null, 'Name' => '', 'Hostname' => '', 'zmaudit' => 1, 'zmstats' => 1, 'zmtrigger' => 0, ); public function __construct( $IdOrRow = NULL ) { $row = NULL; if ( $IdOrRow ) { if ( is_integer( $IdOrRow ) or ctype_digit( $IdOrRow ) ) { $row = dbFetchOne( 'SELECT * FROM Servers WHERE Id=?', NULL, array( $IdOrRow ) ); if ( ! $row ) { Error("Unable to load Server record for Id=" . $IdOrRow ); } } elseif ( is_array( $IdOrRow ) ) { $row = $IdOrRow; } } # end if isset($IdOrRow) if ( $row ) { foreach ($row as $k => $v) { $this->{$k} = $v; } } else { $this->{'Name'} = ''; $this->{'Hostname'} = ''; } } public static function find_all( $parameters = null, $options = null ) { $filters = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM Servers '; $values = array(); if ( $parameters ) { $fields = array(); $sql .= 'WHERE '; foreach ( $parameters as $field => $value ) { if ( $value == null ) { $fields[] = $field.' IS NULL'; } else if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $func = function(){return '?';}; $fields[] = $field.' IN ('.implode(',', array_map( $func, $value ) ). ')'; $values += $value; } else { $fields[] = $field.'=?'; $values[] = $value; } } $sql .= implode(' AND ', $fields ); } if ( $options and isset($options['order']) ) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $options['order']; } $result = dbQuery($sql, $values); $results = $result->fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_CLASS | PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE, 'Server'); foreach ( $results as $row => $obj ) { $filters[] = $obj; } return $filters; } public function Url() { if ( $this->Id() ) { return ZM_BASE_PROTOCOL . '://'. $this->Hostname(); } else { return ZM_BASE_PROTOCOL . '://'. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; return ''; } } public function Hostname() { if ( isset( $this->{'Hostname'} ) and ( $this->{'Hostname'} != '' ) ) { return $this->{'Hostname'}; } return $this->{'Name'}; } public function __call($fn, array $args){ if ( count($args) ) { $this->{$fn} = $args[0]; } if ( array_key_exists($fn, $this) ) { return $this->{$fn}; } else { if ( array_key_exists( $fn, $this->defaults ) ) { return $this->defaults{$fn}; } else { $backTrace = debug_backtrace(); $file = $backTrace[1]['file']; $line = $backTrace[1]['line']; Warning( "Unknown function call Server->$fn from $file:$line" ); } } } public static function find( $parameters = array(), $limit = NULL ) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM Servers'; $values = array(); if ( sizeof($parameters) ) { $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', array_map( function($v){ return $v.'=?'; }, array_keys( $parameters ) ) ); $values = array_values( $parameters ); } if ( is_integer( $limit ) or ctype_digit( $limit ) ) { $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit; } else { $backTrace = debug_backtrace(); $file = $backTrace[1]['file']; $line = $backTrace[1]['line']; Error("Invalid value for limit($limit) passed to Server::find from $file:$line"); return; } $results = dbFetchAll( $sql, NULL, $values ); if ( $results ) { return array_map( function($id){ return new Server($id); }, $results ); } } public static function find_one( $parameters = array() ) { $results = Server::find( $parameters, 1 ); if ( ! sizeof( $results ) ) { return; } return $results[0]; } } ?>