set(array( 'result' => $result, '_serialize' => array('result') )); } function getLoad() { $load = sys_getloadavg(); $this->set(array( 'load' => $load, '_serialize' => array('load') )); } function login() { $options = array('conditions' => array('Config.' . $this->Config->primaryKey => 'ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH')); $config = $this->Config->find('first', $options); $zmOptAuth = $config['Config']['Value']; if ( $zmOptAuth == '1' ) { require_once "../../../includes/auth.php"; global $user; # $user is loaded from Session in AppController $mUser = $this->request->data('user'); $mPassword = $this->request->data('pass'); $mAuth = $this->request->data('auth'); if ( $mUser and $mPassword ) { $user = userLogin($mUser, $mPassword); if ( !$user ) { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('User not found or incorrect password')); return; } } else if ( $mAuth ) { $user = getAuthUser($mAuth); if ( !$user ) { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('User not found or incorrect password')); return; } } else { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('missing credentials')); } if ( 0 and $user ) { # We have to redo the session variables because cakephp's Session code will overwrite the normal php session # Actually I'm not sure that is true. Getting indeterminate behaviour Logger::Debug("user.Username: " . $this->Session->read('user.Username')); if ( ! $this->Session->Write('user', $user) ) $this->log("Error writing session var user"); Logger::Debug("user.Username: " . $this->Session->read('user.Username')); if ( ! $this->Session->Write('user.Username', $user['Username']) ) $this->log("Error writing session var user.Username"); if ( ! $this->Session->Write('password', $user['Password']) ) $this->log("Error writing session var user.Username"); if ( ! $this->Session->Write('user.Enabled', $user['Enabled']) ) $this->log("Error writing session var user.Enabled"); if ( ! $this->Session->Write('remoteAddr', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) $this->log("Error writing session var remoteAddr"); } // I don't think this is really needed - the Username part // Enabled check is ok if ( !$user['Username'] ) { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('Not Authenticated')); return; } else if ( !$user['Enabled'] ) { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('User is not enabled')); return; } $this->Session->Write('allowedMonitors',$user['MonitorIds']); $this->Session->Write('streamPermission',$user['Stream']); $this->Session->Write('eventPermission',$user['Events']); $this->Session->Write('controlPermission',$user['Control']); $this->Session->Write('systemPermission',$user['System']); $this->Session->Write('monitorPermission',$user['Monitors']); } else { // if auth is not on, you can do everything //$userMonitors = $this->User->find('first', $options); $this->Session->Write('allowedMonitors',''); $this->Session->Write('streamPermission','View'); $this->Session->Write('eventPermission','Edit'); $this->Session->Write('controlPermission','Edit'); $this->Session->Write('systemPermission','Edit'); $this->Session->Write('monitorPermission','Edit'); } $cred = $this->_getCredentials(); $ver = $this->_getVersion(); $this->set(array( 'credentials' => $cred[0], 'append_password'=>$cred[1], 'version' => $ver[0], 'apiversion' => $ver[1], '_serialize' => array('credentials', 'append_password', 'version', 'apiversion' ))); } // end function login() // clears out session function logout() { global $user; $this->Session->Write('user', null); $this->set(array( 'result' => 'ok', '_serialize' => array('result') )); } // end function logout() private function _getCredentials() { $credentials = ''; $appendPassword = 0; $this->loadModel('Config'); $isZmAuth = $this->Config->find('first',array('conditions' => array('Config.' . $this->Config->primaryKey => 'ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH')))['Config']['Value']; if ( $isZmAuth ) { require_once "../../../includes/auth.php"; # in the event we directly call getCredentials.json $this->Session->read('user'); # this is needed for command line/curl to recognize a session $zmAuthRelay = $this->Config->find('first',array('conditions' => array('Config.' . $this->Config->primaryKey => 'ZM_AUTH_RELAY')))['Config']['Value']; if ( $zmAuthRelay == 'hashed' ) { $zmAuthHashIps= $this->Config->find('first',array('conditions' => array('Config.' . $this->Config->primaryKey => 'ZM_AUTH_HASH_IPS')))['Config']['Value']; $credentials = 'auth='.generateAuthHash($zmAuthHashIps); } else if ( $zmAuthRelay == 'plain' ) { // user will need to append the store password here $credentials = 'user='.$this->Session->read('user.Username').'&pass='; $appendPassword = 1; } else if ( $zmAuthRelay == 'none' ) { $credentials = 'user='.$this->Session->read('user.Username'); } } return array($credentials, $appendPassword); } // end function _getCredentials function getCredentials() { // ignore debug warnings from other functions $this->view='Json'; $val = $this->_getCredentials(); $this->set(array( 'credentials'=> $val[0], 'append_password'=>$val[1], '_serialize' => array('credentials', 'append_password') ) ); } // If $mid is set, only return disk usage for that monitor // Else, return an array of total disk usage, and per-monitor // usage. function getDiskPercent($mid = null) { $this->loadModel('Config'); $this->loadModel('Monitor'); // If $mid is passed, see if it is valid if ($mid) { if (!$this->Monitor->exists($mid)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid monitor')); } } $zm_dir_events = $this->Config->find('list', array( 'conditions' => array('Name' => 'ZM_DIR_EVENTS'), 'fields' => array('Name', 'Value') )); $zm_dir_events = $zm_dir_events['ZM_DIR_EVENTS' ]; // Test to see if $zm_dir_events is relative or absolute if ('/' === "" || strrpos($zm_dir_events, '/', -strlen($zm_dir_events)) !== TRUE) { // relative - so add the full path $zm_dir_events = Configure::read('ZM_PATH_WEB') . '/' . $zm_dir_events; } if ($mid) { // Get disk usage for $mid $usage = shell_exec ("du -sh0 $zm_dir_events/$mid | awk '{print $1}'"); } else { $monitors = $this->Monitor->find('all', array( 'fields' => array('Id', 'Name', 'WebColour') )); $usage = array(); // Add each monitor's usage to array foreach ($monitors as $key => $value) { $id = $value['Monitor']['Id']; $name = $value['Monitor']['Name']; $color = $value['Monitor']['WebColour']; $space = shell_exec ("du -s0 $zm_dir_events/$id | awk '{print $1}'"); if ($space == null) { $space = 0; } $space = $space/1024/1024; $usage[$name] = array( 'space' => rtrim($space), 'color' => $color ); } // Add total usage to array $space = shell_exec( "df $zm_dir_events |tail -n1 | awk '{print $3 }'"); $space = $space/1024/1024; $usage['Total'] = array( 'space' => rtrim($space), 'color' => '#F7464A' ); } $this->set(array( 'usage' => $usage, '_serialize' => array('usage') )); } function getTimeZone() { // $tz = date_default_timezone_get(); $this->set(array( 'tz' => $tz, '_serialize' => array('tz') )); } private function _getVersion() { $version = Configure::read('ZM_VERSION'); $apiversion = '1.0'; return array($version, $apiversion); } function getVersion() { $val = $this->_getVersion(); $this->set(array( 'version' => $val[0], 'apiversion' => $val[1], '_serialize' => array('version', 'apiversion') )); } }