var backBtn = $j('#backBtn'); var viewBtn = $j('#viewBtn'); var archiveBtn = $j('#archiveBtn'); var unarchiveBtn = $j('#unarchiveBtn'); var editBtn = $j('#editBtn'); var exportBtn = $j('#exportBtn'); var downloadBtn = $j('#downloadBtn'); var deleteBtn = $j('#deleteBtn'); var table = $j('#eventTable'); /* This is the format of the json object sent by bootstrap-table var params = { "type":"get", "data": { "search":"some search text", "sort":"StartDateTime", "order":"asc", "offset":0, "limit":25 "filter": { "Name":"some advanced search text" "StartDateTime":"some more advanced search text" } }, "cache":true, "contentType":"application/json", "dataType":"json" }; */ // Called by bootstrap-table to retrieve zm event data function ajaxRequest(params) { if ( && ) { =; delete; } $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?view=request&request=events&task=query'+filterQuery, .done(function(data) { var rows = processRows(data.rows); // rearrange the result into what bootstrap-table expects params.success({total:, totalNotFiltered: data.totalNotFiltered, rows: rows}); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); } function processRows(rows) { $j.each(rows, function(ndx, row) { var eid = row.Id; var mid = row.MonitorId; var archived = row.Archived == yesString ? archivedString : ''; var emailed = row.Emailed == yesString ? emailedString : ''; row.Id = '' + eid + ''; row.Name = '' + row.Name + '' + '
' + archived + emailed + '
'; if ( canEditMonitors ) row.Monitor = '' + row.Monitor + ''; if ( canEditEvents ) row.Cause = '' + row.Cause + ''; if ( row.Notes.indexOf('detected:') >= 0 ) { row.Cause = row.Cause + '
' + row.Notes + '
'; } else if ( row.Notes != 'Forced Web: ' ) { row.Cause = row.Cause + '
' + row.Notes + '
'; } row.Frames = '' + row.Frames + ''; row.AlarmFrames = '' + row.AlarmFrames + ''; row.MaxScore = '' + row.MaxScore + ''; if ( WEB_LIST_THUMBS ) row.Thumbnail = '' + row.imgHtml + ''; }); return rows; } function thumbnail_onmouseover(event) { var img =; img.src = ''; img.src = img.getAttribute('stream_src'); } function thumbnail_onmouseout(event) { var img =; img.src = ''; img.src = img.getAttribute('still_src'); } function initThumbAnimation() { $j('.colThumbnail img').each(function() { this.addEventListener('mouseover', thumbnail_onmouseover, false); this.addEventListener('mouseout', thumbnail_onmouseout, false); }); } // Returns the event id's of the selected rows function getIdSelections() { var table = $j('#eventTable'); return $'getSelections'), function(row) { return row.Id.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ''); // strip the html from the element before sending }); } // Returns a boolen to indicate at least one selected row is archived function getArchivedSelections() { var table = $j('#eventTable'); var selection = $'getSelections'), function(row) { return row.Archived; }); return selection.includes("Yes"); } // Load the Delete Confirmation Modal HTML via Ajax call function getDelConfirmModal() { $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=modal&modal=delconfirm') .done(function(data) { insertModalHtml('deleteConfirm', data.html); manageDelConfirmModalBtns(); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); } // Manage the DELETE CONFIRMATION modal button function manageDelConfirmModalBtns() { document.getElementById("delConfirmBtn").addEventListener("click", function onDelConfirmClick(evt) { if ( ! canEditEvents ) { enoperm(); return; } var selections = getIdSelections(); evt.preventDefault(); $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=events&task=delete&eids[]='+selections.join('&eids[]=')) .done( function(data) { $j('#eventTable').bootstrapTable('refresh'); $j('#deleteConfirm').modal('hide'); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); }); // Manage the CANCEL modal button document.getElementById("delCancelBtn").addEventListener("click", function onDelCancelClick(evt) { $j('#deleteConfirm').modal('hide'); }); } function getEventDetailModal(eid) { $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=modal&modal=eventdetail&eids[]=' + eid) .done(function(data) { insertModalHtml('eventDetailModal', data.html); $j('#eventDetailModal').modal('show'); // Manage the Save button $j('#eventDetailSaveBtn').click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $j('#eventDetailForm').submit(); }); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); } function initPage() { // Remove the thumbnail column from the DOM if thumbnails are off globally if ( !WEB_LIST_THUMBS ) $j('th[data-field="Thumbnail"]').remove(); // Load the delete confirmation modal into the DOM getDelConfirmModal(); // Init the bootstrap-table table.bootstrapTable({icons: icons}); // Hide these columns on first run when no cookie is saved if ( !getCookie("") ) { table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'Archived'); table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'Emailed'); } // enable or disable buttons based on current selection and user rights table.on(' ' + '', function() { selections = table.bootstrapTable('getSelections'); viewBtn.prop('disabled', !(selections.length && canViewEvents)); archiveBtn.prop('disabled', !(selections.length && canEditEvents)); unarchiveBtn.prop('disabled', !(getArchivedSelections()) && canEditEvents); editBtn.prop('disabled', !(selections.length && canEditEvents)); exportBtn.prop('disabled', !(selections.length && canViewEvents)); downloadBtn.prop('disabled', !(selections.length && canViewEvents)); deleteBtn.prop('disabled', !(selections.length && canEditEvents)); }); // Don't enable the back button if there is no previous zm page to go back to backBtn.prop('disabled', !document.referrer.length); // Setup the thumbnail video animation initThumbAnimation(); // Some toolbar events break the thumbnail animation, so re-init eventlistener table.on('', initThumbAnimation); // Manage the BACK button document.getElementById("backBtn").addEventListener("click", function onBackClick(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); window.history.back(); }); // Manage the REFRESH Button document.getElementById("refreshBtn").addEventListener("click", function onRefreshClick(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); window.location.reload(true); }); // Manage the TIMELINE Button document.getElementById("tlineBtn").addEventListener("click", function onTlineClick(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); window.location.assign('?view=timeline'+filterQuery); }); // Manage the FILTER Button document.getElementById("filterBtn").addEventListener("click", function onFilterClick(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); window.location.assign('?view=filter'+filterQuery); }); // Manage the VIEW button document.getElementById("viewBtn").addEventListener("click", function onViewClick(evt) { var selections = getIdSelections(); evt.preventDefault(); var filter = '&filter[Query][terms][0][attr]=Id&filter[Query][terms][0][op]=%3D%5B%5D&filter[Query][terms][0][val]='+selections.join('%2C'); window.location.href = thisUrl+'?view=event&eid='+selections[0]+filter+sortQuery+'&page=1&play=1'; }); // Manage the ARCHIVE button document.getElementById("archiveBtn").addEventListener("click", function onArchiveClick(evt) { var selections = getIdSelections(); evt.preventDefault(); $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=events&task=archive&eids[]='+selections.join('&eids[]=')) .done( function(data) { $j('#eventTable').bootstrapTable('refresh'); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); }); // Manage the UNARCHIVE button document.getElementById("unarchiveBtn").addEventListener("click", function onUnarchiveClick(evt) { if ( ! canEditEvents ) { enoperm(); return; } var selections = getIdSelections(); //console.log(selections); evt.preventDefault(); $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=events&task=unarchive&eids[]='+selections.join('&eids[]=')) .done( function(data) { $j('#eventTable').bootstrapTable('refresh'); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); }); // Manage the EDIT button document.getElementById("editBtn").addEventListener("click", function onEditClick(evt) { if ( ! canEditEvents ) { enoperm(); return; } var selections = getIdSelections(); evt.preventDefault(); $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=modal&modal=eventdetail&eids[]='+selections.join('&eids[]=')) .done(function(data) { insertModalHtml('eventDetailModal', data.html); $j('#eventDetailModal').modal('show'); // Manage the Save button $j('#eventDetailSaveBtn').click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $j('#eventDetailForm').submit(); }); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); }); // Manage the EXPORT button document.getElementById("exportBtn").addEventListener("click", function onExportClick(evt) { var selections = getIdSelections(); evt.preventDefault(); window.location.assign('?view=export&eids[]='+selections.join('&eids[]=')); }); // Manage the DOWNLOAD VIDEO button document.getElementById("downloadBtn").addEventListener("click", function onDownloadClick(evt) { var selections = getIdSelections(); evt.preventDefault(); $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=modal&modal=download&eids[]='+selections.join('&eids[]=')) .done(function(data) { insertModalHtml('downloadModal', data.html); $j('#downloadModal').modal('show'); // Manage the GENERATE DOWNLOAD button $j('#exportButton').click(exportEvent); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); }); // Manage the DELETE button document.getElementById("deleteBtn").addEventListener("click", function onDeleteClick(evt) { if ( ! canEditEvents ) { enoperm(); return; } evt.preventDefault(); $j('#deleteConfirm').modal('show'); }); // Update table links each time after new data is loaded table.on('', function(data) { // Manage the eventdetail links in the events list $j(".eDetailLink").click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var eid = $j(this).data('eid'); getEventDetailModal(eid); }); var thumb_ndx = $j('#eventTable tr th').filter(function() { return $j(this).text().trim() == 'Thumbnail'; }).index(); table.find("tr td:nth-child(" + (thumb_ndx+1) + ")").addClass('colThumbnail zoom'); }); table.bootstrapTable('resetSearch'); // The table is initially given a hidden style, so now that we are done rendering, show it; } $j(document).ready(function() { initPage(); });