/* * ZoneMinder Logger Interface, $Date$, $Revision$ * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef ZM_LOGGER_H #define ZM_LOGGER_H #include "zm_config.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H #include #endif // HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H #include class Logger { public: enum { NOOPT=-6, NOLOG, PANIC, FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG1, DEBUG2, DEBUG3, DEBUG4, DEBUG5, DEBUG6, DEBUG7, DEBUG8, DEBUG9 }; typedef int Level; typedef std::map StringMap; typedef std::map IntMap; class Options { public: int mTermLevel; int mDatabaseLevel; int mFileLevel; int mSyslogLevel; std::string mLogPath; std::string mLogFile; public: Options( Level termLevel=NOOPT, Level databaseLevel=NOOPT, Level fileLevel=NOOPT, Level syslogLevel=NOOPT, const std::string &logPath=".", const std::string &logFile="" ) : mTermLevel( termLevel ), mDatabaseLevel( databaseLevel ), mFileLevel( fileLevel ), mSyslogLevel( syslogLevel ), mLogPath( logPath ), mLogFile( logFile ) { } }; private: static bool smInitialised; static Logger *smInstance; static StringMap smCodes; static IntMap smSyslogPriorities; private: bool mInitialised; std::string mId; std::string mIdRoot; std::string mIdArgs; Level mLevel; // Level that is currently in operation Level mTermLevel; // Maximum level output via terminal Level mDatabaseLevel; // Maximum level output via database Level mFileLevel; // Maximum level output via file Level mSyslogLevel; // Maximum level output via syslog Level mEffectiveLevel; // Level optimised to take account of maxima bool mDbConnected; MYSQL mDbConnection; std::string mLogPath; std::string mLogFile; FILE *mLogFileFP; bool mHasTerm; bool mFlush; private: static void usrHandler( int sig ); public: friend void logInit( const char *name, const Options &options ); static Logger *fetch() { if ( !smInstance ) { smInstance = new Logger(); Options options; smInstance->initialise( "undef", options ); } return( smInstance ); } private: Logger(); ~Logger(); public: void initialise( const std::string &id, const Options &options ); void terminate(); private: int limit( int level ) { if ( level > DEBUG9 ) return( DEBUG9 ); if ( level < NOLOG ) return( NOLOG ); return( level ); } bool boolEnv( const std::string &name, bool defaultValue=false ); int intEnv( const std::string &name, bool defaultValue=0 ); std::string strEnv( const std::string &name, const std::string defaultValue="" ); char *getTargettedEnv( const std::string &name ); void loadEnv(); public: const std::string &id() const { return( mId ); } const std::string &id( const std::string &id ); Level level() const { return( mLevel ); } Level level( Level=NOOPT ); bool debugOn() { return( mEffectiveLevel >= DEBUG1 ); } Level termLevel( Level=NOOPT ); Level databaseLevel( Level=NOOPT ); Level fileLevel( Level=NOOPT ); Level syslogLevel( Level=NOOPT ); private: void logFile( const std::string &logFile ); void openFile(); void closeFile(); void openSyslog(); void closeSyslog(); public: void logPrint( bool hex, const char * const file, const int line, const int level, const char *fstring, ... ); }; void logInit( const char *name, const Logger::Options &options=Logger::Options() ); void logTerm(); inline const std::string &logId() { return( Logger::fetch()->id() ); } inline Logger::Level logLevel() { return( Logger::fetch()->level() ); } inline void logCapLevel( Logger::Level level ) { Logger::fetch()->level( level ); } inline Logger::Level logDebugging() { return( Logger::fetch()->debugOn() ); } #define logPrintf(logLevel,params...) {\ if ( logLevel <= Logger::fetch()->level() )\ Logger::fetch()->logPrint( false, __FILE__, __LINE__, logLevel, ##params );\ } #define logHexdump(logLevel,data,len) {\ if ( logLevel <= Logger::fetch()->level() )\ Logger::fetch()->logPrint( true, __FILE__, __LINE__, logLevel, "%p (%d)", data, len );\ } /* Debug compiled out */ #ifndef DBG_OFF #define Debug(level,params...) logPrintf(level,##params) #define Hexdump(level,data,len) logHexdump(level,data,len) #else #define Debug(level,params...) #define Hexdump(level,data,len) #endif /* Standard debug calls */ #define Info(params...) logPrintf(Logger::INFO,##params) #define Warning(params...) logPrintf(Logger::WARNING,##params) #define Error(params...) logPrintf(Logger::ERROR,##params) #define Fatal(params...) logPrintf(Logger::FATAL,##params) #define Panic(params...) logPrintf(Logger::PANIC,##params) #define Mark() Info("Mark/%s/%d",__FILE__,__LINE__) #define Log() Info("Log") #ifdef __GNUC__ #define Enter(level) logPrintf(level,("Entering %s",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)) #define Exit(level) logPrintf(level,("Exiting %s",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)) #else #define Enter(level) #define Exit(level) #endif #endif // ZM_LOGGER_H