= DB_LOG_DEBUG); if ( $dbLogLevel > DB_LOG_OFF ) error_log( "SQL-LOG: $sql".($noExecute?" (not executed)":"") ); return( $noExecute ); } function dbError( $sql ) { $err_ref = sprintf( "%X", rand( 0x100000, 0xffffff ) ); error_log( "SQL-ERROR($err_ref): ".$sql ); error_log( "SQL-ERROR($err_ref): ".mysql_error() ); die( "An error has occurred and this operation cannot continue.
For full details check your web logs for the code '$err_ref'" ); } function dbEscape( $string ) { if ( version_compare( phpversion(), "4.3.0", "<") ) if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) return( mysql_escape_string( stripslashes( $string ) ) ); else return( mysql_escape_string( $string ) ); else if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) return( mysql_real_escape_string( stripslashes( $string ) ) ); else return( mysql_real_escape_string( $string ) ); } function dbQuery( $sql ) { if ( dbLog( $sql, true ) ) return; if (!($result = mysql_query( $sql ))) dbError( $sql ); return( $result ); } function dbFetchOne( $sql, $col=false ) { dbLog( $sql ); if (!($result = mysql_query( $sql ))) dbError( $sql ); if ( $dbRow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) return( $col?$dbRow[$col]:$dbRow ); return( false ); } function dbFetchAll( $sql, $col=false ) { dbLog( $sql ); if (!($result = mysql_query( $sql ))) dbError( $sql ); $dbRows = array(); while( $dbRow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) $dbRows[] = $col?$dbRow[$col]:$dbRow; return( $dbRows ); } function dbFetchAssoc( $sql, $indexCol, $dataCol=false ) { dbLog( $sql ); if (!($result = mysql_query( $sql ))) dbError( $sql ); $dbRows = array(); while( $dbRow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) $dbRows[$dbRow[$indexCol]] = $dataCol?$dbRow[$dataCol]:$dbRow; return( $dbRows ); } function dbFetch( $sql, $col=false ) { return( dbFetchAll( $sql, $col ) ); } function dbFetchNext( $result, $col=false ) { if ( $dbRow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) return( $col?$dbRow[$col]:$dbRow ); return( false ); } function dbNumRows( $sql ) { dbLog( $sql ); if (!($result = mysql_query( $sql ))) dbError( $sql ); return( mysql_num_rows( $result ) ); } function dbInsertId() { return( mysql_insert_id() ); } function getEnumValues( $table, $column ) { $row = dbFetchOne( "describe $table $column" ); preg_match_all( "/'([^']+)'/", $row['Type'], $matches ); return( $matches[1] ); } function getSetValues( $table, $column ) { return( getEnumValues( $table, $column ) ); } function getUniqueValues( $table, $column, $asString=1 ) { $values = array(); $sql = "select distinct $column from $table where (not isnull($column) and $column != '') order by $column"; foreach( dbFetchAll( $sql ) as $row ) { if ( $asString ) $values[$row[$column]] = $row[$column]; else $values[] = $row[$column]; } return( $values ); } function getTableColumns( $table, $asString=1 ) { $columns = array(); $table = dbEscape($table); $sql = "describe $table"; foreach( dbFetchAll( $sql ) as $row ) { if ( $asString ) $columns[$row['Field']] = $row['Type']; else $columns[] = $row['Type']; } return( $columns ); } function getTableAutoInc( $table ) { $sql = "show table status where Name = '".dbEscape($table)."'"; $row = dbFetchOne( $sql ); return( $row['Auto_increment'] ); } function getTableDescription( $table, $asString=1 ) { $columns = array(); $table = dbEscape($table); $sql = "describe $table"; foreach( dbFetchAll( $sql ) as $row ) { $desc = array( 'name' => $row['Field'], 'required' => ($row['Null']=='NO')?true:false, 'default' => $row['Default'], 'db' => $row, ); if ( preg_match( "/^varchar\((\d+)\)$/", $row['Type'], $matches ) ) { $desc['type'] = 'text'; $desc['typeAttrib'] = 'varchar'; $desc['maxLength'] = $matches[1]; } elseif ( preg_match( "/^(\w+)?text$/", $row['Type'], $matches ) ) { $desc['type'] = 'text'; if (!empty($matches[1]) ) $desc['typeAttrib'] = $matches[1]; switch ( $matches[1] ) { case 'tiny' : $desc['maxLength'] = 255; break; case 'medium' : $desc['maxLength'] = 32768; break; case '' : case 'big' : //$desc['minLength'] = -128; break; default : error_log( "Unexpected text qualifier '".$matches[1]."' found for field '".$row['Field']."' in table '".$table."'" ); break; } } elseif ( preg_match( "/^(enum|set)\((.*)\)$/", $row['Type'], $matches ) ) { $desc['type'] = 'text'; $desc['typeAttrib'] = $matches[1]; preg_match_all( "/'([^']+)'/", $matches[2], $matches ); $desc['values'] = $matches[1]; } elseif ( preg_match( "/^(\w+)?int\(\d+\)(?:\s+(unsigned))?$/", $row['Type'], $matches ) ) { $desc['type'] = 'integer'; switch ( $matches[1] ) { case 'tiny' : $desc['minValue'] = -128; $desc['maxValue'] = 127; break; case 'small' : $desc['minValue'] = -32768; $desc['maxValue'] = 32767; break; case 'medium' : $desc['minValue'] = -8388608; $desc['maxValue'] = 8388607; break; case '' : $desc['minValue'] = -2147483648; $desc['maxValue'] = 2147483647; break; case 'big' : //$desc['minValue'] = -128; //$desc['maxValue'] = 127; break; default : error_log( "Unexpected integer qualifier '".$matches[1]."' found for field '".$row['Field']."' in table '".$table."'" ); break; } if ( !empty($matches[1]) ) $desc['typeAttrib'] = $matches[1]; if ( $desc['unsigned'] = ( isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2] == 'unsigned' ) ) { $desc['maxValue'] += (-$desc['minValue']); $desc['minValue'] = 0; } } elseif ( preg_match( "/^(?:decimal|numeric)\((\d+)(?:,(\d+))?\)(?:\s+(unsigned))?$/", $row['Type'], $matches ) ) { $desc['type'] = 'fixed'; $desc['range'] = $matches[1]; if ( isset($matches[2]) ) $desc['precision'] = $matches[2]; else $desc['precision'] = 0; $desc['unsigned'] = ( isset($matches[3]) && $matches[3] == 'unsigned' ); } elseif ( preg_match( "/^(datetime|timestamp|date|time)$/", $row['Type'], $matches ) ) { $desc['type'] = 'datetime'; switch ( $desc['typeAttrib'] = $matches[1] ) { case 'datetime' : case 'timestamp' : $desc['hasDate'] = true; $desc['hasTime'] = true; break; case 'date' : $desc['hasDate'] = true; $desc['hasTime'] = false; break; case 'time' : $desc['hasDate'] = false; $desc['hasTime'] = true; break; } } else { error_log( "Can't parse database type '".$row['Type']."' found for field '".$row['Field']."' in table '".$table."'" ); } if ( $asString ) $columns[$row['Field']] = $desc; else $columns[] = $desc; } return( $columns ); } function dbFetchMonitor( $mid ) { return( dbFetchOne( "select * from Monitors where Id = '".dbEscape($mid)."'" ) ); } function dbFetchGroup( $gid ) { return( dbFetchOne( "select * from Groups where Id = '".dbEscape($gid)."'" ) ); } ?>