GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); //print_r( $wurfl->wurfl_agent ); if ( $wurfl->wurfl_agent ) { if ( $wurfl->getDeviceCapability( 'html_wi_oma_xhtmlmp_1_0' ) ) { $format = "xhtml"; $cookies = false; $device['width'] = $wurfl->getDeviceCapability( 'resolution_width' ); $device['height'] = $wurfl->getDeviceCapability( 'resolution_height' ); } // Deprecated //elseif ( $wurfl->getDeviceCapability( 'wml_1_3' ) ) //{ //$format = "wml"; //$cookies = false; //$device['width'] = $wurfl->getDeviceCapability( 'resolution_width' ); //$device['height'] = $wurfl->getDeviceCapability( 'resolution_height' ); //} } else { $format = "html"; $cookies = true; } } else { // This is an example of using fixed device strings to just match your phone etc $devices = array( array( 'name'=>"Motorola V600", 'ua_match'=>"MOT-V600", 'format'=>"xhtml", 'cookies'=>false, 'width'=>176, 'height'=>220 ), ); foreach ( $devices as $device ) { if ( preg_match( '/'.$device['ua_match'].'/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) { $format = $device['format']; $cookies = $device['cookies']; break; } } if ( empty($format) ) { unset( $device ); $accepts_wml = preg_match( '/text\/vnd.wap.wml/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] ); $accepts_html = preg_match( '/text\/html/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] ); if ( $accepts_wml && !$accepts_html ) { $format = "wml"; $cookies = false; } else { $format = "html"; $cookies = true; } } } } ini_set( "", "ZMSESSID" ); if ( $cookies ) { ini_set( "session.use_cookies", "1" ); ini_set( "session.use_trans_sid", "0" ); ini_set( "url_rewriter.tags", "" ); } else { //ini_set( "session.auto_start", "1" ); ini_set( "session.use_cookies", "0" ); ini_set( "session.use_trans_sid", "1" ); if ( $format == "xhtml" ) { ini_set( "arg_separator.output", "&" ); ini_set( "url_rewriter.tags", "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,fieldset=" ); } elseif ( $format == "wml" ) { ini_set( "arg_separator.output", "&" ); ini_set( "url_rewriter.tags", "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,go=href,card=ontimer" ); } } session_start(); if ( !$_SESSION['format'] || $_GET['format'] ) { $_SESSION['format'] = $format; $_SESSION['cookies'] = $cookies; $_SESSION['device'] = $device; if ( $cookies ) { setcookie( "format", $format ); setcookie( "cookies", $cookies ); } } require_once( "zm_$format.php" ); ?>