alarme'; $zmSlangAlarmFrameCount = 'Alarm Frame Count'; $zmSlangAlarmFrame = 'Image alarme'; $zmSlangAlarmLimits = 'Limites alarme'; $zmSlangAlarmPx = 'Px Alarme'; $zmSlangAlert = 'Alerte'; $zmSlangAll = 'Tous'; $zmSlangApply = 'Appliquer'; $zmSlangApplyingStateChange = 'Appl. chgt état'; $zmSlangArchArchived = 'Archivé seul.'; $zmSlangArchive = 'Archiver'; $zmSlangArchUnarchived = 'Non-arch. seul.'; $zmSlangAttrAlarmFrames = 'Images alarme'; $zmSlangAttrArchiveStatus = 'Etat Archive'; $zmSlangAttrAvgScore = 'Score moy.'; $zmSlangAttrCause = 'Cause'; $zmSlangAttrDate = 'Date'; $zmSlangAttrDateTime = 'Date/temps'; $zmSlangAttrDiskBlocks = 'Disk Blocks'; $zmSlangAttrDiskPercent = 'Disk Percent'; $zmSlangAttrDuration = 'Durée'; $zmSlangAttrFrames = 'Images'; $zmSlangAttrId = 'Id'; $zmSlangAttrMaxScore = 'Score max.'; $zmSlangAttrMonitorId = 'N° écran'; $zmSlangAttrMonitorName = 'Nom écran'; $zmSlangAttrName = 'Name'; $zmSlangAttrTime = 'Temps'; $zmSlangAttrTotalScore = 'Score total'; $zmSlangAttrWeekday = 'Semaine'; $zmSlangAutoArchiveEvents = 'Automatically archive all matches'; $zmSlangAutoDeleteEvents = 'Automatically delete all matches'; $zmSlangAutoEmailEvents = 'Automatically email details of all matches'; $zmSlangAutoExecuteEvents = 'Automatically execute command on all matches'; $zmSlangAutoMessageEvents = 'Automatically message details of all matches'; $zmSlangAutoUploadEvents = 'Automatically upload all matches'; $zmSlangAvgBrScore = 'Score
moy.'; $zmSlangBadMonitorChars = 'Les noms d\'écrans ne peuvent contenir que des lettres, chiffres, trait d\'union ou souligné'; $zmSlangBandwidth = 'Bande-pass.'; $zmSlangBlobPx = 'Px forme'; $zmSlangBlobs = 'Formes'; $zmSlangBlobSizes = 'Taille forme'; $zmSlangBrightness = 'Luminosité;'; $zmSlangBuffers = 'Tampons'; $zmSlangCancel = 'Annul.'; $zmSlangCancelForcedAlarm = 'Annul. Forcé Alarme'; $zmSlangCaptureHeight = 'Haut. capture'; $zmSlangCapturePalette = 'palette capture'; $zmSlangCaptureWidth = 'Larg. capture'; $zmSlangCause = 'Cause'; $zmSlangCheckAll = 'Vérif. ts'; $zmSlangCheckMethod = 'Méthode vérif. alarme'; $zmSlangChooseFilter = 'Choisir filtre'; $zmSlangClose = 'Fermer'; $zmSlangColour = 'Couleur'; $zmSlangConfig = 'Config'; $zmSlangConfiguredFor = 'Configuré pour'; $zmSlangConfirmPassword = 'Confirmer mt de pass.'; $zmSlangConjAnd = 'et'; $zmSlangConjOr = 'ou'; $zmSlangConsole = 'Console'; $zmSlangContactAdmin = 'Contactez votre administrateur SVP'; $zmSlangContinue = 'Continue'; $zmSlangContrast = 'Contraste'; $zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle'; $zmSlangCycleWatch = 'Cycle vision'; $zmSlangDay = 'Jour'; $zmSlangDeleteAndNext = 'Eff. & suiv.'; $zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = 'Eff. & prec.'; $zmSlangDelete = 'Eff.'; $zmSlangDeleteSavedFilter = 'Eff. filtre sauvé'; $zmSlangDescription = 'Description'; $zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'Canal caméra'; $zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'Format caméra (0=PAL,1=NTSC etc)'; $zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'Numéro caméra (/dev/video?)'; $zmSlangDimensions = 'Dimensions'; $zmSlangDisk = 'Disk'; $zmSlangDuration = 'Durée'; $zmSlangEdit = 'Editer'; $zmSlangEmail = 'Courriel'; $zmSlangEnabled = 'Activé'; $zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = 'Entrer nom nouv. filtre'; $zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'Erreur, vérifiez que toutes les parenthèses ouvertes sont fermées'; $zmSlangError = 'Erreur'; $zmSlangErrorValidValue = 'Erreur, vérifiez que tous les termes ont une valeur valide'; $zmSlangEtc = 'etc'; $zmSlangEvent = 'Evènt'; $zmSlangEventFilter = 'Filtre evènt'; $zmSlangEventId = 'Event Id'; $zmSlangEventName = 'Event Name'; $zmSlangEventPrefix = 'Event Prefix'; $zmSlangEvents = 'Evènts'; $zmSlangExclude = 'Exclure'; $zmSlangFeed = 'Feed'; $zmSlangFilterPx = 'Filter Px'; $zmSlangFirst = 'Prem.'; $zmSlangForceAlarm = 'Force Alarme'; $zmSlangFPS = 'i/s'; $zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS Report Interval'; $zmSlangFrameId = 'N° image'; $zmSlangFrame = 'Image'; $zmSlangFrameRate = 'Débit image'; $zmSlangFrames = 'images'; $zmSlangFrameSkip = 'Saut image'; $zmSlangFTP = 'FTP'; $zmSlangFunc = 'Fct'; $zmSlangFunction = 'Fonction'; $zmSlangGenerateVideo = 'Générer Vidéo'; $zmSlangGeneratingVideo = 'Génération Vidéo'; $zmSlangGoToZoneMinder = 'Aller sur'; $zmSlangGrey = 'Gris'; $zmSlangGroups = 'Groups'; $zmSlangHighBW = 'Haut N/B'; $zmSlangHigh = 'Haut'; $zmSlangHour = 'Heure'; $zmSlangHue = 'Teinte'; $zmSlangIdle = 'Vide'; $zmSlangId = 'N°'; $zmSlangIgnore = 'Ignorer'; $zmSlangImageBufferSize = 'Taille tampon image'; $zmSlangImage = 'Image'; $zmSlangInclude = 'Inclure'; $zmSlangInverted = 'Inversé'; $zmSlangLanguage = 'Langue'; $zmSlangLast = 'Dernier'; $zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only' $zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only' $zmSlangLoad = 'Load'; $zmSlangLocal = 'Local'; $zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'Connecté cô'; $zmSlangLoggingIn = 'Connexion'; $zmSlangLogin = 'Login'; $zmSlangLogout = 'Déconnexion'; $zmSlangLow = 'Bas'; $zmSlangLowBW = 'Basse N/B'; $zmSlangMark = 'Marque'; $zmSlangMaxBrScore = 'Score
max'; $zmSlangMaximumFPS = 'i/s maximum'; $zmSlangMax = 'Max'; $zmSlangMediumBW = 'Moy. N/B'; $zmSlangMedium = 'Medium'; $zmSlangMinAlarmGeMinBlob = 'Minimum alarm pixels should be greater than or equal to minimum blob pixels'; $zmSlangMinAlarmGeMinFilter = 'Minimum alarm pixels should be greater than or equal to minimum filter pixels'; $zmSlangMinAlarmPixelsLtMax = 'Pixels alarme min. doit ê < pixels alarme max.'; $zmSlangMinBlobAreaLtMax = 'Aire blob min. doit ê < aire blob maximum'; $zmSlangMinBlobsLtMax = 'Blobs min. doit ê < blobs max.'; $zmSlangMinFilterPixelsLtMax = 'Pixels filtre min. doit ê < pixels filtre max'; $zmSlangMinPixelThresLtMax = 'Seuil pixel min. doit ê < seuil pixel max.'; $zmSlangMisc = 'Div.'; $zmSlangMonitor = 'Ecran'; $zmSlangMonitorIds = 'N° écran'; $zmSlangMonitors = 'Ecrans'; $zmSlangMontage = 'Montage'; $zmSlangMonth = 'Mois'; $zmSlangMustBeGe = 'doit être sup. ou égal à'; $zmSlangMustBeLe = 'doit être inf. ou égal à'; $zmSlangMustConfirmPassword = 'Confirmez le mot de passe'; $zmSlangMustSupplyPassword = 'Entrez un mot de passe'; $zmSlangMustSupplyUsername = 'Entrez un nom d\'utilisateur'; $zmSlangName = 'Nom'; $zmSlangNetwork = 'Réseau'; $zmSlangNewGroup = 'New Group'; $zmSlangNew = 'Nouv.'; $zmSlangNewPassword = 'Nouv. mt de passe'; $zmSlangNewState = 'Nv état'; $zmSlangNewUser = 'Nv util.'; $zmSlangNext = 'Suiv.'; $zmSlangNoFramesRecorded = 'Pas d\'image enregistrée pour cet évènement'; $zmSlangNoGroups = 'No groups have been defined'; $zmSlangNone = 'Aucun'; $zmSlangNoneAvailable = 'Aucun disponible'; $zmSlangNo = 'Non'; $zmSlangNormal = 'Normal'; $zmSlangNoSavedFilters = 'Pasfiltressauv'; $zmSlangNoStatisticsRecorded = 'Pas de statistiques disponibles pour cet évènmnt/imag.'; $zmSlangOpEq = 'égal à'; $zmSlangOpGtEq = 'plus grand ou égal à'; $zmSlangOpGt = 'sup. à'; $zmSlangOpIn = 'en lot'; $zmSlangOpLtEq = 'inf. ou égal à'; $zmSlangOpLt = 'inf. à'; $zmSlangOpMatches = 'correspond'; $zmSlangOpNe = 'diff. de'; $zmSlangOpNotIn = 'pas en lot'; $zmSlangOpNotMatches = 'ne correspond pas'; $zmSlangOptionHelp = 'OptionAide'; $zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'These changes may not come into effect fully\nwhile the system is running. When you have\nfinished making your changes please ensure that\nyou restart ZoneMinder.'; $zmSlangOptions = 'Options'; $zmSlangOrEnterNewName = 'ou entrez nv nom'; $zmSlangOrientation = 'Orientation'; $zmSlangOverwriteExisting = 'Ecraser l\'existant'; $zmSlangPaged = 'Paged'; $zmSlangParameter = 'Paramètre'; $zmSlangPassword = 'Mt de passe'; $zmSlangPasswordsDifferent = 'Les 2 mots de passe sont différents'; $zmSlangPaths = 'Paths'; $zmSlangPhoneBW = 'Phone B/W'; $zmSlangPhone = 'Phone'; $zmSlangPixels = 'pixels'; $zmSlangPlayAll = 'Play All'; $zmSlangPleaseWait = 'Attendez'; $zmSlangPostEventImageBuffer = 'Post Event Image Buffer'; $zmSlangPreEventImageBuffer = 'Pre Event Image Buffer'; $zmSlangPrev = 'Prec.'; $zmSlangRate = 'Débit'; $zmSlangReal = 'Réel'; $zmSlangRecord = 'Enreg.'; $zmSlangRefImageBlendPct = 'Reference Image Blend %ge'; $zmSlangRefresh = 'Rafraîchir'; $zmSlangRemoteHostName = 'Remote Host Name'; $zmSlangRemoteHostPath = 'Remote Host Path'; $zmSlangRemoteHostPort = 'Remote Host Port'; $zmSlangRemoteImageColours = 'Remote Image Colours'; $zmSlangRemote = 'Remote'; $zmSlangRename = 'Renommer'; $zmSlangReplay = 'Ralenti'; $zmSlangResetEventCounts = 'Rem. à 0 comptage des évts'; $zmSlangReset = 'Reset'; $zmSlangRestarting = 'Redémarrage'; $zmSlangRestart = 'Redémarrer'; $zmSlangRestrictedCameraIds = 'N° caméras confid.'; $zmSlangRotateLeft = 'Rotation g.'; $zmSlangRotateRight = 'Rotation d.'; $zmSlangRunMode = 'Run Mode'; $zmSlangRunning = 'Ca tourne'; $zmSlangRunState = 'Run State'; $zmSlangSaveAs = 'Enr. ss'; $zmSlangSave = 'Enr.'; $zmSlangSaveFilter = 'Save Filter'; $zmSlangScale = 'Echelle'; $zmSlangScore = 'Score'; $zmSlangSecs = 'Secs'; $zmSlangSectionlength = 'Longueur section'; $zmSlangSelect = 'Select'; $zmSlangSetLearnPrefs = 'Régler préf. apprises'; // This can be ignored for now $zmSlangSetNewBandwidth = 'Régler la bande passante'; $zmSlangSettings = 'Réglages'; $zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'Montrerfen.filtre'; $zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc'; $zmSlangSortBy = 'Sort by'; $zmSlangSortDesc = 'Desc'; $zmSlangSource = 'Source'; $zmSlangSourceType = 'Source Type'; $zmSlangStart = 'Démarrer'; $zmSlangState = 'Etat'; $zmSlangStats = 'Stats'; $zmSlangStatus = 'Statut'; $zmSlangStills = 'Photos'; $zmSlangStopped = 'Arrêté'; $zmSlangStop = 'Stop'; $zmSlangStream = 'Flux'; $zmSlangSubmit = 'Submit'; $zmSlangSystem = 'Système'; $zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail'; $zmSlangTimeDelta = 'Time Delta'; $zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'Timestamp Label Format'; $zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'Timestamp Label X'; $zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'Timestamp Label Y'; $zmSlangTimestamp = 'Timestamp'; $zmSlangTimeStamp = 'Time Stamp'; $zmSlangTime = 'Temps'; $zmSlangToday = 'Today'; $zmSlangTools = 'Outils'; $zmSlangTotalBrScore = 'Score
total'; $zmSlangTriggers = 'Déclenchements'; $zmSlangType = 'Type'; $zmSlangUnarchive = 'Désarchiv.'; $zmSlangUnits = 'Unités'; $zmSlangUnknown = 'Inconnu'; $zmSlangUpdateAvailable = 'Mise à jour de ZM dispo.'; $zmSlangUpdateNotNecessary = 'Pas de mise à jour dispo.'; $zmSlangUseFilterExprsPost = ' filter expressions'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions' $zmSlangUseFilterExprsPre = 'Util. '; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions' $zmSlangUseFilter = 'Util. Filtre'; $zmSlangUsername = 'nom util.'; $zmSlangUsers = 'Utils'; $zmSlangUser = 'Util.'; $zmSlangValue = 'Valeur'; $zmSlangVersionIgnore = 'Ignorer cette version'; $zmSlangVersionRemindDay = 'Me rappeler ds 1 j.'; $zmSlangVersionRemindHour = 'Me rappleler dans 1 h.'; $zmSlangVersionRemindNever = 'Ne pas avertir des nvelles versions'; $zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = 'Me rappeler ds 1 sem.'; $zmSlangVersion = 'Version'; $zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'Echec génération vidéo!'; $zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'Paramètres génération vidéo'; $zmSlangVideoSize = 'taille vidéo'; $zmSlangVideo = 'Vidéo'; $zmSlangViewAll = 'Voir tt'; $zmSlangViewPaged = 'Vue recherchée'; $zmSlangView = 'Voir'; $zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'Images test'; $zmSlangWatch = 'Regarder'; $zmSlangWeb = 'Web'; $zmSlangWeek = 'Semaine'; $zmSlangX10ActivationString = 'X10:chaîne activation'; $zmSlangX10InputAlarmString = 'X10:chaîne alarme entrée'; $zmSlangX10OutputAlarmString = 'X10:chaîne alarme sortie'; $zmSlangX10 = 'X10'; $zmSlangYes = 'Oui'; $zmSlangYouNoPerms = 'Permissions nécessaires pour cette ressource.'; $zmSlangZoneAlarmColour = 'Couleur alarme (RGB)'; $zmSlangZoneAlarmThreshold = 'Seuil alarme (0>=?<=255)'; $zmSlangZoneFilterHeight = 'Haut. filtre (pixels)'; $zmSlangZoneFilterWidth = 'Larg. filtre (pixels)'; $zmSlangZoneMaxAlarmedArea = 'Aire max. d\'alarme'; $zmSlangZoneMaxBlobArea = 'Maximum Blob Area'; $zmSlangZoneMaxBlobs = 'Maximum Blobs'; $zmSlangZoneMaxFilteredArea = 'Aire filtrée max.'; $zmSlangZoneMaxPixelThres = 'Seuil pixel max. (0>=?<=255)'; $zmSlangZoneMaxX = 'X Maximum (dr.)'; $zmSlangZoneMaxY = 'Y Maximum (bas)'; $zmSlangZoneMinAlarmedArea = 'Aire min. d\'alarme'; $zmSlangZoneMinBlobArea = 'Minimum Blob Area'; $zmSlangZoneMinBlobs = 'Minimum Blobs'; $zmSlangZoneMinFilteredArea = 'Aire filtrée minimum'; $zmSlangZoneMinPixelThres = 'Seuil pixel min. (0>=?<=255)'; $zmSlangZoneMinX = 'X Minimum (gau.)'; $zmSlangZoneMinY = 'Y Minimum (som.)'; $zmSlangZones = 'Zones'; $zmSlangZone = 'Zone'; // Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf $zmClangCurrentLogin = 'Util. Actuel: \'%1$s\''; $zmClangEventCount = '%1$s %2$s'; // par ex. '37 évènts' (voir Vlang ci-dessous) $zmClangLastEvents = '%1$s derniers %2$s'; // par ex. '37 derniers évènts' (voir Vlang ci-dessous) $zmClangLatestRelease = 'La dernière version est v%1$s, vous avez v%2$s.'; $zmClangMonitorCount = '%1$s %2$s'; // par exemple '4 écrans' (voir Vlang ci-dessous) $zmClangMonitorFunction = 'Ecran %1$s Fonction'; $zmClangRunningRecentVer = 'Vs avez la dernière version de ZoneMinder, v%s.'; // The next section allows you to describe a series of word ending and counts used to // generate the correctly conjugated forms of words depending on a count that is associated // with that word. // This intended to allow phrases such a '0 potatoes', '1 potato', '2 potatoes' etc to // conjugate correctly with the associated count. // In some languages such as English this is fairly simple and can be expressed by assigning // a count with a singular or plural form of a word and then finding the nearest (lower) value. // So '0' of something generally ends in 's', 1 of something is singular and has no extra // ending and 2 or more is a plural and ends in 's' also. So to find the ending for '187' of // something you would find the nearest lower count (2) and use that ending. // // So examples of this would be // $zmVlangPotato = array( 0=>'Potatoes', 1=>'Potato', 2=>'Potatoes' ); // $zmVlangSheep = array( 0=>'Sheep' ); // // where you can have as few or as many entries in the array as necessary // If your language is similar in form to this then use the same format and choose the // appropriate zmVlang function below. // If however you have a language with a different format of plural endings then another // approach is required . For instance in Russian the word endings change continuously // depending on the last digit (or digits) of the numerator. In this case then zmVlang // arrays could be written so that the array index just represents an arbitrary 'type' // and the zmVlang function does the calculation about which version is appropriate. // // So an example in Russian might be (using English words, and made up endings as I // don't know any Russian!!) // $zmVlangPotato = array( 1=>'Potati', 2=>'Potaton', 3=>'Potaten' ); // // and the zmVlang function decides that the first form is used for counts ending in // 0, 5-9 or 11-19 and the second form when ending in 1 etc. // // Variable arrays expressing plurality, see the zmVlang description above $zmVlangEvent = array( 0=>'évènts', 1=>'évènt', 2=>'évènts' ); $zmVlangMonitor = array( 0=>'écrans', 1=>'écran', 2=>'écrans' ); // You will need to choose or write a function that can correlate the plurality string arrays // with variable counts. This is used to conjugate the Vlang arrays above with a number passed // in to generate the correct noun form. // // In languages such as English this is fairly simple // Note this still has to be used with printf etc to get the right formating function zmVlang( $lang_var_array, $count ) { krsort( $lang_var_array ); foreach ( $lang_var_array as $key=>$value ) { if ( abs($count) >= $key ) { return( $value ); } } die( 'Error, unable to correlate variable language string' ); } // This is an version that could be used in the Russian example above // The rules are that the first word form is used if the count ends in // 0, 5-9 or 11-19. The second form is used then the count ends in 1 // (not including 11 as above) and the third form is used when the // count ends in 2-4, again excluding any values ending in 12-14. // // function zmVlang( $lang_var_array, $count ) // { // $secondlastdigit = substr( $count, -2, 1 ); // $lastdigit = substr( $count, -1, 1 ); // // or // // $secondlastdigit = ($count/10)%10; // // $lastdigit = $count%10; // // // Get rid of the special cases first, the teens // if ( $secondlastdigit == 1 && $lastdigit != 0 ) // { // return( $lang_var_array[1] ); // } // switch ( $lastdigit ) // { // case 0 : // case 5 : // case 6 : // case 7 : // case 8 : // case 9 : // { // return( $lang_var_array[1] ); // break; // } // case 1 : // { // return( $lang_var_array[2] ); // break; // } // case 2 : // case 3 : // case 4 : // { // return( $lang_var_array[3] ); // break; // } // } // die( 'Error, unable to correlate variable language string' ); // } // This is an example of how the function is used in the code which you can uncomment and // use to test your custom function. //$monitors = array(); //$monitors[] = 1; // Choose any number //echo sprintf( $zmClangMonitorCount, count($monitors), zmVlang( $zmVlangMonitor, count($monitors) ) ); // In this section you can override the default prompt and help texts for the options area // These overrides are in the form of $zmOlangPrompt