// Notes for Translators
// 0. Get some credit, put your name in the line above (optional)
// 1. When composing the language tokens in your language you should try and keep to roughly the
// same length text if possible. Abbreviate where necessary as spacing is quite close in a number of places.
// 2. There are four types of string replacement
// a) Simple replacements are words or short phrases that are static and used directly. This type of
// replacement can be used 'as is'.
// b) Complex replacements involve some dynamic element being included and so may require substitution
// or changing into a different order. The token listed in this file will be passed through sprintf as
// a formatting string. If the dynamic element is a number you will usually need to use a variable
// replacement also as described below.
// c) Variable replacements are used in conjunction with complex replacements and involve the generation
// of a singular or plural noun depending on the number passed into the zmVlang function. See the
// the zmVlang section below for a further description of this.
// d) Optional strings which can be used to replace the prompts and/or help text for the Options section
// of the web interface. These are not listed below as they are quite large and held in the database
// so that they can also be used by the zmconfig.pl script. However you can build up your own list
// quite easily from the Config table in the database if necessary.
// 3. The tokens listed below are not used to build up phrases or sentences from single words. Therefore
// you can safely assume that a single word token will only be used in that context.
// 4. In new language files, or if you are changing only a few words or phrases it makes sense from a
// maintenance point of view to include the original language file and override the old definitions rather
// than copy all the language tokens across. To do this change the line below to whatever your base language
// is and uncomment it.
// require_once( 'zm_lang_en_gb.php' );
// You may need to change the character set here, if your web server does not already
// do this by default, uncomment this if required.
// Example
header( "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" );
// You may need to change your locale here if your default one is incorrect for the
// language described in this file, or if you have multiple languages supported.
// If you do need to change your locale, be aware that the format of this function
// is subtlely different in versions of PHP before and after 4.3.0, see
// http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/function.setlocale.php for details.
// Also be aware that changing the whole locale may affect some floating point or decimal
// arithmetic in the database, if this is the case change only the individual locale areas
// that don't affect this rather than all at once. See the examples below.
// Finally, depending on your setup, PHP may not enjoy have multiple locales in a shared
// threaded environment, if you get funny errors it may be this.
// Examples
//setlocale( LC_ALL, 'pl_PL:UTF-8' ); // All locale settings pre-4.3.0
// setlocale( LC_ALL, 'pl_PL:UTF-8' ); // All locale settings 4.3.0 and after
//setlocale( LC_CTYPE, 'pl_PL:UTF-8' ); // Character class settings 4.3.0 and after
//setlocale( LC_TIME, 'pl_PL:UTF-8' ); // Date and time formatting 4.3.0 and after
// Date and time formats, specific to this language
define( "DATE_FMT_CONSOLE_LONG", "%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M" ); // This is the main console date/time, date() or strftime() format
define( "DATE_FMT_CONSOLE_SHORT", "%H:%m" ); // This is the xHTML console date/time, date() or strftime() format
define( "STRF_FMT_DATETIME", "%b. %e. %Y., %H:%M" ); // Strftime locale aware format for dates with times
define( "STRF_FMT_DATE", "%b. %e. %Y." ); // Strftime locale aware format for dates without times
define( "STRF_FMT_TIME", "%H:%m:%S" ); // Strftime locale aware format for times without dates
define( "STRF_FMT_DATETIME_SHORT", "%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" ); // Strftime shorter format for dates with time
define( "STRF_FMT_DATETIME_SHORTER", "%m.%d. %H:%M:%S" ); // Strftime shorter format for dates with time, used where space is tight (events list)
// Simple String Replacements
$SLANG = array(
'24BitColour' => 'Kolor (24 bity)',
'32BitColour' => 'Kolor (32 bity)', // Added - 2011-06-15
'8BitGrey' => 'Cz/b (8 bitów)',
'Action' => 'Działanie:',
'Actual' => 'Domyślna',
'AddNewControl' => 'Add New Control',
'AddNewMonitor' => 'Dodaj nowy monitor',
'AddNewUser' => 'Dodaj użytkownika',
'AddNewZone' => 'Dodaj nową strefę',
'Alarm' => 'Alarm',
'AlarmBrFrames' => 'Ramki
'AlarmFrame' => 'Ramka alarmowa',
'AlarmFrameCount' => 'Alarm Frame Count',
'AlarmLimits' => 'Ograniczenia alarmu',
'AlarmMaximumFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS',
'AlarmPx' => 'Alarm Px',
'AlarmRGBUnset' => 'You must set an alarm RGB colour',
'AlarmRefImageBlendPct'=> 'Alarm Reference Image Blend %ge', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Alert' => 'Gotowość',
'All' => 'Wszystko',
'AnalysisFPS' => 'Analysis FPS', // Added - 2015-07-22
'AnalysisUpdateDelay' => 'Analysis Update Delay', // Added - 2015-07-23
'Apply' => 'Zastosuj',
'ApplyingStateChange' => 'Zmieniam stan pracy',
'ArchArchived' => 'Tylko zarchiwizowane',
'ArchUnarchived' => 'Tylko niezarchiwizowane',
'Archive' => 'Dodaj do archiwum',
'Archived' => 'Zarchiwizowane',
'Area' => 'Obszar',
'AreaUnits' => 'Obszar (px/%)',
'AttrAlarmFrames' => 'Ramki alarmowe',
'AttrArchiveStatus' => 'Status archiwum',
'AttrAvgScore' => 'Śred. wynik',
'AttrCause' => 'Powód',
'AttrDate' => 'Data',
'AttrDateTime' => 'Data/Czas',
'AttrDiskBlocks' => 'Dysk Bloki',
'AttrDiskPercent' => 'Procent zajętości',
'AttrDuration' => 'Czas trwania',
'AttrFrames' => 'Klatki',
'AttrId' => 'Id',
'AttrMaxScore' => 'Maks. wynik',
'AttrMonitorId' => 'Nr monitora',
'AttrMonitorName' => 'Nazwa monitora',
'AttrName' => 'Nazwa',
'AttrNotes' => 'Notes',
'AttrSystemLoad' => 'Obiążenie systemu',
'AttrTime' => 'Czas',
'AttrTotalScore' => 'Całkowity wynik',
'AttrWeekday' => 'Dzień roboczy',
'Auto' => 'Auto',
'AutoStopTimeout' => 'Auto Stop Timeout',
'Available' => 'Dostępne', // Added - 2009-03-31
'AvgBrScore' => 'Śred.
'Background' => 'Działa w tle',
'BackgroundFilter' => 'Uruchom filtr w tle',
'BadAlarmFrameCount' => 'Alarm frame count must be an integer of one or more',
'BadAlarmMaxFPS' => 'Alarm Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadAnalysisFPS' => 'Analysis FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value', // Added - 2015-07-22
'BadAnalysisUpdateDelay'=> 'Analysis update delay must be set to an integer of zero or more', // Added - 2015-07-23
'BadChannel' => 'Channel must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadColours' => 'Target colour must be set to a valid value', // Added - 2011-06-15
'BadDevice' => 'Device must be set to a valid value',
'BadFPSReportInterval' => 'FPS report interval buffer count must be an integer of 0 or more',
'BadFormat' => 'Format must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadFrameSkip' => 'Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadHeight' => 'Height must be set to a valid value',
'BadHost' => 'Host must be set to a valid ip address or hostname, do not include http://',
'BadImageBufferCount' => 'Image buffer size must be an integer of 10 or more',
'BadLabelX' => 'Label X co-ordinate must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadLabelY' => 'Label Y co-ordinate must be set to an integer of zero or more',
'BadMaxFPS' => 'Maximum FPS must be a positive integer or floating point value',
'BadMotionFrameSkip' => 'Motion Frame skip count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadNameChars' => 'Nazwy mogą zawierać tylko litery, cyfry oraz myślnik i podkreślenie',
'BadPalette' => 'Palette must be set to a valid value', // Added - 2009-03-31
'BadPath' => 'Path must be set to a valid value',
'BadPort' => 'Port must be set to a valid number',
'BadPostEventCount' => 'Post event image count must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadPreEventCount' => 'Pre event image count must be at least zero, and less than image buffer size',
'BadRefBlendPerc' => 'Reference blend percentage must be a positive integer',
'BadSectionLength' => 'Section length must be an integer of 30 or more',
'BadSignalCheckColour' => 'Signal check colour must be a valid RGB colour string',
'BadStreamReplayBuffer'=> 'Stream replay buffer must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadWarmupCount' => 'Warmup frames must be an integer of zero or more',
'BadWebColour' => 'Web colour must be a valid web colour string',
'BadWidth' => 'Width must be set to a valid value',
'Bandwidth' => 'Przepustowość',
'BandwidthHead' => 'Przepustowość', // This is the end of the bandwidth status on the top of the console, different in many language due to phrasing
'BlobPx' => 'Plamka Px',
'BlobSizes' => 'Rozmiary plamek',
'Blobs' => 'Plamki',
'Brightness' => 'Jaskrawość',
'Buffer' => 'Bufor', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Buffers' => 'Bufory',
'CSSDescription' => 'Change the default css for this computer', // Added - 2015-04-18
'CanAutoFocus' => 'Can Auto Focus',
'CanAutoGain' => 'Can Auto Gain',
'CanAutoIris' => 'Can Auto Iris',
'CanAutoWhite' => 'Can Auto White Bal.',
'CanAutoZoom' => 'Can Auto Zoom',
'CanFocus' => 'Can Focus',
'CanFocusAbs' => 'Can Focus Absolute',
'CanFocusCon' => 'Can Focus Continuous',
'CanFocusRel' => 'Can Focus Relative',
'CanGain' => 'Can Gain ',
'CanGainAbs' => 'Can Gain Absolute',
'CanGainCon' => 'Can Gain Continuous',
'CanGainRel' => 'Can Gain Relative',
'CanIris' => 'Can Iris',
'CanIrisAbs' => 'Can Iris Absolute',
'CanIrisCon' => 'Can Iris Continuous',
'CanIrisRel' => 'Can Iris Relative',
'CanMove' => 'Can Move',
'CanMoveAbs' => 'Can Move Absolute',
'CanMoveCon' => 'Can Move Continuous',
'CanMoveDiag' => 'Can Move Diagonally',
'CanMoveMap' => 'Can Move Mapped',
'CanMoveRel' => 'Can Move Relative',
'CanPan' => 'Can Pan' ,
'CanReset' => 'Can Reset',
'CanSetPresets' => 'Can Set Presets',
'CanSleep' => 'Can Sleep',
'CanTilt' => 'Can Tilt',
'CanWake' => 'Can Wake',
'CanWhite' => 'Can White Balance',
'CanWhiteAbs' => 'Can White Bal. Absolute',
'CanWhiteBal' => 'Can White Bal.',
'CanWhiteCon' => 'Can White Bal. Continuous',
'CanWhiteRel' => 'Can White Bal. Relative',
'CanZoom' => 'Can Zoom',
'CanZoomAbs' => 'Can Zoom Absolute',
'CanZoomCon' => 'Can Zoom Continuous',
'CanZoomRel' => 'Can Zoom Relative',
'Cancel' => 'Anuluj',
'CancelForcedAlarm' => 'Anuluj wymuszony alarm',
'CaptureHeight' => 'Wysokość obrazu',
'CaptureMethod' => 'Metoda przechwytywania', // Added - 2009-02-08
'CapturePalette' => 'Paleta kolorów obrazu',
'CaptureResolution' => 'Capture Resolution', // Added - 2015-04-18
'CaptureWidth' => 'Szerokość obrazu',
'Cause' => 'Przyczyna',
'CheckMethod' => 'Metoda sprawdzenia alarmu',
'ChooseDetectedCamera' => 'Choose Detected Camera', // Added - 2009-03-31
'ChooseFilter' => 'Wybierz filtr',
'ChooseLogFormat' => 'Choose a log format', // Added - 2011-06-17
'ChooseLogSelection' => 'Choose a log selection', // Added - 2011-06-17
'ChoosePreset' => 'Choose Preset',
'Clear' => 'Wyczyść', // Added - 2011-06-16
'Close' => 'Zamknij',
'Colour' => 'Nasycenie',
'Command' => 'Polecenie',
'Component' => 'Komponent', // Added - 2011-06-16
'Config' => 'Konfiguracja',
'ConfiguredFor' => 'Ustawiona',
'ConfirmDeleteEvents' => 'Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć zaznaczone zdarzenia?',
'ConfirmPassword' => 'PotwierdŹ hasło',
'ConjAnd' => 'i',
'ConjOr' => 'lub',
'Console' => 'Konsola',
'ContactAdmin' => 'Skontaktuj się z Twoim adminstratorem w sprawie szczegółów.',
'Continue' => 'Continue',
'Contrast' => 'Kontrast',
'Control' => 'Control',
'ControlAddress' => 'Control Address',
'ControlCap' => 'Control Capability',
'ControlCaps' => 'Control Capabilities',
'ControlDevice' => 'Control Device',
'ControlType' => 'Control Type',
'Controllable' => 'Controllable',
'Current' => 'Obecny', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Cycle' => 'Cykl',
'CycleWatch' => 'Cykl podglądu',
'DateTime' => 'Data/Czas', // Added - 2011-06-16
'Day' => 'Dzień',
'Debug' => 'Debug',
'DefaultRate' => 'Default Rate',
'DefaultScale' => 'Skala domyślna',
'DefaultView' => 'Widok domyślny',
'Deinterlacing' => 'Usuwanie przeplotu', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Delay' => 'Opóźnienie', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Delete' => 'Usuń',
'DeleteAndNext' => 'Usuń & następny',
'DeleteAndPrev' => 'Usuń & poprzedni',
'DeleteSavedFilter' => 'Usuń zapisany filtr',
'Description' => 'Opis',
'DetectedCameras' => 'Wykryte kamery', // Added - 2009-03-31
'DetectedProfiles' => 'Wykryte profile', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Device' => 'Urządzenie', // Added - 2009-02-08
'DeviceChannel' => 'Numer wejścia w urządzeniu',
'DeviceFormat' => 'System TV',
'DeviceNumber' => 'Numer urządzenia',
'DevicePath' => 'Ścieżka urządzenia',
'Devices' => 'Urządzenia',
'Dimensions' => 'Rozmiary',
'DisableAlarms' => 'Wyłącz alarm',
'Disk' => 'Dysk',
'Display' => 'Wygląd', // Added - 2011-01-30
'Displaying' => 'Wyświetlanie', // Added - 2011-06-16
'DoNativeMotionDetection'=> 'Do Native Motion Detection',
'Donate' => 'Please Donate',
'DonateAlready' => 'No, I\'ve already donated',
'DonateEnticement' => 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.',
'DonateRemindDay' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day',
'DonateRemindHour' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour',
'DonateRemindMonth' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month',
'DonateRemindNever' => 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind',
'DonateRemindWeek' => 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week',
'DonateYes' => 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now',
'Download' => 'Pobierz',
'DuplicateMonitorName' => 'Duplicate Monitor Name', // Added - 2009-03-31
'Duration' => 'Czas trwania',
'Edit' => 'Edycja',
'Email' => 'Email',
'EnableAlarms' => 'Enable Alarms',
'Enabled' => 'Aktywny',
'EnterNewFilterName' => 'Wpisz nową nazwę filtra',
'Error' => 'Błąd',
'ErrorBrackets' => 'Błąd, proszę sprawdzić ilość nawiasów otwierających i zamykających',
'ErrorValidValue' => 'Błąd, proszę sprawdzić czy wszystkie warunki mają poprawne wartości',
'Etc' => 'itp',
'Event' => 'Zdarzenie',
'EventFilter' => 'Filtr zdarzeń',
'EventId' => 'Id zdarzenia',
'EventName' => 'Event Name',
'EventPrefix' => 'Event Prefix',
'Events' => 'Zdarzenia',
'Exclude' => 'Wyklucz',
'Execute' => 'Wykonaj',
'Export' => 'Eksport',
'ExportDetails' => 'Eksport szczegółów zdarzenia',
'ExportFailed' => 'Eksport nie powiódł się',
'ExportFormat' => 'Rodzaj archiwum',
'ExportFormatTar' => 'Tar',
'ExportFormatZip' => 'Zip',
'ExportFrames' => 'Eksport szczgółów klatki',
'ExportImageFiles' => 'Eksport plików obrazowych (klatek)',
'ExportLog' => 'Eksport logów', // Added - 2011-06-17
'ExportMiscFiles' => 'Eksport innych plików (jeśli dostępne)',
'ExportOptions' => 'Opcje eksportu',
'ExportSucceeded' => 'Eksport zakończony pomyślnie', // Added - 2009-02-08
'ExportVideoFiles' => 'Eksport plików video (jeśli dostępne)',
'Exporting' => 'Eksportowanie',
'FPS' => 'fps',
'FPSReportInterval' => 'Raport (ramek/s)',
'FTP' => 'FTP',
'Far' => 'Far',
'FastForward' => 'Fast Forward',
'Feed' => 'Dostarcz',
'Ffmpeg' => 'Ffmpeg', // Added - 2009-02-08
'File' => 'Plik',
'Filter' => 'Filter', // Added - 2015-04-18
'FilterArchiveEvents' => 'Archiwizuj wszystkie pasujące',
'FilterDeleteEvents' => 'Usuwaj wszystkie pasujące',
'FilterEmailEvents' => 'Wysyłaj pocztą wszystkie pasujące',
'FilterExecuteEvents' => 'Wywołuj komendę dla wszystkich pasujących',
'FilterLog' => 'Filtr logów', // Added - 2015-04-18
'FilterMessageEvents' => 'Wyświetlaj komunikat na wszystkie pasujące',
'FilterPx' => 'Filtr Px',
'FilterUnset' => 'You must specify a filter width and height',
'FilterUploadEvents' => 'Wysyłaj wszystkie pasujące',
'FilterVideoEvents' => 'Utwórz nagranie dla zaznaczonych',
'Filters' => 'Filtry',
'First' => 'Pierwszy',
'FlippedHori' => 'Odwróć poziomo',
'FlippedVert' => 'Odwróć pionowo',
'FnMocord' => 'Mocord', // Added 2013.08.16.
'FnModect' => 'Modect', // Added 2013.08.16.
'FnMonitor' => 'Monitor', // Added 2013.08.16.
'FnNodect' => 'Nodect', // Added 2013.08.16.
'FnNone' => 'None', // Added 2013.08.16.
'FnRecord' => 'Record', // Added 2013.08.16.
'Focus' => 'Focus',
'ForceAlarm' => 'Wymuś alarm',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Frame' => 'Ramka',
'FrameId' => 'Nr ramki',
'FrameRate' => 'Tempo ramek',
'FrameSkip' => 'Pomiń ramkę',
'Frames' => 'Ramki',
'Func' => 'Funkcja',
'Function' => 'Funkcja',
'Gain' => 'Gain',
'General' => 'General',
'GenerateVideo' => 'Generowanie Video',
'GeneratingVideo' => 'Generuję Video',
'GoToZoneMinder' => 'PrzejdŹ na ZoneMinder.com',
'Grey' => 'Cz/b',
'Group' => 'Grupa',
'Groups' => 'Grupy',
'HasFocusSpeed' => 'Has Focus Speed',
'HasGainSpeed' => 'Has Gain Speed',
'HasHomePreset' => 'Has Home Preset',
'HasIrisSpeed' => 'Has Iris Speed',
'HasPanSpeed' => 'Has Pan Speed',
'HasPresets' => 'Has Presets',
'HasTiltSpeed' => 'Has Tilt Speed',
'HasTurboPan' => 'Has Turbo Pan',
'HasTurboTilt' => 'Has Turbo Tilt',
'HasWhiteSpeed' => 'Has White Bal. Speed',
'HasZoomSpeed' => 'Has Zoom Speed',
'High' => 'wysoka',
'HighBW' => 'Wys. prz.',
'Home' => 'Home',
'Hour' => 'Godzina',
'Hue' => 'Odcień',
'Id' => 'Nr',
'Idle' => 'Bezczynny',
'Ignore' => 'Ignoruj',
'Image' => 'Obraz',
'ImageBufferSize' => 'Rozmiar bufora obrazu (ramek)',
'Images' => 'Obrazy',
'In' => 'In',
'Include' => 'Dołącz',
'Inverted' => 'Odwrócony',
'Iris' => 'Iris',
'KeyString' => 'Key String',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Language' => 'Język',
'Last' => 'Ostatni',
'Layout' => 'Layout', // Added - 2009-02-08
'Level' => 'Level', // Added - 2011-06-16
'Libvlc' => 'Libvlc',
'LimitResultsPost' => 'wyników;', // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'LimitResultsPre' => 'Ogranicz do początkowych', // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
'Line' => 'Linia', // Added - 2011-06-16
'LinkedMonitors' => 'Połączone monitory',
'List' => 'Lista',
'Load' => 'Obc.',
'Local' => 'Lokalny',
'Log' => 'Logi', // Added - 2011-06-16
'LoggedInAs' => 'Zalogowany jako',
'Logging' => 'Logowanie', // Added - 2011-06-16
'LoggingIn' => 'Logowanie',
'Login' => 'Login',
'Logout' => 'Wyloguj',
'Logs' => 'Logi', // Added - 2011-06-17
'Low' => 'niska',
'LowBW' => 'Nis. prz.',
'Main' => 'Main',
'Man' => 'Man',
'Manual' => 'Manual',
'Mark' => 'Znacznik',
'Max' => 'Maks.',
'MaxBandwidth' => 'Max Bandwidth',
'MaxBrScore' => 'Maks.
'MaxFocusRange' => 'Max Focus Range',
'MaxFocusSpeed' => 'Max Focus Speed',
'MaxFocusStep' => 'Max Focus Step',
'MaxGainRange' => 'Max Gain Range',
'MaxGainSpeed' => 'Max Gain Speed',
'MaxGainStep' => 'Max Gain Step',
'MaxIrisRange' => 'Max Iris Range',
'MaxIrisSpeed' => 'Max Iris Speed',
'MaxIrisStep' => 'Max Iris Step',
'MaxPanRange' => 'Max Pan Range',
'MaxPanSpeed' => 'Max Pan Speed',
'MaxPanStep' => 'Max Pan Step',
'MaxTiltRange' => 'Max Tilt Range',
'MaxTiltSpeed' => 'Max Tilt Speed',
'MaxTiltStep' => 'Max Tilt Step',
'MaxWhiteRange' => 'Max White Bal. Range',
'MaxWhiteSpeed' => 'Max White Bal. Speed',
'MaxWhiteStep' => 'Max White Bal. Step',
'MaxZoomRange' => 'Max Zoom Range',
'MaxZoomSpeed' => 'Max Zoom Speed',
'MaxZoomStep' => 'Max Zoom Step',
'MaximumFPS' => 'Maks. FPS',
'Medium' => 'średnia',
'MediumBW' => 'Śred. prz.',
'Message' => 'Treść', // Added - 2011-06-16
'MinAlarmAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum alarm area should be less than maximum',
'MinAlarmAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum alarm pixel count',
'MinBlobAreaLtMax' => 'Minimalny obszar plamki powinien być mniejszy od maksymalnego obszaru plamki',
'MinBlobAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum blob pixel count',
'MinBlobLtMinFilter' => 'Minimum blob area should be less than or equal to minimum filter area',
'MinBlobsLtMax' => 'Najmniejsze plamki powinny być mniejsze od największych plamek' ,
'MinBlobsUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum blob count',
'MinFilterAreaLtMax' => 'Minimum filter area should be less than maximum',
'MinFilterAreaUnset' => 'You must specify the minimum filter pixel count',
'MinFilterLtMinAlarm' => 'Minimum filter area should be less than or equal to minimum alarm area',
'MinFocusRange' => 'Min Focus Range',
'MinFocusSpeed' => 'Min Focus Speed',
'MinFocusStep' => 'Min Focus Step',
'MinGainRange' => 'Min Gain Range',
'MinGainSpeed' => 'Min Gain Speed',
'MinGainStep' => 'Min Gain Step',
'MinIrisRange' => 'Min Iris Range',
'MinIrisSpeed' => 'Min Iris Speed',
'MinIrisStep' => 'Min Iris Step',
'MinPanRange' => 'Min Pan Range',
'MinPanSpeed' => 'Min Pan Speed',
'MinPanStep' => 'Min Pan Step',
'MinPixelThresLtMax' => 'Najmniejsze progi pikseli powinny być mniejsze od największych progów pikseli',
'MinPixelThresUnset' => 'You must specify a minimum pixel threshold',
'MinTiltRange' => 'Min Tilt Range',
'MinTiltSpeed' => 'Min Tilt Speed',
'MinTiltStep' => 'Min Tilt Step',
'MinWhiteRange' => 'Min White Bal. Range',
'MinWhiteSpeed' => 'Min White Bal. Speed',
'MinWhiteStep' => 'Min White Bal. Step',
'MinZoomRange' => 'Min Zoom Range',
'MinZoomSpeed' => 'Min Zoom Speed',
'MinZoomStep' => 'Min Zoom Step',
'Misc' => 'Inne',
'Mode' => 'Tryb', // Added - 2015-04-18
'Monitor' => 'Monitor',
'MonitorIds' => 'Numery monitorów',
'MonitorPreset' => 'Ustawienia predefiniowane',
'MonitorPresetIntro' => 'Select an appropriate preset from the list below.
Please note that this may overwrite any values you already have configured for this monitor.
'MonitorProbe' => 'Monitor Probe', // Added - 2009-03-31
'MonitorProbeIntro' => 'The list below shows detected analog and network cameras and whether they are already being used or available for selection.
Select the desired entry from the list below.
Please note that not all cameras may be detected and that choosing a camera here may overwrite any values you already have configured for the current monitor.
', // Added - 2009-03-31
'Monitors' => 'Monitory',
'Montage' => 'Montaż',
'Month' => 'Miesiąc',
'More' => 'Pokaż więcej', // Added - 2011-06-16
'MotionFrameSkip' => 'Motion Frame Skip',
'Move' => 'Move',
'Mtg2widgrd' => '2-wide grid', // Added 2013.08.15.
'Mtg3widgrd' => '3-wide grid', // Added 2013.08.15.
'Mtg3widgrx' => '3-wide grid, scaled, enlarge on alarm', // Added 2013.08.15.
'Mtg4widgrd' => '4-wide grid', // Added 2013.08.15.
'MtgDefault' => 'Default', // Added 2013.08.15.
'MustBeGe' => 'musi być większe lub równe od',
'MustBeLe' => 'musi być mniejsze lub równe od',
'MustConfirmPassword' => 'Musisz potwierdzić hasło',
'MustSupplyPassword' => 'Musisz podać hasło',
'MustSupplyUsername' => 'Musisz podać nazwę użytkownika',
'Name' => 'Nazwa',
'Near' => 'Near',
'Network' => 'Sieć',
'New' => 'Nowy',
'NewGroup' => 'Nowa grupa',
'NewLabel' => 'Nowa etykieta',
'NewPassword' => 'Nowe hasło',
'NewState' => 'Nowy stan',
'NewUser' => 'nowy',
'Next' => 'Następny',
'No' => 'Nie',
'NoDetectedCameras' => 'Nie wykryto kamer', // Added - 2009-03-31
'NoFramesRecorded' => 'Brak zapisanych ramek dla tego zdarzenia',
'NoGroup' => 'Brak grupy',
'NoSavedFilters' => 'BrakZapisanychFiltrów',
'NoStatisticsRecorded' => 'Brak zapisanych statystyk dla tego zdarzenia/ramki',
'None' => 'Brak',
'NoneAvailable' => 'Niedostępne',
'Normal' => 'Normalny',
'Notes' => 'Uwagi',
'NumPresets' => 'Num Presets',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
'OnvifCredentialsIntro'=> 'Please supply user name and password for the selected camera.
If no user has been created for the camera then the user given here will be created with the given password.
', // Added - 2015-04-18
'OnvifProbe' => 'ONVIF', // Added - 2015-04-18
'OnvifProbeIntro' => 'The list below shows detected ONVIF cameras and whether they are already being used or available for selection.
Select the desired entry from the list below.
Please note that not all cameras may be detected and that choosing a camera here may overwrite any values you already have configured for the current monitor.
', // Added - 2015-04-18
'OpEq' => 'równy',
'OpGt' => 'większe od',
'OpGtEq' => 'większe lub równe od',
'OpIn' => 'w zestawie',
'OpLt' => 'mniejsze od',
'OpLtEq' => 'mniejsze lub równe od',
'OpMatches' => 'pasujące',
'OpNe' => 'różne od',
'OpNotIn' => 'brak w zestawie',
'OpNotMatches' => 'nie pasujące',
'Open' => 'Otwórz',
'OptionHelp' => 'OpcjePomoc',
'OptionRestartWarning' => 'Te zmiany nie przyniosą natychmiastowego efektu\ndopóki system pracuje. Kiedy zakończysz robić zmiany\nproszę koniecznie zrestartować ZoneMinder.',
'Options' => 'Opcje',
'OrEnterNewName' => 'lub wpisz nową nazwę',
'Order' => 'Kolejność',
'Orientation' => 'Orientacja',
'Out' => 'Out',
'OverwriteExisting' => 'Nadpisz istniejące',
'Paged' => 'Stronicowane',
'Pan' => 'Pan',
'PanLeft' => 'Pan Left',
'PanRight' => 'Pan Right',
'PanTilt' => 'Pan/Tilt',
'Parameter' => 'Parametr',
'Password' => 'Hasło',
'PasswordsDifferent' => 'Hasła: nowe i potwierdzone są różne!',
'Paths' => 'Ścieżki',
'Pause' => 'Pauza',
'Phone' => 'Telefon',
'PhoneBW' => 'Tel. prz.',
'Pid' => 'PID', // Added - 2011-06-16
'PixelDiff' => 'Pixel Diff',
'Pixels' => 'pikseli',
'Play' => 'Odtwórz',
'PlayAll' => 'Play All',
'PleaseWait' => 'Proszę czekać',
'Plugins' => 'Plugins',
'Point' => 'Point',
'PostEventImageBuffer' => 'Bufor obrazów po zdarzeniu',
'PreEventImageBuffer' => 'Bufor obrazów przed zdarzeniem',
'PreserveAspect' => 'Preserve Aspect Ratio',
'Preset' => 'Preset',
'Presets' => 'Presets',
'Prev' => 'Poprzedni',
'Privacy' => 'Privacy',
'PrivacyAbout' => 'About',
'PrivacyAboutText' => 'Since 2002, ZoneMinder has been the premier free and open-source Video Management System (VMS) solution for Linux platforms. ZoneMinder is supported by the community and is managed by those who choose to volunteer their spare time to the project. The best way to improve ZoneMinder is to get involved.',
'PrivacyContact' => 'Contact',
'PrivacyContactText' => 'Please contact us here for any questions regarding our privacy policy or to have your information removed.
For support, there are three primary ways to engage with the community:
Our Github forum is only for bug reporting. Please use our user forum or slack channel for all other questions or comments.
', 'PrivacyCookies' => 'Cookies', 'PrivacyCookiesText' => 'Whether you use a web browser or a mobile app to communicate with the ZoneMinder server, a ZMSESSID cookie is created on the client to uniquely identify a session with the ZoneMinder server. ZmCSS and zmSkin cookies are created to remember your style and skin choices.', 'PrivacyTelemetry' => 'Telemetry', 'PrivacyTelemetryText' => 'Because ZoneMinder is open-source, anyone can install it without registering. This makes it difficult to answer questions such as: how many systems are out there, what is the largest system out there, what kind of systems are our there, or where are these systems located? Knowing the answers to these questions, helps users who ask us these questions, and it helps us set priorities based on the majority user base.', 'PrivacyTelemetryList' => 'The ZoneMinder Telemetry daemon collects the following data about your system: