# Main CMake file for the ZoneMinder project. # Created by mastertheknife (Kfir Itzhak) # The goal is to ease up the installation of zoneminder. # Our current installation method (using autotools) is outdated, slow and breaks now and then. # The CMake installation method will require no parameters at all, default should sufficient and reliable. # It will be still possible to install ZoneMinder using autotools, they don't conflict with each other. The cmake way is a complete re-write (different syntax) and aims to be identical to the autotools way, # by having options using the same name and leaving ZM totally unmodified, while providing exactly the same things that ZM expects (config.h, configuration in *.in files, etc). # # For more information and installation, see the INSTALL file # cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) project (ZoneMinder) # ZoneMinder version set(ZoneMinder_VERSION "1.26.3") # Default build type. To change the build type, use the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE configuration option. if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Build type: Release or Debug" FORCE) endif(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) # Can make finding problems easier when troubleshooting. #set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON) #set(CMAKE_INSTALL_ALWAYS ON) # Default CLFAGS and CXXFLAGS: set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-Wall -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -O2") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-Wall -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -O2") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-Wall -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -g") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-Wall -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -g") set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules/") # Modules that we need: include (GNUInstallDirs) include (CheckIncludeFile) include (CheckIncludeFiles) include (CheckFunctionExists) include (CheckPrototypeDefinition) include (CheckTypeSize) include (CheckStructHasMember) # Default variables for some configuration options mark_as_advanced(FORCE ZM_EXTRA_LIBS ZM_MYSQL_ENGINE ZM_NO_MMAP ZM_NO_CRASHTRACE CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR) set(ZM_RUNDIR "/var/run/zm" CACHE PATH "Location of transient process files, default: /var/run/zm") set(ZM_TMPDIR "/tmp/zm" CACHE PATH "Location of temporary files, default: /tmp/zm") set(ZM_LOGDIR "/var/log/zm" CACHE PATH "Location of generated log files, default: /var/log/zm") set(ZM_WEBDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/zoneminder/www" CACHE PATH "Location of the web files, default: /${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/zoneminder/www") set(ZM_CGIDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR}/zoneminder/cgi-bin" CACHE PATH "Location of the cgi-bin files, default: /${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR}/zoneminder/cgi-bin") set(ZM_CONTENTDIR "/var/lib/zoneminder" CACHE PATH "Location of dynamic content (events and images), default: /var/lib/zoneminder") # This one is not needed anymore. we do automatic detection of whats available, let ZM know and have ZM decide #set(ZM_SSL_LIB "openssl" CACHE STRING "Library to use for ssl functions, default: openssl") set(ZM_DB_HOST "localhost" CACHE STRING "Hostname where ZoneMinder database located, default: localhost") set(ZM_DB_NAME "zm" CACHE STRING "Name of ZoneMinder database, default: zm") set(ZM_DB_USER "zmuser" CACHE STRING "Name of ZoneMinder database user, default: zmuser") set(ZM_DB_PASS "zmpass" CACHE STRING "Password of ZoneMinder database user, default: zmpass") set(ZM_WEB_USER "" CACHE STRING "The user apache or the local web server runs on. Leave empty for automatic detection. If that fails, you can use this variable to force") set(ZM_WEB_GROUP "" CACHE STRING "The group apache or the local web server runs on, Leave empty to be the same as the web user") # Advanced set(ZM_EXTRA_LIBS "" CACHE STRING "A list of optional libraries, separated by semicolons, e.g. ssl;theora") set(ZM_MYSQL_ENGINE "InnoDB" CACHE STRING "MySQL engine to use with database, default: InnoDB") set(ZM_NO_MMAP "OFF" CACHE BOOL "Set to ON to not use mmap shared memory. Shouldn't be enabled unless you experience problems with the shared memory. default: OFF") set(ZM_NO_CRASHTRACE "OFF" CACHE BOOL "Set to ON to skip crash trace code. Useful if zm_signal.cpp fails to compile. default: OFF") # Only required for cmakecacheimport: set(CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}" CACHE PATH "Override default binary directory") # Required for certain checks to work set(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES ${CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES} stdio.h stdlib.h math.h signal.h) # Required for including headers from the this folder include_directories("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") # This is required to enable searching in lib64 (if exists), do not change set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS ON) # Check for misc required stuff check_include_file("linux/videodev.h" HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV_H) check_include_file("linux/videodev2.h" HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H) check_include_file("execinfo.h" HAVE_EXECINFO_H) check_include_file("sys/sendfile.h" HAVE_SYS_SENDFILE_H) check_include_file("sys/syscall.h" HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H) check_function_exists("sendfile" HAVE_SENDFILE) check_function_exists("backtrace" HAVE_DECL_BACKTRACE) check_function_exists("posix_memalign" HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN) check_function_exists("strsignal" HAVE_STRSIGNAL) check_prototype_definition("round" "double round (double x)" "0.0" "math.h" HAVE_DECL_ROUND) check_type_size("siginfo_t" SIGINFO_T) check_type_size("ucontext_t" UCONTEXT_T) check_type_size("struct sigcontext" STRUCT_SIGCONTEXT) check_struct_has_member("struct sigcontext" eip signal.h HAVE_STRUCT_SIGCONTEXT_EIP) # *** LIBRARY CHECKS *** # zlib find_package(ZLIB) if(ZLIB_FOUND) set(HAVE_LIBZLIB 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}) include_directories(${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}) check_include_file("zlib.h" HAVE_ZLIB_H) endif(ZLIB_FOUND) # jpeg find_package(JPEG) if(JPEG_FOUND) set(HAVE_LIBJPEG 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${JPEG_LIBRARIES}) include_directories(${JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR}) check_include_files("stdio.h;jpeglib.h" HAVE_JPEGLIB_H) #link_directories(${JPEG_LIBRARY}) else(JPEG_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "zm requires jpeg but it was not found on your system") endif(JPEG_FOUND) # OpenSSL find_package(OpenSSL) if(OPENSSL_FOUND) set(HAVE_LIBOPENSSL 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES}) include_directories(${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}) check_include_file("openssl/md5.h" HAVE_OPENSSL_MD5_H) endif(OPENSSL_FOUND) # crypto using find_library. # This library should be a part of the OpenSSL package but just need to be sure # In any case, we still need to define HAVE_LIBCRYPTO for zm if its available find_library(CRYPTO_LIBRARIES crypto) if(CRYPTO_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBCRYPTO 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${CRYPTO_LIBRARIES}) endif(CRYPTO_LIBRARIES) # pthread using find_library find_library(PTHREAD_LIBRARIES pthread) if(PTHREAD_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBPTHREAD 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${PTHREAD_LIBRARIES}) check_include_file("pthread.h" HAVE_PTHREAD_H) else(PTHREAD_LIBRARIES) message(FATAL_ERROR "zm requires pthread but it was not found on your system") endif(PTHREAD_LIBRARIES) # pcre using find_library find_library(PCRE_LIBRARIES pcre) if(PCRE_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBPCRE 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${PCRE_LIBRARIES}) check_include_file("pcre.h" HAVE_PCRE_H) endif(PCRE_LIBRARIES) # gcrypt using find_library find_library(GCRYPT_LIBRARIES gcrypt) if(GCRYPT_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBGCRYPT 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${GCRYPT_LIBRARIES}) check_include_file("gcrypt.h" HAVE_GCRYPT_H) endif(GCRYPT_LIBRARIES) # gnutls using find_library find_library(GNUTLS_LIBRARIES gnutls) if(GNUTLS_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBGNUTLS 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${GNUTLS_LIBRARIES}) check_include_file("gnutls/openssl.h" HAVE_GNUTLS_OPENSSL_H) check_include_file("gnutls/gnutls.h" HAVE_GNUTLS_GNUTLS_H) endif(GNUTLS_LIBRARIES) # mysqlclient using find_library find_library(MYSQLCLIENT_LIBRARIES mysqlclient PATH_SUFFIXES mysql) if(MYSQLCLIENT_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBMYSQLCLIENT 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${MYSQLCLIENT_LIBRARIES}) check_include_file("mysql/mysql.h" HAVE_MYSQL_H) else(MYSQLCLIENT_LIBRARIES) message(FATAL_ERROR "zm requires mysqlclient but it was not found on your system") endif(MYSQLCLIENT_LIBRARIES) # avformat using find_library find_library(AVFORMAT_LIBRARIES avformat) if(AVFORMAT_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${AVFORMAT_LIBRARIES}) check_include_file("libavformat/avformat.h" HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT_AVFORMAT_H) endif(AVFORMAT_LIBRARIES) # avcodec using find_library find_library(AVCODEC_LIBRARIES avcodec) if(AVCODEC_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBAVCODEC 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${AVCODEC_LIBRARIES}) check_include_file("libavcodec/avcodec.h" HAVE_LIBAVCODEC_AVCODEC_H) endif(AVCODEC_LIBRARIES) # avdevice using find_library find_library(AVDEVICE_LIBRARIES avdevice) if(AVDEVICE_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBAVDEVICE 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${AVDEVICE_LIBRARIES}) check_include_file("libavdevice/avdevice.h" HAVE_LIBAVDEVICE_AVDEVICE_H) endif(AVDEVICE_LIBRARIES) # avutil using find_library find_library(AVUTIL_LIBRARIES avutil) if(AVUTIL_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBAVUTIL 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${AVUTIL_LIBRARIES}) check_include_file("libavutil/avutil.h" HAVE_LIBAVUTIL_AVUTIL_H) check_include_file("libavutil/mathematics.h" HAVE_LIBAVUTIL_MATHEMATICS_H) endif(AVUTIL_LIBRARIES) # swscale using find_library find_library(SWSCALE_LIBRARIES swscale) if(SWSCALE_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_LIBSWSCALE 1) list(APPEND ZM_BIN_LIBS ${SWSCALE_LIBRARIES}) check_include_file("libswscale/swscale.h" HAVE_LIBSWSCALE_SWSCALE_H) endif(SWSCALE_LIBRARIES) # *** END OF LIBRARY CHECKS *** # Check for gnutls or crypto if((NOT HAVE_LIBCRYPTO) AND (NOT HAVE_LIBGNUTLS)) message(FATAL_ERROR " zm requires crypto or gnutls but none were found on your system") endif((NOT HAVE_LIBCRYPTO) AND (NOT HAVE_LIBGNUTLS)) # Check for absolutely required headers: if(NOT HAVE_MYSQL_H) message(FATAL_ERROR "zm requires MySQL headers - check that MySQL development packages are installed") endif(NOT HAVE_MYSQL_H) if(NOT HAVE_JPEGLIB_H) message(FATAL_ERROR " zm requires libjpeg headers - check that libjpeg development packages are installed") endif(NOT HAVE_JPEGLIB_H) if(NOT HAVE_PTHREAD_H) message(FATAL_ERROR " zm requires pthread headers - check that pthread development packages are installed") endif(NOT HAVE_PTHREAD_H) # Check for V4L header files and enable ZM_HAS_V4L, ZM_HAS_V4L1, ZM_HAS_V4L2 accordingly # Setting to zeros first is required because ZM uses #define for these set(ZM_HAS_V4L 0) set(ZM_HAS_V4L1 0) set(ZM_HAS_V4L2 0) if(HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV_H) set(ZM_HAS_V4L 1) set(ZM_HAS_V4L1 1) endif(HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV_H) if(HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H) set(ZM_HAS_V4L 1) set(ZM_HAS_V4L2 1) endif(HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H) if((NOT HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV_H) AND (NOT HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H)) message(AUTHOR_WARNING " Video 4 Linux headers weren't found - Analog and USB camera support will not be available") endif((NOT HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV_H) AND (NOT HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H)) # Check for PCRE and enable ZM_PCRE accordingly set(ZM_PCRE 0) if(HAVE_LIBPCRE AND HAVE_PCRE_H) set(ZM_PCRE 1) endif(HAVE_LIBPCRE AND HAVE_PCRE_H) # Check for authenication functions if(HAVE_OPENSSL_MD5_H) check_prototype_definition(MD5 "unsigned char *MD5(const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md)" "NULL" "openssl/md5.h" HAVE_MD5_OPENSSL) endif(HAVE_OPENSSL_MD5_H) if(HAVE_GNUTLS_OPENSSL_H) check_prototype_definition(MD5 "unsigned char *MD5 (const unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len, unsigned char *md)" "NULL" "gnutls/openssl.h" HAVE_MD5_GNUTLS) endif(HAVE_GNUTLS_OPENSSL_H) if(HAVE_GNUTLS_GNUTLS_H) check_prototype_definition(gnutls_fingerprint "int gnutls_fingerprint (gnutls_digest_algorithm_t algo, const gnutls_datum_t * data, void *result, size_t * result_size)" "0" "stdlib.h;gnutls/gnutls.h" HAVE_DECL_GNUTLS_FINGERPRINT) endif(HAVE_GNUTLS_GNUTLS_H) if(HAVE_MD5_OPENSSL OR HAVE_MD5_GNUTLS) set(HAVE_DECL_MD5 1) else(HAVE_MD5_OPENSSL OR HAVE_MD5_GNUTLS) message(AUTHOR_WARNING " ZM requires a working MD5 function for hashed authenication but none were found - hashed authenication will not be available") endif(HAVE_MD5_OPENSSL OR HAVE_MD5_GNUTLS) # Dirty fix for zm_user only using openssl's md5 if gnutls and gcrypt are not available. # This needs to be fixed in zm_user.[h,cpp] but such fix will also require changes to configure.ac if(HAVE_LIBCRYPTO AND HAVE_OPENSSL_MD5_H AND HAVE_MD5_OPENSSL) set(HAVE_GCRYPT_H 0) set(HAVE_GNUTLS_OPENSSL_H 0) endif(HAVE_LIBCRYPTO AND HAVE_OPENSSL_MD5_H AND HAVE_MD5_OPENSSL) # Disable backtrace if not available if((NOT ZM_NO_CRASHTRACE) AND ((NOT HAVE_DECL_BACKTRACE) OR (NOT HAVE_EXECINFO_H))) message(AUTHOR_WARNING " Backtrace is not available. disabling") set(ZM_NO_CRASHTRACE ON) set(HAVE_EXECINFO_H 0) set(HAVE_DECL_BACKTRACE 0) endif((NOT ZM_NO_CRASHTRACE) AND ((NOT HAVE_DECL_BACKTRACE) OR (NOT HAVE_EXECINFO_H))) if(NOT ZM_NO_MMAP) set(ZM_MMAP_PERLPACKAGE "Sys::Mmap") endif(NOT ZM_NO_MMAP) # Check for Perl. Version checking is removed because its ignored before CMake 2.8.8 and it seems that Perl is being detected as 5.16. instead of 5.6.0 ?? find_package(Perl) if(NOT PERL_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "zm requires Perl 5.6.0 or newer but it was not found on your system") endif(NOT PERL_FOUND) # Checking for perl modules requires FindPerlModules.cmake # Check all required modules at once # TODO: Add checking for the optional modules find_package(PerlModules COMPONENTS Sys::Syslog DBI DBD::mysql Getopt::Long Time::HiRes Date::Manip LWP::UserAgent ExtUtils::MakeMaker ${ZM_MMAP_PERLPACKAGE}) if(NOT PERLMODULES_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Not all required perl modules were found on your system") endif(NOT PERLMODULES_FOUND) # Attempt to check which user apache (or other web server) runs on by searching for a user beginning with apache or www and then cutting the user from the first matching user line if(ZM_WEB_USER STREQUAL "") # Check for a user matching ^apache and cut the username from the userline in the first match file(STRINGS "/etc/passwd" userline_apache REGEX "^apache") file(STRINGS "/etc/passwd" userline_www REGEX "^www") if(NOT (userline_apache STREQUAL "")) execute_process(COMMAND echo ${userline_apache} COMMAND cut -d: -f1 OUTPUT_VARIABLE ZM_WEB_USER OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) elseif(NOT (userline_www STREQUAL "")) execute_process(COMMAND echo ${userline_www} COMMAND cut -d: -f1 OUTPUT_VARIABLE ZM_WEB_USER OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) endif(NOT (userline_apache STREQUAL "")) message(STATUS "Detected web server user: ${ZM_WEB_USER}") endif(ZM_WEB_USER STREQUAL "") # Check if webgroup contains anything. If not, use the web user as the web group if(NOT ZM_WEB_GROUP) set(ZM_WEB_GROUP ${ZM_WEB_USER}) endif(NOT ZM_WEB_GROUP) message(STATUS "Using web user: ${ZM_WEB_USER}") message(STATUS "Using web group: ${ZM_WEB_GROUP}") # Some variables that zm expects set(ZM_PID "${ZM_RUNDIR}/zm.pid") set(ZM_CONFIG "/${CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR}/zm.conf") set(VERSION "${ZoneMinder_VERSION}") set(PATH_BUILD "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}") set(TIME_BUILD "1000000") # Don't have a solution for this one yet set(BINDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR}") set(LIBDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR}") set(SYSCONFDIR "/${CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR}") set(WEB_PREFIX "${ZM_WEBDIR}") set(CGI_PREFIX "${ZM_CGIDIR}") set(WEB_USER "${ZM_WEB_USER}") set(WEB_GROUP "${ZM_WEB_GROUP}") # Generate files from the .in files configure_file(zoneminder-config.cmake config.h @ONLY) configure_file(zm.conf.in zm.conf @ONLY) configure_file(zmconfgen.pl.in zmconfgen.pl @ONLY) configure_file(zmlinkcontent.sh.in zmlinkcontent.sh @ONLY) # Process subdirectories add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(scripts) add_subdirectory(db) add_subdirectory(misc) add_subdirectory(web) # Run ZM configuration generator message(STATUS "Running ZoneMinder configuration generator") execute_process(COMMAND perl ./zmconfgen.pl RESULT_VARIABLE zmconfgen_result) if(zmconfgen_result EQUAL 0) message(STATUS "ZoneMinder configuration generator completed successfully") else(zmconfgen_result EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "ZoneMinder configuration generator failed. Exit code: ${zmconfgen_result}") endif(zmconfgen_result EQUAL 0) # Install zm.conf install(FILES zm.conf DESTINATION "/${CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR}")