#include "zm.h" #include "zm_crypt.h" #include "BCrypt.hpp" #if HAVE_LIBJWT #include #else #include "jwt_cpp.h" #endif #include #if HAVE_LIBCRYPTO #include #elif HAVE_GNUTLS_GNUTLS_H #include #include #endif #include // returns username if valid, "" if not #if HAVE_LIBJWT std::pair verifyToken(std::string jwt_token_str, std::string key) { std::string username = ""; unsigned int token_issued_at = 0; int err = 0; jwt_t *jwt = nullptr; err = jwt_new(&jwt); if( err ) { Error("Unable to Allocate JWT object"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } err = jwt_set_alg(jwt, JWT_ALG_HS256, (const unsigned char*)key.c_str(), key.length()); if( err ) { jwt_free(jwt); Error("Error setting Algorithm for JWT decode"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } err = jwt_decode(&jwt, jwt_token_str.c_str(), nullptr, 0); if( err ) { jwt_free(jwt); Error("Could not decode JWT"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } const char *c_type = jwt_get_grant(jwt, (const char*)"type"); if ( !c_type ) { jwt_free(jwt); Error("Missing token type. This should not happen"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } else if ( std::string(c_type) != "access" ) { jwt_free(jwt); Error("Only access tokens are allowed. Please do not use refresh tokens"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } const char *c_username = jwt_get_grant(jwt, (const char*)"user"); if( !c_username ) { jwt_free(jwt); Error("User not found in claim"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } username = std::string(c_username); Debug(1, "Got %s as user claim from token", username.c_str()); token_issued_at = (unsigned int)jwt_get_grant_int(jwt, "iat"); if ( errno == ENOENT ) { jwt_free(jwt); Error("IAT not found in claim. This should not happen"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } Debug(1, "Got IAT token=%u", token_issued_at); jwt_free(jwt); return std::make_pair(username, token_issued_at); } #else // HAVE_LIBJWT std::pair verifyToken(std::string jwt_token_str, std::string key) { std::string username = ""; unsigned int token_issued_at = 0; try { // is it decodable? auto decoded = jwt::decode(jwt_token_str); auto verifier = jwt::verify() .allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::hs256{ key }) .with_issuer("ZoneMinder"); // signature verified? verifier.verify(decoded); // make sure it has fields we need if ( decoded.has_payload_claim("type") ) { std::string type = decoded.get_payload_claim("type").as_string(); if ( type != "access" ) { Error("Only access tokens are allowed. Please do not use refresh tokens"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } } else { // something is wrong. All ZM tokens have type Error("Missing token type. This should not happen"); return std::make_pair("",0); } if ( decoded.has_payload_claim("user") ) { username = decoded.get_payload_claim("user").as_string(); Debug(1, "Got %s as user claim from token", username.c_str()); } else { Error("User not found in claim"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } if ( decoded.has_payload_claim("iat") ) { token_issued_at = (unsigned int) (decoded.get_payload_claim("iat").as_int()); Debug(1, "Got IAT token=%u", token_issued_at); } else { Error("IAT not found in claim. This should not happen"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } } // try catch ( const std::exception &e ) { Error("Unable to verify token: %s", e.what()); return std::make_pair("", 0); } catch (...) { Error("unknown exception"); return std::make_pair("", 0); } return std::make_pair(username, token_issued_at); } #endif // HAVE_LIBJWT bool verifyPassword(const char *username, const char *input_password, const char *db_password_hash) { bool password_correct = false; if ( strlen(db_password_hash) < 4 ) { // actually, shoud be more, but this is min. for next code Error("DB Password is too short or invalid to check"); return false; } if ( db_password_hash[0] == '*' ) { // MYSQL PASSWORD Debug(1, "%s is using an MD5 encoded password", username); #ifndef SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH #define SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH 20 #endif unsigned char digest_interim[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; unsigned char digest_final[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; #if HAVE_LIBCRYPTO SHA_CTX ctx1, ctx2; //get first iteration SHA1_Init(&ctx1); SHA1_Update(&ctx1, input_password, strlen(input_password)); SHA1_Final(digest_interim, &ctx1); //2nd iteration SHA1_Init(&ctx2); SHA1_Update(&ctx2, digest_interim,SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); SHA1_Final (digest_final, &ctx2); #elif HAVE_GNUTLS_GNUTLS_H //get first iteration gnutls_hash_fast(GNUTLS_DIG_SHA1, input_password, strlen(input_password), digest_interim); //2nd iteration gnutls_hash_fast(GNUTLS_DIG_SHA1, digest_interim, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, digest_final); #else Error("Authentication Error. ZoneMinder not built with GnuTLS or Openssl"); return false; #endif char final_hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 +2]; final_hash[0] = '*'; //convert to hex for ( int i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++ ) sprintf(&final_hash[i*2]+1, "%02X", (unsigned int)digest_final[i]); final_hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH *2 + 1] = 0; Debug(1, "Computed password_hash:%s, stored password_hash:%s", final_hash, db_password_hash); password_correct = (strcmp(db_password_hash, final_hash)==0); } else if ( (db_password_hash[0] == '$') && (db_password_hash[1] == '2') && (db_password_hash[3] == '$') ) { // BCRYPT Debug(1, "%s is using a bcrypt encoded password", username); BCrypt bcrypt; std::string input_hash = bcrypt.generateHash(std::string(input_password)); password_correct = bcrypt.validatePassword(std::string(input_password), std::string(db_password_hash)); } else if ( strncmp(db_password_hash, "-ZM-",4) == 0 ) { Error("Authentication failed - migration of password not complete. Please log into web console for this user and retry this operation"); return false; } else { Warning("%s is using a plain text (not recommended) or scheme not understood", username); password_correct = (strcmp(input_password, db_password_hash) == 0); } return password_correct; }