-- -- This updates a 1.19.5 database to 1.19.6 -- -- Create the Groups table -- CREATE TABLE Groups ( Id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, Name varchar(64) NOT NULL, MonitorIds tinytext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; -- -- Add a new index to the Events table -- alter table Events add index (Frames); -- -- Rationalise some of the name columns alter table Events modify column Name varchar(64) not null; alter table Filters modify column Name varchar(64) not null; alter table Monitors modify column Name varchar(64) not null; alter table States modify column Name varchar(64) not null; alter table Zones modify column Name varchar(64) not null; -- -- These are optional, but we might as well do it now -- optimize table Frames; optimize table Events; optimize table Filters; optimize table Zones; optimize table Monitors; optimize table Stats;