Id().'"'; ?>
Name()), $canEdit, $svr_opt ) ?> Url()), $canEdit, $svr_opt ) ?> PathToIndex()), $canEdit, $svr_opt ) ?> PathToZMS()), $canEdit, $svr_opt ) ?> PathToAPI()), $canEdit, $svr_opt ) ?> Status()), $canEdit, $svr_opt) ?> Id()]), $canEdit, $svr_opt) ?> CpuLoad(), $canEdit, $svr_opt) ?> FreeMem()) . ' / ' . human_filesize($Server->TotalMem()), $canEdit, $svr_opt) ?> FreeSwap()) . ' / ' . human_filesize($Server->TotalSwap()) , $canEdit, $svr_opt) ?> zmstats() ? 'yes' : 'no', $canEdit, $svr_opt) ?> zmaudit() ? 'yes' : 'no', $canEdit, $svr_opt) ?> zmtrigger() ? 'yes' : 'no', $canEdit, $svr_opt) ?> zmeventnotification() ? 'yes' : 'no', $canEdit, $svr_opt) ?> disabled="disabled"/>
'lower(Name)') ) as $Storage ) { $filter = new ZM\Filter(); $filter->addTerm(array('attr'=>'StorageId','op'=>'=','val'=>$Storage->Id())); if ( $user['MonitorIds'] ) { $filter = $filter->addTerm(array('cnj'=>'and', 'attr'=>'MonitorId', 'op'=>'IN', 'val'=>$user['MonitorIds'])); } $str_opt = 'class="storageCol" data-sid="'.$Storage->Id().'"'; ?>
Id()), $canEdit, $str_opt) ?> Name()), $canEdit, $str_opt) ?> Path()), $canEdit, $str_opt) ?> Type()), $canEdit, $str_opt) ?> Scheme()), $canEdit, $str_opt) ?> Server()->Name()), $canEdit, $str_opt) ?> disk_used_space()) . ' of ' . human_filesize($Storage->disk_total_space()) ?> querystring(), $Storage->EventCount().' using '.human_filesize($Storage->event_disk_space()) ); ?> EventCount() or !$canEdit ) { ?> disabled="disabled"EventCount() ? ' title="Can\'t delete as long as there are events stored here."' : ''?>/>
APIs are disabled. To enable, please turn on OPT_USE_API in Options->System
'; } else { ?>

'.translate('AllTokensRevoked').''; } function updateSelected() { # Turn them all off, then selectively turn the checked ones back on dbQuery('UPDATE `Users` SET `APIEnabled`=0'); if ( isset($_REQUEST['tokenUids']) ) { foreach ( $_REQUEST['tokenUids'] as $markUid ) { $minTime = time(); dbQuery('UPDATE `Users` SET `TokenMinExpiry`=? WHERE `Id`=?', array($minTime, $markUid)); } } if ( isset($_REQUEST['apiUids']) ) { foreach ( $_REQUEST['apiUids'] as $markUid ) { dbQuery('UPDATE `Users` SET `APIEnabled`=1 WHERE `Id`=?', array($markUid)); } } echo ''.translate('Updated').''; } if ( array_key_exists('revokeAllTokens', $_POST) ) { revokeAllTokens(); } if ( array_key_exists('updateSelected', $_POST) ) { updateSelected(); } ?>

query('SELECT * FROM `Config` ORDER BY `Id` ASC'); if (!$result) { echo mysql_error(); } else { while ($row = dbFetchNext($result)) { $config[$row['Name']] = $row; if ( !($configCat = &$configCats[$row['Category']]) ) { $configCats[$row['Category']] = array(); } $configCats[$row['Category']][$row['Name']] = &$config[$row['Name']]; } } if ($tab == 'system') { $configCats[$tab]['ZM_LANG_DEFAULT']['Hint'] = join('|', getLanguages()); $configCats[$tab]['ZM_SKIN_DEFAULT']['Hint'] = join('|', array_map('basename', glob('skins/*',GLOB_ONLYDIR))); $configCats[$tab]['ZM_CSS_DEFAULT']['Hint'] = join('|', array_map ( 'basename', glob('skins/'.ZM_SKIN_DEFAULT.'/css/*',GLOB_ONLYDIR) )); $configCats[$tab]['ZM_BANDWIDTH_DEFAULT']['Hint'] = $bandwidth_options; function timezone_list() { static $timezones = null; if ($timezones === null) { $timezones = []; $offsets = []; $now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $timezone) { $now->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone)); $offsets[] = $offset = $now->getOffset(); $timezones[$timezone] = '(' . format_GMT_offset($offset) . ') ' . format_timezone_name($timezone); } array_multisort($offsets, $timezones); } return $timezones; } function format_GMT_offset($offset) { $hours = intval($offset / 3600); $minutes = abs(intval($offset % 3600 / 60)); return 'GMT' . ($offset ? sprintf('%+03d:%02d', $hours, $minutes) : ''); } function format_timezone_name($name) { $name = str_replace('/', ', ', $name); $name = str_replace('_', ' ', $name); $name = str_replace('St ', 'St. ', $name); return $name; } $configCats[$tab]['ZM_TIMEZONE']['Hint'] = array(''=> translate('TZUnset')) + timezone_list(); } # end if tab == system ?>
'; } else { foreach ($configCats[$tab] as $name=>$value) { $shortName = preg_replace( '/^ZM_/', '', $name ); $optionPromptText = !empty($OLANG[$shortName])?$OLANG[$shortName]['Prompt']:$value['Prompt']; ?>
'.PHP_EOL; } else if (is_array($value['Hint'])) { echo htmlSelect("newConfig[$name]", $value['Hint'], $value['Value']); } else if (preg_match('/\|/', $value['Hint'])) { $options = explode('|', $value['Hint']); if (count($options) > 3) { $html_options = array(); foreach ($options as $option) { if (preg_match('/^([^=]+)=(.+)$/', $option, $matches)) { $html_options[$matches[2]] = $matcahes[1]; } else { $html_options[$option] = $option; } } echo htmlSelect("newConfig[$name]", $html_options, $value['Value'], $canEdit?array('class'=>'form-control-sm') : array('class'=>'form-control-sm', 'disabled'=>'disabled')); } else { foreach ( $options as $option ) { if ( preg_match('/^([^=]+)=(.+)$/', $option) ) { $optionLabel = $matches[1]; $optionValue = $matches[2]; } else { $optionLabel = $optionValue = $option; } ?> 3 } else if ( $value['Type'] == 'text' ) { echo ''.PHP_EOL; } else if ( $value['Type'] == 'integer' ) { echo ''.PHP_EOL; } else if ( $value['Type'] == 'hexadecimal' ) { echo ''.PHP_EOL; } else if ( $value['Type'] == 'decimal' ) { echo ''.PHP_EOL; } else if ( $value['Type'] == 'password' ) { echo ''.PHP_EOL; } else { echo ''.PHP_EOL; } ?>