$j(document).ready(function() { // Enable or disable the Delete button depending on the selected run state $j("#runState").change(function() { runstate = $j(this).val(); if ( (runstate == 'stop') || (runstate == 'restart') || (runstate == 'start') || (runstate == 'default') ) { $j("#btnDelete").prop( "disabled", true ); } else { $j("#btnDelete").prop( "disabled", false ); } }); // Enable or disable the Save button when entering a new state $j("#newState").keyup(function() { length = $j(this).val().length; console.log(length); if (length < 1) { $j("#btnSave").prop( "disabled", true ); } else { $j("#btnSave").prop( "disabled", false ); } }); // Delete a state $j("#btnDelete").click(function() { stateStuff( 'delete', $j("#runState").val( )); }); // Save a new state $j("#btnSave").click(function() { stateStuff( 'save', undefined, $j("#newState").val() ); }); // Change state $j("#btnApply").click(function() { stateStuff( 'state', $j("#runState").val() ); }); function stateStuff( action, runState, newState ) { var formData = { 'view' : 'console', 'action' : action, 'apply' : 1, 'runState' : runState, 'newState' : newState }; console.log(formData); $j("#pleasewait").toggleClass("hidden"); $j.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: thisUrl, data: formData, dataType: 'html', enocde: true }).done(function(data) { location.reload(); }); } });