var table = $j('#controlTable'); var addNewBtn = $j('#addNewBtn'); var editBtn = $j('#editBtn'); var deleteBtn = $j('#deleteBtn'); // Manage the Add New Control button function AddNewControl(el) { url = el.getAttribute('data-url'); window.location.assign(url); } // Manage the Add New Control button function addNewControl(el) { url = el.getAttribute('data-url'); window.location.assign(url); } // Manage the Edit Control button function editControl(el) { var selection = getIdSelections(); url = el.getAttribute('data-url'); window.location.assign(url+selection); } // Returns the event id's of the selected rows function getIdSelections() { return $'getSelections'), function(row) { return row.Id.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ''); // strip the html from the element before sending }); } // Load the Delete Confirmation Modal HTML via Ajax call function getDelConfirmModal(key) { $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=modal&modal=delconfirm&key=' + key) .done(function(data) { insertModalHtml('deleteConfirm', data.html); manageDelConfirmModalBtns(); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); } // Manage the DELETE CONFIRMATION modal button function manageDelConfirmModalBtns() { document.getElementById("delConfirmBtn").addEventListener("click", function onDelConfirmClick(evt) { if ( ! canEdit.Control ) { enoperm(); return; } var selections = getIdSelections(); evt.preventDefault(); $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=controlcaps&action=delete&cids[]='+selections.join('&cids[]=')) .done( function(data) { $j('#eventTable').bootstrapTable('refresh'); window.location.reload(true); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); }); } function initPage() { // enable or disable buttons based on current selection and user rights table.on(' ' + '', function() { selections = table.bootstrapTable('getSelections'); addNewBtn.prop('disabled', (selections.length || !canEdit.Control)); editBtn.prop('disabled', !((selections.length == 1) && canEdit.Control)); deleteBtn.prop('disabled', !(selections.length && canEdit.Control)); }); // Init the bootstrap-table table.bootstrapTable({icons: icons}); // Manage the BACK button document.getElementById("backBtn").addEventListener("click", function onBackClick(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); window.history.back(); }); // Disable the back button if there is nothing to go back to $j('#backBtn').prop('disabled', !document.referrer.length); // Manage the REFRESH Button document.getElementById("refreshBtn").addEventListener("click", function onRefreshClick(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); window.location.reload(true); }); // Manage the DELETE button document.getElementById("deleteBtn").addEventListener("click", function onDeleteClick(evt) { if ( ! canEdit.Control ) { enoperm(); return; } evt.preventDefault(); $j('#deleteConfirm').modal('show'); }); // Load the delete confirmation modal into the DOM getDelConfirmModal('ConfirmDeleteControl'); // Hide these columns on first run when no cookie is saved if ( !getCookie("") ) { table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'Id'); } } $j(document).ready(function() { initPage(); });