'.PHP_EOL; $Event = new ZM\Event($eid); if ( !$Event->Id() ) { ZM\Error('Invalid event id'); $result .= '
Invalid event id
'.PHP_EOL; } else { $result .= 'Downloading event ' . $Event->Id . '. Resulting file should be approximately ' . human_filesize( $Event->DiskSpace() ).PHP_EOL; } } else if ( !empty($eids) ) { $total_size = 0; foreach ( $eids as $eid ) { if ( !validInt($eid) ) { ZM\Warning("Invalid event id in eids[] $eid"); continue; } $Event = new ZM\Event($eid); $total_size += $Event->DiskSpace(); $result .= ''.PHP_EOL; } unset($eid); $result .= 'Downloading ' . count($eids) . ' events. Resulting file should be approximately ' . human_filesize($total_size).PHP_EOL; } else { $result .= '
There are no events found. Resulting download will be empty.
'; } return $result; } if ( !canView('Events') ) { $view = 'error'; return; } $eid = isset($_REQUEST['eid']) ? $_REQUEST['eid'] : ''; $eids = isset($_REQUEST['eids']) ? $_REQUEST['eids'] : array(); $generated = isset($_REQUEST['generated']) ? $_REQUEST['generated'] : ''; $total_size = 0; if ( isset($_SESSION['montageReviewFilter']) and !$eids ) { # Handles montageReview filter $eventsSql = 'SELECT E.Id, E.DiskSpace FROM Events AS E WHERE 1'; $eventsSql .= $_SESSION['montageReviewFilter']['sql']; $results = dbQuery($eventsSql); while ( $event_row = dbFetchNext( $results ) ) { array_push($eids, $event_row['Id']); $total_size += $event_row['DiskSpace']; } if ( ! count($eids) ) { ZM\Error("No events found for download using $eventsSql"); } #session_start(); #unset($_SESSION['montageReviewFilter']); #session_write_close(); #} else { #Debug("NO montageReviewFilter"); } $exportFormat = ''; if ( isset($_REQUEST['exportFormat']) ) { if ( !in_array($_REQUEST['exportFormat'], array('zip', 'tar')) ) { ZM\Error('Invalid exportFormat: '.$_REQUEST['exportFormat']); } else { $exportFormat = $_REQUEST['exportFormat']; } } $focusWindow = true; $connkey = isset($_REQUEST['connkey']) ? validInt($_REQUEST['connkey']) : generateConnKey(); ?>