$monitor = null;
if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) ) {
$monitor = new ZM\Monitor($_REQUEST['mid']);
if ( $monitor and ZM_OPT_X10 )
$x10Monitor = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM TriggersX10 WHERE MonitorId = ?', NULL, array($_REQUEST['mid']));
if ( !$monitor ) {
$nextId = getTableAutoInc('Monitors');
if ( isset($_REQUEST['dupId']) ) {
$monitor = new ZM\Monitor($_REQUEST['dupId']);
$monitor->GroupIds(); // have to load before we change the Id
if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
$x10Monitor = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM TriggersX10 WHERE MonitorId = ?', NULL, array($_REQUEST['dupId']));
$clonedName = $monitor->Name();
} else {
$monitor = new ZM\Monitor();
} # end if $_REQUEST['dupID']
} # end if $_REQUEST['mid']
if ( ZM_OPT_X10 && empty($x10Monitor) ) {
$x10Monitor = array(
'Activation' => '',
'AlarmInput' => '',
'AlarmOutput' => '',
function fourcc($a, $b, $c, $d) {
return ord($a) | (ord($b) << 8) | (ord($c) << 16) | (ord($d) << 24);
if ( isset($_REQUEST['newMonitor']) ) {
# Update the monitor object with whatever has been set so far.
if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
$newX10Monitor = $_REQUEST['newX10Monitor'];
} else {
if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
$newX10Monitor = $x10Monitor;
# What if it has less zeros? This is not robust code.
if ( $monitor->AnalysisFPSLimit() == '0.00' )
if ( $monitor->MaxFPS() == '0.00' )
if ( $monitor->AlarmMaxFPS() == '0.00' )
if ( !empty($_REQUEST['preset']) ) {
$preset = dbFetchOne( 'SELECT Type, Device, Channel, Format, Protocol, Method, Host, Port, Path, Width, Height, Palette, MaxFPS, Controllable, ControlId, ControlDevice, ControlAddress, DefaultRate, DefaultScale FROM MonitorPresets WHERE Id = ?', NULL, array($_REQUEST['preset']) );
foreach ( $preset as $name=>$value ) {
# Does isset handle NULL's? I don't think this code is correct.
# Icon: It does, but this means we can't set a null value.
if ( isset($value) ) {
} # end if preset
if ( !empty($_REQUEST['probe']) ) {
$probe = json_decode(base64_decode($_REQUEST['probe']));
foreach ( $probe as $name=>$value ) {
if ( isset($value) ) {
# Does isset handle NULL's? I don't think this code is correct.
$monitor->$name = urldecode($value);
if ( ZM_HAS_V4L && $monitor->Type() == 'Local' ) {
$monitor->Palette( fourCC( substr($monitor->Palette,0,1), substr($monitor->Palette,1,1), substr($monitor->Palette,2,1), substr($monitor->Palette,3,1) ) );
if ( $monitor->Format() == 'PAL' )
$monitor->Format( 0x000000ff );
elseif ( $monitor->Format() == 'NTSC' )
$monitor->Format( 0x0000b000 );
} # end if apply probe settings
$sourceTypes = array(
'Local' => translate('Local'),
'Remote' => translate('Remote'),
'File' => translate('File'),
'Ffmpeg' => translate('Ffmpeg'),
'Libvlc' => translate('Libvlc'),
'cURL' => 'cURL (HTTP(S) only)',
'WebSite'=> 'Web Site',
'NVSocket' => translate('NVSocket'),
'VNC' => 'VNC'
if ( !ZM_HAS_V4L )
$localMethods = array(
'v4l2' => 'Video For Linux version 2',
'v4l1' => 'Video For Linux version 1',
if ( !ZM_HAS_V4L2 )
if ( !ZM_HAS_V4L1 )
$remoteProtocols = array(
'http' => 'HTTP',
'rtsp' => 'RTSP'
$rtspMethods = array(
'rtpUni' => 'RTP/Unicast',
'rtpMulti' => 'RTP/Multicast',
'rtpRtsp' => 'RTP/RTSP',
'rtpRtspHttp' => 'RTP/RTSP/HTTP'
$rtspFFMpegMethods = array(
'rtpRtsp' => 'TCP',
'rtpUni' => 'UDP',
'rtpMulti' => 'UDP Multicast',
'rtpRtspHttp' => 'HTTP Tunnel'
$httpMethods = array(
'simple' => 'Simple',
'regexp' => 'Regexp',
'jpegTags' => 'JPEG Tags'
if ( !ZM_PCRE )
// Currently unsupported
if ( ZM_HAS_V4L1 ) {
$v4l1DeviceFormats = array(
'PAL' => 0,
'NTSC' => 1,
'SECAM' => 2,
'AUTO' => 3,
'FMT4' => 4,
'FMT5' => 5,
'FMT6' => 6,
'FMT7' => 7
$v4l1MaxChannels = 15;
$v4l1DeviceChannels = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i <= $v4l1MaxChannels; $i++ )
$v4l1DeviceChannels[$i] = $i;
$v4l1LocalPalettes = array(
translate('Grey') => 1,
'BGR32' => 5,
'BGR24' => 4,
'*YUYV' => 8,
'*RGB565' => 3,
'*RGB555' => 6,
'*YUV422' => 7,
'*YUV422P' => 13,
'*YUV420P' => 15
if ( ZM_HAS_V4L2 ) {
$v4l2DeviceFormats = array(
'PAL' => 0x000000ff,
'NTSC' => 0x0000b000,
'PAL B' => 0x00000001,
'PAL B1' => 0x00000002,
'PAL G' => 0x00000004,
'PAL H' => 0x00000008,
'PAL I' => 0x00000010,
'PAL D' => 0x00000020,
'PAL D1' => 0x00000040,
'PAL K' => 0x00000080,
'PAL M' => 0x00000100,
'PAL N' => 0x00000200,
'PAL Nc' => 0x00000400,
'PAL 60' => 0x00000800,
'NTSC M' => 0x00001000,
'NTSC M JP' => 0x00002000,
'NTSC 443' => 0x00004000,
'NTSC M KR' => 0x00008000,
'SECAM B' => 0x00010000,
'SECAM D' => 0x00020000,
'SECAM G' => 0x00040000,
'SECAM H' => 0x00080000,
'SECAM K' => 0x00100000,
'SECAM K1' => 0x00200000,
'SECAM L' => 0x00400000,
'SECAM LC' => 0x00800000,
'ATSC 8 VSB' => 0x01000000,
'ATSC 16 VSB' => 0x02000000,
$v4l2MaxChannels = 31;
$v4l2DeviceChannels = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i <= $v4l2MaxChannels; $i++ )
$v4l2DeviceChannels[$i] = $i;
$v4l2LocalPalettes = array(
'Auto' => 0, /* Automatic palette selection */
/* Pixel format FOURCC depth Description */
translate('Grey') => fourcc('G','R','E','Y'), /* 8 Greyscale */
'BGR32' => fourcc('B','G','R','4'), /* 32 BGR-8-8-8-8 */
'RGB32' => fourcc('R','G','B','4'), /* 32 RGB-8-8-8-8 */
'BGR24' => fourcc('B','G','R','3'), /* 24 BGR-8-8-8 */
'RGB24' => fourcc('R','G','B','3'), /* 24 RGB-8-8-8 */
'*YUYV' => fourcc('Y','U','Y','V'), /* 16 YUV 4:2:2 */
/* compressed formats */
'*JPEG' => fourcc('J','P','E','G'), /* JFIF JPEG */
'*MJPEG' => fourcc('M','J','P','G'), /* Motion-JPEG */
//'DV' => fourcc('d','v','s','d'), /* 1394 */
//'MPEG' => fourcc('M','P','E','G'), /* MPEG-1/2/4 */
//'RGB332' => fourcc('R','G','B','1'), /* 8 RGB-3-3-2 */
'*RGB444' => fourcc('R','4','4','4'), /* 16 xxxxrrrr ggggbbbb */
'*RGB555' => fourcc('R','G','B','O'), /* 16 RGB-5-5-5 */
'*RGB565' => fourcc('R','G','B','P'), /* 16 RGB-5-6-5 */
//'RGB555X' => fourcc('R','G','B','Q'), /* 16 RGB-5-5-5 BE */
//'RGB565X' => fourcc('R','G','B','R'), /* 16 RGB-5-6-5 BE */
//'Y16' => fourcc('Y','1','6',''), /* 16 Greyscale */
//'PAL8' => fourcc('P','A','L','8'), /* 8 8-bit palette */
//'YVU410' => fourcc('Y','V','U','9'), /* 9 YVU 4:1:0 */
//'YVU420' => fourcc('Y','V','1','2'), /* 12 YVU 4:2:0 */
'*UYVY' => fourcc('U','Y','V','Y'), /* 16 YUV 4:2:2 */
'*YUV422P' => fourcc('4','2','2','P'), /* 16 YVU422 planar */
'*YUV411P' => fourcc('4','1','1','P'), /* 16 YVU411 planar */
//'Y41P' => fourcc('Y','4','1','P'), /* 12 YUV 4:1:1 */
'*YUV444' => fourcc('Y','4','4','4'), /* 16 xxxxyyyy uuuuvvvv */
//'YUV555' => fourcc('Y','U','V','O'), /* 16 YUV-5-5-5 */
//'YUV565' => fourcc('Y','U','V','P'), /* 16 YUV-5-6-5 */
//'YUV32' => fourcc('Y','U','V','4'), /* 32 YUV-8-8-8-8 */
/* two planes -- one Y, one Cr + Cb interleaved */
//'NV12' => fourcc('N','V','1','2'), /* 12 Y/CbCr 4:2:0 */
//'NV21' => fourcc('N','V','2','1'), /* 12 Y/CrCb 4:2:0 */
/* The following formats are not defined in the V4L2 specification */
'*YUV410' => fourcc('Y','U','V','9'), /* 9 YUV 4:1:0 */
'*YUV420' => fourcc('Y','U','1','2'), /* 12 YUV 4:2:0 */
//'YYUV' => fourcc('Y','Y','U','V'), /* 16 YUV 4:2:2 */
//'HI240' => fourcc('H','I','2','4'), /* 8 8-bit color */
//'HM12' => fourcc('H','M','1','2'), /* 8 YUV 4:2:0 16x16 macroblocks */
/* see http://www.siliconimaging.com/RGB%20Bayer.htm */
//'SBGGR8' => fourcc('B','A','8','1'), /* 8 BGBG.. GRGR.. */
//'SGBRG8' => fourcc('G','B','R','G'), /* 8 GBGB.. RGRG.. */
//'SBGGR16' => fourcc('B','Y','R','2'), /* 16 BGBG.. GRGR.. */
/* Vendor-specific formats */
//'WNVA' => fourcc('W','N','V','A'), /* Winnov hw compress */
//'SN9C10X' => fourcc('S','9','1','0'), /* SN9C10x compression */
//'PWC1' => fourcc('P','W','C','1'), /* pwc older webcam */
//'PWC2' => fourcc('P','W','C','2'), /* pwc newer webcam */
//'ET61X251' => fourcc('E','6','2','5'), /* ET61X251 compression */
//'SPCA501' => fourcc('S','5','0','1'), /* YUYV per line */
//'SPCA505' => fourcc('S','5','0','5'), /* YYUV per line */
//'SPCA508' => fourcc('S','5','0','8'), /* YUVY per line */
//'SPCA561' => fourcc('S','5','6','1'), /* compressed GBRG bayer */
//'PAC207' => fourcc('P','2','0','7'), /* compressed BGGR bayer */
//'PJPG' => fourcc('P','J','P','G'), /* Pixart 73xx JPEG */
//'YVYU' => fourcc('Y','V','Y','U'), /* 16 YVU 4:2:2 */
$Colours = array(
'1' => translate('8BitGrey'),
'3' => translate('24BitColour'),
'4' => translate('32BitColour')
$orientations = array(
'ROTATE_0' => translate('Normal'),
'ROTATE_90' => translate('RotateRight'),
'ROTATE_180' => translate('Inverted'),
'ROTATE_270' => translate('RotateLeft'),
'FLIP_HORI' => translate('FlippedHori'),
'FLIP_VERT' => translate('FlippedVert')
$deinterlaceopts = array(
'Disabled' => 0x00000000,
'Four field motion adaptive - Soft' => 0x00001E04, /* 30 change */
'Four field motion adaptive - Medium' => 0x00001404, /* 20 change */
'Four field motion adaptive - Hard' => 0x00000A04, /* 10 change */
'Discard' => 0x00000001,
'Linear' => 0x00000002,
'Blend' => 0x00000003,
'Blend (25%)' => 0x00000205
$deinterlaceopts_v4l2 = array(
'Disabled' => 0x00000000,
'Four field motion adaptive - Soft' => 0x00001E04, /* 30 change */
'Four field motion adaptive - Medium' => 0x00001404, /* 20 change */
'Four field motion adaptive - Hard' => 0x00000A04, /* 10 change */
'Discard' => 0x00000001,
'Linear' => 0x00000002,
'Blend' => 0x00000003,
'Blend (25%)' => 0x00000205,
'V4L2: Capture top field only' => 0x02000000,
'V4L2: Capture bottom field only' => 0x03000000,
'V4L2: Alternate fields (Bob)' => 0x07000000,
'V4L2: Progressive' => 0x01000000,
'V4L2: Interlaced' => 0x04000000
$fastblendopts = array(
'No blending' => 0,
'1.5625%' => 1,
'3.125%' => 3,
'6.25% (Indoor)' => 6,
'12.5% (Outdoor)' => 12,
'25%' => 25,
'50%' => 50
$fastblendopts_alarm = array(
'No blending (Alarm lasts forever)' => 0,
'1.5625%' => 1,
'3.125%' => 3,
'6.25%' => 6,
'12.5%' => 12,
'25%' => 25,
'50% (Alarm lasts a moment)' => 50
$label_size = array(
'Default' => 1,
'Large' => 2
$codecs = array(
'auto' => translate('Auto'),
'MP4' => translate('MP4'),
'MJPEG' => translate('MJPEG'),
xhtmlHeaders(__FILE__, translate('Monitor').' - '.validHtmlStr($monitor->Name()));
Type() != 'WebSite' ) {
$tabs['storage'] = translate('Storage');
$tabs['timestamp'] = translate('Timestamp');
$tabs['buffers'] = translate('Buffers');
if ( ZM_OPT_CONTROL && canView('Control') )
$tabs['control'] = translate('Control');
if ( ZM_OPT_X10 )
$tabs['x10'] = translate('X10');
$tabs['misc'] = translate('Misc');
if ( isset($_REQUEST['tab']) )
$tab = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['tab']);
$tab = 'general';
foreach ( $tabs as $name=>$value ) {
if ( $tab == $name ) {