var server; var janus = null; var streaming2; var intervalId; var pauseBtn = $j('#pauseBtn'); var playBtn = $j('#playBtn'); function nextCycleView() { window.location.replace('?view=cycle&mid='+nextMid+'&mode='+mode, cycleRefreshTimeout); } function cyclePause() { clearInterval(intervalId); pauseBtn.prop('disabled', true); playBtn.prop('disabled', false); } function cycleStart() { intervalId = setInterval(nextCycleView, cycleRefreshTimeout); pauseBtn.prop('disabled', false); playBtn.prop('disabled', true); } function cycleNext() { monIdx ++; if ( monIdx >= monitorData.length ) { monIdx = 0; } if ( !monitorData[monIdx] ) { console.log('No monitorData for ' + monIdx); } window.location.replace('?view=cycle&mid='+monitorData[monIdx].id+'&mode='+mode, cycleRefreshTimeout); } function cyclePrev() { monIdx --; if ( monIdx < 0 ) { monIdx = monitorData.length - 1; } if ( !monitorData[monIdx] ) { console.log('No monitorData for ' + monIdx); } window.location.replace('?view=cycle&mid='+monitorData[monIdx].id+'&mode='+mode, cycleRefreshTimeout); } function initCycle() { intervalId = setInterval(nextCycleView, cycleRefreshTimeout); var scale = $j('#scale').val(); if ( scale == '0' || scale == 'auto' ) changeScale(); if (monitorData[monIdx].janusEnabled) { if (ZM_JANUS_PATH) { server = ZM_JANUS_PATH; } else if (window.location.protocol=='https:') { // Assume reverse proxy setup for now server = "https://" + window.location.hostname + "/janus"; } else { server = "http://" + window.location.hostname + ":8088/janus"; } opaqueId = "streamingtest-"+Janus.randomString(12); Janus.init({debug: "all", callback: function() { janus = new Janus({ server: server, success: function() { janus.attach({ plugin: "janus.plugin.streaming", opaqueId: opaqueId, success: function(pluginHandle) { streaming2 = pluginHandle; var body = {"request": "watch", "id": monitorData[monIdx].id}; streaming2.send({"message": body}); }, error: function(error) { Janus.error(" -- Error attaching plugin... ", error); }, onmessage: function(msg, jsep) { Janus.debug(" ::: Got a message :::"); Janus.debug(msg); var result = msg["result"]; if (result !== null && result !== undefined) { if (result["status"] !== undefined && result["status"] !== null) { const status = result["status"]; console.log(status); } } else if (msg["error"] !== undefined && msg["error"] !== null) { Janus.debug(msg["error"]); return; } if (jsep !== undefined && jsep !== null) { Janus.debug("Handling SDP as well..."); Janus.debug(jsep); if ((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) && (jsep["sdp"].includes("420029"))) { //because firefox devs are stubborn jsep["sdp"] = jsep["sdp"].replace("420029", "42e01f"); } // Offer from the plugin, let's answer streaming2.createAnswer({ jsep: jsep, // We want recvonly audio/video and, if negotiated, datachannels media: {audioSend: false, videoSend: false, data: true}, success: function(jsep) { Janus.debug("Got SDP!"); Janus.debug(jsep); var body = {"request": "start"}; streaming2.send({"message": body, "jsep": jsep}); }, error: function(error) { Janus.error("WebRTC error:", error); } }); } }, //onmessage function onremotestream: function(stream) { Janus.debug(" ::: Got a remote track :::"); Janus.debug(stream); Janus.attachMediaStream(document.getElementById("liveStream" + monitorData[monIdx].id), stream); document.getElementById("liveStream" + monitorData[monIdx].id).play(); } });// attach } //Success functio }); //new Janus }}); //janus.init callback } //if janus } function changeSize() { var width = $j('#width').val(); var height = $j('#height').val(); // Scale the frame monitor_frame = $j('#imageFeed'); if ( !monitor_frame ) { console.log('Error finding frame'); return; } if ( width ) { monitor_frame.css('width', width); } if ( height ) { monitor_frame.css('height', height); } /* Stream could be an applet so can't use moo tools */ var streamImg = document.getElementById('liveStream'+monitorData[monIdx].id); if ( streamImg ) { if ( streamImg.nodeName == 'IMG' ) { var src = streamImg.src; streamImg.src = ''; console.log(parseInt(width)); src = src.replace(/width=[\.\d]+/i, 'width='+parseInt(width)); src = src.replace(/height=[\.\d]+/i, 'height='+parseInt(height)); src = src.replace(/rand=\d+/i, 'rand='+Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000) )); streamImg.src = src; } = width ? width : null; = height ? height : null; } else { console.log('Did not find liveStream'+monitorData[monIdx].id); } $j('#scale').val(''); setCookie('zmCycleScale', '', 3600); setCookie('zmCycleWidth', width, 3600); setCookie('zmCycleHeight', height, 3600); } // end function changeSize() function changeScale() { var scale = $j('#scale').val(); $j('#width').val('auto'); $j('#height').val('auto'); setCookie('zmCycleScale', scale, 3600); setCookie('zmCycleWidth', 'auto', 3600); setCookie('zmCycleHeight', 'auto', 3600); var newWidth = ( monitorData[monIdx].width * scale ) / SCALE_BASE; var newHeight = ( monitorData[monIdx].height * scale ) / SCALE_BASE; // Scale the frame monitor_frame = $j('#imageFeed'); if ( !monitor_frame ) { console.log('Error finding frame'); return; } if ( scale != '0' && scale != '' && scale != 'auto' ) { var newWidth = ( monitorData[monIdx].width * scale ) / SCALE_BASE; var newHeight = ( monitorData[monIdx].height * scale ) / SCALE_BASE; if ( newWidth ) { monitor_frame.css('width', newWidth+'px'); } if ( newHeight ) { monitor_frame.css('height', newHeight+'px'); } } else { //var bottomEl = streamMode == 'stills' ? $j('#eventImageNav') : $j('#replayStatus'); var newSize = scaleToFit(monitorData[monIdx].width, monitorData[monIdx].height, monitor_frame, $j('#buttons')); newWidth = newSize.width; newHeight = newSize.height; autoScale = newSize.autoScale; monitor_frame.width(newWidth); monitor_frame.height(newHeight); } /*Stream could be an applet so can't use moo tools*/ var streamImg = $j('#liveStream'+monitorData[monIdx].id)[0]; if ( !streamImg ) { console.log("Did not find liveStream"+monitorData[monIdx].id); return; } if ( streamImg.nodeName == 'IMG' ) { var src = streamImg.src; streamImg.src = ''; //src = src.replace(/rand=\d+/i,'rand='+Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000) )); src = src.replace(/scale=[\.\d]+/i, 'scale='+scale); // zms doesn't actually use width&height if ( scale != '0' && scale != '' && scale != 'auto' ) { src = src.replace(/width=[\.\d]+/i, 'width='+newWidth); src = src.replace(/height=[\.\d]+/i, 'height='+newHeight); } else { src = src.replace(/width=[\.\d]+/i, 'width='+monitorData[monIdx].width); src = src.replace(/height=[\.\d]+/i, 'height='+monitorData[monIdx].height); } streamImg.src = src; } if ( scale != '0' && scale != '' && scale != 'auto' ) { = newWidth+'px'; = newHeight+'px'; } else { = '100%'; = 'auto'; } } // end function changeScale() $j(document).ready(initCycle);