T & t, index_t offset, extent_t count = dynamic_extent) ->... | |   |   |   | | **Free functions** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN`**
macro **`span_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN_TO_STD`** | |   |   | template<class T>
constexpr span<T>
**make_span**(T \* first, T \* last) noexcept | |   |   | template<class T>
constexpr span<T>
**make_span**(T \* ptr, index_t count) noexcept | |   |   | template<class T, size_t N>
constexpr span<T,N>
**make_span**(T (&arr)[N]) noexcept | |   | >= C++11 | template<class T, size_t N>
constexpr span<T,N>
**make_span**(std::array<T,N> & arr) noexcept | |   | >= C++11 | template<class T, size_t N>
constexpr span<const T,N>
**make_span**(std::array<T,N > const & arr) noexcept | |   | >= C++11 | template<class Container>
constexpr auto
**make_span**(Container & cont) ->
 span<typename Container::value_type> noexcept | |   | >= C++11 | template<class Container>
constexpr auto
**make_span**(Container const & cont) ->
 span<const typename Container::value_type> noexcept | |   |   | template<class Container>
span<typename Container::value_type>
**make_span**( with_container_t, Container & cont ) | |   |   | template<class Container>
span<const typename Container::value_type>
**make_span**( with_container_t, Container const & cont ) | |   | < C++11 | template<class T, Allocator>
**make_span**(std::vector<T, Allocator> & cont) | |   | < C++11 | template<class T, Allocator>
span<const T>
**make_span**(std::vector<T, Allocator> const & cont) | |   |   |   | | **Free functions** | | macro **`span_FEATURE_BYTE_SPAN`** | |   | >= C++11 | template<class T>
span<T, sizeof(T)>
**byte_span**(T & t) | |   | >= C++11 | template<class T>
span<const T, sizeof(T)>
**byte_span**(T const & t) | ## Configuration ### Tweak header If the compiler supports [`__has_include()`](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/preprocessor/include), *span lite* supports the [tweak header](https://vector-of-bool.github.io/2020/10/04/lib-configuration.html) mechanism. Provide your *tweak header* as `nonstd/span.tweak.hpp` in a folder in the include-search-path. In the tweak header, provide definitions as documented below, like `#define span_CONFIG_NO_EXCEPTIONS 1`. ### Standard selection macro \-Dspan\_CPLUSPLUS=199711L Define this macro to override the auto-detection of the supported C++ standard, if your compiler does not set the `__cplusplus` macro correctly. ### Select `std::span` or `nonstd::span` At default, *span lite* uses `std::span` if it is available and lets you use it via namespace `nonstd`. You can however override this default and explicitly request to use `std::span` or span lite's `nonstd::span` as `nonstd::span` via the following macros. -Dspan\_CONFIG\_SELECT\_SPAN=span_SPAN_DEFAULT Define this to `span_SPAN_STD` to select `std::span` as `nonstd::span`. Define this to `span_SPAN_NONSTD` to select `nonstd::span` as `nonstd::span`. Default is undefined, which has the same effect as defining to `span_SPAN_DEFAULT`. ### Select extent type -Dspan_CONFIG_EXTENT_TYPE=std::size_t Define this to `std::ptrdiff_t` to use the signed type. The default is `std::size_t`, as in C++20 (since v0.7.0). ### Select size type -Dspan_CONFIG_SIZE_TYPE=std::size_t Define this to `std::ptrdiff_t` to use the signed type. The default is `std::size_t`, as in C++20 (since v0.7.0). Note `span_CONFIG_SIZE_TYPE` replaces `span_CONFIG_INDEX_TYPE` which is deprecated. ### Disable exceptions -Dspan_CONFIG_NO_EXCEPTIONS=0 Define this to 1 if you want to compile without exceptions. If not defined, the header tries and detect if exceptions have been disabled (e.g. via `-fno-exceptions`). Disabling exceptions will force contract violation to use termination, see [contract violation macros](#contract-violation-response-macros). Default is undefined. ### Provide construction using `with_container_t` -Dspan_FEATURE_WITH_CONTAINER=0 Define this to 1 to enable constructing a span using `with_container_t`. Note that `span_FEATURE_WITH_CONTAINER` takes precedence over `span_FEATURE_WITH_CONTAINER_TO_STD`. Default is undefined. -Dspan_FEATURE_WITH_CONTAINER_TO_STD=*n* Define this to the highest C++ language version for which to enable constructing a span using `with_container_t`, like 98, 03, 11, 14, 17, 20. You can use 99 for inclusion with any standard, but prefer to use `span_FEATURE_WITH_CONTAINER` for this. Note that `span_FEATURE_WITH_CONTAINER` takes precedence over `span_FEATURE_WITH_CONTAINER_TO_STD`. Default is undefined. ### Provide construction from `std::array` with const data -Dspan_FEATURE_CONSTRUCTION_FROM_STDARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE=0 Define this to 1 to enable constructing a span from a std::array with const data. Default is undefined. ### Provide `operator()` member function -Dspan_FEATURE_MEMBER_CALL_OPERATOR=0 Define this to 1 to provide member function `operator()`for element access. It is equivalent to `operator[]` and has been marked `[[deprecated]]`. Its main purpose is to provide a migration path. Default is undefined. ### Provide `at()` member function -Dspan_FEATURE_MEMBER_AT=0 Define this to 1 to provide member function `at()`. Define this to 2 to include index and size in message of std::out_of_range exception. Default is undefined. ### Provide `back()` and `front()` member functions -Dspan_FEATURE_MEMBER_BACK_FRONT=1 _(on since v0.5.0)_ Define this to 0 to omit member functions `back()` and `front()`. Default is undefined. ### Provide `swap()` member function -Dspan_FEATURE_MEMBER_SWAP=0 Define this to 1 to provide member function `swap()`. Default is undefined. ### Provide `operator==()` and other comparison functions -Dspan_FEATURE_COMPARISON=0 Define this to 1 to include the comparison functions to compare the content of two spans. C++20's span does not provide comparison and _span lite_ omits comparison from v0.7.0. Default is undefined. ### Provide `same()` function -Dspan_FEATURE_SAME=0 Define this to 1 to provide function `same()` to test if two spans refer as identical spans to the same data via the same type. If `same()` is enabled, `operator==()` incorporates it in its comparison. Default is undefined. ### Provide `first()`, `last()` and `subspan()` functions -Dspan_FEATURE_NON_MEMBER_FIRST_LAST_SUB=0 Define this to 1 to provide functions `first()`, `last()` and `subspan()`. This implies `span_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN` to provide functions `make_span()` that are required for this feature. Default is undefined. ### Provide `make_span()` functions -Dspan_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN=0 Define this to 1 to provide creator functions `nonstd::make_span()`. This feature is implied by using `span_FEATURE_NON_MEMBER_FIRST_LAST_SUB=1`. Note that `span_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN` takes precedence over `span_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN_TO_STD`. Default is undefined. -Dspan_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN_TO_STD=*n* Define this to the highest C++ language version for which to provide creator functions `nonstd::make_span()`, like 98, 03, 11, 14, 17, 20. You can use 99 for inclusion with any standard, but prefer to use `span_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN` for this. Note that `span_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN` takes precedence over `span_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN_TO_STD`. Default is undefined. ### Provide `byte_span()` functions -Dspan_FEATURE_BYTE_SPAN=0 Define this to 1 to provide creator functions `nonstd::byte_span()`. Default is undefined. ### Contract violation response macros *span-lite* provides contract violation response control as suggested in proposal [N4415](http://wg21.link/n4415). \-Dspan\_CONFIG\_CONTRACT\_LEVEL\_ON (*default*) Define this macro to include both `span_EXPECTS` and `span_ENSURES` in the code. This is the default case. \-Dspan\_CONFIG\_CONTRACT\_LEVEL\_OFF Define this macro to exclude both `span_EXPECTS` and `span_ENSURES` from the code. \-Dspan\_CONFIG_CONTRACT\_LEVEL\_EXPECTS\_ONLY Define this macro to include `span_EXPECTS` in the code and exclude `span_ENSURES` from the code. \-Dspan\_CONFIG\_CONTRACT\_LEVEL\_ENSURES\_ONLY Define this macro to exclude `span_EXPECTS` from the code and include `span_ENSURES` in the code. \-Dspan\_CONFIG\_CONTRACT\_VIOLATION\_TERMINATES (*default*) Define this macro to call `std::terminate()` on a contract violation in `span_EXPECTS`, `span_ENSURES`. This is the default case. \-Dspan\_CONFIG\_CONTRACT\_VIOLATION\_THROWS Define this macro to throw an exception of implementation-defined type that is derived from `std::runtime_exception` instead of calling `std::terminate()` on a contract violation in `span_EXPECTS` and `span_ENSURES`. See also [disable exceptions](#disable-exceptions). Reported to work with -------------------- The table below mentions the compiler versions *span lite* is reported to work with. OS | Compiler | Where | Versions | ------------:|:-----------|:--------|:---------| **GNU/Linux**| Clang/LLVM | Travis | 3.5.0, 3.6.2, 3.7.1, 3.8.0, 3.9.1, 4.0.1 |   | GCC | Travis | 5.5.0, 6.4.0, 7.3.0 | **OS X** | ? | Local | ? | **Windows** | Clang/LLVM | Local | 6.0.0 |   | GCC | Local | 7.2.0 |   | Visual C++
(Visual Studio)| Local | 8 (2005), 10 (2010), 11 (2012),
12 (2013), 14 (2015), 15 (2017) |   | Visual C++
(Visual Studio)| AppVeyor | 10 (2010), 11 (2012),
12 (2013), 14 (2015), 15 (2017) | ## Building the tests To build the tests you need: - [CMake](http://cmake.org), version 3.0 or later to be installed and in your PATH. - A [suitable compiler](#reported-to-work-with). The [*lest* test framework](https://github.com/martinmoene/lest) is included in the [test folder](test). The following steps assume that the [*span lite* source code](https://github.com/martinmoene/span-lite) has been cloned into a directory named `./span-lite`. 1. Create a directory for the build outputs. cd ./span-lite md build && cd build 2. Configure CMake to use the compiler of your choice (run `cmake --help` for a list). cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DSPAN_LITE_OPT_BUILD_TESTS=ON .. 3. Optional. You can control above configuration through the following options: `-DSPAN_LITE_OPT_BUILD_TESTS=ON`: build the tests for span, default off `-DSPAN_LITE_OPT_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF`: build the examples, default off 4. Build the test suite. cmake --build . 5. Run the test suite. ctest -V All tests should pass, indicating your platform is supported and you are ready to use *span lite*. ## Other implementations of span - *gsl-lite* [span](https://github.com/martinmoene/gsl-lite/blob/73c4f16f2b35fc174fc2f09d44d5ab13e5c638c3/include/gsl/gsl-lite.hpp#L1221). - Microsoft GSL [span](https://github.com/Microsoft/GSL/blob/master/include/gsl/span). - Google Abseil [span](https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/blob/master/absl/types/span.h). - Marshall Clow's [libc++ span snippet](https://github.com/mclow/snippets/blob/master/span.cpp). - Tristan Brindle's [Implementation of C++20's std::span for older compilers](https://github.com/tcbrindle/span). - [Search _span c++_ on GitHub](https://github.com/search?l=C%2B%2B&q=span+c%2B%2B&type=Repositories&utf8=%E2%9C%93). ## Notes and references *Interface and specification* - [span on cppreference](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/span). - [p0122 - C++20 Proposal](http://wg21.link/p0122). - [span in C++20 Working Draft](http://eel.is/c++draft/views). *Presentations* - TBD *Proposals* - [p0122 - span: bounds-safe views for sequences of objects](http://wg21.link/p0122). - [p1024 - Usability Enhancements for std::span](http://wg21.link/p1024). - [p1419 - A SFINAE-friendly trait to determine the extent of statically sized containers](http://wg21.link/p1419). - [p0805 - Comparing Containers](http://wg21.link/p0805). - [p1085 - Should Span be Regular?](http://wg21.link/p0805). - [p0091 - Template argument deduction for class templates](http://wg21.link/p0091). - [p0856 - Restrict Access Property for mdspan and span](http://wg21.link/p0856). - [p1428 - Subscripts and sizes should be signed](http://wg21.link/p1428). - [p1089 - Sizes Should Only span Unsigned](http://wg21.link/p1089). - [p1227 - Signed size() functions](http://wg21.link/p1227). - [p1872 - span should have size_type, not index_type](http://wg21.link/p1872). - [lwg 3101 - span's Container constructors need another constraint](https://cplusplus.github.io/LWG/issue3101). - [Reddit - 2018-06 Rapperswil ISO C++ Committee Trip Report](https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/8prqzm/2018_rapperswil_iso_c_committee_trip_report/) - [Reddit - 2018-11 San Diego ISO C++ Committee Trip Report](https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/9vwvbz/2018_san_diego_iso_c_committee_trip_report_ranges/). - [Reddit - 2019-02 Kona ISO C++ Committee Trip Report](https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/au0c4x/201902_kona_iso_c_committee_trip_report_c20/). - [Reddit - 2019-07 Cologne ISO C++ Committee Trip Report](https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/cfk9de/201907_cologne_iso_c_committee_trip_report_the/) - [Reddit - 2019-11 Belfast ISO C++ Committee Trip Report](https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/dtuov8/201911_belfast_iso_c_committee_trip_report/) - Titus Winters. [Revisiting Regular Types](https://abseil.io/blog/20180531-regular-types). Abseil Blog. 31 May 2018. ## Appendix ### A.1 Compile-time information The version of *span lite* is available via tag `[.version]`. The following tags are available for information on the compiler and on the C++ standard library used: `[.compiler]`, `[.stdc++]`, `[.stdlanguage]` and `[.stdlibrary]`. ### A.2 Span lite test specification
click to expand

```Text span<>: Terminates construction from a nullptr and a non-zero size (C++11) span<>: Terminates construction from two pointers in the wrong order span<>: Terminates construction from a null pointer and a non-zero size span<>: Terminates creation of a sub span of the first n elements for n exceeding the span span<>: Terminates creation of a sub span of the last n elements for n exceeding the span span<>: Terminates creation of a sub span outside the span span<>: Terminates access outside the span span<>: Throws on access outside the span via at(): std::out_of_range [span_FEATURE_MEMBER_AT>0][span_CONFIG_NO_EXCEPTIONS=0] span<>: Termination throws std::logic_error-derived exception [span_CONFIG_CONTRACT_VIOLATION_THROWS=1] span<>: Allows to default-construct span<>: Allows to construct from a nullptr and a zero size (C++11) span<>: Allows to construct from two pointers span<>: Allows to construct from two iterators span<>: Allows to construct from two iterators - empty range span<>: Allows to construct from an iterator and a size span<>: Allows to construct from an iterator and a size - empty range span<>: Allows to construct from two pointers to const span<>: Allows to construct from a non-null pointer and a size span<>: Allows to construct from a non-null pointer to const and a size span<>: Allows to construct from a temporary pointer and a size span<>: Allows to construct from a temporary pointer to const and a size span<>: Allows to construct from any pointer and a zero size (C++98) span<>: Allows to construct from a pointer and a size via a deduction guide (C++17) span<>: Allows to construct from an iterator and a size via a deduction guide (C++17) span<>: Allows to construct from two iterators via a deduction guide (C++17) span<>: Allows to construct from a C-array span<>: Allows to construct from a C-array via a deduction guide (C++17) span<>: Allows to construct from a const C-array span<>: Allows to construct from a C-array with size via decay to pointer (potentially dangerous) span<>: Allows to construct from a const C-array with size via decay to pointer (potentially dangerous) span<>: Allows to construct from a std::initializer_list<> (C++11) span<>: Allows to construct from a std::array<> (C++11) span<>: Allows to construct from a std::array via a deduction guide (C++17) span<>: Allows to construct from a std::array<> with const data (C++11, span_FEATURE_CONSTR..._ELEMENT_TYPE=1) span<>: Allows to construct from an empty std::array<> (C++11) span<>: Allows to construct from a container (std::vector<>) span<>: Allows to construct from a container via a deduction guide (std::vector<>, C++17) span<>: Allows to tag-construct from a container (std::vector<>) span<>: Allows to tag-construct from a const container (std::vector<>) span<>: Allows to copy-construct from another span of the same type span<>: Allows to copy-construct from another span of a compatible type span<>: Allows to copy-construct from a temporary span of the same type (C++11) span<>: Allows to copy-assign from another span of the same type span<>: Allows to copy-assign from a temporary span of the same type (C++11) span<>: Allows to create a sub span of the first n elements span<>: Allows to create a sub span of the last n elements span<>: Allows to create a sub span starting at a given offset span<>: Allows to create a sub span starting at a given offset with a given length span<>: Allows to observe an element via array indexing span<>: Allows to observe an element via call indexing span<>: Allows to observe an element via at() [span_FEATURE_MEMBER_AT>0] span<>: Allows to observe an element via data() span<>: Allows to observe the first element via front() [span_FEATURE_MEMBER_BACK_FRONT=1] span<>: Allows to observe the last element via back() [span_FEATURE_MEMBER_BACK_FRONT=1] span<>: Allows to change an element via array indexing span<>: Allows to change an element via call indexing span<>: Allows to change an element via at() [span_FEATURE_MEMBER_AT>0] span<>: Allows to change an element via data() span<>: Allows to change the first element via front() [span_FEATURE_MEMBER_BACK_FRONT=1] span<>: Allows to change the last element via back() [span_FEATURE_MEMBER_BACK_FRONT=1] span<>: Allows to swap with another span [span_FEATURE_MEMBER_SWAP=1] span<>: Allows forward iteration span<>: Allows const forward iteration span<>: Allows reverse iteration span<>: Allows const reverse iteration span<>: Allows to identify if a span is the same as another span [span_FEATURE_SAME=1] span<>: Allows to compare equal to another span of the same type [span_FEATURE_COMPARISON=1] span<>: Allows to compare unequal to another span of the same type [span_FEATURE_COMPARISON=1] span<>: Allows to compare less than another span of the same type [span_FEATURE_COMPARISON=1] span<>: Allows to compare less than or equal to another span of the same type [span_FEATURE_COMPARISON=1] span<>: Allows to compare greater than another span of the same type [span_FEATURE_COMPARISON=1] span<>: Allows to compare greater than or equal to another span of the same type [span_FEATURE_COMPARISON=1] span<>: Allows to compare to another span of the same type and different cv-ness [span_FEATURE_SAME=0] span<>: Allows to compare empty spans as equal [span_FEATURE_COMPARISON=1] span<>: Allows to test for empty span via empty(), empty case span<>: Allows to test for empty span via empty(), non-empty case span<>: Allows to obtain the number of elements via size() span<>: Allows to obtain the number of elements via ssize() span<>: Allows to obtain the number of bytes via size_bytes() span<>: Allows to view the elements as read-only bytes span<>: Allows to view and change the elements as writable bytes make_span() [span_FEATURE_MAKE_SPAN_TO_STD=99] make_span(): Allows building from two pointers make_span(): Allows building from two const pointers make_span(): Allows building from a non-null pointer and a size make_span(): Allows building from a non-null const pointer and a size make_span(): Allows building from a C-array make_span(): Allows building from a const C-array make_span(): Allows building from a std::initializer_list<> (C++11) make_span(): Allows building from a std::array<> (C++11) make_span(): Allows building from a const std::array<> (C++11) make_span(): Allows building from a container (std::vector<>) make_span(): Allows building from a const container (std::vector<>) make_span(): Allows building from a container (with_container_t, std::vector<>) make_span(): Allows building from a const container (with_container_t, std::vector<>) byte_span() [span_FEATURE_BYTE_SPAN=1] byte_span(): Allows building a span of std::byte from a single object (C++17, byte-lite) byte_span(): Allows building a span of const std::byte from a single const object (C++17, byte-lite) first(), last(), subspan() [span_FEATURE_NON_MEMBER_FIRST_LAST_SUB=1] first(): Allows to create a sub span of the first n elements last(): Allows to create a sub span of the last n elements subspan(): Allows to create a sub span starting at a given offset size(): Allows to obtain the number of elements via size() ssize(): Allows to obtain the number of elements via ssize() tuple_size<>: Allows to obtain the number of elements via std::tuple_size<> (C++11) tuple_element<>: Allows to obtain an element via std::tuple_element<> (C++11) tuple_element<>: Allows to obtain an element via std::tuple_element_t<> (C++11) get(spn): Allows to access an element via std::get<>() tweak header: reads tweak header if supported [tweak] ```