# # This is the configuration file for notification emails # # The tags you can use in here are as follows # %ZP% - The path to your ZoneMinder console # %MN% - The name of the monitor # %MET% - The total number of events for the monitor # %MEH% - The number of events for the monitor in the last hour # %MED% - The number of events for the monitor in the last day # %MEW% - The number of events for the monitor in the last week # %MEM% - The number of events for the monitor in the last month # %MEA% - The number of archived events for the monitor # %MP% - The path to the monitor window # %MPS% - The path to the monitor stream # %MPI% - The path to the monitor recent image # %EP% - The path to the event # %EPS% - The path to the event stream # %EPI% - The path to the event images # %EPI1% - The path to the first alarmed event image # %EPIM% - The path to the (first) event image with the highest score # %EI1% - Attach first alarmed event image # %EIM% - Attach (first) event image with the highest score # %EV% - Attach event mpeg video # %EI% - The id of the event # %EN% - The name of the event # %ET% - The time of the event # %ED% - The duration of the event # %EF% - The number of frames in the event # %EFA% - The number of alarm frames in the event # %EST% - The total score of the event # %ESA% - The average score of the event # %ESM% - The maximum score of the event # %FN% - The name of the current filter that matched # %FP% - The path to the current filter that matched # Change these to suit your own preferences subject = "ZoneMinder: Alarm - %MN%-%EI% (%ESM% - %ESA% %EFA%)" body = " Hello, An alarm has been detected on your installation of the ZoneMinder. The details are as follows :- Monitor : %MN% Event Id : %EI% Duration : %ED% Frames : %EF% (%EFA%) Scores : t%EST% m%ESM% a%ESA% This alarm was matched by the %FN% filter and can be viewed at %EPS% # %ZP% - The path to your ZoneMinder console # %MN% - The name of the monitor # %MET% - The total number of events for the monitor # %MEH% - The number of events for the monitor in the last hour # %MED% - The number of events for the monitor in the last day # %MEW% - The number of events for the monitor in the last week # %MEM% - The number of events for the monitor in the last month # %MEA% - The number of archived events for the monitor # %MP% - The path to the monitor window # %MPS% - The path to the monitor stream # %MPI% - The path to the monitor recent image # %EP% - The path to the event # %EPS% - The path to the event stream # %EPI% - The path to the event images # %EPI1% - The path to the first alarmed event image # %EPIM% - The path to the (first) event image with the highest score # %EI1% - Attach first alarmed event image # %EIM% - Attach (first) event image with the highest score # %EV% - Attach event mpeg video # %EI% - The id of the event # %EN% - The name of the event # %ET% - The time of the event # %ED% - The duration of the event # %EF% - The number of frames in the event # %EFA% - The number of alarm frames in the event # %EST% - The total score of the event # %ESA% - The average score of the event # %ESM% - The maximum score of the event # %FN% - The name of the current filter that matched # %FP% - The path to the current filter that matched ZoneMinder "